Ms Tomboy And The Pandora Box


I want loads and loads and loads of votes and comments! Please!

*same day as "the most incredible shopping experience" or you can call it "Nayal's Anger Day*


If there was a headache worse than a hangover, it would be after sleeping on a tape recorder.

Too old? Probably belonged to the Pharaoh.

Raising her head, she felt the design of the tape recorder embedded on her left cheek. Her cast was removed a day ago, releasing her from the prison of inability. Last night (like all the last 4 nights) she tumbled to the garage where everything useless was stored. From Omar's first teddy bear to Dani's baby suits, she was ready to find Zayd's first pooped diaper too. Anything could be expected from her parents who still kept the brochures from their honeymoon in Africa.

Instead was of presenting her problems in a showcase to others, Zeeniya took the matter in her own bare hands. For the past four nights she had been sneaking (as her Dad locked away all the stuff) into the garage and searching for anything that would help her. Apart from tape recordings and documents she didn't find anything special.
There were more than 100 cases she worked on, so it was like finding a hijab pin when you're super late in the morning. Impossible.

Her gaze wandered to the wilted white petals in the dustbin. A few days back when Lieutenant Anderson said that she was on a target and she needed protection from the threats that were to be expected. Shrugging those remarks off were the only thing she did but yesterday when she found a bouquet of white roses at her doorsteps, it surprised her.

No one sends me roses. Until and unless they want to end up in the hospital.

The second she recieved them, her phone pinged. A small text from a private number which indicated that it wasn't a Valentine's Day prank. The day she was returning from Equinox a few people followed her. The fear of being called 'paranoid' she kept quiet and carried on with her life.

Just as the icy winds outside has created a gloomy weather it had a sort of effect on the Tahan's residency. Zeeniya's relationship wih her Dad restrained in the worst way possible leaving both the father and daughter eating in their respective rooms. Zeeniya who made the garage her current bedroom was insistent that her Dad was being over protective whilst Nasir thought that she was rekindling an old fire that burnt them down.

"Can you at least get the doorbell?" Dani groaned from his room where he must be occupied with the yearbook compiling and a tiny bit of exams prep.

In a bathrobe and a towel around her head and not to forget the tooth rush hanging from her mouth, she didn't look presentable enough to open the door but she did. Since the second she woke up a pessimistic sensation was eating her from inside like a Pandora box was about to be opened.

Fred and George, the four years old twins who lived next door to the Tahans were laughing at her with a football in their hand.

"Teeniya can you play footie with us?" One of them asked.

Spitting the paste in the plant pot, she turned towards the twins.

Plants need flourine too!

"No school?"

"Teacher's wortshop!"

"It's teacher's WORDTSHOP!"

"It's the same, dufus!" One elbowed the other making him fall flat on the face. Before WW3 broke out Zeeniya separated both of them even when she would have enjoyed an early morning wrestling match.

"Of course! I don't have Uni for an hour. You guys do some warm ups and I'll meet you in a few minutes."

True to her words, she sprinted towards the backyard in a plain black shirt and blue slightly ripped jeans. Observing the chilly weather outside she took out an oversized black cloak and ran downstairs and threw her bag on the table before running out.


"You know Teeniya we went to the too on Saturday!" Fred exclaimed with excitement as his brother kicked the ball towards the carton that was the temporary goal.

Zeeniya exchanged a few glances at them before she could grasp what he said.

"Oh! You mean zoo! "

"It's too Teeniya you study in college and you don't know that it's too not zoo. "

"I'm sorry I kinda stumbled in grades back in school." Zeeniya winked at the twins, strolling towards the door with them after an hour of playing football.

"I hate you say goodbye to both of you but I have class in 15 minutes. I'll see you guys at the weekend, remember? We'll watch the Europe Cup semi final together!" Even after playing football with two of her favourite beings on Earth, she didn't feel good. She she chose to ignore the feelings.

As the twins cheered in excitement while Zeeniya searched the pantry for any goodies for them. Instead of crisps or wafers she found a couple of strawberry granola bar. Groaning in annoyance she handed them each.


Shuffling her bag upside down for a couple of minutes she finally found the grey cassette with "Jackson" taped in the front. Before the Professor could turn around, she swiped it inside the tape recorder.

There were at least a fifty others stored in the deepest pit of the garage. Amal Tahan, a well-known, well-reputed and clever criminal lawyer who had an absurd habit of keeping that had become history. From the first case to her last one, there were all the confession recordings saved except for a few government related. Zeeniya didn't mind a bit spending her last four days searching for anything that could relate to what happened to her Mum.

Currently she was focused on one of the cases her Mum attended a few months prior to her death instead of the extra class she was a part of. Every time her Mum's voice comes through none of the strings in her heart go unaffected. A sea of memories and emotions burst flooded her body.



She hated when he called her 'Zeen'. She hated flirty guys like him. She hated how his lips curl up into a smirk, taunting her. Or the way his hazel orbs squint whenever he laughs.

All she wanted to do was to punch him square in the face but hitting such a pretty face wouldn't do any good to the world.

Rushing out of the class she sprinted directly to Professor Dunphy's office. She was called inside after the first knock by her Manufacturing and Design professor.

"I'm speechless..."

A genuine smile made her way to her rosy lips, seeing the Professor examining the sketches. His eyes bulged out and eyebrows raised.

"It's bewildering, Tahan!" He suddenly jumped off his chair and galloped over to her. Zeeniya couldn't believe her eyes; the man who at several occasions insulted her, thrown her out of his class, refused to grade her papers was praising her.

"I will be sending these directly to my old chap who works at Audi and you, my child will surely be receiving a call from them in no time."

"Thank you, Professor!" She showed her gratitude with heat rising to her cheeks.

Long before she entered the college, in the last year of middle school she developed a liking for cars. From the design to the engine, she started collecting pictures and pasting it all over her room. Proving her parents naightmare right, by the end of high school she knew that she wanted to be an Automobile engineer. Her room walls were still painted with hundred of sketches she made, from wheel caps to the headlights. She biggest dream, apart from playing along Neymar Jr. and David Beckham was to work for Audi.

Muttering another thank you and leaving the folder with forty six designs with the Professor, she happily walked out of the college not knowing that there was a tsunami waiting to create an inescapable turbulence in her life.


"Net shirt?!?"

"Are you out of your mind?"

"Why in the name of rainbow marshmallows will you wear a net shirt to the hospital?!?"

Screaming in her phone, she rummaged through Zayd's wardrobe. He called her an hour after she got home to deliver him his clothes and other essentials.
A new accuse for not spending time at home was to apply for med exams; but she couldn't blame him.

"You mean the red shirt?!" She yelled again into the Nokia 1100.

That is what you get in place of an Iphone 6.

"I'm buying you a new phone with my next salary!" With that he ended the call.

Packing his brother's belongings she hooked the bag at the back of Ninja and adjusted her helmet. As the engine roared to life, he took the first turn towards St. Clair's. With a weird pain in her chest, she realized that maybe there is something wrong today.


"I can't Jessica try to understand, please." She literally pleaded at the end.

"Understand what? That you hate shopping or you tend to forget that fact that you're a girl?" Even in a plain nurse uniform, Jessica looked like a super model. The Brazilian gene worked its magic on her skin and the familiar hazel orbs that triggered Zeeniya's memory. She had known her for about four years when she was completing her internship at St.Clair's. The same hospital where Zeeniya was taken after the post-traumatic amnesia. Jessica was the only person apart from Zeeniya's family who helped her coming back to life. Even if Jessica irked her at times, Zeeniya couldn't repay what she did for her all those years back.

"I'm going to change... I'll be back in exactly six minutes and I want you to call your Dad and ask for his permission. Do I make myself clear?" A few inches away from her face she hissed in the lowest and most threatening voice she could manage.

You've got competition, Voldemort!

At that moment even the saliva was causing a lump in her throat. She only managed a small 'sure' before fishing out her Nokia 1100 to call her Dad.

For at least 10 minutes she argued with her Dad.

"It's not safe for you to go out."

Because the Earth is about to blow up.

"I'll ask Zayd or Adam to tag along."

They suck at self-defense. How can they protect me?

"Can you just...not go? Not around a time like this? "

When there is an Apocalypse of Zombies out there.

"Okay... But only this time! Get home on time. Be safe!"

Desi parenthood.

But guess what? Like every other time her Dad surrendered to her wishes. Well, not her wishes but it was the fear of Jessica's anger looming in the air. A little while later she found herself in the back of Abiha's bright purple Mini Cooper. Omar called her a few days ago apologizing for his nonsense behaviour and at the time invited her to his wedding which was a month from now.

A saddist, abnormal desi family.

And clearly the theme if the wedding will be rainbows and unicorns!

The dress she was forced to try was a clear depiction of that. hhe only she agreed to try it on was to stop the two women from blabbering. When Abiha came to know that Zeeniya only had one female friend, she forced her contact number out of Zayd and asked her to tag along. Since then the two had become best friends making Zeeniya register that the two ladies will soon have a rainbow themed slumber party where they'll braid each others hair and gossip.

The dress fitted her body like a glove, much to her dismay. She awkwardly shifted from one foot to another while the two girls examined her carefully from all angles.

A few seconds later she felt a pair of eyes staring at her, looking up she found Nayal standing there with his jaw ajar.


Before anyone could say anything she quickly changed out of it. She found it pretty weird that he was here without her having any information on that but suddenly remembered.

Jessica! Aha!

As the two women wandered around the 'money magnet' aka shops, Nayal asked her to work on the project in a very sly manner before he recieved a text and rushed out.

Zeeniya couldn't believe that he would do that in public as he wrapped his arms around Jessica and muttered goodbye.

"Harami..." She mumbled to herself but was proven extremely wrong when a red- faced, wide-eyed and furious Nayal turned around.

"What did you say?" He seethed.

"That's nothing new for you, right?" She shrugged not knowing that it would bring out beast in the man standing in front of her.

"She. Is. My. Damn. Sister. You gotta problem with that, Tahan?" He yelled at her face before storming out.

After a very long time Zeeniya was embarrassed and guilty. She let herself into the wrong judgement and made a fool of herself.

"Jessica.... I'm sorry. I didn't know. You never talked about, you never said anything."

Zeeniya Tahan apologizing? Pull out your cameras!

"I'm not the one you should be saying that too." Jessica softly answered.

"I know." And with that she flagged a cab to an address she could get while dead too. If it was possible.


Walking to the door with Nayal's favourite Hawaiian Pizza with extra grilled pineapples she quickly found the keys under the mat. The flat was quite indicating that only one of them was present there. Adam's room was empty and seeing the time she knew that he was at the workshop. She knocked on Nayal's door thaf remained locked every single time she went over.

Atom bomb chupa rha hai kia?

There was no answered so she knocked again but this time with lot of force that the door itself got opened.

It wasn't locked this time!

She knew that she was breaching his privacy but still turned the knob to take a peek inside.

That door knob didn't only opened the door but also unlocked the Pandora box, proving Zeeniya's gut feels right.


Nayal ran for his life.

He ran the fastest he could.

All those extra hours at gym and the intense training bore no fruit right now.

She stood in front of him.

Hands shaking vigorously.

A wave of fear formig in her eyes.

One small mistake and everything was ruined.

Zeeniya stood there like the Statue of Liberty. He hurriedly checked his thigh holster then focused on the black Beretta Model 22 in her hands.

He was doomed!

How was the surprise people?!?!?

I want to know what's going on inside YOUR head!

Any guesses what's going to happen next?

Why was Nayal keeping a gun?

Feedback much appreciated!

Feel free to point out the errors!

It's almost 3:30 am here!

Peace out!

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