I just wanted to love you...

a/n - haha um this is gonna be sad and y/bf/n is your boyfriend's name like who you want to be with, Stiles, Leo, Percy, Harry, Ron, food lolz me ok i'll get to it now, um so comment who ur imagining dis with! also to stress this i used loads of curses sorry :/

You were done with him, you were done with this sh*t, you were done with him not being there for you.
He was coming home tonight-hopefully, he promised; but then again he's not a good promise keeper. You were gonna tell him, 'It's 'bout time,' your best friend said after you hung up the phone.

You just wanted to love him, but even that wasn't possible anymore. With him f*cking every slut in this neighborhood, kissing your enemies, and god knows what else. But you were done with him, you waited awhile to see if he would admit something. But no, he didn't he went along crushing every bit of your heart he could. His name was y/bf/n, he seemed like every girl's dream boy, but every boy has a flaw.

In this case, he had a huge flaw.

You went out on a typical first date, the movies, the old yawn trick, him waiting on your doorstep.

First kiss, not bad you'd think, you accidentally bumped into him and dumped coffee on him, of course you did the 'oh my gosh im so sorry' thing that every girl did. But he made it up to you by kissing you. You were surprised, shouldn't any girl be?

First 'i love you', huh wasn't the best once you think about it, you just said it out of natural, but he grinned and said i love you back. wasn't that creative with that one.

First christmas together. he only got you a picture frame, without even a picture inside it, claiming it to be a 'i didn't know what to get you' situation.

His true colors starting showing the next year of your dating,
typical missing dates, not kissing you, nothing much you thought at the time.

You should've saw it coming though. It had gotten even worse, missing calls, forgetting your number, forgetting your anniversary, not replying to texts, him kissing someone else in your instagram feed.

"This is just a faze on every relationship, you feel like your losing control and he's doing stupid things." Your friend told you. Oh you should've known she was lying, before she and him were left alone on a bed.

You were left alone at home, crying yourself to sleep. You did tell him once, that what he was doing was bad and he gave you the good old second chance thing and you accepted. Oh geez did he get better? You were pretty sure he got even worse.

You were ready, you were ready to tell him, your bags were packed, you gave him a little surprise in his bank account(went empty and yours gained a lot of money, i wonder how?), and threw his sh*t across the floor and stuff. Oh god what he did to you was terrible, and he still thinks he has you wrapper around his finger. What a pathetic lie.

"Awh babe is this for me?" y/bf/n walked in throwing his stuff to the ground while you made him a pretty terrible cake, which literally just said 'go away you d*ck' His eyebrows scrunched together in confusion as he read the words. "What the actual f*ck?"

"Is this some kind of joke?"

"Are you sore? That d*ck must hurt after all you've done to many, many women."

"What? I didn't do any-" He said acting all innocent.

"Oh shut up, I gave you another f**king chance, couldn't you have at least tried? What a guy I have here." You say sarcastically.

"What the hell do you mean? You're the one making a mess in this house." You rolled your eyes.

"Come on, half this stuff isn't even mine-or yours matter of fact." You point out.

"What do you mean? Where is all of your stuff?"

"Oh don't you see? We're through you f*cking a**hole!" You grabbed your stuff and started walking to the door, he followed you.

"What? No! Please don't leave! I promise I'll learn from my mistakes! I love you!" You pause and turn around, he smiled thinking he had you.

"Haven't heard that phrase in a long time. Such a shame all the meaning you put into it is gone now. Bye y/bf/n." You turn your back to him and walk out the door and let it shut behind you.

You were finally done with him, you had a clear mind, a better mind, most important of all, you had pieced your heart back together.

*3 months later*

It was great leaving him alone, with no money, well it was your money in the first place. You didn't want to go dating for a while, you were gonna focus on life, college, family and friends. All of your friends and family were proud of you making this decision. Leaving him there, having nothing else to do. You were walking to Starbucks, it was quiet chilly in your new place, but that's just an excuse to get more coffee. On your way out of starbucks there you bumped into someone, he looked familiar but you couldn't make it out who it was.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry sir."

"Funny, this is exactly how we first kissed." he said grabbing napkins and wiping his shirt.

"Y/bf/n?" You sent a fake smile to him.

"I really do miss you, please come back, the house is empty, my heart is empty. I still love you."

"That's really weird, that's what you said before you left me for weeks and never sent me a call a text or anything." You say sarcastically.

"Please." He begs.

"I just wanted to love you..." You sigh. "You didn't even give me that chance." You give him a real smile, "I hope you have a great day sir." You turn your heels and walked the direction you were going before.

"I still love you y/n, I always will." He whispered and cursed at the moment you were too far away.

You still heard him, you could hear him from a million miles away. What he said was fake, as fake as that first i love you he ever said.

Poor guy, you thought, chasing after people he could never be with.

a/n - ahhh you slay my life in this imagine. idk this was one of my favorite imagines i've ever written, it was emotional, angerful, kind of triggered me after what he did to you, and you sassed him up at the end lolz im weird love y'all you all are awesome have a great new year! :) - your one and only nikki

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