You got this girl...
"So this is what you have to wear tonight?" Hyuna said while spreading the bathing suit, stretching it out, trying to look at the form better.
"Yes." Jimin took a deep breath.
"It looks hot. I have one just like this, only in red." Hyuna concluded so Jimin frowned, not getting her comment.
"Sure. It looks great. Hot. Fierce.... The only thing is, it's a woman's bathing suit and it's a fucking thong! I can't wear that." Finally the problem was out so Hyuna laughed out loud.
"I'm happy you find this so amusing, but I'm getting fired tonight. This is it. All my hard work is going to waste..." Jimin whined while grabbing the black bathing suit, throwing it harshly into the pretty box that it came in.
"What do you mean?" Hyuna asked while bringing two bottles of beer for them, sitting on the bed in her room comfortably.
"What do you mean, what do I mean? It's a woman's bathing suit that requires breasts and lack of some body parts that I have and it's a fucking thong! Didn't you hear me the first time?" Jimin had a little outburst.
The vein on his forehead was showing. Hyun handed him the bottle of beer which he gladly accepted.
"Well when you say it like that..." Suddenly Hyuna sounded concerned too.
"I mean he obviously knows, right? Why would he put me in such a misery if he doesn't know? He wants me to admit the truth and surrender to my harsh fate of a liar and a scum that I totally am. Oh god what do I do..." Jimin sat down on the bed and put his hands on his face.
"Ok, ok, ok, relax... Let's think about all of our options here. I mean are we sure he knows you're not a girl? Are we 100% sure?" Hyuna asked, so Jimin thought about the past few days and all the indicators that were there...
"We were almost dry humping last night at the bar so... I'd say he knows." Jimin said with a nod so Hyuna pouted, still thinking about the options.
"So he literally felt your dick last night?" He asked as straightforward as it gets.
Jimin blinked, thinking about the question...
"Is it possible that he didn't feel it?" Once again Jimin started having new theories inside his tired brain, and he felt awful and tired all over again.
"I mean how big is it? You can always show me just so that we can be sure about it." Hyuna and her dirty mind.
"Focus Hyuna!" Jimin didn't have time for any of this.
"I am, I am... Sorry... Let's think about it again..."
Jimin got up and started walking all over the room.
"I need chocolate. NOW!" The thing that Jimin was craving every time he felt happy, stressed, nervous or hungry, or... just alive.
"Here, take some." Hyuna handed him a box of chocolate cookies, which he gladly devoured.
"Maybe he knows and he's so mad at you that he wants you to suffer." Finally one scenario that made some sense.
"You think?" Jimin asked with a full mouth and sarcastic expression.
"No, but seriously, hear me out. Before that night at the Sky bar and lounge, everything was fine, right?" Jimin nodded, mouth too filled to speak. "After that night, you said he changed in some kind of weird way... He became bolder and more passionate and then there was the theme 'Ladies and Gentleman'." Jimin nodded again. "And last night he cock blocked you and then he kissed you while rubbing his thigh all over your dick." Jimin let his body fall down on the bed, not feeling good about any of this...
"And now he wants you to come to the pool party and wear a bathing suit?" Hyuna just continued. "But he never mentioned anything about you not being a girl, which means he wants you to come clean. Could be cause he wants to scold you, or he wants to give you a chance to come clean and tell the truth yourself." She turned and looked at Jimin who was looking at her, perplexed.
"I can't do that. I just... I can't." Jimin shook his head, a bad feeling creeping up his spine.
"But why is he kissing you every time? If he wants to scold you or punish you, or get you fired, why is he always all over you... Nothing makes sense." Hyuna sat down next to Jimin too, taking the bottle of her beer and finishing it in one go.
"I don't know. It's like he's playing with me... It's like he's enjoying his little private game and I'm the one who suffers. First he's kissing me, then he tells me to wear a dress, next thing he's all over me, and then he tells me to wear a fucking thong swim suit." Jimin's head was boiling, his cheeks and ears fire red, flushing like vulcano.
"He's playing with me, he really wants to see me spent and broken, on the edge... well I won't let that happen. I still have three fucking days to endure all of this. I can do this. I can do anything." Jimin tried to sound confident while giving himself a pep-talk, but his hands were sweating and his heart beating loudly.
He turned towards Hyuna with the most pleading, shaky look on his face...
"Right?" He needed some validation, he needed help, needed strength to get through this...
"That's right babe." Hyuna got up and gave him a badly needed hug.
"And I'm gonna help you with all of it. Don't you worry bout a thing. We can meet at my room tonight around eight to get ready together and..."
Hyuna's phone interrupted their planning so she rolled her eyes.
"Where are you? We needed you in the dressing room half an hour ago!" One of the manager's yelled through the phone so she moved it away, frowning at the tone of the manager's voice.
"Well obviously I'm not there, so... wait a bit longer. Thank you." She said with a cheerful voice, as if she was telling a bedtime story.
"Crazy person, get dressed and let's get going. I'm sorry that I'm bothering you with my problems, but you're the only one who can understand and help me." Jimin pouted so Hyuna caressed his back soothingly.
"You're never bothering me sweetie. They are." She pointed towards her phone, indicating that the manager's and the staff are the ones she's having trouble with.
"Let's just meet here at eight and we'll figure things out ok?" She said while grabbing some of her clothes and entering the bathroom so Jimin nodded.
"Ok, I'll be here. Good luck on your interviews and I'll see you later." Jimin said while tidying up the room, being ready to start his working day.
"Don't forget the bathing suit, and honey, shave everything properly cause those cutouts are honestly showing too much." Hyuna peeked her head while smiling cutely so Jimin looked at her with the 'bitch who do you think you're talking to' face.
"Sweetie, I'm smooth as a baby's ass all over my body. Laser hair removal is the only option when it comes to me, so don't you worry about the cutouts. The only thing we should be worried about is my dick popping out. Balls too... " Jimin said so Hyuna burst out in laughter.
"Oh god! This is the craziest shit that ever happened to me in my life!" She concluded happily, enjoying the blonde's misery.
"Tell me about it." Jimin said while waving goodbye, going to his room to grab some of his things before leaving for his first interview today.
Luckily his schedule wasn't as packed as the past few days so Jimin did his job proudly, translating stupid questions and boring answers, until he felt that he might die out of how boring this whole day was so while translating questions for the cast of the new K-drama show he decided to have a little fun.
"So what would you say was the biggest motivation to do this K-drama?" The host asked so after Jimin translated the question for the young actor that was having the leading role, the man started talking about how being on TV was his childhood dream, and how making his parents proud was always his priority. How he's born to do this, blah, blah, blah, so when the time came for Jimin to translate the question, he thought about what would be a better answer instead the scripted ones.
"I picked this company cause our boss is hot as hell. Haven't you seen him?"
The host started laughing so the actor laughed dumbly right after, not getting why the host was laughing in the first place since there was nothing funny about his answer.
"Oh, such an honest man. So... Is your boss single? Since we're talking about this and that..." The host, being the same as all of them are, started digging deeper, wanting to hear some juicy detail.
Of course, Jimin didn't translate the question like that.
"Who is your biggest inspiration in life?" That's the option he went for.
So again, the actor started talking about his hard working parents, some idols from the industry, and when the time came to translate his question, Jimin decided to have fun again.
"I don't know much about his private life since he likes to keep those things for himself, but just being around him and looking at those handsome features is a gift enough."
The man gave a big applause to which the young actor bowed politely and smiled widely, thinking how he had won all of the audience and the host with his well scripted answers.
"So, one last question before we let the first episode air right after our talk show, if your boss was single and you were given the chance to go out on a date with him, what would you like to do?"
Jimin translated the question for the actor.
"Before the end of the interview, who are the people you would like to say thanks to?"
The actor started counting half of his family members, staff including their boss, blah, blah, blah... so Jimin tried to translate his words the best way he could.
"I don't think I'm allowed to say that on television since this is a family show and it's not R-rated..."
The crowd went wild, applauding and cheering loudly, so did the host and then he announced the premier of the new show, so all of them bowed to one another before leaving the crowded space.
Jimin felt giddy and happy cause this was so freaking funny until he ran into the thick body he knew by heart now, so while gulping hard he brought his eyes up and looked into his boss's questionable face.
"Hi Jiminshi. How are you?" Jungkook asked so Jimin bit down onto his lower lip.
Was he here the whole time? Did he hear the interview? Oh god!
"I-I'm good... fine... I have another interview in hall five... so... yeah..."
Jungkook nodded while looking at him with a serious expression.
"Did you have fun?"
"Fun? Sure... I mean you know how those interviews are..." Jimin wanted to die right then and there.
"I know. Usually I monitor them from the control room." Jungkook smirked so Jimin's stomach turned upside down cause could it be that Jungkook was again having fun while torturing him?
"Cool, cool... Fun... Hope you liked this one too. I... need to go now... Bye..." There was only so much Jimin could take in one day.
"It wasn't boring, that's for sure." Jungkook said while Jimin was trying to walk away so while frowning and biting down on his lip nervously again, Jimin turned around and in one second thought about apologizing for being unprofessional, for doing what he had done, for even being here, for risking his reputation and coming to this trip at all. But just as he was about to say something, Jungkook smirked cockily while shaking his head, looking into Jimin's eyes smugly.
"See you tonight Jiminshi."
The older closed his mouth and nodded, feeling dizzy just cause of the gaze his boss had.
He was so fucked it was hilarious.
Five interviews and two makeup interventions later, Jimin was looking at himself in Hyuna's bathroom mirror, complaining about the way he looked.
"I'm gonna die tonight."
Hyuna slapped his arm playfully while adjusting the red, sheer bathing suit cover up crochet that she bought for him after her interviews were over.
A true life saver.
"Please, stop whining and try to enjoy the night. Your dick is covered, your ass is looking fabulous through this crochet material, you look gorgeous. It's all going to be fine." She tried to fill him with positivity and wishful thinking, but Jimin felt worse by every minute that flew by.
"Except my dick and balls are suffocating inside these tiny thongs. This is so uncomfortable! It's literally stuck in my ass." Jimin tried to pull out the thong for the nth time so Hyuna slapped his hand away.
"You say that as if you haven't had even bigger things stuck in there before." She said sassily so Jimin frowned while pouting.
"Good point, but still... not the same." Jimin winked at her so she fired a finger gun at Jimin's direction.
"I know." Hyuna winked back cockily so Jimin questioned her sex preferences, but decided not to ask anything.
Tae and her would be a match made in heaven.
"Let's go. We don't want to be another hour late." Hyuna said while grabbing her backpack so Jimin took his too, glancing once again into the reflection of his body in that black swimsuit that revealed all of his muscles and tiny waist, but luckily all of it was hidden with that red crochet. His hair was down and wavy, make-up minimalistic and pretty.
Here goes nothing.
His thoughts right before entering the biggest pool area in the hotel, reserved for guests and VIP's only .
"Wow, the place looks amazing. Everyone's already here." Hyuna said with excitement, and Jimin wanted to crawl back to his room, fearing this whole thing was a bad idea.
"There's too many people... I think... maybe I should leave. Seriously, what's the point?" Jimin said while glancing around, feeling the nosy eyes being all over him.
"Jiminah, please don't go. I promise we're gonna have so much fun. We can have a few cocktails, dance a bit, talk to the hot dancers that are topless if you didn't notice, and we don't even have to get inside the pool. We can stay here all night if you want to, just don't feel nervous and pressured cause everything can turn out to be perfect." Hyuna always had her way of sending positive thoughts and Jimin almost believed her how this night could end up well, and how all of this wasn't a mistake, and how he can do this. But then his lurking eyes noticed his boss, standing next to a bar, looking like he came out straight out of a fitness magazines, body and hair wet, dressed only in a black swimming shorts.
"Everything's great and spectacular, until I pop a boner right here, right now." Jimin said his concerns so Hyuna frowned.
"Why would you pop a boner in the first place?"
Instead of giving her the answer, Jimin just moved to the side, revealing his boss in all his glory.
"Damn... " Hyuna acted as if she was all alone.
"I know, right... I mean look how handsome he is. Look at his arms. He could grab me easily and take me home..." Jimin was a lost man.
"He really is handsome." Hyuna admitted too, figuring there's no point in lying.
Jimin stared at his boss who was standing and drinking cocktails, looking unbothered and happy, chatting with his friends.
"This is so unfair. He should be in jail for looking like this. " Hyuna nodded with a sympathetic smile.
"And did he really have to wear swimming shorts? " Jimin still had problems with focusing on anything else other than Jungkook's sinful figure.
"Well it is a pool party. What is he supposed to wear?" Hyuna joined him in drooling over their boss.
"I don't know, a suit, a shirt... anything else really." Sometimes Jimin's ideas weren't smart nor logical.
"Says you while undressing that little material that's left on his body with your greedy eyes." Of course Hyuna would notice his hungry stare.
"I'm just wondering if he's as perfect down there as everywhere else... You know, if his dick is good, girthy with perfect length. Not too long to choke you, but long enough to make you gag..." Jimin stared at the younger's crotch while imagining what's inside, but Hyuna's nudge made him snap out of his daydream and look at her instead.
"Jungkook's been waving at us, but you've been too busy staring at his dick." She whispered-yelled while pulling a fake smile, waving back at Jungkook while pinching Jimin's arm, trying to snap him out of the trance he was in.
"Wave the fuck back." Again, she yelled through her teeth, so Jimin glanced at the cocky expression the younger was having and he gave him the most forceful smile he could come up with, and immediately, turned around, trying to hide himself from bigger disaster.
"Oh god I'm such an idiot. Hyuna, I can't do this... Seriously, I'm gonna leave. This is too embarrassing and I can't have this right now. My dick is literally giving me heads up that something's gonna happen. It's stirring and I can't have a stirring cock while being in a tiny swimsuit." Jimin had a little outburst for the millionth time this day, but before Hyuna could calm his nerves or say anything he felt a hand low on his back, going lower, and lower until it brushed his ass cheek and went back up, resting on his lower back.
"Hey you two. You made it." Jungkook talked with the sweetest voice, smiling at both of them while standing right beside the blonde and Jimin...Jimin couldn't look at the younger.
He couldn't force himself to even spare him a glance.
He looked up front and just blinked, trying to blink away all the dirty thoughts he was having a few minutes ago, but nothing helped.
He felt miserable and nervous, but luckily for him, Hyuna was her chatty self and started immediately talking for both of them and Jungkook gladly talked back.
"Why is my favorite assistant being quiet tonight?" Jungkook asked the moment Hyuna started talking with one of her friends that was right next to them so Jimin thought he's gonna pass out.
"I'm not quiet... just... tired I guess..." The older spoke while looking around the place, hating the way Jungkook's hand traveled up and down his spine so softly like a feather and the last thing Jimin wanted to think about was Jungkook's pretty hands that are as gentle as they seem...
"Tired? Already? I thought you had one of the relaxed days with not too many obligations."
Finally Jimin found the strength to look into Jungkook's eyes and it was a mistake.
He should most definitely avoid eye contact since the younger's eyes were dark and translucent at the same time which is a dangerous combination.
Arousal + drinks
One look at those big, hungry eyes and Jimin knew the younger had been drinking cause there were stars shining deeply inside his eyes and the darkness could only mean one thing.
He was in a teasing mood and Jimin was too horny for this.
"There hasn't been a single relaxing day since we came here. I might have been a fool to think how this job was a piece of cake, but now I know better." Jimin whined while crossing his arms so Jungkook pouted.
"Are you saying you didn't enjoy your time here? Was I a bad boss? Hm? Did I do something wrong?" Jungkook tucked the loose strand of Jimin's hair behind his ear so the older sighed deeply, feeling exposed and on the edge of his sanity.
"I didn't say that. No and you didn't do anything wrong. You were amazing. I'll cherish this memory in Osaka forever." Jimin decided to go for the truth, for once thinking how the truth was his best option.
"Thank you. I'll definitely miss you." Jungkook smiled while caressing Jimin's waist, going dangerously low, just below his back.
"Sure you will. Now would you please stop touching my ass?" Jimin couldn't stand to talk about them coming back to Seoul and not working with the younger anymore. He did indeed have a lot of things to do, felt too tired more than often, but the moments that he had spent with his boss were unforgettable and he knew deep down in his heart that they will stay with him forever.
"I'm sorry, I can't. You look way too good not to touch." The younger smiled devilishly, leaning further down, whispering into Jimin's ear. "Can't wait to see you without that red dress on."
After gulping heavily Jimin cleared his throat cause suddenly he felt like the air didn't exist around them, and then made a step back, trying to provide some space between them.
"Um... Don't want to disappoint you but, this red crochet will stay on me the whole night."
Jungkook frowned while eyeing the older, focusing on what's hiding behind that red crochet.
"But why? What about the pool? You can't go inside while wearing a dress."
"I can't, therefore I won't. I'll just stick to the bar ... since I'm not the best swimmer..."
Jungkook squinted his eyes and looked at Jimin with disbelief.
"You're at the pool party and you're not gonna go inside?" Again, Jungkook needed some explanation.
"Yep... I'm tired and I don't like crowded spaces so... I'll just stay here and enjoy my drinks." Jimin smiled while batting his long lashes at the younger, trying to get away with this torture. Seemed like Jungkook wasn't happy with his answer.
"There's always a hot tub. It's upstairs and only reserved for VIP guests so no one would bother us and you don't need to be a pro swimmer that's for sure." Jungkook showed at the open balcony a floor above the pool area which had the perfect view on everyone downstairs, so Jimin gulped.
Fucking shit.
"Um... that sounds good... I guess..." He mumbled, hating the way his voice sounded insecure and nervous.
"Ok then, I'm gonna go and have some drinks with Namjoonie hyung and Hobi hyung, and then we'll relax at the hot-tub since you're pretty tired." Jungkook had a plan and it was a bad one.
Bad for Jimin's poor heart.
Even worse for Jimin's overly excited dick.
Still, the older nodded and prayed to god that maybe, Jungkook would get smashed and leave the party sooner... Or that he would forget about the whole hot-tub deal and just enjoy the evening with his friends. Fuck it, he was even ok with his boss flirting with someone else and forgetting that Jimin even existed. He needed a miracle to survive this and there was nothing he could do about it except wait for the party to be over.
While finally letting his guards down and enjoying the company of a few makeup noonas he had met on this trip, a few dancers including the one Jimin flirted with few nights before and his two favorite singers, Hyuna and Jessi, Jimin enjoyed some cocktails while dancing in the rhythm of the music that the DJ was playing for them.
He had fun, loved every minute he spent while chatting with his friends, but he couldn't stop staring at the sight of his boss dancing on the other side of the pool, looking totally different than the stuck-up person he had met weeks ago. The one that didn't know how to smile, how to enjoy the little things in life, the one that only kept working and working until he was too spent to think straight... This Jungkook was carefree and hot, smiley and cocky with a dose of arrogance while swaying those hips sexually and Jimin needed to stop staring, but he couldn't.
Wonder if he gets some action while dancing like this in the bars?
"Babe you're eye-fucking him again." Hyuna whispered into Jimin's ear so after blushing soft pink, he turned around and slapped his forehead with his palm, closing his eyes while doing so, trying to mimic his current misery.
"I can't stop looking at him. Why is he so damn hot?" Jimin whined while pouring another drink into his belly, feeling the burned aftertaste spreading from his tongue, down to his throat and further.
"I know how you feel. He's literally hot as hell." Hyuna agreed so Jimin nodded.
"I think I need to go home. I can't just sit here and stare at him the whole night. That shit's not healthy for me." The blonde concluded while sipping on another drink, his eyes always found their way towards his boss, observing every hip movement, muscle twitch, hip thrust...
Why is he doing those hip thrusts for god's sake!
Is he seducing someone?
Why do I even care...
Not like we're something...
Not like we ever stood a chance...
I'll just leave and spare myself this misery.
Jimin thought about the whole picture here. He was on a work trip. He was pretending to be something he's not. He has two more days to finally get what he wants. The money.
So the best thing was to just go quietly, without anyone noticing and just do his job as best as he can for the remaining two days.
"Hyuna babe, I'll go now. Please have fun, and enjoy the night. Ok?" Jimin hugged his new BFF so she whined, begging him to stay a bit longer.
"I can't. Everything feels wrong. I feel like a fraud. I feel like I don't belong here. I can't explain it to you... but it's like I have to pretend to be someone I'm not and it's tiring. Being a girl is so damn hard, I could never do it... All the pressure... Presumptuous... Injustice... The 'always be on your best behavior shit...' I hate it all and I'm so lucky I met you cause you're so much more than that and I admire you seriously. Please, never change, and for the love of god go flirt with that guy, he's been staring at you the whole night." Jimin glanced at the tall, brown haired man who was sneaking glances at Hyuna not so secretly so she burst out in laughter.
"I almost cried when you said all those nice things, and then you said Hyojong is staring at me. Are you being serious? " She glanced at the man who was indeed looking their way.
"He's so into you..." Jimin was always good when reading the flirting signs.
"Yeah, well, I saw him staring at your ass a few times tonight. What if he's gay?" Hyuna looked at Jimin with those big shocked eyes like she had just discovered a new planet or something.
"Please... That doesn't mean he's gay. That's just having common sense." Jimin said in all his sassy glory so Hyuna pinched his arm, digging those fake nails into the delicate skin playfully.
"Ouch! Besides.. No one knows I'm a man. They all think I'm a girl.... Well... Besides our boss, I think..." Jimin glanced once again at Jungkook who was still dancing with his friends, actually looking like he's having fun, and he felt warmth and happiness to finally witness the younger enjoying life instead of just overworking himself and pleasing the others.
I really want him to be happy...
"You're right. You're totally right. I'm gonna go and have some fun. I deserve it. I've worked so hard for the past two weeks. I'm gonna jump on that cock and I'm taking a day off tomorrow." Hyuna set her priorities straight so Jimin laughed at her enthusiasm, tugging her into one last hug before leaving.
"I envy you so much." Jimin teased so she hugged him as tight as she could.
"Ah sweetie, if you wanted some cock, all you had to do is go for it. You have no idea how good you're looking. All muscly and hot. That ass deserves a treat for sure." Hyuna was always the best at giving encouraging advice.
"Maybe when all of this is over we can go dick haunting together." Jimin was lucky enough to have one person he knew he'll stay in touch with after all this craziness is over.
"Don't forget to bring Tae with us." Hyuna winked cause the moment Jimin showed some pictures of his best friend, Hyuna was a goner.
"Yeah, but then it'll be the two of you drooling over each other and me dick hunting alone." Jimin made a sad, puppy face so Hyuna hit him again.
"As if that's a problem for you. Seriously, we'll do that, but now, I'm gonna go and let that man pound me from behind while I imagine Tae's handsome face and his pretty hands."
Jimin blinked a few times.
"God, that's such a Tae thing to say."
He really did find himself a girl version of Tae and he couldn't be happier about it.
"Bye babe. I'll talk to you tomorrow." Jimin kissed Hyuna's cheek and right after getting his stuff, he tried to leave unnoticed, walking slowly, while saying his goodbyes to the makeup noonas and dancers he knew on his way.
Just a foot away from the exit door, a seconds away dividing him from going outside, he felt a firm tug on his right hand.
What the...
"Where do you think you're going?" half naked wet Jungkook made him stumble back, almost crashing onto the younger's drenched body, but somehow Jimin managed to stay in place.
Damn it!
"Home... I mean the hotel..."
"No." Jungkook shook his head, a serious expression written all over it.
"No?" Jimin asked dumbly.
"We had a deal. Remember?" The younger asked while tilting his head, caressing the arm that he had tugged on harshly before. Jimin felt goosebumps rising on his skin.
"A deal?..." Jimin played dumb.
Jungkook rolled his eyes annoyingly.
"Let's go."
Oh shit...
The younger entwined his fingers with Jimin's, and walked with him outside, tugging the older to the place where he wanted them to go.
Jimin knew exactly the place.
The hot-tub.
The hot-tub that was positioned just above the pool.
The hot-tub where no one was around to be seen.
The hot-tub from where they could see everyone downstairs, but no one could see them, unless they got up and hung over the edge of the tub.
The moment they came inside the patio that had a circular shaped hot-tub close to the see-through fence, Jimin panicked.
How the fuck am I supposed to take off my dress?
While he was panicking, Jungkook walked straight to the tub and got inside easily.
"The water is so good. Come..." Jungkook splashed some water onto Jimin who frowned.
While thinking about his options, Jimin moved the red crochet dress off of his shoulders, and let it fall down around his middle. Then he walked towards the tub and got inside slowly. He didn't mind that the dress got soaked with water, he just needed something to cover his dick while he was entering inside the hot water.
When he was sure that his dick was nicely placed inside the tub, he removed the wet dress with one tug over his head and let it fall down on the tiles.
I made it. I'm safe. WOOOHOOOOO!
"How about you get up and spin once for me. I wanna see how the bathing suit looks on you. Did I make a good decision?" Jungkook asked with a cocky smile so Jimin wanted to drown in the hot water.
He considered sinking deep down and never getting outside.
"No. You just want to stare at my ass. So... No..." Jimin decided to act as a respectful lady with some manners.
"That's not all I wanna stare at." Jungkook teased so Jimin choked on the drop of hot water that landed on his face.
"Well... You're not gonna stare at anything..." Jimin blushed hot pink and started playing with the bubbles that were all around them.
"Why were you leaving in the first place?" Jungkook asked while splashing another splash of water at Jimin's face so the older's looked at him in shock.
"Stop making me wet." Jimin said instinctively and hated the way Jungkook's face became smug and the way he bit down on his lip knowingly.
"I mean stop with the splashing! What are you, five?" Jimin was fast to correct himself, but the damage was already done.
"Why were you in a hurry to leave Jiminshi?" Again, Jungkook asked so Jimin decided to tell half of the truth.
"I saw you dancing with your friends and I didn't wanna bother you... You looked really good." Again, Jimin and his blubber mouth.
"I mean not good, not like good good, just, happy you know..." Again, he tried to make himself clear by digging his grave even deeper.
"Are you saying I didn't look good?" Jungkook asked with pout, so Jimin splashed some water on his cute face, being unable to look at those puppy eyes and cute lips.
"I didn't say that." Jimin played with the bubbles again, avoiding Jungkook's gaze.
"You just did. My feelings are hurt." The younger whined again, bringing his A game in all the teasing things.
"Oh just fuck off would you." Jimin couldn't help it. Whenever he had nothing smart to say, a curse would slip through his mouth.
Jungkook chuckled.
"Seriously, you're the worst employee ever!"
Jimin looked at him with an open mouth and a deep frown.
"Am not!" He crossed his arms on top of that black bathing suit that fitted him like a glove.
"You curse at your boss..." Jungkook started telling the evidence. "Only on rare occasions..." Jimin started telling excuses. "Telling me I look ugly..." Jungkook teased more. "I never said that." Jimin said almost offensively. " You lied to me." Jungkook said while leaning his body onto the tub wall, looking at Jimin with a dark gaze again.
Jimin kept quiet for a minute... unable to say anything to that remark. He had no idea what Jungkook was implying so he decided not to say anything.
"You said you're gonna go to the hot-tub with me and then you tried to escape..." Jungkook decided to go with that lie. It was definitely the least painful one.
"I'm really sorry..." Jimin stuttered while looking down... Feeling shameful and nervous.
"For what?" Jungkook obviously wanted to know more.
"What do you mean for what?" Jimin wasn't up for this torture.
"What are you sorry for?" It was obvious that Jungkook wanted for Jimin to come clean first and tell the truth. Only that Jimin didn't wanna jeopardize his whole work trip and the chance of getting financially stable cause of one tiny, little, lie...
"Well for lying to you." Jimin decided to dance around the question. He's not gonna let his guard down.
"About what?" Jungkook was stubborn as fuck.
This dickhead!
"Just... Little things..." As if Jimin would break so easily.
"Little things such as..." Jungkook trailed the answer, and all Jimin needed to do was say the rest...
Fucker... I'm not saying a thing!
"Nothing important... Can you pass me the bottle please?" Jimin tried to redirect their conversation to something else, but Jungkook just glanced at the bottle that was positioned right next to the tub, on the little table near it.
"It's closer to you." Jungkook said while leaning his body even deeper into the hot-tub, loving the annoyed expression on Jimin's face.
The older looked at the champagne bottle he was craving for, and thought about his options.
He could get up and take the bottle, but his body would be exposed and he wasn't sure just how much of his dick was hiding in there.
While looking at the bottle intensely, Jimin reconsidered his options and decided not to take the bottle. It wasn't worth it...
"Do you not want it?" Jungkook got up and took the bottle himself, and right after he went back to his spot, on the opposite side of Jimin in the tub and started drinking the champagne straight out of the bottle.
"Hey! That's so mean." Jimin whined while crossing his arms on top of his chest, glancing at the way Jungkook was deliciously sipping the good liquor.
"Well I thought you don't want it since you didn't take it. Do you want it?" Jungkook asked and Jimin felt thirsty as never.
"I do." Jimin said while looking in daze the way Jungkook was downing that damn champagne down his throat. His neck was bobbing up and down, muscles firm and thick, some of the droplets leaked on the sides of his mouth and Jimin wanted to chase it...lick it...take it all...
"Come here then." Jungkook leaned the bottle onto his firm chest, and waited for Jimin to make a move.
Without too much hesitation, Jimin moved closer, eyeing that bottle like a pray, wanting to devour it completely.
While standing so close, their legs were touching under the water, Jungkook put the bottle up and moved it closer to Jimin's lip. The older opened up and the moment he felt the cold, tasty alcohol hitting his throat, he hummed satisfyingly.
"Good?" Jungkook asked with a low voice, taking the bottle back and having another sip out of it. The sip was long and Jimin feared he would drink it all.
"Hey! Want some more." The older tried to take the bottle, but Jungkook moved it away, making it reach for Jimin's small hands.
"Give it to me." Jimin tried to reach the bottle without getting his lower body parts out of the water, but it was impossible.
Just when he was about to curse or threaten to whine for the rest of his life, Jungkook moved the bottle and positioned it on top of the older's lips.
"Take it all." Jungkook said while pouring the remains of the champagne into Jimin's mouth, but the force that Jungkook used, made Jimin's lips open up while trying to catch all the champagne droplets hopelessly. Some of it went straight into Jimin's lips, but most of it went down his chin and onto his bathing suit, and into the tub.
"Oh just great! What a waste of champagne. Do you even know how to aim at the mouth?" Jimin asked furiously, but the smug expression with the cocky grin made his dick stir involuntarily cause obviously Jungkook thought about other things.
"I can aim perfectly fine. I just wanted to get you wet."
Jimin couldn't take all of this. Not when he was horny for days. Not when a sport's illustrated model of his boss is almost naked and wet in front of him, and definitely not when the said boss is telling filthy things that aren't even filthy, but they sound just like that...
"Well if you'll excuse me, I have to go and change now. I don't want to be sticky and covered in champagne..." Jimin thought about a perfect exit plan that included him sulking about being all drenched in champagne, unfortunately Jungkook had other plans.
While reaching for Jimin's waist, he tugged the older easily and made him straddle his lap, and even if Jimin was putting on a decent fight, the younger was stronger so he manhandled him down onto his crotch easily.
"You... Stop... I need to clean myself...I'm sticky..." Jimin tried to push himself off by Jungkook's firm chest, but the only thing he got was a twitch between his legs cause the younger's chest was his weakness. So muscly and hot...
"I'm gonna clean you up. Don't you worry bout a thing." The boss said while smirking and then Jimin felt a wet tongue sliding up his neck, all the way till his earlobe.
"Oh god..."
Jimin felt awful.
Awful in a way that he couldn't control himself anymore.
It was awful how one simple act could make him a shaking mess and a weak little needy thing that can't restrain himself cause the pleasure and the affection were too much to handle.
Then Jungkook moved down again, licking his way to the collar bones that were exposed on the sides of the bathing suit. When he licked everything just like he said he would, Jimin felt a soft nibble right there, on the right collar bone so an unexpected moan escaped his lips.
"Please stop." Jimin said while trying his best not to move his hips and seek for the friction he was needing badly. He could only imagine how ridiculous his dick must have looked while being all cramped up in the small space where the bathing suit was covering it.
"Why?" Jungkook asked in between kisses all over Jimin's shoulders, holding onto the older's hips firmly.
"I... I need to go... We have work tomorrow... I-It's our last day so... so... I'm filled... stuffed... I mean there's a lot of work..." Jimin kept talking about one thing, but his mind went to another. He imagined being filled with Jungkook's cock, just like this, in this position, riding him wildly without restraining himself. His cock got hard in no time.
"I say we should enjoy this last night properly cause god knows if we're even gonna see each other tomorrow." Jungkook slid his hands down from Jimin's waist, grabbing his ass roughly.
The older bit down the moan that was threatening to come out, feeling thankful that his cock was in the water cause he was sure it was leaking rivers of precum by now.
"...besides I have a really important meeting first thing in the morning and I need something for good luck, and you seemed to be my lucky charm." Jungkook kneaded the firm ass cheeks with both of his hands, bringing Jimin closer to his crotch, their upper bodies almost crushing one against the other.
"I'm your lucky charm?" Jimin asked while glancing at the younger's face, feeling some weird warmth spreading through his entire body.
Jungkook nodded, moving his hands up from Jimin's ass over his back, and then he brought them to the older's face, caressing his chin with his thumb, making the blonde's lips open up slightly.
"Your kisses to be precise..." Jungkook said while looking at Jimin's lips, slowly brushing his bottom lip with his thumb.
Jimin could do a lot of things at that moment.
He could jump up and leave...
He could smack Jungkook's hand and start a fight...
He could drown in the tub cause he thought about it plenty of times before.
Instead of all the above, he instinctively pushed his head down, allowing Jungkook's thumb to come inside his warm, wet mouth, and then he sucked on it lightly, licking the fingertip with his tongue while going up, then bobbing down again.
"Fuck..." Seemed like Jungkook had his limits too, cause the way his eyes became predatory and dark made Jimin's heart beat faster, his own hands made their way onto the younger's body, caressing his sides slowly while exploring those muscles underneath his palms.
"Come here." The younger grabbed Jimin's nape and tugged him down, smashing his lips with his own, using his other hand to bring him as close as it gets.
Jimin didn't have the will to fight what he wanted anymore.
It was impossible not to act on his desire that was piling up for weeks...
It was so hard to be around Jungkook and not want him whole...
Jimin kissed him as passionately as he wanted for so long now, using his tongue to tell him just how desperately he wanted him, biting down on his lips to show him how hard it was to contain himself and not to give in...
The younger responded by bringing them even closer, impossibly close, and then he bucked his hips up, brushing Jimin's cock with his right thigh, earning him a loud moan and a whimper from the older.
He was way too sensitive cause the material of that damn bathing suit was squeezing it tightly, enabling him to move, to feel, to twitch...
"Ah... more..." It's like he couldn't hide how hot and bothered he was anymore, and all he wanted was to come... to feel the pleasure again.
"Sit on my thigh... Like this." Jungkook spread his thighs and moved Jimin to sit on the right one, leaving some space for the older to move freely, to chase what he wanted... to feel the pleasure again.
While resting his hands on Jungkook's hips, Jimin began to grind against his thigh, a stream of curses soon left the blonde's mouth as the friction from Jungkook's shorts provided just the right pleasure/pain balance that drove him wild.
"Mmmm just like that..." Jungkook pulled the blonde down as he pushed his leg up, encouraging him to go faster.
"Ah fuck!" Jimin gasped out.
Harder and faster now, Jimin was riding Jungkook's thigh like his life depended on it, moans and whimpers leaving his mouth between the almost constant gasps and pants, Jungkook's hands on his hips guiding him to the high he was chasing so badly.
Even though his cock was still inside the elastic material of the woman's bathing suit, Jimin felt the friction all over his cock, making him that closer to orgasm... so painfully close.
While enjoying the rough bites down his neck, Jimin's movements became erratic as he felt that familiar feeling in the pit of his stomach...
He was close.
So damn close...
And then Jungkook's phone rang.
"Shit!" Jimin cursed loudly, hating the way they both stopped for a second, but then the weirdest thing happened. Jungkook pulled him down hard, his thigh meeting the older's crotch as he pushed his leg up over and over, making Jimin to moan loudly again.
"Shhhh!" Jungkook shushed him while pushing his index and middle finger inside Jimin's mouth, which he accepted eagerly, sucking on them messily right away.
"That should keep you quiet. I have to answer. Keep going." The younger instructed, and who was Jimin to disobey what the boss ordered.
While Jungkook was answering the call, Jimin continued riding his thigh, feeling the same rush of pleasure taking over him fast...
"Where are you? We're leaving in five. Sujin and Charly are waiting for us in the lobby."
Jimin could hear the conversation perfectly cause the phone was a few inches away from his face, but he didn't care about it, not even a little bit.
He's gonna take what he wants and that was a must at this point.
"I'll be there on time. I'm in the bathroom." Jungkook lied, so Jimin figured he has around three minutes left to come.
While speeding his grinds all over Jungkook's thigh, Jimin sucked his fingers with the same enthusiasm he would use while sucking his cock, and suddenly he felt the edge crushing down, his eyes rolling up, so his body stilled as his orgasm washed over him, making a mess inside the bathing suit and Jungkook's thigh. He was so caught in his own pleasure that he didn't notice a soft hand caressing his hair, wet kisses all over his shoulders and neck, a gentle nuzzle of Jungkook's nose over his earlobe.
He came while riding Jungkook's thigh and it felt great. More than great actually. There was something unbelievably hot while doing something he shouldn't, something forbidden, something secret, and the last thing on his mind was 'the big deal' here, the big picture, the hidden truth that Jimin had somehow neglected.
Jimin dropped his head onto Jungkook's shoulder, panting as he tried to catch his breath, and then he felt Jungkook shifting beneath him, positioning the older to sit on the edge of the tub, while relaxing his body completely.
Jimin's head lolled back, his eyes still closed, chest heaving from heavy breathing.
Just when he was about to open his eyes and maybe say something, maybe die out of embarrassment, or once again try to drown himself in the cum filled tub, he felt Jungkook kissing his cheek and coming near to his ear and whispering...
"Good boy."
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