chapter 14 | Ride in the dark

All our attention drifts away at the sound of a phone ringing, and Mister Jeon takes hold of it, stands up after checking his screen, and leaves the table to pick up the call.

Joonha and I both watch him enter another room, and I lay my eyes on this young man, who is still eating right next to me. "Imagine this is your mom," he chuckles, but I do not even let this happen in my head. "Not this, please, and she's for sure with a man right now, so she wouldn't be calling him."

"What if she's done with him?" he asks a good question, making me wonder about the truth. I check what time it is but believe this cannot be possible. "No, they're probably sleeping right now."

"After fucking?" he finally gets what type of woman she is, and I nod, not lying about it. "Probably."

"Jeez, men are so desperate," he rolls his eyes and leans over the table to put his elbows down on it, breaking his cookie into small pieces all the time to eat slowly. "Yeah. You know that more than I do, uh? What does it feel like to be one of those 'men' as you say?"

"I'm not like them," he denies it. "Sure. You talk about sex all the time with me, but you're not desperate."

"I'm not. I talk about sex because I'm fucking dirty minded, but I'm not gonna fuck every vagina I see," his way of framing his sentence causes me to wheeze but find it offensive. "A woman is not a vag—"

"Oh, shut up. You know that's not what I meant by that," he interrupts me before I could end my sentence, and I do not continue it. "I'm not like you," he raises his eyebrows, avoiding eye contact and staring at his snack. "Like me? What does that mean, you jerk?"

"I know you wanna suck every dick you—" a hard punch coming from me crashes in his arm to shut him up, but he only giggles and pushes me away. "Stop saying that! What if your dad hears this? What is he gonna think of me?"

"That you're a dirty girl," he does not see how serious it is when I would not want Mister Jeon to believe this is true. "Shut your mouth and never talk about this again."

"I won't but only if you're being good and respecting me," he finds a way to get what he wants from me, so I show some contempt. "Am I not already?"

"No, you're far from being good," he eventually swallows the rest of his dessert to stop munching on it in front of me, and I glance down at his lip ring. "And why is that? What do I even do?"

"You're rude," he states a falsehood. "I am because you are."

"I'm not rude," he argues, both of us fighting like two kids. "And if you mind me talking about sex with you, tell me, and I won't ever do it again."

"I don't mind, I just point it out," I make sure he does not misunderstand what I said, but a smile grows on his face. "Then don't and just shut up."

I shake my head, grinning and annoying him on purpose. "If you don't, I'll tell Choco to hump your leg again."

I hit his chest, feeling the embarrassment rush though me again. "Alright, I'll do it— I'm joking," he quickly changes his sentence once he receives a death glare from me, and we both look at each other, but his father comes back, making him gaze up at him. "Who was it?"

"Just a co-worker who asked if I wanted to go out tonight," he does not hide it but comes back. "He or she?"

"He," his lips part for his teeth to show. "Good."


10 pm.

"Do you want me to drive her home?" Mister Jeon heads back towards us after filling his glass with water, and Joonha peeks at me, but as soon as I catch sight of a grin forming on his face, I know the answer he is about to give. "Yes. I'll do it tomorrow."

"Alright, I'm going to go to the bathroom first," he brings his glass down and leaves the room, so I rise from the chair I have been sitting on for quite a long time, and Joonha follows my actions. "Your heart's beating fast right now, isn't it?" he makes fun of me, but the worst about this is that he is not even wrong.

"What did I do for you to enjoy torturing me like that?" I put my shoes on, nearly begging for some mercy, but he slides his hands into the pockets of his sweatpants and merely shrugs at me. "I like doing it."

"I don't know if I want to be there tomorrow," I grab my jacket to be ready to go, and he lowers his eyes to my collarbone. "But you will. I'll show you some tricks."

"I hope you'll fail and embarrass yourself," I mischievously grin at him, but his features reflect my expression. "Karma's gonna get your ass so bad for this, girlie."

"I'm going to be careful, nothing bad will happen to me," I ignore the sad reality, aware of how unlucky I am but hoping for the opposite to happen this time. "Sure. We'll see that."

I nervously nibble on my inner lip but see Choco walk past us to do nothing but wander around the house while keeping an eye on what Joonha is doing, so I glance down at this man's tattoo again.

I am honestly so proud of it, I did not expect it to look so great, I am probably going to start doing some for myself.

My focus gets dragged away when Mister Jeon opens a door, so I wait for him to come and put his shoes on as I did some minutes earlier.

We both look at him getting ready, but the more the seconds are passing with none of us saying anything, the weirder it feels.

"Why are you suddenly so quiet?" the father checks on us, but we both make eye contact for a short second. "We're taking a break from each other," Joonha smiles.

This reply gets Mister Jeon to scoff and shake his head out of disbelief, and he grabs the handle of the door. "Are you ready to leave?" he addresses me, so I confirm and step forth but feel Joonha's fingers run through my hair. "See you tomorrow, and thanks for the tattoo again," he smiles, sincerely, and I send him one in return. "No problem. See you tomorrow," I get out of the house to walk after Mister Jeon and wait for him to drive the car out of the garage, but Choco's barking makes me look in that direction.

Joonha is holding him against his chest with one hand, pampering him with love and care, but before he could even notice my gaze on him, I hear Mister Jeon stop the car in front of me, so I head up towards it and get inside. I put my seatbelt on, and he leaves the driveway.

10 minutes later...

The music playing in the car to save us from more intense awkwardness, I peek out of the window on my right to land my eyes on the people that are enjoying some time in a restaurant while I am waiting at a red stop with a man who must feel uncomfortable because of me.

I need to talk and show him I am not a boring person, but every time I feel on the verge of doing it, the voices in my head go crazy and hold me back from doing anything that could engender a wrong ending.

"Are you not tired?" I squeeze my hands between my thighs, the anxiety hastening the beating of my heart after a bold move from me, and I look at him. "Not that much, I'm fine right now. And you?" he does not keep his big eyes on the road, the darkness of the night brightening the red light that is covering our skins with its rays. "I slept a lot, so I'm not."

"Ah yeah, true," he chuckles, remembering what his son repeated thousands of times today. "What are you going to do once you're home then?" he does not put an end to the conversation I managed to initiate with a lot of courage, so I try my best to keep it going. "Draw for sure. I still have a lot of ongoing work."

"Really? And what's the one you've been working on the most lately?" he brushes his left hand over the steering wheel and grips the gear stick to go back on the road, and I sneakily run my eyes over his exposed, tattooed forearms. "It's the drawing of my favorite character in an anime."

"Oh, I see. Joonha loves watching anime, so I wouldn't be surprised if he recognizes the character," he mentions him and makes me realize I could show him. "I'll send him a picture of it when it's done then."

He remains quiet, needing some quietens to focus on the road for sure, so I give up on attempting to have another conversation with him but talk to myself in my head.

"You honestly are an amazing artist," he breaks the silence, praising me when I did not expect it at all. I turn my head to set my eyes on him, surprised but pleased. The corner of his lips curve up, and he briefly looks at me. "I mean it. I love your work. I can see that you're passionate, and this makes your art even more gorgeous."

"Thank you so much..." I smile, broadly, loving the words he tells me with sincerely. "It means a lot to me."

"Have you already tried to earn money from it?" he turns into another street. "Not yet. I don't really want to sell my work, to be honest."

"Is there a reason for that?" he curiously wonders, which I understand. "I don't know. I'm scared of people who might ruin my work, I'm also scared about the plagiarism, I've already dealt with it after posting my work on Instagram, even though there was copyrights on it, and it's so tiring to deal with it."

"I went through that as well, so I understand you. People are disgusting, and no matter what you do, they'll always find a way to steal your work and make you regret sharing your passion with the world," he feels the same way as I do, making me feel relieved and not alone. "You dealt with that too?"

"Yes, with one of my books. Someone stole a part of it and claimed it as theirs on a platform, and that was very difficult to get it to be taken down. People have no shame or respect for others' effort," he takes the words out of my mouth, having the same opinion as I do on this matter. "Unfortunately, but I'm glad it was solved for you."

"Yes," he nods. "Anyway, have you hurt yourself that you cannot skate with Joonha tomorrow?" he does not forget about this, making me feel nervous since I know the truth but have no idea whether this is a good idea to tell him. "No...I just...I'm on my period. I can't."

"Ah, alright," he does not show any uneasiness about it, now aware of the reason. "Don't be shy or uncomfortable to tell Joonha about it, he's not a boy anymore. He will understand."

"I didn't have to tell him, he guessed it when I said I couldn't do it for a few days," I smile, and he does as well. "I'm not surprised. He'll always make sure you're not embarrassed or scared to talk about that stuff with him. He'll even help you if you need or get some products for you if you can't buy them or something."

"I'm relieved to hear that," I express some contentment, glad to know that some men are not dumb and disgusting.

30 minutes later...

"See you tomorrow, have a good night," he tells me goodbye as I got out of the car, so I look at him for the last time and show sympathy the same way he does it. "See you and have a good night as well, Mister Jeon. Be careful on the road," I remind him of the most important, and his smile widens. "I will."

To not bother him any longer, I close the door and walk up to the house but wish I could have stayed with him for some more time. Once I hear him drive away, I step inside, the silence greeting me, I do not try to know where my step-mother is but take my jacket and shoes off, and I head upstairs to get into my bedroom.

As soon as I land on my bed, I take a look at my texts.

Joonha sent me one.

< sleep tight and don't forget to text me first tomorrow ]

[ I won't. Have a goodnight too and thanks for inviting me today >

< thanks for coming lmao ]

[ I didn't come for you but your dad and the food >

< cool. Thanks for being so straightforward ;-; ]

[ I'm jk:> >

< I know you are or I wouldn't have answered ]

[ your feelings would have been hurt >

< no one can hurt my feelings ]

[ that's why you're so heartless and emotionless >

< well, at least I don't get hurt, so it's not that bad ]

[ you got a point >

< I always do;) ]

[ not the wink, you look like a cringe fuckboy lmaoo >

< see you tomorrow babygorl and dream of daddy wink wink* ;) ]

[ I'm out >

< now I know how to make you leave me alone ]

[ why are you still texting me then? >

< you said you're out, why you still here? ]

[ bcs I just wanted an answer >

He types but does not reply right away, showing his lack of ideas for a good comeback.

< well, I wanted to make a statement before leaving. I wanna have the last word ]

[ so childish >

< see, you're still here. You really like talking to me, don't you?:> ]

[ I'm just kind, so I don't wanna leave you on read... >

< oh, sure:> ]

< you can leave now tho:> ]

[ alright then, bye >

< bye ]

< babygorl;) ]

I ignore his provocation since I know why he does it, and I just laugh but get up. I need to take a shower and get into my pajamas to be more comfortable.

— Next day —

Sunday, August 1st, 2021.

10 am.

[ hey, I know you're gonna be surprised but I'm awake >

I send the text after finally leaving my bathroom, and I head out to walk down the stairs and step towards the kitchen.

"When did you come home last night?" Harin questions me as soon as I put a foot on the floor, so I glance up at her, who is watching TV. "Around eleven, I can't remember exactly," I open the fridge to get the a small bottle of grape juice and already go back on the way upstairs. "Where were you?" she stops me, but since I do not want her to know that I am hanging out with Mister Jeon, I tell a lie. "At a friend's house," I hurry to go back to my bedroom to not talk to her anymore, knowing what she did last night, I lock the door and move to my desk to sit down and drink some juice while texting Joonha, who was quick to answer.

< damn, what a miracle. Does that mean I can come to pick you up now? ]

[ you already want to see my face? Sure then, you can come >

< I just wanna bother you as early as I can. Alright, Seunggil will be in the car because I pass by his house first ]

[ okay I'm waiting, and since I know you wanna see my mom, you can come in to say hello:) >

< lmaoo I'm not getting out of my car just to see this bitch. I text you, you move your ass and come in my car ]

[ in daddy's* car you mean? >

< did you just call my dad "daddy"? ]

[ no! I meant daddy but for you! >

< sure...'-' ]

[ do you think I'd casually call him daddy? I'm not sick >

< you are. I wouldn't be surprised yk ]

[ you were since you seemed shocked >

< I wasn't shocked, I was ready to clap your cheek ]

[ I'm not coming anymore >

< but I'm coming, so I'll get you no matter what you say ]

[ so you're kidnapping me? >

< kinda ]

[ I'm calling your dad >

< to stutter at every word you say because you have to talk to "Mister Jeon" lmaoo? ]

[ fuck you >

< anytime:) but anyway, I gtg drive rn so I can't answer anymore ]

[ take as long as you want, I'm not in a rush >

< neither am I ]

[ you have to drive so shut up >

< wait now that I reread the text you sent me, you said "daddy but for you", that means you called me daddy? Hm?:> ]

[ why do you suddenly bring this back up? You said you gtg >

< I told my dad I was texting you and wanted to wait and he said he can pick you up bcs he has to drop a file at a colleague's house, so I said yes, but he'll come back with you only, and you and I will go and pick Seunggil up ]

[ why the hell make it so complicated?! I stop talking to you, so you come and not your dad >

< too late ]

[ jerk >

< <3 :) ]

< I wanted to ask you a question. Will you stay for dinner today? My dad wants to try a new recipe lmao ]

[ I'll stay but for him >

< okay:') ]

He does not say anything more, so I roll my desk chair closer to my drawings and put my drink down. I open the camera of my phone and take a picture of the anime character I have been working on lately, willing to show it to Joonha later.

A new text already pops up on my screen when I was trying to take a better picture, so I check what it is.

< I told my dad and he said he's happy but nervous lmao ]

[ nervous? Why? And why can't you shut up and stop telling him everything I tell you? >

< because I want to. He's nervous bcs of the meal, he thinks he's gonna mess it up and that you won't like it this time ]

[ I'll like it for sure. If I don't eat at your house, I have to eat soup at mine, so even if he messes up I know it will be better >

< don't you have food in the fridge or some snacks that you can grab without her knowing? ]

[ she locked the ones with food that is not liquid, and the fridge has nothing but drinks, raw vegetables, fruits, and she counts the amount every day to make sure I haven't tried to eat anything behind her back, so no >

< wtf this bitch is sick. You can come to daddy's house whenever you want, he'll feed you some good food:> ]

[ fr, don't make a joke about it but I'm craving meat today lmaoo I woke up and wanted some sausages like crazy, I don't even know why >

< well, I might know why but you said not to make a joke so I'll keep quiet:) ]

[ -_- >

< what did you dream of?:) ]

[ now that you bring it up, I forgot I had to tell you, but I hate you for haunting my dreams. I dreamed of you! But your dad was there too so he saved everything >

< oh, I'm on your mind all the time I see. What was happening? I want all the details ]

[ for some reason we had to take the bus but you got us to be lost, and I was like "why don't you call your dad to come pick us up" but you didn't want to bcs you didn't want to annoy him when we were literally in the middle of nowhere! Then I decided to call him and he came, but he only picked you up and left me there-_- >

< broo 🤣🤣 ]

[ that's not funny! I was crying like a dumbass and the way he did it was so damn painful bcs he came, opened the door, told you to get in and never acknowledged my existence! >

< LMAOO I love how even your brain is against you, but don't worry, my dad would never do that. If you were my ex, he would tho, he'd even run you over on the way cuz why not doing karmas job?:) ]

[ sure, why not lmaoo >

[ if she cheated she deserves it tho so I'm on your side for this one >

< thanks, it feels good to see that you're not as dumb as I thought ]

After receiving this answer, I start typing my text but get interrupted by a new one from him.

< wait my dads calling ]

I do not reply so that he can talk with him, but I stay in the chat and put my phone down to still have my screen within sight and be able to work on my drawing at the same time.

I wonder what this call is about though. I did not expect Mister Jeon to actually come and pick me up again today, so I am not ready to see him. I am nervous once more, but less than yesterday since it is not the first time anymore.

Seeing him so often feels pretty good, but I do not think it is a good idea because, for some reason, I am getting attached to him a lot, even though I spend more time with Joonha and that I am more friendly and close to him, Mister Jeon has a certain effect on me that I cannot explain.

At the sound of my phone vibrating, I drift away from my thoughts and read the text I received.

< I'm back ]

[ was it about the ride? >

< no, don't worry ]

[ alright then. He'll text me once he's here, right? >

< yes, I told him to not get in the house otherwise the snake is gonna keep him there ]

[ you did good >

< I know:> ]


11:40 am.

"Good morning, how are you doing?" Mister Jeon greets me as I just got into the car, and I close the door to put my seatbelt on. "I'm doing good, and you?" I smile at him, noticing that he is checking what I am doing before going back on the road. "Good too. You're early today," he softly laughs, and I nod. "Yeah, I didn't want to go back to sleep."

"Did you at least get enough sleep?" he touches the gear stick with one hand while holding the steering wheel to drive away from my house, being sweet and making my morning even better with his soothing voice. "I did, what about you?"

"I did too, Saturday's night is always the best one of the week to me," his lips form a smile, his eyes remaining on the road. "Same for me."

Some quietness fills the vehicle pretty fast after my dry answer, and I run my fingers through my hair to pull them back, not standing the heat of the day. I fix the bottom of my dress to sit a bit more properly, my skin sticking to the leather seat. "Are you okay?" Mister Jeon notices my constant movements, making me stop. "Yes, I'm just a bit hot..."

"You can tell me about it, you know," he grins but lifts his right hand to the air conditioner's button to turn it up. "Does it feel better?" he checks up on me, and I give a nod of my head. "Tell me once I can turn it down because I don't want you to catch a cold."

"I will," I assure him and enjoy the cold air blowing on my skin and cooling my body temperature down, but he stops at a red light, and the song echoes through the car a little louder. My eyes having a glance of his strong and veiny hands and arms every five seconds, I focus my attention on my thighs once I see him get hold of something between us. He opens a small compartment, so I curiously look at what he is doing, and he takes a candy out.

He opens the see-through wrapping of it, but probably at the feeling of my gaze on him, he sets his eyes on me. "Do you want one?"

"What's the taste?" I do not say yes right away do not seem impatient, and he slides the hard sweet between his soft rosy lips. "Strawberry."

I peek down at the others to check how many he still have, but his tattooed skin hides them, and he takes one out. "You can take as many as you want," he hands it to me with his long fingers, so I thank him and grab it. "Don't choke on it while I'm driving, please."

"I won't, don't worry," I laugh but cannot help thinking about something else about this sentence. I put the candy in my mouth but keep the wrapping in my hand. "So, you like it?" he sucks on the one he picked, and I nod, doing the same. "It's good."

25 minutes later...

I enter the house after the ride was done, and Mister and I take our shoes off while Joonha is coming closer. "Your favorite girl is here."

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