Episode 1: Strange Sightings


Uzi (Narrating): Hello Everyone, My name is Uzi Doorman.

(Drawn by N)

Uzi (Narrating): I am a Worker Drone that Lives on the Exo planet Copper-9. In case it wasn't obvious, It was pretty Fucking Boring.

N (Narrating): Uzi! Language. There are kids watching this.

Uzi (Narrating): Bite Me! Maybe those Kids shouldn't be glued to iPads all day and actually taken care of. *Death Glaring her own father*

Khan (in the distance): 🎵Doors, Doors, Doors, Doors! Doors, Doors, Doors, Doors! 🎵

Uzi (Narrating): Ugh! Okay well I may as well Introduce everyone else I guess.

Uzi (Narrating): This is My new Boyfriend, Serial Designation N. He is a Disassembly Drone, Or as we called them, "Murder Drones", Called that because, Well... Can you take a guess?

N (Narrating): We used to kill people 😊

Uzi (Narrating): You heard him. "We". As in Him and the rest of his trio. But Trust me, if you actually met him, It'd be impossible to imagine this adorable bean has killed anyone.

Uzi (Narrating): Finally there's V, The bitch.

V (Narrating): Wh- Oh come on, that's all the introduction I get?

Uzi (Narrating): I mean, I could call you some other things like, "The Psycho", "The Number 1 Source for simping", "Thunder Thighs", "Jeffrey Dahmer's Robotic Cousin"

V (Narrating): Okay I get it.

Uzi (Narrating): Anyway, This bitch grew up with N in this lame mansion where they were Victims of Cyn.

N (Narrating): I still can't believe She turned out to be So Evil.

V (Narrating): It felt Fucking AWESOME to finally Beat that bitch!

Uzi (Narrating): V was also N's Former Crush before he and I got together. *Giggles Loudly*

N (Narrating): UZI!! YOU SAID YOU WOULDN'T TELL HER *Blushing like crazy*

V (Narrating): *Giggles* Well it's not like you were hiding it very well.

Uzi (Narrating): Okay Enough of this Exposition. Anyway, After all this chaos, We started living pretty chill lives.... or so we thought.

1 Week After Episode 8...

The Worker Drone Students, Uzi, N, and V were all in class, getting ready for the boring test.

Teacher: Okay students, Here is your test... You all have 10 minutes to finish it before this bomb detonates and I do nothing about it. Go!

*Sounds of Multiple Fun shots*

V SHOOTS all the answers on her test paper.

V: I'm done.

N, Being N, Was the most excited for it as he started speeding through it.

Uzi on the other hand was absolutely miserable about it.

???: Psst. Uzi.

Uzi looks to see-

Uzi (Narrating): This is Thad. The coolest Guy in the colony. And Admittedly, He's super hot. What? It's not like he's hiding it or anything.

Uzi: Thad, What the hell is it? We got a test to-

Thad throws a paper plane at Uzi.

Uzi opens it up, Revealing the answers to the test.

Uzi: where did you get this?

Thad: I stole it from Dad's Room.

Uzi rolls her eyes and chuckles.

???: Uhhh Dad, Uzi's Like, Cheating on, Like, the Like, Test.

Uzi looks to find-


Uzi: Shut the fuck up Lizzy!

Lizzy: Ugh, Like, No.

Uzi (Narrating): Lizzy and I are a bit.... On and off. She's Thad's Sister, The Teacher's Daughter, and Your Stereotypical School Slut.

Lizzy: Ugh, Like, I gotta like, Call Stacy, She's gonna be Wildin' At the Party.

Uzi: What Party?

Lizzy: Oh? I guess like, nobody told you since like, You have the like, Social status of a Stray dog. Thad's throwing like, a Party This Saturday. And Everyone is Invited... Well, I guess except-

Thad: Uzi, Wanna come to my party?

Uzi: Hell Yeah I do. Is N coming?

Thad: That's up to him.

Uzi: Maybe I cou-

Cyn-Tail: CaN i CoMe ToO?

Uzi: God Da-

Uzi (Narrating): Okay, so Cyn lives in my solver Tail. She's not too bad as my tail... BUT GOD DAMN IS SHE ANNOYING!!!!


The bomb Detonates, Marking the end of class.

Teacher: ......... Eh.

He just walks away.


Uzi (Narrating): So after school, N, V and I all head to their Landing Pod. When I first met them, I actually tried to fix the ship to go back to earth and Kill all the humans. So why I didn't Finish?

Cyn-Tail: WaLkInG. wAlKiNg.

Uzi (Narrating): There's your Answer. Anyway, Now we just hang out Here and do whatever we want.

V: So Uzi, What's this "Super Cool Epik plan of Coolness and Edginess" of yours This time?

Uzi: We Are going to Build A Super Epic Base!

*Nonexistent Crickets Chirping*

V: A Base?

N: Sounds awesome 😊. I'll get started.

V gives N a soft smile as N starts gathering materials.

Uzi (Narrating): For as long as I've known V, She's always been so cold towards N. It wasn't until Last week when she Admitted Why. It was all to protect Him. From Cyn. Cyn made both their lives Hell, and V had a lot of regret For not just Telling N about it, Especially for as long as 17 years.

V Joins N in collecting the materials.

V: How's this?

She has a Very THICK piece of Steel in her hands.

N: That's perfect 😊

Uzi starts assembling a few things, until suddenly, her notifications pop up and she sees something strange.

Uzi calls N, to which N immediately answers.

Uzi: N, Come with me, We need to check out what I found.

N: What about the base?

Uzi: We can do that later. We NEED to see this!!

Uzi and N take off, Leaving V unknowingly by herself.

2 Hours Later...

V had just finished placing her Wall of the base.

V: Aaaand Done! What do you guys-

She sees that Both Uzi and N were gone.

V: ....Think?

V suddenly gets a call on her Visor From N and eagerly answers.

V: Hello?


V: N, N! Calm down, I'm on my way. Where are you, Where's Uzi?

N: Uzi and I went to another colony on the planet, and She Already left, I wasn't so lucky.

V: *Under her breath* I swear if those Workers even Scratch you... I will personally-

N: AHH They found me!

The call hangs up, Leaving V Determined and Furious.

V immediately Zooms over to the other colony and busted down the Doors.

V: Huh... That was... Eas-

Suddenly, A FUCK ton of weapons all Aim at V.

V: Gotcha.... So these Workers are more Advanced.

They all immediately shoot at V, who dodges them all quickly and Shoots the shit out of them.

Worker: Hey, Stop Right the-

V turns around and looks right at the Worker. V's Face alone scared the shit out of him.

Worker: Shit!! It's V!! RUN!!!

V grabs The Worker and Slams him to the wall.

V: Okay, so you know who I am, That means you know Where N is, so Spill it!!!

Worker: Please-

V: I didn't ask For a "Please", I asked...

She SLAMS the worker's head harder at the wall.

V: Where the FUCK is N?

Worker: Down The hall, first door to the right.

V: Thanks.

She Throws the worker into a dumpster.

She then follows the Directions into a room where Multiple Worker drones are ready to shoot N right there.

N: I'm sure we can Talk about this... Right?

Worker 2: Nope.

Worker 3: Yeah die.

V crashes into the Room and BRUTALLY kills every single one of them, laughing hysterically as she does so.

V: MUAHAHAHAHA!!!! Man I missed that.

N: I thought we said we weren't doing that anymore.

V: Oh N, My Sweet Sweet Best buddy, Sometimes you gotta break a few rules.

She unties N, setting him free.

V: Mind explaining to me What you and Uzi were doing here anyway?

N: Well, Funny story. Uzi and I heard some rumors about another Disassembly Drone in this Area, so we decided to investigate and possibly say hi 😊... But mostly investigate.

V: A Disassembly Drone?! The only other disassembly drone besides us is... Is J!

N: That's what we thought too. But The workers here described that This disassembly drone Was Male and was Red.

V: Red? That doesn't make any sense... Disassembly Drones are programmed to Stay Yellow. Are you sure you got your facts right?

N: That's just what we were told, I'm not confirming anything. Anyway, wanna head back to that base?

V: Sure. I'm getting bored standing here anyway.

Main Colony...

Khan: You know what, that's a tough one. But if I had to choose I'd go with Marrying The Teacher, Fucking Justin Droner, and killing Hugh Botman.

Nick: Did you just think we were having a conversation.

Khan: We Weren't?

Nick: no. You were asleep for like, 3 hours, and then you sprung awake and answered one of the most bizarre Fuck, Marry, Kills I've ever heard.

Khan: Are you seriously telling me Your answers Wouldn't be the same?

Nick: I'm honestly questioning your thinking process. I'm Surprised Doors Weren't mentioned in that Response.

Khan: Doors are my everything, you know that.

Nick: Khan, Your Literal Wife is in the kitchen trying to rebuild herself.

Khan: ........ I have a wife?

The Door suddenly opens and V Jumpscares the Two Workers.

Khan: *Screams like a bitch*

V laughs hysterically at them.

N: Sorry.

V: No don't apologize, that was fuckin' hilarious!!

Khan: *Smiles* Hello there N. *Scowls* Hello... V!

V: Sup Old Man, is Uzi home?

Khan: Yeah she's talking to that Octopus heart thing.

N: Oooh Nori's Here 😊

The Two Disassembly Drones walk into Uzi's Room.

Nori: Now remember, Always Eat B-

V: We're home bitches.

Uzi immediately tackles N in a hug.

Uzi: N! I'm so happy you're okay.

V: Yeah no thanks to you.

N/Nori: V!

V: I mean it's true.

V gets a text from Lizzy.

Lizzy: Hae Best-E, Wanna Go 2 The Mall and Prepare 4 the Par T?

V: Well, Looks like I'm gonna Go shopping with Lizzy. Oh and Uzi?

Uzi: Yeah?

V: *Very DARK Chuckle* If you Ever Hurt N's Sweet little heart, I Promise That you will FEEL MY WRATH!!! *Normal* See ya.

She Flies away to go find Lizzy.

Nori: Is she always this extra?

Uzi: Mom, you don't know the half of it.

End of Episode

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