Chainsaw Man Episode 2
Chainsaw Man Episode 2: Arrival in Tokyo
Many people looked at the viewing screen excitedly as soon as the continuation of Chainsaw Man was revealed to be the next viewing.
Rinon crossed her arms with a pleased look on her face, "Now that's what I'm talking about!"
Bakugo pumped his fist with a grin on his face, "Hell yeah! We're back to this!"
Alcina smiled in a pleased manner, ruffling her hair, "Finally I'll get some time to shine as my counterpart only appeared for a short moment in the last viewing of this universe."
"I just hope we'll get more awesome actions scenes like the fight between Y/N and the Zombie Devil in the last viewing of it!" Kaminari stated with a smile on his face, earning nods of agreement from a good portion of the audience.
Izuku hummed, turning the pages of his notebook to the ones related to Chainsaw Man, "Looks like we'll finally find out what happened with Y/N after he was found by the Devil Hunters."
Double D nodded in agreement, doing the same with his notebook, "With him having been found by them in the last moment of the previous viewing, we may learn more about this universe and how the devils work in it."
The second viewing of this universe started with a view of a black car driving along the forested road. The scene cut into the car a few seconds later and showed Alcina looking out of the window at the passing trees, her finger touching her chin.
A small growl sounded across the car a second later, causing her to shift her attention to Y/N who was sitting next to her.
Y/N put his hand on his stomach, "That was my stomach."
"I'm not suprised he's hungry." Sero said, "Doing what he did with the Zombie Devil would make anyone hungry."
"Just because of what happened with the Zombie Devil?" Yang raised her brow at him, "I wouldn't be suprised if he was hungry for most of the time."
Sun nodded in agreement, "Yeah. Poor guy was living on a piece of bread a day for who knows how long."
Alcina smiled at him gently, "What's your name?"
Y/N smiled back at her, "It's Y/N!"
"I need to tell you something right now." Alcina began, turning away from Y/N to look out of the window again as Y/N looked at her questioningly. She turned back to him a second later, "From now on, you're in my care, Y/N. I expect "yes" or "woof" for answers. I don't need a dog that says "no."
Alcina smirked at the words uttered by her counterpart as everyone who knew her sighed, knowing this was something she would say to mess with someone.
Makoto raised her brow, "A dog?"
Gamagori raised his brow, puzzled by it, "What kind of demands are those?"
"Did she really had to phrase like that?" Mina asked.
"It reminds of me how that old yakuza dude was treating Y/N." Ryuji pointed out with a hint of anger in his voice at the memory of the old yakuza man who kept Y/N in a massive debt.
Y/N's eyes slightly widened, "When you say that..."
"Someone in forensics once told me..." Alcina cut him off, "That when we get dogs that aren't helpful, we put them down."
Roman crossed his arms, "Great. From one guy who will kill you if you misbehave to a woman who will kill you if you misbehave. It doesn't seem like a change for the better to me."
Weekend nodded in agreement, "Yeah. It's more like going under a new management than changing your life for the better."
"Y/N still got off easy, considering the Devil Hunters took him with them and instead of killing him like they would do with any other devil." Sojiro stated.
Sae put her hand on her chin, "It really makes me wonder did she decided to take him with her, despite him being technically a devil or part devil now."
Snipe rubbed the back of his head, "Maybe she saw the carnage he did in this devil form and thought he will become an useful asset against more powerful devils?"
"Maybe." Sae nodded in agreement.
The camera cut away from Alcina and Y/N and showed the car they were in right now speeding along the road. The camera showed the audience the scene of Alcina hugging Y/N in his Chainsaw form a second later.
"I thought she was nice." Y/N's voice echoed from the viewing screen shortly after, "I kind of liked her. I had no idea she was scary like this." The camera showed everything from Y/N's perspective, showing him looking down at his knees. He clenched his hands, "Treating me like a damn dog..."
Roman hummed to himself in an approving manner, "There's still hope for him. Looks like he is starting to notice it himself."
"Good. This may mean that he won't be completely submissive towards her." Kazane stated, glad to see Alcina won't have complete controlf of Y/N.
Alcina smirked at her, "Oh~. What's wrong little girl. Don't tell me you're afraid of my intentions?"
Kazane deadpanned, "Considering it's you, yes."
Alcina shook her head, "I really wish I had my powers now. I would turn you into furniture."
"...I just remembered how Morgana's dead." Y/N' went further into his thoughts as a flashback of a meowing Morgana was shown to the audience. He reached his hand up a second after the flashback ended, touching his chainsaw cord.
The Phantom Thieves, including Morgana himself, exchanged saddened glances with each other as they reminded themselves how Morgana sacrificed himself for Y/N in the last viewing of this universe.
Y/N was interrupted in his thoughts a moment later as his stomach growled again, causing Alcina to look at him again.
"We haven't had breakfast yet, either." She told him, "Let's grab something at the rest area."
Y/N sighed, "Sorry, but I don't have any cash."
"Just pick what you want. I'll pay." Alcina suggested, getting a suprised reaction out of Y/N as she took off her jacket and held it out to him, "And you're conspicuous without a shirt on, so wear this. Here."
"She seems nice." Hagakure stated. She wasn't the only one. Several members of the audience agreed with her on this statement.
"It's because you don't know her, kid." Chronoire thought to herself.
Inumuta raised his brow at her, "Did you forget how she threatened him a few moments ago?"
"Maybe she did this to set up the ground rules. Y/N is a devil, after all." Iida stated, agreeing with Hagakure here, "Even if she took him with her instead of killing him, he still needs to know how to behave himself if he doesn't want her to change her mind."
The scene cut into Y/N now standing up slightly from his seat in the back of the car, now wearing Alcina's jacket on himself.
He slowly turned to look at Alcina, voicing his thoughts to the audience, "All my life people have avoided me, saying I'm filthy and smell bad. No one's ever been nice to me before. Much less a girl who looks this good!"
Alcina smiled smugly, ruffling her hair, "Thank you so much~."
Roman deadpanned, "Alright. Scratch what I just said about him not being completely submissive to her."
"Yeah." Kazane sighed.
"Why are you two so suspicious about her right away?" Ruby looked at them questioningly, "Not everyone who is nice to someone has ill intentions. Hasn't my counterpart showed us this in our previous viewing?"
Roman crossed his arms, "Let's call it a professional cautiousness, Red."
Kazane nodded in agreement, "Yeah. Unlike me, you don't know this woman."
Kazane's fellow Witches, no matter if they were from the Workshop or the Tower nodded in agreement.
"No one's ever been nice to me before?" Mako frowned sadly at Y/N's words, "This is kind of sad for my cus."
Momo nodded in agreement, "His previous lifestyle must made people act like this towards him."
A smile grew on his face as he finished his thoughts with, "I love her!"
"What?" A few members of the audience exclaimed in the suprise at the same time, Y/N's sudden declaration of love for Alcina taking them by suprise. They weren't the only ones. The rest of the audience was suprised by this as well.
"Isn't this a bit early for him to love her? They just met." Eddy said.
Ozpin sighed, "Unfortunely I think it has something to do with Y/N having the kind of lifestyle he had before. With her being the only one who showed him kindness, he must have mistaken the feelings he goes through right now for love."
Goodwitch shook her head, "It really shows how sheltered his life has been."
The camera showed Alcina looking out of the window of the car for a second before the camera cut into the opening sequence, showing the opening of this universe to the audience for the second time.
Many people in the audience smiled at the opening, enjoying it as much as they did it for the first time as Blake sighed after seeing her counterpart with Adam's counterpart again.
After the opening sequence ended, the audience saw Y/N, Alcina and two unknown devil hunters stopped by the restaurant next to a parking lot, the black car they used to get here having been parked not too far from them.
"I'll take some udon. Udon and... a sausage!" Y/N voiced his order to the chef.
Ryuji nodded in approval of Y/N's order, "Good choice, bro!"
"It really makes me hungry for some udon." Yusuke stated, placing his hand on his stomach.
Y/N shifted his gaze to Alcina a second after voicing his order, smilling, "Is that cool?"
"Sure is." Alcina approved of his order with a smile on her face and set her eyes on the chef, "I'll take a curry udon, please."
The chef nodded in understanding of their orders, "Coming up."
"Oh, that sounds good, too..." Y/N lost the power in his legs before he could finish what he was saying and fell forward, landing between Alcina's breasts.
Many members of the audience, especially women, blushed at the scene and a few members of the audience felt jealous right now.
Midnight blushed slightly, "Oh my~."
"You lucky bastard..." Mineta muttered under his breath as Kaminari nodded in agreement.
"Why isn't she pushing his head away from her?" Jiro asked, blushing slightly as she knew she would push someone away and use her earphone jacks on them if this happened to them.
"How did he lost footing in the first place? It doesn't seem like he planned it." Present Mic wondered.
Recovery Girl hummed thoughtfully, "Maybe it has something to do with the blood loss he had just went through. We did saw him getting stabbed numerous times by the zombies created by the Zombie Devil and blood bursting out of him during his first transformation. He definitely lost some blood because of it."
"Whoa, there." Alcina voiced her suprise, placing her hand on the back of Y/N's neck as his head remained between her breasts, "Y/N? You okay?"
"You smell good..." Y/N replied in a dreamy tone.
Mina looked at the viewing screen with a slightly weirded out and uncomfortable look on her face, "Okay. This is getting weird."
Nonon nodded in agreement with a weirded out look on her face, "Really weird..."
"His social skills need a lot of work." Gamagori stated, shaking his head.
Shoji nodded in agreement, "Yeah. Nothing good will come out of him saying stuff like this out loud in the public."
One of the nameless devil hunters turned around to look at the chef, "How much will it be?"
"Gimme one sec..." The chef replied, beginning to count how much they owned him for their food as Y/N looked up with a dreamy look on his face, having slightly reddened cheeks as his head was still pressed against Alcina's breasts.
"Why is she still keeping his face there and is not pulling it away from her?" Jiro asked, feeling her blush grow after seeing Y/N's face.
"Look at his face, though." Sero laughed, "Someone is definitely having a good time right now?"
Kaminari nodded in agreement, "Can you blame him, dude?"
Jiro used her earphone jacks on them, "Shut up. Both of you."
Weiss buried her face in her hand, "I'm really having a hard time picture our Y/N behaving like this..."
Yang raised her brow, "Telling someone you smell good out loud or resting your head on someone's chest?"
"Both." Weiss gave her an honest answer.
Yang shrugged, beginning to smirk at her, "I don't see why you have a problem with the latter. It's not like you have anything he could rest on."
Weiss blushed in embarassment, "Quiet, you!"
"Y/N?" Alcina called out for him as Y/N's eyes widened, having been broken out of the state he was in for the past several seconds.
Y/N quickly pulled his head away from Alcina's breasts, "Sorry about that! The chainsaws cut me up, too so I think I'm a little low on blood right now."
Jiro sighed, glad the scene ended, "Finally it's over."
Ryuko nodded in agreement, "Yeah. It was awkward to watch."
"Hopefully there won't be more scenes like this in this universe." Velvet stated. Many people in the audience agreed with her.
Recovery Girl paid more attention to Y/N's words and nodded to herself, "Alright. Looks like I was right about him losing some blood during his fight with the Zombie Devil."
"How did you end up like this?" Alcina wanted to know.
"I had a pet devil, and he replaced my heart." Y/N said with a sad smile on his face as he recalled a fond memory of him playing with Morgana. Morgana walked over to him and licked his hand before jumping into his back, "Kinda hard to believe, huh? I don't really wanna believe it, either."
The Phantom Thieves and many other people in the audience smiled sadly at the flashback scene of a younger Y/N playing with Morgana, knowing what happened with Morgana in the last viewing of this universe.
Y/N lowered his gaze to the ground, finishing what he was saying with a sad sigh, "Morgana dying for my sake..."
"There's not a lot of precedent for your condition." Alcina said as she took a few steps forward, looking forward herself, "Even from a historical perspective. It doesn't even have a name."
"I'm not suprised." Double D stated.
Izuku nodded in agreement, "Yeah. I doubt many devils are willing to merge with humans, even if they aren't strong like Morgana was."
Winter put her hand on her chin in thought, "It's actually kind of suprising how Y/N became such a strong devil after merging with a weak demon like Morgana."
"Maybe Devils tend to become stronge after merging with someone, even if they weren't particulary strong." Oobleck theorized.
Port nodded in agreement, "This might be the case."
"I believe you." Alcina said as Y/N looked at her in suprise. She turned around to face him, looking at him with a smile on her face and her finger pointed at her nose, her right eye closed, "I've got a particularly good sense of smell. So I can tell. Your best friend is alive inside of you. Not in the sentimental sense, either. Your body has the scents of both a human and a devil."
Many people in the audience, especially the Phantom Thieves, felt how their expression lit up at this information. Morgana perked up at this information as well.
Ann's eyes widened in suprise with a smile starting to form on her face, "Morgana's alive?"
"I'm alive?" Morgana asked with a suprised look on his face.
Yusuke smiled slightly, "That's rather nice news."
Akira nodded in agreement, "Yeah. I have nothing to complain about."
"Yeah." Haru agreed, smilling at the news, "Me too."
"Hmm." Morgana hummed, "I wonder if me being still alive will come up at some point of this universe."
"Is that right? That's awesome!" Y/N smiled, gladdened by the news of Morgana still being alive inside of him. His recent blood loss began showing him again a second later as he began to lose conciousness, "Really... awesome..."
"Again?" Kevin asked.
"At least he didn't land in her breasts this time." Nazz stated.
The camera cut into Y/N waking up from the slumber he was forced into by his state. He opened his eyes, seeing Alcina above him and it made him realize something. He was laying on her knees.
"First, landing on someone's boobs and now a lap pillow? You are one lucky bastard, Y/N." Mineta muttered under his breath with a jealous look on his face.
Kaminari nodded in agreement, having overheard Mineta's words, "It's like the universe is giving back to him after living in debt for so many years."
"Udon?!" Y/N shot upwards shortly after waking up. He sat up, looking around himself, "The udon?" He set his eyes on the table in front of him a second later, seeing his food there and sighed in relief. He shifted his gaze to Alcina second later, "Is it cool if I eat my udon?"
Alcina nodded with a smile on her face and titled her head curiously to the side, "Are you all right? Can you eat on your own?"
"I can..." Y/N stopped himself from saying more upon realizing what will happen if he will tell her he can't eat by himself, "...I can not."
Several members of the audience chuckled at the scene.
Qrow smiled, "Pretending to be unable to eat by yourself to have a woman fed you instead? Not bad kid."
Sojiro nodded in agreement, smilling slightly himself, "Yeah. It's the oldest trick in the book."
Alcina grabbed her bowl of udon and grabbed noodles with her sticks, "Here. Say, "Ahh."
"Ahh..." Y/N did as he was told, sticking out his tongue.
"Is it good?" Alcina asked as Y/N slurped on the noodle, putting it in his mouth.
Y/N gulped down the noodle in his mouth and barked in delight, "Woof!"
Many people in the audience looked weirded out by the scene of Y/N barking. Alcina herself was the only exception.
Alcina smiled in a pleased manner, "Good boy~."
"Did he really had to bark?" Jaune asked with a weirded out look on his face.
Pyrrha shook her head, cringing slightly, "He's really playing into the dog part of their relationship."
"Something tell me him landing on her breast wasn't the only weird thing we will see." Rinon stated as Velvet sighed, remembering her words from earlier.
"You are really sweet to be enjoying soggy udon this much." Alcina stated, gently putting more noodles in Y/N's mouth as Y/N swallowed them, "A lot like a dog, actually."
"Again with a dog reference." Kamakiri stated.
Kendo shook her head, "I'm really starting to dislike this dog part."
"Soggy udon?" Uzu rolled his eyes, "Give him a break. It's probably the first thing he ate in a long time which wasn't a piece of bread."
Futaba nodded in agreement, "Yeah. It's probably the first udon Y/N had in his life unless his family was taking him out to eat it when they were still around."
"Considering what we learned about his family in the last viewing, I doubt this was happening." Satsuki stated.
Sato nodded in agreement, "Yeah. With what we know about this version of his father, I don't think Y/N's family was going out to eat anything together."
Y/N looked at her questioningly, "Um... what's your name?"
Alcina set her bowl on the table and and smiled at him, resting her head on her hand, "Alcina."
Y/N moved slightly closer to her, "Miss Alcina... is there a type of guy you l-like?"
"Good thing you asked, Y/N. If I would have to describe my soulmate, then it would be..." Alcina never finished her answer as Kazane covered her hand.
"No one wants to know your fantasies." Kazane told her with a deadpanned look on her face Alcina rolled her eyes in irritation.
Many people in the audience felt like they dodged a bullet thanks to Kazane covering Alcina's mouth in time.
Alcina put her hand on her chin, acting like she was deep in thought for a few seconds, before resting her head on her hand again and sending Y/N another smile, "I'm into the "Y/N" type."
Roman rolled his eyes, "Yeah. She's not trying to make him more submissive to her by telling him things like that."
"Yeah." Weekend nodded in agreement, "She is making it pretty obvious to me."
Neo elbowed Roman, making him look at her and Neo signed to him, "She really reminds me of how Cinder is like with Emerald."
Roman nodded in agreement, "Yeah. Good observation, Neo."
"Y/N?" Y/N's eyes widened upon realization who she meant, "Dude, that's me."
The camera cut away from Y/N and Alcina and showed the city of Tokyo from the view of a bird. Many unknown people were shown walking along the sidewalk, simply enjoying their day and Y/N and Alcina were shown to be among them. Alcina walked ahead of Y/N, having her usual expression on her face as Y/N walked behind her with a dreamy look on his face, recalling the conversation he just had with Alcina.
He stopped in his tracks a second later, "...I like you, too, Miss Alcina."
A collective chuckle echoed throughout the room.
"He really waited all this time to tell her this?" Eddy said with a slightly amused look on his face.
"He really looks smitten by her." Midnight stated, grinning slightly at it reminded her of her hero work.
Aizawa nodded in agreement, "Yeah and it really didn't took her long to have him wrapped around her finger."
"This is what happens whenever someone shows kindness to someone who hasn't experienced it before in their life." All Might sighed, thinking about All For One and how he was finding people to wrap around his finger. Shigaraki was unfortunely one of them.
"He wouldn't be the only one to be smitten by me~." Alcina said with a proud smirk on her face, getting eyerolls from everyone who knew her.
Upon uttering those words, Y/N realized Alcina was not in front of him anymore and let out a suprised noise at this revelation.
"Y/N? This way, come on." Y/N looked in the direction of Alcina's voice and saw her standing in front of a large building, "This is the Tokyo headquarters for our Devil Hunters." The next scene showed both of them entering the building and walked along the floor forward themselves, "There are over a thousand Devil Hunters in Tokyo, including civilians, but Public Safety has the best benefits and a lot of paid vacation time."
"A lot of paid vacation time? I'm not suprised." Sojiro commented.
"Yeah." Zenkichi agreed, "People probably use it a lot. Especially after fighting some powerful Devil."
Aikuro nodded in agreement, "With a job like this, every vacation could be your last."
"It reminds me of our job as huntsmen and huntresses." Tai stated, crossing his arms as he formed a sad frown on his face at the thought of Summer.
Qrow nodded in agreement, "Yeah. If you replace Devils with the Grimm, you have literally our job."
"Only I doubt the devils have someone like her..." Ozpin thought to himself, doubting the Devils in this universe had their own version of Salem.
"If Miss Alcina likes me..." Y/N thought to himself as he and Alcina entered an elevator together. The elevator started going up as he glanced at her, "Then maybe, if we work together, we'll eventually get together. And if we get together... we can get together, right?" He leaned down a bit, clenching his hand, "I wanna! I wanna get together with her real bad!"
The audience had mixed reactions to how determined Y/N seemed to get together with Alcina in this moment. Some shook their heads, some sighed and some chuckled. Everyone who was suspicious of Alcina and her intentions in some way like Roman, Weekend and Kazane was certain about one thing, though. Alcina's will definitely use Y/N's attraction to her in some way.
The camera cut away from Y/N and Alcina in the elevator and showed both of them now standing in Alcina's office.
"Y/N..." Alcina called out for him, looking at him with a gentle smile on her face.
Y/N looked up at her with a questioning look on his face, "Yeah?"
"We're supposed to wear uniforms, so put this on. Once you've changed, I'll introduce you to a coworker." Alcina told him, handing Y/N his work uniform and the camera cut into Y/N finishing putting it on himself a few minutes later. Just as he was struggling with his tie, Y/N glanced to the side and saw Ren standing next to him.
Nora grabbed Ren's shoulders and shook him with an excited look on her face, "Renny! You're finally here."
"Yeah. Nora. I can see it." Ren smiled, not caring about how Nora was shaking him right now.
"Where did he come from, though?" Oscar asked.
Ruby nodded in agreement, "I know, right? He appeared out of nowhere."
"Could this be how Y/N will be introduced to everyone we saw in the trailer?" Mina asked, growing hopeful and excited at the thought of seeing her counterpart and everyone else who saw their counterpart in the trailer of Chainsaw Man.
"This is Lie Ren. He started three years before you, Y/N." Alcina introduced Ren to Y/N as Y/N eyed Ren up and down in a curious manner, "You're going to be shadowing him today."
Y/N quickly turned to look at her, "I'm not working with you, Miss Alcina?"
"That should be obvious." Ren replied, grabbing Y/N by the back of his short and beginning to drag him out of Alcina's office, "You're not even in her league. Time for patrol."
"No! Miss Alcina!" Y/N shouted, reaching out towards Alcina as Ren dragged him out of the camera's view. It was followed by the sound of Y/N collapsing on the floor.
A collective chuckle rang throughout the room.
"Damn it, get up." Ren's annoyed voice sounded through the audience ears as Alcina watched them blankly.
Neptune laughed, "He's already annoyed with him."
Coco nodded in agreement with an amused look on her face,"Looks like it and they knew each other for how long? Several seconds."
"This Ren is already different from our Ren." Jaune stated.
"Yeah. Our Ren deals with Nora on a daily basis..." Yang began.
Nora narrowed her eyes at her, "What's what supposed to mean?"
Yang ignored Nora and continued, "And is not annoyed with her even for a second and this Ren knew Y/N for a moment is already annoyed with him."
"No way! I wanna work with Miss Alcina!" Y/N complained as Alcina stepped closer to him.
Alcina stopped in front of Y/N and leaned down to met his current eye level as he was still on the floor, "If you do a good job, we can work together someday. So, do that, okay?"
Y/N looked at silently, his cheks slightly reddened and lowered his gaze towards Alcina's hands as Alcina reached towards his tie and finished tying it up for him.
Midnight giggled, "He looks convinced to me."
Present Mic shook his head, "At least she helped him with tying up his tie."
Aizawa nodded in agreement, "I lost the count of how many times I had trouble with tying it."
Ms. Joke elbowed him, "You know I can always help you with it."
"Shut up." Aizawa deadpanned at her.
"Hey, big man." Y/N called out for Ren as he and Ren were shown walking through the city together, "Does Miss Alcina have a boyfriend?" Upon receiving no answer from him, he called out for him again, "Hey, come on. Hey!"
"Come with me." Ren gave him reply a second later, looking over his shoulder to him. It was when the camera cut into a filthy alleyway and showed him punching Y/N in the face, sending him on the ground in the process. Just as Y/N composed himself and looked up at Ren, Ren walked over to him and grabbed him, kicking him into a pile of garbage bags.
The audience, especially everyone who knew Ren, were taken aback by Ren's counterpart attacking Y/N.
"What?" Kaminari exclaimed with a suprised look on his face.
"Why did he attack him? Y/N didn't do anything to him." Honoka stated with a suprised look on his face.
Rinon crossed her arms, "If this was because of how he behaved until Alcina tied his tie, then I wouldn't call it a good reason to beat him up."
"Alright. This Ren is really different from our Ren." Jaune stated with a suprised look on his face.
Pyrrha nodded in agreement, equally as suprised, "Yeah. I'm having a hard time picturing him acting like this."
Ren pulled out a cigarette as if nothing happened as he put it in his mouth and blew a smoke, "You need to quit this job. Show up tomorrow, and I'll kick your ass again."
"What?" Ed asked with a confused look on his face.
Sero rubbed the back of his head, "He wants him to quit his job? Why? Y/N just started."
"Even if he wanted to quit, I doubt she would let him." Atori stated, referring to Alcina.
Haru narrowed her eyes in a slight anger, "What's his problem?"
Y/N looked up at him, "Why, though?"
"Look, I'm trying to be nice, here." Ren began his explanation.
"Really? You have a nice way of showing." Eddy said with sarcasm evident in his voice.
Ryuko nodded in agreement, "Yeah. He has a nice way of showing it."
Ren went further into his explanation, "People who start this job without thinking it through end up dead. I've had colleagues who got into devil hunting for the payday, and it got them all killed by devils. The survivors are the ones with real motivation. You're just after Alcina, right? That's why you took the job?"
"Ding-ding!" Y/N confirmed it to him without hesitation.
"Then I'm glad I hit you." Ren stated as he tossed it cigarette towards Y/N and it landed on his torso. He spit on it, putting it out.
"What an asshole." Ryuji stated with his eyes narrowed in anger, getting some nods in agreement. Nora opened her mouth to say something, but Ren stopped her.
"I'll let her know that you ran off, scared away by the devils." Ren told Y/N as he turned away from Y/N and began to walk way from him. Just as he put the next cigarette in his mouth, Y/N pushed himself himself up from the ground and charged towards Ren. Upon making his way to him, he kicked him in the nuts from behind.
Every male in the audience flinched at the scene. However, no one flinched more than Ren himself.
Kevin flinched, "Ouch..."
Uzu crossed his legs, "Even I felt it..."
"As a man, I want to feel sorry for him but I'm having a hard time with it because of the jerk he was to L/N-bro just now." Kirishima stated,
"You really are a nice guy, huh?" Y/N asked as Ren gasped, his cigarette falling out his mouth and landed on the ground like a ton of bricks. Not wasting any time, Y/N kicked him in the nuts again and again, "Because... when I fight a dude... It's nuts... or nothing!"
Every male in the audience continued to flinch, cringing heavily with each kick Y/N directed towards Ren's nuts. Ren could have sworn he was feeling what his counterpart was feeling right now.
Kevin shook his head, "Holy shit. Ouch..."
"Even Son of the Shepherd is felling it..." Rolf stated, shaking his head at the scene.
"Why is he still kicking him?" Neptune asked, "One kick was more than enough to show him his place!"
"Okay. Scratch what I just said about me having trouble feeling bad for him. Now I really feel back for him..." Kirishima took back his words from earlier, now feeling bad for Ren.
"I had udon for the first time today, man." Y/N continued, having stopped kicking Ren in the nuts as Ren looked up at him with a pained expression on his face, sweat going down his cheek, "A sausage, too. Got treated like a decent human being for the first time, and even had someone pay for my meal. It's like a dream come true for me." A smirk began to form on his face, "I didn't really think it through when I started devil hunting, but if I get to keep up this kind of life? I don't care if it kills me."
"He's really takes joy from the simplest things and is willing to fight to keep them up." Goodwitch stated, shaking her head slightly.
All Might sighed sadly, "It really shows how things all of us take for granted are new to him."
"Actually, y'know, I take it back." Y/N took his words back a second later as Ren slowly pushed hinself up from the ground, "It's not just my life, anymore."
Ren glared up at Y/N and slammed himself into him. They stared at each other, both of them panting heavily, "Alcina..." He punched Y/N in the face, "Is not the kind of woman a punk like you should be chasing!"
Every guy in the audience looked at the viewing screen in suprise upon seeing this scene.
"How did he brought himself back on his feet?" Yusuke voiced the thoughts of every guy in the audience.
Kaminari nodded in agreement, "I know, right? I would be laying on the ground for hours if it happened to me!"
Nora paid no attention to it and narrowed his eyes at the words Ren uttered to Y/N about Alcina, "Why would Ren care about what kind of man is chasing after her?"
"Someone is defending my honor? Fufu~. I'm kind of flattered." Alcina commented with a smirk on her face, causing Nora to glare at her.
"What the hell are you saying? Sounds to me like you just like her, too!" Y/N pointed out, glaring at Ren and kicked him in the balls sending, causing him to lose his power in his legs and fall on his knees.
"You... really did... Only aim... for my balls..." Ren weakly uttered out his last words before losing his consciousnesses.
Y/N stared at him in him silence for a few seconds, "Shit."
Every male in the audience once again flinched at the view of Y/N kicking Ren in the nuts and this time it being to the point that he passed out.
"Not suprised he passed out." Sage stated
Neptune nodded in agreement, "Yeah. I'm suprised he managed to last this long and managed to get himself back on his feet."
"This brings me a question, ribbit." Asui said, "How will they come back to the Devil Hunters place? Both of them are beaten up and one of them passed out."
Mina laughed, "You're right, Tsu. Their return will be interesting."
"Y/N will have to come up with a good excuse for what happened." Akira stated, knowing Y/N will have to come up with a good excuse for what happened between him and Ren.
The camera cut into Alcina staring forward herself with a puzzled look on her face as Y/N was shown carrying a beaten Ren on his back.
"The big guy's testicles were attacked by the Nut Devil, ma'am!" Y/N explained.
Most of the audience laughed at the excuse Y/N gave to Alcina to explain Ren's state.
Eddy laughed at the name, "The Nut Devil?"
"Talk about coming up with a great excuse." Akira stated with an amused look on his face, not disappointed by the excuse he got from Y/N.
"This brings me a question." Fox put his hand on his chin in thought, "If the devils have various types in this universe and there are even devils named after fruits, then could this mean a devil like this actually exists?"
"That's a lie." Ren weakly uttered out, pointing at Y/N, "He's lying."
Alcina hummed, "So, do you think you two can work together?"
Winter deadpanned, "Is she seriously asking this question? Can't she see the result of these two working together?"
"Yeah. Is she blind or something?" Qrow agreed with her, "Even I can see placing having these two work together won't work out."
"It's like placing you two on the same team." Tai stated, letting out a laugh at his own words.
"Shut up!" Qrow and Winter told him at the same itme.
Y/N and Ren pulled away from each other in an instant, both of them giving her their answer at the same time, "No way!/He's a piece of trash!"
"I'm glad two are hitting it off." Alcina smiled, "Y/N, you're going to be joining Ren's unit."
Iida shook his head, "She really is going to keep having these two work out after what happened?"
"If that's the case, then maybe their relationship will improve as they will continue to work together." Makoto theorized.
"Yeah." Futaba agreed with her, "I sense enemies to bros type of scenario coming."
Y/N titled his head to the side, "Unit?"
"This punk?!" Ren exclaimed, "I've already got enough troublemakers, don't I? Adding another... I don't know..."
Everyone who saw their counterpart in the trailer and in the opening exchanged their glances at Ren's words, wondering if they were the group of troublemakers Ren was talking about right now. Tokage and Mina exchanged glances with each other, both of them knowing they fit the criteria of the troublemakers.
"I told you when I put it together, right?" Alcina pointed out, her smile still present on her face as Y/N let out a long yawn, "Your team's an experimental one, operating differently from the usual method."
Ren glanced at Y/N for a second, "What exactly is he, ma'am?"
"Y/N's human, but can transform into a devil." Alcina explained.
Y/N nodded in confirmation, "Damn right! Pretty sweet, huh?"
"And that's the truth?" Ren wanted to be sure, "I always figured those stories were baseless rumors."
"He's special. Which is why he's going to be receiving special treatment. If he tries to resign, or becomes insubordinate... Y/N will be disposed of as a devil." Alcina finished her explanation, causing Ren's eyes widen slightly as he glanced back at Y/N.
Y/N looked at her with a slightly confused look on his face, "Uh, what's that mean?"
"It means we're working together until you die." Alcina replied.
Kazane crossed her arms, "Yeah. It does not sound like she is trying to keep him in her grasp."
"Yeah." Roman nodded in agreement, "You'll be killed if you'll try to resign or misbehave? It sounds like more slavery to me."
Neo pulled out a sign, "It really doesn't seem any different from what he had with the yakuza."
"Yeah." Aizawa nodded in agreement, "This looks like yakuza again to me, just with a few small changes."
"With those changes, I don't think he will mind it." Winter said, "For him, it will probably still be better than the life he had before."
"You're going to be living with me so I can keep an eye on you." Ren told Y/N as both of them were shown walking along the sidewalk, with the sun slowly beginning to go down from the top of the sky, "Just remember, they said I can kill you if you try to run off."
Y/N lowered his gaze to the ground, thinking about something for a second, "Hey, is Miss Alcina a bad person?"
"If you think that's the case, then give up on her." Ren gave him an honest answer, "If you're really a devil, you should just be grateful she doesn't kill you. We're Devil Hunters, got that?"
"So, she's a good person, then?" Y/N wanted to be sure if he understood him correctly.
"Of course she is." Ren nodded in confirmation, "She saved my life."
Ren's words got many interested stares from the audience and Ren himself narrowed his eyes at the viewing screen.
Blake sighed sadly, "At least we know why Ren is working for her."
Fox nodded in agreement, "Yeah. The circumstances behind it must have been unpleasant if she had to save his life."
"It's just like what happened with Y/N." Oscar pointed out.
Neo pulled out a sign, "Is this how she's collecting her workers or something?"
"Did I lost my parents in this universe as well?" Ren thought to himself sadly, keeping his eyes narrowed at the viewing screen as Nora noticed his reaction and clenched his hand comfortingly.
Y/N got a few flashbacks of Alcina helping him since their meeting and looked up with reddened cheeks, "Miss Alcina. I hope I get to hug her again."
Ren immediately turned to look at him, letting out a long loud gasp.
The audience laughed at the scene.
"Is he suprised by the fact Y/N got a hug from her or is he appaled by it?" Ryuko asked with an amused look on her face.
"Why not both?" Ed replied.
"Strawberry jam, plum jam, orange jam..." Y/N said as the camera cut into him making himself a sandwich with all of those jams, "Then some butter and honey, plus... Let's throw some cinnamon on, too." The camera showed the audience he prepared himself, "I got the best toast ever right here!"
Many people in the audience stared at the toast Y/N made for himself in disgust.
Satsuki looked at the toast in disgust, "Is he really going to eat this?"
"Looks like it, Lady Satsuki." Gamagori nodded, "He did show interested in eating sandwiches with jam in the first viewing of this universe."
"It looks like something Lumpy would eat." Eddy stated with a disgusted look on his face.
Ed nodded in confirmation, "Yup. Only I would add a bit of gravy to it."
His words got many raised brows from the audience as everyone started to wonder what was his culinary taste.
Y/N picked up his toast and took a bite of it. His expression lit up as soon as he bit into it, "So good! It's freaking fantastic!"
Ren watched everything with a slightly disgusted look on his face.
Ojiro robbed the back of his head, "Is he disgusted by the toast or by the mess Y/N made while making it?"
"Why not both?" Ed gave Ojiro the same answer as he gave Ryuko a few moments ago.
Nora laughed, agreeing with Ed, "Yeah. Knowing Renny, it's both."
The camera cut into Y/N taking a bath and slamming his hand against the bathub as he sang one word to himself over and over again. As all of this happened, Ren taking out the clothes from the washing machine.
He looked in the direction of Y/N's singing a second later, "How long are you gonna be in there?!"
Komachi sighed sadly, "It must be his first bath in years."
Medusa nodded, looking saddened by it herself as she knew it was the truth ,"This makes me question how long it has been since his last bath.
"I don't know and I don't want to know to be honest." Sae stated, looking slightly disgusted by this question and the thought of how long had it been since Y/N washed himself.
The next scene showed Y/N falling asleep on a toilet and Ren knocking on the door a few times, telling him, "Don't fall asleep on the toilet!"
Y/N looked up, having been awoken by his screams and the scene cut into him walking out of the toilet, letting out a yawn as he did so. Ren walked into the toilet a second later, seeing all of the toilet paper had been used by Y/N. His expression twisted in frustation at this.
"Relatable." Uzu stated. Many people in the audience agreed with him.
Eddy nodded in agreement, giving Ed a side glance, "Yeah. I lost the count of how many times I wanted to use a toilet and the person before me used all the paper."
"Sorry, Eddy!" Ed told Eddy, noticing his friend staring at him when he uttered those words.
"A Fiend has been reported in an east Nerima residence." An unknown male voice sounded through in some unknown radio as the camera showed the city of Tokyo the next day. It cut into the police securing the crime scene around a single-family house, "Civilian evacuation and cordon are both complete."
"The Fiend in question has holed up in a second story room. We'll leave it to you Devil Hunters from here." A police officer at the scene reported to Y/N and Ren.
Some other police officer looked at Ren questioningly, "Is this a new rookie, Ren?"
Many people in the audience grew excited after seeing how Y/N and Ren were apparently on their way to hunt a devil right now.
"Finally. We'll get some action!" Bakugo exclaimed with a grin on his face.
"A Fiend?" Double D raised his brow at the name, being unfamiliar with it.
Izuku hummed with a thoughful look on his face, "It must a type of devil or something. Otherwise I don't think the Devil Hunters would be called for this scene."
Double D nodded in agreement, having formed the same theory, "It would mean there are more types of devils in this world. Not only the ones which are named after everday stuff."
"Yeah." Izuku agreed with him, both of them becoming interested in learning about about those Fiends, whatever they were.
"Hey, what's a Fiend?" Y/N asked Ren, holding an axe as the scene cut into them entering the house.
"Did you never go to school or something?" Ren asked, looking around himself.
"Nah, man, no." Y/N shook his head as Ren's eyes widened at this information.
Tai pinched the bridge of his nose, "His father didn't even sent him to school?"
"His past is looking more grim with each information we are getting about it." Komachi sighed sadly.
"As if going into a massive debt with the yakuza because of your idiot dad wasn't grim enough." Aizawa stated, letting out a sigh.
Ren got over his suprise a second later and began his explanation, "When a devil takes control of a human corpse, you get a Fiend."
"Wait, doesn't that make me a Fiend?" Y/N raised his brow at Ren as Ren pushed himself into walk, beginning to make his way up the stairs leading to the second floor.
"Exactly." Sae agreed with Y/N's question.She wasn't the only one. A good portion of the audience was thinking the same thing, "The same thing happened with Y/N and Morgana. Wouldn't that make him a Fiend too?"
"No. Fiends always have characteristic heads." Ren explained as Y/N followed him. The duo stopped in front of a door to one of the rooms shortly after, "Should be obvious enough once we see him."
He kicked the door to the room next to him and Y/N shortly after and the camera showed a Fiend inside it a second later. He had green skin and a jaw like the one you'd see in an insect. He looked at Y/N and Ren, stopping himself from feasting on a deceased bird he had caught earlier.
Several people in the audience looked at Fiend in disgust. Especially after seeing him feast on a deceased bird.
Koda shook his head, "Poor bird."
"Look at his head." Penny pointed towards the screen, "He looks like an insect with it."
"Yeah. Ren wasn't joking." Yang stated, looking at the Fiend with her eyes slightly widened, "Fiends do have characteristic heads."
Izuku and Double D exchanged slightly disgusted glances with each other and wrote this information about the Fiends down in their notebooks.
"The devil controls a Fiend's personality. You kill this one." Ren told Y/N, staring at the Fiend with a cold look on his face, "Turn into a devil, and show me what you can do. That'll help me figure out if you're of any use."
"Don't look at me..." The Fiend said as Y/N turned to look at him. The Fiend stood up, glaring at Y/N and Ren, "You're dead! dead, dead, dead! Damn Devil Hunters!"
He charged towards Y/N and Ren a second later, intending to attack them and Y/N swung his axe at him once he got close, cutting off his head. The fiend collapsed on the floor, his head landing next to him.
The audience was taken aback by how quickly the fight with the Fiend went, having expected it to be longer.
"Wow. That was fast." Eddy stated, taken by suprise by how quickly this fight went compared to the fight with the Zombie Devil.
Futaba nodded in agreement, "Yeah. One second and his head is boom! Gone."
"That's it?!" Bakugo exclaimed in disappointment, "I expected more action than this!"
"Yeah. It went faster than I thought." Rinon sighed, feeling disappointed herself, "He didn't even had to change into his Chainsaw Man form."
"You really were expecting the next Zombie Devil type of fight?" Todoroki asked them, "Not every Devil will be as powerful as he was and I don't think Y/N will have to transform himself into his Chainsaw Man form to fight them."
Bakugo glared at him, "Shut up..."
"Hey. Why didn't you use your devil powers?" Ren asked as soon as the Fiend landed on the floor.
"Thing is..." Y/N turned around to look at him, giving him his answer, "When I kill devils with my powers, they get real messed up. So, like... I coulda ended up like this Fiend, right? So I kinda... wanted to make it painless for him."
Ren stepped closer to him and pressed his head against the window, "All right. Listen to me. Fiends are just like any other devil. If you're hunting them, then drop the sympathy. My entire family was killed by a devil right in front of me..."
"I see." Ren sighed sadly, finding out his theory about his counterpart losing his parents as well was true as Nora tightened her grip around his hand.
"Poor guy." Kirishima muttered under his breath.
"At least we now know why he was such an asshole to Y/N earlier when he thought he isn't taking his job seriously." Ryuko stated with a saddened frown on her face.
Makoto nodded in agreement, "Anyone who would lose their parents to a devil would be serious about hunting them down."
"Looks like we know why he became a Devil Hunter in the first place as well." Momo stated.
Awase nodded in agreement, "Yeah. He must be to find the Devil who killed his family and take revenge on them."
"It's just like me..." Ren once again sighed sadly, seeing the next similiarity between him and his counterpart.
"I've had drinks with the cops down below." Ren continued, "They're risking their lives to protect their wives and kids. Everyone is serious about this except you. I'd rather make any devil I kill suffer as much as possible. What are you trying to do? Make friends with them?"
"If there's a devil I could be friends with, then yeah, I would." Y/N gave him an honest answer, "'Cuz I don't have any friends."
Ren pulled his hand away from him and walked away, "I'll remember that."
"Guess I pissed him off..." Y/N sighed as he was left alone in the room and leaned down, setting his eyes on various porn magazines, "I was just trying to keep blood off these dirty magazines."
Many people in the audience deadpanned at the scene. Some members of it laughed at the scene, though.
"Talk about having the right priorities." Eddy laughed.
"My man!" Qrow shouted, letting out an amused laugh.
Winter deadpanned, "Seriously?"
Ironwood pinched the bridge of his nose, "Is this really why he didn't transform into his Devil form?"
"When the chainsaws are out, blood gets everywhere and makes a real mess." Y/N stated as he picked up one magazine from the floor and showed it to the deceased Fiend next to him, "I made it easy for you, so I get to keep these!"
Ironwood shook his head with a disappointed look on his face, "Yeah. He really did this so he could get his hands on those magazines..."
"This version of him did show a lot of interest in the opposite gender in this viewing and in the previous viewing." Oobleck tried to explain Y/N's action a bit, even though he was deadpanning at the viewing screen himself.
Goodwitch crossed her arms, "I don't know if I should be disappointed or unamused by this."
"Those two aren't the same thing?" Tai asked her.
He browsed the magazine for a few seconds and stood up into a standing position, putting it away for later, "Okay, the porn is secured."
"I want you to show me your dream." A flashback of Morgana flew through his mind.
"I'm pretty serious about this, Morgana." Y/N said as he lifted up the collar of his shirt to look at his chainsaw cord, "I'm already living the dream, just like our bargain said."
"For him, such a life is truly a dream come true?" Shiori asked, "I know many people who still wouldn't be satisfied by it."
"Same here." Kyochiro agreed with his sister.
"Yeah. It really shows just how little he needs to be happy." Medusa stated.
"I'll remember that." A flashback of Ren from a few moments ago flew throug his mind.
"My dream might've come true already, but he must be chasing his." Y/N thought to himself as he walked over to the window and saw Ren walking over to the cops at the scene, "I get to bathe every day, eat good food... Get to hang around a hot chick... My life's a outta , but it feels like something's missing. Am I missing something? Something that'd give me a real perfect score?"
Iida rubbed his chin, "Oh. He's looking for a new goal."
Uraraka smiled in approval, "Good to know he will try to aim for something higher than what he has now."
"Wonder what it will be, ribbit." Asui stated.
He set his eyes on Ren, going further into his thoughts, "He's gotta be after some revenge shit."
"Yeah. I think so too." Ren thought to himself sadly as the audience agreed with Y/N, finding it quite obvious themselves.
"They're trying to protect their families." He shifted his gaze to the cops next to Ren. He stepped away from the window and began to walk out of the room, "I wonder if Miss Alcina is after anything like that?" He stopped in his tracks as an image of Alcina was shown. The camera stopped and focused on her breasts, "Miss Alcina..."
Many people in the audience raised their brows at the scene.
"Why is the camera focusing on her chest?" Nonon voiced what everyone was thinking right now.
Ann shook her head, "Something on the back of my head tells me I won't like where this is going."
Y/N crouched down, "I wanna touch her boobs."
Many deadpanned stares were directed towards Y/N as soon as he voiced his new goal. Several people were the exception and tried to hold themselves back from laughing.
Kodai deadpanned, "Really?"
"Come on!" Jiro shouted with a deadpanned look on her face.
"Pervert!" Hagakure shouted.
It was when everyone who was holding back their laughter couldn't take it anymore and started to laugh at scene.
Weiss shook her head at Yang, "You're laughing? Seriously?"
"Of course you'd react like this to it." Ann rolled her eyes at Ryuji as Ryuji was laughing at the scene.
"Really?" Double D looked at Ed and Eddy in disappointment as they were laughing among the ones laughing as well.
"Can you blame me or Lumpy, sockhead?" Eddy asked, taking a break from his laughing, "Y/N has such an serious talk about his goals and suddenly he jump into conclusion of his new goal being something like this!"
Kaminari nodded in agreement, laughing as well, "Yeah. It's just so funny!"
Upon getting this explanation from Eddy, more members of the audience couldn't help themselves and started to chuckle themselves, finding it indeed funny.
Y/N lifted his head up, "Touching boobs is a dream I gave up on a long time ago, but I've got a real job now. Maybe I could pull it off? I probably couldn't score with a girl just yet. But boobs? If I had the right plan, and the willpower, then maybe..."
"Everyone is serious about this except you." He reminded himself of the words Ren told him yesterday.
"So that's what he meant!" Y/N stated, getting himself into a standing position.
The laughter in the theater intensified
"What?" Sae asked.
Winter facepalmed, "This isn't what he meant, you dunce!"
"How did his mind put those two things together?" Goodwitch asked, looked baffled by it. Those were two different things!
Y/N clenched his hand, shooting it forward dramatically, "I've found it! Something to be serious about! My goal! It's... Melons!"
"As in the fruit?" The scene cut into Alcina titling her head to the side in a confused manner.
Ren deadpanned at him, "Hey! Pay attention, dumbass!"
It was when most of the audience couldn't take it anymore and bursted into laughter. As of now, they were only a few people who were still deadpanning at the viewing screen and those people were a part of the more serious part of the audience.
"Did he really say it out loud in front of her?" Qrow asked with an amused look on his face.
Uzu shook his head, laughing, "This is so hilarious."
"Her confusion to it is priceless too." Ryuko agreed with her. Despite her being in a relationship with her version of Y/N, she couldn't help but find this scene funny.
"Is she serious about her confusion or is she just playing to it?" Kevin asked, smilling in amusement.
Tokage shrugged, "Even if she is playing to it and faking her confusion, it does not make this any less funny."
"Listen to what?" Y/N asked.
"I'm assigning you a partner starting today, Y/N." Alcina informed him with a smile on her face.
"A new partner?" Sumire looked suprised by it.
Sun rubbed the back of his head, "Wasn't she planning to keep these two as partners?
"Maybe she came to her senses after realizing how badly their first meeting went." Irondwood stated.
"Partner?" Y/N asked her the next question.
"As a precaution, Public Safety executes patrols." Alcina said as Y/N's new partner was shown walking towards Alcina's office, "And smaller missions with two-person teams."
Mina's expression immediately lit up at this scene, realizing she was Y/N's new partner.
"This is great timing. She's here." Alcina said as Y/N looked slightly suprised by it and looked over his shoulder at the door behind him.
"How did she know she was there?" Kasumi asked, rubbing the back of her head with a questioning look on her face, "She didn't even knock on the door."
Yatsuhashi shook his head, "I don't know. Maybe she heard her or something."
"Or maybe she smelled her." Tokoyami theorized, recalling what Alcina said about her sense of smell.
Reiko nodded in agreement, "She did tell us she has a good sense of smell."
"Be careful. She's a Fiend." Alcina gave him on last information on his new partner with her usual smile still present on her face.
The last information Alcina gave Y/N about Mina got many suprised stares from the audience.
"What?" Mina exclaimed in suprise, "I'm a devil in this universe?"
Asui put her hand on her chin, "It explains why you still look like this, despite there being no Quirks in this universe, ribbit."
"I'm suprised about the fact that a Fiend is working with them, especially after we just saw Y/N and Ren kill one." Sae stated.
Zenkichi nodded in agreement, "Exactly. Fiends are allowed to become the Devil Hunters as well?"
"Maybe Ashido is in the same situation as Y/N is." Tokoyami theorized, "She made a deal with them and how has to work with them otherwise she will be relieved of her duty and I think we all know what it means at this point."
The door was opened and gave herself a dramatic introduction, "Prostrate yourselves, humans! For I am Mina! Are you to be my so-called partner?!"
A collective chuckle rang throughout the theater.
"Talk about a dramatic entrance." Tokage smiled as Mina nodded in agreement, smilling at her counterparts introduction.
Y/N raised his brow at her, "Mina?! Your name's Mina?! And you're a Fiend?! Are Fiends allowed to be Devil Hunters?!"
Zenkichi nodded at Y/N's question, "Exactly!"
"Glad to see we're agreeing with this." Sae stated, glad to see Y/N was saying something things which weren't complete perverted nonsense as well.
All of Y/N doubts about Mina vanished in an instant when took a look at her chest and saw the size of it.
"Well, whatever! Nice to meet you!" He smiled at her, pumping his fist as Ren slowly turned to look at him.
Y/N's change of mind got mixed reaction from the audience. Some members laughed at the scene and most of them, mostly the women, deadpanned at it. Mina herself heavily blushed at the scene.
"Talk about a sudden change of mind." Uzu laughed.
"Nice, man. Nice. You really have right now priorities in this universe." Kaminari smiled proudly as Jiro glared at him, looking slightly hurt by it as well.
"Is it just me or does Ashido boobs look a bit..." Mineta began, noticing how Mina's breasts are a bit bigger in this universe. He never finished his thoughts as Asui slapped him with her tongue, cutting him off. Mina shot Asui a grateful look after seeing this.
"Fiends, like devils, are targets for extermination." Alcina began her explanation as Mina lifted her finger up to her nose, sniffing it and moving it underneath it, "But Mina's highly rational, so she's been on Hayakawa's team. I mentioned this before, but Public Safety Devil Extermination Special Division is an experimental unit. The higher-ups will be looking to dissolve your team as soon as possible if you can't get results. I don't need to explain what would happen to you two if that happens, do I?"
Y/N and Mina blinked, both of them staring at her silently.
Mina felt a shiver go along her spine at Alcina's words as if she was in her counterparts shoes right now.
Tokoyami nodded, seeing he was right after all, "I see I was right. Ashido really is on the same boat as Y/N."
"I wouldn't make her for her not to be, considering both of them are devils." Shoji stated.
"I wonder if her being a devil in result in Y/N getting along with her better than he does with Ren." Ruby wondered.
"Mina's horns stand out a bit too much, so you'll want to patrol areas without a lot of pedestrians." Alcina's voice echoed from the viewing screen as the camera cut into Y/N and Mina walking across the rooftops of the buildings in the city, the former holding his axe and the latter walking closely behind him.
"Why are they on the rooftops?"
"I dunno." Sun replied, "When Y/N was with them, they were walking freely on the streets."
"I'm betting it has something to do with Ashido being a Devil and not looking like a normal human." Kamakiri stated.
Shoji sighed, "It reminds me of the heteromorph discrimination. Only heteromorphs are discriminated just because they look different from everyone."
"Yeah..." Mina muttered sadly in agreement as Koda silently nodded in agreement. Personally she never experience the discrimination but was aware of the discrimination some people with the mutation Quirks have to go through.
Mina ran across the rooftop, going from edge to edge in search of anything she and Y/N could kiss. After finding nothing, she ran over to Y/N and slammed him on the back of his head.
"Human! Provide me with something to kill immediately! I am starved for blood!" Mina told him, pumping her fist as Y/N sighed internally in irritation.
Sero laughed, "Someone's impatient."
"It's just like our Ashido." Hagakure stated, smilling.
"Only our Ashido isn't impatient to find something to kill." Ojiro stated.
Mina crossed her arms, pouting,"I can be patient. Thank you very much!"
"I can put up with crazy, as long as she's hot enough." Y/N thought to himself, walking past a cat. He paid no attention to it as Mina had her eyes glued to it, watching it with interest.
Mako smiled, "What a adorable kitty!"
"Why does she seem so interested in this cat?" Sophia asked, noticing the interested look Mina directed towards the cat.
"She's probably just curious." Akira told her, "She probably didn't got to see many of them before she ended up in the Devil Hunters."
Sophia nodded in understanding, "I see. Curiosity about the world similiar to the one I possess."
"The question is, how do I get my hands on those boobs?" He asked himself internally as he and Mina stopped in their tracks, having just stumbled upon two random police officers.
"If you run into any civilian Devil Hunters,or the police try to question you about what you're doing..." Alcina's words flew through Y/N's mind as one police officer grabbed his walkie-talkie, informing someone about his encounter while his partner walked over to Y/N and Mina and asked them for ID's.
Y/N held out his ID to them, making a peace hand with the same hand he was holding it, "We're with Public Safety Devil Extermination Special Division."
"...Say that, show them your ID, and they'll make a sour face and leave you alone." The memory of Alcina's explanation ended as the two police officers were shown walking away from Y/N and Mina. After they were left alone by them, Y/N turned his ID around and both he and Mina looked at his curiously.
Several members of the audience chuckled at the curiosity Mina and Y/N's displayed towards Y/N's ID.
Komachi smiled slightly, "Look at their faces."
"They're like curious children." Tai couldn't help himself and smiled at the scene as well, "It's probably their first time seeing and using an ID as well."
"Where the hell are all the devils?!" Y/N asked in irritation as the scene cut into him and Mina resting by the railing. He was sitting on top of it as Mina was crouching down in front of it, her hands resting behind her on top of the railing.
Mina smiled, running her finger along her nose, "This is likely my fault! Before becoming a Fiend, I was a devil that was feared by all!"
A few members of the audience rubbed the back of their heads upon hearing Mina's declaration. They didn't know why but something on the back of their heads was telling them this really true and was telling them Mina was exaggerating.
Mina looked suprised and impressed by her alternate selfs words, "Really?"
Kirishima looked impressed by it, "Damn. Your counterpart must have been a big deal back then."
Kendo nodded in understanding, "Now I can understand why they would have her work with them instead of killing her."
"Yeah." Tetsutetsu nodded in agreement, "They must have thought she will be useful against more powerful Devils."
"It really makes me wonder how they got her to work with them in the first place." Sato wondered. He already knew about Mina having a deal similiar to the one Y/N made with Alcina. He was curious about what happened before it.
She looked up at Y/N, continuing her explanation, "Demonic peons will likely flee the moment they catch my scent!"
"Wait, how are we gonna get anything done, then?!" Y/N asked, looking down at her. It was when he gasped, having just reminded himself of something and it made him realize something.
Kazane shrugged, "I wouldn't complain about a free day if I were you, Y/N."
Qrow nodded in agreement, "Every day where you don't have to worry about a Grimm attacking you is a good one."
"It probably has something to do with the fact that he wants to impress her so badly." Present Mic stated, referring to Alcina.
Alcina smiled in a pleased manner, "You really want to work so hard to impress me? What a good boy you are, Y/N~."
"You know our Y/N would never do any of these stuff to impress you, right?" Chronoire asked as Alcina's smile immediately became more forced and strained.
Kazane nodded in agreement, "Did you forget how our Y/N is not a fan of you to say the least?"
Roman looked at Kazane questioningly, "He really dislikes her this much?"
"Yup." Kazane nodded in confirmation and chuckled afterwards, "He is probably one of the few people to call her a bitch to her face and walk out of it unscathed."
"Nice." Roman laughed as most of the people from the Witch Craft Works universe smiled at the memory of their Y/N calling Alcina a bitch to her face, despite knowing how powerful she is. Their smiles became more bitter a few seconds later as they recalled how it was probably due to Y/N's problems and how he didn't care what happens to him if he will anger her.
Alcina narrowed her eyes at Kazane, "You're so lucky I don't have my powers now, little girl otherwise I would turn you into a furniture in an instant."
"If you have any questions, just ask Ren. He's the one who put you two together." Alcina's words flew through his mind.
"That asshole! He set me up!" Y/N glanced to the side with an angered look on his face, gritting his teeth as Ren was shown walking along the hallway, "He stuck me with Mina so I can't do anything cool!" Ren turned around to face the camera, sticking out his tongue in a dramatic manner, "He's trying to get me fired!"
Most of the audience, especially everyone who knew Ren, laughed at the scene.
Nora laughed, "You look so ridiculous, Renny!"
"I never thought I will see Ren making a face like this." Jaune chuckled.
"Yeah." Yang nodded in agreement, "Neither did I, vomit boy."
Ren rolled his eyes at their comments, but smiled nevertheless.
Mina sniffed and smelled something. She immediately smiled, getting herself into a standing position, "The scent of blood!"
She immediately pushed herself into run, making her way towards the source of the blood scent she had just smelled.
"Wow!" A few members of the audience exclaimed, suprised by how Mina quickly rushed into action after smelling something.
"She charged in without hesitation." Sumire stated with her eyes slightly widened.
"With how she was wanting to find something to kill, it's not really that suprising she immediately jumped into action after sensing a potential kill." Satsuki stated, not suprised by Mina's eagerness for action.
Double D hummed thoughtfully, "Hmm. She smelled it. Interesting."
Eddy looked at him questioningly, "What do you mean, sockhead?"
"She smelled a devil which she must have a good sense of smell. Alcina earlier mentioned she has a good sense of smell as well. Could this be related in some way?" Double D voiced his thoughts.
"Now that you mentioned this, I can see it as well." Izuku agreed with Double D, "Perharps Alcina is a Devil or partially Devil herself. We don't really know much about her at the moment so it might be the case here."
"Either that or it's just a coincidence." Double D nodded in agreement, "If that's the case, then it would explain why she is hiring the Devils to work with the Devil Hunters."
"Whoa! Hey, crazy, where you going?!" Y/N asked, pushing himself into run after her.
Mina jumped over a railing into the next rooftop, excitedly making her way towards her destination, "The game is afoot! The battle is joined!"
"Damn, she's fast!" Y/N thought to himself, doing his best to catch up with her. She couldn't, though. Mina was just too fast.
"No shit." Rinon stated, his eyes slightly widened in as she was slightly in awe Mina's speed.
"You can tell how much she was waiting for some action from her excitement." Atori stated through her handpuppet, "Someone must like their job."
"Well, it's important to like your job." Natsume pointed out.
"The scene's evacuated and blocked off." The camera cut into some unknown Devil Hunter talking with someone through the phone in the phone booth, holding his blade in the same hand he held the phone. The devil he had just caught was revealed to the audience a second later, "It's the Sea Cucumber Devil."
Asui raised her brow at the name, "Sea Cucumber Devil, ribbit?"
"This universe really keeps suprising us with interesting names for the Devils." Yusuke stated.
"I wonder if there's a Pancake Devil out there?" Nora smiled excitedly at the thought, "Because if there is, then I would love to met him."
"I feel sorry for him if he would met you." Yang stated.
Sun nodded in agreement, "Yeah. Me too."
"What? Nora smiled at them innocently, "I would just give him a nice friendly greeting. Nothing else."
All of Nora's friends doubted her words.
"Yes, the Sea Cucumber Devil." He confirmed the name of the devil to whoever he was talking with right now, "Requesting backup in front of Nerima Station."
The camera went back to Mina for a second as she was shown reaching the edge of the roof and jumping down without a care in the world.
Mina watched what her alternate self just did in awe, "Wow. She jumped down without hesitation."
"Isn't she worried about fall damage?" Recovery Girl asked.
"With her being a devil, I doubt she has to worry about things like this." Nezu stated.
"I said, Sea Cucumber Devil. Do you know what a sea cucumber is?" The unknown Devil Hunter asked, unaware about Mina heading towards this scene from above. The said girl formed a giant red hammer in her grasp, excitedly descending towards the ground, "Look, I'm trying to say..."
He never finished what he was saying as his words died in his throat when Mina reached her target. She slammed her hammer against the Sea Cucumber Devil, leaving nothing but purple blood out of it.
The audience looked either amused or impressed or a mixture of both after seeing this scene.
Uzu whistled in an impressed manner, "Damn. She left nothing out of that devil."
Ryuko nodded in agreement, looking impressed by it herself, "It bursted like a balloon after she hit it with her hammer."
Qrow laughed, looking at the guy in the phone booth, "Poor guy."
Tai nodded in agreement, "Yeah. He was filling them on getting a job done and something like this happens. Explaining it to his superiors will be fun."
The unknown devil hunter looked towards where Mina landed with a suprised look on his face, "What the...?"
"Did you see?! The kill is mine!" Mina cried out in excitement, beginning to laugh in delight as Y/N watched her from the rooftop with a puzzled expression on his face.
The screen turned black a second later, signalling the end of this viewing.
Kevin crossed his arms, letting out a chuckle, "Well, that was one hell of a way to ending this viewing."
"Yeah. Talk about ending it with a bang." Ryuji agreed with him with an amused look on his face, "Even Y/N was asking himself what just happened in the end."
Mina crossed her arms with a smile on her face, "I can already tell I'm going to like this version of me."
Hagakure nodded in agreement, "Yeah. She seems like a lot of fun."
"So. What do you think?" Q asked.
"It was fun." Mina smiled, "My counterpart was fun to watch, even though she appeared in the last minutes of this vewing."
"At least your counterpart appeared." Tokage told Mina, "I'm still waiting for my to appear."
"Get in line, kid." Roman told Tokage, "Me and most of those who saw themselves in the trailer or in the opening are waiting for us to show up."
Tokage nodded, "Right."
"For the most part if you ask me." Jiro asked, "Really hope we get less pervy stuff in the future viewings of this universe."
Velvet nodded in agreement, "I hope so as well."
"I have nothing complain myself." Alcina stated, "My counterpart is really interesting."
Nonon raised her brow at her, "You really don't mind all the pervy stuff which happened with your counterpart."
Alcina shook her head, smilling, "Not really. I'm a degenerate myself."
"I see." Nonon's expression twisted a bit.
"We learned some interesting stuff about this world as well." Ozpin said, "Like there being multiple types of Devils like the ones which are named after something like Tomato or the Gun or the Fiends."
Nezu nodded in agreement, "Really hope we get to learn more about those future. With young Ashido being a Fiend herself in this universe, then it is rather likely."
"We should look out for every information about Alcina as well." Aizawa stated.
Roman nodded in agreement, "Exactly. Something about her felt off to me from the start and her behavior in this viewing only reassured me in this."
"You again with this Torchwick?" Ruby asked him, "There's nothing weird about people being nice to you from time to time."
"The parts where she was threatening Y/N could have just been her laying ground rules to him to make sure he won't do anything foolish." Iida nodded in agreement. Many other people in the audience agreed with him and Ruby.
Roman rolled his eyes, "Fine. Whatever you say. I will love to tell you "I told you so" when she pulls off some stunt."
Ozpin looked at B and Q questioningly, "What are we watching now?"
"We'll be going back your favourite universe." B replied, making a good portion of the audience realize what the next viewing will be as they knew there was only one universe B called like this. Their assumptions were only confirmed after the watcher pressed the button to start the next viewing.
Attack on Titan Episode 5: First Battle: The Struggle for Trost, Part 1
The new trailer and the release date came out for the AOT finale and I have only one thing to say about it. If anyone's planning on killing me, wait till after November 4.
"Izuku...It's just like you said...I'm...a slave of freedom."
The new trailer for Hazbin Hotel came out along with it's new premiere date. Literally dropped everything I was doing to after I got the notification with it. Super excited for this show to come out in January. Hopefully there'll be no delays this time.
Started watching Kaguya-sama Love is War (Heard the manga was made by the same person who made Oshi no Ko and got interested in checking it out) and it's a fun anime. I'm really liking it. There wasn't an episode where I didn't laugh. When the "I raised that boy" meme scene appeared, I literally pointed at my laptop's screen like in this DiCaprio meme.
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