Final Part of the prologue/Chapter 1 of the Honkai Impact 3rd timeline is here!
After this we will be exploring more of (M/N) adjusting to HI3 and his adventures with the girls.
Not like that. In this stage, he's too closely guarded with his emotions. Plus, if you have already read the Christmas special in my Multiverse book, you already know certain characters are paired with certain characters.
Now, let's see what happens here.
*Step* *Step*
The sound of footsteps could be heard as the group headed towards the Master Control Unit to take control of the ship.
"Are you going to explain why you are able to fight against the Honkai?"
Kiana asked for the 7th time.
And (M/N) gave his response for the 7th time.
"Ugh!" Kiana muttered. "Boys!"
(M/N) bit back.
"Hey! I'm supposed to be the one making the insults!"
"You suck at them."
(M/N) and Bronya deadpanned.
"Don't gang up on me!"
"Enough you three!" Mei shouted.
"We got company!"
True to her words, more Honkai beasts started appearing out of nowhere.
"Let's go."
(M/N) disappeared in a burst of speed as he reappeared to a group of Honkai Zombies.
Before killing them with a single strike.
He said.
Before disappearing and reappearing behind a Honkai beast that tried to do a sneak attack on him.
"So sad."
The Honkai roared in pain as it died.
"Die, you bastards!" Kiana shouted as she blasted the Honkai beasts into oblivion.
Refusing to be outdone by a random stranger!
Raiden Mei channled the power of thunder into her blade and unleashed a single strike of concentrated lightning.
The poor bastards didn't know what hit them.
Bronya annihilated the rest with her mech arms.
Smashing and blasting them to smithereens.
After a short while, the area was cleared of Honkai.
"Well..." (M/N) spoke up. "That was both fun and a waste of time."
"Ugh!" Kiana moaned. "Can you show some emotions!?"
"Great!" Kiana sarcastically cheered. "We have the male version of Bronya!"
"Bronya suggests Subject Idiot Tuna shut up before Bronya pimp slap her."
Kiana: "WHAT!?"
Mei: "Huh?"
Mei blinked.
'Since when did Bronya know such lingo?'
She thought to herself.
*Step* *Step*
"Are we moving?" (M/N) deadpanned. "Or are we just going to stand looking pretty while the ship blows up your precious city?"
"Hey!" Kiana shouted. "Wait up!"
She ran as (M/N) just kept walking.
"Gah! This guy!" Kiana grumbled. "He has to be the most infuriating man I've ever met!"
"Birds of a feather." Bronya stated. "Flock together."
"What's that supposed to mean!?"
"Exactly how you think it does."
Mei sighed as they caught up and started heading towards the computer room.
Only for a giant mech to suddenly drop from the sky.
"...Seriously -_-?"
(M/N) was not impressed and most definitely not amused.
"These guys just don't give up!"
Kiana grumbled as she, Mei, and Bronya got their weapons out.
Only for (M/N) to suddenly stand in front of the Mech.
Was all they could say before:
"Triple Kick!"
(M/N) unleashed a series of powerful kicks.
The poor mech stood no chance as the three kicks tore it open, causing it to collapse.
The three: O_O
"He just becomes more and more terrifying the longer we are with him."
Himeko downed a bottle of alcohol as she watches from the base.
This kid was way too strong!
"We should be approaching the Master Control Unit soon."
Bronya spoke up.
"Really?" (M/N) raised an eyebrow. "How do you know that so confidently?"
"This ship." Bronya explained. "This ship belongs to Anti-Entropy."
(M/N) blinked.
"...Just how sheltered were you?"
Bronya asked.
(M/N) ignored the question.
What? It's not like he could just up and say he was from another universe now can he?
Twitching, Bronya continued.
"I was once a member of the organization and the defense systems, as well as designs, logos, and other things, all point to belonging Anti-Entropy."
"But..." Here, she looked bothered. "The Bronya still does not understand why one of Anti-Entropy battleship would be approaching the city like this. Unmanned to boot."
That was also bothering them now that she said it.
"It is possible." (M/N) offered. "That this might be a diversion."
"A diversion?"
Mei cautiously asked.
"I'm going to hazard a guess and say that Anti-Entropy is also dedicated to protecting humanity call them the Honkai? Threat."
"Yes." Bronya nodded. "That is correct. They are devoted to eradicating the Honkai threat once and for all."
'Even if they are willing to go through such extreme lengths to do so.'
Bronya thought to herself.
Remembering Project Experiment X-10 and the fate of her beloved friend Seele Vollerei.
Mei and Kiana gave her concerned looks.
(M/N) said nothing as he could sense the inner turmoil coming off her.
"...Let's go."
He simply said.
It was obvious they were heading into sensitive territory that Bronya did not want to touch upon. Best to just continue on with stopping the ship from crashing.
Bronya nodded.
Glad that there was a change of subject.
"Wha-? Hey!"
Kiana shouted as they left her and Mei behind...again.
After much needless fighting and destroying annoying swarms of honkai and mechs. And Kiana blowing up a mech that they could have used. The group finally reached their destination.
"Finally!" Kiana shouted. "We made it to the damn terminal room!"
"Calm down, you walking Tuna."
(M/N) deadpanned.
"TUNA!?" Kiana shouted. "Why you little!!"
"Nice try."
(M/N) boredly said as he held Kiana back with one hand while inspecting his other hand.
Kiana angrily waving her arms futilely as (M/N) hand kept her head in place.
Doesn't help that he was taller than her too as well.
Mei, Bronya, and Himeko sweatdropped at the scene.
'They act like a young couple!'
Was the thought going through their heads.
'...Why do I feel like punching something?'
(M/N) wondered.
"Anyways." Himeko decided to move along. "Bronya, can you take control of the ship?"
"Affirmative." Bronya nodded as she began accessing the terminal.
"Be careful." Mei warned. "This feels too easy."
"True." (M/N) added, as Kiana kept trying to hit him. "We haven't met with as much resistance as we should. In my experience that usually means the enemy is up to something."
"It does give credence to what you were saying earlier." Mei nodded. "Perhaps this is a trap designed to grab our attention while Anti-Entropy go forward with their true motives."
"One way to find out." Himeko sighed. "And Kiana?"
"GaH!" Kiana shouted. "FLIRTING!? With this guy!? The day that will happen is the day I have a son that my best friends are going to be dating!!"
"...That sounds oddly specific."
(M/N) gave her a WTF look.
"And for some reason terrifies me."
Kiana face was red with embarrassment again.
'Seriously!' She shouted in her head. 'How can this stupid ikeman drive me crazy!?'
"...Moving on."
Bronya began accessing the terminal.
"No hostile units at the bridge." She noted. "Project Bunny 19C, force access into the main control system."
"No login passwords...?" She spoke out loud. "Full administrator's privileges granted...non-conformance with standard protocols."
'Okay.' (M/N) attention was now completely focused on the monitor. 'That is suspicious.'
Why would they have a ship this big with no security in place?
"Is...something wrong?"
Kiana cautiously asked.
Having noticed the shift in the air as (M/N) eyes grew hard.
"Something's not right."
Was all he said.
"Agreed." Himeko said. "Bronya, be careful. Giving us a free battleship? This reeks of a set up."
"Major Himeko." Bronya suddenly said. "There's a message inside the Master Controller Unit."
"A message?" Mei blinked. "For who?"
Bronya blinked as she opened the mail.
"For me?" Kiana asked. "What would Anti-Entropy want to give me mail?"
"We'll know when we hear the contents."
(M/N) sighed.
Recognizing the cue, Bronya read"
"Dear Kiana! Greetings. We hereby return you the battleship Selene after 16 years. You shall ascend the throne and rule this world. But before that, you'll need to find 4 keys."
'I am not liking the sound of that.'
(M/N) thought to himself.
No one, not even him, was that generous to give such a valuable warship away.
And what the hell are the 4 keys?
"Lightning of Conquest, Fire of Affliction, Storm of Desire, and Death of Tranquility. PS. The password to the bridge is your birthday."
"...Are these guys stalkers or something?" (M/N) deadpanned. "They even know her birthday?"
Kiana nervously agreed.
"And...what are they talking about? Why are they even leaving me mail?"
"Kiana." Himeko spoke up. "Be honest. Do you know anyone who write letters like this to you? Anyone who could be involved in this?"
"No..." Kiana shook her head. "I'm pretty sure I'd remember if I had a friend that was so rich that they could gift me a battleship."
"And it can't be my stupid old man. He's not rich enough to even buy milk, let alone write letters like this."
Somewhere in the world, a certain man sneezed.
'Daddy issues?' (M/N) blinked. 'Is that why she's so angry all the time?'
"Lightning of Conquest..." Himeko frowned. "Storm of Desire...those sound familiar."
Shaking her head, she ordered:
"Kiana! Tell Bronya your birthday."
Kiana nodded.
"Isn't that dangerous?"
(M/N) frowned.
"That message was being oddly specific and helpful. I don't like it."
"But we have no other option."
Mei admitted.
"It's too dangerous."
(M/N) shook his head.
"And too easy. That's how you know that an unexpected twist is about to happen."
"We'll cross that bridge when it comes."
Himeko sighed.
He had a good point, but what else could they do?
"Right!" Kiana nodded. Taking a deep breath.
"My birthday is December 7th."
She answered.
Bronya typed it in.
Suddenly an announcement could be heard over the intercom.
"Access granted." The announcement said. "Navigation privileges granted. Re-routing vessel. New destination: St. Freya High School."
The System finished saying.
"It really was my birthday?!" Kiana shouted.
The look on her face spoke volumes.
She was not amused.
"Okay." Mei smiled, happy that everything went well. "We'll fly the battleship back to St. Freya and then get to the bottom of this."
"Seems like they had no ill intentions after all."
She continued.
"*Sigh*!" (M/N) sighed, getting their attention. "If only it was that easy, fool."
"What did you call her!?"
Kiana shouted.
"Isn't that right? Bronya?"
He turned his attention to the girl at the terminal who seemed to have undergone a change.
"What's happening!?" Himeko shouted as Bronya suddenly began summoning her mechanical arms.
The monitor displaying a WARNING!! Sign as well as errors popping up.
Himeko tried to get the girl attention.
She robotically spoke.
"Bio-chip anomaly detected..." Bronya voice distorted as she spoke. "Force activate emergency system. Rebooting."
Soon, she turned to face them.
Her eyes were glowing red, as lines appeared under her eyes.
"Switching to troubleshooting mode. Purge all surrounding hostiles."
With that said, she flew at insane speed straight at them.
Only to be met with resistance as (M/N) quickly got in front of Kiana and Mei.
Ultima in hand as he blocked Bronya attack.
"Hmph!" (M/N) grunted. "You're a lot tougher than you look."
Was all Bronya said as she had one of her mech arms strike at him.
Only to miss as (M/N) easily evaded the attack.
"Too slow."
He simply said.
Bronya said nothing before she suddenly...disappeared?
'Some sort of stealth mode?'
(M/N) thought to himself.
Soon, several more mechs landed on the ground. Guns firing up, ready to blast the intruders to smithereens.
(M/N) scoffed as he destroyed them with a swing of his blade.
Soon a noise caught his attention.
"GAH! Bronya snap out of it!"
Kiana shouted as she and Mei worked together in tandem to counter Bronya attacks.
"Eliminate all threats."
Bronya mechanically said.
As she unleashed her ultimate against them.
Quickly evading, the two were able to activate Time Fracture and unleashed a series of attacks on her.
Bronya said...monotonously.
"Mei-senpai! Now!"
Kiana shouted.
Mei nodded.
The two quickly activated their ultimates and were to push her back.
Suddenly strands of energy wrapped themselves around Dark Bronya like chains.
"I don't know who thought it was a smart idea to possess you."
(M/N) eyes glowed.
With the strands coming from his fingers.
"But they picked the wrong house, fool!"
Bronya voice slowly returned to normal as (M/N) used the Keyblade to break her free of the brainwashing.
Resulting in Bronya hitting the floor, slightly unconscious.
"Bronya!" Mei quickly ran to the girl. "Bronya! Open your eyes!"
"Nnh..." Bronya groaned. "Mei nee-sama, what happened?"
"You went berserk."
(M/N) simply said.
"I see..." Bronya groaned. "The Bronya...must have lost control over her chip."
"It's okay!" Kiana shouted. "What matters is that your safe!"
"Valkyries!" Himeko shouted. "What's going on? Communications were jammed after Bronya started going berserk!"
"Bronya is fine." The girl spoke. "Bronya requests Major Himeko please arrange a full physiological exam for the Bronya at school."
"The Bronya refuses to drag everyone down."
"Understood." Himeko nodded. "The Selene should be approaching St. Freya soon."
While everyone was busy chatting away.
(M/N) was leaning against a wall, hands in his pockets as he watched the somewhat heart touching scene.
'Adele, Macarios.'
He thought to himself.
Pushing himself off the wall, he began quietly walking away.
"Hey, wait!"
Himeko shouted, getting his attention as he stopped.
"Yes?" (M/N) asked, turning his head towards them. "What do you want?"
"Where exactly do you think you are going?"
Himeko asked.
"To wherever the road leads me."
(M/N) simply said.
There was no way he could just tell them he was literally from another universe. Plus, the less people involved, the less painful separations he needed to go through.
"Why?" He asked. "What's it matter to you?"
"How about you come with us to St. Freya?"
Himeko asked.
"Are you crazy!?" Kiana shouted. "Why would you offer him that?!"
"...Are you being stupid on purpose right now, Kiana?" Himeko asked. "You saw his power and how he took down that Emperor Class Honkai Beast. We could use people like him."
"But...he doesn't know anything about the Honkai!" Kiana tried to argue. "He doesn't know about Anti-Entropy and I'm guessing he doesn't know about Schicksal either!"
"See!" She pointed at his questioning expression. "Why would you want to have someone who is clueless and probably sheltered to attend a school for Valkyries?!"
"Because his potential is too great to ignore."
Mei realized.
Kiana looked at her in betrayal.
"Don't give me that look, Kiana." Mei shook her head. "I'm pretty sure things could have ended up worse if he wasn't there. Not to mention that he might be the role model that the few males attending St. Freya need."
Kiana was stumbling on her words as she tried to argue.
"The Bronya is 100% convinced that the real reason you don't want Subject (M/N) to join is because he stole your first kiss."
The look on Kiana face said it all.
She had hit the mark on it.
"As amusing as this all is." (M/N) interrupted. "You're still forgetting one important thing."
"Namely being, why should I join? I'm better off refusing and doing my own thing."
Right...that was true.
He could simply refuse and all that arguing would have been a waste of time.
"What can we do to make you say yes?"
Himeko asked.
(M/N) response surprised them.
"There is nothing you have that can benefit me in any way."
Well...that was a surprising response.
"Hey!" Kiana eyes glared angrily at him. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"Exactly how it sounds." (M/N) shrugged. "What I can't give me."
Could it be...that?
"Oh..." Kiana looked to the side. "Sorry."
Bronya, Mei, and Himeko from the screen look sad and apologetic for bringing up a sore spot.
They couldn't exactly bring his dead family back to life.
'...Somehow, I'm getting the feeling that they are misunderstanding me.'
(M/N) thought to himself.
"What about a home?" Mei suggested. "It seems that you no longer have a home to call your own. Why not make a new one?"
"Because I have no intention of staying." (M/N) sighed. "Eventually, I will return to where I belong. My stay is only temporary."
He's getting more and more confusing.
"I...don't understand?"
Kiana said.
"Probably for the best."
(M/N) sighed.
"All you need to know is that I'm complicated."
That's for sure.
"Well...look." Kiana walked to him and looked up into his eyes. "I know we probably don't have much in the way to help you. But how about you just give it a chance? Who knows? Maybe you'll find it to your liking."
(M/N) (E/C) eyes stared into Kiana blue eyes.
For a moment, everything was silent. As though they were the only two in the room as they looked into each other eyes.
Kiana could see a guarded, dangerous warrior inside his eyes. Filled with determination and a drive.
In some ways, she actually did feel a kinship.
...Even if she didn't like guys that way.
(M/N) silently stared into Kiana eyes as his hand slid under her chin. Tilting her head slightly as their gazes connected.
Strong, determined, will to protect. He could sense these traits. He could sense a warrior who wants to protect the world (while having fun as well) and share smiles with those she called friends.
And something else.
'Who are you?'
A voice spoke into his mind, trying to spread a taint into his mental mindscape.
'That is none of your concern.' (M/N) mentally responded. 'Get out of my head!'
With that last part, he forcibly ejected the invader out of his mind.
Kiana suddenly said as she gripped her head in slight pain.
"What the heck!?" She shouted. "Why am I feeling pain all of a sudden?"
'It came from her?'
(M/N) frowned.
Using his senses, he could sense an enormous power inside her.
And looking to Mei, he sensed a power similar to the one sleeping inside Kiana.
???: "Can he sense me?"
Mei was startled.
How was he able to do that?!
"I'll go." (M/N) turned his head. "I'll attend your precious school for now."
Kiana kind of cheered.
"Bronya is glad to have you."
Bronya smiled.
"That's great!"
Mei happily said.
Though a little concerned about what just happened.
"Good!" Himeko smiled. "I'll let the Principal know that we have a new student joining us!"
"See you all in St. Freya soon!"
"Right!" "Roger." "Yes, Major Himeko." "Whatever."
With that said, the communications were cut off as the Selene continued toward its new destination.
St. Freya High School.
All the while.
???1: "To think...that a mere insect like him was able to resist and force ME out of his mind."
???2: This is getting more and more interesting.
(M/N): 'I don't know what's going on here, but I do know now that my arrival here was no mistake now. Destiny is at play.'
'And those Valkyries play a part in it.'
(M/N) frowned at that implication.
What their intertwined fates lead to.
They will soon find out.
That took a little bit longer than I wanted it to. I originally intended to add a bit of the school towards the end of the chapter, but I wrote more than I expected.
Next chapter will talk about school life and little bit of a reprieve before they start getting into more missions.
Have a good day/night!
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