Chapter 2 - Clothes Shopping with GF

Location: Y/n's Cabin


After Y/n and GF are ready to go clothes shopping at the Downtown Creation City Mall since GF had to wear the new clothes that Y/n made for her to wear while they head on over to the mall for some clothes shopping at the mall.

In fact, today is one of those days where's not a lot of people shopping around and eating at the food court, cause malls usually have to many people and may get suspicious, which is why there's plenty of clothing store outlets to shop for clothes for GF to wear with less people and really good deals to draw less suspicion and away from high populated locations in the city.

Y/n: You ready to go, GF?

GF: Yep. You're such a sweet and generous man that wanted to take me to go clothes shopping.

Y/n: Well, I wanted to get you some new clothes to wear and not have to wear the same red dress all of the time.

GF: Well then, I think we better get a move on if we want to buy some clothes with the best prices before someone else buys them first.

Y/n: Don't worry, I know a shortcut to get to the mall faster. We'll swing buy some clothing stores and hit the food court then head home when we got enough clothes to buy.

GF: Oh, trust me. You should know that I might go a bit overboard on buying clothes to wear.

Y/n: I'm not worried about you buying a BUNCH of clothes for you, you can buy as much clothes as you want. I got plenty of money to spend on clothes shopping.

GF: Sweet. Let's get going.

Y/n: Alright then. Follow me and we'll get there on time before the deals are over.

Then as the two left and locked up the cabin, a strange interdimensional portal appeared inside the cabin the moment that Y/n and GF left the cabin as another girl came out of the portal unconscious after she went through and she's another GF, but from another FNF Mod as she is not a demon, but a common creature of the night, a bloodthirsty vampire as she is from the B3 Remix FNF Mod named Shaya.

Wonder what Y/n and GF are gonna react when they find an unexpected guest inside the cabin after their trip to the mall to do some clothes shopping? 

Shaya: (Groans) Ow...what happened? Where am I?

Shaya soon woke up from her unconscious state and soon felt her hunger pangs acting up again as she needs something to fill her stomach with, in order to prevent her from going into a feeding frenzy again. So, she immediately went into the kitchen to find something to satisfy her craving for meat until she made her way to the fridge to find some fresh meat and her mouth began to water after she spotted the raw meat in the fridge.

Shaya: Hmmm~ Maybe the owner of this cozy, looking cabin won't mind if I have a least a few slices of that delicious looking meat in the fridge.

So, she nonchalantly took the big slab of meat, that can be used to make a pot roast and bit into it to suck all of the blood from the slab of meat, but it's not enough to satisfy her craving.

Shaya: It's not enough, I need more~

While she continued to search for something to eat to replenish her hunger pains inside of Y/n's cabin, let's go see how Y/n and GF are doing at the mall.

Location: The Downtown Creation City Community Mall

As the two of them arrived at the mall, thanks to Y/n's very clever shortcut path, they both started searching around the clothing stores inside the mall and GF just went to town of finding some nice clothes to wear with the best prices that money can buy as she began trying them out before deciding to buy them that best fits her and Y/n is generous enough to buy the clothes she wants with the insane amount of money that Y/n has in his bank account.

Then as they both are buying so many clothes; GF started to try and get Y/n to try some clothes on as well without his knowledge as he seems to be lost in his own world as he began trying on various costumes while posing as he was in a fashion show, which made GF blush and giggle a bit while holding on to her laughter when Y/n tries on different outfits like a cotton T-shirt with a red vest and baggy sweatpants that made him look like a peasant farmer from the Merry Old England times.

Then he tried on a cool and snazzy cultist outfit, then a flower and grassy suit, then finally a maid's outfit that made her try to hold her laughter that made her face go all red, which made Y/n completely confused to what's up with her, but decides to buy the outfits that he tried on and not even realizing what's really going on and that's how GF wanted to see Y/n try on some outfits, which she managed to get away with it before they both decided to grab some lunch at the food court, go to some more clothing stores and head back home to the cabin.

As the two of them head over to the food court to grab some lunch since GF got hungry again, even after eating a big breakfast that was prepared by Y/n, GF has been staying close to Y/n just for comfort, meaning she's as close to him as possible for safety reason, even if they are safe from anyone that started to grow suspicious about the two of them, she might tease him on purpose, which is cute in her opinion.

The reason why she's doing this to Y/n is because she can sense a bad feeling within his heart that led him to be living inside a cabin all by himself as if Y/n had a terrible past that he clearly doesn't want to talk about, but when he has the time to talk about his dark and tragic past, she will patiently wait for the right time to talk about it.

Eventually, as time went on, they both had enough clothes shopping for the day and decided to head back home to the cabin and Y/n decides to prepare some dinner for GF after they both spent some time at the mall together.

However, when they arrive back at the cabin, they are about to meet the unexpected guest that's been making a huge mess in the kitchen while they were out doing some clothes shopping at the mall.

GF: Thank you so much for taking me to the mall to go clothes shopping, Y/n. I can't believe I got this many clothes to wear.

Y/n: No problem, GF. It's the least I can do to make a girl like you happy.

GF: (Blushes) Yeah, that's very generous of you. 

Y/n: Well, we managed to get back to the cabin without drawing any attention, so how about we watch a movie together and I'll cook us a nice dinner for the two of us.

GF: Oooh~ That's sounds wonderful. What do you think we should have for dinner tonight?

Y/n: I was thinking about making a pot roast tonight and I know it takes a long time to cook it, but I have a better way to cook it faster, but have the same smokey, tender, juicy taste of a delicious pot roast.

GF: Mmmmmm~ That's sounds delicious right now. I can't wait to try it out when it's ready.

Y/n: (Unlocking his cabin door) Oh, don't worry. It will all be worth once I--(Sees the mess in the kitchen) What the hell?

GF: Huh? What happened in the kitchen? Did someone break into the cabin?

Y/n: That's impossible. No one is able to find this cabin and I made sure that no one is following us or able to track us down. Unless...someone must've managed to get into the cabin from the inside without getting in from the outside.

GF: What do you mean?

Y/n: I'm saying that someone might have teleported inside the cabin through the power of teleportation or a portal.

Then suddenly, they both heard some cluttering inside the kitchen as they slowly went in with the bags of clothes, they left in the living room and when they went in the kitchen, they suddenly found a young kinda chubby girl with brown skin and dark pink hair as she tore the roast apart like a wild animal, which is the meat that Y/n was gonna make for dinner tonight with GF.

Y/n: What the? Another GF?

GF: What?! How did she get in here and why is she eating the roast you were gonna use for the pot roast?

Y/n: Maybe she's hungry when appeared in my cabin. Do you know this GF?

GF: Yeah, but I think you should calm her down cause she's having one of her feeding frenzies again!

Y/n: Again? This happened before?

GF: Yes, I suggest you challenge her to a rap battle while I go grab the leftovers from the food court. That should calm her down.

Y/n: Better put in the microwave to heat it up while I keep her busy.

GF: Ok.

She then went to the living room to grab the leftover burger that they had for lunch today at the mall food court while Y/n rap battle against Shaya while she's in a hunger craze as she looked at Y/n and drooled with a dopey smile on her face while blushing madly as she only sees Y/n as a tasty morsel that she wants to sink her teeth into as they both began to rap battle until GF gets the food ready to curve Shaya's appetite to calm her down.

Song Plays - Fang & Succ - Vs. Shaya - B3 Remixed Mod

After singing a couple of songs, GF is trying her best not to mess up the burger she put in the microwave and put it on a plate, so she can give it to Y/n and feed it to Shaya, who is now going feral and as she bared her fangs at Y/n with her bat wings out as she is going to devour Y/n with him looking unfazed by the sudden scary appearance of her going into feral mode as they start the last song before GF can finish the burger in time before Y/n become Shaya's favorite snack.

Song Plays - Nom - Vs. Shaya - B3 Remixed Mod

Shaya: What's wrong, handsome? I'm only just a little hungry. He he he he.

Y/n: I see what you mean by that, but I'm not really that appetizing to you.

Shaya: Come on, quit resisting already. He ha ha ha ha ha.

As they both start the song with Shaya flying around and try to take a bite out of Y/n, he quickly dodged out of the way from his amazing levels of speed to dodge her perfectly to avoid getting his head bitten off.

-Song Continues Until the End-

Shaya: I'll enjoy feasting on yo-

Then out of nowhere, Y/n sticks a burger in her mouth with the same monotone expression on his face as GF managed to get the burger cooked just in time for Y/n to feed it to Shaya to end her hunger pangs. 

Y/n: You done?

Then Shaya suddenly enjoyed the taste of the burger as she soon realized what she done when her hunger pangs acted up again.

Shaya: OHMYGOD!!! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to make such a huge mess in your kitchen! I was so hungry I couldn't help myself.

Y/n: It's fine. I can clean up this mess and I got plenty of food to refill the fridge, but I must ask, how did you get inside my cabin.

Shaya: I don't know, but I somehow got sucked into some kind of portal that got me in here.

Y/n: A portal huh? Hmmm....

Y/n began to think about the portal she mentions that felt like the same exact moment that got GF ended up in his world from his old computer, which means that if she got into the cabin like how GF did, then it means that the other GFs from the Friday Night Funkin Universe are suddenly appearing inside of his cabin like how the B3 GF also known as Shaya Dearest has appeared in his cabin through the portal she mentioned.

Y/n: Well, since you arrived here from that portal you mentioned. I guess, you can stay here until we can figure out what's going on here.

Shaya: Ok, but while I'm staying here, what do I need to do in order for you to forgive me for what I did your kitchen and how I almost tried to bite you?

Y/n: Well, you can start by helping me and GF clean up the kitchen and after that, I'll order us a pizza and we can watch a movie together. How's that?

Shaya: (Blushes) Uh...sure....I would like that...if it's enough for you to forgive for what I have done and stay here, then I'll do it.

Y/n: GF? You feeling ok? 

GF: Yeah, I'm alright.

Y/n: Good. Thanks for helping me out.

GF: No problem, Y/n. Let's get started on cleaning up the kitchen.

Y/n: Alright and I'll go ahead and order the pizza before I help you two out as long as you're both ok with staying here together and not try to fight around here while I'm gone.

GF: Don't worry. We're not gonna fight.

Shaya: Yeah, you can trust us, I have caught your name though.

GF: Oh, Shaya this is Y/N. Y/N is this is Shaya.

Y/N: Nice to meet you Shayla.

Shaya: It's Shaya, but I don't mind you calling me Shayla. It has a nice ring to it.

GF's Mind: "Wait... that means she trust him and...I really hope she doesn't try to eat him because that didn't end very well from what I read about hungers. Mom always said hunger turns one into a different person.

Y/n: Ok then, I'm gonna go call the pizza delivery service at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza and we'll watch the movie once we get this kitchen all cleaned up.

GF/Shayla: Ok.

So then, Y/n went out of the kitchen to order the pizza while GF and Shayla work together to clean up the kitchen due to Shayla's snack attack and as Y/n finished ordering the pizza, he came into the kitchen to help out the two GFs clean up the kitchen, which didn't take too long to get the job done and restock everything that Shayla ate until the pizza man arrived with the pizza as GF grabbed it and paid for it with the money that Y/n laid on the dining room table as Y/n decided to pick out the FNAF Movie to watch tonight with the two GFs as the three of them got on the couch and started eating the pizza with a few cans of Cherry Dr. Pepper and F/d and began watching the movie with the two GFs holding onto Y/n whenever the scary moments happened during the movie.

Y/n didn't mind at all as he did his best to comfort them during the movie, but they both did it to earn some affection from Y/n as the two of them decided to share their relationship with Y/n as they can both feel the pain inside of Y/n that has been holding onto him for a long time as they are both curious of what's been going on in Y/n's mind.

So, it looks like Y/n has two girls staying at his cabin in the woods, but this is only just the beginning of the story as Shaya or Shayla is not going to be the only GF from a popular FNF mod that will appear inside the cabin through a portal as things are about to get more interesting as times goes on between Y/n and the two GFs.

Stay tuned.



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