MS saw it happening the moment he got run out. He had a feeling CSK won't make it this year. And it turned out the same. He was sad but wasn't devastated; CSK's losses never affected him like India's did. If anything, he felt sad for Watson, that guy fought with a bleeding knee and MS knew deep down, he wasn't fighting for CSK, he fought for his captain and that's the only thing he felt bad about.

"Sorry" Watson said as the physio treated his knee as soon as he got back to the pavilion "I couldn't do it."

"Its fine Watty" MS smiled "You tried, you tried beyond yourself."

"You did do your best." Raina said standing with arm around MS.

"You rest." MS said to Watson "We have to go down for the post match."

"You aren't sad" Sonu observed walking behind Mahi "at all."

"Well I am captain cool, I don't show emotions, so I might be sad." MS said in a teasing tone.

"Mahi, I know when you are sad" Sonu said pointedly "And you aren't sad now, even though we lost."

"Nor are you." MS commented.

"Yeah" Sonu admitted, "I feel bad for Watty,but that's about it, speaking of him he isn't very affected either it seems."

"IPL never affects us does it?" MS laughed "More over how can I be sad when I see this."

Sonu followed Mahi's gaze to see the MI team celebrating, specifically Ro swinging Sammy up and down with a delighted smile on his face and Sammy squealing with equal delight. Not far from there Jassi and Harry seemed to think it's funny to wrestle each other, it was interesting how Harry could bring out the wildest side of mostly calm Jassi. Ro moved quickly to them handing Sammy to Ritika. Momentarily, observing the conundrum with a indulgent smile, he stopped them with a light hit on the heads.

Mahi observed the whole scene with affectionate glance, Ro suddenly spotted him looking around, his happy smile faltered a little may be due to realising the fact that the win had come by the cost of his Mahi Bhai's defeat. Mahi saw that and flashed a smile and thumbs up at Ro, and that seemed to quickly draw the smile back out of Rohit, Bhai was not sad, it seemed and that was all Ro wanted know. He turned his attention back to the rampaging Hardik, who was excitedly telling Ro one of his stupidest ideas with the proudest voice.

MS felt a strange feeling in his heart seeing Ro like that. Ro had debuted during the T20 world cup of 2007 and by all practical senses Ro was his first kid. From the scared kid first time playing for national team, Ro has come a long way., so much so that he now had kids who looked up to him. From the silent boy to the savage bombaiya Hitman, he had come into his own. Among his kids, may be Ro had changed the most.

But even with so much change MS felt there was something in Ro that had remained the same, he couldn't put his finger on exactly what it was, but he saw it every time Ro looked at him. He just didn't know what was it. What was the thing that reminded him, that even with all the change Rohit Sharma was still his little Ro deep down.

That night as customary both finalists teams were present in the post final dinner. Mahi was almost done with his dinner, he hadn't been able to speak to Ro properly yet. He was sitting on a table with Paaji and the MI management and Mahi had been hogged by Harry, Jassi and Chahar all evening and Sonu hadn't even made an effort to save him, so much for a friend.

The boys had just now become distracted by something else, i.e. they were taking turns to make weird faces to make Ziva, Sam and Gracia laugh and MS decided to seize this opportunity to grab some dessert. A small cake may be, he avoided sweets as much as he could, he was quite conscious about his fitness, but he wasn't anywhere nearly as freakish as Cheeku.

As he was coming to his table with the cake, Ro called, "Bhai yaha aao na."

"Yeah MS" Nita Ambani said amicably "Do join us."

He considered denying the offer but a firm "Come on Mahi" from Sachin ended that consideration from him, moreover he didn't think he could ever deny his Ro.

The table was occupied by, Nita, Akash, Sachin, Ponting and Rohit. Akash looked a little tipsy, and judging from the number of glasses in front of him he probable had one drink too many. Ponting excused himself to go meet Watson as MS sat down.

"Congratulations on the fourth win Ro." Mahi said sitting down smiling "And all of you too, you are the official most successful team in IPL."

"Thanks Bhai" Ro beamed "Jassi and Harry were magical this season don't you think?"

"They were." MS agreed the pride evident in his voice "And you captained exceptionally well too."

Rohit beamed even more at this.

"Yeah" Akash Ambani said in a lazy tone "He could have been the Indian captain if not favouritism."

"What do you mean?" MS asked sharply.

"Well you chose Virat Kohli as captain didn't you?" Akash said.

"But Virat had performed so well in tests that's why Bhai had..." Rohit said jumping to the defence of his Bhai and his bestie.

"Well tests and one days are a different format, he should have also considered Virat's IPL stint too." Akash said "What do you say about that MS?"

"I am not obliged to explain myself to you, am I?" MS gave a amused smile.

"Well you aren't I guess" Akash said "After all you are the Indian captain, that qualification helped you escape from betting charges, then who am I?"

"What are you pointing at Akash?" Sachin asked now thoroughly irritated.

"Sachin sir, I am sorry to put it blatantly, but I feel he is overrated throughout his career" Aksh said, the alcohol in him was clearly taking over "He is been a politician, a fixer and a..."

"THAT'S IT AKASH" RO shouted beating everyone to speak and in turn stunning everyone in the table "You will not speak another word about bhai in that tone."

"I will, what you gonna do ha?" Akash sais "You are captain of my franchise, you don't stand here and defend captain of a dishonest franchise."

"That captain is also India's ex captain, two times world champion and the person I debuted under" Ro said his voice having a dangerous edge now "I will not tolerate anyone insulting him do you get that."

"Ro calm down" MS said seeing that they were drawing unnecessary attention to the table.

"And I don't know how you take everything without reacting" Ro said to MS "But I can't"

"He takes it because he knows its true" Akash cheered.

"Shut up right now" Rohit threatened "Or consequences will be too bad."

"What you gonna do?" Akash asked.

"Akash sit back down" Nita said sharply, seeing that the situation was getting out of hand "Please lets finish this dinner peacefully."

"I am bloody done with this dinner." RO said fuming off the table.

"Ro" MS called but Ro walked off leaving MS shaking his head.

He turned to Akash and said "You don't know the value of keeping quiet do you?"

"MS he..." Nita tried

"Its OK ma'am" MS said "I am least concerned about what he thinks about me. But he would do better to control his tongue in public settings, we are not here to cater to his opinions."

"You..." Akash started.

"You have spoken enough I think" MS said with finality shutting Akash up for good.

MS looked at Ro's almost uneaten plate of food and shaked his head dissaprovingy.

"Mahi I think you should..." Sachin said as though reading MS's mind.

"Haa Paaji" Mahi said "Excuse me, Akash and ma'am, I have kid to calm down. See you later Paaji."

Mahi walked off.

"Nita" Sachin said "I would really expect Akash apologise for his behaviour tomorrow. No...no...I cannot tolerate disregard of an Indian captain. I hope you do understand that."

"I do" Nita said resignedly "I will see to it Sachin, you can be assured."

Sachin to left the table.


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