TEA and UEE Unite
This is sonictheforreal1243's request.
The next day, the Travelers are getting ready to head to the next world. Just then, Kiera came up to them.
Kiera: Before you guys go, I made you your own weapons. They will require when you are both in your human and pokemon forms. (Hands the Travelers their weapons)
Camilla: Sweet I got a potion gun. Thx creator!
Kiera: Np. Now go Multiverse Travelers!
Multiverse Travelers: Right!
The team then went through a portal for their next destination.
The travelers then made it to their next stop as they were in the woods.
Opal: So, this is our next destination? We're in the woods and I don't see anyone there.
Grape: Yes but I don't see anyone here either Opal.
Just then, the travelers noticed a blob of black and white slime carrying something.
Muffin: What is that strange black and white blob of slime? And why is it carrying something?
Soulfire: I don't know but we should follow it and see where it leads us to.
The rest of the team agreed and they followed the black and white slime blob.
They then made to a treehouse where the blob of slime was heading.
Luna (TEA): That looks like our treehouse back in our world but it's different.
Star (TEA): Hey guys! Come and look at the back of the treehouse!
They ran to where TEA Star is and the travelers found 4 other eeveelutions. One was an Indigo Umbreon, one was a Blue and Azure Jolteon, one was a Red Flareon and one was a White and Mint Green Leafeon. The travelers also noticed that they were battling while doing their training.
Ken: Wow! Another male Umbreon like me!
Sun: And another male Leafeon like me!
Soulfire: Same with me and another male Flareon.
Rocky: Me and Benny too with another male Jolteon.
Camilla: I think we know those guys.
Amber: Yeah! We were in the studio doing truths and dares.
They then continue to watch them.
White and Mint Green Leafeon: Alright! Here I go! Leaf Blade!
Blue and Azure Jolteon: (dodges the move) Nice shot! Now it's my turn! Thunder Fang!
White and Mint Green Leafeon: (dodges it) I'll admit, training helps us a lot when we have to face our enemies again.
Blue and Azure Jolteon: You said it!
Just then, the Indigo Umbreon noticed the travelers.
Indigo Umbreon: Wait hold on. Look.
Blue and Azure Jolteon: What is it?
Red Flareon: Is that Camilla and her friends?
Indigo Umbreon: Yeah. It is them!
White and Mint Green Leafeon: But what are they doing in our world?
Blue and Azure Jolteon: I don't know. Let's go talk to them anyway!
Blizz (TEA): Looks like they noticed us.
Lazuli (TEA): Agreed big sis.
The 4 eeveelutions then ran up to the travelers.
Indigo Umbreon: Hey Camilla! Long time no see.
Camilla: Same with you!
Red Flareon: Should we introduce them to ourselves and our friends?
Indigo Umbreon: Sure! I'll go first. I'm Indigo but you can call me Void since it's my space name!
Blue and Azure Jolteon: I'm Shift but like Void, you can call me by my space name Black Hole!
Luna (TEA): We even noticed a blob of black and white slime and we followed and found you guys.
Red Flareon: Are you referring on our friend who's a black and white Sylveon?
Camilla: Yes. Why?
Just then, the slime blob the travelers followed earlier then transformed into a Black and White Sylveon.
Black and White Sylveon: Oh! So you were the ones who followed me and found Indigo and the rest? Anyways I'm Null! I'm the healer of the group and my ink heals others because I was born from a science experiment 9 years ago.
Red Flareon: I'm Sean! I love to collect gems in caves!
White and Mint Green Leafeon: I'm Garrett! I'm the only boy of my 5 older sisters and they along with my cousin call me Garrett Gake.
After the 5 eeveelutions introduced themselves, more different colored eeveelutions came out.
Yellow Espeon: Who are they Indy?
Indigo: These are Team Multiverse Travelers aka Camilla and her friends!
Yellow Espeon: Nice to meet you all. I'm Melly! I'm also a yandere and I like to kill pokemon who dare to harm my Indy.
Flora: Same with me but I'm a psychopath and I often called myself the queen of murder.
the rest of the TEA and UEE cast: Bruh.
Dark Yellow Eevee: I'm her younger sister Kelly!
Sapphire Vaporeon: I'm Sapphire! This is my sister.
Gray and Diamond Glaceon: I'm Diamond!
Violet Sylveon: I'm Violet but you can call me Nebula which is my space name! Me, Void and Astral are triplets!
Purple Espeon: And I'm Purple but you can call me by my space name Astral! I'm also the leader of Team Shooting Stars and was once a traitor because I worked for my former boss Error.
Crystal: I feel your pain Purp. I also worked for my former boss Michael but I betrayed him and joined Camilla's side.
Star (TEA): Nice to meet you guys again but where are the others?
Indigo: Our cousins are busy with their own things. Same with Swift and Navy and Teams Shooting Stars, 5 Star and Galaxy and Zara is working on experiments like usual.
Melly: And Dusk is looking after his daughter Eve.
Then Blackness and a Black Umbreon appeared.
Blackness: You must be the spirit of Indigo?
Black Umbreon: Yep! I'm Bleakness!
Moments after the travelers met Indigo and the others, the demon travelers encountered them again.
Demon Soulfire: Found you!
Amber: Oh no. Not you guys again!
Melly: You know them?
Star (TEA): They're our demon clones Michael created.
Demon Flora: Now we'll defeat you once and for all!
Luna (TEA): Not if we can help it!
The other UEE cast: We'll help too!
Garrett: How did you guys came here?
Zara: We heard you needed help.
Sheldon: Let's take those goons down!
Everyone else: Yeah!
Camilla: Also nice to meet the rest of you btw.
Zara: Thanks. Now let's go kick some a-
What will The Travelers and Team UEE do?
Special Move
What move will The Travelers and Team UEE use?
>All in One
Ultra Hyper Beam
Healing Wish Bell
Kamehameha Ball
The Travelers and Team UEE used All in One on the Demon Travelers
It dealt over 9000 damage
Its super effective
The Demon Travelers fainted
The Travelers and Team UEE gained 100 XP
Demon Sakura: Oh come on! This is the 2nd time we lost to our normal counterparts! Retreat! You may have won again this time but we'll be back!
The Demon Travelers retreated.
Corey: We did it! The demon travelers are gone!
Muffin: They're gone for now but I have a feeling we'll see them again once we travel to another world.
Sakura: You're right but we must get going. We need to head back to our creator and to figure out which world we should travel into next.
Sakura then opens a portal with her remote control.
Null: Before you all go, take some of my slime. (Hands Camilla some containers of his slime)
Camilla: Thanks Null! I'll use your slime to make more potions. Also take these (Hands the UEE cast some of her potions)
Rainbow: Thank you. They will come in handy.
Camilla: Anytime.
Swift: If you need help, We'll be there to help you. Also, Goodbye and good luck on your adventures. We hope to see you all soon.
Flora: Same with all of you!
The travelers then went through the portal and headed back to where Kiera is at.
To Be Continued
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