Chapter 11: Control (In The End)
Hello! Welcome to chapter 11. This chapters song is called In The End by Black Veil Brides. Warning: Little swearing!
It's now been 5 months and I was tired of being controlled. Daisy let me control! I growl. Not until those two are dead. Daisy growled, trying to break the leashes again. Three have brocken. And there starting to become week. I fought my way through. NO! Daisy yelled but sense she has been pulling and trying to break the leashes, she's grown tired. I tried to do this the nice way, but I was done being nice. Besides, she was wasting her own energy. Aaron never left my side. He seemed to notice Daisy shaking her head as if it would stop me from controlling once again. "Lilly?" Aaron asked. Ever sense the 1st month was over, I could hear Aaron's thoughts less and less. I couldn't hear his thoughts anymore. Weather or not he could hear mine I didn't know. But I was scared. It's either he stopped thinking, or the mate bond is shriveling. I was now back in control. I formed back, my muscles were sore and I hurt. "LILLY!" Aaron yelled and pulled me close to him. I looked at the mark that was on his neck that I gave him. It was fading. It was visible, but still fading. Tears welled up in my eyes. Aaron held me close. I couldn't feel the sparks as much. They were fainted as well. "T-The mark...... the s-sparks." I cry. Aaron had tears in his eyes as well. "I know.... I know." Aaron mumbled. ".... Are we no.... no longer mates?" I ask. Aaron's grip tightened. "The mate bond is fading. But I refuse to let you go easily." Aaron growled. He pushed me down and crawled on top of me. I just cried, I didn't want to let him go. I want to stay with him. "Lilly please don't cry." Aaron whispered. He kissed my neck gently and I felt soft sparks. A smile came to my face as I felt the sparks I once remembered. Aaron planted kisses all over my neck. "A-Aaron?" I ask. Aaron hummed, his hot breath fanning against my neck. "We're still mates right?" I asked. "If I mark you now and you mark me back than yes. But we have to do it quickly." Aaron said and bit my fainted mark. I nodded. He bit down, causing blood to run down the side of my neck. I felt relieved, the sparks went back to the normal strong sparks that I dreamed of when Daisy fell asleep. I moaned in pleasure as Aaron seemed to feel the effect a little. He leaned away and I kissed the fainted mark. Aaron helped me stay where I was. Sense Daisy used most of my energy, Aaron had to hold me there. I bit him just as hard and the iron taste filled my mouth. Aaron groaned also, the sparks became stronger than before. I pulled away. "D-Did it work?" I asked worried. Even though Aaron told me it would work. I wanted to make sure. I was afraid of loosing Aaron. And with us having to do it quickly, I didn't know how much time we had. Aaron nodded. "Yeah, it worked." Aaron said with a chuckle. Tears ran down my cheek and I pulled Aaron as close as I could. Wich wasn't much sense I was so weak. But Aaron followed my lead and allowed me to be close to him. .... I'm so sorry....... I didn't know the mate bond could fade. I could hear Daisy start to cry. "Shhhhhh..... everything's okay." Aaron said. Everything's okay. Aaron thought. I can hear your thoughts!!!! I CAN HEAR YOUR THOUGHTS!!!! I scream happily. Aaron nodded in agreement. I'm glad. I don't ever want to loose you. Aaron thought. I screamed happily, not being able to hold it in any longer. Tears of joy stained my face as my smile was probably bigger than my face. Everyone ran down stairs, alert from my screaming. Mary, Ocean, Coal, Kaden, Jarom, Snappy, Creamy, And even Doc started to tear up at the sight of me back to normal. "OH THANK FUCKING GOD!" Mary screamed as she ran to me and hugged me tightly. I was taken away from Aaron, wich Aaron disapproved but understood. He was just as worried as any of them. Aaron refused to leave my side as Mary and Jarom did too. Doc and the others had to force them away. And sense Aaron being.... well, you know. They couldn't pull him away. It hurt when they tried to pull him away. But now that I was back, everyone hugged me. Aaron growled deeply when the males came for a hug. So I went upstairs, Aaron refusing to leave my sight, and got dressed. It was the only way the males could hug me without Aaron growling at them in a deadly tone. As soon as I opened the door all the guys brought me into a hug. Even Kaden was crying. I never thought that I could mean this much to someone who didn't even know me. It warmed me, it made me feel important and loved. Aaron did most of it before. But it wasn't till now how much I realized they lived and cared for me. Before I gained control, all that happened was that Aaron never left my side, they pulled the two away, Aaron wouldn't talk by cried a lot when ever he looked at me, and other than that, they just ate silently in the kitchen. The rest of the time they were upstairs. Hoping for the best. Jarom had to comfort Aaron sense Daisy wouldn't let anyone else near him without growling. Wich caused my throat to be sore also. But that didn't effect me till now. Aaron had made as many sandwiches as he could and gave them to me. He knew I was hungry, not to mention a bottomless pit. As soon as I was done eating I ran over to Aaron and collapsed in his lap. Aaron held me tightly. I could tell he was terrified of letting go. So I let him hold me as close as he wanted. Everyone else had to wait and let us be. Which Mary said it was unfair because she was worried too. But Jarom convinced her that Aaron was the one that needed to hold me more than anyone else. I agree, Aaron refused to leave my side. Even if there was an attack, I can guarantee that Aaron wouldn't leave even if people were being killed. That's how much he was crying. If he died, he would have me layed in his lap for the last moments of his life. Luckily, he's still alive. And no one got hurt, and no attackers. There was a knock on the door. Aaron let out a threatening growl, holding me closer and his grip tightening. Doc opened the door and a bunch of tall, strong built men came inside. The one that caught my attention the most was a male withprarically Snow White hair and brown eyes. But I looked away and focused on Aaron. I couldn't focus on anyone else but him. Aaron's Head was buried into my neck. He kissed my mark every now and then, and I couldn't help but tangle my hands in his hair. I knew he lived it when I did that. It relaxed him and right now I feel like that's what he needs. Aaron barely had any sleep and he had bags under his eyes. "Aaron?" The snowy guy said. And that's what I'm calling him. Snow. Aaron didn't answer, infact he acted like he wasn't there. Not now. I hear Aaron complain. I hug him as close and as tightly as I could. I buried my own face into him as mush as I could. "I know that this may be a bad time, but it's an emergency." Snow said. I glanced at him. Aaron still paid no attention to him. "A-And what would that be?" I asked. My voice was horse and scratchy. "There's an attack coming your way. They'll be here in a couple hours. A man by the name of Nathan." Snow said. I froze. "N-Nathan?" I question. Snow nodded. "Is that your dad?" Aaron asked. I nodded. Aaron growled angerly. "He just don't know when to quit does he!?" Aaron growled even more pissed off. "I wanted to let you know that we would like to help. Lilly and your's story is all we talk about now. And I would like to help you out with her father." Snow bowed politely. Aaron now lifted his head and looked at him. "You want to help?" Aaron asked. I nuzzled into Aaron and he held me lovingly. I thought I would die from his loving touch. "I wish you the best and hope you accept our help. I'll leave a paper with my number on it if you need time to think." Snow said. "For someone in so much competition so didn't think that you would help." Aaron stated. "Streangth is not important. Besides, what kind of person would I be if I let my competition get killed?" Snow smirked. Aaron smiled and nodded. "I think we can get some sense into them too. We have a human and someone who is thought to be human on their side. I think we can get them to hear out the truth." Snow planned. I nodded in agreement and looked at Aaron. Aaron looked at me and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. "Their going to be here soon. Any idea's?" Snow asked. "What's your name?" I asked. "Garroth." He answered. I nodded. "So, can I ask what competition?" I ask. Looking between Aaron and Garroth. "He's the 1st strongest." Aaron answered simply. I made an O shaped with my mouth, signaling I understood. Aaron kissed me then and their. And with so much company, I blushed deeply. Aaron pulled away and poked my cheek. I didn't know what to do, I was frozen. Aaron chuckled and smiled. "Ain't that cute." I hear a female voice say. "Hey daddy!? Is someone going to kiss me like that too!?" I hear a young girl ask. Garroth let out a soft growl. "Nope! Not allowed! No kissing, no touching, and absolutely no holding hands with any guy ever!" Garroth said to the little girl. "I'm assuming she's yours." I smile. Garroth nodded, confirming my guess. I looked at the small female child. Her hair was grey and she had grey eyes, one was green. "And the plan?" Garroth asked. I thought for a moment. "I got an idea." I smiled. I grabbed the house phone and dialed two numbers. Three sounds. 911. I pressed call and the phone started ringing. "Are you crazy!?" Garroth whispered. "100%" I answer. The phone rang once. "Hang up! Your going to get us killed!" Another man, I'm assuming was from his pack agreed. He had dark hair and practically black eyes. I shook my head and took a deep breath as the next rig came to my ears. Aaron looked at me worried. "Hello, this is 911, what's your emergency?" I hear a male voice say. "I need to tell you something that I should have a long time ago." I say. They all gave me confused looks except for Aaron. Aaron seemed to understand. "I would like to report child abuse toward Nathan Alen Likeon." I say after a deep breath. "Nathan Alen Likeon? The guy leading everyone to some werewolf pack?" The police asked. "Yeah...... he's my dad and he's been abusing me for a long time." I say. "I knew that bastard was crazy. How old are you?" The guy on the other side asked. Everyone seemed to be suprized. "I'm turning 16 in a couple days." I Answer. "Well, Happy Birthday. I'll let my boss know and he'll be out in prison. But I would like you to come in as proof of this abuse. It's a rule we have to do or there's no proof against him." The man explained. "Got it. When, where, and what time?" I ask nervously. "Tomorrow, at 12:30, Maerker Drive 1746." The man answered. I quickly wrote it down and nodded. "Alright.... and I won't be hurt?" I asked. I feel arms wrap around me, I didn't even know Aaron moved. "No, no one will be harmed, you can bring support if you'd like." The man said. "Thankyou." I say. "What's your name?" "Lilly Marie Lateon." I Answer. "Alright... we'll see you tomorrow." He said and hung up. "I won't let anyone harm you." Aaron mumbled into my ear. I nodded and leaned into him. "I want someone to hold me like that." The little girl frowned. "No!" Garroth answered. I smiled. "I'll hold you, come here." I smiled. Aaron let go as the girl came to me. I picked her up and let her sit on my hip. I poked her nose and she giggled. Garroth sighed. "Okay, only she can hold you. No guys!" Garroth corrected. I smirked at him. "Only me?" I ask. "What about mommy?" The girl asked. Garroth sighed again. "You make things so difficult." Garroth said. I laughed. "I tend to do that a lot." I nodded. Aaron smiled. I smirked. What about Goldy? I question. Aaron shook his head. I held her out to Aaron. Garroth watched Aaron. "Oh c'mon! She wants attention." I smile. She reached her hands out to Aaron. Aaron chuckled and took her. "Yay!" She smiled. Garroth growled. "She's fine. He has to deal with me most of the time, I'm sure he can handle her." I wave off. Aaron started tickling the little girl. She squirmed in his grasp and tried to pull his hand away. "Even when he's tired he knows how to take care of kids." I smile. Aaron looked at me and shrugged. "I'm going bed." Aaron said, putting the girl down and making sure she's balanced before walking upstairs. The girl beamed happily at Garroth. "I'm gonna go lay down. He probably won't sleep well otherwise." I smile and head upstairs. "Alright. We'll wake you if we hear anything." Garroth said. I nodded and walked in the room. Aaron was laying on the bed, not even the blankets are over his body. His eyes are open and he's staring up at the ceiling. I smile to myself and walk over to the bed. I crawl to him. The dip of the bed caused Aaron to look at me as I make my way over. Aaron sits up a little and guides me to his lap. I lean against him and smile. "Get some sleep. You look horrible with those bags under your eyes." I say and kiss his cheek. Aaron closes his eyes and rest his head on mine. "You should get some sleep too." Aaron mumbled. "One reason why I'm here." I Answer and we both soon fall asleep.
Next Day!
Me and Aaron wake up in a sitting position. Aaron groaned as he turned slightly in my dirrection. "You want me to make some bacon?" I ask. Aaron's grip tightened around me, bringing me close. "Lilly?" Aaron asked. I hum in response as he opens his eyes. He looks down at me. "I gained control yesterday, remember?" I asked. Aaron seemed to go through his thoughts and soon nodded. "Right." Aaron said, his grip loosened a little. "Bacon?" He added. I smirk. "I can cook the rest of the bacon that's in the fridge." I smile. "Than you have a lot of cooking to do." Aaron mumbled. "We have guests. You have to share the bacon today. I have a whole pack to feed." I say as Aaron frowned. I escape his grasp and go down stairs and start cooking. Aaron came down within the next couple minutes. Everyone was downstairs and slowly waking up. Aaron no longer had the bags under his eyes, or at least wasn't as noticeable. He walked to the fridge and grabbed a bunch of bacon packages. He handed them to me one by one as I filled plates with cooked bacon. "Oooo! What's that smell?" I hear the little girl say. I smile and hand her one, surprisingly, Aaron didn't growl or glare at her. Maybe it's because she was young. "It's called bacon." I smile down at her. "What's your name anyway?" Aaron asked. She looked at the bacon then at Aaron. "I'm Katelyn! What's your name?" Katelyn asked. "Aaron." Aaron answered as Katelyn took a nibble at the bacon. Her eyes turned to stars as her mind was blown. "WWWOOOOOOWWWW!!!" She yelled. Garroth shot up and started looking around frantically for Katelyn. "She's over here Garroth." Aaron sighed. Garroth seemed to calm down a little. "Daddy!! You have to try this stuff!!!" Katelyn shouted. Garroth slowly got up and walked over to the three of us. "Where's everyone else?" Aaron asked. "Their scouting the perimeter." Garroth answered as he looked at what Katelyn had in her hand. "Bacon?" Garroth asked. "So you knew of this stuff and never made some!?" Katelyn asked angry. "It wouldn't taste the same even if he did." Aaron shrugged. "Bacon's, Bacon. there's not much of a difference." Garroth shrugged. Aaron smirked and took a piece of bacon. He stuck the strip in his mouth and smiled happily. "There's a huge difference between bacon and the bacon Lilly cooks." Aaron nodded. Garroth gave a confused look. I handed him a piece of bacon that I had currently finished. He took it. He shrugged and put it in his mouth. "I thought all bacon taste the same." I shrugged. Garroth's eyes popped out of his head. "What do you use!?" Garroth asked. "I cook the bacon, add a little honey, and a little brown sugar. I think I put some oil in there too?" I question. "Yeah, don't taste the same." Aaron smiled. "Maybe not.... I don't know." I shrug. "How do you not know?" Aaron asked, now confused. "Because I tend to add things that I don't remember putting in. It's become a habit of mine so it's hard to tell." I answer. "Oh..." Garroth said as Katelyn took the plate. "Hey!" Aaron stated as Katelyn ran off with the plate. I smirked. "Katelyn! If you want me to cook more bacon I need the plate!" I call after her. Katelyn stops in her tracks and turns around. She walks back and puts the plate back where it was. I giggle as Aaron now glares at Katelyn. "Wow....." Garroth said as he glanced between Katelyn and Aaron. "I know, it's almost as if they'll fight over it........ maybe I shouldn't cook this bacon." I stated thinking of how many fights could happen just because of a piece of bacon. Aaron then glared at me. I laughed. "I'm serious! What if you kill someone because they stole some bacon!" I laugh. Garroth laughed along with me at the thought. "Well then they won't be able to take the bacon." Aaron answered plainly. "Aaron!" I yell and smack his shoulder. He sighs and leans against the counter. "Fine..... I won't kill anyone for a piece of bacon." Aaron grumbled. "Promise?" I ask. Aaron watches me for a moment. "Fine! I promise I won't kill anyone because of bacon." Aaron groaned. I smiled happily, satisfied with the promise. "Hey Garroth? When is everyone coming back? I made a lot of bacon." I say looking at the 15 plates of bacon all over the counter. "Soon, and quick question. How do you deal with the oil hitting you?" Garroth asked. I frowned. "I've been through worse so I don't feel anything. Is it supposed to hurt?" I ask. "It burns your skin a little, nothing more." Aaron shrugs. I nodded in response. As soon as Aaron was done with his sentence, the door opened and everyone walked in. Some moaned at the sent of the bacon. "Oh my god what is that smell?" Someone asked. "Just in time!" I say as I put down another full plate of bacon. They all looked in my direction as if they were dogs that saw a squirrel. "Bacon anyone?" I ask and turn to them. They all had stars in their eyes as they nodded. I smile and welcomed them to the plates. Aaron took three plates for himself. He wanted to take 10 but I told him he had to share. Garroth laughed at us as I had to convince Aaron to leave most of the plates. I told him he could take one but ended up taking the three. I sigh. "And you say I'm complicated." I pointed. Garroth smiled and nodded. "You are, he's just suborn." Garroth corrected. I laugh and quickly nodded in agreement. "You got that right! So... how long have you known Aaron?" I ask. Garroth thought for a moment. "I've known him for..... what?..... 10 years?" Garroth questioned. "We met in elementary, so I've known him for a while." Garroth smiled. I nodded. "Any secrets?" I whisper to him like Aaron wasn't right next to me. Aaron's head snapped to me. Garroth smirked and nodded. "Ooooo! What kind of secrets!?" I asked. "Really?" Aaron asked as he watched us. "He had a crush on this girl in 6th grade. and another one in 8th and 9th." Garroth smirked. "OOOOOO! What was her name? What did she look like?" I asked. "I'm right here." Aaron narrowed his eyes at us. Me and Garroth hold in a laugh. "She kinda looked like you. Dark hair, hassle eyes, tiny." Garroth smiled. Aaron growled. "I think her name was Katy.... or maybe it was Bailey? It had a y in there somewhere." Garroth answered. "I'm right here!" Aaron growled. I couldn't help the laugh that escaped pass my lips, which caused Garroth to laugh as well. Aaron watched us, a look of anger on his face. Next thing I know Aaron dragged me away from Garroth. When Aaron stopped and pulled me to face him he kissed me. I laughed into the kiss but still kissed back. I broke the kiss quickly. "Your not aloud near Garroth ever again." Aaron sighed and let go of my shoulders. "Why?" I ask. "He talks to much." Aaron answered. "But that means I get to learn more about you." I say. "You can just ask me you know. You don't have to talk to any other male here!" Aaron growled. I noted how he said male and not person or something. "Okay.... so what has happened in your past?" I asked. Aaron sighed. "Depends on when. There was a lot of things that happened." Aaron shrugged. "Your sighing a lot." I noted. Aaron looks at me and nodded. "I feel like this isn't real. Like I'm going to have ale up and Daisy's still going to be in control." Aaron admitted. I frown. "This is reality, I'm not going anywhere." I whispered. Aaron ran a hand through his hair, probably a little stressed. "Besides, wouldn't you have woken up by now?" I asked. Aaron shrugged. "Maybe I don't know." Aaron put his hand down. "Get ready you two! It's almost time to go to the police station!" Eric called. "C'mon, let's go get ready." I smile. Aaron looked even more stressed but nodded. I tangled our fingers together. My hand was small but fit in his hand perfectly. I can't remember the last time we did this. Did we even hold hands yet? Aaron chuckled and guided me infront of him. I walked up the stairs, Aaron following. I grabbed some clothing and other things like that. Aaron frowned. "Your leaving?" He asked. I looked at him. "No!! Why would I leave!? I'm just packing. Knowing the police, their going to give me a place to stay till I have someone to live with. And I can't tell them that I live in the forest. Maybe we can rent a hotel or something." I say. Aaron let out a sigh of relief. "I would never leave you Aaron. Never." I say. I put the last of my things in my bad and walk over to him. "I love you too much." I smile. Aaron smiles widely. "I love you too." Aaron whispered and kissed me softly. His arms snakes around my waist and pulled me closer. This caused my hands to find a place on his chest. "You should pack too so you can stay with me." I smile. Aaron starts to kiss a little lower. "Would they even let me stay?" Aaron asked. "Maybe if I told them that I don't like to be alone." I shrug. "Wouldn't that be lying?" Aaron asked. "No, it's true, I don't like to be alone. Who does? Everyone don't want to be lonely to a certain sacred, I'm just.... bending the truth a little." I smirk. Aaron chuckled. "Alright, I'll pack my things. But it's staying in the car till we get a official answer." Aaron kissed my mark once before starting to pack up.
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