Musical Harmony, Chapter 43
It was March 6, Akemi and Hikaru's 17th birthday. They were eating breakfest, before heading to school. "Happy birthday my precious twins," says Azami. Akemi says, "Thanks Mom. Hikaru, tell Omiko I said thanks for letting us have our party at the roller coaster ground." "No problem twin sis," says Hikaru. Akemi straightens her tie on her short sleeve uniform, and says, "We're heading to school."
"Alright," Azami says, and has a tiger visage, "Make sure Hikaru doesn't try to sneak a peep again. Because I'm tired of your sister telling me he has bruises from peeping." "A-alright Mom," the scared twins say. They soon head to school. On their way, they see Niku on the ground, groping for her glasses.
"Niku!" Hikaru exclaims, picking her glasses up, "Are you okay?" Niku grabs her glasses and says, "Thanks Hikaru. It tripped again. Sometimes I wish I wasn't so clumsy." "Clumsy girls are cute," he says. Akemi says, "Hikaru! You know what Mom said didn't you." He blushes and says, "I didn't mean it in a perverted way. It's the truth," and fiddles with his fingers.
Niku blushes and said, "Thanks. No one has ever said that to me." "We have to get going to school now," Akemi says. Hikaru asks Niku, "Do you want to come to our birthday party, Niku?" "Sure Hikaru," Niku says, grabbing an invitation. They made it to the school gates before they closed.
Everyone was outside before first period. Hoshiko went to Akemi and Hikaru and said, "Happy birthday you guys." "Thanks," the twins said. Akemi says, "Are you going to our birthday party?" "Oh yeah," Suzume said. Takara said, "Omiko gave us our invitations. She was very nice to help you with your party." "I managed to ask her," says Hikaru.
"I've always been curious about something," Katrinna Mae said, "How come you two are twins if you're not exactly alike, or even the same gender?" Akemi explains, "That's only in identical twins you have to be the same gender, and look a lot alike." "Me and Akemi are fraternal twins," Hikaru says, "Of course we look like each other in some ways, but fraternal twins can be two girls, two boys, or even a girl and a boy. They sometimes have different looks too."
"There are some identical twins who don't act like each other," Akemi explains, "Sometimes, all twins aren't that close at childhood. Me and Hikaru were extremely close to each other as children. People use to think I was a little boy, and thought me and Hikaru were identical twin boys." "You did have short hair," says Hoshiko. Hikaru says, "I got Akemi her pink piano hair clip on our third birthday. I didn't want anyone calling my older fraternal twin sister my older identical twin brother."
The bell rung for everyone to go to class. Akemi was in class, thinking about how much her brother was changing. Lately, Hikaru has been changing, Akemi thinks, He's hasn't been peeping like he use to. He doesn't like Mayu anymore. And he also complimented Niku. I think my twin brother has been maturing.
Hikaru was in his class, and the librarian came in and said, "Mr. Hiroshio. Mr. Ikuno in the Kindergarten building needs you to read a children's book to the kids in his class." "Alright ma'am," Hikaru says, being excused by his teacher. He got the book the teacher requested for him to read, and went to the school.
"Thanks for coming Mr. Hiroshio," Mr. Ikuno says, "the children are ready." Hikaru got in front of the class, and started reading his book to everyone. As the kids were focusing, Hinata was thinking, I'm excited to go to Akemin Onee-chan and Hikarun Onii-chan's birthday party. Hikarun Onii-chan is different than he use to be. Once he gets done, Hikaru asks the teacher, "Is it alright if I help the kids out a little before I leave, Mr. Ikuno?"
"Sure," he says. He walked over to the kids that were coloring in some shapes, because they were told to color certain kinds of shapes with certain colors. "Hikarun Onii-chan, can you help me?" Hinata asks. Hikaru says, "Sure Hinata."
Hikaru was helping her find a specific shape and color. Hinata colored everything, making the squares red, the triangles green, the rectangles blue, and the circles yellow. "Thanks," Hinata says. Hikaru says, "No problem Hinata. It's the least I can do to since you will be at me and Akemi's birthday party."
"Can I go with Onii-chan?" Mari asks. "Sure Mari," Hikaru says, "I even invited Niku." "Yay!" the little fang girl said. The bell rung, and Hikaru said, "I have to get back to class." "Ah! But stay Hikarun Onii-chan!" Hinata says. Mari says, "Yah Ru-kan! Stay with us!" "Sorry, but Inu-sensei will be mad if I don't show up," he says, and leaves the class. He takes the book back to the library.
Yukinari was drinking a lot of sake, and playing a card game on his computer. "I have it now," he says, but the game stops when his computer told him about another Music Guardian. "Where is this music energy coming from?" Yukinari asks, seeing Hikaru's files, "Why does it say Hikaru has music energy?" He sees that Hikaru has the same power as Akemi, because they're twins.
"This is the first time in a long while to come across a set of Music Guardian twins," he says to himself. Of course Yukinari knew Akemi had a twin, but didn't realize that if a Music Guardian has a twin, then his or her twin is a Music Guardian. He heard from Hotaru that the older twin becomes a Music Guardian before the younger twin.
(Dark Music Kingdom)
"I wonder what we should do to capture the princess, or kill her teammates," said Koharu. Sora told his brother, "I did get some information about Guardian Akemi's birthday. And it looks like her brother has the same type of power as she does." Koharu asks, "How is that possible?" "Why wouldn't it be?" Rikiya asks, "Guardian Akemi has a twin. Just look at her information."
Rikiya gives them Akemi's files, saying she has two parents, an older sister, and a younger fraternal twin brother. "That makes sense," Sora said, "and here I thought Music Guardian twins were impossible to find." "How about we take her twin out, I know that a Music Guardian twin is stronger with the other twin," says Koharu.
"And it makes sense for twins to take down twins," explained Cheiri. Astar says, "Queen Kazuma of the Music Kingdom also had a twin. Until we killed her. I think it's a great idea to do the same thing again." It was the Dark Musicians' plan to now take down Hikaru before he becomes a Music Guardian.
Everyone was at the fair grounds, getting ready to have fun before Akemi and Hikaru celebrated their 17th birthday. Omiko comes by and says, "Everything is ready." "Thanks Omiko," Akemi and Hikaru say. Akemi and Hikaru get to the front car of a roller coaster, with Otoya and Niku.
They got into a cart, and a worker for the Ichikawa Construction Industry started to operate it. As they were going up, Akemi asks, "Hikaru. Remember when we were little, and this was what we wanted to do for our third birthday?" "Yah," Hikaru says, "It was one of the coolest birthdays ever."
They started to go down the ride. Akemi was screaming, with Otoya holding her hand, saying, "DON'T WORRY! I HAVE YOU!" This made her smile. Niku holds Hikaru's hand, and smiles. Meanwhile, Hoshiko and Kenji are in the tunnel of love. "This is a romantic boat ride," Hoshiko says. Kenji says, "Just like when we met Hitomi. That's all it needs." "You're right," says Hoshiko, "I really want to see her again." Hinata was at the cotton candy stand with Akirato and Mari.
"I wonder how Akemin Onee-chan, Otoyan Onii-chan, Niku Onee-chan, and Hikarun Onii-chan are," Hinata says, eating some cotton candy. Mari says, "Ku Nee-tan has always told me and Onii-chan how excited to be with Ru-kan." "Lately," Akirato says, "Hikaru has been changing."
"How Akirato Onii-chan?" Hinata asks. He says, "Well, he hasn't been being perverted lately, and he has been thinking about Niku." "Maybe he's in love with Ku Nee-tan," says Mari, "and she may have those feelings too." Hinata says, "That might be true Marin. He must have quickly gotten over Mayu Onee-chan."
Akemi and Hikaru get cotton candy. Hikaru gets some on his nose. Hikaru, why do you always get cotton candy on your nose?" Akemi asks. Niku gets some on her nose and says, "He's a klutz like me I guess," and eats cotton candy off his nose, with him eating it oof her nose.
Suzume and Neji were at the water gun race. They played against each other, with Suzume being the winner. "I won!" Suzume says, getting two prizes, a basketball, and a bird plush. Neji says, "You sure are athletic Pretty Sparrow, especially on fair grounds," and kisses her.
Suzume blushes and says, "I just have good aim. It's not that different from making a free throw, or a pitch." Sora and Koharu soon yelled, "DEMON'S PLANT TRAP!" and trapped both Suzume and Neji. Hoshiko sees this, and transforms. Kenji throws a lightening bolt and yells, "LIGHTENING ZAP!" and breaks the plants.
They transformed and thanked Kenji. "You're gonna pay for crashing my friend's birthday party uninvited!" Hoshiko exclaims, "By the power of music! For the love of harmony and peace on Earth! I'll make sure you seek justice!" Sora says, "The person we're here for is Guardian Akemi's twin." "Or better yet," says Koharu, "Guardian Akemi herself."
"LOVE BIRDS' HEART ATTACK!" Mayu exclaims, trying to attack the demon twins. Koharu yells, "DEMON'S PLANT GREENHOUSE SHIELD!" and makes some glass protect him and his brother. "You're not gonna get us that easily," Sora says, "because when a Music Guardian or Dark Musician is with their twin, they get stronger." He looks at Akemi and yells, "DEMON'S PLANT TRAP!" and traps her.
Akemi tried to break free from the plants, but couldn't. Otoya yells, "BASHING STONE HAMMER!" and tries to break the plants. "That won't work," says Koharu. Sora summons him and Koharu's Venus fly trap, named Serenity. Sora soon says, "It's time for Serenity's lunch."
Hikaru gets in front of Akemi. "Hikaru!" Akemi asks, "What are you doing?! You'll get hurt!" Hikaru yells, "I don't care! I can't let those punks take my twin sister away from me!" "How did you-?" Akemi asks, being interrupted. Hikaru says, "Know? I can recognize my own sister, Akemi. I'm not an idiot! I don't want my closest childhood companion hurt!"
Koharu says, "Attack him Serenity!" Serenity soon gets ready to east Hikaru. He soon has a light shining from his forehead, with lime green soundwaves and sakura petals surrounding him, yelling, "GUARDIAN HIKARU! SAKURA DRAGON TWIN #2!" and has a dragon attack Serenity, who is on the ground.
"Serenity!" Sora and Koharu exclaimed. As the dust was clearing, Hikaru was panting, with a set of lime green piano keys shining on his forehead like Akemi. He is now wearing a lime green vest like Akemi with no shirt underneath, and three small brown belts across his stomach. Hikaru also has on some pants matching his vest, a piano key belt with an orange belt buckle, some lime green shoes, and orange fingerless gloves with piano keys on them. His hair has purple in it like Akemi too.
"No one messes with my older twin sister!" Hikaru yells, playing his keytar, "SAKURA DRAGON INFERNO!" and attacks the Dark Musician twins. Akemi's Guardian Mark activates, and she breaks free from the vines binding her. She also says, "You two aren't the only set of twins that know how to fight," she soon looks at her twin brother, "ready Hikaru?" Hikaru nods and says, "Ready Akemi."
They held each other's hands. They both yelled, "GUARDIAN AKEMI AND GUARDIAN HIKARU! SAKURA DRAGON TWINS!" they were getting stronger. Serenity got back up and was healing Koharu and Sora. Both Akemi and Hikaru's Guardian Marks showed up, and they were pointing the hands they were holding towards Serenity. They yelled, "DOUBLE DRAGON INFERNO!" and made two sakura soundwave dragons attack the Venus fly trap.
Hoshiko summons two halos, and yells, "ANGEL'S MULTI-HALO TRAP!" and traps Sora and Koharu. She sings one more note, and zaps them. "We won't give up!" Sora yells, and leaves with Koharu. They soon got untransformed, and went to the birthday party.
Akemi and Hikaru open their gifts. It was two horror books they wanted to read. The books were from Niku. She says, "I heard that you two loved those books, so I got them for you." "Thanks Niku," the twins told her. Yukinari comes to, saying, "Welcome to our team, Guardian Hikaru."
"Yukinari Aono and Mizuki Yamanaka are our leaders?" Hikaru asks. Akemi says, "Yeah, but don't worry Hikaru. They've Ben there for me and out other teammates from the very beginning." "Well then," says Hikaru, "I'm happy to be a new Music Guardian on the squad."
He looks at Niku, and says, "I'll protect you Niku." "Thanks Hikaru," says a blushing Niku. Akemi asks Yukinari, "I'm curious about something. If me and Hikaru are both Music Guardian with the same power because we're twins, then how come I'm the first one of us to be a Music Guardian, and it took almost two years for Hikaru to become one?"
Akari comes by, saying, "I can explain that." "Onee-san?" Hikaru says. "I do know about the Music Guardians Hikaru," says Akari, "Hotaru explained to me that if a Music Guardian is a twin, then their twin is one too. Identical twins become Music Guardians around the same time, but it takes a while for each fraternal twin to become a Music Guardian like one another. However, in either fraternal or identical twins, it's usually the first born twin to become a Music Guardian before the second born twin."
Mizuki says, "You see. Because you two are fraternal twins, Akemi and Hikaru, it took almost two years for you guys to fight with each other. And I can tell that because Akemi became a Music Guardian first, Hikaru, she's the oldest of you two."
"We know that," Akemi says. Hikaru says, "We know, even without being Music Guardians who's the oldest. I promise to protect you as well sis." "Thanks little brother," says Akemi, hugging Hikaru. They soon enjoyed the rest of their birthday party.
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