..chapter two..

Soon after shopping with my mother, we walked into an unfamiliar scene. It was a nice neighborhood, decorated in wisteria and cherry trees. My eyes scanned the scenery, and I recognized the pro hero, Best Jeanist. My eyes sparkle. Mother looks to me, and chuckles. Her eyes refocus on the road.

About thirty-five minutes later, we arrive at a traditional Japanese home. I glance in awe, and quickly make my way up the stairs. My skirt, the one that mother forced me into, flew up a bit, effectively showing my undergarments to my unprepared mom. She scolded me, and I scratched the nape of my neck in embarrassment. Refocused on the door in front of me, mother steps forth, and knocks on the heavy oak door.

*coming!* a feminine voice rings out.

A few moments later, I'm greeted face to face with a woman. She harbors the features of white hair with red flecks in it, glasses, and a kind smile. She seems very sweet, and well collected.

"Welcome to the Todoroki residence, I'm Fiyumi. Please, come in. I'll put the kettle on."

I agree and walk with her. Mother follows closely behind, smiling to herself as she see's the family pictures decorating the walls.

"I'm really sorry for the mess. Father came home in a rage earlier. I'm sure you're here for Shouto. He's currently in his room, or training in the backyard, if you wish, ask a butler to lead you to him."

I look at her, and grin. She's so gentle, like a kitten. Mother looks at me, and nods. I take that as a signal to go so her and Fiyumi can have a conversation.

"Go on Y/n, I'll stay here and talk to Ms. Fiyumi." I knew it, but agree to go search anyways.

I meet up with a butler, and with a quick question and a polite conversation, I'm on my way to Shouto. (For those of you who thought Black Butler or Hunter x Hunter, congrats we're friends.)

Once I reach the room with a blank door and red handle, I knock. I hear slight shuffling and an annoyed groan. I feel my heart speed up and my hands get clammy, I'm nervous. I haven't met this boy yet, after-all.

In the second of me being stuck in my thoughts, the door opens. I quickly snap out of my trance, and look up.

"Hello. Who are you?" The boy asks. I notice the scar right away, and refrain from asking just yet. I also notice his heterochromia, and bi-colored hair. How unique!

"Hello, I'm Y/n M/n Hiroshima. Nice to meet you, I'll be undergoing physical and-"

"Mental training?" He finishes my sentence. I blush, and giggle slightly. How'd he know I was going to say that? He sighs, and steps aside. Allowing me into his room.

"You do realize that we're more than likely going to be in a quirk marriage." His voice is so dead-pan. I have no choice but to believe him.

I look to the two toned boy, and give him a look.

"I highly doubt that, my parents would ever agree to this. They love each other, and weren't forced to marry."

"Oh, well. Hopefully it works out that way. Not that I would mind having you as my wife, I would rather fall in love with you first."

I look at him, dumbfounded. Its not even been five minutes in his room, and he's hitting on me.

"Well, Mr. Todoroki. I wouldnt mind you as my husband, you seem as a strong, independent man."

He looks at me, face void of any emotion. Then all of a sudden, his right side erupts in flame, I giggle, as he frantically puts it out. He looked extremely upset.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry that I made you flare up! My mother told me about your relationship with your father and everything that happend. I'm sorry. I dont blame you for keeping it locked away. " I felt my throat tighten, and voice tremble ever so slightly. What is happening to me!

His bangs cover his eyes. He looks back up at me, and smiles.

"Its fine. I'm glad I didnt have to tell you about it."

"Agreed, however. She didnt tell me about your quirk fully. Can i know?"

"Well. My quirk is Half hot, Half cold. I eject fire from my left side, and ice from my right."

My eyes sparkle. That's so cool! He has two quirks! How special!

"What about you? I dont know anything about you." His face straightens, eyes brimming in curiosity. I feel myself fall deeper into his duel colored eyes every time he looks at me.

"Well, my quirk is elemental ignition though, my parents call it elemental flame. I can shoot a beam of icy cold fire, healing fire, hot fire, earthy fire, thick watery fire, etc... I'm not so good, I can really use normal fire, and healing fire. One I've been really working on, is poison fire. It's dark purple, almost black in its center. It's hard and uses ALOT of energy, I've overused my quirk alot. When I overuse my quirk, i get burns and faint."

Todoroki looks at me, hes dumbfounded. His cheeks turn a nice shade of apple red.

"You're truly strong! I cant wait to train with you, todo-san!"

He looks at me, face heating up more than ever.

Todorokis P.O.V

I cannot believe I have flared, blushed, and even smiled around this girl. I've never done any of this around anyone. She's super strong, way above me. Father will do anything to have us wed. I'd hate that, but strangely, I kind of like it...I just met this woman, why am I feeling like this?

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