Round 8, Part 1

It was a normal day for MountainClan. The air was crisp and cool, eagles and hawks flew overhead, and sunlight bathed a few of the rocks. Lightstar sat on one of these, pressed up against Briarthorn, his mate.

The calico she-cat wrapped her tail around his, watching as cats began to rise from their various dens. "I love days like this. When the breeze blows over the mountaintops, and the prey is plentiful. Days when everything is going exactly as we dreamed". Lightstar nodded, and placed his head on top of hers.

"Cloverwing is just like you, in that retrospect. I'm proud of our daughter. I wasn't sure if giving her Rowanpaw as an apprentice was the right thing to do, but she's handling him well," the golden tom mewed. The mates watched from up above as their daughter came out of her den.

Cloverwing was always up early, just like her parents. Eagletail did the same. Her best friend wasn't exactly a morning cat, but he enjoyed spending time with her. The brown tabby drowsily padded after her with a yawn.

Cloverwing looked at him with amusement, and lightly flicked her tail across his face. "I'm planning on taking Rowanpaw out to train his hunting today, what do you think? Want to bring Sunpaw along and join us?"

Eagletail sneezed, and nodded happily. He was much more awake, now that they were in the sunlight. "That sounds fun, let's do it! How about up by the Tallpine?" Cloverwing nodded in agreement.

"You'll just need to get someone to cover your guard duty. How about Sprucefang?" she suggested. Eagletail nodded, and turned to where Sprucefang was relaxing in the early morning sun with Swiftstep.

He padded over cheerfully. "Good morning Sprucefang, Swiftstep," he greeted. The white and black she-cat opened one eye, while Sprucefang lifted his head.

"Good morning, Eagletail. Can I do anything for you?" the older warrior asked. Eagletail flicked his tail towards Cloverwing.

"Me and Cloverwing are going to take Rowanpaw and Sunpaw on a training session up by the Tallpine, and I was wondering if you would mind taking over my guard duty," he told Sprucefang. Sprucefang nodded.

"Let me know when Squirrelfrost and Tawnyclaw go to sleep," he mewed. Then he set his head back down on the warm rock, moving closer to Swiftstep.

Eagletail trotted back over to Cloverwing. "He agreed! We're good to go". The two young warriors went to wake their apprentices up.

Swiftstep placed her head on Sprucefang's shoulder, purring slightly. "I enjoy watching the younger warriors try to figure things out. It reminds me of when we mentored them. You did a good job with Cloverwing". Sprucefang purred as well.

"She was a good apprentice. I'm glad I got her, although it made me feel a bit guilty, especially when you had Slatefur," he replied. Swiftstep flicked her tail nonchalantly.

"He wasn't as bad back then. The hallucinations and dreams came later," she mewed. The two cats went back to resting in the sunlight.

Slatefur, meanwhile, was huddled under a rock, muttering to himself. Dapplepelt was trying to get him out, to participate in the daily duties.

"They know all of your secrets. They know, they know, THEY KNOW!" he told the she-cat, giggling to himself maniacally. "She tells them. She knows everything. She even knows that I know. I know. Do you understand? I KNOW!" Dapplepelt looked down at the grey tom with distaste, tail twitching.

"Slatefur, come out. I've secured an easy task for you today. You're going to accompany Dustpool and Littlepaw out of the camp, along with Lightstar. Dustpool wants to see how long Littlepaw can last, and you and Lightstar need to protect them," she mewed. Slatefur giggled again, and continued muttering to himself. Dapplepelt scoffed and padded away.

Bearfoot noticed her irritation, and padded up beside her. "Don't pay attention to him. He's crazy," he mewed. The she-cat huffed, but pressed herself up against her mate.

"I know. I just don't get it! I know that Lightstar believes in taking care of all cats, but Slatefur is a dead weight. Even if we can't get rid of him, can't we force him to become an elder?" she asked, frustrated. Bearfoot wrapped his tail around hers comfortingly.

"I'll talk to Lightstar after the border patrol," the brown tabby tom assured her. Dapplepelt purred, and rubbed her cheek against his shoulder.

"Thank you, Bearfoot. He'll listen to you," she told him. Bearfoot purred back.

He glanced towards Slatefur, who was still muttering to himself. "I'm just sorry that you were given the task of taking care of him. I have to go start waking up the other cats for the border patrol, but I'll see you when it's over". He nuzzled Dapplepelt one last time, then padded off to go gather the patrol.

He headed towards Mudwhisker, but stopped when he heard the brown tom arguing with Littlepaw.

"I don't need the leader to guard me! I can walk to the pond by myself! And I don't need Dustpool as my mentor! I could have had Squirrelfrost instead, but you decided that I needed someone who 'understood my condition'!" the small apprentice accused his father. Mudwhisker tried to say something, but Littlepaw cut him off by turning around and limping away.

Mudwhisker hung his head sadly. Bearfoot quietly padded up, and sat down next to the tom. "That seemed harsh, Mudwhisker. Are you okay?" he asked. The warrior nodded, and gave Bearfoot a strained smile.

"I'm fine. One day, he'll realize that this was all for his own good. Maybe he'll forgive me then," he replied. He flicked his tail, as though dismissing the subject. "What can I help you with?"

"I'm looking for Breezeflight, for the border patrol. Do you know where he is?" Bearfoot asked. Mudwhisker nodded.

He looked to the side of one of the steep stone slopes. "He's up in his alone place. Must have been a hard morning. I can try calling for him if you want". Bearfoot shook his head. He knew that it was impossible to get Breezeflight down if the tom didn't want to. Besides, Breezeflight generally came down in time for his duties.

Mudwhisker stood up, and sighed. "Well, I'm leading the hunting patrol. Might as well start getting the cats together. Good luck, Bearfoot" He padded away, leaving Bearfoot to continue with his task.

The long-furred tom headed towards the rock that Lightstar and Briarthorn were relaxing on. He quietly leapt onto the rock right below theirs, and looked up over the edge at the mates.

"Hey, Briarthorn. Do you want to come on my border patrol?" he asked. The calico she-cat nodded, and stood up with a stretch. She said a quick goodbye to Lightstar, then jumped off the rock to join Bearfoot.

The two cats padded toward the apprentice den. Skypaw, being Briarthorn's apprentice, had to come as well. They arrived, only to see the grey she-cat bowl over a ginger tom, rolling out of the den.

"Take it back, Rowanpaw! I mean it!" Skypaw threatened. The ginger tom threw her backwards, but she just smoothly tucked into a roll and hopped back up.

"No, I meant it! I'm the most likely to become leader, because Sunpaw is a moron, Ashpaw is weak, and you're just going to end up with kits in the nursery!" Skypaw tackled Rowanpaw to the ground again, growling.

"Aren't you going to break this up?" Bearfoot asked. Briarthorn looked at the fighting apprentices nonchalantly.

"Rowanpaw deserves it, but I suppose I shouldn't let him get injured," the calico she-cat replied. She went and pulled the apprentices apart, making sure that Skypaw followed her back to Bearfoot. The grey apprentice did, but not without a few glares at Rowanpaw.

Once Rowanpaw was out of view, Skypaw happily ran up to her father. "Bearfoot, did you see that! I was definitely winning!" The large tom purred in response.

"Yes, you're a wonderful fighter, Skypaw," he assured her. The hot-headed apprentice beamed at that. She knew that her father believed it.

Briarthorn nudged Bearfoot, and motioned to the camp entrance. "Breezeflight is back. We should go get him and start the patrol". Bearfoot nodded, and padded towards the black and white tom.

Breezeflight didn't say anything. He just fell in behind Bearfoot, making sure to avoid any eye contact with the other cats.

The patrol headed out of the camp, passing by Squirrelfrost and Tawnyclaw. The two she-cats tiredly dipped their heads at the group of cats as they left.

"I wonder when our reliefs are coming. I need a nap," Tawnyclaw told Squirrelfrost with a yawn. The ginger she-cat nodded tiredly. Then she perked up, seeing Dapplepelt and Sprucefang approaching.

"Dapplepelt, Sprucefang, are you here to relieve us?" the she-cat asked. Dapplepelt nodded once.

"You two can go to sleep now, we'll take it from here," Sprucefang assured them. Relieved, Squirrelfrost and Tawnyclaw headed towards the warriors' den.

On the way, they passed by Dustpool, who was talking to Littlepaw.

"Littlepaw, you just have to be patient. The more we do walks like this, the more exercise your leg gets in a way that won't injure it more," Dustpool mewed. Littlepaw scoffed.

"I know, I know, I know. You learned to live with your lack of eyesight, and I can do the same with my leg, etc. Well guess what, I've already adapted, so could you just leave me alone?!" He turned around, in a clearly disrespectful manner, and limped off.

While Tawnyclaw went after Littlepaw to tell him off, Squirrelfrost padded up to Dustpool.

"Are you okay, Dustpool?" she asked. The blind tom sighed, and nodded.

"I'm used to it by now. He doesn't want me to be his mentor," Dustpool told her. Squirrelfrost looked at Littlepaw with disapproval.

"Well, he can at least show you respect. If you ever need to talk, I'm here," she told the light brown tom. Dustpool nodded gratefully. Meanwhile, Tawnyclaw was busy yelling at Littlepaw.

The tortoiseshell she-cat was visibly bristling. "You can't talk to Dustpool like that, Littlepaw! I won't allow it! He is trying to help you, so the least you could do we be to show him even the least bit of respect!" Littlepaw didn't respond. He just glared at her. Clearly, she wasn't going to get through to the brown tom. She flicked her tail towards the apprentices' den with disappointment. "Fine. Just go talk to Sunpaw then. But you're still going on that outing". Littlepaw limped off towards the den, and Tawnyclaw joined Squirrelfrost in the warriors' den to regain energy.

Littlepaw entered the apprentices' den, fuming. He found Sunpaw and Rowanpaw arguing, while Ashpaw relaxed in his nest and watched.

"What if our father is a loner? How would we ever find him?" Sunpaw asked. Rowanpaw cuffed his brother over the head, as Littlepaw sat down next to Ashpaw.

"They're having this conversation again?" Littlepaw groaned. Ashpaw nodded.

Rowanpaw ignored the two other apprentices, still focused on his conversation with Sunpaw. "Don't be ridiculous. When would Tawnyclaw have encountered a loner long enough to become mates? No, I think that Bearfoot is our father. He's just like me! And, Dapplepelt and Tawnyclaw are sisters, so it's only natural that Bearfoot and Tawnyclaw would be friendly".

Ashpaw bristled, and stood up. "You know, maybe if you stopped insisting that my father was also your father, Skypaw wouldn't attack you as much". The grey apprentice stormed out of the den, looking for anyone else.

Ashpaw saw his mentor, Hawknose, talking to Mudwhisker and Swiftstep. He padded up to the trio, curious. "Good morning!"

Hawknose turned to look at Ashpaw, pleasantly surprised. "Ashpaw, I didn't even hear you. That was very good stalking. Anyways, Mudwhisker is leading a hunting patrol, and we're going to join". Ashpaw grew excited. He loved hunting patrols. They gave him a chance to practice and bring back food for the clan.

With their conversation finished, Mudwhisker flicked his tail for the other cats to follow him. The group headed out of the camp, passing by Dapplepelt and Sprucefang. They rounded a corner, and were soon out of sight.

Back in the apprentice den, meanwhile, the argument between Sunpaw and Rowanpaw ended when Cloverwing and Eagletail arrived at the entrance.

"Quit bickering, you two. We're doing hunting training today," Cloverwing ordered. Rowanpaw and Sunpaw looked at each other, then dashed out of the den to join their mentors. Cloverwing and Eagletail led the way out of camp and up towards the Tallpine.

That left only Dustpool's outing group. The light brown tom stuck his head into the apprentices' den, where Littlepaw was resting. "Littlepaw, are you ready to go?" The brown tom grumbled, but stood up and followed Dustpool out of the den.

Lightstar and Slatefur were already waiting for them in the center of camp. Lightstar was trying to ignore the grey tom's mutterings, while making sure that he didn't run off.

Dustpool and Littlepaw fell beside the two toms. Lightstar led the way out of camp, with Slatefur taking up the rear. They headed down the mountain.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Lightstar settled into his nest as the sun went down. It had been a long day for him. He just wanted to curl up with Briarthorn and go to sleep.

He heard pawsteps, and figured that it was Briarthorn coming back from her meal. He didn't even lift his head up to see who it was. Then the claws slashed across his throat. When he was revived, they did it again. And again. And again. After a final blow, he didn't revive anymore.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ashpaw padded into the dirtplace. He had just finished his meal, and would make dirt, then go to bed.

What he wasn't expecting, however, was for someone to already be in there. He just ignored them, and made dirt. But when he got up to leave, he was tackled, and dragged out of view.

"What are you doing?" Ashpaw asked fearfully. Was this a joke? Some sick game? His attacker looked down on him, and with one big shove, slammed his head into the stone. They did it over and over, until Ashpaw had stopped breathing. Then they left.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Briarthorn padded into the leader's den, which she and Lightstar shared. What she saw on the ground horrified her. Blood stained the entire den. And Lightstar . . . her mate lay dead on the ground, eyes open, with a large gash in his throat.

She cried for help, and collapsed next to Lightstar's body. Swiftstep and Sprucefang entered the den, and everything became a blur. Swiftstep dragged her out of the den. Sprucefang and Bearfoot carried Lightstar out of the den. Dapplepelt's wail, as she found Ashpaw's body. Tawnyclaw trying to comfort her and Dapplepelt. All of the chaos was jumbled into one horrible night.

Sprucefang gathered all of the cats together in the center of camp. Dapplepelt, Bearfoot, Hawknose, Skypaw, and Littlepaw were sitting vigil at Ashpaw's body, while Briarthorn, Cloverwing, Squirrelfrost, and Dustpool sat vigil at Lightstar's. He motioned for the other half of the clan to follow him, and headed for the other side of camp.

"This was clearly done by two of our own," Sprucefang mewed solemnly. "Dapplepelt and I kept watch the entire time. Nothing entered, nothing left". Rowanpaw and Sunpaw started murmuring. Eagletail hushed them.

"So what do we do?" Breezeflight asked. The black and white tom was practically shaking. Mudwhisker pressed up against him, trying to get him to calm down.

Slatefur giggled. "He wants us to accuse cats! They do too! That's their plan! We have to accuse our own clanmates. We don't have a choice! They -" Suddenly, the tom froze, no longer talking.

Tawnyclaw stepped forward, glaring at the grey tom. "Well I, for one, think it's Slatefur. He's crazy. He contributes less to this clan than a single stick! And if we exile him, it wouldn't be a big loss, would it?" Breezeflight shook his head at the suggestion to exile cats who were seen as less important. He knew that to Tawnyclaw, that included him.

Swiftstep flicked her tail towards the group of cats sitting vigil for Ashpaw. "I think it could be Skypaw. She's always been violent and hotheaded. Maybe Ashpaw said something to set her off". Sunpaw went to protest, but he was cut off by Sprucefang.

"Okay then. Let's tell the others. Then we'll vote".

Murdered: Lightstar, Ashpaw
Healed: Dapplepelt
Accused: Slatefur, Skypaw
Revealed: No one
Revived: No one
Murderers Left: 2

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