Fries before guys, food before dude...

The flight to Osaka's international Itami airport went surprisingly well.

Jimin came with his suitcase and the moment he stepped near the Incheon international airport, the crew from Jeon Enterprises stepped in and took his suitcase, like a true gentlemen would, and Jimin almost fought with them, saying how he can carry his own things, forgetting he has to act like a damsel in distress, but luckily for him, a girl, make up noona, Sana, put some sense in him.

"Just let them carry everything for you. They don't let any woman carry anything around here. I can't even carry my makeup bag, that's how caring and annoying they are." She said while literally dropping all of her stuff on the floor, knowing damn well someone from the crew will carry it for her.

Fuck... Act like a girl you moron...

"Oh... I just... I have some important things in it... That's all, but... yeah... that's I guess nice of them..." Jimin finally let go of the whole thing and followed Sana into the airplane like a lost puppy.

"Thanks, I'm Jimin by the way." He said while giving Sana one of his cutest smiles, batting his lashes, trying to look more girlish.

He looked stupid.

"Oh I know who you are."

Sana the tall orange haired girl said while patting the spot next to her, inviting Jimin to sit with her.

"You know? How?" Suddenly Jimin felt a hot flush rushing through his cheeks. Shyness mixed with fear of someone knowing his secret would definitely bug him through the whole trip.

"Well, the girls the other day were quite impressed with you after the interview. Tzuyu, Mr. Jeon's secretary told me all about it so you were the hot topic the next day with your, um, unusual answers." Sana said with a smile on her face which made Jimin blush even more.

"Oh god... I was... The answers were a bit... um... weird I guess... I had no idea they would call me. Honestly, I thought I blew it up badly..." Jimin explained, not sure what question he answered more embarrassingly.

"Yet here you are. The right hand of Mr. Jeon. He really is a weird species. We discussed the whole day why he had picked you. It wasn't because of those silly answers for sure..." She turned around and looked at Jimin's face deeply. "...could be cause of that gorgeous face..." Jimin blushed hot pink. "...still, I don't think that's the deal. You must have done or said something that made him choose you."

Just when Jimin was about to say something, or just blink stupidly, he heard his name being called from the other side of the plane.


He turned around, lucky not to be the object of Sana's exploring eyes, and saw Mr. Jeon standing at the very back of the plane, waving at him, asking him to come to take his seat.

"I should go. It was lovely meeting you Sana. Have a great flight and I'll see you later." Jimin smiled once again before leaving, feeling happy, but also nervous about coming to the director and having to spend the whole 2 hour flight next to him.

"Good morning Mr. Jeon." He greeted professionally, wanting to look serious and committed to his job while wearing tight jeans and a baby blue hoodie. His hair was up in a messy bun, strands of blond hair framing the front of his pretty, decently covered face with natural make up and nude lip gloss.

"Good morning Jiminshi. Your seat is here. Did you sleep well?" Jungkook showed the seat next to him, which was a wide and spacious seat upholstered in full-grain leather with mahogany trimmings. This wasn't just a seat thorough, as it could be converted into a bed that offers excellent sleeping comfort. It was a dream and Jimin knew it the moment he walked inside the luxurious first class plane.

"I did. I actually slept surprisingly well. How about you?" Jimin asked while making himself comfortable in the big seat, leaning his body completely, enjoying the softness of the material.

"I don't think I slept more than two hours to be honest." Mr. Jeon said with a quiet voice so Jimin turned his head around to look at his face.

He was wearing makeup that was obviously covering the dark bags under his eyes and the puffiness on his face.

"Why? I mean... You should sleep now. Rest. Seriously, you said there's so much work to do and if you don't sleep you won't be able to function well."

Jungkook nodded while yawning.

"I know, I know... I was planning on catching some sleep... Could you just keep an eye on my phone, some investors and new clients are supposed to call me or text me and I need to be available for them." Jungkook put his phone in front of himself, on the small table where Jimin could see it so he nodded enthusiastically, still getting used to the long bangs moving around every time he would move his head too much.

"Sure. Don't worry about it. Get some rest."

Jungkook yawned once again before pulling his seat into a lying position and letting his body fall down on it, relaxing and enjoying the flight properly.

An hour into the flight, Jimin was playing some games on his phone and keeping an eye on the director's phone. No one called so he didn't have the need to wake Jungkook up.

Half an hour later, the screen of Jungkook's phone lit up, and there was an unknown number written across the screen.

Jimin looked at the phone and then at the director, then at the phone that was still buzzing, then again at the director who was soundly asleep, and suddenly this weird fondness came over him cause Jungkook looked so soft, covered with a white blanket and curled into a fetus position, and his face was radiating calmness and there wasn't a sign of the cold and unapproachable director that he saw on the beginning of the interview, nor there was the uptight, forceful smile and weird, unnatural expression Jimin got used to seeing on billboards and ads.

There was only a bunny-like, cute young man who was way too tired and exhausted for his young age.

Fuck it! I'm not waking him up. They can call later.

Jimin decided that the most important thing was for the director to sleep well, and everything else could wait.

When they had arrived at the Osaka airport, Jungkook was still soundly asleep.

"Mr. Jeon..." Jimin tried to wake him up while whispering, unsuccessfully.

"Jungkookshi..." He tried again while adding a small nudge on the side of his body, earning him a little snore from the director's lips.

"Mr. Jeon, we're here. " Jimin talked quietly while leaning his body over Jungkook's, trying to see if he's even trying to open his eyes.

He wasn't.

For the love of god...

"JUNGKOOKSHI! Wake up! We're gonna miss our lunch and I'm hungry. Get up!" Jimin nudged the director's body furiously until he finally got up and looked at Jimin, perplexed.

"What? What's going on?" Obviously he was a bit out of time and space, but there were more important things for Jimin to think about.

The food. That's the more important thing. He was really hungry.

"We arrived and I'm hungry." He tried to explain the simplest way so Jungkook nodded.

"Yeah, okay... I'm up. That was fast... I feel like I slept for ten minutes." The director scratched his eyes and then got up, looking for his fancy, leather bag."

His bag must be worth my whole outfit...

Gucci bag.

Who am I kidding... My whole suitcase...

"Did anyone call?" The director asked while walking down the stairs.

"Nope... Not that I know of..." A tiny little lie never hurt no one.


"Welcome to Osaka's international hotel. What are your names for the reservations?"

The receptionist with long, dark brown hair and white uniform asked, and only then Jimin had noticed that he had no reservation since he agreed to accompany Jungkook in the royal suite.

"Jeon Jungkook."

The director said immediately so the lady checked his reservation.

"Mr. Jeon. The royal suite is prepared for you." The lady smiled widely and then looked at Jimin who was standing awkwardly next to Jungkook, looking at nothing in particular.

"Are all three bedrooms in use?" Jungkook asked, providing some information for Jimin too.

"Yes they are sir. All three of them are prepared specially for you. Do you need another key?" The lady said with a seductive smile so Jungkook nodded while glancing at Jimin briefly.

"Thank you."

Jungkook turned around and looked at Jimin who was still awkwardly standing there.

"Let's go. Our suite is ready. Here's your key." He said with a soft smile on his face so Jimin nodded, returning the smile while observing the black card in his hand.

While walking to the elevator, Jimin felt his stomach growling and hurting from hunger so instead of going to the room, he decided to go and grab something to eat first.

Anything would be perfect at this point.

"Jungkookshi, I'm gonna go and grab something to eat. My suitcase is with one of the crew members so they'll bring it to our suite soon." Jimin said while holding onto his belly, fearing his stomach might growl too loudly.

"Ok, ok. That's totally fine. I'm gonna unpack my clothes first cause I don't like mess around me."

"Great. I'm gonna eat and then I'm gonna come and unpack my stuff too."

"Ok. See you soon Jiminshi. Eat well."

So Jimin went to the restaurant where he saw an empty space and waiters walking around, not a single soul to be seen.

I gotta eat...

Gotta eat...


Gotta feed my stomach...

"Hello, I'm wondering where I can eat lunch since I'm starving." Jimin asked one of the waiters with the nicest smile he could provide so the man explained how they have lunch every day at 2 p.m and since it was 12:30, unfortunately that meant Jimin had to wait an hour and a half for his tummy to be fed.


"Oh... Ok..." Jimin looked at the man with puppy eyes, and then he saw a basket with some bagels, so he started batting his lashes at the waiter who looked at where Jimin was looking and finally he handed him the basket with a smile.

"Do you want some?" The man asked politely so Jimin grabbed the whole basket while smiling at the man cutely.

"Thank you. I'm really hungry." While devouring one of the bagels, Jimin walked away with the rest of the food in his arms.

"What about the basket, lady..."

Oh fuck, I'm the lady...

"Here... I'ma just take these with me." Jimin put the basket on the table and took the rest of the bagels in his arms, carrying them like babies. There were at least 7-8 of them left.

On his way to the room, Jimin ate three more bagels, happy that there were five more left, he hummed some song while reaching the last floor, finally feeling happy now that his tummy wasn't as empty.

The view was spectacular.

Long hallway with ceiling to floor windows from both sides showing the perfect view of Osaka's busy streets, and one door on the very end that could only be the royal suite.

After carefully rearranging the five left bagels in his arms, Jimin positioned the black card on the door monitor and the door flew open, showing the widest and prettiest minimalisticly decorated space he had ever seen in his life.

So this is what luxury looks like...

The suite featured a fully-equipped kitchen, three bedrooms, large living room, including a working and dining area, and guest restroom. Even though the whole space looked modern and chic, it still was creating a feeling of home.

While still being in awe of the space that even smelled like luxury, Jimin forgot a tiny little thing...

He wasn't alone in here.

The door on the far right flew open and suddenly there was Jungkook, the director, Mr. Jeon, his body only covered with a white towel, well his lower part was covered, his torso was very much naked and wet, and Jimin panicked.

After screaming at the sight he threw the bagels away and put both of his hands on his face, but his index fingers moved to the side, creating a loop so that he could still peek at the perfection in front of him.

Not the perfect suite.

The man in front of him.

That was the perfection.

The thing about Mr. Jeon that Jimin would have never guessed is that the director's body was a canvas for pretty tattoo art that the blond always found really attractive and hot... and Jungkook had a full sleeve tattoo that reached all the way up to his shoulder.

Another thing Jimin didn't know was that his bunny-like cute boss had a body that could go on bodybuilding competitions, with all the muscles flexed and no body fat anywhere to be seen...




"I'm so sorry... there was no food... so I came here... I had no idea..." Jimin mumbled while still shamelessly peeking and he could see the shy redness spreading across Jungkook's face, down to his neck.

"Please don't get uncomfortable or anything... It wasn't my intention to make you feel bad... I promise... " Jungkook came a step closer, looking at the bagels on the floor.

He bent down and started reaching out for them, so Jimin felt bad.

"I'm so sorry..." He tried to apologize once more, but Jungkook stopped him.

"I'm gay."

Jimin's eyes widened, and even though his hands were covering his face, his eyes were still peaking through his fingers. He could see how uneasy Jungkook was.

Suddenly his hands slipped off of his face so Jimin nodded after taking one long look at the man in front of him.

"I'm gay too."

Fucking shit! Why did I say that...

"Really?" Jungkook's face lit up, smile appearing as wide as it could get.

"Um... yeah..."

"That's perfect!" The director almost squealed, and Jimin still couldn't process what the hell was going on since almost naked Jungkook was a bit distracting.

"You're into girls, I'm into guys..."

Oh fuck I forgot I'm supposed to be a girl... shit...

"We can be comfortable around each other without fearing that sexuality would get in the way of our professionalism and work." Jungkook took a deep breath.

"I feel so much better now... like I can breathe again.Not like I was feeling uncomfortable around you before... on contrary... Just... Now I can walk around like this and I know you won't look at me in the sexual way and vice versa."

Jungkook walked around excitedly and while talking his abs were flexing unintentionally, so Jimin tried as subtle as he could to count that six-pack, to notice every line, every sharp edge on the director's body...

''Sure, no problem... You can take off your towel as well... Make yourself as comfortable as it gets..." Jimin had an idea, which included nudity and Mr. Jeon revealing his body whenever he wanted to.

He wouldn't mind that at all.

"You're so funny. Sure, I'll just walk around here butt naked." Jungkook joked so Jimin laughed too, pretending that he was indeed joking, when in reality he wasn't.

"So about today's schedule..." Jungkook sat down on the yellow couch in the living room, still wearing only a towel.

Jimin drooled.

What does schedule mean... I'm lost...


"We have our first meeting in an hour, then two music shows afterwards, and tonight we have MNET pre recording which can last till early in the morning since the idols tend to make mistakes and then they have to repeat the same thing over and over again."

"Ok. Sounds just fine."

Jimin concluded while taking one of those bagels that were minutes ago dropped on the floor and started eating it deliciously, almost furiously, almost like he's trying to find some distraction for his distracted brain.

"You just dropped those like half an hour ago." Jungkook said while frowning, Jimin continued eating.

"Do you honestly think that people in bakery's never drop anything on the floor and then put it back on the shelves right after? Do you?"

Jungkook's eyes widened, he sure looked like he was in shock.

"I... I never thought about that..." Jungkook said with the most confusing face.

"They do. They drop things all the time and then we eat it hours after with lots of bacteria multiplied on it. It's good for our immune system. You get tougher." Jimin said proudly while chewing on another bagels.

It was obvious he got nervous and as he usually always does, he started rambling about nonsenses.

He'll get it together in no time... Sure...


Hours went by and so did Jimin's sanity.

The whole 'working too much' thing, wasn't as nearly easy as Jimin thought it would be.

He was literally a slave for all the idols who needed him all the time to translate everything and anything for them.

One minute he was translating parts of newest K dramas for Japanese directors, then next minute he was translating yet another interview for music idols, and then of course there's the private conversations and new job offers that he had to translate and communicate with all the directors and producers. It was all in one job, and Jimin had no idea how stressful and hard it would be.

"Jiminshi we need you in room 5..."

"Jiminshi, can you come to the grand hall after the interview..."

"Jimin, the actors have a fan meeting and they need you there in an hour..."

It was always something and by the end of the day, Jimin had walked to the suite with his head heavy from all the new information he had heard, and there was only one thing on his mind.

To go to sleep.

Unfortunately that wasn't an option since Jungkook had told him to watch the premiere episode of one of the newest K-dramas cause tomorrow morning he would have a press conference with all the actors and their fans and he should at least know what the series is about.

After grabbing the quickest shower ever, pulling his hair in a messy bun (his favorite hair style) and putting the silky pink pajamas (fucking Kim Taehyung and his choices) Jimin went to the living room and started watching the series while yawning.

It wasn't that the series was bad or anything, but there was something holding Jimin's eyes closed most of the time while watching until he finally gave in and fell asleep right there, on the couch while dreaming dreams in Japanese and English. That's how fucked up his brain was.


Why is my head so heavy?

I should probably get up...

While trying to stretch his body, Jimin figured he wasn't sleeping in his bed.

The space on the couch wasn't as spacious as in his bedroom, so he struggled to find the perfect position to relax his tired, spent body.

Did I fall asleep here?

Jimin got up in the sitting position and only then he realized that he was covered with a soft white blanket and that next to his bed, there was a glass of orange juice and a nicely smelling croissant.

What time is it?

Jimin got up and reached his phone, and after scratching his eyes, he saw that it was almost 8:30 and he had his first translating job at 9.

Shit, shit, shit...

After jumping off from the couch, Jimin walked towards his room, but he came back to the living room only to grab the croissant and juice that was left on the table for him, and only then he noticed the little note under the croissant.

'I didn't wanna wake you up since you have two more hours till your next meeting.I brought you some juice and croissant for breakfast since you won't have time to eat properly until tonight. Hope everything goes well today. Fighting!'

Jimin read the message two times before devouring the croissant in a few bites.

Won't have time to eat my ass... I'll always find time to eat...

Luckily for him, today's translating meetings were in private rooms, hotel conference halls so Jimin didn't have to worry about his styling and being noticed by anyone.

He wore his favorite wide jeans with some cut-outs on them and a pink hoodie to make his look softer and more feminine. His hair was messily put in a high ponytail, and his beauty was increased by minimum make up and pink, shiny lip gloss that made his lips plump and juicy. Tae would be so proud...

After finishing with three translating jobs, it was finally Jimin's favorite time of the day.


He went to the restaurant and enjoyed the sight of all kinds of food splayed on the table.

While looking at those containers with food with love eyes, he felt a hand down on his waist, caressing him softly.

"Did you sleep well?" Jungkook asked with a smile so Jimin nodded shyly.

Then he shook his head .

"You didn't?" Jungkook asked worriedly.

"I did, but it was hard to make myself comfortable since the couch is not as comfortable as my bed."

They took plates and started filling them with food.

"Yeah, that's what happens when you fall asleep where you shouldn't."

Jimin gave his boss the intimidating side eyes so the younger chuckled.

"Aren't you a smartie? Do you think I fell asleep there on purpose? I passed out. There was too much work yesterday. I'm still exhausted." Jimin whined while putting way too much rice on his plate, Jungkook's eyes glanced in disbelief.


"Nothing... Just... Are you gonna eat all of that alone?"

Jimin looked at his plate and realized that indeed, there was too much food in it.

"No. My dear friend Casper is gonna help me out." Jimin joked and hugged the empty space next to himself, acting to have a ghost friend beside him.

"I thought you were weird the first time I met you." Jungkook chuckled and walked over to desserts, examining what to pick. "I was right..."

"Yet, I'm here now. Your right hand and helper and roommate in a royal suite. Who's laughing now?" Jimin cocked his eyebrows at the director who burst out in laughter.

It was really nice to see him with a genuine smile on his face.

"You're something else..." The boss concluded.

You have no idea...

"Thank you for the blanket and breakfast this morning." Jimin said almost shyly, finally stuffing his mouth full with rice.

"You're welcome..." Jungkook watched him eat without blinking.

"Wow either you're really hungry or you have a huge appetite."

Jimin swallowed the bite while humming.

"This ass needs to be fed and maintained thick. There's a lot of work in here." Jimin glanced behind, where his round ass was and only said facts.

"I noticed."

Jungkook, the usually polite and put together boss said with a smirk so Jimin almost choked on his food.

"Oh come on, don't act as if you don't go around in the tightest jeans there is, showing off that ass you have. People have eyes you know. I'm people too." Jungkook explained while Jimin was punching his chest with a fist, trying to move that rice away from the space where it got stuck.

"I... yeah... I mean... what's the point of having a great ass if you're not gonna show it off?" Jimin tried to act cool, but he was boiling on the inside.

Jungkook, his boss, the hottie with the sexiest body and the cutest smile just complimented his ass... Sure he thought that Jimin was a girl, but nonetheless... He liked Jimin's ass so Jimin's ego got fed.

"That's the spirit. How was work today? Was it as exhausting as yesterday?" Jungkook asked while cutting some pork belly on his plate, glancing at Jimin who took a deep breath.

"That bad again?" Jungkook chuckled like all of this was amusing for him.

"It's just as hard, only that this time I was prepared. I basically translate things and then I black out. Seriously, I could be sleeping while the hosts and idols talk next to me, until they call me to translate something new. The worst is when they ask idols if they speak some other language and they pretend they do and embarrass themselves by saying the most random things, like what the fuck, just say you don't speak any other language and you're fine." Again, Jimin rambled and Jungkook listened to his every word carefully. It was refreshing how he was a good listener. Or maybe Jimin was just talking too much...

"They can't say that cause they are supposed to be idols, someone to look up to, and knowing more than your native language is really desirable and admirable in the business world." Jungkook explained so Jimin frowned.

"So they're lying."

Jungkook let go of his fork and tilted his head to the side.

"They're not lying. They're taking English classes, some of them are having Japanese classes too, it's just that not everyone is capable of learning more than one language."

Jimin nodded.

"Then they should act cute and say, I'm more into music or acting than language, and that's totally fine. I would never lie... I mean... i would never lie something stupid as that."

Jungkook looked at him with this specific look that says 'what do you know about business and how things work around here' so Jimin decided to drop this whole thing off.

"When do we finish tonight? Do we have some other drama to watch?" Jimin asked cause in all seriousness, he loved the homey feel and the cuddly atmosphere while watching that drama last night, even though it didn't last.

"I have some meetings with american investors and then some talk show for that K-drama we watched yesterday. You have three interviews with this new boy band TxT and then the same talk show with actors."

Jungkook listed the schedule so Jimin huffed.

"Are you tired already? I thought you're stronger than that. Where's the 'bring it on' spirit?"

Jimin smiled forcefully, and then made a serious grimace.

"I'm gonna die. I'm gonna pass out tonight, I'm not even joking."

Jungkook laughed.


Jimin acted as if his feelings got hurt.

He was a wuss and he knew it.

"I'm just gonna pretend you didn't just insult your translator who is older than you."

Jungkook's cheeks blushed, so he put his head down, looking shy all of a sudden.

"Sorry noona. Won't happen again."


"Jimin is fine." Jungkook put his head up, and looked at Jimin confused.

It was well known that younger males call older females noona.


Jimin shook his head.

"Honestly, you're my boss, you can call me by my name. I like it that way... It's more professional and since I'm working for you..."

Again, Jimin and his rumbling... He really didn't want Jungkook to call him noona. It was just too much. He's not a girl, he knew he was supposed to be one, but still...

"Okay... Is Jiminshi fine with you?" Jungkook asked just to be clear cause he did have some manners and being respectful towards his employees was always his top priority.

"Whatever you like more, Jimin, Jiminshi... just... my name is fine..."


Jimin hated the way Jungkook looked like he was kind of confused and shy.

"I have to go now." The best thing was to escape the uncomfortable situation and not to look back.

"Meetings are waiting for me." Jimin looked at his plate where a few pieces of meat were still left. He walked one step away from the table, then came back and quickly with fast moves he put all the leftover food in his mouth, which made him look like a squirrel who had walnuts hidden in its cheeks.

Jungkook burst out in laughter.

Jimin tried to explain his silly behavior, but he couldn't open his mouth. He feared everything that was inside could easily go outside.

"I get it... That ass needs to be fed." Jungkook explained it for him so Jimin nodded with red cheeks before leaving with fast steps.


After way too many translated stupid questions and even more uncreative answers, Jimin dragged his body to the last meeting of the day with actors of the new K-drama he watched briefly the night before.

"Good evening Ms. Park. Your ear pieces are right here." The tall man with dark, short hair explained the moment Jimin had entered the big venue where all the actors were already seated and ready for make-up retouching before the show.

"Thank you." Jimin nodded and just as he was about to put the ear pieces on, the man took the small earbuds and started placing them on Jimin instead.

"I figured I could help since we're starting in ten minutes." The man explained so Jimin nodded while moving his shirt a bit to the side, providing the man space to put the wires that are going through his shirt easier. The man worked fast and soon he put everything together just right and then he handed the last piece, the little battery box that goes into Jimin's back pocket for him to put it himself.

"You could do this too since you're so handy." Jimin flirted since well, the man was tall, cute and handsome, so the man blushed hot pink.

"I...I..." The poor man stuttered and Jimin felt sorry for him. He looked at the man's ID card that all of them had around their neck, on Jimin's there was his name, age and 'translator' with 'Jeon Enterprises' under it written, and on the man's was Sung Minseo, 23, K-NET entertainment manager on.

"Cat got your tongue." Jimin said while winking at the man who looked like he was about to piss his pants.

Why is it so weird if a girl flirts so straight forward?

Do they expect women to always act all cute and shy? Bullshit.

"No noona... It's just... the interview is soon and I got confused..."

Not the noona shit again.

Suddenly Jimin lost all the interest in the said man.

"Yeah yeah, let's get back to work." Jimin gave him his cutest aegyo smile which everyone was obviously expecting from the woman to do around here and got to his position. Usually that's behind the camera where he could watch the interview directly and whisper the translation into the idols in ear pieces.

This time he had a high chair with a 'translator' written on it and on another chair next to him was Jungkook in his director chair.

"Hey you're here already." Jimin sat down and looked at the people around him, everyone was doing their job, walking hurriedly around, putting the last pieces of the show before it began.

"I came ten minutes ago. Do you know Minseokshi, K-net's manager?"

Fuck, he obviously saw that attempt of flirting.

"No. I just met him. He seems nice. He helped me with the in-ear peace." Jimin said while trying to sound unbothered and like he didn't say minutes ago how the said man could put a box inside his back pocket and probably feel him up a bit.

"Hm..." Jungkook hummed like he was thinking about Jimin's answer.

"You seemed close."

Jimin squirmed in his seat, but luckily for him the host of the show appeared and the 'lights, camera, action' interrupted his not so pleasant conversation. He should really be more careful about this whole thing...

Three hours after, and many, many mistakes that idols just couldn't get from the first go, Jungkook and Jimin were dragging their tired bodies inside the cab that was driving them to their suite.

"I can't feel my legs." Jungkook whined while squeezing his upper thighs roughly, Jimin pretended not to watch the way his veiny hands were roaming up and down the thick muscle.

"I can't feel my mouth." Jimin said cause the whole day he was translating everything and anything and his mouth felt dry and his throat sore.

"You know what we need?" Jungkook asked while moving his upper body up, looking excited like he had some smart idea to share.

"What?" Jimin asked unenthusiastically just as he was feeling.


Jimin's eyes widened in interest.


"Yeah, I mean it would help with your mouth problems, and I'll sleep better after a few drinks. Come on, we deserve it." Jungkook seemed like he knew what he was talking about.

"I'll get drunk even if I just smell the alcohol since I'm so tired." Jimin joked, knowing very well how he can handle his liquor good, but since he was a girl...

"I say let's get wasted." Jungkook was in the mood.

"You mean let's drink one beer?" Jimin smiled while lolling his head back, closing his eyes just for a second to relax.

"One beer and one shot of tequila." Jungkook negotiated.

"Are you trying to test my limits here?" Again Jimin teased, knowing damn well that's not even close to what he could drink in a night.

"I mean you are my employee and since you work for me I'm telling you we're going to grab drinks tonight, and the bar at the hotel is amazing. They have live music at midnight and great cocktails." Jungkook explained, obviously he knew things since he was a regular here.

"Cocktails you say... My type of liquor... " Jimin smiled, but soon his smile faded, he had one big concern.

"I don't have to dress up right? I mean high heels and nails and fancy hair and stuff?" He really didn't wanna feel uncomfortable while feeling so tired already.

"Of course not. You can wear whatever you want. Seriously, I meant what I said to you before, you don't have to pretend to be something you're not..." If you only knew... " Your only job here is to translate things for idols and you can do that while wearing hoodies and jeans every day if that's your concern."

"Ah thank god!" Jimin would die if he had to wear something inappropriable.

"It's Jungkook." Jungkook was a bit bratty today.

"Oh shut up." Jimin huffed while crossing his arms on top of his chest.

"I'm literally your boss." Jungkook acted offended.

"Sorry boss." Jimin corrected himself and started chewing on his bottom lip nervously.

"I'm just messing with you." Jungkook cleared the air, but Jimin was still feeling uneasy cause of the whole thing.

I'm gonna die tonight..." Jimin whined so Jungkook scoffed.

"You're such a drama queen."

"I'm not! I'm just... ok, fine... I am..." Jimin took a second to process what was about to happen.

"Then we're going to grab a couple of drinks tonight." Jimin said enthusiastically so Jungkook did some kind of happy little dance in the back of the cab, and while shaking his butt and moving around, Jimin couldn't not think how his boss is a true cutie.


One Sex on the beach and three tequila shots after, Jimin was dancing his heart out on the dance floor. Jungkook was more of an observing type, but he still managed to dance a bit and to keep Jimin company, who acted as if the whole dance floor was his runway.

"Aaaah I really needed this. Thank you.". Jimin sat back to their spot on the bar and took a sip of yet another cocktail he was drinking.

"I thought you said you're gonna get drunk from one drink only." Jungkook noticed Jimin's incredible ability to drink a lot and not get drunk.

"Well since you said we should get wasted..." Jimin batted his eyelashes at him, engulfing that straw with his freshly red colored lips.

"There's a lot of people here tonight. Probably from other entertainment companies since we all attend the same events."

Jimin looked around and indeed there were a lot of people dancing around, having drinks, talking, making out...

"I haven't noticed anyone I know... But I wasn't looking either..." Jimin concluded, still feeling unbothered by the crowd.

"Well some were looking at you while you were dancing." Jungkook cocked his eyebrows suggestively so Jimin got shy immediately.

"Oh... I can be a bit... Um... All over the place I guess..." Jimin scratched his neck shyly, moving the shimmery, black blouse to the side.

"What's your type anyways? I saw some interesting looks for sure." Jungkook started the 'getting to know each other' conversation and Jimin had no idea what to say.

He blushed.

Shit what to say....

"Well... C-Cute..."

Jungkook nodded. "Cute's good. What else?"

"Um... Someone who makes me laugh..."

"That's important. I agree. What about the looks, do you have some specific type you're into?"

Jungkook seemed relaxed and curious which was a good thing since they were supposed to be working closely together, but for some unexplainable reason Jimin felt shy and nervous.

"I don't know... Maybe a bit taller than me... I like tattoos..." Jimin tried to put a puzzle together, but every new detail he wanted to add to that 'perfect type' brought him closer to almost describing Jungkook which was a no-no.
"What about you?" Instead he decided to turn the tables and ask the same question.

"I'm a pretty simple guy. I don't have a specific type such as blond, tall, short, muscly... If I could choose a thing I would like on a guy to see, that'd be a cute smile and nice ass."

Jimin felt his ass clenching unintentionally while hearing those words.

I have a cute smile... Right? And my ass is as thick as it gets...

"Well that sounds great." Jimin said while pointing a finger guns at Jungkook's direction, feeling awkward and like he has no idea what to do with his hands or his thoughts or his thick ass that kept sending signals to Jimin's brain 'you have nice ass, you have thick ass, show him your nice ass...'.

"I think personality is the most important thing. I mean the looks are the first thing you notice, but the personality is what makes you stay with someone. I really like when someone's independent, confident and happy with themselves. I think that's hot." Jungkook said and right after he downed the beer he was having, and Jimin couldn't stop staring at the way the younger was sitting confidently, radiating some chill, but important energy, like he knew he was successful and maybe a tiny bit cocky about it...


"I think we should get back to our suite if we want to catch any sleep tonight." Jimin realized that staring at his boss while having some not so innocent thoughts about him could only bring him trouble, so he decided to call it the night.

"You're right. Time flew by so quickly." Jungkook got up and fixed the black button up shirt, while untucking it out of his pants.

Jimin kept glancing at the director in front of him, the one he saw on billboards with an annoying, fake smile, and he couldn't not to notice how Jungkook is so much more than what those ads show him to be.


"I fucking hate these button ups!" Jungkook mumbled while entering their suite, and the first step he took inside was the perfect opportunity to take that annoying, black shirt off.

Oh no, not again...

Jimin walked right behind him, eyeing the gorgeous man getting naked in front of him, revealing those back muscles that looked like they could carry all the heavy weight of the world.

"Why do you always wear those shirts and ties anyway? Do you really have to wear such uncomfortable things?" Jimin tried to act cool, to look at the table in front of him, not to stumble from how his legs felt like jello, not to poke his eye out cause that would be less painful than the sight in front of him...

"I have to. That's one of the rules my father has. He is the older director of Jeon Enterprises and I'm literally just doing as he says. I don't make any decisions, I just follow his orders, and wearing a tux with a tie is one of them."

There was some anger mixed with sadness behind Jungkook's words, but Jimin didn't wanna go deeper into it. He was drunk. He wouldn't be able to give any decent advice in the state he was in.

And he got distracted by a half naked man unzipping his pants right there, in the middle of the living room.

"I think you could go to work wearing something more casual. Imagine you in light blue jeans and... a white, classic T-shirt.

"Maybe one day..." Jungkook sat down on the couch, and reached for his laptop.

"Are you gonna watch something?" Jimin asked even though he felt so tired he knew there was no chance he could watch anything right now.

"Just a series that I have to monitor tomorrow at some talk show. You don't have that assignment so you're free to sleep and eat and enjoy life."

I'm enjoying myself plenty just by looking at you.

"Thank you. I'm so tired I think I'm gonna pass out the moment I see my bed." This was a pure fact. Jimin was barely standing on his feet. Too much work plus alcohol was not a good combination.

While stripping naked out of his clothes, Jimin went to the bathroom and washed his face messily, just rubbed it with clumsy moves with the soap while dreaming about the moment his head would hit the pillow.

Minutes after his dream came true, while being only in his underwear, a pair of cherry red boxer briefs, Jimin fell down on his bed, ass up and head buried into the pillow, breathing heavily while having his head filled with nothing and too much stuff all at once.

He closed his heavy eyes and went through his schedule one more time right before counting sheeps jumping over the little white fence... Only that sheeps were Jungkook dressed only in his underwear, a sight Jimin couldn't get out of his head.


Thump, thump, thump!


There was a knock on the door and a voice calling for Jimin, but his eyes were closed and his body wasn't moving.

"Jiminshi are you awake? We overslept. Our meeting had started 20 minutes ago."

Jungkook talked right next door and only then Jimin realized what the hell was going on.


"Jimin, I'm coming in. Are you ok?"

OH NO, NO, NO...

Jimin looked at his naked body, a man's naked body and started panicking.

"I'M UP! I'M UP! Don't come in, I'm naked!"

He jumped up and wrapped his body in a blanket that was lying on the bed, fearing his cover might be blown.

"Nothing to worry about, remember. I can help you out to get ready faster." Jungkook was obviously unbothered by a woman's naked body. Only that there was no woman's naked body to begin with.

He slowly opened the door so Jimin wrapped the blanket even tighter around his body, like the closeness of the material would protect him or something.

"Hey, do you want me to prepare clothes for you, or quick breakfast and coffee if you're hungry. We really need to be fast." Jungkook asked while glancing inside the room, and all Jimin could think about is 'does he know I'm not a girl? I'm not wearing any makeup? Does he not see?'

"Um, breakfast would be great. I'm really hungry. I can drink coffee on our way to the meeting. I'm just gonna get dressed real quick."

Jungkook nodded with a smile and turned around to leave the room.

"You look cute like that." He turned around and looked at Jimin once again.


"Like what?"

"All puffy, sleepy and soft..." Jungkook explained so Jimin smiled at him fondly.

"Thank you. You look like you got hit by a bus." He thought about giving a compliment back, but what could he say? You look like a walking desire mixed with steamy sex on a Sunday morning? That would sound just unprofessional and wrong, so he chose violence and teasing instead. Classic thirteen year old flirting technique. Jimin's favorite type.

"Ouch. No more drinking for me I guess." Jungkook laughed at Jimin's teasing words and finally left the room.

I need to dress up, I need to dress up fast...

What to wear, what to wear, what to fucking wear....

Jimin opened the closet where his clothes were not so neatly stored and grabbed a white sweater and black tight jeans and combined them with his favorite Chelsea boots.

This could work.

He almost walked out of his room, but the mirror that was across his bed, gave him a realistic picture of what he looked like without that little touch of make up and his hair done.

Oh I forgot the fucking makeup.

While running towards his table, he put on a bit of mascara, blush and pink lip gloss, and after furiously combing his hair, he wrapped it up into a messy bun that he mastered to make in a few days.

"Ready!" He walked out of the room proudly and got hit by the amazing smell of food coming from the dining room.

"I made you some ramen with veggies. Do you like that?" Jungkook asked while putting chopsticks into the bowl that was positioned on the table.

"Of course I do, I love everything." Jimin sat down real fast and started devouring the food not so gracefully.

"You really know how to eat well." Jungkook looked at him fondly with a smile on his face. Jimin needed a minute to chew the big bite he had in his mouth before returning the smile dumbly.


"Jiminshi, we need you in hall six for an idols interview with Health and Beauty magazine."

The moment he walked in, he was summoned by one of the managers so the pain of the new working day could start.

"Be right there." Jimin turned to Jungkook who was right behind him, typing something on the phone.

"Gotta go. Some idols need me." He explained so Jungkook looked around.

"Yeah, you're in room six, with Hyuna. I saw on our schedule." Jungkook said with a strained voice so Jimin looked at him deeply.

"Is there something wrong?"

Jungkook bit down on his bottom lip before speaking.

"Not really... It's just that... She's one of those 'diva like' idols and she likes to cause trouble. I'm not sure why they assigned you to work with her since you don't know her."

Jimin just shrugged, not feeling too threatened by the said words.

"I don't care about that. I'm here to translate things for her and that's it. Right?" Jungkook nodded skeptically.

The moment Jimin walked inside the room where the diva Hyuna was, he got hit by a screaming lady who was complaining about her makeup being done wrong.

"Either you fixed this shitty thing you have made or I'm not doing this interview." The blond lady almost yelled so Jimin blinked while looking at the makeup artist who was collecting her stuff,not minding the outburst of the famous singer.

"Meet Hyuna." A voice whispered to his ear behind him, and only then he noticed that Jungkook came along too.

"I figured."

"I can't change your makeup cause I have another appointment. Here's a spare makeup bag if you want to do it yourself."

The girl said shyly before leaving the space. Obviously she was used to these outbursts by said singer, so now, there was Jimin, in the room with the obnoxious idol, not knowing what to do.

"Are you gonna stare the whole day?" Hyuna asked while looking at Jimin who only then realized that there was no reason for him to feel insecure or threatened by the diva-like lady.

"No, I'm not actually. I'm just gonna wait here till you get your shit together since I'm your translator and I'm here to translate things for you since, well, you speak no other languages than Korean. So are you done yet?" Jimin asked while crossing his arms on top of his stomach, giving the girl one of his sassy looks.

"Are you gonna let her talk to me that way Jungkookah? She's being rude." Hyuna suddenly walked over towards Jungkook who was standing behind Jimin, and then she hugged him while getting on her tippy toes.

"I don't see where's the problem Hyuna. You're being dramatic again and nothing is ever right with you. Can you for once say that the makeup and hair are just fine and get the job done?" Hyuna moved a step away and did some kind of cute aegyo face with pouty lips, but neither Jimin nor Jungkook were impressed by it.

"Agh fine! I'll be ready in a minute. I seriously need to fix my make up and then I'm ready to go." The annoyed lady said while going to the big mirror on the wall.

"That would be an hour late. You do realize that our schedule is packed and that with your attitude we can't complete everything we set up for the day." Jungkook scolded her again, so she took a deep breath.

"I'm well aware of that, but I'm also aware that my music is earning your company millions of dollars and that you need me more than I need you." She spoke while smirking through the mirror, but Jungkook only scoffed.

"Please, we can fire you and have another you in no time. Don't flatter yourself Hyuna. Everyone's replaceable." Jungkook said in a heartbeat and turned to Jimin.

"Are you ok to stay with her alone?" He whispered while turning them both so that Hyuna doesn't see them.

"Of course I am. Don't you worry about me. I'll see you at dinner. Ok?" Jimin confirmed their plans so Jungkook nodded.

"See you soon." Jungkook waved them goodbye before leaving the room.

"Not to be mean or anything, but your makeup still sucks. Maybe if you put on a bit of red lipstick and some highlighter you'd look like a star." Jimin looked at a pale Hyuna who stared at him dumb founded through the mirror.

"Can you help me? I'm not very handy..."

Jimin wasn't the best with makeup either, but the thing that Tae taught him was how to apply red lipstick perfectly and to highlight those cheekbones he didn't actually have cause his cheeks were like the roundest and cutest dumplings.

"Sure, I'll be quick, we're so fucking late." Jimin took the lip liner and outlined the girl's lips, and then he put some really pretty, bloody red color on the whole surface.

"There. All done. Now that highlighter."

He took the biggest brush and dipped it in the golden shimmery highlighter and put the shiny thing all over Hyuna's cheeks.

"So much better." He moved a step away and let Hyuna too look at herself in the mirror.

"WOW!" She almost screamed while posing in front of the oval mirror.

"I look hot." She really looked happy and satisfied.

"You do." Jimin nodded while observing her.

"Could you do my makeup from now on. Like seriously... Is it so hard to make me look this pretty?" She complained again, so Jimin rolled his eyes.

"I'm not here for that. Move that ungrateful ass and do your job." He really knew to be bitchy sometimes. They were running out of time and he really didn't want to stay longer than he should.

"Fine." She said as cranky as she could so they finally moved to do the interview.

Hours had passed by quickly cause one moment Jimin was translating questions for Hyuna, another he was translating and preparing some new interview for K-pop band, and then he would translate the answers for the local television. Basically he hadn't had time to think about anything or anyone except food maybe. Fuck it. He was a foodie and he was really hungry.


Gotta eat food...

Where's food....

The moment he stepped inside the hotel's restaurant he saw Jungkook waving at him at the farest table on the right.

Jimin almost ran towards him.

The only reason he didn't run is cause he was afraid he might faint and food was so damn close.

"Jungkookshi!" He almost gasped at the sight of four plates filled with all kinds of food on their table.

"I thought you'll get hungry so I took everything that looked nice and warm before everyone else took everything. You know how hungry everyone is..." Jimin didn't let him finish the sentence, he threw himself into a deep hug and kissed Jungkook's cheek once before putting the plates in front of him, getting ready to devour the food.

"Seriously, I could kiss you right now." Jimin said right before putting a big chunk of meat ball inside his mouth, closing his eyes and humming in delight.

"You kind of already did." Jungkook said while showing his cheek that had a soft, red lipstick mark on it.

Jimin chuckled.

"I meant the real kiss, not that sloppy leftover lipstick smeared on your cheek."

Jungkook shook his head while smiling, finally taking one of the chopsticks to get some food himself.

"I don't kiss girls, remember? Nor co-workers." Jungkook shrugged while acting to be seriously sorry so Jimin rolled his eyes.

"You're no fun. I'm a great kisser. You're missing out." He joked while stuffing his mouth with another meatball, looking like a stuffed animal that got fed with strawberry jam by a two year old. He looked like a mess.

"I bet you do. You look so promising right now." Jungkook laughed while hiding his mouth cause he was also eating, so Jimin glanced at his own reflection in the metal spoon and blushed like a tomato.

"Great. I look like the Cullens after their feast."

"Amazing kisser you say." Jungkook teased so Jimin kicked him on the shin under the table.

"Shut up."

Jungkook laughed so cutely that Jimin couldn't stop looking at him and thinking how amazing he looks when he's all relaxed and just being himself.

Way too many rice bowls, meatballs, seaweed soup and sweets after, Jimin leaned his back onto the chair and took a deep breath.

"I'm seriously gonna pass out." Jungkook smiled at him while cleaning up the table, moving the stuff around.

"I've never seen a girl eating as much as you do."

Jimin gave him some kind of shy, cute smile, trying to cover the fact that he was indeed eating like a man pig, but hey... some girls like their stomachs full right?

"I'm gonna hit the gym in an hour, wanna join me?" Jungkook asked while looking at the schedule on his phone so Jimin thought about it. He really needed to burn some of those calories or he would be unable to sleep tonight.

"Sure. I love to work out." He said while nodding so Jungkook looked at him.

"What?" Jimin asked, confused.

"What girl in the world likes to work out? Aren't you all trying to be soft and tiny?" Jungkook asked cause that was kind of the beauty standard in Korea.

"Not me. I like my muscles thick and my ass firm."

Jungkook nodded with the 'AHA' face.

"I forgot about that ass..."

Jimin acted to be offended.

"How the hell could you forget?"

Jungkook fake cried so Jimin punched him on the arm.

"Ouch... I guess I deserved that."

And so their gym plan was set. Right after their last appointment for the day, they'd meet in the hotel's gym to lose some tension and calories in Jimin's case.

While not trying to think too much about what he's going to wear, Jimin grabbed his tight black sweatpants and a long sleeved, cotton shirt. He put his hair in a man bun, or messy bun as he likes to call it these days, and for the makeup, he went with a minimalistic look, some mascara and pink lip gloss.

When he came inside the pretty big and almost empty gym, Jungkook was already there, running on a treadmill, looking like a snack in a dark red hoodie and shorts that showed his muscly calves.

"Jiminshi, come run with me." Jungkook waved for the older to join him, but Jimin decided to go on a bike since his girly boobs were non existing and he wouldn't have anything to jump up and down in front of him.

"I like the bicycle better. I'm lazy, you know."

"Another one of your adorable treats." Jungkook teased so Jimin fought the will to flash him a middle finger badly.

"You would die here without me." Instead Jimin flashed him one of his cutest smiles that was frosted with irony.

"True. Hyuna was really happy with the way you helped her today." Jungkook talked while getting off the treadmill, walking towards the bench with the heavy weight.

"I did nothing. Well, maybe I did do her makeup... She's spoiled as fuck." Jimin said while trying to keep up the pace, but his shaky legs started slowing down the more weight Jungkook put on his stick.

He's so fucking strong...

"She is, but she's also one of the best performers. She's confident and feisty and has a pretty face."

And then Jungkook started lifting those weights.

Dear mother of god...

Jimin stared while his legs started slowing down more and more...

Look at those biceps, those veins...

"So if you could, on Saturday, maybe you could work with her again..." Jungkook almost asked shyly, but none of his words came to Jimin's head.

Bet he could carry me in one arm...

"Will you?"

When Jungkook stopped lifting those weights, and looked at Jimin's eyes while chewing onto his lower lip, Jimin realized he had said something.


"Sorry what?"

Jimin asked politely and dumbly so Jungkook chuckled.

"Oh come on. I've been saving courage to ask you this the whole day and you didn't even hear me?"

Jimin started panicking internally.

What is he talking about? Did he find out? Oh god please not. I'm just starting to have fun and the food here is so good.

"About Hyuna..."

Oh thank god...

"What about her annoying ass?"

Jimin asked while coming down from the bicycle and heading to the bench to work on his thighs and ass.

"Would you work with her on Saturday?" Jimin turned to look at Jungkook in disbelief.

"Please." The boss smiled cutely.

Jimin whined.

"But whyyyyy?"

"She said she wants you to do her make up just like today cause she felt pretty. She's even convinced that all the other makeup noonas are doing her makeup wrong just so that she isn't the prettiest of them all. I mean what is this? Beauty queen competition? There's no way... "

Jimin turned around abruptly.

"Those nasty bitches."

Jungkook's eyes widened.

"It's ok, I can say that... cause I'm... You know... A girl too." It took some will power to say that, but Jimin really thought about it.

"But seriously Jungkookshi, think about it. Hyuna never gets the makeup she wants. They always do it totally opposite from what she was asking for. She likes bold makeup with some crazy hair style, but they give her some romantic look with soft waves or bun... "

Jungkook squinted his eyes like he's trying hard to understand what Jimin was talking about.

"Ugh, you're such a man..." Jungkook nodded happily.

"It wasn't a compliment." Jungkook pouted.

"I'll do it. She better prepare cause we're gonna have some fun on Saturday."

Jungkook jumped up and down.

"That's the spirit."

"And you, my dear boss, are gonna pay me double since I somehow became a makeup noona all of a sudden."

Did I just call myself noona?

"Deal. You know we'll pay you extra for everything you do even if it's not in your job description. We already talked about this. You're more like my assistant than only a translator. You're really an amazing help Jiminshi."

Jungkook said with a fond smile so Jimin blushed, luckily he can pretend that it was from all the work out he was lazily doing.

After approximately half an hour of drooling over how strong Jungkook is, Jimin decided to pay attention to his own body so he started working on his abs, his core and at the end he wanted to do some back and arm exercises. Even if he wasn't the strongest or the tallest man in the world, he could still reach all the machines he needed for work out.

Still, he saw other girls in the gym asking for help with this and that so while trying to pull his body onto the hanging bar, Jimin decided to ask Jungkook for help.

"Jungkookshi, can you help me? I can't reach..." He stood right under the hanging bar, knowing damn well he could reach it with his eyes closed, but this was more girly to do.

In no time, Jungkook got up from the bench where he was working on his deliciously thick thighs, and after squatting down, he grabbed Jimin over his waist and pushed him up so that he could reach the hanging bar easily.

Jimin did not do this so that he could see how easily Jungkook could lift him up. No. He did not do it cause of that.

After doing three pull ups, he glanced at Jungkook's face who was standing beside him, looking really impressed and even surprised.

Maybe I should stop now...

Jimin came back down and acted as if every muscle hurt from how tired he was, but he knew he could do it a lot more than that. He was fit, he danced as a hobby and he loved to do yoga with Tae.

"You're really strong, Jiminshi." Jungkook clapped his hands after the three perfectly made chin ups, so Jimin acted shy again.

"Thank you..."

Just when he was about to find some reason enough for going to their suit, Namjoon, the tall and handsome manager walked inside the gym and started talking to Jungkook.

"I'm gonna go now Jungkookshi. Have a nice workout you two." Jimin said while bowing to both of them, and they did the same.

"We will. You can prepare another episode of that new show we've been watching." Jungkook added so Jimin nodded.

"I will. Goodbye."

Suddenly everything sounded better than looking at two incredibly hot guys working out together.

Jimin needed his sanity in check or else he might blow his cover by popping a boner while staring at his boss and his hot co-worker, so going to the suite was his only option.

He didn't wanna ruin what he had achieved by now, and finally, even feeling as tired as he had, he started to have fun too... maybe even more than he was willing to admit.

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