At Some Place
One Old Woman holding Amar, Chandra Lekha's Wedding Photo..
That Old Woman crying on caressing Chandra Lekha face on Photo..
Some one asked that Old Woman
Some one : Sarada Amma!!
Lakshmi as Sarada
Someone : I'm observing from long time, You are crying on seeing that Photo!! Who is in that, Photo?
Sarada : My Princess!!
At Subbu, Padhu's House
Devi came inside to her House and Remembered about her Memories with her Parents in this House..
Devi became break down that Parents sold their House for her and left from her..
On that time, Amar came there..
On seeing Devi break down..Amar felt sad for this..
Amar : Devi!!
Devi can't control her Tears and cried on Hugging Amar..
Devi : Amar Sir!!
Amar tried to control Devi..
Amar : Devi! Please Control Yourself!!
Devi : Sir!! My Amma, Nanna!!
Amar : Please!! Devi!! Don't Cry!!
Devi : Why? Sir..Why they did like this?
Amar can't able to reply to this..
Devi : This House is not Just House to us..My Father bulid this House with his hardwork..!!From My Childhood onwards, I spend each and every moment with my Parents in this House only!!!
Amar felt sad on seeing Devi like this..
Devi : How many Problems came to my Father, He never want to sell this House!! But Now He sold this House to give my Money to me!!
Amar : I already know this!! Devi!!
Devi became shock on heard this..
Amar : Today Morning only I knew that Subbu Garu sold House and he left from here with Padhu Garu..That's why I stopped You to come here..
Devi : Sir!!?
Amar : I'm Sorry, Devi!! I didn't want to see You broken like this!! Before You know about all this, I want to find Your Parents and sort out all these things!!
Devi became sad on heard this..
Amar : But I don't know that Subbu Garu sold this House to give Money to You!! But What is need to do this?
Devi cried for this..
Amar tried to Console Devi..
Amar : Devi!! Trust me!! I will find out Your Parents with in 2 Days and bring them to this House!! It is My Promise to You!! You Please Don't Cry!!
Devi can't able to control her Tears..
Amar cupped Devi face and wiped her Tears..
Amar : Devi!! Please!! I can't see You tears!! It is pricking my Heart!! Please!! Atleast for me!! Don't Cry!!
Devi hugged Amar for this..
Devi : Sir!! My Parents!!
Amar : We will find them!! Don't worry!!
At Subbu, Padhu Rented House
Padhu became Happy for finding Rented House..
Padhu : Subbu!! Finally We got House for Rent!!
Subbu : Yes!! Padhu!!
Padhu : But it is looking very small compared to Our Own House!!
Subbu became sad on heard this..
Subbu : Padhu!! That House is not Our Own House anymore!! We sold that House!!
Padhu became upset on Remembered that and shouted on Subbu
Padhu : Not We!! You sold our House without asking me and Our Devi!!
Subbu felt bad on heard this..
Subbu : Padhu!! You know right? I did this for Our Devamma happiness!!
Padhu : Do You really think Our Devi wil become Happy after knowing this!!
Subbu became sad on Remembered about Devi..
Padhu : My Poor Devi!! She will cry so badly after knowing this!!
Subbu : I know Padhu!! After Our Devamma born, We bought that House!! More than us, Our Devamma have so much attachment to that House!!
Padhu felt sad on heard this
Subbu : But What we can do!! My Daughter have to live in her Mother-in-law House with respect!! No one have to point out my Daughter that her Parents didn't give anything to her!!
Padhu : Do You think Amar Sir Family will accept that Money!!
Subbu : That's why We came far away from them..If we hide like from them..Without any choice, Amar Sir will Family accept that Money!!
Padhu : I won't believe this!! Subbu!
Subbu : Let's Hope!! Padhu!! First unpack our things!! I will bring food for us!!
Padhu : What is need to bring food? Bring some Vegatables, I will only prepare food for us!!
Subbu : You already looking so strain right?
Padhu : It's ok..I can do that!! Don't worry!!
Subbu : Ok!!..Padhu!! Here that Babu things are there..Don't use them!! It won't look good?
Padhu : I know What I'm doing!! You don't need to give me lecture to me now!!
Subbu : Ok!! Just careful!!
Subbu went out after saying this..
At Subbu, Padhu's House (Outside)
Jhende took Padhu, Subbu House Documents from the Lender..
Lender said to Jhende
Lender : Sorry, Sir!! I felt Subbu Garu sold this House for shifting to some big House!! That's why I bought this House!!
Jhende : It's ok!! It is Good that You didn't sell this House to anyone!! And Don't say that Subbu Garu sold this House!!
Lender : Ok!! Sir!!
Jhende : Do one Help also to us!! If You know any information about them!! Please Let me know!!
Lender : Sure!! Sir!!
Jhende : You may Go now!!
Lender left from there..
On that time, Amar came out along with Devi!!
Jhende asked Amar
Jhende : Amar!! Devi is Ok, Right?
Amar can't able to reply to this..
On that time, Hema and Loki came to Devi..
Hema : Devi!!
Devi cried on Hugging Hema..
Hema, Loki cried on seeing Devi like that..
Hema : Sorry, Devi!! Just now we know that Subbu Uncle, Padhu aunty did like that!! We both felt they are going to some Temple!! But We didn't except they did like this!!
Loki : If We get doubt that Aunty, Uncle are doing like this!! We won't let them Go from here!! We are Very Sorry!! Devi!!
Amar Repiled to them
Amar : We know that!! Don't say Sorry!! It is not Your Mistake!!
Jhende asked Hema, Loki
Jhende : Hema, Loki!! Do you know any relatives or friends to Subbu Garu or Padhu Garu?
Hema : No!! Sir!! I don't think they have anyone here!!
Jhende : Ok!! If You know anything, Call me once!!
Loki said to Jhende
Jhende : Sir!! I have so many contacts in this City..I will ask about Aunty, Uncle!! We can find them soon!!
Amar Repiled to Loki
Amar : Thank You!! Loki!!
Amar said to Devi
Amar : Devi!! Come..Let's Go!!
Devi leaving with Amar on looking at her Parents House..
At Chandra Lekha Group of Companies
Vijay came to Office and about to go to Urmila's Cabin..
Attender FM stopped Vijay..
FM : Vijay Sir!!
Vijay : Tell me, FM!!
FM : Urmila Madam didn't come to Office..So, Madam asked You to inform to do any work is there for You or Else You can take off..
Vijay became confuse for this..
Vijay : Why Urmila Madam didn't come to Office?
FM : Not only Urmila Madam..Even Devi Madam, Amar Sir, Prithvi Sir and Jhende Sir also didn't come to Office!!
Vijay became shock and thinking about this..
Vijay : What? All of them didn't come to Office? Why?
FM : I don't know, Sir!!
Vijay thinking about this..
On that time, Vijay got call from Commissioner..
Vijay : Sir!!
Commissioner : Come to My House!!
Vijay : Anything Urgent?
Commissioner : Yes!! Any Problem?
Vijay : Nothing!! Sir..I'm Coming!
Vijay went to Commissioner's House..
At Bhushan Villa
At Main Hall
Urmila shouted on Shahini
Urmila : Mom!! Don't You have shame..How can You steal Money at my Home? Chi!!
Shahini : Urmila!! I didn't steal anything!! Believe me!! These People intentionally blaming me!!
Urmila : Shut Up!! Mom!! I know everything!!
Shahini : Ayo..Urmila!! You don't know anything, Baby!! These People are manipulating You!!
Prithvi became angry for this and shouted on
Prithvi : Shut Up!! Shahini Garu!! I never think that You are this much cheap Person!! Chi!!
Shahini became angry for this..
Prithvi : And You are blaming us!! I'm feeling disgusting on talking such a Person like You!!
Shahini : Ayo..I didn't talk about You!! Alludu Garu!! That Devi must manipulating You!!
Subhadra became angry and shouted on Shahini
Subhadra : Stop it!! Shahini Garu!! We saw eveything in CCTV Footage!!
Shahini became worried on heard this..
Subhadra : You only steal that Money in Puja Room!!
Shahini tried to cover that..
Shahini : Vadina Garu!! Actually!!
Subhadra : Enough!! You crossed limits!! Do you know Whose Money is that?
Shahini became silent for this..
Subhadra : Subbu Garu kept that Money for Devi as Gift from her Parents Side!!
Shahini became shock on heard this..
Subhadra : It is because of You only.. You insulted them on that Night!! They are very Self Respect People!! That's why they can't able bear it!! They gave this Money on selling their One and Only House their have..Do You know that? But You steal that Money so easily!! Why You did like this?
Shahini became silent for this..
Urmila became angry for this..
Urmila : Give Answer!! Mom!
Shahini : Urmila!! I don't know it their Money!! Even I know also, I didn't did anything wrong!!
Subhadra, Urmila and Prithvi became angry on heard this..
Prithvi shouted on Shahini
Prithvi : What!! You didn't did anything wrong? Stealing Someone's Hard Earning Money is not wrong for You!!
Shahini : Alludu Garu!! I Just took that Money for my needs!! Your House means My House also right? Don't I have right to take that!!
Subhadra shouted on Shahini
Subhadra : Shahini Garu!! It is not about Your Rights!! No one in this Family don't know about that Money!! But You took that Money!! Is this is not stealing?
Shahini : Vadina Garu!! If You think like that!! I can't do anything!! Cut off that Money in my Son-in-law Prithvi Share in Properties!!
Subhadra, Urmila and Prithvi became shock and angry on heard this..
Subhadra : Shahini Garu!! We are talking about Money which You steal..How Properties Sharing in between this!!
Shahini : What do you mean? Don't they have share in Properties? One Day You have to divide these Properties between Your Sons, Right?
Prithvi shouted on Shahini
Prithvi : Shahini Garu! You are Crossing Your Limits!! We never want to divide Properties!! In Further also, We won't think like that!! Keep that in Your Mind!!
Shahini : Alludu Garu!! What I mean is?
Urmila became angry for this and shouted on Shahini with Loud Voice
Urmila : Enough!! Mom!! That's Enough!!
Shahini : Urmila?!
Urmila : You don't have to stay here anymore!! Pack Your Bag and Get Out of My House Now!!
Shahini became shock on heard this..
Prithvi and Subhadra also became shock for this..
Shahini : Urmila!! I'm Your Mother!! How can You send me out?
Urmila : I just don't want to hear anything from You! Just Get Out from My House Immediately!
Subhadra said to Urmila
Subhadra : Urmila!! Wait!! Amar, Devi also not at Home now!! We will discuss this later!! First Control Your Anger!!
Prithvi Repiled to Subhadra
Prithvi : Urmila took Correct Decision!! Amma!! This Woman don't have to stay in our House!!
Subhadra : Prithvi!! Try to understand What I say !!
Urmila Repiled to Subhadra
Urmila : I'm Sorry!! Mom-in-law!! Please don't try to convince me!! Today My Mom have to leave our House!!
On that time, Amar and Devi came there..
Urmila shouted on Shahini
Urmila : Mom!! Pack Your Luggage and Go from here!! Now!!
Devi became worried on heard this..
Amar became confuse for Urmila angry on Shahini
Amar : Urmila!!
All became shock and worried on seeing Amar..
Amar asked Urmila
Amar : Urmila!! Why are You asking Your Mother to go from here?
Urmila : Bro-in-law!! You know What My Mother did!! Actually..
Devi became worried and Stopped Urmila not let her say..
Devi : Urmila Madam!! I said to leave that right? Small issue it is!!
Urmila : Akka? How can You say this is Small Issue?
Amar asked Urmila
Amar : What is that Issue? Urmila.
Urmila : Bro-in-law!! My Mom..
Devi stopped her and Repiled to Amar
Devi : I will tell You!! Sir!!
Devi said to Urmila slowly..
Devi : Madam!! Please don't say anything to Amar Sir!!
Urmila : But Akka!?
Devi : Please Try to understand Why I'm saying this!!
Amar asked Devi
Amar : Devi!! What Happened? What is that Issue?
Devi : Nothing, Sir!! Shahini Madam spending so much Money on Unnecessarily Shopping!! So, Urmila Madam became angry for this!! In that angry, She said to Shahini Madam to leave the House!!
Amar : That's it!!?
Devi : Yes..Sir!! That's only!!
Amar asked Urmila
Amar : Urmila!! Is it True? About Shopping Issue, You asked Your Mother to leave this House?
Urmila : Bro-in-law!! That is!!
Devi indicated Urmila not to tell the truth..
Urmila Repiled to Amar
Urmila : Yes..Bro-in-law!! It is about Shopping Only!
Devi felt relief for this..
Amar : What is this Urmila? For this small issue..Why You asked her to leave House?
Devi Repiled to Amar
Devi : You know right? Urmila got angry for small issues also!!
Devi said to Shahini
Devi : Shahini Madam!! You Go to Your Home!!
Shahini immediately left to Her home on taking this Chance..
Amar said to Urmila
Amar : Urmila!! Don't get angry for small things!! Control Your angry!!
Urmila : Ok!! Bro-in-law!!
Subhadra asked Amar
Subhadra : Amar..Leave about that..What Happened? Did You get any clue about Subbu Garu, Padhu Garu?
Amar : No, Amma!! They don't Jhende went to find about those Clues!! They don't have any relatives also!! Don't know Where They went?
Amar Remembered when Devi said last Night that she felt her Parents came to Temple..
Amar asked Devi
Amar : Devi!! You said You felt that Your Parents came to Temple Yesterday..Right?
Devi remembered about that and Repiled to Amar
Devi : Yes!! Sir!! But I felt it was My Illusion!!
Amar : May be that is not Your Illusion, They must came to that Temple and escaped from there after seeing You..
Devi thinking about this..
Devi : You are Right!! Sir!! May be Yesterday, I really saw my Parents..But Now they won't be there..How can we find them?
Amar : If we search surrounding areas, May be we can find them!! If they captured any CCTV camers also, We can find them..Where is that Temple Area?
Devi : Banjara Hills!!
Amar : Ok!! I will go there!! You don't worry!!
Amar said to Subhadra
Amar : Amma!! Take Care of Devi!!
Subhadra : Ok!! Amar!!
Amar went out to find about Subbu, Padhu
On that time, Subhadra said to Devi
Subhadra : Devi!! Amar definitely find Your Parents!!
Urmila also said to Devi
Urmila : Akka!! You Don't worry!! Eveytime will be Fine!!
Devi : Urmila Madam!! I said to You right not to ask Shahini Madam about Money? Why You asked her?
Urmila : Akka!! It is not small thing to leave it!! Even My Mom caught red-handed still she is defending herself..If You won't stop me, I would send her out from our House!!
Subhadra said to Devi
Subhadra : Urmila said True..She did Correct thing..Why You stopped us?
Urmila asked Devi
Urmila : You stopped me not to tell about Mother to Bro-in-law!! If he know this, He would also definitely send her out!!
Devi : Madam!! Try to understand!! Amar Sir don't have to know that Shahini Madam steal Money!!
Urmila : Akka!! Why are You protecting My Mother!! She steal Your Parents hard earned Money!! How can You leave her?
Devi : Madam!! My Parents kept that Money for their Daughter!! In that case, Shahini Madam also like My Mother to me!! What is wrong If My Mother took her Daughter Money!!?
Urmila became Emotional on heard this..
Devi : So, Leave this Topic!! Madam!!
Urmila : Akka!! You are really Very Great!! If I'm in Your Place, I won't think like You!!
Devi : Madam!! Please I said to leave this Topic!!
Prithvi asked them
Prithvi : But If We Bro-in-law asked about Subbu Garu's Money..What will we do?
Urmila Repiled to Prithvi
Urmila : I will ask my Mom to return that Money..But He already wasted so much money!!
Prithvi said to Devi
Prithvi : Devi!! Take my Money!! Show that to Dada!!
Devi : No!! Sir!! I don't want to take Your Money!! If Amar Sir asked You on seeing transactions, He will get doubt!!
Subhadra said to Devi
Subhadra : Devi..Take some money from Locker..Show that to Amar!! Amar won't check that Money!!
Devi : No!! Madam..It won't look Good to Money from Locker!!
Subhadra : It's ok, Devi..It is Your Money also right?
Devi : Please Madam!! I don't want to take Money from Locker!!
Subhadra : Then What we will do?
Devi : Leave this to me!! I will mange some how!! You don't take stress!!! But Don't say this to Amar Sir!!
Devi went to her Room after saying this..
Subhadra, Urmila and Prithvi felt bad for Devi..
Prithvi : Poor Devi!! She is already depress about her Parents!! Now this Shahini Garu also added to that!!
Urmila : This is all because of my Mom!!
Subhadra : Urmila..We have to take care of Devi First!! Don't leave her alone!! Be with her till Amar came back!!
Urmila : Ok! Mom-in-law!!
Urmila went to Devi room..
At Commissioner House
Vijay came to Commissioner House..
Vijay : Morning..Sir!!
Commissioner : How are You? Vijay!!
Vijay : Sir..My Name is Vinod!! On call I can Understand that..But Here also Why are You calling me "Vijay" ?
Commissioner : Till this Secert Operation completed It is better for You to keep that Name only..
Vijay : Fine!! Sir!!
Commissioner : How is the condition there?
Vijay : Nothing New..But Today all Family Members didn't come to Office without any Notice!!
Commissioner : Why?
Vijay : Don't know..Sir!! Tomorrow I will get information!!
Commissioner : Ok!! Where are You living now?
Vijay : Rented House!! My Father's Friend House!!
Commissioner : How many rooms?
Vijay : Two Rooms!! Sir!! I'm Single right?
Commissioner : Ok!! Good!!
Vijay : To know this, You asked me to come here!! I can say this on call also!! Sir!!
Commissioner : No!! I'm going to assign very important work to You which is very important to this Operation!! To Inform that I asked to come to my House!!
Vijay : What is that work?
Commissioner : I will tell You!!
Commissioner called from back..
Commissioner : Please Come In!! Sir!!
Vijay became shock on seeing that Person..
Other Side
When Jhende and Amar searching for Subbu, Padhu..
Jhende got call from Police
Jhende : Hello!!
Police : Sir!!Important News!!
Jhende : I'm in Urgent Work!! Call me later!!
Police : Sir!! It is Very Urgent!
Jhende : Officer!!
Amar said to Jhende
Amar : Jhende!! It's ok..Take that Call..It is from Police, Right? May be they got some information about Subbu Garu, Padhu Garu..
Jhende : Yeah!! You are Right..!!
Jhende Repiled to Police
Jhende : Tell me..Officer!! What is that Important News!!
Jhende became shock on heard that News..
Jhende : Ok..Thank You!!
Amar asked Jhende
Amar : Jhende..What Happened?
Jhende : One Bad News!!
Amar became worried on heard this.
Amar : Subbu Garu, Padhu Garu are Ok, Right?
Jhende : No..No..It is not about them!
Amar : Then..What is that Bad News?
Jhende : Jitendra got released from Jail!!
Amar became shock and worried on heard this..
Amar : What!!? Jitendra came out from Jail!!
At Commissioner's House
Commissioner showed Jitendra to Vijay (Vinod)..
Vijay became shock on seeing Jitendra infront of him..
Vijay : Sir!! He is..
Commissioner : Jitendra Sir!! Advocate Jitendra Sir!!
Vijay became shock for this.
Vijay : He is Brother to Chandra Lekha Garu, Right?
Commissioner : Yes!!
Vijay : That means He is Amarendra Bhushan Sir's Bava (Brother-in-law)
Jitendra became angry for this..
Jitendra : I'm not that Amarendran Bhushan's Bava!! Don't You dare to say that again!!
Commissioner controlled Jitendra..
Commissioner : Sorry..Sir!!! Don't get angry!! Small Boy!! Leave him!! You Please Sit Down!!
Commissioner indicated Vijay to say Sorry.
Vijay : Sorry!! Sir..It won't repeat again!!
Commissioner also asked Jitendra
Commissioner : You know he gave so much information to us!! So, Please Consider him for this time!!
Jitendra : Fine!! Last and Final!!
Commissioner said to Vijay
Commissioner : Vijay!! For JD Sir We are Investigating Chandra Lekha Murder Case again!!
Vijay : Ok!! Now I understand, Sir!! But I heard Sir is in Jail!!
Commissioner : Today Morning, Jitendra Sir got released from Jail!!
Vijay : Ok!!
Commissioner : I will come to Point!! Jitendra Sir will stay with You till this Investigation Completed!!
Vijay became worried for this..
Commissioner : Don't get Panic!! What ever Work ask You to do for this Case, Just do that work!! Your Work will be done!!
Vijay : Sir!! But..!!
Commissioner : Now Jitendra Sir have to be in safe Place!! And He wanted to move this Case!! Your Work will get easy If Sir stays with You!!
Vijay : But Sir..My House is Very Small!!
Jitendra Repiled to Vijay
Jitendra : I don't need any comforts!! I can adjust!! My Target is that Amarendra Bhushan!!
Commissioner asked Vijay
Commissioner : Did You heard What Jitendra Sir said..You Just do work whatever JD Sir ordered..We need to collect evidence against Mr. Amarendra Bhushan !!
Vijay thinking about this..
Vijay : Ok!! Sir!!
Commissioner said to Jitendra
Commissioner : Jitendra Sir !! You work will done!! All the Best!
Jitendra : Thank You!! Commissioner!!
Commissioner : It's my Pleasure!! Sir!! Call me If You need anything!!
Jitendra : Sure!! See You!!
Commissioner said to Vijay
Commissioner : Take Care of Jitendra Sir!! And Complete the Case!!
Vijay : Ok!! Sir!! Thank You!!
Other Side
Amar asked Jhende
Amar : How it is Possible? How Jitendra got released from Jail?
Jhende : Officer said Some Higher Recommendation happened..
Amar : Who it must be?
Jhende : Officer also don't know this!! They did this work very Secertly!! Don't know How it happened?
Amar : Whoever it is..Must be Jitendra know him well!! Or Else He won't get released like this!!
Jhende : Yeah!! You said True!! I will ask our team to find that!!
Amar : But First We have to find Subbu Garu, Padhu Garu..After that, We will think about Jitendra!!
Jhende : Ok!!
Amar, Jhende started again to search for Subbu, Padhu..
At Temple
Inside Peethadipathi's Place
Amar's Family Raja Guru came to Peethadipathi and asked him
Raja Guru : Swamy!!
Peethadipathi became angry on seeing Raja Guru
Peethadipathi : You!! Why You came here? For that Family?
Raja Guru : Yes!! Swamy!!
Peethadipathi : How many times I said to You Don't come to me for that Family? Go from Here!! Just Go!!
Raja Guru : If You want, You can find solution!!
Peethadipathi : What Solution? What remains now? Nothing!! Please Go from here!!
Raja Guru : Swamy!! You know right? Because of One Mistake that Family got Curse right?
Peethadipathi : Mistake!? It is Deed which no one have to do such Deed!!
Raja Guru : Swamy!! Because of their Ancestor's Deed , It is not correct to punish that Family!!
Peethadipathi : Raja Guru!! God send us here with Good Deeds only..But Because of our Selfishness We are only creating Bad Deeds..That Family also did that only!!
Raja Guru : You said True..But?
Peethadipathi : Still You don't understand..That God gave chance to that Family as Solution to their Curse!! But they killed that also!!
Raja Guru became sad for this..
Peethadipathi : Chandra Lekha!! She born as Solution to that Family Curse!! But Because of their Carelessness She was dead to that Curse!!
Raja Guru : Swamy!! Accidentally it happened like that!!
Peethadipathi : That's why I said to them strongly to take care of Chandra Lekha Or Else she would dead to that Curse!! But they didn't care about my words!! Now What Solution left to them!! Go!! Just Go from here!!
Raja Guru : Swamy!! If You talk like that, What they can do? Recently, That Family's Daughter-in-law getting effect of that Curse!!
Peethadipathi : Ofcourse, It will happen ..Still that Subhadra Amma did marriage with his Son with that Girl..Because of that, that Poor Girl also have bear that Curse Consequences!! That Family won't change!!
Raja Garu : Swamy!! Please We have to save that Girl!!
Peethadipathi : I said to You I can't do anything!! Go from here!! I don't have any solution!!
Raja Guru : Swamy!! I thought One Solution still there!! According to Chandra Lekha Horoscope, She definitely have one Younger Sibling!! That Sibling can be Solution to that Curse right?
Peethadipathi : Really? May be You are Correct..But that Sibling must be Girl only, And She also have that much Horoscope Power like Chandra Lekha!! Is it Possible? No!! Right?
Raja Guru : Swamy!! Check these Horoscopes once!! May be You will get Solution!!
Peethadipathi : No!! I won't!! Go from here!! Get Lost!!
Peethadipathi throw those Horoscopes with angry..
Peethadipathi : Don't make me angry!! I don't want to see that Family Horoscope!!Go!!
On that time, Peethadipathi saw One Horoscope among Amar and Family Members
Peethadipathi took that Horoscope and became shock
Peethadipathi : Whose Horoscope is this?
Raja Guru : That Family Daughter-in-law, Amarendra Bhushan's Wife Wife Horoscope!!
Peethadipathi : Wife means?
Raja Guru : Amarendra Bhushan's Second Wife !! Devi!!
Raja Guru became shock on heard this and looked at Goddess Idole..
Raja Guru (Inner Voice) : Amma Jagadeeswari (Goddess - Parvathi Devi's Wife) !! How it is Possible?!!
At Night, At Bhushan Villa
Inside Amar, Devi's Room
Devi sit inside Room with sad face..
At Main Hall
On that time, Amar came to House..
Subhadra asked Amar
Subhadra : Amar..Did You know anything about Subbu Garu, Padhu Garu?
Amar : No!! Amma!! But they are definitely in this City only!!
Subhadra : Don't worry..Amar!! You will definitely find them!! Did You eat anything!
Amar : Yeah!! Did Devi had her food?
Subhadra : When we all pressurised her, She had little bit!!
Amar : Where is She?
Subhadra : In Your Room only!!
Amar : Ok!! Amma!! You Go and sleep!!
Inside Amar, Devi's Room
Amar came to Devi with Juice..
Amar : Devi!!
Devi asked Amar with hope..
Devi : Sir!! You found Amma, Nanna..Did they came?
Amar felt sad for this..
Amar : Sorry, Devi!! They are not found!!
Devi became sad for this..
Amar : Don't worry!! Devi!! Soon..We will definitely find them!!
Devi became sad for this..
Amar : Trust me!! Devi!! I will bring back Your Parents soon!!
Devi : I trust You, Sir!! But I'm worrying for my Parents!!
Amar : Don't worry!! They will be Fine only!! First You have this Juice!!
Devi : I already had Dinner Sir!!
Amar : I know How well You had Dinner!! That's why I bring Juice for You!!
Devi : Sorry, Sir..But I'm not feeling to have anything!!
Amar : I can understand!! But If You keep starving like this!! You will become weak!! See..You already looking so weak!!
Devi : Sir!! Please!!
Amar : Devi!! Your Parents gave You that I will take care of You well!! If You are like this, What is use of me!!
Devi : Sir!! Why are You talking like that?
Amar : Then..After Subbu Garu, Padhu Garu came back and asked me "Amar Sir!! How can let my Daughter straving like this!? " What I will give reply to me?
Devi : Sir!! They won't ask You like that!!
Amar : What If they ask me like that?
Devi : Fine..If I have this Juice, You will be Happy!! Give me!!
Devi took Juice from Amar and had it..
Devi : Happy!!
Amar : That's like my Good Girl!!
Devi hold Amar hand and asked him
Devi : Sir!! My Parents will come back right?
Amar : I will definitely bring back to You!! After that I won't let them do such things again!! Ok!!
Devi : I know You will do it!! Sir!!
Amar : Devi!! I forgot to ask You Where is the Money which Subbu Kept for You?
Devi became worried for this...
Amar : Tell me, Devi..Is that Money is safe?
Devi covered that..
Devi : Yes..Sir!! That Money is safe!!! It is with me only!!
Amar : Ok!! Keep it with You!! When Subbu Garu, Padhu Garu came back We have to give back their Money!!
Devi : Ok!! Sir!
Devi felt bad for hiding truth from Amar..
Devi (Inner Voice) : Sorry!! Sir!! I don't want to hide anything from You!! But You don't have to know about this!!
Amar asked Devi
Amar : What Happened? Devi..You are looking so tense!!
Devi : Sorry! Sir!!
Amar : Why? Devi!!
Devi : I'm troubling you so much right?
Amar hold Devi hand and said to her..
Amar : Devi!! Whatever I will do for You, It's not Trouble for me!! It's Love!! Our Love!!
Devi became Emotional for this and Hugged Amar..
Devi : I Love You!! Sir!!
Amar : It's already became late..Come, Let's Sleep!!
Devi nooded as Ok..
Amar and Devi slept on Bed..
Devi slept on keeping her head on Amar Chest..
Amar caressed Devi hair and said to her
Amar : Eveything will be Fine!! Trust me!! Sleep Peacefully!!
Amar thinking on looking at Devi..
Amar (Inner Voice) : You are worrying for Your Parents!! But I'm worrying about Jitendra!!
Amar worried on remembering about Jitendra
Amar (Inner Voice) : I won't let that Jitendra come near to my Devi!!
Other Side, Inside Car
Jitendra opened his wallet and said to Chandra Lekha Photo..
Jitendra (Inner Voice) : Chammy!! I will show that Amar True face to You and take away You from that Amarendra Bhushan!!
At Night, At Padhu, Subbu's House
Jitendra came to that House and knocked at Padhu, Subbu House..
Subbu opened that Door..
Next Day, At Temple
Jitendra saw someone in Temple and became shock and Emotional..
Percap : Kidnap!!?
I'm Very Sorry for this Very Late Update...Please Forgive me,Friends!!
Forgive me If any mistakes are there.I wrote this in Hurry...Please Forgive me..
How was Amar tried to Console Devi about Subbu, Padhu? Please Tell me, Friends..
Why Sarada called Devi as "Princess"? Any Guess..Please Tell me, Friends..
How was Padhu, Subbu Conversation? Please Tell me, Friends..
How was Jhende help to find Subbu, Padhu? Please Tell me, Friends..
How was Hema, Loki consoled Devi? Please Tell me, Friends..
What are You thinking about Shahini ? Please Tell me, Friends..
How was Urmila, Subhadra, Prithvi angry on Shahini? Please Tell me, Friends..
Why Devi don't want Amar to know about Shahihi stole their Parents Money? Please Tell me, Friends..
How was Devi reply to Urmila for not telling to Amar about Shahini? Please Tell me, Friends..
How was the Part that Jitendra got released from Jail? Please Tell me, Friends..
How was Commissioner instructions to Vijay? Please Tell me, Friends..
How was Jitendra angry on Vijay on heard Amar name? Please Tell me, Friends..
How was Amar, Jhende worried on heard about Jitendra Release? Please Tell me, Friends..
How was Peethadipathi Part? Please Tell me, Friends..
Why Peethadipathi became shock on seeing Devi's Horoscope? Any Guess..Please Tell me, Friends..
How was Devi worried for her Parents? Please Tell me, Friends..
How was Amar convinced Devi about her Parents? Please Tell me, Friends.
How was Amar makes Devi to have Juice? Please Tell me, Friends..
How was Devi felt bad for hiding Shahini truth from Amar? Please Tell me, Friends..
How was Amar worried for Devi about Jitendra? Please Tell me, Friends..
How was Jitendra wanted to take away Devi from Amar? Please Tell me, Friends..
Will Jitendra see Subhu, Padhu? Any Guess..Please Tell me, Friends..
Who Jitendra saw in Temple which makes him Shock and Emotions? Any Guess..Please Tell me, Friends..
Will Amar bring back Devi Parents? Any Guess..Please Tell me, Friends..
Will Jitendra win this time? Any Guess..Please Tell me, Friends..
How is this Update? Friends..
Thank You So Much for all Your Votes and Supportive Comments..❤️❤️💕💕
Pics Credit to Google..
Take Care, Stay Safe..
Loves You All...💕💕
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