
At Amar's Guest House

Jhende came to Subhadra and asked her

Jhende : Amma..Did you call me?

Subhadra : Yes..Raghava..I need to talk with You..

Jhende : Tell me, Amma..

Subhadra : I am just worrying whether Devi Parents agree to do her Marriage with our Amar..

Jhende : Amma..How can anyone say No to Amar...Infact they have to feel lucky that Great Business man like Amarendra Bhushan wanted to marry their Daughter..

Subhadra : You said correct..But Sodamma said to me that their Own People will become Obstacle to them..My Worry is Devi Parents will have issue between Devi , Amar Age Difference..

Jhende : I also used to have that worry,Amma..But any Obstacle can't do anything to their Love..

Subhadra : Actually I only wanted to Go and talk with Devi Parents..But Amar said not to..

Jhende : If Amar said like that means some reason must there..Let's wait..

Subhadra : But Still...I am feeling some unknown fear..

Jhende : Amma..If anything like that happen, This Raghava Jhende is there..I won't let Amar lose at any cost..

Subhadra : Thank You, Raghava..After talking with You, I am feeling Relief..

Other Side, At Amar's Guest House (Outside)

Devi : Sir..Where are we now?

Amar : My Guest House..

Devi : Why You bring to Your Guest House?

Amar : Then Do you want me to take me to any Restaurant now..If anyone see us, they will click our Photos and Publish News like " Business man Amarendra Bhushan is dating with her CEO Devi".. Is it ok for You?

Devi : No..No..I don't want that..

Amar : If it happens also, No Problem to that..You are struggling to tell about us to Your Parents, they will know like that..

Devi : No, Sir..It won't look Good..I will only tell to my Parents..

Amar : Ok..Shall we go inside?

Devi : Ok..But Is anyone there inside?

Amar : No one are there..Only We..

Devi : Why only We?

Amar came closer and said to Devi

Amar : If you come inside..Then..

Devi : Then?

Amar : We can have togeether ..!!

Devi : Together?

Amar : Hot..Hot..

Devi : Hot..Hot?

Amar : Coffee!!

Devi : What Coffee!!

Amar : Yes..What would You think?

Devi : Sir..You know What I think, Dont act..

Amar : Ayo..Ayo..You know about me right..I am Very Innocent!! Devi..

Devi : Yes..You are intellectual Person who present Innocecy so intelligently...

Amar : Wow!! I don't know I have these many Qualities in me..

Devi twisted Amar Ear..

Devi : Don't show Your antics infront of me!!

Amar : Devi..Devi..Amma is inside, It won't look good If she see you are twisting My Ear..

Devi immediately left Amar Ear...

Devi : What ? You said No one is there?

Amar : You give Suprise to You..I didn't say that before...How would I know, you would behave naughtually..

Devi: Sir!!

Amar : Ok..Ok..Actually My Family asked me to introduce You to them..So, I bring You here..

Devi : Sir..If I said this before..I could get ready nicely ..

Amar : It's ok..You are Beautiful like this also..

Devi smiles for this

Amar : Come, Let's Go..They are waiting for us..

Devi : Ok..

When Amar, Devi about to step inside..

Subhadra : Wait!!

Preethi also stood with Subhadra

Amar, Devi stopped there with confusion..

Subhadra : What is this, Amar? How can You bring Devi like that?

Amar : What Happened , Amma? You only asked me to bring her, right?

Subhadra : Devi is Your would be wife to You and Our House Daughter-in-law..We can't let her inside like that? Wait..

Subhadra asked Preethi on giving red Water to her..

Subhadra : Preethi..You take away Disti (Evil Eyes) to Devi with this RedWater..

Preethi felt bad on heard this but went to take Disti to Devi..

When Preethi about to do it, Urmila stopped her

Urmila : Wait..Preethi!!

Subhadra asked Urmila

Subhadra : What happened, Urmila? Why you stopped Preethi?

Urmila : You forgot this Mom-in-law..I am Daughter-in-law to this House, So, I only have to do that..right? What is need to trouble Preethi?

Subhadra : Yes, Urmila..You only do that..

Urmila took plate from Preethi and take Disti to Devi..

Urmila : Come Inside..Devi!!

Amar, Devi came inside..

Urmila said to Preethi

Urmila : Preethi..Throw this Water outside..

Preethi : Ok, Madam..

Preethi went out with sad face..

Urmila became Happy on seeing her like that..

Inside Guest House

Subhadra said to Devi

Subhadra : I am feeling So Happy on seeing You..It been so long, Amar smiling like this..

Devi smiles for this

Urmila : Yes..Devi..You bring new Glow to Bro-in-law..

Other Side, Preethi feeling sad on seeing this..

Subhadra : May be that Durgamma only sent You to Amar life..If Once You both get marry, This House fills with Happiness..

Urmila : Ofcourse, Mom-in-law..That's why I said to you to do their Marriage as soon as Possible..

Devi : Madam..First I have to convince My Parents, So, Please give some time..

Subhadra : Ok..Your Wish..Come, I will show You House..

Urmila : Wait..Mom-in-law..I will show to her..Come..Devi..

When Devi about to go, Amar pulled her towards him..

Devi : Sir..Leave me..What are you doing?

Amar : I bring You here to talk with me..Where are you going now? Tell to them..You won't come..

Devi : Sir..it won't looks Good..Please!!

Amar : No..I don't want to listen anything..Tell to them You will be with me only..

Devi : Sir!!

Urmila called Devi

Urmila : Devi!!

Devi stood away from Amar

Devi : Madam!!

Urmila : Come..I will show this House..

Urmila took Devi along with her..

When Amar also coming with them..

Urmila : Bro-in-law..Mom-in-law is calling You..Please go to her..

Amar : ok..

Amar left unwillingly, Devi smiles for this..

At Devi's House

Padhu cleaning the House..on that time,She saw Devi Diary..

Padhu opened that Diary.But she didn't understand that she don't know English..

Padhu : Ayo..This is in English only..Then What is use of this to me?

When Padhu about to close Diary, She became shock on seeing Love Symbols in my Pages..

Padhu (Inner Voice) : Why these Love Symbols are there in Devi Diary? That means..Devi loves someone!!

At Amar's Guest House

At Garden Area

Urmila said to Devi

Urmila : How is this Guest House?

Devi : Beautiful, Madam..

Urmila : Why are you calling me "Madam"? In Relation, you are My Akka (Elder Sister) , So I will call you "Akka"..You can call me "Urmila"..

Devi : Madam..It is so Great for me, You all accepted me so easily..But still I have some limits, You can call me " Akka"..But For me You are always "Urmila Madam"..

Urmila became So Happy on heard this..

Urmila : That was So Sweet, Devi..I mean "Akka"..But Some People won't be like that..Even She is nothing to Our Family, showing authority on us..

Devi : About Whom You are talking?

Urmila : That Preethi..You know right..She tried so many times to create Problems to You..

Devi : It's Ok, Madam..Leave about Preethi Madam..

Urmila : No, Akka..That Preethi is Dangerous..But Don't worry. I am there for You right I will take care of Everything..

Devi : Thank You, Madam..

Urmila : From Today onwards, We are not only Sisters, We are Best Friends too..You can share with me anything..Ok?

Devi : Ok, Madam..

Urmila : OMG!! I forget it..

Devi : What , Madam?

Urmila : Welcome to Bhushan Family!!

Urmila gave Hug to Devi on saying this ..

Devi : Thank You, Madam..

Urmila : Akka..Let's take Selfie together..Come!!

Devi and Urmila take Selfie..

Urmila intentionally sent this to Preethi

Other Side, Preethi who is already in sad saw Urmila, Preethi Selfie which he sent to her Whatsapp..

Preethi became irritated that Urmila intentionally doing all these things..

Jhende asked Preethi on seeing her Irritation

Jhende : Are You ok? Preethiji..

Preethi : See this Photo, Jhendiji..Why Urmila Madam sent this to me? Not only this, She is Intentionally irritating me like this..

Jhende : I also observed that, She is showing too much Excitement about Devi..And She is Intentionally troubling You..

Preethi : She is thinking that Devi is So Innocent. Devi came as Normal Employee and became CEO..So Easily, She win Amar Sir Love ..Just wait and see, She will rule Bhusham Empire also..Then She will understand..Mark my words!!

Jhende : All Women thinks same..Thank God, I didn't fall in this Trap..I am Safe!!

Inside Guest House

Amar said to Subhadra

Amar : Amma..We have work in Office..So, We will take leave..

Subhadra : Ok..But Next time, You have to bring Devi to our House Permanently..

Amar and Devi smiles for this..

Subhadra : Just a Minute!!

Subhadra bring Saree to Devi

Subhadra : I am giving this Saree to You for Your Engagement..You have to wear this Saree on Your Engagement..

Subhadra gave Saree to Devi..

Devi took Blessings from Subhadra

Subhadra caressing Devi face and feeling Emotional..

Subhadra : Devi..Whenever I see You, I am feeling some connection with you from long time..

Amar also said to Subhadra

Amar : Yes, Amma..Even I too feel the same ..

Subhadra : May be She have Relation with us in Pervious Birth..

Devi smiles for this..

Subhadra : Devi..Is it Possible to give Your Horoscope to me? We have to check Good Date both of Your Engagement and Marriage..

Amar : Amma..Why so Hurry? First let her tell to Parents..

Subhadra : It will happen soon, Amar..But Our Pandit is coming today, After that she will go to Kasi..So, It is Urgent..

Amar : Amma..But..

Devi : Sir..It's ok, I will ask Hema to bring My Horoscope now...

Subhadra : Ok..Jhende will go and collect it..

Jhende : Ok, Amma..I will go now and do that..Don't worry..

After Sometime, At Devi's House

Hema and Loki came to Devi House to take her Horoscope

Hema : Loki..Careful!! We have to take Devi's Horoscope without anyone Notice..

Loki : It is at Goddess photos place..It is easy to take it..Don't Worry..

Hema asked Padhu

Hema : Aunty..Do you have Sugar?

Padhu : Yes..Wait..I will bring..

When Padhu went to get Sugar, Hema, Loki took Devi Horoscope which is at Goddess Photos..

Padhu came to them with Doubt

Padhu : Did you really came for Sugar only?

Loki : Yes..Aunty..Or Else why we will come?

Padhu : Ok..Take it..

Hema, Loki left with Devi Horoscope..

Outside House

They came near to their House where Jhende waiting for them..

Hema : Jhende Sir..Devi Horoscope..

Jhende : Thank You, Hema..

At Devi's House

Padhu thinking about Devi's Diary love Symbols

Padhu (Inner Voice) : How to know who is the one Devi Loves? Yes..Hema, Loki are her Best Friends, Devi shares everything with them..

When Hema, Loki coming back to Home..

Padhu saw them and asked them

Padhu : Wait!!

Hema : What happened, Aunty?

Padhu : You both have to tell me the truth..

Hema : What Truth, Aunty?

Padhu : Devi Loves someone in office, right?

Hema and Loki became shock on heard this..

Padhu : Tell me..Who is He?

Loki : Why are you asking us, Aunty?

Hema : Yes, Aunty..Why don't you ask Devi directly?

Padhu : I don't trust Devi will tell me about this..

Hema : No..Aunty..She will tell to You...

Padhu : That means..You both know him..

Hema and Loki became worried for this..

Padhu : Fine..You won't tell me this right? I will only go to Office and find out..

Hema : Aunty..Wait..After Devi come to Home, You can ask her, She will tell You..

Padhu : She will divert the Topic, I know that..

Loki : No, Aunty..Devi will definitely tell you..Please wait till she come to home..

Padhu : Loki..Don't make angry..I will find about this today at any cost..

Hema : Aunty..Aunty!!

Padhu left to Amar Office without listening to them

Loki said to Hema

Loki : Hema..Call to Devi immediately that her Mother coming to Office..

Hema : Yes, Loki..Don't know What Drama will Aunty do there?

At Bhushan Villa

Valmiki asked Subhadra

Valmiki : Amma..Why You asked Devi Amma Horoscope suddenly?

Subhadra : I have one Worry, Valmiki..

Valmiki : What is that worry, Amma?

Subhadra : Chandra Lekha!!

Percap : Chadndra Lekha Fear..Twist?

I am Very Sorry for Late Update..Little Bit Busy..

Forgive me If any Mistakes are there..

How was Amar teasing Devi? Please Tell me, Friends..

How was Devi, Urmila Conversation? Please Tell me, Friends..

How was Urmila troubling Preethi ? Please Tell me, Friends..

Will Padhu find out that Devi Loves Amar only? Please Tell me, Friends..

Why Subhadra worrying for Devi about Chandra Lekha? Any Guess.Please Tell me, Friends..

How is this Update? Please Tell me, Friends..

Thank You So Much for All Your Votes and Supportive Comments..It means a Lot to me..

Pics Credit to Google ..

Take Care..Stay Safe..💕💕

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