Ms Tomboy And It Comes Down To This

Last chapter

Sorry for the extreme delay guys! I hope it will make up for it!


'Yaar nu milaygi aj laash yaar de' --Noori




Then it went boom. An explosion followed by a series of gunshots and commotions. Saleh - the senior shouted at one of his men who was the floor next moment as a result of Sean's gun. Suddenly, I was surrounded by men in uniform whom I'd seen once or twice following me or patrolling the house. Nayal's elbow smashed against another one's ribs and fell down instantly yelping. It was a war zone minus the swords and horses. Freeing myself from the rope I reached for the pistol in the hand of the dead man lying on the floor, my hijab was slipped off. The same guy whom I had hit where flowers don't grow, yanked me by my - very exposed hair.

"You think I'll let you go?" He growled, placing a gun on my pelvis. Taking a risk I shoved him against the side which game me enough time to grab a rod from the crate. Unfortunately he turned back to hit me with the gun but before he could, he was kissing the floor.

"Thank me later." Nayal grabbed my hand stepping out of the room. "Take a left from here where there'll be a corridor. Take the third door at the left and there's an exist. Here are the keys to my car, drive to the Station and you'll be handled."

I never saw his eyes shine so brightly before. Like when he told me about his father or when he was assaulting Sean. It sure sounds pretty weird - me noticing something so minor under this circumstance. Right now I didn't know who stood by me and against me, so I did what I thought was right.

"No." I scooted away a bit.

"Excuse me?" The window beside us blew off taking us off guard. We instantly got on our knees, crawling to a safe place. I straightened my jacket which kept falling off the shoulder.

Titling my chin, I shot him a look. "I'm not leaving until I get some answers."

"Oh really? If you keep going by that rate, the next I'll see you will be in Jahannum!" He protested.

"I'm sure it's better up there than here. At least I'll know who's stabbing me in the back." Sneering at him, I dodged to the left.

"I'm sorry about Adam. I tried to warn you but..."

"Go on, play the 'I told you so card'!" He was quite offended.

"I wasn't gonna say that. Trust me." Hiding beneath a window I looked at him for one last time and got up.

"I've lost enough people Zeeniya, I can't lose you too." Maybe that was a tear I saw near his lashes or it was an illusion. I couldn't afford a weakness especially not right now. He was pleading.

Swallowing the lump in my throat, I separated our hands. It was hard to accept the fact that someone other than family cared this much. I ignore things at times but I'm not clueless.

"Achay loug itni jaldi nhi martay." I winked at him and sprinted off to that room again.

"So lover boy didn't get you out? Sad."

The room was abolished. A few bodies were scattered brutally on the floor and Mustafa Sale stood in front of me in all his might, a smile taunting me. No one else - alive at least wasn't in there. It was the end for both of us, I swore to avenge Mum and I keep my promises. This man took away the most precious person, I'll make sure he's brought to justice.

Not before having some fun.

"It's the 21st century. We don't need Superman to save the day." I shrugged and aimlessly stuffed my hair back in the scarf.

Once again the room reeked of rotten fruits and chemicals I couldn't name. Nayal will must try to break in but little did he know that it was locked.

"Ah feminism! Another trait from your loving mother." Every time his lecher tongue took her name, I wanted to to yank it from his throat.

"One of us I gonna leave this room alive my dear and since I have to attend an opera tonight, I suggest we hurry up." His eyes wandered to the nonexistent watch on his worst before flicking to me.

"I'll do the honors Dad." From behind his shadows, Adam appeared with a newly gained confidence and smugness. Stepping back, Mustafa let his son take the limelight.

Then all of it came back. Flashing through my head like a tape.

Adam and I rescuing a duckling in rain.

The first day of school when his bag tore and I gave up mine.

Middle school when Mother Nature paid me a visit the first time. He stood outside the stall in among the giggling girls.

Family dinner with Aunty Rukhsana when she called Adam 'bastard child'. I was grounded for a month for misbehaving with her.

When I learned Adam had a crush on Lindsey in 8th grade.

10th grade when Adam made it to the Science club and I made it to the football team.

Sliding tomatoes in his plate.

Sneaking out in Dad's car.

Midnight trips to McDonald.

Vandalizing the principal's car.

Adam hugging me at Mum's funeral placing kisses on my forehead every now and then. And when he announced he was moving out.

"This is it then?"

Repent Adam. Please.

"You heard my father Zeeniya. Your mother took my chance of having a real father, someone whom I shared blood with. You know who much effort he did to get me back but no matter what he did, Amal always outdid him. I didn't need that fake love and sympathy! 'Aww his mother died and his father's in jail'! I hated it. But you won't know, will ya?" Sandpaper balls were stuck in my throat. "Not once did she mention or suggested to meet him. Why? Tell me! What wrong it he do?"He pointed at his father who looked nothing less than proud.

I clapped my hands thrice, slowing letting the sarcasm seeping in. "Well done Adam. Mum would've been so proud of you. You turned out to be complete A-hole and pr*ck."

"My pleasure, sister dearest." He bowed his head a little, laughing along his father. "And then she had the audacity to file a case against him. So stupid."

With a hand on his son's shoulder, he grimaced. "The same fate awaits you my dear. The question is, are you ready?"

We stood ten feet apart. Adam's gun pointed right at me, an unknown emotion displayed on his face. I had wild a perspective; I've imagined being James Bond or Alex from Quantico but I never thought one day my best friend, my brother would do this. The guy who could kill a spider was pointing the gun at me.

In the back I could hear Sean slamming door hard enough that the hinges moved. His voice echoed throughout. The breaking in continued but then Adam's eyes flickered a little. A gunshot rang through the room. My breathe hitched and I swear I couldn't feel my heart pump blood. Goosebumps appeared on my neck and arms and I knew it was it.

My back hit the floor and everything else faded away.



"She didn't like anyone touching her stuff." I stilled and turned around. Nasir Tahan stood toying with one of the photo frames.

"I'm sorry Sir." Slightly bowing my head I found myself out of words. The room was the same as it was. Clothes were littered around, drawings pasted on the board and a number of different models of automobile were showcased. The window was large enough for a seat - that I had much expected in a girl's room but once again she left me surprised. There was no vanity but a lip balm was stuck between some notes and I spotted a hairbrush on the bed.

No one came here before me.

Sunlight poured into the space but there was nothing to brighten the darkness in the house. Every bit screamed her name when I desired nothing but silence. From the window I saw Ninja stood covered in a slight layer of dust.

"She liked you I guess. Apart from Garrett and some others you're the only I've met." He had a frame in his hand, smiling sadly.

Tracing the edges, he mumbled. "We went to Lake District this one time. They were eleven. I don't know if you've been there but there are stone steps for crossing the stream. And Hamdan dropped his ugly squid he used to carry around. You know what she did?" I realized I called myself a brave man for nothing when I couldn't meet his eyes; eyes that held pain, somewhat the same I saw growing up. But the man in front of me went through a greater hell, something I wouldn't want for my deadliest nemesis.

"She jumped in the freezing water. It was around April and it was still cold. But she swam and caught that ugly thing. Her lips and hands were blue and she tired her best not to shiver. And you know what she said?"

I wasn't there so...

"She said and I quote - 'I just wanted a swim'. You know she didn't need words to show how much she care or loved someone. She wasn't the one who went around screaming her feelings. Her actions were enough."

I halfway glanced at him. "But why are you... I mean..."

"Just so you know some people can't play with words."

With a pat on my shoulder, he was out of the room. For the last three days people have been in and out of the house. Friends, distant families, neighbors. Everyone who knew her told a different attachment they had with her. Even though boys and girls from campus paid their respects it all seemed surreal.

Her body roamed in my head, the gunshot on her shoulder, another one just about the knee and...

The most lethal was the wound on the left side of her chest. One shot and it was done.

"I can't lose her!"

"No!" I need to see the sparkle in those blue again. My soul wasn't satisfied.

"I can't lose my life! We were supposed to have a future! A life excluding blood and gore. Bullets and guns. I need my lifetime!"


"Nayal! Open your eyes! Nayal!"

"Stop scaring the shit out of us and wake up!"

A really deep breath and I was out to the real world. The pain still pierced my heart in two and coldness latched on my feet. Goosebumps kept rising on my arms, my throat seemed clogged and mind was flustered.
I wasn't in Zeeniya's bedroom. There wasn't a Nasir Tahan or a picture lying around instead I saw my legs peeking out a small bed. The itching in my hand belonged to a needle poked in the flesh and if I placed my head in a very uncomfortable position I could clearly see a bandage on the left bicep. Crimson was spreading around the area but it felt numb. A tug on my hand brought me back.

"You're okay." And Jessica's short arms were wrapped around me. A few seconds later, wetness was absorbed in my shirt.

"Hey hey!" I tried pulling her apart wanting to see her face but she tightened her grip.

"Mera bacha look at me. Come on."


"I...can't... I can't lose you. Stop scaring me." And her fist collided with my torso. When she lifted her face, mascara ran down her pale skin and the lip color was smudge.

"Oh God Jessy... I'm fine I'm okay. Stop crying please..."

It took my baby sister a minute to regain her emotions but her cute sniffling continued. It appeared that I was in an ambulance bed which was too small for me. Sean called Jessica who then rushed faster than Usain Bolt and switched on her Niagara Falls.

"I'll be right back." Placing a hand on her rambling mouth and pulling out the IV, I stepped out of the vehicle. My wandering gaze searched for a pair of blue eyes in the vicinity. Ambulances were parked along the cars from work and dozens of workers were around. Evidence was being collected, arrests were being made and the whole area was under surveillance. In the corner was the Captain, leading the crew and barking orders.

"Sir." The black vest clearly felt out of scene and pretty awkward but who was I to complain.

"This is a mess, Siddiqi. Clean it up before MI5 get on our asses." A minute into the conversation, my eyes continued their search.

Where is she?

"Judging my the looks on your face, you have something far more important than this." He scoffed and taunted a little which had no effect on me. Resistant.

I caught a glimpse of a hijab and my feet trudged in the direction. Sitting in the back of the ambulance with her jacket falling off from one shoulder and blotched face and even with the full moon out, Zeeniya Tahan was the most beautiful thing I ever laid eyes on. She shrugged at something Taylor said, her right shoulder rose a bit more than the other one. Her fingers travelled to her face pressuring different points; first her eyes then the temple. Cracking her jaws, she kept squinting her deep blue eyes I was smitten by. What brought me out of my daze was the icy glare I was receiving from the lady of the hour.


"Nayal." Her voice was strong, her stubborn chin held up as if preventing her crown from falling.

I approached her with a medium pace. In that moment everything around me slowly post focus. Seeing her in flesh after that horrendous nightmare was the best thing happened today. Her lips were in a thin line not depicted anything happening in my head, like always. Just like a wave meets the shore, I walked to her as gracefully as possible and trying my best not to take her in my arms, erasing every thought I had earlier.

"You made it out alive, huh." Pocketing my hands, I broke the ice that was never there before.

"I've watched every Die Hard movie. Don't doubt my survival skills." Just like always my heart slowed around her.

"Who shot Mustafa?" Her voice was low and tired this time.

"I did." I wanted to see pride, adoration and gratefulness in her eyes but who was I kidding. This was Zeeniya.

"Now it's my turn to ask you if you're alright." A little chuckle followed the question.

"I might not wear a uniform but I'm an officer. Don't underestimate me, darlin'" I said a bit too smugly waiting for her to roll her eyes.

"As much as I want you two to have a decent conversation, the Captain just left and he wants you at the station ASAP and Adam has been taken..." As per usual it was Taylor, tapping her foot with an urgent look on her face, my glare made her stop in mid sentence and she looked at Zeeniya apologetically.

"I'll handle it. You go." I was harsh bit she needed to know when to seal her mouth. With Taylor walking as at with a frown I turned to Zeeniya.

"Want a ride?"


Ever since my mind could grasp anything other than Bob the Builder and Thunder Cats, I always pondered over the story of Prophet Yousuf A.S, how his brothers betrayed him. Bugging Mum and Dad with questions whose answers were not only complicated but scary too.

Nayal and I came out of different rooms together with an unreadable expression. My head was bowed down when he spoke.

"He will be charged with this confession he just did. Obstruction, withholding information, possession etc. But if he's willing to...." He was cut off by one of the gang members trying to escape the grip of two bulky men creating a scene.

"Hey hey hey! Take it down a notch or you'll face the consequences!" He screamed in his direction and I got goose bumps along my arms.

"I'll get him out of the room and he has to sign a few thing before this gets to court. You better start calling your lawyers." I gulped and started searching for a phone to the family and lawyers when he handed me his cell.

"Thank you." I mumbled stuffing the hair inside the hijab.

Doing what seemed rational I first dialled Omer, while the call was being connected Adam was brought out still handcuffed with Nayal trailing behind. Adam weakly smiled at me and I reciprocated when suddenly the worst happened.

"Everybody down!" Nayal caught my hand so quickly that I couldn't blink, dragging us both down as soon as Sean yelled. My body was behind a table and I couldn't see what happened. I popped my head up out of curiosity but he slammed it back and my chin hit the ground that's when I heard it.


I was paralyzed. For the second time in a day span I felt air restrict in my lungs. I heard someone shout and then chaos but I laid down still. When Nayal staggered up with a horrified face I knew something far worse has occurred. With the remaining courage I got to my feet heart pumping frantically and breath completely off the charts. There was red oozing out of the body and I dared to take a look.

Adam was down!


Squinting my eyes again and again I tried focusing on the paragraph my eyes were seeing but my mind wasn't reading it. Shutting down the laptop, I rested my head on it the warmth spreading on my skin. The clock stroke one o'clock a good few minutes ago and as usual there was no trace was sleep - not now nor in upcoming hours. Dark circles were as normal as the nose on my face which by the way has sunken in. I knew that because every time I trace my fingers on my face, the bones touched my fingers beneath the thin layer of tissues.

The email wasn't rocket science, in fact it was pretty clear. A job offer from Audi with a three month probation and a pretty decent salary. In normal circumstances I wouldn't have given a single thought to it but...

It's been more than six weeks since Adam died. Five weeks, three days and twenty one hours but who's counting? Dad kept repeating some selected words.

'Have sabr.'

'Time will heal it.'

My personal favorite: 'You can't stop breathing with the dead.'

I should've. I should've stopped breathing and eating and talking and everything. I should've dug a grave next to him and laid there until I was no more. I should've died from the grieve but I didn't, I was a wandering soul in a world that didn't understand my sorrow. For the first time in five years I cried. I thought the faucets would choked but they were fine. Like a toddler taking her first steps, the first tear feel down followed by the river. By the feel, I should've died of dehydration but once again I didn't. And for two days I just cried, whenever I opened my mouth to say something or whenever I blinked - just like the toddler who keeps walking when she first learns.

At the funeral, the sat on the stairs staring at everyone who passed their condolences unaware of the turmoil of pain inside me. The one which crumpled my heart again and again and again until all the blood drained out. Unfortunately, I was still alive. If I said I vaguely remember the faces and the words, I would've be lying. I stood composed as they took away his body, many people urged me to say some final words but I couldn't. My voice was put into the grave even before his body. My father and brothers hugged me and I was a mannequin to their touch. Jessica or some else probably took me to my room where I stayed until I couldn't cry anymore. The room was closing on me and then came the destruction. Foremost came the picture board where I ripped every single photo of me and Adam into pieces and flushed them. The bean bags were next where we spent most of our time. The Xbox was smashed with the cricket bat deleting every record of my victory against him. The college sweatshirts, matching T-shirts and everything that smelled of me thrown in a box. The books I borrowed or the gift he gave him, nothing was to be spared.
I wanted to strangle myself with his charger that was peeking from under the mattress.

And then in a quick motion I hurriedly gathered everything and sat near the pile clutching to one of the old sweatpants inhaling the scent. I couldn't let go of any of it, sitting with it for hours - I lost track of time but when the door slightly opened revealing Dani. I still didn't let go. I wasn't taught to let go so we sat there with the heap of stuff belonging to our deceased brother, his head in my lap as silent tears fell down.

I would've given up the world just to lose to him in FIFA one last time.

Sun rays penetrated through the day curtains after four days - maybe more but not less. It was the beautiful day outside, everyone said so. Well that was the only few lines anyone in the house uttered these days. Though the birds were chiming as they always do and the flowers were blooming and the sun created a screen of freshness around, I smelled mould and gore. My eyes witnessed darkness and nothing else and my soul felt empty. The smell of blood and flesh stuck to my body leaving traces even after numerous showers. Numbness took me in like the bone which can't be swallowed nor be spat. I was in a never ending void; a black hole of nothingness and emptiness and every time I try to leave - like quicksand it took me in deeper.

I found myself absorbed in the Multiverse Theory because it gave me hope nothing else could. That somewhere out there, in a parallel universe my best friend was still alive.

And you know what the worst part was, I was grieving for myself. Why he left me or how much it hurts me. Not for a second I thought about how he wouldn't get his degree or buy a house or scuba dive. He died before he could see the child Abiha was carrying or having his own family. The list goes on and on and with every increasing thing I cursed myself for being so self-centered. I should've seen this coming, we may not come from the same womb but we were fucking best friends.

How can my heart still beat?

Whispering caught my attention making me look around the room. My phone was out of question as it discharged two days ago and I had no spirit to retrieve it. Taking a peek out of the window I spotted a silhouette.

"Zeeniya!" He whisper yelled and I begrudgingly I skipped down the stairs not caring if it made any sound.

One good thing that probably came out of it was nobody opposed to anything I said. No one scolded me anymore or made fun of me or pick a fight (Dani). The only time I get to hear Dad's fatherly tone was when I couldn't eat. I've loved food all my life but now I realized how it feels to lose your appetite. There was no 'sliding peas in Adam's plate' or 'stealing his toast' or my favorite 'pulling away his chair as he gracefully land his bum on the floor'. To come to peace with it I stopped dining there, in fact no one used it anymore.

Coming out of my trance, I opened the front door stepping out in the chilly night. I almost laugh at our similar accessories; a plain black shawl. Under the moonlight, his white kurta and dark washed jeans almost got hidden by the shawl. In a similar yet different way, my maroon one covered one of Adam's college shirt. For the first time in forever I took him in; his messy hair, grown stubble and the cracking of knuckles.

"What brings you here?" I was in no mood for pleasantries nor was he.

"Can we sit?" He pointed in the direction of the patio chairs.

For a second I thought was contrasting to his idea but followed him quietly. As we sat, he dropped the question.

"Marry me."

I arched an eyebrow slightly but sat in silence.

"Marry me, Zeeniya."

Still no response.

"I can't see you in pain."

When I didn't react this time he grabbed his hair pulling them away in annoyance. Then he leaned in close the table crouching a little, with his head down he stared up to me. And I sat there, arms crossed as if witnessing a parade or something.

"Say something. Please." Desperation dripped from his tone.

I knew this was coming. Far before this whole fiasco, I knew this was coming. His interest wasn't subtle and neither he tried to hide it.

"I saw you suffering the first time and I didn't have the courage to come around but now I want to. Let me in Zeeniya, you can't go through this alone." He brought his hands forward then in a reflex kept them to himself. Under the light his thick lashes formed a shadow on his cheekbones which highlighted naturally. His arms from under the folded sleeves had a vein popping. Under the kurta, his chest hair were slightly exposed, I seemed so beghairat checking him out like that.

"No." It came out more curtly and harshly then I anticipated.

"But I love you. Come on Zeeniya, cut me some slack." His fingers went to the hair again and rested his back on the chair.

The sound nocturnal animals and the dim street lights weren't possibly convincing props and it made me uncomfortable.

"I won't promise you stars and moon but I can promise you something I can actually do. I'll listen to you ramble about your day and I will cook for you whatever you want. I'll read books with you race carts at TESCO and travel together. I'll bear with your complaining about everything from traffic to the problems at work. And I'll wipe your tears and whispers sweet things to you and bring loads of junk food. We'll watch your favorite movie and I won't say anything against them, I promise. I know this isn't the right time or the right place but trust me you won't regret it. Just say yes Zeeniya, and I'll try my damn hardest to make you the happiest person in the world. Just say yes."

"I can't."Rubbing my eyes I stared right at him. "I've gone through something terrible, Nayal and I'm not fine. I'm not stable and apart from that I'm not sure I feel anywhere near what you just said. My heart is so filled with grieve that I.... I can't do any of this, I'm barely managing on daily tasks let alone something this big." There was nothing more honest than this. I poured my heart out to him as a friend and nothing else. I don't do anything else.

"Think about it for a while, sleep on it. I know somewhere in that tainted heart I have a spot maybe right now you aren't aware of it but I'm sure you'll realize it soon."

He was like that kid who's parents refused to buy him the toy he wanted; desperate and adorable.

"My answer would be same even after a century. This is not my thing. The last time when a boy told me he like me, I broke his nose. That was back in sixth grade and if I wasn't as lethargic as I am I would've done the same thing. So before I get the energy, you should run for the hills." I offered him a rare smile I kept hidden for weeks hoping that it will make him feel better.

"Okay." Was all he said after moments of silence. He hand that slid in the pocket earlier showed a red petal but it come out.

Poor rose.

"Actually I'm heading to France tomorrow." Getting up he announced and I stopped myself from popping a 'really?'

"That is great. Hope you have a great time." I adjusted the shawl and draped it back on my shoulders.

"I got this amazing offer from one of the organizations and there will be a lot more learning. I'm looking forward to it." Knowing Nayal this long, with one glance I could tell that he agreed to the offer just now.

"They are accommodating me in a cozy one bedroom apartment right in the suburbs of Lyon. It is at a three minute bicycle ride from the office and..." He halted mid sentence and gave me a look.

"Why am I telling you this? Like just leave but you need me I will be one hour forty minutes away." Giving me a nod he walked towards his car. A massive part of me wanted to stop him but I couldn't do anything I'll regret in the morning so I stood tall on my feet and said and watched him drive away.

"Goodbye Nayal."


One year, eight months and three days later

"Watch out dude!" Rubbing my trodden over foot I yelled at the guy who swayed his cart here and there recklessly.

Picking up three bottles three different brands of peanut butter I dumped them in the cart only to go back and get one more.

If it weren't for peanut butter I would still be in bed.

Over the time I found myself addicted to peanut butter, honey and peanut cereal, soft pretzels and work. To burn off the starting three I hit the gym every other day and kick boxed on weekends which led to toner arms but a bulging belly that was the blessing of eating out every single day. Yes, apart for breakfast, instant noodles and dirty dishes my kitchen saw nothing. No home cooked meals or quick snack fix instead I had uncountable deli pamphlets on my fridge.

As far as the fourth is concerned, all I did was work. Monday to Friday, nine to six I worked my butt off. Not to earn more money or be the worker of the month but because I was obsessed. The night Nayal left, I wrote back and got the job so right after finals I was working as an intern in Audi motors. Over the span of six months, I designed numerous vehicles, got bored to death in staff meetings and met brilliant people. From clerks to MD everyone had a different story and mine faded away in them. My sorrow and grief was nothing compared to what people in the world were suffering from and that changed me. The fact that I had some amazing memories with Adam and that we shared what many people don't gave me hope - and many smiles.

"Ugh!" This time behind the annoyance was a young boy who accidentally bumped his trolley to my back. Deciding this was enough torture for one night, I browsed through the items trying to remember if I forgot something because for the last five times I made a trip to the store as soon as I parked in front of the apartments, I suddenly remember that I didn't get what I was supposed to get. Followed by a lot of cursing upon myself.

Two thing I thought would never happen made their way into my life; my own apartment (rented) and a car. The car was originally owned by the company and a designated amount was deducted from my paycheck but the place was all mine. It was a studio apartment above my favorite Turkish restaurant which was the biggest reason I agreed to such a small space. There was only one room divided into portions - the smallest being the kitchen with only an oven top and a small island. To it's left was small workspace with a folding table and chair. Furthermore there was a single bed along the huge window - one of the best things and a couch. Other accessories included a TV, a small wardrobe and some floor cushions. Dad wasn't anywhere near happy with my decision of moving out and especially to such a small space but I needed it.

Dad had an angina attack three months following Adam's death and he was on bed rest for three weeks. Zayd, Dani and I took turns to look after him. He was broken and we couldn't do anything about it so Omer asked him to come stay with them. He and Abiha had a beautiful daughter, Salwa who had everyone wrapped around her tiny finger - even me. They came down from the States for Eid and I remember I spent my whole paycheck on her. It was refreshing and relaxing for him and he seemed better when he returned.

I've found my peace in work, food and gym. It was so hard that in the beginning I couldn't take his name but with time it healed - left scars but the pain subsided. I still get nightmares and sleepless nights but now whenever I remember him, a smile crosses my face. Every morning I pray for him and the same before going to bed because he was and is my best friend.

Strolling towards the till, my eyes caught a glimpse and I peered in that direction. Behind the cereal isle, was Nayal. There was tinglingly in my feet and something inside me snapped. Tall and handsome, rubbing his earlobe deciding between two boxes was the guy who's heart I broke more than a year back. His jacket rested on his arm with an perfectly ironed white shirt and loosely hanging black tie. His hair were longer than before almost reaching his shoulders and every now and then he ran a hand through the front. He got more lean with bulging biceps and broad shoulders. He grew a beard and I hate to admit but he looked phenomenal in it.

Some people wear heartbreak so well.

"I know I'm handsome but staring is rude." My trance broke and he walked towards me. The way he did that night, not briskly nor slowly but the perfect pace.

"Don't you get tired? With all the extra weight of your ego and cockiness?" I smirked at him gripping the handle tightly.

"That's why I hit the gym, sweetheart." Hands stuffed in his pockets, his smile brightened the whole place.

During this time the important thing that happened was the realization that hit me; Nayal did mean something to me. I don't love him but he did have a special place in my heart no one else had. And I missed him all this time. A shoulder to lean on. I won't say it was a mistake rejecting him because I was a walking dead in those times. All this time I just wanted to pick the phone and call him and tell him but my heart and mind had huge fights over it. My heart yearned him but my head was too stubborn to admit it. No matter how much Jessica persuaded me I couldn't do it, especially not over the phone. He was there for me from the beginning and I couldn't have done anything without him. Sincerity, honestly and friendship was some things I learnt from him.

"Fancy seeing you back." I greeted.

"I moved back a week ago. I've got a higher position and a better paycheck. Plus French are too plain." H winked and I suddenly felt weird in my clothes. It was an oversized cream colored sweater with loose black sweatpants. Large sweater feel good but this one was XXXL and even though I've gained a few pounds it made me look very absurd. The hijab didn't even have pins but I didn't care; like always.

"British girls were deeply grieved by your absence. " I laughed.

"Girls or girl?" He emphasized making me roll my eyes but the truth was, heat travelled from my neck to the face.

"Jessica did miss you." I pointed, defeating him at his own game.

"Jess visited me twice. We Skype daily so I don't think we're talking about her." His eyes narrowed at me as if we're the only two people around. Nothing else mattered.

"Nayal..." I took a deep breath, hands sweating and heart flip-flopping.

"Zeeniya..." He now folded his hands on his chest highlighting the muscles.

And with that I got on one knee.

"I am stubborn as a bull. I don't wash the dishes when I'm suppose to. I can't cook. Dry shampoo is my best friend. I'm rude and obnoxious; most of the time. I can't dress well. I rarely comb my hair. I've gained several pounds. I get emotionally unstable. I have nightmares that keep me up all night. I mix clothes in laundry and end up with a mess. I can't say what I feel. I'm an awkward hugger. I drool. I publicly embarrass myself and others. I'm a terrible singer but I still sing. With everything stated, if you still wanna marry me then I'm free this weekend. What do you say?" My throat was dried, my knee was scratching and my lips were almost bleeding when I started again, way off beat.

"Romeo say yes,
I've been feeling so alone,
I've talked to your Dad,
Go pick out a kurta,
It's twisted story,
Dude just say yes!"

I ended with a really pitchy high note that sounded terrible to even my own ears. It didn't matter if everyone was now staring at me, my eyes were only fixed on him.

"Only if you promise to give me Ninja for a ride." And with that he gave me a hand and I pulled it and we ended up on the floor.

Side by side.

This is it!
This is it!
You guys did it! You kept me motivated and oh my God!
I'll be waiting for your feedback and then I'll come back to answer all your questions and thanking everyone of you!

Follow me on Instagram under the username: silent_ninja_tfios
And I forgot earlier, thank you to a beautiful soul and an incredible person hershey-z for the absolutely amazing covers! Love you girl!

P.S. I'll proofread it in the morning so pardon me for the errors!

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