Chapter 26: Visit Verosika and Loona (Lemon)

So uh... um... my AO3 version of this story has this one guy who wants me to make Stella a... 'ahem' broken toy for Minato to use for 'benefits' and uh... I'm not gonna do that.

I don't know if I should be afraid that someone keeps suggesting that, but... I mean I do post my dark fantasy stories on AO3 so... I guess it'd make sense to see one... no offense.

Anyway, first one to win was Verosika and Loona so... Yeah enjoy.

Update: So about the latest episode... fuck I can't say I don't feel bad for either Blitzo or Stolas.

Another thing is that I'm not gonna go back and rewrite the story for a lot of reasons. I don't wanna do it all over again just to turn every guy into a girl for you guys, and plus... I mean, do you see how many chapters I already am in? Do you see how many girls I'm already promising you?

Update 2: Okay, there's gonna be four seasons of Helluva Boss apparently so... wow. Alright. I need to set something up.

If it comes down to it, I might make the next seasons happen in a different book, but... eh. I'll figure something out.

"Agh, fuck... why the belt of all things?" Minato says as he was rubbing his back while walking. "Forget it, I probably deserve it."

He was making his way to the grocery store to make a run which was something he added to his to-do list since unless his break got cancelled, he had to occupy himself with something. He stopped at a store window and looked in the reflection.

The damage done to his face was just gone like that without any scars, which was surprising, but he was glad. That and his eyes were still back to normal. He opened his coat and lifted his shirt enough to see the bandages, then lifted them up. The bruises and scabs were still there and noticeable, though they didn't hurt surprisingly.

Aside from the current bruises from his dad's belt which were healing quickly, it didn't bother him. While looking a female demon inside the store was walking by and stopped when she saw the boy's body. He got embarrassed and quickly covered himself and speedwalked away.

'Yeah, should probably also start keeping my dick in my pants while I'm at it.' He thought to himself.

Despite the fact that he told himself he shouldn't be adding girls he barely knew to his harem, he didn't exactly seem to be following his own rules too well. He scratched his head before he realized something before smacking his head.

'Oh fuck, Loona. God, she was already pissy about this whole thing to begin with. She's gonna kill me if I don't tell her about Bee soon.' He thought to himself before sighing.

He still remembered when she clawed his face once she learned about Melissa. He could only imagine how much angrier if he found out he was now seeing another hellhound.

He sighed before getting a ring from his phone. He checked it and answered it.

"Heya, Veri."

"Hi, baby. ~" Verosika says all cheery. "So, how're you?"

"Oh, you know you, the usual. Nothing much."

"You busy doing anything at the moment?"

"Eh, just practicing restraint cause my dad's getting a bit... annoyed."

"Oh please, he's just jealous that he couldn't live the life his son is living."

"Verosika, don't. Please."

"I'm just messing with ya, hon. Ya know though, I can still see where you get your good looks from."

"Stop it."

"Alright. Anyways, how's your recovery going? You sound like you're better already."

"Still some minor bruises, but they're healing. Nothing serious."

"Are you sure?"


"Enough for some fun? ~"

"Veri, I just said I'm trying to practice restraint."

"Mina. ~"


"Minato. ~"

"I said no."

"Come on, Mina. ~"

"Babe, you're awesome, but-"

"JUST GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE ALREADY!" Another voice shouted, causing the boy to nearly drop the phone.

"Wha... Loona?" He asked in surprise. "You're with Verosika right now?"

"No shit, sherlock. You gonna come down here or not?" She sounded pissed.

"Calm down, girl. If he's not gonna come, guess he's gonna miss out on the piz-"

(1 Second Later)

"-za." Verosika barely finished as her wall was busted down.

The succubus and hellhound coughed as the dust disappeared. The human was standing in the rubble, a gleam in his eyes. They stared for a moment before Verosika shrugged and pressed something on her phone, causing a large metal wall to cover the large hole.

"Huh, neat." Minato says.

"Yeah, when you have as many fans as I do, you need to be extra precautions." The succubus told him.

Outside, the paparazzi was around her house, one of their members flat against the metal wall before falling off.

Fun fact: The two most notable weaknesses of Minato are Miso Soup, and Pizza... which the latter technically applies to everyone who isn't lactose, but... it still works.

"Oh, this is so good." Minato says as he was eating a pizza slice. "Mmmm, let me tell you, they don't make Earth pizza this good."

"Trust me, it's still good but, you're not wrong." Verosika says with her own slice.

"I still find it ironic that they have stuff this good in Hell."

"I thought you understood that not everything here is torment twenty-four-seven." Loona tells him while taking one.

"Yeah, I get that, but it's literally supposed to be a place where MF'ers like me are supposed to be punished for their sins, right? Apart from getting fucked up recently I'm living the best I ever have here." The boy says before he scarfed the rest of his slice down before reaching for two more. "Too good."

Loona sighed while shaking her head as the boy ate half a slice in an instant before burping loudly. "Oh, come fucking on." She says while waving in front of her face as the succubus laughs.

"My bad." Minato chuckled before finishing the slice.

After swallowing, he opened his mouth, ready to chow down on the next slice before he stopped. He saw Verosika bite into her slice and slowly pulled back, creating possibly the most beautiful cheese pull he'd seen and... well, it didn't match up to what happened next.

As the cheese fell a part, small bits of it along with grease trailed down the succubus' lips to her chin and eventually falling onto her cleavage. It didn't help that she was humming in delight in the lewdest way possible, or the fact that she was in a sports bra with booty shorts.

Minato stared, seeing her open her mouth again before opening her eyes to look at him as she stuck her tongue out at the piece. She was doing it on purpose. He shook his head and quickly looked away, resisting the temptation. She was challenging him, wanting to test the waters, and he didn't want to give in.

However, as he was eating his slice, before he could pull it from his mouth, he suddenly jolted as something reached from behind and grabbed his junk. Shocked he slowly turned back and saw the hellhound who he hadn't expected to do something like this. She was giving him a simple smirk as her tail wagged behind.

"Come on, you know you want it. ~" She says in a low sensual seductive tone.

Before he could react, Verosika stopped eating her slice as she crawled up to him, placing her free hand on his crotch as well. Minato's face began to heat up as the two girls had him practically sandwiched in place, looking back and forth between them. They wouldn't have done this back then, but it seemed that the succubus' finally influencing the hellhound.

"Fucking hell. Are you girls ever gonna let me have a say?" Minato asks.

"It's two against one. What do you think?" Loona asked as well.

"... Figures."

"Face it, Tiger." Verosika says as she leans in. "You've hit the jackpot. ~"

(Sometime later) Lemon begin

One last heads up. These are probably gonna be shorter than the previous lemons, and there's gonna be a bit of rough play when involving both Loona and Verosika in lemons... I just learned that Loona is bisexual too so... you know what I'm gonna do with that information.

Long story short, he didn't have a say. They started fucking.

With clothes scattered across the floor of the succubus' bedroom, Minato was sitting on the edge of her bed, the two girls on their knees in front of him, Loona was licking around his shaft while Verosika was helping herself to his nut sack. His face was covered in a blush as the two worked together to pleasure him.

"So, having second thoughts about 'practicing restraint'?" Verosika says while looking up at him.

"Fucking hell, Veri. You're a terrible influence." Minato tells her.

"I know, but you love it. ~"

'Dammit, why does she have to be right?'

"Besides, you look hotter with the bandages."

Despite the slight annoyance, he sighed as he leaned back. With it being a while and after all the shit he's been through, being able to take the load off now was refreshing. Loona stopped licking and took his member into her mouth, making him moan quietly. The two demons hadn't lost her touch, shooting pleasure through his body.

However, he still kept himself together. After talking him into the threesome, he wasn't gonna be the one to back down to them.

About half an hour had passed with them still pleasuring his member and Verosika stopped sucking on his balls, leaving her lipstick staining his left nut. She then moved up, watching the hound lap at his member while still fondling his nut sack.

"Not bad. With those skills you could pass for a succubus." The succubus says.

"Shut it. You wish you could please him like this." Loona says before she started sucking on his tip.

"Oh, really? Well, if you like so bad-" Verosika then grabbed the back of the hellhound's head. "Then suck like you mean it, bitch!" She then pushed her head down until his cock was fully in her maw.

Minato jumped as Loona's eyes widened as her snout was scrunched against his pelvis before being pulled up, then forced back down. The hellhound gagged as she tried to push back, but despite her own strength, she found it hard to get the succubus off of her. Her fur started to rise as her tail became straight as a stick.

The sudden change of pace caused the human to grunt and bit his lip to keep quiet, still not ready to give in just yet. He held his ground while looking down, watching the forced blowjob going on, he felt himself somehow becoming harder just from the view and the feeling.

He continued to endure the new treatment for a little longer before feeling his end drawing near.

"Shit, I'm gonna cum!" He warned them.

"Do it!" Verosika says vigorously. "Swallow, bitch!"

After another minute, Minato came, spurting his jizz down the hellhound's throat. Loona's eyes widened from the sheer amount of seed gushing into her mouth, the succubus forcing her down and to take it, her cheeks puffing as it was becoming too much. Some of his seed started seeping through her lips before his climax ended.

Only then did the succubus let go as the hound pulled off quickly, spitting up any excess cum on the floor. She coughed and hacked while clutching her throat. Guilt and regret did fill the boy's conscious as he felt bad for going through that.

"Hey, you good?" Minato asked out of concern.

"I'm fine." Loona says before glaring at the succubus. "What the fuck was that?"

"What? I was just providing support." Verosika says innocently.

"I didn't ask for help, and I don't need help! I've fucking done this on my own before and I can fucking do it on my own again!"

The succubus hummed in thought before grabbing her by the maw and opening her mouth. She was able to that there was still a good amount that were staining her inner cheeks.

"Hmm, that says otherwise." She says as the hound growled furiously while her snout wrinkles. "I'll get it."

Then without warning, she mashed her lips against the hound's mouth, causing her eyes to nearly bulge out of their sockets. The succubus started furiously making out with the hellhound, her tongue carefully traversing the sharp teeth, marking her territory. Loona groaned before falling over as Verosika got on top of her, smooshing her boobs and pussy against hers.

Minato was thrown for a bit of a loop from the show he was getting. Watching the two demons start swapping spit and jizz and their bodies rubbing against each other was starting to get him hard once again.

Verosika eventually stopped kissing, slowly withdrawing her tongue from the hound's mouth while making eye contact as they panted, strings of saliva dripping from between their lips.

"Better?" She asked.

"Fuck you." Loona says in annoyance.

"Gladly." The succubus then looked at the boy who was still hard. "Oh sorry, did I forget about you?"

"I mean... I wouldn't mind waiting a little longer." Minato chuckled.

"Good." She says while getting up. "Then that gives our guest some time to get acquainted with your dick."

"... What?"

"I'll be right back. Get comfy." The succubus says as she leaves the room.

"Wait, hold on, Vero-" Minato started to say before closing the door. "Wha... what is she talking about?"

"Just shut up and sit there until she comes back." Loona tells him.

"Hey, I thought you said you didn't want me shacking up with randoms. You seriously alright with this?"

"It's not a random." She tells him.

"... Who then?"

"Here she is!" Verosika says while walking back in before the boy's eyes widen. "Introducing, our new fuckbuddy."

"W-Wha.... I... O-Octavia!?"

"H-Hi." Octavia says nervously.

The human boy was shocked as standing right in front of him was the young Goetia, nude and looking nervous. Her body being covered in feathers, however her body being less... developed compared to the other two. Her breasts were small, maybe B-cup at most and her legs were slimmer than the other two.

Wait a minute, he couldn't be focused on her body right now. He slowly turned to face the succubus.

"You didn't." He says.

"Actually, she was the one who came to us first." Verosika tells him.

"... What?"

"Yes." She says before putting her hands on the owl girl's shoulders. "Little Vi Vi here wanted to spice things up with you, so she asked us for advice, and we decided to give her a lesson in Fuck'n Rut 101."

"Wha-Wait, you had a part in this?" The boy says while looking at the hound.

"Well... not by much. Didn't have to give her 'The Talk' thankfully." Loona tells him.

"Y-Yeah, I... this is mostly just me." Octavia tells him.

"Oh, god." The boy says.

"Oh, don't be like that, darling. You've got another girl that knows how to please you." Verosika tells you.

"Veri, I love you, but can you not refer to Octavia of all people like that?"

"Just saying." The succubus says before patting the avian girl on the back. "Go on, dear. Show him what you learned. ~"

Octavia gulped before nodding and slowly approaching the boy as the succubus watched proudly. She stopped and looked down, bawking at the size of his member and clamped a bit but shook her head.

"H-Hey, Via, you don't have to do this ya know. We can wait." Minato tried to tell her.

"NO!" She almost shouted before clearing her throat. "I mean, no. I-I can do this. I'm all fine... The real question is." She says as she leaned down, putting a hand on his chest. "Are you..." She then forced a smile and closed her eyes halfway. "R-Ready for me... big boy. ~"

He stared at her for a bit, Loona glaring at the succubus while mouthing 'WTF', as said succubus put a hand to her head. The avian girl was stuck in an awkward state, failing to sound or look seductive as she was taught. Her tone was off, further damaged by her stutter, and when we say her eyes were half closed, it looked more like she was squinting.

As Octavia was starting to realize the tension and slowly frowned and started to look nervous again, internally cursing herself. Minato just sighed and put his hand on her shoulder.

"Look, you don't have to act like someone you're not." He reassured her. "Ya know, you don't have to force it."

"That's what I was saying." Verosika mumbled.

"Do you actually wanna do this?" The boy asked the owl girl.

Octavia hesitated for a moment. He could see on her face that she was having some conflicting thoughts. After a moment, she grabbed his cheeks and pressed her mouth against his. He jumped for a moment but decided to roll with it.

She pushed him down on the bed, getting on top while continuing the kiss while rubbing her pussy against his member. She stuck her tongue into his mouth, attempting a French kiss, but it became clear that she wasn't good at that either. Deciding to help her, he held her head and started kissing properly.

"Well, that worked out better than expected." Loona says while standing up. "Guess your little plan wasn't a total fuck up."

"I told you it would work. So..." Verosika says before leaning forward.

"Ugh, just say 'I told you so'."

"Actually..." She grabbed the hound and pinned her to the wall. "I was thinking we should have our own fun while we wait. ~."

Loona's face turned bright red from feeling the succubus' boobs pressed against her. She opened her mouth to say something before Verosika took advantage and pulled her into another make out session, grinding their pussies together again.

Minato continued to make out with the owl girl, having her learn how to properly kiss while her juices coated his member. After a bit, they pulled away with a string of saliva connecting the tips of their tongues. Octavia gasped for air, taken aback and clamped up again, as if trying to remember the next part of what she was taught.

While taking her time, he caught a glimpse of the other two starting to get freaky. Seeing them stop making out before the succubus drag herself down the hellhound's body before lapping at her entrance. It caused his member to twitch a bit against the avian girl's own entrance causing her look behind her before back to him.

"Okay, before we do this, I wanna know if you 'really' wanna do this. Cause, it's not just my dad, but your dad-"

"Doesn't need to know, just like my mother doesn't need to know." Octavia interrupted. "But... yes, I... I-I really do wanna do this."

Her tone gave way as to how nervous she was, but the boy could sense sincerity in her tone. Nodding, he slowly lifted her hips up, lining her pussy with his tip. He gave her one last look, ignoring the background noise and she nodded at him, then he started to lower her.

She grunted a bit, but didn't say anything. Minato eventually stopped when he suddenly hit a wall. He paused, puzzled for a moment, wondering what it was. He tried to push past it but stopped again before his eyes widened in realization. She was a virgin.

"I get it, alright. Just... keep going, don't worry about it."

Getting the green light, he started lowering again, hearing her grunt as he pressed against her barrier. Then once his member pierced through and break her hymen, she screamed in pain. She panted in pain as the boy looked concerned.

She hissed in pain before taking a moment to catch her breath. Then after a moment, she looked down at him.

"What are you waiting for? Go on." She tells the boy as he broke from his trance.

He sighed before slowly lifting her hips and lowering them back in the same pace. She quietly moaned when feeling the human's shaft exiting and reentering her cavern.

"Fuck..." She moaned to herself. "So... big..."

Minato let out a breath of air himself as he slowly thrusted up into her. He wondered if there was any demon girl that wasn't tight as he had yet to meet one that was ever loose. He had gotten used to the feeling and it felt less and less like his member was gonna be ripped off.

He caught a glimpse of the succubus having the hellhound on the floor as her tongue was licking past her lower lips, licking the inside of her cavern. However, he quickly focused back on the avian girl while thrusting into her entrance.

However, Octavia suddenly hunched and moaned loudly as she squinted tightly. Minato stopped, wondering if he did something wrong before he felt her entrance tighten around his shaft, juices spraying on his crotch. She came not long after he started.

He looked up at her, seeing her pant while her face was red before opening her eyes to make contact with his.

"Too much?" He asked.

"... N-No." She denied.

"We can stop-"

"NO!" She says before inhaling. "Just... keep going. L-Let me get used to this."

'This poor girl.' He thought to himself.

The boy only nodded before he started it up again, causing her to shake for a moment, but she took a deep breath and started to control herself, keeping her moans concealed and enduring it longer than previously. He was almost impressed that she was getting used to this so quickly.

After about a minute, Octavia hadn't orgasmed a second time yet, grunting before looking at the boy, then slowly forming a smile and laying her head on his chest. He kept one hand on her hips, moving the other up to her head, caressing it gently as he kept bucking his hips.

Another minute passed before she came again, gripping his shoulders, urging him to keep going. Minato continued, still holding her and comforting her. Soon, he came, filling her entrance with his load. He stopped his hips as she moaned into his chest, feeling his warm seed in her. Something about it felt... relaxing.

"Oh, fuck." She moaned. "Fuck this..."

"Yeah, first time is something, alright." The boy says while patting her head. "How you feeling?"

"Honestly... it felt... kinda good."

"Well, that's a relief."

Octavia then started to lift herself off him, moaning as his length slowly left her cavern. Soon she got off, before falling to the side of him, panting as she held her belly.

"Oh shit..." She says, her face hot. "I just... give me a minute."

"Yeah, take it easy." He tells her kissing her on the forehead. "It's only the first time."

She smiled at him before taking his hand in hers as he smiled back. He then was startled as the hellhound fell on the bed next to him.

"Well, if you're done with her, I got your other whore ready for you. ~" Verosika says proudly.

"Yeesh, come on, Veri. I can't have a break?" Minato asks her.

"You could, but I put in the effort to get her prepared. Would be a waste."

"Just get on with it already! I've been fucking aching for this forever." Loona tells the boy as she got on all fours.

The boy looked back and forth between the two, then sighed before sitting up.

"Sorry, I don't get a say in these apparently." He tells the avian girl.

"It's fine... I'm not... I don't mind." Octavia tells him.

"Alright." Minato says before he got off the bed. "You wanna be impatient?" He says before grabbing the hound by her fluffy ass. "You asked for this."

He then pushed his member into her asshole, causing her to arch her back as she howled, caught off guard from which hole he went for. She cursed under her breath before he started moving his hips, thrusting into her ass as she panted like a hound.

"Fuck, oh fucking god... oh shit..." She kept cursing.

"Oh, shooting for the shitter, are ya?" Verosika says as she hugs the boy from behind. "You must be real horny tonight."

He didn't answer her, only focusing on giving the wolf a pounding for her life. Verosika didn't mind and began kissing the back of his neck, leaving black stains from her lipstick with intent to turn the boy on further.

Loona growled as she clenched her jaw in attempt to keep herself from moaning. That of which failing because her voice was getting through her teeth. Minato huffed as he was still sensitive from earlier, starting to feel his climax coming sooner than expected. However, he kept going, the feeling of the hellhound's tight hole gripping his length. 

He started slamming his hips harder, grabbing and tugging the hellhound's tail as her asscheeks rippled each time he pounded her as her arms gave out and she laid on the bed. It took another minute or so, but he came, filling her ass with his jizz. Loona moaned as her tongue hung out of her mouth. He pulled out of her asshole, a bit of cum spurting into her tail fur before he let her down on the bed, panting.

"Alright... let me guess." He then turned his head in the succubus' direction. "You want your turn now?"

"Do you have to ask?" She says, 'innocently'.

"Right." He chuckles. "And you call me horny."

"Well, ya know, the bandages make you look hotter... sexier too. ~" She says before he turned and pinned her against the wall.

"Let me skip the talking then." He says before grabbing her chin and kissed her.

Their tongues tangled with each other as the boy lifted one of the succubus's legs up and then inserted his member into her sopping entrance. He didn't waste time before he began pounding her too, her moans muffled by his mouth as his tongue overpowered hers.

He gripped her ass hard as her arms locked around his neck while his hips were practically on auto pilot. He reeled his hand back and gave her ass a slap, causing her to squeal into his mouth before pulling away.

"Fuck, you are so much more vigorous, now." Verosika moaned before reached down and lifted her other leg before he continued the rutting. "Oh, FUCK YES! That's the stuff!"

Octavia watched from the side, watching how hard he was going with the other girls, then looking down at herself. Part of her not only felt left out since he refused to go that hard on her, but also shame because she didn't last nearly as long as them... especially because her body couldn't match to theirs.

After a bit, Minato gave one last thrust and just like the others, came inside the succubus, filling her to the brim. He soon pulled out of her as she moaned and his load came gushing out of her onto the floor. She panted before making eye contact with him, then smiling widely.

"You still got it, darling. ~" She giggled.

He chuckled before he felt a hand on his shoulder, then he turned around.

"Hey, um..." Octavia says nervously. "Can we... try again?"

He looked surprised and was about to protest before he felt another hand grab his arm. He looked and saw Loona was the one grasping him, giving him a look that said she wasn't done. Verosika then giggled as he looked back at her. None of them were done.

(The next morning)

Minato woke up to... well, the aftermath. The girls all laid strewn about on Verosika's bed, the closest girl next to him being the avian. She was snuggled up against him almost possessively, despite being one of the girls who was leaking as well. Looking at the scene, he felt annoyed at himself.

He slowly sat up, before feeling something crunch and then gripping his side, silently cursing to himself. Pulling a muscle after all that? Yeah. And if that wasn't bad enough, he got a call from his dad.

"Oh great." He says before answering it. "Hey, dad."

"Hey, uh, I noticed you didn't come home last night. Wanna explain yourself."

"Firstly, don't jump to conclusions. I'm just staying with a friend."

"Uh-huh, sure. I figured you were 'staying with a friend' as you have been doing a couple of times."

"Ugh, I know, I know. I just..." Minato sighed before trying to think of something to say. "Ya know I... uh... I..."

"Look, I'm not mad, okay. Just... please try to restrain yourself. At least until you've fully recovered."

"I know... I'll try." He says before noticing Octavia waking up.

"Please do. Not just for me. For yourself too."

"I will."

"Okay, that's all. Love you, bud."

"Love you too, dad." Minato says before hanging up.

"Does... does your dad... know about this?" Octavia asked.

"Well, he knows I have a lot of girlfriends and... that I've slept with some. He gets annoyed, but he doesn't mind much less restrict me to anything."

"Wish I had a dad like yours."

"... Speaking of which, does your dad know?"

"No." The avian says as she shakily sat up. "I told him I was having a sleep over with a friend. That's all."

"Good to know." The boy says before chuckling. "Us teens have it hard, huh?"

"Yeah, well, at least your parents actually like each other and don't scream at each other every few-" She cut herself off when she saw the way he was looking at her. "Shit, I wasn't supposed to tell you that."

"..." Minato sighed. "Still at it, huh?"

"You can blame your stupid ass boss for that."

"Yeah, I'm not gonna defend him. Don't hate him, but he's done a lot of shitty things."

The owl girl then sighed before scooting closer and leaning against the boy.

"So-" Minato started to say before she put a finger to his lips.

"Just... don't say anything else." Octavia tells him before embracing him. "I just need you to stay like this."

He stared for a moment before nodding and just... sitting there, not saying another word and silently allowing her to hold him.

To be continued...

Okay, so next is either visiting Millie's family, visiting the M&M's, staying home, or practicing new abilities... One has more votes than the other two, but that could change after this chapter.

Hopefully you enjoyed this chapter, and before I go, I wanna make some things clear. I'm gonna try and get to my Hazbin Hotel x OC and Murder Drones x OC stories, but they probably won't be updated as much as this one. I just like Helluva Boss more than the other series.

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