My Dearest Love - Gentleman's Guide - Monty x Phoebe
Requested by @R00DL3S. Hope you enjoy! And sorry this was delayed, 5th year brings with it a ton of tests in the subjects I don't understand. The rest of the requests are coming soon, I promise.
Monty carefully patted Phoebe's back as she sobbed into his shoulder. He couldn't say he felt guilty about murdering Henry, in fact, he was borderline excited about it. But he did feel bad for Phoebe. She was a nice lady, and Monty really did like her, he just wasn't willing to give up his plan because he upset her. Although, he knew that he couldn't be with Sibella, so he may be able to marry Phoebe when he becomes Earl.
Phoebe sobbed into Monty's shoulder. The image of her brother's corpse was present in her mind, she suspected it would never leave. She was in such distress, but Monty was taking such good care of her. They had just met, but she really liked him. He was being so kind to her, and they had a lot in common. She just hoped that, after all this, he would still visit her, and maybe he would feel the same way she was feeling.
Eventually, Phoebe calmed down, and her sobs turned into sniffles, then she stopped.
"Are you alright, Miss D'Ysquith?" Monty asked after a few moments.
"I am, Mr Navarro," Phoebe replied.
"I think I have to go, but I'll come and visit whenever I can," Monty said. Phoebe smiled at him. A small, sad smile. He smiled back, and left the room to travel back to Highhurst.
"I hope you do visit," Phoebe said to herself.
Time had passed since Henry's death, and Monty visited Phoebe at least once a week to make sure she was okay. This week was no different.
"Miss D'Ysquith, pardon me, Mr Navarro is here to see you," Phoebe's servant said. She thought for a moment. One one hand, she was feeling truly awful and didn't want to see or be seen by anyone. On the other hand, the thought of Monty made her smile.
"Send him in," Phoebe said. The woman left and returned a minute later with Monty.
"Miss D'Ysquith, how are you today?" he asked.
"I'm alright," Phoebe replied, "it's just awful what's happening to the family, isn't it?"
"It is," Monty said, with an unusual look in his eyes. He didn't look her in the eye when he said it. Phoebe just brushed it off. It couldn't mean anything.
"And Lord Asquith's funeral is tomorrow," Phoebe said, "poor thing. I wonder what happened to him."
"I don't know, haven't the foggiest, it certainly wasn't foul play," Monty replied, a little too quickly.
"I wanted to ask you if you would stay the night here, and we could travel to the funeral together in the morning," Phoebe asked. Monty smiled.
"Of course," he said, the odd look in his eyes replaced with an almost lovestruck one.
"I believe I'll be dining shortly, will you also join me for that?"
"Of course."
A few more days had passed, and Phoebe had been thinking about Monty all day. She couldn't stop thinking about him since he left. She kept thinking about what their wedding could be like, until she made a decision. Later that day, she was on he way to see Monty, in the hopes that she could marry him. She truly loved him, and hoped that he felt the same way about her.
One of Monty's servants showed her in, and she burst into the room to see Monty.
"Mr Navarro, forgive my intrusion, but I needed to see you today," Phoebe said, "Mr Navarro, I have arrived at a stunning conclusion, and I feared I would lose my resolve if I did not come here directly to say, I've decided to marry you."
Monty looked stunned, but Phoebe didn't stop talking.
"I've decided though Henry's gone that life goes on for me. I have thoroughly thought it through, and the man that I want is you," she said, "though, it's true, there are quite a few who who'd strongly disagree. Nonetheless! I will marry you. I confess that I'm frightened too... but unless I am wrong you long for love as much as I. This is quite unconventional, I admit, but why should that matter a whit? And if you do not say yes at once, I think I'll die."
"Miss D'Ysquith, you've rendered me speechless! May I call you Phoebe? Monty asked.
"Of course," Phoebe replied.
"When did this start?" Monty asked.
"Since we first met, I've thought of you every day," Phoebe said, "and I want to marry you. I'll be warned not to marry you. I'll be scorned if I marry you. Still! I've decided to live my life again! Who'd believe how my life has turned. After grieving I've quickly learned, their is nothing can bend the will like Half-Castilian men," Phoebe turned her attention to Monty again, "and there's goodness to spare in you, and a gentleness there in you. You have taken a wounded bird and taught her how to fly! This is quite unconventional, is it not? Rather a turn in the plot, and so, will I be your fiancée?"
"Phoebe, darling..."
"When I recall this day I think I'll cry," Phoebe said.
As she looked at Monty, she heard a sound coming from the next room.
"What was that?" Phoebe asked.
"What was what?" Monty replied.
"That sound... is there someone here?"
"Oh, pay no attention," Monty made for the door, "that's... my new manservant. He's just... finding his way around. I'll be with you in a moment... Wadsworth," he shut the door, and Phoebe was left alone. She couldn't hear if Monty was saying anything to Wadsworth, but she sat down on the chair and waited for him to return.
He opened the door.
"How happy I'd be to be at your disposal, my darling, of course I accept your proposal," Monty said.
"Now we should kiss," Phoebe replied.
"That would be bliss."
"Darling, but first, I'll say this: I've decided to marry you. Let the trumpeter call; a wall will fall and set me free," Phoebe said, as Monty started acting strangely. He kept going between the doors, shutting the one across from her that Wadsworth is in and trying to keep it shut.
"I've decided to marry you," Phoebe said, excitedly.
"I'd be honoured to marry you," Monty replied. He shut both doors and Phoebe tried to open it. Suddenly, it opened and she fell back onto they chair.
"I'm grateful indeed for your gracious bestowment," he turns to the other door, "yes, Wadsworth, I told you I'LL BE JUST A MOMENT!"
"Now Monty, dear, I think I now should go," Phoebe said, really rather confused.
"But I still want to marry you. A shame I must go," Phoebe said. She kissed Monty on the cheek and left the room, thoroughly confused but excited at the prospect of marrying Monty.
With seven dead D'Ysquiths, Monty and Phoebe were invited to see Lord Adalbert for dinner, and Monty had managed to get an invitation for Sibella and her husband Lionel. Monty realised on the way there that he was almost excited. Not about meeting Adalbert, but about killing him. He was so caught up in the game that he was having fun killing all his family members.
Phoebe seemed to notice that something was off about her fiancé, but she didn't know what it was. She assumed he was just nervous about the dinner, as was she. It had to be nerves. What else could it be?
As they arrived at dinner and found Sibella, they found out that Lionel had been arrested, so Sibella was alone, making a very awkward dinner for Monty, especially when he had to tell Sibella he didn't want her anymore. And then there was the small matter of Monty trying to poison Adalbert and failing, and then having to save Sibella's life after he poisoned Adalbert's food, but then he insisted on Sibella eating it.
Dinner wasn't much better, especially when Lord Adalbert started telling a story from the Boer War.
"When you're looking down the barrel of a gun, it concentrates the mind completely. And suddenly you'll find a love for human kind that makes you look upon the world more sweetly," Adalbert said, "when it all at once seems your life is down, you recognise it all goes by so fleetly. There's so much left to do, except, of course, for you when you're looking down the barrel of a gun."
He handed Monty an army rifle and made him play the role of the valet who betrayed him.
"When you're looking down the barrel of a gun, and the barrel looks right back at you demurely, with an eye that seems to say 'perhaps you ought to pray, so sorry that you're dying prematurely'," said Adalbert, fully acting out the scene, "you're grateful that you've had your share of fun, though you suppose you might have lived your life more purely. It's ludicrous to care. It's neither here nor there, when you're staring down the barrel of a gun. Oh, Lord, is this really your intention? Aren't men like me in short supply? Oh, Lord, I could use your intervention. This cannot be the way I'm meant to die. Do you really want to see me crying?"
While Adalbert was overacting to his heart's content, Monty stood at the side, begrudgingly going alone with this so he might get the opportunity to kill Adalbert.
"Get up at once, you're making a spectacle of yourself!" Lady Eugenia, Adalbert's wife, said, clearly frustrated with her husband.
"Eugenia. Put the gun down. Please. I know I talk about game, bravery and courage, God save the queen and all that. But I-I really don't want to die. I really, really don't! Don't you know that I have loved you like a son, and I do not mean to say this impolitely. Consider then, the view, I'd rather he'd presume, looking down the barrel of a gun," Adalbert took a drink and Monty thought for a moment. The gun was loaded, he could shoot Adalbert and claim he didn't know the gun was loaded. No one could prove him wrong. But, at the same time, there were too many witnesses, and he might not get away with it. Eventually, he lowered the gun, and decided to let Adalbert live.
"Looking down the barrel of a-" Adalbert stopped, and started choking. He collapsed.
"Oh, for heaven's sake. Get up, you old goat! Adalbert! Adalbert?" Lady Eugenia shook him, "Adalbert!" she realised what had happened.
"What?" Monty said to himself. He didn't poison Adalbert, not for a lack of trying. So who did?
It was about a month before the wedding, and Monty was now Lord Montague D'Ysquith Navarro, Ninth Earl of Highhurst. Phoebe and Monty were planning all the details of their wedding, getting to know each other a little better and falling even deeper in love. Soon, the day of the wedding came. Monty, looking very dapper and handsome, waited for Phoebe to walk down the aisle.
Phoebe walked down the aisle, looking utterly gorgeous. Monty turned around and saw her for the first time. The smiled at each other, love in their eyes, and they got married. However, the reception didn't go quite as planned.
Chief Inspector Pickney of Scotland Yard arrived at the reception, with another officer. He walked straight towards Monty.
"So sorry to interrupt such a festive occasion, but I'm under strict instructions to arrest you - for murder," the inspector said.
"Murder?" Monty asked. His mind was going in a million different directions. He didn't kill Adalbert, even though that was his intent. And it wasn't Asquith Sr. as he died of natural causes. Was it Asquith Jr? The hole in the ice could have been to precise. Was his presence at Chisolmire known.
"Murder, did you say?" Monty asked.
"I'm afraid so, your Lordship."
Monty's mind went crazy again. Lady Hyacinth fell in the water too fast, no one could have seen him, and people would suspect the cast of Hedda Gabler of murdering Lady Salome. Do they think he set the bees on Henry, or did someone see him at the weightlifting hall? Where was his blunder? He had been so careful.
"Murdering whom?" Monty asked.
"Lord Adalbert D'Ydquith, eighth Earl of Highhurst."
Monty was almost amused. He should be accused of the only murder he didn't commit.
"But surely the Earl died of a heart attack."
"Um, no, your Lordship. It was foul play."
Of course, he wanted to inquire by what method he happened to die, but he was more curious as to why suspicion was on him. He killed half a dozen of his cousins, and had been so careful about it. It just makes no sense since this murder was not one of his.
"If you want me to come with you, I shall," Monty said. He shared a look with Phoebe before leaving with the police.
The reception disbanded after the arrest, and Phoebe went home alone, utterly distraught. She knew something was wrong with Monty, could this be it? But she was so sure he was not a killer. He was so gentle and caring, how could he possible murder anyone, least of all a relative. She had to try and prove his innocent during the trial.
All of London was talking about Monty's arrest, and subsequent trial. Phoebe, of course, spoke in defence of her husband. He was innocent. Phoebe knew Monty was no killer, and she told the court, as she would tell the world if she had to. Sibella also spoke for Monty, but much to Phoebe's horror, revealed his past with the D'Ysquiths, about how they disinherited his mother, giving him a motive. Phoebe returned home that night, devastated that the prosecution not had more evidence with which to convict her husband. She wouldn't let it stand. She decided to visit Monty the next day, and she thought of a plan that might get Monty free.
The next morning, Phoebe visited Monty in jail. She knew he was innocent, but she just had to know one thing. She found out that Sibella was in love with Monty. She left Monty in the cell with her plan to try and save him. She knew what she had to do. As soon as she got home, she forged a letter from Sibella to Monty, explaining that she killed Adalbert so Monty could take his rightful place as Earl of Highhurst. Later that day, Phoebe visited the police station to give them the letter.
"Countess Navarro, what can I do for you?"
"I have a letter that proves my husband's innocence," Phoebe handed over her letter. The officer read it quickly.
"Mrs. Holland?"
"Do not utter her name! You must tell the court how she poisoned the port and diverted the blame! Go and bring her to justice, just as fast as you can! As I've told you, my husband is an innocent man!" Phoebe said, "she seemed tense and alert from hor d'oeuvres to dessert, yet she flirted and better her eyes at the men. Then she rose from her seat, then she reached for her sweet, every gesture was planned. Then, thinking no one could see her, no one saw her but me, in a blink, she put drops in his drink! That's a quote from a letter she wrote in her very own hand. Surely Mister Navarro was a pawn in her plan. He would not hurt a fly! You cannot let him die, for Montague D'Ysquith Navarro is an innocent man it was done out of spite, she wanted revenge. And my husband, she knew would be hanged for the crime."
"Dear lady!"
"She is a merciless, man-eating-"
"Assassin! Monty must be realeased."
"And there isn't much time."
"That sinister wench!"
"That horrible woman!"
"Stop the jury, you must!"
"Get a stay from the bench, in the name of King Edward, we must do what we can."
"As the ending was changed, when the nightingale sang."
"Fate must be rearranged."
"We must not let him hang, for Montague D'Ysquith Navarro is an innocent man."
"We will do what we can, Countess Navarro. He will be released," the officer said.
"Thank you," Phoebe said.
The next day, Phoebe waited outside the prison. Sibella was also there, but Phoebe didn't pay attention to her. She watched the doors, hoping that Monty would be released as a free man. Soon enough, he was. Phoebe rushed to see Monty, as did Sibella, although she left for her own home as Phoebe and Monty left for their home. Before they went their own ways, Phoebe and Sibella decided that they both could have Monty, although Sibella and Monty's relationship would be purely platonic.
Phoebe and Monty left for Highhurst Manor, to properly start their new life together, happily married and content with their lives.
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