Destiny (Maha Chapter)
On Evening, At Temple
Devi Praying to God
Devi : God.. I don't know how I challenged Amar Sir But I did it..But Now I am scaring What will happen in these 24hrs..Please make me win..
On that time Sodamma came there..
Sodamma : Jai Durgamma Thali!!
Devi became shock on seeing Sodamma there..
Sodamma : You didn't did that Challenge, That Durgamma only makes you do it....Go to her Temple, Pray to that Durgamma ..Leave rest of the things to her, She will definitely fulfil your Wish..Jai Durgamma Thali!!
Sodamma left from there after saying this..Devi thinking about Sodamma words..
At Devi's House
Devi came to Home with dull face..
Padhu : Devi..Today you came early..Did Your work is completed early today?
Devi didn't reply to this..
Padhu : Devi!!
Devi : What? Amma..
Padhu : I asked You something, Why you are not replying anything to me?
Devi : I didn't observe it, Amma..
Padhu : Fine..Will you eat anything?
Devi : No, Amma..Can we go to Pedamma Thali Temple tomorrow?
Padhu became shock on heard this..
Padhu : Devi..Are you only asking this? What happened to You suddenly?
Devi : Nothing, Amma..I want to go to that temple..Shall we go tomorrow?
Padhu : Ofcourse, I only wanted to ask You..
Devi : Fine, Get Ready..We will go to Temple Tomorrow Morning..
Padhu : Ok..
Subbu also became shock on heard that Devi asked them to go to Pedamma Thali Temple
Subbu : What happened to Devi? Suddenly she asked us to go to Temple..
Padhu : Asthami (8th Day in Hindu Lunar) is coming there...Devi behaves like this only on that time..Sodamma also once said to me, If we take Devi to Pedamma Thali Temple, She won't take those Nightmares..
Subbu : Padhu..They will say like that..How can you believe their words?
Padhu : I believe these things..Anyways, I didn't asked Your daughter to come to that Temple, She only asked me..
Subbu : Fine..As your Wish..
At Bhushan Group of Companies
At Amar's Cabin
Amar said to Jhende about Devi Challenge to him
Jhende : Amar..How can you accept this Challenge?
Amar : Devi requested me..So I acccpeted it, What's Wrong in this?
Jhende : Didn't I tell to you, Devi is not innocent, She is Genius..It is her Master Plan To make you confess Your Feelings..
Amar : Why? Are you scaring that Devi will win that Challenge?
Jhende : No..I am scaring that You will make Devi win..
Amar : Do you think I am intentionally doing this?
Jhende : That You only have to know..
Amar : Anyways..If we won't meet, then she will go away as Your wish, Right?
Jhende : See, As My Wish? That means You don't wish her to go away from you..
Amar became silent for this..
Amar : Jhende.. I won't meet Devi in these 24Hrs..Don't worry..
Jhende : Fine..I will also see..
At Devi's House Terrace
Devi said to Hema and Loki about her Challenge with Amar
Hema : Devi..Did you lost your mind? If Amar Sir transferred You, You have to said to him that you don't want to go..Leaving that thing, Why You did this Challenge?
Devi : I don't know..I didn't felt to say that I don't want this transfer..I don't know this also, Why I challenged Sir, but I did it..
Hema : If You lose this Challenge, You have to go away from Amr Sir.. Will you bear that?
Devi: I don't know..But I Trust My Love..It will makes me meet Amar Sir..
Devi left from there after saying this..
Loki said to Hema
Loki : Don't worry..Hema..Just Trust Devi's Love on Amar Sir..That God will definitely help her..
Hema Prayed God..
Hema : God..Please Help Devi..
At Bhushan Group of Companies
At Conference Hall
Jhende came to Preethi
Jhende : I need one Help from you..
Preethi : Tell me, Jhendiji..
Jhende : Cancel all Appointments of Amar Sir, Tomorrow and suggest him to stay him in Home to take rest..
Preethi became shock on heard this..
Preethi : What are You talking, Jhendiji? Tomorrow Sir have important meetings..
Jhende : If I said one thing, you will get ready to do like that..
Preethi : What is that?
Jhende : If we make Amar Sir not to meet Devi in these 24 hrs..Then We don't need to struggle much, Devi never meet Amar Sir again..
Preethi became Happy on heard this..
Jhende : Will you do that?
Preethi : Ofcourse, Jhendiji..I will do that..
Jhende : Good..
At Amar's Cabin
Amar not in mood to do work that he is thinking about Devi's Challenge
Preethi came to Amar Cabin
Preethi : May I come in, Sir?
Amar : Yes..
Preethi : Sir..Tomorrow You don't have any Appointments..
Amar replied without any Interest
Amar : Fine..
Preethi : I think Tomorrow You can take Rest in Your home..
Amar think this Idea is better for not to meet Devi and said to Preethi
Amar : Fine..
At Night, At Employees Desk
Amar came to Devi Desk and thinking about her..
Jhende asked Amar
Jhende : Amar!
Amar : Yes, Jhende!!
Jhende : I heard Tomorrow you will be in home only..
Amar understood that this is Jhende Idea
Amar : So, This is your Idea.? Don't You Trust me, Jhende..
Jhende : I Trust You, Amar..But I can't Trust Your Heart..
Amar : I can control, Jhende..
Jhende : Tomorrow I will see that..Whether You control Your Heart or that Heart controls You..
Amar left from there with irriation..
Next Day, At Devi's House
Devi asked her Parents
Devi : Amma..I arranged all things for Puja..Get Ready to go to Temple..I will book Cab..
Subbu asked Padhu
Subbu : Padhu..Devi behaving so strange right?
Padhu : Didn't I tell You..This is all effect of Asthami..
At Bhushan Villa
Amar can't able to do anything on remembering about Devi Challenge..
On that time, Jhende called Amar
Amar became irritated on seeing Jhende call
Amar : Now What Happened, Jhende?
Jhende : Amar..Are You at Home only, Right?
Amar : Jhende..This is 10th Call from You..How many times You will ask same Question..Am I any Small kid?
Jhende : If You are small kid..What is need for me to get tense!!
Amar : Jhende..I will stay at Home only.. Please Don't again to ask me this..Ok..
Amar cut the call on saying this..
Subhadra asked Amar
Subhadra : Amar..I am going to Temple with Urmila to do Kalyanam (Marriage) to God..Will You come with us?
Amar : No, Amma..You both go..I will stay at home only..
Subhadra : Please..Amar..You are looking so disturbed..If You come to Temple, Your Mind will get Relax..
Amar : Please Amma..Even God also can't give me the Relaxation which I want..You both Go..
At Pedhamma Thali Temple
Devi along with her Parents came to Temple..
They became shock on seeing Sodamma there..
Padhu asked Sodamma
Padhu : Amma..You here?
Sodamma : Durgamaa Thali ordered me to do an important work here.. So, I came here..
Padhu : You said to me once to bring my Daughter to this temple..Strangely She only asked me to come to this temple..
Sodamma smiles at Devi and said to Devi
Sodamma : Go and Pray to that Goddess..Amma fulfill Your wish..
Devi went inside to Pray to Goddess..
The Priest started doing Puja to Devi and Family..
On that time, Subhadra and Urmila came there to go Puja..
One of the Priest went to them..
Priest: Namaste..Amma..
Subhadra : Namaste..Panthulugaru (Priest)
Priest: Please Forgive us, Actually we didn't have information that You will come now ..Without knowing this, We started doing one Family Puja..You Please wait for 5 minutes..
Subhadra : It's Ok, Panthulu Garu..We will wait..
Urmila said in between
Urmila : Mom-in-law..What is this? We are Trustees to this Temple..Then How can we wait to do our Puja..
Subhadra : Urmila..We are all same infront of God..Till then You go and do Pradakshinam (Rounds around Temple)..
Urmila : I already did walking and Jogging..Now I don't need to do rounds around Temple..
Urmila went inside to do Puja..where Devi and Family doing Puja..
Urmila asked Priest
Urmila : Panthulugaru..Do our Puja first..
Padhu shouted on Urmila
Padhu : Can't You see..Here Puja is going on. How can ask in middle to do Your Puja..?
Urmila : We are Trustees to this Temple..
Padhu : You are Trustees to this Temple..But not to God..So, Wait..
Urmila : Hello..Who are You to ask me wait..?
Padhu : You are talking too much.
Devi and Subbu said to Padhu in between
Devi : Amma..Please why are creating scene in Temple..Let them do their Puja first..We can do our Puja Later..
Subbu : Yes, Padhu..It won't Good to do like that infront of God..
Padhu shouted on them
Padhu : You both just Shut Up!!
Padhu asked Priest
Padhu : Panthulugaru..We came first here.. Do our Puja First..
Urmila : Arey..Can't You understand..We only have to do Puja first..
On that time Subhadra came there..
Subhadra : Stop it!!
Subhadra said to Urmila
Subhadra : Urmila..I already said to You to wait for 5 minutes..
Urmila : But Mom-in-law..
Subhadra : We are all Equal Infront of God..
On that time Subhadra saw Devi who is infront of her..
Subhadra suddenly became shock and So Emotional on seeing Devi..
Subhadra came to Devi and felt tears on seeing Her..
Urmila called Subhadra
Urmila : Mom-in-law!!
Subhadra came to Normal on heard Urmila voice..
Urmila : Mom-in-law..Do you know her ?
Subhadra became silent for this..
Devi asked Subhadra
Devi :Madam..Do You know me before?
Subhadra became emotional on heard Devi voice..
Urmila again called Subhadra
Urmila : Mom-in-law..She asked You Whether You know her before..?
Subhadra asked Devi
Subhadra : Why are You asking me like that?
Devi : I am feeling like I know You before..
Subhadra felt Happy on heard this .
Devi : But I can't remember, How? Do you Know me before? Madam..
Urmila said to Devi in between
Urmila : I don't think so..Because I never see You before..Automatically Mom-in-law also don't know about You..
Urmila asked Subhadra
Urmila : Am I right, Mom-in-law?
Subhadra nodded her head as Yes..
Subhadra said to Priest
Subhadra : Panthulugaru..Do their Puja First..
Padhu said in between
Padhu : It's Ok, Madam..On seeing You itself, Anyone can understand You are so Great People..It will be Good, If Your Puja will happen first .
Subhadra : Not like that..
Urmila said in between
Urmila : Mom-in-law..They only said to do our Puja First right..So, Let we start..
Subhadra : Fine..
Priest did Subhadra Family Puja first..
After Subbadra Puja got completed..Padhu said to Devi
Padhu : Devi..That Madam looking such a Great woman..Go and Take Blessings from Her..
Devi : Ok, Amma..
Devi came to Subhadra and take her Blessings..
Subhadra felt so Emotional when Devi touched her Feet..
Subhadra : Whatever You wish..I am Wishing that Wish will fulfill soon..
Devi smiles for this ..
Subhadra touched Devi head like Blessing to her..
Urmila asked Subhadra
Urmila : Mom-in-law..Shall we go..We have to do Kalyanam to God and Goddess ..
Subhadra : Ok..
Subhadra leaving from there on looking at Devi..
Devi and Family starting doing their Puja..
Other Side, At Kalyanam Place
Subhadra and Urmila gave all the things for God Kalyanam (Marriage)..
Priest asked Subhadra
Priest : Amma..Mangalsutra is missing..
Subhadra became shock for this..
Subhadra : I arranged all things..How this Mangalsutam got missed..
Priest : Amma.. Muhurstam (Good time) will go..Please bring Mangalsutram before that..
Subhadra : God..Now Who will bring that Mangalsutram now?
On that time, Amar came to temple with Mangalsutram box..
Other Side, At Puja Place
Devi felt like Amar came there..
Devi about to go..But Padhu said to her..
Padhu : Puja is going right..Please be here..
At Kalyanam Place
Amar directly went to Kalyanam place.. without observing Devi..
Subhadra became surprised on seeing Amar
Subhadra : Amar..You Here?
Amar : Amma.. You forgot to take this Mangalsutram..I came to give it to you..
Subhadra looked at God and thinking
Subhadra (Inner Voice) : I am doing this Kalyanam for Amar Marriage only..You only make him to come here..Amma..
Amar gave Mangalsutram and about to leave..
Subhadra : Amar..You already came to temple, right..Please go and do Puja to Amma..
Amar : Amma..But?
Subhadra : Please Amar, For this Amma..
Amar : Fine..
Subhadra : And come back to here..After Kalyanam got completed..we all go together..
Amar : Ok, Amma..
At Puja Place
Devi and Family Puja got completed and Priest said to them
Priest : Amma..Kalyanam is doing in that side, Go and see that..
Padhu : Ok..Panthulugaru
Devi and Family went to Kalyanam Place..On that time, Amar came to that place that both of them didn't see each other..
At Kalyanam Place
Devi and Family sit in Kalyanam Place..
All Devotess giving gifts in form Money to Lord Shiva and Goddes Parvathi like they giving gift to Bride and Groom for Marriage..The Priest blessing on saying their Name on mike..
Padhu asked Subbu
Padhu : Why they are giving moeny like that?
Subbu : When we go to any Marriage, We will give gifts to Bride and Groom..Here Groom means Lord Shiva and Bride means Goddesss Parvati..If we give gifts in form Money to them,it will be good for us..
Padhu : Then..We will give Gift to both Bride and Groom in Devi name..
Subbu : Fine..Devi will only give it..
Padhu asked Devi
Padhu : Go Devi..Give Money in Your Name..
Devi went and Give Money as Gift to Lord Shiva and Goddess Shiva..
Other Side, At Puja Place..
When Amar doing Puja..She heard on Mike
"Gattameneni Devi gave Rs. 100 to Groom Lord Shiva and Rs. 100 to Bride Goddess Parvati Devi"..
Amar became shock on heard Devi name along with her Surname..
At Kalyanam Place
Priest blessing Devi on doing Kalyanam..
Other Side, At Puja Place
Priest blessing Amar after doing Puja..
At Kalyanam Place
Devi wanted to search whether Amar came there
Devi : Amma..I will do Pradakshinam..
Padhu : Fine..Go..
At Puja Place
After Puja got completed, Amar leaving from there..
On that time Amar became shock that Devi about to coming towards him..
Amar became scared that Devi will see him and hiding behind one Pillar for Devi not to see him..
Devi on doing Pradakshinam searching for Amar..
When Devi left from there, Amar about to go from there..
On that Sodamma said to Amar
Sodamma : Wait!!
Amar stopped on heard Sodamma voice
Sodamma : From Whom You are escaping?
Amar became shock on heard this
Sodamma : May be you will escape from here..But you can't escape from Your Destiny Fate..
Amar became worried for this..
Sodamma : Amma is watching everything, She will give Power to them whose wish is So Pure..
Amar left from there
Sodamma smiles on seeing this..
At Kalyanam Place
Devi came to Kalyanam after searching for Amar everywhere in temple..
Amar also came to Kalyanam place and became shock Devi there also..
Amar immediately went from there for Devi not to see him..
After Sometime
Devi checking time and Praying to God
Devi (Inner Voice) : Amma!! Only 15 minutes are there to finish 24 hrs..I am feeling like Amar Sir is here only, then Why I can't able to find him..Amma..Please Help me..
Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvathi Devi Kalyanam (Marriage) got completed
Padhu asked Devi
Padhu : Devi..Shall we go?
Devi sadly nodded as Ok..
Devi and Parents left from there..
Amar saw that Devi left from there and he felt relief and came there..
Subhadra asked Amar
Subhadra : Amar..Where are you till now?
Amar : I am trying to win, Amma..
Subhadra became confuse on heard this..
Subhadra : For What?
Amar : I mean We have to win God Blessings on us right..For that I did Pradakshinam till now..
Subhadra : That was so Nice..See, that Amma makes You bring to this Temple and now She makes You did Pradakshinam also..It is all that Amma Magic..
Amar : May be..
Subhadra : We all give Gifts to Lord Shiva and Goddess Devi..You also go and Give in Your Name..
Amar : Ok, Amma..
Amar asked Urmila
Amar : Urmila..Give Money..
Urmila : Bro-in-law..You asked me to give Money to You.. Of course This is your Money only..But I am giving with My hands to you right..I am feeling so Great today..Take it..
Urmila gave Money to Amar..
Amar gave Money as Gifts to Groom Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvathi Devi..
At Temple Entrance
Devi about to leave from Temple..She became shock on seeing Amar Car at Parking..
On that time, Priest said on Mike
"Amarendra Bhusan Garu gave Rs. 2000 to Groom Lord Shiva and Rs.2000 to Goddesss Parvati Devi"
Devi became Surprised and Happy on heard Amar name..
Devi going back to Temple..
Padhu : Devi..Why are you going back?
Devi : Amma..We didn't take Prasadam (Scared Food)..I will go and bring it..
Padhu : Ok..
Devi came back to Temple and searching for Amar..
At Kalyanam Place
The Priests blessed Amar
"Seegrameva Kalyana Prapthirasthu (Get Marry soon)"
Amar became shock for this..
Subhadra and Urmila felt happy on heard this Blessing to Amar..
Subhadra said to Amar
Subhadra : Amar..We will go and Sit in go and take Prasadam (Sacred Food)
At Prasadam Counter
Amar went to take Prasadam ..
Priest : Babu, Please wait..They are bringing Prasadam..
Amar : It's ok..
When Amar turned back, He saw Devi about to coming towards him..
Amar became worried on thinking
Amar (Inner Voice) : Devi, Still in Temple..Did she heard My name in Mike? She don't have to see me..
Amar immediately going from there on taking other direction for not let Devi see him..
Devi searched for Amar, so she came to Prasadam counter with hope that he will be there..
Priest gave Prasadam to Devi..
That Priest saw that Amar leaving temple and said to Devi
Priest : Amma..That man is leaving Temple without taking Prasadam..Please go and give it to him..
When Devi coming towards him..Amar hide behind Pillar..
Devi didn't see Amar face but saw that man who Priest said to him hide behind Pillar
Devi : Excuse me!!
Amar became shock on heard Devi..
Devi : You forgot to take Prasadam..Please take it..
Amar became worried that Devi will see him..
Devi : Hello, I am calling You only..
Amar without turning back showed his hand to Devi..
Devi gave Prasadam to Amar without seeing his face..
On that time, Devi saw Amar watch on his hand and became Happy that he met Amar before the Time..
But Devi suddenly felt sad on understanding Amar intentionally hiding from her for not to let her see him..
Devi immediately left from there without talking with Amar..
Amar felt Devi didn't see him and became guilty for hiding like this from Devi..
After sometime, At Devi's House
Padhu said to Devi and Subbu
Padhu : In Temple Puja was happened so Nice and Kalayanam also Very Good..
Subbu : Yes, Padhu..Feeling so Peaceful after coming from Temple..
Padhu : All Credits goes to Our Devi only..
Padhu asked Devi
Padhu : What Happened, Devi? Why are you not saying anything?
Devi became angry on remembered how Amar hided from her..
Devi said to Her Parents
Devi : Amma..Nanna..I want to take Important thing..
Subbu : Tell me, Amma..
Devi : I got transferred to Bangalore..
Padhu and Subbu became shock on heard this..
Devi : Tomorrow, I will leave to Bangalore...
Padhu and Subbu became shock for Devi Decision.
Percap : Amar guilty for cheating Devi..Twist?
I am Sorry for late Update, Little bit Busy and This Update this Long one..So It took me so much time to update..
Dedicated this Update to each and Every Friend who are waiting for this Update..
Forgive me If any Mistakes are there..
Why Subhadra felt Emotional on seeing Devi? Any Guess..Friends..
Why Amar tried to escape from Devi? Please Tell me, Friends..
Why Devi decided to accept Transfer Even She won Challenge? Please Tell me, Friends..
How is the Whole Temple Part? Please Tell me, Friends..
How is this Update, Friends? Please Tell me..Friends..
Thank You So Much for All Your Votes and Supportive Comments..It means a Lot to me..
Pics Credit to Google..
Take Care..Stay Safe..💕💕
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