Musical Harmony 2, Chapter 2

Hitomi went with Chikamasa to pick up Kazuhide and Chitose. When they arrive to the Kindergarten building, they see their younger siblings. Kazuhide jumps onto his sister and says, "Come on Onee-san, I want to see Mom and Dad!"

"We're fixing to go there Kazuhide," said Hitomi, "After that, we're going with TsubaNo to see them train." "Yay!" Kazuhide says. Chikamasa puts Chitose on his back and says, "We'll take you to your parents."

Kenji was in Hoshiko's music room as he polishes his whistle, waiting for his children. They sees them along with Chikamasa and Chitose. Hitomi says, "Hey Mom and Dad. Can me and Kazuhide go see TsubaNo train with their grandfather?" "Wait up you two," Kenji says. Hoshiko says, "We'll go, but you just have to wait for us."

Chitose asks Kazuhide, "Hey Kazuhide. Aren't those people who Hitomin mention your cousins?" "Third cousins Chitose," Kazuhide says. "Kazuhide is right, Chitose," Hoshiko says, "Tsubame and Nori's father is my older cousin. He treats me like a little sister sometimes, so they treat me like an aunt."

"TsubaNo are really nice Chitose," Hitomi says. Chikamasa said, "Isn't their mother the owner of the Leap Lion Center Hitomi?" "Yeah," Kenji says, "They sometimes help her when they have time off."

"We can leave now," Hoshiko said. Kazuhide grabs his mother's hand and says, "Yay Mom! I want you to carry me." Hoshiko giggles, and picks up her little boy. They left to head to the Hara residence.

Tsubame and Nori started training with Riyuto. Nori tries to use a surprise attack on his grandfather, but Riyuto elbows his back, saying, "Never expect anyone to be caught off guard, Nori. It may lead to danger."

Tsubame jumps towards her grandfather, kneeing him in the back, yelling, "Tsuba!" "No!" Nori exclaims, kicking his grandfather off of him. Then him and Tsubame yell, "TsubaNo Fury!" punching Riyuto in his stomach.

Hitomi and Kazuhide cheer for them. Hitomi says, "Way to go TsubaNo!" "TsubaNo!" Kazuhide exclaims. Tsubame asks, "Grandpa Riyuto? Are you okay?" Riyuto laughs, and gets up, saying, "Calm down Tsubame. I'm okay. An attack like that isn't going to put a dent into this old man."

"You sure got us Grandpa Riyuto," Nori says, getting a drink of water. Suzume says, "You're the same as always Dad." "At least our children are improving," says Neji. Tsubame says, "Man Grandpa. You sure are tough for a man your age." "I may be old," Riyuto says, "but that doesn't mean I can't do anything."

"Hitomi, Kazuhide," says Nori, "want to spar with us?" "Yeah!" Hitomi and Kazuhide exclaim. Chikamasa asks, "You two don't mind?" "Not at all!" Hitomi says. Kazuhide says, "Me and Onee-san always spar with TsubaNo! It helps us with our Music Guardian training too!" "I want to see this!" Chitose says, "I'll cheer for you Kazuhide." "If you're gonna cheerlead for Team Nakamoto, little sister, then count me in too," Chikamasa says.

"Ooh. Team Nakamoto vs Team Haruyuki," says Neji, "a very interesting challenge I see." "Alright kids! Put your training with me and Grandpa to the test!" Suzume tells her son and daughter. Nori and Tsubame say, "Yes Mom!"

Hitomi and Kazuhide get onto the training grounds with them. "You two ready Hitomi and Kazuhide?" Tsubame asks. Hitomi says, "Always ready!" "Try and stop us TsubaNo!" Kazuhide says.

Haruko comes out and sees her grandchildren train, and says, "Have they been improving their training?" "A lot," Riyuto says, "and they were worried about their old granddad when they hit me."

"You're like a bowl of nails Dad, honestly," Suzume says. The four people continued to spar. Hitomi sense Tsubame behind her, and stops her movement, slamming her into the ground. Hoshiko exclaims, "When Tsubame kicks, Hitomi, jump back as fair as you can!" Hitomi nods. Tsubame kicks, and Hitomi jumps back before she gets kicked.

Nori and Kazuhide were throwing punches at each other, but didn't touch one another just yet. After Nori picks him up, Kazuhide struggles. Kenji yells, "Kazuhide! Rotate your body, and aim for Nori's abdomen!"

Kazuhide nods, a flips forward, kicking Nori in the stomach. Suzume says, "Come on Nori and Tsubame! Put all of your training into it!" "Don't let them win Hitomin and Kazuhide!" Chitose exclaims.

Tsubame and Nori try to punch Hitomi and Kazuhide, but they had another trick up their sleeves. Hitomi throws a punch yelling, "Naka!" "Moto!" Kazuhide yells, kicking the two siblings. "Nakamoto Rage!"

Tsubame and Nori were defeated. "I guess the 'TsubaNo Fury' didn't work this time, TsubaNo," says Hitomi. Tsubame says, "That was just luck." "Yah," Nori says, "We will get a rematch."

"That's a first I've seen anybody beat the 'TsubaNo Fury,'" Hoshiko says. Kenji says, "Maybe our children are just as strong." "Watch what you're saying," Neji says, "My kids were trained by a talented athlete since our school years."

"Maybe Hitomi and Kazuhide knew all of Tsubame and Nori's moves from watching their training, Neji," says Suzume. "I'm hungry now," Tsubame says. Nori says, "Mom. Dad. Can we go home so we can eat?" "Yes," both Suzume and Neji say to their children.

Hoshiko says, "Maybe we should go home so we can eat as well." "Yay! We're gonna have Mom's cooking again!" Kazuhide says. Hitomi puts her brother on her back, saying, "We have that almost all the time, little brother."

Hoshiko says, "I'll probably make some fried chicken, some sukiyaki, rice, and for dessert, my famous anmitsu." "I guess I have to eat my wife's delicious cooking before I get dessert huh?" Kenji asks.

"Like the kids Kenji," Hoshiko says, "you should wait until you eat your food before you get dessert." "Yah Dad," Hitomi and Kazuhide say. Neji says to Hoshiko, "See you tomorrow little cousin." "By Cousin Hoshi!" Tsubame says. They got up and went home.

(the next day)

Kazuhide was in his class, during storytime. He holds his guitar pick Hitomi gave him. Homare and Ichigo were sitting next to him. After story time was finished, the kids went to their seats for snack time.

"Hey Kazuhide," Homare says, "I've been curious about something." "Huh?" Kazuhide asks. Ichigo says, "Me too. How come, every since the first day of school, you've been carrying that gold guitar pick."

"Oh that. Onee-san gave it to me," Kazuhide says, "Mom ran to the park during Grandpa Hidehida's funeral because she was upset about losing him. She met Dad there, and was comforted by him. She fell in love with him after he comforted her, and he gave her this guitar pick so she doesn't think about the train wreck that killed Grandpa."

"So that's why there's a small memorial by the train tracks going towards Tokyo?" Ichigo asks. Kazuhide says, "Yes. We always visit that place the day after Christmas, which was the fateful day of the train wreck that took Grandpa Hidehida away from Mom and Grandma Natsumi."

"Really?" Chitose asked, "That's so sad." "But it was long ago. Plus, Grandpa is always with us, so I'm happy," Kazuhide says. Homare says, "Even after all of that?"

"Plus, Yukinari was there for Mom and Grandma Natsumi. So was Great Aunt Hotaru," says Kazuhide. Chitose says, "You're a tough boy Kazuhide. What about your other grandparents."

Kazuhide explains, "I don't know them. Aunt Reika ran away from home with Dad because their parents were abusive. It makes me happy I don't know them and they're not here because they abused my aunt and father." "You're probably just happy to know your mother's parents huh?" Ichigo asks. Kazuhide says, "Yah, and Grandma Natsumi is still alive, and caring," and he looks at his guitar pick.

In 7th Grade, Class 1-A, the kids were at recess. Hitomi was walking with Tsubame, and talking to her. Nori was sitting in a tree. He sees his sister and third cousin, thinking, I can probably scare Tsubame.

Once Tsubame and Hitomi walk by, Nori hangs upside down from the tree, and yells "boo" to his sister. Tsubame screams and hugs Hitomi. She then exclaims, "Onii-chan! That's mean!" "It was a success," says Nori, "You and Mom are easy to scare, baby sister." "That's mean Nori Nori," Hitomi says.

After jumping down from the tree, Nori says, "Tsubame. You know what Mom taught us if someone surprised you like that." "Yeah," says Tsubame, "but that doesn't mean you can scare me when you want to Onii-chan."

"Big brothers are always going to do that, Tsubame," says Chikamasa. Hitomi asks, "You really don't do that stuff to Chitose, do you Chikamasa?" "She isn't easy to scare," says Chikamasa, "I like to tease her and stuff, but she will actually watch zombie shows with me and still not be afraid."

Nori giggles a little an says, "If Tsubame and Mom watched a zombie movie, they'd be calling for Dad." "Onii-chan!" Tsubame exclaims to her older brother.

"Excuse me, but can one of you show me to where Hoshiko Nakamoto is?" says a woman familiar to Hitomi. Hitomi sees her and asks, "Hazuki?" Hazuki says, "Oh Hitomi. How are you? It's nice to see you, Nori, and Tsubame again." "We also made a new friend," Nori says.

Chikamasa says, "Chikamasa Kimura." "What are you doing here anyway Hazuki?" Tsubame asks. Hazuki says, "I'm student teaching for a while in the elementary and middle school building. I'm going to try and be the middle school music teacher. I wanted to help Hoshiko out so I can get some tips, since she's a music teacher after all."

"I have to deliver some stuff for Mom anyway," says Hitomi, "let me escort you to her room Hazuki." They head to the elementary music room.

Hoshiko was teaching her students how to play the recorder. Soon, Hazuki and Hitomi enter the room. "I brought the music sheets like you asked Mom," Hitomi says. Hoshiko says, "Thanks Hitomi. Hazuki, are you ready to start helping me?" "Most certainly Mrs. Nakamoto," Hazuki says.

In the Kindergarten class Kazuhide was in, there was a little girl with long, curly blonde hair with blue streaks, and green eyes. She was playing with Chitose during playtime.

"Who's the new girl?" Homare asks. Kazuhide says, "Oh, that's Kotone Inoue. She's the daughter of Mom's new assistant, Hazuki Inoue. Hazuki was even friends with my older cousin, Hinata Tsukino. Hina-nee and Hazuki met in first grade. Kotone and I are friends too. I forgot to mention that she moved here when Hazuki started student teaching."

Homare was blushing at her. "Homare?" Ichigo asks. Kazuhide waves his hand in his friend's face and says, "Homare." Homare says, "Oh. What did you say Kazuhide?"

"You must've been blushing too much that you've forgotten what I said," says Kazuhide, "Do you want to introduce you to her?" "Sure," says Homare. Kazuhide goes to where Chitose and Kotone are and says, "Hey Chitose. Mind if I borrow Kotone real quick?" "Sure Kazuhide," says Chitose. Kotone gets up, and walks with Kazuhide.

"Kotone," says Kazuhide, "These are my friends, Ichigo Minami, and my other friend who wanted to meet you, Homare Kanzaki." "Hi," Homare says, as he blushes. Kotone giggles and says, "You're silly Homare. My name Kotone Inoue."

"I see we're all getting along," says Chitose. Meanwhile, waiting outside the Kindergarten classroom, Takeshi and Myou were waiting outside of the classroom. "I already took care of the witnesses," says Myou. Takeshi says, "Good. Let's just get the little prince like Wakana asked us to." Myou nods, and whips the door.

In the elementary music class, Hoshiko got the sense of a Dark Musicians in the Kindergarten building. "Hazuki," Hoshiko says, "I just remembered, I have accidentally left my notes with Kenji. I need to go get them. Can you watch the students?" "Sure," Hazuki says.

Hoshiko gets up and leaves the classroom, thinking, Gosh! I should've known they'd do this to Kazuhide! Kenji also gets this sense, and then tells his students, "Sorry kids. I need to get a working whistle in my car. Go with the elementary girls' coach for now." He rushes off the outside court inside the Kindergarten building.

Hitomi was in her history class, and felt this feeling. She tells the Takehiko, "Takehiko-sensei, I got a stomach ache, and I need to go to the nurses office." "Go right ahead Miss Nakamoto," Takehiko says. She leaves for the Kindergarten building.

With Mr. Ikuno's energy taken away, the students were in danger. Kazuhide and Chitose were transformed, getting ready to fight. "Just stand back everyone," Kazuhide says, "we'll handle this!" "Don't go anywhere!" Chitose says.

Myou laughs and says, "You really think small Music Guardians like you two will save these kids, Guardian Chitose and Prince Kazuhide?" "Then you sure are wrong," Takeshi says.

"Stay away from them!" Kazuhide exclaims, "ANGEL'S LIGHTENING BARRAGE!" making four lightening bolts thrust towards the two Dark Musicians. Takeshi yells, "DEMON'S ICE SHEILD!" and blocks the attack. Myou yells, "DEMON'S DOUBLE WHIP!" She forms two whips on the handle.

"BUDDHA GIANT LEAF!" yelled Chitose, making a huge leaf to sheild her and Kazuhide and their classmates. Kotone yells, "ROCK DOLL ATTACK!" causing huge rocks to form into a giant creature and attack Myou and Takeshi. "Good timing Guardian Kotone," Chitose and Kazuhide say. Kotone says, "We are fighting together anyways. Let's save these kids from danger!" They nodded and continued to fight.

Meanwhile, Hoshiko, Kenji, and Hitomi met up by the classroom Kazuhide was in. "You guys think something is wrong too?" Hitomi asks her parents. Hoshiko says, "Yeah. I got this sense that Kazuhide's class is in danger."

"Talking isn't going to get us anywhere," Kenji says, "let's help him." They all transformed, and went into the classroom. Myou stops fighting and says, "Well, well. Look what we have here. Queen Hoshiko, King Kenji, and Miss Future Ruler herself, Hitomi Nakamoto."

"You better leave my little brother alone before I severely hurt you!" Hitomi exclaims. Myou snaps her whip and yells, "DEMON'S SINGING WHIP!" "ANGEL'S VEIL SHEILD!" Hitomi exclaims, making a huge piece of veil protect her parents. Takeshi was then fighting Kotone, and attacked her.

"Kotone!" Homare says, grabbing her. Kotone slowly opens her eyes and asks, "Homare? How did you?"" How did I know? I knew you were fighting the minute I saw you," says Homare, "Let me protect you!" "You can't. This isn't easy," Kotone explains.

Takeshi says, "CUT THE CRAP ALREADY!" and forms an ice claw onto his hand. He charges towards Homare. Kazuhide exclaims, "Homare!" Kenji runs towards Takeshi, and Homare's forehead was glowing.

"What?" Hoshiko asks. Homare says, "Leave these Music Guardians alone!" Soon, a large blue soundwave cobra grabs Takeshi, and Kenji backs away. The cobra throws Takeshi into a wall.

After the attack, Kazuhide tells Hoshiko, "Mom, look on Homare's forehead." "Huh?" Hoshiko asks her son, looking at the blue forehead marking of a recorder on Homare, "It couldn't be! Kazuhide, you're getting some new teammates." When Takeshi gets up, he says, "You damn kid! I'll get you for that!" and makes sharp pointy icicles attack Homare and Kotone.

However, Hoshiko saved them, and gave Homare a blue and green recorder, telling him, "Use it Homare." "Mrs. Nakamoto, what am I suppose to do?" Homare asks. Hoshiko explains, "Like my son and daughter, you're a Music Guardian. You have the ability to use Music to save both innocent people, and the world. Including Kotone."

"But I don't know about this," Homare says. Takeshi grabs Kazuhide, who was trying to get out of the struggle. "Kazuhide!" Homare exclaims, "That does it! Nobody messes with my best friend!" He then plays his recorder and transforms. Homare then went to fight, but Myou snaps her whip, and sends him into the wall.

"Homare! Believe in yourself! Don't let her do you like that, believe and save Kazuhide!" Kotone says. Homare nods, plays his recorder, and yells, "COBRA POSSESION!" making it wrap around Takeshi's neck.

Hitomi yells, "Kazuhide! Remember the training!" She jumps back as far as she can before Myou could kick her. Kazuhide nods, and rotates himself to free himself. Takeshi gets the cobra off his neck and says, "Now I'm mad!" Before he could use an attack, Tsubame and Nori yell, "Tsuba!" "No!" "TsubaNo Fury!"

"I see the training has helped," Chikamasa says. Hitomi says, "Yeah. About time you came." "Takehiko-sensei knew that Music Guardians were going to attack," says Chikamasa, "so he excused me, Nori, and Tsubame to help you save Kazuhide, and his nephew, Homare."

"Homare is his nephew?!" Hitomi says. Chikamasa says, "I'll explain later." He then plays his flute, yelling, "BUDDHA CURSED TREE!" making a tree grow to trap Myou. Kenji yells, "ANGEL'S LIGHTENING DRIFT!" making his lightening bolts fly into the air, and attack Myou.

Takeshi gets up, grabs Myou, and says, "We will come back for you Prince Kazuhide and Princess Hitomi." He gives Mr. Ikuno his energy back, and leaves. The Kindergartners were cheering for them.

(after school)

In the 7th Grade, Class 1-A classroom, Takehiko was talking to everyone about what's going on. "I had no idea that's why you moves here Takehiko," Hoshiko says. Takehiko says, "Yeah. Not only because me and Homare are Music Guardians, but also because his parents have been in and out of prison, and argue a lot. When Homare was born, the police say that if they argue, or get in trouble with the law again, then I'll have to raise him, since he's my brother's son."

"Really?" Kazuhide asks. Takehiko says, "That's right. When my brother murdered his wife over an argument about her going out, the police arrested him and had me raise Homare."

"It took me a while to not be upset about my parents, but Uncle Takehiko helped me," Homare says, "and I'm going to help you guys out with fighting the Dark Musicians."

"Welcome to the team Homare!" Chitose says. Kazuhide says, "Yeah. Welcome to our teateam." "This takes me back to when I was finding my first four teammates," says Hoshiko. Kenji says, "And that's when I started helping you out." "I'm glad Kazuhide is starting his own little team," Hitomi says. Hoshiko and Kenji say, "Us too Hitomi."

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