Chapter 13: Oh Boy (Work This Body)
Welcome to chapter thirteen! This chapters song is Work This Body by Walk The Moon. Hope you enjoy this chapter!
Aaron refused to let the boy leave his sight. I decided to call him Flirty, Aaron didn't like that idea so much. So now I have to pick a new nickname. He was sitting on the couch, Aaron pacing back and forth while I was leaning against the wall. Jarom has decided to join in the conversation so he was sitting on the bed along with Mary and Eric. "You know. For an Alpha that finally found his mate, you seem to be thinking more." Eric pointed. "I know right! He used to be able to deal with this stuff easily!" Jarom agreed. "I would kill them instantly dummy! I can't kill him! Lilly don't like violence in general and she's defending the guy!" Aaron snapped. The boy gulped. "How about-." I start trying to think of a nickname. "Dirt Bag." Aaron interrupted. I frowned at him as the boy rubbed his neck nervously. "I'm still yours. Will you stop being so negative?" I asked. Aaron shook his head no and continued pacing. "So... he's a murderer?" The boy asked. "No, it's all part of the rules really. Apparently you have to kill any mortal on sight if they know of us." I shrugged. "So how come your not letting him kill me?" The boy asked. "Because 1. You could be immortal like I just recently found out. 2. That rule is just pure out stupid." I answered. Aaron continued to pace back and forth. Mary stood up and leaned against the wall next to me. "I don't know about you Lilly. But I think Aaron needs some love. He's a little too stressed out." Mary whispered. I smirked and nodded in agreement. I bounced of the wall and walked up to Aaron. "Hey." I say softly and get him to stop pacing. He looks at me and I smile. "We'll figure something out. There's no need to be so stressed about it." I say as I wrapped my arms around his neck. Mary bounced off the wall and sat next to Jarom where she was. Aaron wrapped his arms around my waist. I leaned in and kissed Aaron softly. Aaron kissed back instantly and deepened the kiss. It was a soft kiss, but Aaron turned the kiss into a passionate kiss. Then it became hungry and obsessive. I was pushed into a nearby wall. I pulled away as Aaron watched me. "Better?" I asked. Aaron's eyes turned golden. "A little." Aaron admitted. I smiled as Aaron backed up a little, giving me room. "Is that going to happen every time he gets too stressed out or is it just a one time thing?" The boy asked. "We'll see." Mary shrugged. Aaron ignored them and put a hand around my waist. "How about some of that bacon?" Aaron asked as it merely reached the end of the day. I smiled. "Do we have any?" I asked. "While you were picking oh bikini's with Mary, I went and got some bacon and put it in the car. I'm surprised you didn't notice it. Also, I'm going to have someone bring the bacon here." Aaron whispered. "So nothing but bacon for dinner!?" Mary asked hopefully. "Isn't that unhealthy?" The boy asked. We all looked at him then shared glances with one another. I shrugged. "I don't know. But it's good bacon!" Jarom smiled. Aaron went to a small fridge that I didn't realize was there. It was a normal black fridge, guess it was for left overs or something. Aaron pulled out a pack of bacon. I took it and went to the small kitchen. Grabbing a small pan as there was a knock on the door. Aaron walked over and answered it. "Yes?" Aaron asked. "Hi. Umm... I came to let you know that for a limited time only... Uh... the food here is free. And will be served to you personally." I hear a familiar voice say. It's that purple haired girl from the counter. My wolf growled. I instantly walked into view and saw her standing in the door. She had a deep blush on her cheeks as she handed the menu out to him. I hear my wolf growl deeply. Aaron took the menu for no less than a minute. "I appreciate the offer, but we have food covered for a while." Aaron answered and handed the menu back. She seemed surprised and looked at him. "O-Oh." She stuttered. She looked behind him and spotted me. I closed my eyes, trying to regain myself. "W-Well the offer still stands. J-Just let us know if you w-want the m-menu." She stuttered. "I don't think we'll need it." Aaron said. She waved a bye in a flirtatious way and Aaron closed the door. "I think it's your turn to cool her down." Mary said. "I'm okay." I say, putting in a fake voice as I walk back to the stove. Aaron came into view from around the corner and walked behind me. "Will this always happen?" The boy asked. "Well when you have mated it becomes more intense... so yes." Jarom answered as Aaron wrapped his arms around me. "I can't believe Werewolves exist." The boy mumbled. Aaron kissed the mark on my neck, the sparks causing me to relax a little. "Your cute when your jealous you know that?" Aaron whispered. I mumbled a soft shut up as my cheeks became slightly red. Aaron turned me around as soon as I put the pan down. I looked up at him. "Why am I the shortest one here?" I asked, realizing even the boy was taller than me. Aaron chuckled. "Only the cute thing come in small sizes." Aaron answered with a smirk. "I have a feeling that comment went into something sexual on your behalf." I stated. Aaron leaned down and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him closer. He pulled away and smiled. "It might have been." Aaron says childishly. "Childish is my thing it's a yes or no." I narrow my eyes at him. Aaron smiled. "Well then I guess you better get it back then huh?" Aaron asked. I flash image of Layla came to mind at that sentence. "I miss her." I mumbled. Aaron nodded. "Good thing I invited her over tomorrow." Aaron smirked. My eye's widened as I looked up at him. "Really!?" I sat with hopeful eyes. Aaron chuckled. Really, at 3 tomorrow." Aaron smiled. I jumped up and down excitedly and started to cook the bacon. All went as usual, Aaron growled and threatened to kill anyone that took a piece of bacon, and everyone was trying to eat some. Even the boy got a piece and joined in. Eventually it was getting late and everyone had to leave. Sense Eric was the only one without a room partner, Aaron asked if he could watch over the boy sense he didn't trust him. Eric eventually agreed and the boy went to his room to go to sleep. Everyone left and I got in PJ's as Aaron just changed wherever he wanted I guess. As soon as I left the bathroom and sat in the bed, Aaron pulled me close to him. "You make it difficult not to rip those clothes off of you." Aaron grumbled. I smiled and turned to face him completely. He loosened his grip around me so I can do so. As soon as I did Aaron pulled me close. "Are you really that desperate?" I asked. Aaron blushed and looked away from me. Images of me from when he first marked me came into my mind from his point of view. I giggled softly, snapping Aaron out of his train of thought and looking at me. "Just promise me you'll be careful? I don't need to be pregnant anyway." I say. Aaron's eyes seemed to have small stars in them. "But what if I want a family?" Aaron asked. I laughed lightly. "Then later? I don't think I'm ready to be a mom yet." I say. Aaron nodded and the next thing I know I'm being lied down on the bed. Aaron crawled on top of me. "That greedy?" I tease. Aaron just watched me, as if asking if he could or not. He had completely ignored or blocked out the question that I asked. I sigh and look over at the time. 9:27 pm. "We can't.... the quite time starts at 9." I say. Aaron looked at the clock. He twisted the top of the clock and now it read 7:18 pm. He looked back at me and smiled. I laughed at his childish behavior. "I thought I was the childish one." I smile. Aaron smile grew as he watched me. "You May have changed the time on the clock but that don't change the actual time Aaron." I sighed. Aaron frowned. "We can just say we thought it was sooner." Aaron said. "When it's dark out?" I asked, raising a brow. Aaron got up and shut the blinds, making sure we couldn't see outside. He came back over and crawled on top of me. I shook my head. "Now I'm wondering who's the real childish one." I say. Aaron chuckled. He leaned down and kissed me hungrily. He separated the kiss. "Aaron we can't..." I frown. Aaron smile faulted a bit. "But now is going to be the only time I can for a while." Aaron frowned. I sigh. "Besides..... if you want we can go somewhere else. Back to the house for a little." Aaron shrugged. I smile. "You really are desperate." I smile. Aaron nodded in agreement. "I want you. And seeing that guy all over you earlier didn't help." Aaron sighed. "Alright.... but if we get caught. I'm blaming you and your taking full on responsibility for anything that may come as a consequence." I say, poking Aaron's chest. Aaron smiled down at me and kissed me passionately and hungrily. His hands gripped my hips tightly as he brought me closer.
It was now morning and I was so sore! Like, my god why am I more sore than last time!? Well... I kinda have myself to blame don't I? Aaron had his arm wrapped around me tightly. I smile, knowing he's probably going to be annoyed when he wakes up. The ropes were on the night stand that I remember grabbing.... I should probably put them away. I try and wiggle out of Aaron's grip so I could put them away, but he just pulled me back to where I was. "Aaron." I groaned annoyed. Aaron slowly opened an eye and looked at me. I try one again but now he had two arms around me instead of one as he pulled me back. I look at him annoyed. "Where do you think your going?" Aaron asked. "Um... to my bag? I need clothes too mister." I say. "You have clothes." Aaron poked my stomach. "I need to get dressed." I say, trying to wiggle out of his grasp. Aaron chuckled and rested his head on my shoulder. This only made it harder to escape. I thought he would be the one annoyed... but I guess I was wrong. I huffed out an annoyed breath. Aaron chuckled and brought me closer. There was a knock on the door and I made a small yelp. I covered my face, having the sheets come up to my nose. Aaron groaned annoyed and closed his eyes again. "Hello?" I hear a voice say. Aaron let out a soft growl before getting up annoyed and putting on his boxers and pants. I took this opportunity to get up and put the ropes away. I grabbed my bag and grabbed some clothes. Quickly changing. As soon as I gave Aaron a nod, telling him I was dressed he opened the door. "Oh..." I hear the voice say. I peak around the corner and see Anna from the counter. Her face was red. "Umm... we got complaints about noises coming from this room." Anna said. Aaron looked st her. "We didn't make any noise past 9." Aaron said. She gave a confused look and I snickered. Aaron you childish jerk. I think to myself and completely walk out of the bathroom. I walk behind him and smiled at Anna. "Hi!" I say. She looks at me and hands me a paper. I gave a confused look and took the paper. It read 'Noise complaint! Room 585.' I gave it to Aaron. Told you we shouldn't have done it. I think to him. Totally worth it though. Aaron answered. My eye's widened as I realized something. "Shoot I didn't call Jeremy!" I say and run to the phone, grabbing the piece of paper that he handed me. Aaron growled at his name and looked at me. "Sometimes I hate the police." Aaron grumbled. "Police? What business do you have with the police?" Anna asked. Aaron glared at her. "Sorry, my mind get's ahead of me sometimes. It's none of my business." She says, looking down at her feet. I grab the phone and quickly type the numbers in. '645-926-9174' I put the phone up to my ear and listened. It started ringing and was quickly picked up. "Hello?" I hear Jeromy say. "I'm so sorry! I completely forgot to call you when we found a room!" I say. "Uh... is this Lilly?" Jeremy asked. "Yeah...." I Answer with a sigh. I hear a chuckle on the other side of the line. "It's alright. I assumed you would be okay with your friend being there. He seemed..... protective." Jeremy said. "Extremely, Either way. You said you wanted the address?" I asked. "Ah yes. Just let me grab some paper real quick." Jeremy said. "Okay." I say. I waited for a moment. "Alright. What hotel is it?" Jeremy asked. "Sunside? Is that what this place is called?" I asked. Aaron's nodded in response. "If the Sunside Hotel. Room 585 top floor." I say. "Aaalright. Got it. If you have anything let me know and I'll be there. Have a good day Mrs. Likeon." Jeremy said. "Alright, you too! Bye." I say and hung up. Aaron shook his head. "I really hate that guy." Aaron grumbled. "Hey what time is it?" Anna asked. I looked over at the clock. "6:37." I say. "What? I woke up at 6." Anna walked into the room and looked at the clock. "Hmm.... It was set at the right time yesterday." She said. Aaron smirked with a shrug. "I dunno. "It should be about 9." She grumbled. She sighed. "I'll have someone come up and fix it." Anna said as she turned to the window. "What did you two do yesterday? Have a party or something?" Anna asked. I blushed and looked away. Aaron smiled at me and shrugged. "I think it's something that shouldn't be shared." Aaron said. Anna looked between my flaming red face and Aaron. Next thing I know she looks at me and glared. I fiddle with my fingers nervously. Aaron chuckled at me and walked to me. He kissed my cheek and went into the kitchen. My blush grew down to my neck. "May I have a word with you?" Anna asked, putting on a sweet voice. Aaron looked back at me and Anna. "But there's bacon that needs to be cooked." Aaron complained. I smile softly. "I have to cook all of the bacon don't I?" I asked. "Your the only in this stupid planet that makes it enjoyable." Aaron answered. I smiled wider. Anna cleared her through and I looked st her. "Uh.... I'll... um... be back in a minute." I say and start to walk out. "Awe..." Aaron sighed. Anna walked out with me and closed the door behind me. "Are you kidding me!?" She snapped at me. "Hey easy! I didn't mean to cause any problems." I say, putting my hands up in defense. I'm blaming you for this Aaron. I think to myself. "Did you two do it?" Anna asked. "D-Do what?" I asked shakily. "What do you think?" She growled. "Uh... oh... um... m-maybe." I mumbled. She threw her hands up. "This is a Hotel! Not a place where you can be inappropriate!" She growled at me. "Stay away from him. That's a warning. He don't live you he's just using you. You don't know what he's capable of." Anna snapped at me. I gave a confused look. "You mean, him being a wolf?" I asked, pointing at the door. The door opened and Aaron sighed. "I thought we agreed to try and keep that out of conversations." Aaron said. I realized what I said and covered my mouth. "At this point we might as well have the whole world know." Jarom said, coming out of his room yawning. "How loud do you two get?" Mary added. I blushed deeply. Aaron smirked at me. "As loud as it takes to get her to blush." Aaron answered. I covered my face, the blush growing. The boy came out along with Eric. "I thought everyone was asleep." Anna mumbled. "Na, we just ignored you. Plus, Alpha asked for some help." Eric shrugged. "Huh?" Anna asked. Aaron turned his attention to Anna and growled. Anna looked at him and he glared at her. "Next time you threaten Lilly. I'll tear you to shreds." Aaron growled. Anna glared back. "You can't kill for no reason." Anna said. "But I can kill if my mates being threatened. And Lilly here just happens to be my mate." Aaron growled, taking a step toward her. She looked at me, her eyes full of shock. She looked back at Aaron and kept looking back and forth between us. "She's... your mate?" Anna asked. Aaron towered over her. "Threaten her. And your head will be on the line." Aaron growled deeply. "Aaron it's really not that big of a deal-." I start, pulling my hands away from my face. My blush had died down a bit. "It's a huge deal! You were hurt once, like he'll I'll let you get hurt again." Aaron interrupted. Anna looked back at me and gave a confused look. "Yeah.... But that's being taken care of." I shrugged. "And I'm taking care of this." Aaron stated. "Aaron no!" I say. "Here we go." Eric sighed. Anna gave him a confused look. "Lilly." Aaron stated. "Aaron." I retort. "This is something that I need to do." Aaron said. "And you know how I feel about violence." I say angrily. Aaron stares at me for a moment. "Yeah... I know.... it's the reason you won't let me kill him." Aaron said, pointing to the boy as he walked outside of Eric's room. "Exactly." I say with a smile. "I win." I added. Aaron sighed, growling in the process. I patted Aaron's back and walked back inside. "Do we have any eggs?" I asked as I walked past Aaron, changing the subject. Aaron did my answer, just watched Anna. "Aaron?" I asked. Aaron backed away from Anna a little. "It's in the fridge." Aaron answered. "Okay! I'm making some eggs!" I say and walk to the fridge. "Hey Anna!? What's going on over here?" I hear the purple haired girls voice say. I open the fridge and grab the coffee brained of eggs. "Oh... hey Aaron." I hear her flirtatious voice say. My wolf growls as I look down at the eggs. A smirk comes to my lips. I got an idea.... I say. Aaron glanced at me. S childish smile on his slips as I open the container and grab a egg. Aaron moved out of the way. Anna noticing the egg as I threw it at the purple haired girl. Anna moved and the raw egg hit my target. Her eyes closed and reopened. She looked at me with a hard glare. Aaron chuckled in amusement. "Next time keep your flirting for someone else!" I snapped and continued to walk into the kitchen. The purple haired girl stomped into the room, and stared at me angrily. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR!?" She yelled. "I told you. Next time save your flirting for someone else." I say and put the container on the counter. Aaron came in, holding up the boomerang. I smile. "You just like to see me piss people off don't you?" I asked. Aaron smiled. "It's fun when you tell someone to back off." Aaron answered with a shrug. Eric came in and took the boomerang out of Aaron's hands. "I am NOT letting her get ahold of this! Are you crazy!? She'll kill us all!" Eric yelled. Aaron narrowed his eyes at him. "She won't kill if she won't let me kill the boy." Aaron paused. "I think your safe." I said in a annoyed voice and took the boomerang back. I rolled my eyes at the two. The purple girl lunged at me but I dodged, making her hit the counter where I was. Aaron walked over and handed me the boomerang. "What's your name?" I asked, trying to forget the anger in her eyes as she turned to me. Aaron shook his head and put a arm around me protectively. "We're not keeping her." Aaron said bluntly. She looked at Aaron, her anger disappeared and she gave a confused look. "Trust me, just let it stay at that." Eric said. She turned back to me, the anger coming back to her. She growled and Anna came in. "May, leave it. She had every right to through the egg at you." Anna said. "May? Hmm." I think. Aaron rolled his eyes. "She had NO right!" May corrected. "She's Aaron's mate! You were flirting with her mate!" Anna pointed at Aaron. "I see I'm well known. I'm going to the hot tub." Aaron said with a sigh. I smiled. "So now you want to go to the hot tub?" I asked. Aaron rolled his eyes. "WAIT A MINUTE! I HAVN'T COOKED BREAKFAST YET!" I yelled. "You can cook them later." Aaron said with a wink and went to the bathroom with swimming trunks. I face palmed and groaned. "Your such a jerk!" I yell and put the eggs away. I decided to throw an egg at Aaron, make it so I can make breakfast. So as soon as he was in view I tried to throw it, but Aaron was in front of me instantly, grabbing the egg and putting it back in the container. He grabbed and shut the container, leaving me shocked as he put t away. I regained my thought and glared at Aaron. "Jerk." I mumbled. "I'm not the one throwing eggs Lilly." Aaron smirked, shutting the fridge and turning to me. "Go get your swimsuit on." Aaron said, pushing me to my bags. I rolled my eyes as he left I to the kitchen. I sighed and went along with it. Putting the swimsuit on in the bathroom. When I walked out, Aaron was leaning against the wall next to the bathroom door. He looked at me and looked at the bikini once again. I blushed and grabbed the sponge and threw it at him. He caught it easily and continued to stare at me. I looked over and saw some fabric. I grabbed it and walked over to him. I tied the fabric over his eyes causing it to turn into a blind fold. "Really?" Aaron asked as I tied the knot in the back. "Hmph." I say and walk out. Aaron pulled the cloth off his face and was at my side by the time I got to the elevator. He had two towels in his hand and leaned against the elevator wall. The elevator went down and Aaron smirked at me. I ignored him and continued to act like he wasn't there. Aaron wrapped an arm around me. I ignored him once again. When the elevator opened I walked out and went strait to the pool. I walked into the pool area, Aaron behind me, watching my every move. I could feel his eyes stare at every part of my bare skin. I tipped my foot in the big pool. It was kinda cold. A little warm. I put my whole foot in along with the other as Aaron put the towels on a chair. As what seemed to be like always, the pool was empty. Why is it so empty? Well, at the same time, it is kinda early. I think to myself. Aaron just went a head and jumped in. I slowly walked down the stairs. Adjusting to the water temperature before going down to the next one. Childishly, yep, that's me. Aaron came up to the stairs and watched me for a minute. "You getting in or not?" Aaron asked. I ignored him and slowly went down the next step. Aaron sighed and stood up, grabbing my waist and pulling me in. I screamed at the cold-ish water that hit my skin. Aaron pulled me close to him as he went deeper and deeper into the pool. "AARON IT'S COLD!" I screamed and tried to get out of his grasp. "It's not that cold." Aaron answered, tightening his grip as I continued to struggle. As soon as the water hit my chest I cuddled into Aaron to try and keep myself warm. Aaron smiled at me as I shivered slightly. Aaron held me closer, now in the 4 foot side of the pool. I had to wrap my legs around him to make sure I didn't slip. I didn't know how to swim so I was very cautious of this side of the pool. Knowing I'm not that tall. Aaron chuckled and pushed my lower back into him. I whined as I could slowly feel his body heat. Aaron let me snuggle into him, walking around until I was warmed up. It wasn't to long until I was warm enough to lift my head enough to see where we were exactly in this pool. We were in the left part of the deep end. Aaron titled my head so I was looking at him. "You can make breakfast when we get back Okay?" Aaron asked gently. I frowned. "C'mon Lilly. Please. At least have a little fun?" Aaron asked. "It's cold." I whined. Aaron chuckled. "Maybe I can fix that." Aaron smiled. "How?" I asked curiously. Aaron's smile widened as he leaned in and kissed me. I kissed him back. I could hear feet clank on the tile of the pool's floor. I was about to pull away but I feel Aaron's hand on my neck and push me deeper into the kiss. My hands were up against his and my own chest. Telling how close I was to Aaron. I hear the clanks stop somewhere near. Aaron finally lets me pull away so I could breath. I breath deeply and look at where the clanks were coming from. A skinny, blond, blue eyed girl in bright red 3 inch noodle heals and a extremely revealing dress. Aaron paid no attention to her as she took the dress of to reveal a even more revealing red bikini swimsuit. It was nothing but lace and I was starting to wonder if they were undergarments. But I looked away and to Aaron who smiled at me. "You can't swim can you?" Aaron asked he started to let go. I gripped onto him tighter. "No! Why are you letting go!" I scream a little scared of the deep water. Aaron chuckled as I feel him help me stay put. I take deep breaths, one from the kiss, and two I was scared of deep waters. And sense Aaron had a loose grip on me I was scared I was going to drown. "Lilly, I'm not going to let you drown." Aaron said and rolled his eyes. I gulped and looked at him. He smiled at me. "You trust me don't you?" Aaron asked. I nodded and slowly loosened my grip on him. Trying to keep my breathing in control. Aaron held me close, I unwrapped my legs from around him nervously and Aaron frowned. I laughed at him and shook my head. Aaron sighed as the girl took off her heels. I leaned into Aaron. I could just picture it now. The girl trying to flirt and seduce him. And I knew Aaron wouldn't fall for her, so the thought of him just laughing at her, even if it was a small chuckle made me smile. Aaron chuckled at my thoughts, interrupting my train of thinking. The girl walked to the opening side of the pool. She walked into the pool and smiled at me and Aaron, or just Aaron. I couldn't tell which one. Aaron ignored her and continued to smile at me. I gave a small smile back, trying to be polite. I turned back to Aaron with small smile. Okay, maybe not. I think to Aaron. Aaron smiled at me. Just wait. No female comes up to me automatically unless there's no one around. Aaron thought back. I sighed and looked at the deep water. Aaron nuzzled his head into my neck. I stiffened slightly and looked at him out of the corner of my eye. Aaron's eyes were closed as he breathed almost angle like. His breaths were deep and calm. The girl swam around, going around us every once in a while as she watched us. Yep, she's going to make a move soon. I think with a sigh. Aaron shook his head. Don't matter, no one can even come close to comparing to you sweetheart. Aaron thought back. "Awe." I smile. Aaron lifted his head and looked at me. Aaron let go of me completely, causing me to wrap my legs around him tightly and hold him close. "I take that back." I say as I glare at him. Aaron smirks and kisses my cheek softly. I feel my cheeks burn as I feel the girls stare on my back. "Your cute when you blush." Aaron whispered softly. My blush grows and he laughs at me. I glare at him in return. "What? I can't give you a compliment?" Aaron asked. "Can we go to the more shallow end?" I asked. Aaron nodded and walked over to the shallow end. "I need to go grab a egg anyway." I mumble, glancing at the blond in the pool. Aaron laughed and shook his head. "No you don't. I told you. You can cook the eggs when we get back." Aaron laughed. I sighed. "Your no fun." I mumble. Can't throw eggs in a pool anyway. Aaron smirked. I looked at him. "Says the one that changed the time on the clock." I say. Aaron finally reached where I could reach. I unwrap my legs from him and try and reach the bottom of the pool. Aaron lifts me up, away from the direction I wanted to go. I gave him a confused look. "I didn't say you could stand on your own." Aaron said. He brought me close, and sense he lifted me up a little, I was eye level with him. "Hey Aaron?" I hear Jarom call. We both looked at Jarom as he walked in. "The police called up. I think they know who we are." Jarom said. Aaron gave a confused look. "What does that mean?" Aaron asked. "Nathan formed, after telling them that we attacked the school. Their back to hunting us down Aaron." Jarom answered. "Do they know exactly who we are?" Aaron asked. Jarom nodded in response. "I gave Jeremy our address." I mumbled. "The good news, is that the police officer, he came over. No weapons, no back up, no nothing. But he want's to talk to you." Jarom said. Aaron looked at me, then back at Jarom. "I'll be up in a minute." Aaron sighed and let go. "C'mon Lilly." Aaron mumbled to me. I nodded and started walking with Aaron out of the pool. We grabbed the towels and dried ourselves off before starting to walk to the elevator. Once we got back to our floor, Jeremy saw us and faced us. We walked up, me being a little nervous. Aaron opened the door and walked in. I invited Jeremy in and closed the door. "What is it?" Aaron asked as soon as the door closed. "Is it true? That you attacked the school?" Jeremy asked. Aaron looked at him. "Technically yes, but we had every reason to." Aaron answered. "And what reason would that be?" Jeremy asked. "I'm assuming you know of our species." Aaron said. "Werewolf... yes." Jeremy answered. "Did he explain anything to you?" Aaron asked, finally looking at him. "The most he said is that a wolf's weak spot is their mates. He explained the mate thing to us but nothing more." Jeremy answered. "Well then I won't have to explain much." Aaron said and glanced at me. "We went to the school to find our mates. Someone pulled out a knife and killed one of my pack members. What did you expect us to do? Just let them all just go ahead and kill us? We were in self defense." Aaron explained. "Why would they do that?" Jeremy asked. "Our wolf is the only thing that can pick up our mates sent for the first couple seconds she's anywhere near by. After that, our wolf will bring it to our own senses so we donmt have to be in our form for much longer." Aaron explained. "So?" Jeremy asked. "We formed back. You know what people do when they don't understand something. We had no intention on harming anyone. We had a member die in that fight. How do you think the pack would take that?" Aaron asked. Jeremy thought for a couple minutes. "So everything that they think is all a misunderstanding." Jeremy muttered. "Aaron wouldn't kill unless he had a reason." I say. "One reason why I'm still alive." The boy said, walking into the room. "Your lucky at that." Aaron growled at him. The boy sat on the bed next to me. Aaron pulled me away, a growl leaving his throat. "You two are mates." Jeremy mumbled, watching Aaron. I smiled and looked at Aaron. "He get's jelly easily." I say, using Mary's word for jealous. Aaron's eyes snapped to me. "Didn't you want to make eggs when we got back?" Aaron asked annoyed. "OH YEAH!" I yell and walk to the fridge, grab some eggs, and walk to the kitchen. "I'm assuming your a werewolf too." Jeremy said to me. I sighed. "It's difficult for me at this moment in time. But yes." I say. "Why?" Jeremy asked. "One of the several reason's why I want that bastard dead." Aaron growled lowly. "Who? Nathan?" Jeremy asked. I nodded. "I didn't know I was at least pet werewolf until a few months ago. I have a hard time controlling her." I say. "So you just found out this year?" Jeremy asked. I nodded. "When do werewolves usually find out?" Jeremy asked Aaron. "At birth... her father keeping that from her could have killed her. The moment she found out she formed and that alone could have killed her." Aaron answered, venom of hate in his voice. "I'm not dead at least!" I say, trying to cheer Aaron up. "I apologize for that event." Jeremy frowned. "Hey! How about some bacon?" I asked. Aaron sighed. "Sometimes I feel like your too kind for your own good." Aaron sighed. I smiled even wider. "Yet I'm the one who decided to keep Oingo Boingo." I smile evilly. Eric slammed the door open angerly and looked at me. "How many times do I have to tell you NOT TO CALL ME THAT!?" Eric yelled. I giggled and smiled. "More than you can handle." I answer and turn on my heel, putting a egg on the pan I left here earlier. I turned the heat up. Eric growled lowly. "It's just a nickname Eric chill." Asron chuckled. "Like you hate your nickname!" Eric snapped. "I rather have it be better, won't lie. But if it makes her happy I'm fine with it." Aaron shrugged. "Of course you would think that." Eric face palmed. "She calls you Oingo Boingo?" Jeremy asked. Eric growled in response. "So what does she call you?" Jeremy asked, pointing at Aaron. "Goldy." I answer with a smile. "Why do you call him Goldy?" Jeremy asked curiously. "His eyes change a gold color when his wolf takes over." I smiled and turned to Jeremy. The walkie talkie started up on Jeremy's belt. He picked it up. "Yes?" Jeremy asked. "Any sign of the two werewolves or whatever?" A voice called. Jeremy looked at us. "Do you guys trust me?" Jeremy asked. We all gave him a confused look. "If I bring you in. And you don't fight whatsoever, I can convince them of what happened." Jeremy said. Aaron narrowed his eyes at him. "Are you crazy!? Like hell anyone will believe that!" Aaron said. Jeremy nodded. "Then I'll buy you some time." Jeremy said before answering. "No sign of them anywhere." We heat the walkie talkie being banged against something. After a couple minutes we hear. "Damn..... what if they go and kill some more people?" The walkie talkie said. "I don't that. If they know we're looking for them they'll stay low." Jeremy said. "Your right.... but where?" The voice said. "Not sure. I'm taking my break." Jeremy said and put the walkie talkie on his belt. We all looked at him shocked. "What?" Jeremy asked. "I thought you would turn us in anyway." Aaron mumbled. "If it truly was self defense. You guys aren't the one to be put in jail." Jeremy said. "I'm going to go look at the camera's. Figure out if I can see what happened in the school. If anyone one of you are lying. You'll be going to court." Jeremy said and left the room. "Should we move?" Jarom asked. Aaron shook his head. "No. If we have an ally then we should be fine." Aaron answered. "Eggs are done!" I say and hand them a plate of eggs.
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