The dancing queen

Walking out of the car, Evan put his hand out for Pandora to help her get out. They walked together to the club's entrance. "Evy?" "Yeah?" "Are you going to be okay?" She knew he was nervous. Evan isn't really the most social person; yeah, he likes having friends, but having to be the one to start the conversations isn't his strong suit. "I'll be fine, Panda, a few drinks, and I'll be a social little butterfly," he replies sarcastically. "I like butterflies." "I know, come on, let's go." After giving their IDs to the security, they walk into the club. Evan takes off his jacket and holds it in his arms as he walks, Pandora trailing behind him, he walks deeper into the club with his eyes trailing his surroundings, the club is dimly lit, with vibrant lights along the full dance floor, music blasting in the background, it seems like an expensive club reserved only for slightly high profiled people, there were two bars on opposite sides of the club, there was also some stairs that lead up into what looked like a V.I.P or some kind of restricted section guests were not allowed in, Evan's eyes moved away and back to the bar, seeing a familiar small patch of green hair and matching green eyes, the silhouette of a man smiling, his pace quickening slightly as he walks towards him, he looks him over the closer he gets, Evan feels underdressed as he sees what Barty's wearing. "There you are, mate," the words leave Barty's mouth as soon as Evan sits down on the stool next to him. "Sorry, I took a while." "It's alright, looking good." He glances as Barty eyes him up and down. "I could say the same about you; you look hot. If I say so myself." He sends a playful wink in Barty's direction; his eyes keep getting drawn to his features, his outfit, just him.

After a few glasses of old-fashioned whiskey, it's easy to say Evan has gotten lighter and more relaxed; he's laughing with Barty as they walk towards the group. Pandora can be seen mingling around them already, giggling with a drink in her hand as she spoke to the band, Barty put his hand on Evan's shoulder as the two walked towards them. "The life of the party is here," announced the dark brown-haired guy as they reached the group. "Isn't that Sirius?" "Fine, the second life of the party; where even is Sirius?" "Dance floor, looking for his next victim," points out Lily, who has her arm around Pandora's waist. Evan looks over at the dance floor looking for Sirius, and there he was in a crop top and low pants, his tattoos on display while grinding on a guy, his body swaying with the upbeat music, especially his hips. "How many drinks has he had?" Asks Evan as he looks back at the group in front of him "Fuck if I know", replied Dorcas before taking a sip from her glass, Evan looks at Pandora, who had let out a little giggle, "We should dance, all of us!" Before even waiting for a response, Pandora grabs Lily's left hand and dragged her to the dance floor along with Mary; however, Lily quickly downed her drink and set the glass on a nearby table, Alice and Frank following them in accompanying Marlene, who's very obviously forcing Dorcas to come dance too. Barty looks over at Evan with a smirk "Oh no, I'm not the dancing type." "Come on, Evan." "No." "Come on, Mate." "Fine, fucking Christ." and with that, Evan and Barty are heading to the big wave of people dancing, Evan listened closely to the music, finding a rhythm and moving to it; he wasn't the best dancer but he wasn't bad either, Evan could feel Barty's eyes on him as he was moving in motion with the music, the melody running through his entire body. He looked up at Barty, watching him as he effortlessly moved, his hair moving and swaying as was his body; it was like he was made for clubbing, for getting drunk, for hookups. For all of this—this lifestyle.

Evan didn't know how long it's been since he's been on the colorful floor; without even realizing, Evan gets lost in the crowd. The more he looks around, the more he sees less of his group of friends. He thought he saw Marlene, but it was simply a girl with straight blonde hair. He kept looking and looking only to be met with nothing, until he suddenly felt a pair of hands on his waist. Quickly turning around, he was surprised to find Frank. "Where were you? We've all been looking for you, mate." He was relieved to find out that it had been one of his new friends and not a stranger. "Sorry, I got a little lost." "It's alright, come on, the rest are over there." Frank moves his grip from Evans waist to his arm as he guides him out of the big hoard of people dancing, off to a slightly large table surrounded by couches off in the corner where everyone was sitting around. He felt Frank let go of his arm as they both approached the table. Within minutes, Pandora was up from her seat and striding her way over to Evan. "Where the fuck were you?!" "I lost track of-" "I've been looking for you for ages!" "Pan-" "Why weren't you answering your phone? I was worn out." Evan grabbed a hold of Pandora's arms. "Panda! I'm alright, I'm here, I'm fine; nothing happened; I was gone for like an hour." He was using a soft tone, he knew how Pandora can sometimes get into an overthinking mindset, he made sure she was alright and sat her down, then sat down next to her. The group later decided to get some shots of Tequila as it was the only thing everyone agreed too, altering ordering, Everyone took a shot cup; they cheered, clinking their cups together and downing the drink, Evan could feel the heat of the strong drink running down his throat and towards his chest, continuing its journey South.

After a few hours and an equal amount of shots, if Evan wasn't drunk before, then he definitely is now. His mind was all woozy, his words were slurred, his face flushed, sweating, and he was rambling about random stuff. Evan could barely take notice of his surroundings, only the feel of someone's hands on him leading him to a car while he stumbles following their lead; he could hear voices in the background. meaning there were multiple people but he couldn't make out their faces; the stranger holding him had nice, soft hands, big as well; he was guided into a car, which seems to be a long spacious car at that, he felt dizzy as the car started moving his body moving involuntarily swaying left and right, his vision was getting worse, everything turning darker before slowly going black with all noises fading away, he felt himself go unconscious.

Evan woke up, the lights binding his sight. He put his arm over his eyes as he started adjusting to the brightness. He tried sitting up slowly, then felt a throbbing sensation right on the sides of his head. When his eyes adjusted to the light, it only made the growing headache worse but nonetheless, he looked around the room; it was a hotel room but not his. Panic ran through his mind, thoughts of where he is and what he might have done last night filling his ached head. Hurriedly rising from the bed, almost falling off in the process, he starts looking for his phone. Evan's first place of thought was the bedside table, which was on the other side of the bed. He finally reaches it and finds his phone charging, which is oddly weird because that usually doesn't happen when he finds himself in someone else's room. But that's not the only thing he finds on the bedside table; right next to his charging phone, he finds a glass of water and a little box with what seems to be headache pills. As much as he would hate to say it, he is very thankful for the anonymous person he was with yesterday night and with no hesitation took the pill, swallowed it, then drank the water to ease the pill down his throat. Evan saw a couple of texts from multiple people but before anything else, he wanted to check the room, checking to see if it was empty or not, the main room was clear so he made his way to the bathroom, slowly approaching, he heard shuffling inside and he also heard the faint yet familiar sound of water droplets splashing against the sink, there was someone in the bathroom, although he was nervous to face the still unknown figure but none the less he knocked on the door, you never know the person inside might be naked or something, within a few seconds the person opened the door and there he was, standing tall and shirtless, Bartimaeus Crouch Jr. Thoughts ran through Evan's head as his mind raced, why is he in what he assumed to be Barty's hotel room? Why did he wake up in his bed? Why is he shirtless? What exactly did they do last night? Does he always wake up looking like an adorable raccoon? As more thoughts contributed to his line of thinking, the other man's toothpaste-filled mouth spoke casually. "Morning, mate," Evan audibly let out a chuckle, his voice slightly hoarse since it was the first sound he's let out since he's woken up. "Uhh, go finish brushing your teeth, then I'll, uh, talk to you." Barty just smiled and nodded, closing the door when Evan turned around and went back to the main part of the room. Walking towards the bedside table, he unplugged his phone from the charging cable and looked at the texts he'd gotten; some were from Pandora, who was asking how he was and to take care of himself; she also said she's staying in Lily's room; he texted her back, simply telling her he's just woken up and that he's doing alright. After maybe about 10 minutes, Barty walks out of the bathroom and asks, "Did you drink? Take the pill?" That was the first thing he said when he laid his green eyes on Evan's figure sitting on the edge of the bed. "Yeah, I did," he replied, putting his phone down back on the bedside table. "Hey, uh, I don't really remember what happened last night; did we... do? something?.." It was really awkward for Evan to ask that kind of question, especially to someone who he's only just met 2 days ago. However, Barty let out a small chuckle and shook his head. "No, we didn't; you got so drunk you almost passed out. We all went into the limousine, and you did pass out. We came back to the hotel, and I took you to my room. I only took off your shoes and jewelry, which is in a drawer by the way, then I tucked you in like a little baby and slept on the couch." Evan let out a relieved sigh and nodded. "Thanks for all of that." "Anytime, mate," Barty walked over to Evan and patted his shoulder, then walked to his closet and opened it, finding a shirt and putting it on. After he was done getting ready, he went up to Evan again. "We're all grabbing breakfast; wanna tag along?" "Yeah sure." With that, they both got up and walked to the small hallway to put on their shoes to head to wherever breakfast is in the hotel.

Getting out of the elevator, Evan looks around at what seems to be a restaurant inside the hotel. The sweet smell of freshly baked pastries and all other types of breakfast items filled his nostrils. Evan walked towards the pastry section with Barty drifting behind him, looking at all of the many foods displayed across tables. They both fill up their plates with food, Evan with 2 pieces of toast on his plate, one with cut up boiled egg and the other smashed avocados, both topped off with seasoning; he also had a cup of coffee. Barty's plate consisted of scrambled eggs and tomatoes with a little chocolate brownie on the side, his drink of choice being tea. They found the table with the rest of the group, well, most of them. Frank, Marlene, and Mary were missing from the table. Evan found an empty chair and sat on it, sitting himself next to Lily, who was eating while focusing on her phone; he could tell that she was reading something on it. Evan says a little good morning to everyone before digging into the food on his plate. He gets a few nods and responses; the table is mostly quiet. As the table was filled with the sound of people's cutlery colliding gently with the plates, the silence of hungover people, or people who do not enjoy mornings, however, that does not stop Barty from talking. "Seriously? Apple juice?" he teases James, who was calmly drinking apple juice before getting interrupted. "Shut it, Barty." He acts mad, but he has a smile across his face, his glasses moving past his nose as he fixes them up and back to their old position.

Authors Notes:

Rahh sorry for taking a while. Also, whenever i write, i always listen to music and i had the idea of putting in the AN what song each chapter is based off of, so were doing that every chapter
Song: Slow Down, Chase Atlantic
Ty for reading!!
Word count: 2304

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