One snowfall day
Snow was falling around the destroyed city building's plant, which was full of holes or pieces. A man was walking through the snow, wearing a heavy jacket as he shuffled around.
He rubbed his hands together before trying to blow some hot breath onto them. He looked down at his clothes and saw that his pants had changed from their usual black to more of a white color due to the snowfall.
He sighed as he kept walking through the snow, grabbing his scarf and lifting it to cover his face. His eyes locked onto a weird-shaped building rising like a spiral ahead of him.
After walking a bit longer, he reached outside the building and placed his hand on a destroyed hole.
He looked around through the opening and saw many dead robots called worker drones.
He crouched beside one and picked up his arm, seeing the oil leaking from the joints.
He rubbed his arm in a way like he felt the drone pain.
Especially as work drones were almost like humans, and he meant that.
They were built with emotions, feelings, and workable body parts, which was incredibly strange, but he didn't question that.
After all, the prototype also has them, but unlike the drones, the prototype was more human. They tried to make them incredibly human so that people would feel more comfortable with them.
However, as the new models show, they removed those parts, making them look robotic.
Another thing was why the people who made them made the robot hot.
He looked at the reader and gave them a grin before winking at them.
He took a deep breath as he stood back up and looked at the thing in the middle of the place.
There was some kind of pod In the middle of the whole place. He took a few steps before stopping as he heard wings flapping.
He looked around for a place to hide anywhere and would run and hide behind a pillar. He grabbed his chest to steady his breathing before looking from the cover to see what the flapping came from.
Some kind of creature with metal wings flew to the ground. It stood up in a very creepy way, almost as if scanning the area.
It looked like a worker drone except for the wings and the long metal nails she had.
Where her eyes were supposed to be, they were changed to an x that crossed the whole face. She only had a black short-sleeved crop coat with a fuzzy collar for whatever reason. (Yes, I got this from Google. Bite me!)
That was the only sort of clothes she wore. Her lower half was nothing, but he had to ask why a robot had thighs like that. He could only imagine what they said to get the idea of making work drones.
Bob: Alright, sharks. We are here with an idea that could be renovated for the machine industry. We have a work drone here today.
Bob: It can do many things...
He went on to explain some of it. Afterward, he looked at the five people sitting in their chairs, watching.
Kevin O'Leary: I have just some concerns about this plan of yours
Bob: Of course, sir. Is there anything that I can explain?
Kevin O'Leary: I couldn't help but notice that these robots look weirdly hot for some reason. Why is that?
Bob: well, sir, there are multifunctional robots
Kevin O'Leary: So you're saying people could use them in a certain way?
Bob: Yes, sir.
He looked around at his call colleagues before looking back up at Bob.
Kevin O'Leary: I think me and my fellow sharks will stay out of this
Bob looked defeated after hearing that, and his plans to make these drones multi-retail would not come true.
Suddenly, one shark raised his hand.
???: I'll tell you what I'm interested in regarding your idea.
Bob looked up to see which shark it was; it was the only man who could get away with it.
It was no other than Mark Cuban.
Mark Cuban: I would happily give you 10 million for only 10% of the stocks.
Bob: you got a deal, mister Mark Cuban
Mark Cuban: This idea is so different from anything we've ever had on this show. Never once have we had someone come up and say, "I want to make robots that could do things we can while also essentially being a sex you." So, I'm with you on this.
He was sure it was one exciting idea to get started.
However, he didn't have the time to think about it. He needed to get away from this place.
The drone looked at the ground momentarily before suddenly twitching its head in his direction.
He quickly ducks back into cover away from the drone.
He needed to get out of there. Suddenly, he heard footsteps approaching from behind the pillar.
He looked through his jacket for anything he could use. But to no such luck, he didn't have anything. He took a step back, feeling something poking his foot.
He jolted from the sudden touch. He looked down at the thing and saw a hand sticking out.
He sighed as he grabbed the arm, looking it up and down before shrugging, as that was all he had to do.
He took a few deep breaths before counting down.
He jumped out of cover with the arm in his right hand, ready to hit the creature, just to see it was gone.
He looked to his right before checking his left, but the drone was nowhere to be seen. He let out a sigh of relief.
He looked down, noticing the footsteps next to the one he left before feeling something wet on his shoulder.
He looked at his wet shoulder before looking up and saw the drone grabbing onto the puller and looking down at him with the x on its face. Its mouth was wide open, ready to bite down on him.
It jumped towards him with its mouth wide open, about to sink its teeth into his body.
Before that could happen, the man quickly flipped the arm to the other way and went to hit the drone. The hand on the arm slapped the fuck out of her sending her a few feet to his left.
The guy stepped back with the arm still in hand, ready to bolt it.
The drone slowly got up, moving its body like in one of those old zombie drone movies.
Suddenly, it twitches its head in his direction. She was opening her mouth, showing her canine teeth.
He looked back behind himself towards the hole in the building before looking back at her.
There was a creepy smile on her face.
???: do it. I love it when they make me chase them.
He bolted toward the hole as the drone started laughing maniacally. Her wing sprouted from her back, and she flew straight up.
He kept running while almost tripping a few times. He quickly looked back to see nothing before looking forward to seeing the drone before him.
She went to slice his head clean off, but the guy dodged just in time, only having his arm scratched by her claws.
He quickly turned to look at her, but she was already about to swing at him again.
He quickly backflips a few times as she misses her mark. As he lands on his feet, he quickly raises that arm in his hand, upper-cutting the drone.
She took a few steps backward and grabbed her chin. Looking at her hand, she saw a black substance.
She brought it close to her face as she licked it up. She looked back at him.
???: Hmm, fun!
He bolted one more, trying to get away from her, but this time, he made it through the wall just in time. He ran to one of the nearby buildings.
As he got inside, he looked for somewhere to hide only seeing cubicles.
He sighed before running to hide inside one. He quietly sat down underneath a desk, trying to slow his breathing.
He looked at his arm, seeing a red substance.
He put his hand underneath the jacket to where the wound was.
He brought his hand out, seeing red mixed with another darker substance.
He groaned at what he saw before a loud bang rang out as dust flew everywhere.
He tried not to make any sound as he saw a yellow light, most likely from that drone from earlier.
He pulled up his scarf, trying not to breathe in any dust that might make him cough, revealing his location.
He heard a loud scratching sound from what sounded like metal against metal.
???: where are you, little drones? I'm getting tired of playing cat and mouse.
He spotted an old pencil holder a few feet away. He quickly grabbed it, trying not to be heard.
He threw it as far away from him as he could. As soon as it hit the ground, it made a loud sound, followed by a louder crash sound.
He quickly and quietly started walking away to the entrance of the place.
Just as he was about to step foot onto the snow, he felt something grab onto his shoulder, and he was lifted and started flying up into the air.
The drone turned him around to look at him up close.
??: You made me work up an appetite, little drone. I can't wait to eat your insides.
She changed her claw hands to regular hands as she grabbed the scarf and yanked it off.
She was caught off guard by what she saw. It was.... a human?
She slowly flapped her wings as they descended.
She hadn't seen a human since..... well, she couldn't remember, but this was still a surprise.
She placed him on the ground and took a step back.
???: Are you the person J talks to from the company?
The human was about to say something before suddenly getting a dropkick from his side, sending him flying and crashing into a building.
The rubble fell on top of him, killing him. She looked over at what kicked him, seeing J standing there.
???: J that was human?!
J looked at her, confused.
J: what are you talking about? There is no way a human is on this planet, mainly because of how bad the air is here.
???: my sensors said otherwise. That was a human you just killed.
J looked at the rubble before turning her head back to the drone.
J: "Sigh" Fine, I will ask the company. Come on V
J's wing sprouted from her back, and V looked back before doing the same. They flew back to the spiral building.
While the two flew back to the building, they didn't notice the purple-haired drone that was watching.
*someplace else *
A drone was sitting on a pile of dead human bodies, more like their skeletons.
She closed her eyes before slowly opening them, revealing the x-yellow eyes.
She put her hands together and crossed her legs in a thinking pose.
??: " Robotically," giggle giggle. How exciting. A human still lives. Don't you find that interesting?
She turned her head to look over her shoulder. Down the hill of bodies, there was a person with chains connecting to their arms and legs.
???: right, Tessa?
The girl looked up at the drone on the hill.
Tessa: you won't get away with this cyn
In the blink of an eye, cyn disappears before reappearing next to the chin-up person.
Cyn: But I have already killed many different species of your people. You're the only one left besides this new one.
Tessa: So what, huh, you going to kill me finally?
Cyn twisted her head and snapped her neck to appear more creepy.
Cyn: why would I ever want to do something like that? After all, you are the last female human, and I have found the last male human.
Tessa: what are you getting at, cyn?
Cyn: I plan to torture you, human, for many years, but the only problem with that is.
Cyn: there are only two left
Tessa blinked at Cyn, understanding what she meant.
Cyn: I see that you understand what I'm getting at here.
Tessa: y-you can't
Cyn: Oh, but I will now if you excuse me. I have something naughty to do.
She looked up at the sky, almost like she was trying to connect to something.
*back to copper 9*
There were two drones inside the spiral building waiting.
???: So what was the human-like?
V: He was hard to kill, but I guess we got him.
???: awesome, I wish I could have seen him.
V: yeah, sure, whenever you say idiot.
J hopped out of the pod and landed before the other two.
V: So what did they say?
J: We have a new primary mission. We are to collect sperm samples from him. Killing the worker's drones is a secondary mission
???: profanity?!
J: shut it, N
V: So we just need samples? Why does the company need something like that?
J: I'm wondering the same thing
Behind her voice was a tone of anger as she looked off, thinking about something.
The three stood there momentarily as they received the new mission in their code.
J: Now come on, let's get the corpse.
The three flew off through a hole in the top of the building, going to where they just fought.
N: So, do I need to collect samples, or is it just you two?
V: Just us morons.
N: oh, okay, yeah, don't worry.
The three landed next to the rubble, and the two looked confused while N was just being N.
V and j looked confused at what they saw; the body was gone, nowhere to be seen.
They both turn to N.
J: Hey, blockhead, did you do something to the body here?
N: what? No, of course not. I was on the other side of town.
V: A body can't just rise and walk out of here.
J: agh, just spread out and find him.
*sometime later*
The man slowly opened his eyes, looking around, confused about where he was at.
He tried to grab at his head, but he was restrained to a chair.
He looked around the room and saw a lot of edgy stuff in the room.
Suddenly, something grabbed his shoulder and spun him around.
As he stopped spinning, he looked in a different direction, this time towards a worker drone sitting on a chair in front of him.
???: You're humans, aren't you?
???: huh, yes?
She narrowed her eyes at him before asking another question.
???: then what are you doing here, huh?
??: I didn't know you were the one who brought me to this goth room with a goth drone.
???: what? I'm not Goth. I'm just an angsty teen. Bit me!
??: You're also sending the wrong message here, but as long as you're not goth, then we are good because I'm not trying to get pegged by a Hello Kitty person.
???: agh, shut up. Who are you?
???: well, you can just call me Y/n.
Word count 2566
Hey everyone, I just made this chapter to test the water with murder drone and see how interested people would be in it
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