In Love With A Killer - Gentleman's Guide - Monty x Reader
Requested by kvillanueva7. I hope you don't mind, but I've rearranged some of the events in the show for the sake of simplicity. Enjoy!
You're hopelessly infatuated with Monty Navarro. You have been since you met him, although you have been a little confused lately. As soon as he became part of the D'Ysquith family, they all start having fatal accidents. They tend happen in quick succession, and it is a little coincidental. Your best friends, Phoebe and Sibella, don't seem to notice anything though. Probably because they also love Monty, and are both after him. You just suppress your feelings for their sakes. Let them battle it out, and see who Monty chooses in the end. After all, you want them to be happy, even if it means you won't marry Monty.
You've been seeing a lot of Monty lately, but you've been growing suspicious of him. Whenever anyone mentions the dead D'Ysquiths, he looks uncomfortable. And not in the way you'd expect, he didn't look upset, like you might expect a man who just lost a family member to look, almost fearful, like someone knew something. You're very confused, but you don't say or do anything. You have no proof, only a hunch to go on. And you don't want to convict Monty of a crime he didn't commit, if he is innocent.
News has reached England that Lady Hyacinth D'Ysquith has survived her encounter with a tribe of cannibals and is on her way home. You, of course, go to the docks to welcome her home. You make it there a little bit late, so there's already a crowd gathered. As you approach the crowd, you hear something unusual over the sound of chatter. You step back and keep listening, and you think it's coming from below the docks. You wander away from the crowd and sneak down to see what's going on. As you walk down, you see Monty hacking away at the supports of the gangplanks with an axe. You try and get a little bit closer, as Lady Hyacinth gets off the boat. When she steps onto the gangplanks, she falls, and you watch in horror as she drowns in the water below. Monty drops the axe and turns around. You don't manage to hide quickly enough and he sees you.
"(Y/N), what are you doing here?" he asks quietly, so no one hears. You both step closer to the wall so no one will see you.
"Monty, you killed her," you say in shock, "you cut the supports and let her drown."
"You weren't meant to see that," he says.
"Does this mean you're responsible for the deaths of everyone else in the family?"
"Lord Asquith died of a heart attack, I had nothing to do with it. And I had nothing to do with Adalbert's death either."
"You killed them! I have to tell Scotland Yard," you turn to leave.
"(Y/N), wait! Please."
You turn around to face Monty.
"Please tell no one. You don't understand how awful these people are, the things they've done."
"It's murder, Monty. I can't keep this to myself, no mater how awful you say they were. You cannot convince me not to."
"I love you," he blurts out. You pause for a moment.
"I love you, and I want to marry you, I have always wanted to marry you. Please, tell no one about this if you want this too."
"Monty, I want nothing more than to marry you," you say, "I have to think," you leave Monty alone.
"(Y/N), where were you? You disappeared," Sibella says as you find her again, "I was afraid I'd have to take the carriage home alone."
"I thought I heard something below the docks," you say, "is Phoebe here?"
"She was a little upset after seeing Lady Hyacinth fall. She's with family," Sibella explains, "shall we take the carriage?"
"We shall," you reply.
You and Sibella take the carriage, and it drops you at your family home first. You go to your room and get ready for bed as it is getting dark. But you can't sleep. You're conflicted. You don't know what to do. You want to marry Monty with all your heart, and you know Phoebe and Sibella want the best for you, so they would be happy if you married Monty. On the other hand, Monty has killed several members of his family and should face justice for what he has done. You have a hundred trains of thought in your head at once, until they stop. You know what you have to do.
Early the next morning, you go to Scotland Yard. You decided that you must tell them what happened, even if it means hurting Monty, and possibly Sibella and Phoebe. But you have to do this. It's what's right.
"Miss (Y/L/N), what can we do for you?" Chief Inspector Pinckney asks you as you walk in.
"I need to report a serial killer," you say.
"There's a serial killer loose?"
"Montague D'Ysquith Navarro. He's been killing his family members one by one and making it look accidental," you explain, "I only know because I saw him cutting the supports for the gangplanks when Lady Hyacinth returned home."
"We had a report last night that Lord Adalbert was poisoned, could that have been him as well?
"If he was there, it could have been."
"We'll send someone out to arrest him."
"And, Inspector, should this case be taken to court, I wish to remain anonymous. I don't want anyone to know I turned him in. And I don't think I could testify in court unless I am needed to."
"It'll be done, Miss (Y/L/N)."
After telling him everything you know, you leave the station and return home, feeling awful, but knowing you did what was right.
Later that week, Phoebe and Sibella come to visit you.
"(Y/N), have you heard? Monty's been arrested," Sibella says, "they say he's been killing his family members."
"Really?" you say, feigning shock.
"We think he'll be released. We have a plan, you see, we'd both give letters to Scotland Yard saying the other was guilty, so they'll have to free Monty. We would have asked you to help us, but you said you were ill," Phoebe says.
"Do you know anything about this?" Sibella asks. You look down, and you know that you look guilty.
"You turned him in?!" Phoebe asks in shock.
"I had to, and I am sorry. I thought he was the one who poisoned Lord Adalbert, but I must have been wrong," you say.
"He could have been hanged!" Sibella says. She and Phoebe turn and leave you alone. You feel tears welling in your eyes, but fight them. You don't want to cry, even if you just lost your best friends by doing what you believed was right.
It's been a few days since the trial, and you feel awful. You've lost your two best friends, and the man you love could be hanged. It's been a tough week for you. You're sitting in you bedroom, alone with your thoughts, when you hear a knock at the door.
"Miss (Y/L/N), you have a visitor," says one of the servants.
"Send them in," you reply. You look towards the door, and Monty walks in.
"Monty! You were released," you say, surprised.
"Yes," he says, "and I came to see you first."
"Monty, I'm sorry for-"
"You don't have to apologise," he says "you did what you knew was right, and I can't begrudge you for that."
"Thank you."
"I needed to ask you something," he says, "I know you could say no, but will you marry me?"
You smile back at him, "I will."
"I do love you, but we will need to have a discussion about the deaths."
"Of course."
"But I do want to marry you, more than anything."
Impulsively, Monty kisses you, and you kiss him back. Dreams do come true. He pulls away.
"I should go, but we can be married as soon as possible," Monty says. He leaves the room as you stand there for a moment, thinking about what just happened. You giggle to yourself like a schoolgirl, thinking about Monty's kiss. You smile as you start to plan your wedding in your head. All your wildest dreams are coming true, and you couldn't be happier, even if you have been having doubts recently.
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