Fight like a girl...
Some things on this work trip were easy for Jimin.
Having work done - piece of cake. Having his makeup done - easy as it gets. Picking out what to eat - the easiest thing in the world. Everything. That was the only true answer...
But being alone, in the royal suite, feeling all cozy and warm while watching one of the newest episodes of the K- drama he really liked, and suddenly seeing sweaty Jungkook entering the living room while taking his clothes off was never an easy thing to witness.
"I'm gonna die tomorrow." Jungkook whined, but Jimin felt like he was gonna die before him. From how bothered he felt while looking at his boss taking his sweatshirt off, then his shorts, leaving him only in his tight black boxer briefs, looking like a Calvin Klein model.
"Hm?" Jimin asked while humming, trying not to look too obvious while trying to sneak a peek at that gorgeous body. He tried not to move his head, and just let his eyes wander around, but as soon as Jungkook was out of the picture, Jimin's head moved on its own, trying to follow the hot show in front of him. It was like his brain worked on auto-pilot and he had to turn around cause there was some kind of force making him look towards Jungkook, must be the fact that the Earth was moving around the Sun, or around itself, or just the fact that Jimin's head was spinning...
"I overworked myself." Jungkook said and came in front of Jimin, trying to see what episode Jimin was watching, giving the older a full display of his firm, muscly ass.
"I always do that when Namjoon hyung is around. It's like we're trying to prove that we can do more, push more weight, be better than the other I guess. Stupid man's pride... I'm gonna be so sore tomorrow, I won't be able to walk."
Jimin really tried to listen to his boss talking, but that ass in front of his face...
He instinctively licked his lips while staring, and then he heard a chuckle.
"You can touch it if you want."
Only then his eyes went up, so his face blushed hot pink, seeing his boss, looking at him straight into the eyes with the cocky smile on his face.
"What?" Just to check if he had heard it right.
"My ass. You've been staring at it since I came here. You're probably wondering if it's as thick and firm as yours." Jungkook joked while squeezing one of his ass cheeks so Jimin gulped. He gulped heavily cause he should not consider such a thing to be normal or right to do, but his hand reached on its own, must have been the force of the Sun summoning it towards the hotness if that is a thing, but next thing he knows, his hand was on the right, muscly ass cheek of his boss and it felt like heaven. Or hell, since Jimin felt too hot all of a sudden.
"You've really worked hard on those muscles..." Jimin concluded after one last squeeze, removing his hand right after, feeling his eye tear up at the loss of the contact.
"Too hard if you ask me." Jungkook sat down slowly, obviously already feeling sore, so Jimin laughed at him.
"You're silly." Jimin ruffled Jungkook's hair and took a blanket that he was being covered with and threw it at Jungkook, trying to cover that sinfully good looking body.
"It's so cool that we can be like this. I've never felt more relaxed and like me around any of my coworkers. You're really special." Jungkook praised Jimin which didn't help with the hot and bothered situation down in his underwear, so he got up with shaky legs, trying to get some water and to shut down the flames that were burning inside him.
The moment he got up and turned his back to leave, he felt a firm slap over his right ass cheek and a loud smacking sound that echoed through the whole living room, and the moment he realized that he had been slapped, by his boss, on his ass, his dick twitched.
After swallowing the moan that was threatening to come out, Jimin walked away as fast as his feet could carry him to grab that juice, beer, water, whatever...
"Sorry to break it to you but my ass is firmer. It's confirmed now." Jungkook yelled from the living room while Jimin was pouring that water down his throat.
"I'm happy you concluded that. So what now? Should I grab your cock too, since we're obviously examining human's physic together." Jimin joked, but there was a hint of desperation in his cheerful voice.
The look on Jungkook's face was priceless. Confusion mixed with 'WTF?'.
Jimin burst out of laughter.
"Oh god you're joking. For a second there I thought how all of this is going in the wrong direction." Jungkook let out a deep sigh, obviously feeling relaxed now that he knew Jimin was not being serious. Na-a. He wasn't.
Jimin came back and sat on the couch, taking some of the blanket to cover his crotch and legs.
"...Besides, you don't like big, fat cocks anyways."
Jimin almost choked on nothing.
One, single tear almost ran down his cheek.
His chin almost wobbled in sadness.
"...Khm... No... I mean yes... I don't like.... big... (teary eye) fat (deep sigh) cocks (exhale, you did it)..." Jimin felt like this was the hardest lie he had to say in his entire life. "Na-a... Nope..."
It was safe to say that Jimin was counting seconds until the show they were watching came to an end, and the second he heard the finishing music, he jumped off the bed, and with the polite smile, he wished a good night to his boss like a good girl that he was supposed to be, and went to his room to jerk off before passing out in his bed.
"Jiminshi, did you oversleep again?" Jimin heard the soft voice outside his room so he jumped up and took the robe to cover himself immediately.
He knew it better this time...
"I'm up! Be there in a minute, doing my makeup." He ran up and down the room, trying to find something decent to wear. A tight, ripped jeans with a cute, lose, black sweater looked like a good enough option, so while making a high pony tale, Jimin reached for the red lipstick that Tae bought for him while saying 'If you're ever in a hurry, just put red lipstick on and you'd look good to go.' and after putting it perfectly on his lips, he went outside in a record, seven minutes.
"I'm here." He made an entrance, but Jungkook was nowhere to be seen.
"Jungkookshi?" Jimin walked over to where his boss's bedroom was, but as soon as he heard him talking, he moved away, not wanting to interrupt his privacy.
He stayed by the door, close enough to hear him talking, but not too close for the younger to notice him.
"... yes, of course I'd be delighted to meet Mr. Bang PD. He's such an inspiration to all idols, I'm sure we could work on some collaborations between our idols and even consider a partnership in the future."
Bang P.D as in the Hybe's director?
Of course Jimin had heard about one of the greatest directors in the music industry, he just didn't have any idea Jungkook was supposed to work with him.
"... It's a deal then. I'll see you at 4 p.m. I'm looking forward to it. Have a great day."
As soon as Jimin heard Jungkook ending the call, he went back to the living room on his tippy toes, trying not to be caught.
"Jiminshi something major happened." Jungkook came inside the living room pale as a ghost.
Jimin tried to act as if he had no idea what he was talking about.
"What? Are you ok?"
Jungkook sat down and put both of his hands on his lap.
"Today, at 4 p.m I'm meeting Mr. Bang P.D and I think I'm freaking out."
Jimin came quickly and sat down next to Jungkook, trying to get him out of the trance that he was in.
"Hey... Jungkookshi, that's a good thing. Right? He's a really good producer and has amazing idols in his company and you can figure out some performances together or duets... or some new songs for upcoming K- dramas... There's so many options..."
Finally Jungkook moved his head to the side and while looking at Jimin's face he gently took his hands in his own and caressed Jimin's palms softly.
"You're right. I should stop worrying and start making some plans for that appointment with him."
Jimin was lost from the moment Jungkook took his hands and caressed them softly.
No words came inside his ears and no words came out of his mouth. A one sided street of nothing was inside him.
" think you can do it?"
Again, Jimin and his black outs in the middle of the talk.
"Do what?"
"Work alone till 4 p.m. I should really prepare for that meeting and you could take all my appointments and do the interviews and you can do my job too, as in deciding which questions are appropriate for idols, what's something that no one should ask them, you should consult them about topics they're not willing to talk about, and then we'll meet in front of the restaurant cause I really want you with me on that meeting."
Jimin slowly removed his hands from Jungkook's and tucked one stubborn lock behind his ear.
"You mean I'm the boss today?" He cocked his eyebrows at Jungkook who rolled his eyes at him, but his smile was as wide as never.
"Sure thing boss. Can you do all the work?" Jungkook double checked so Jimin thought about it briefly.
"Sure I can. I can boss around all day long. Don't you worry bout a thing. You can go and prepare yourself for that meeting and I'll come to the restaurant as soon as I finish with ruling the world." Jimin said proudly while standing up, getting ready for a new adventure.
Jungkook followed him and got up too, looking calmer and better than before.
"That lipstick looks really good on you." Jungkook said before leaving so Jimin blushed, cause now he knew that his boss was looking at his lips, and that felt kind of intimate and good...
"Thank you... It's the 'I'll get the job done' lipstick. The lipstick for the rulers... "
Jungkook laughed while shaking his head at how silly Jimin was acting.
"I hope I won't regret this. Bye Jiminshi, I'll see you soon."
He waved goodbye before leaving a hopeful, cheerful and overly excited Jimin behind.
"Red lipstick for you, red lipstick for you, red lipstick for you, red lipstick for you too, everybody is getting a red lipstick today!" Jimin felt like Oprah while ordering a special makeup for the group of idols he was working with today, and they all seemed happy about it except the youngest idol of them all.
Jang Wan-young.
"What's with the sad face pretty?" Jimin came to the rescue so the gorgeous girl opened up easily.
"I don't think I can do it. I'm not attractive in that way... I had never had bold makeup such as red lipstick on me before."
Jimin took her hands in his. (He used Jungkook's soft touch to help connect better with the girls)
"What are you even saying?"
He tried to channel his inner Tae and to dig deep into the abyss of all the good advice his best friend had given him.
"Do you know how pretty, feminine and unique you are looking? Seriously, you're as pretty as it gets and with that features you can pull anything."
The girl softened a bit, but still, her face was indecisive.
"I don't know... I just... I don't feel sexy in that way..."
Ok... What would Tae say to that???
"Look, I don't have to tell you how gorgeous you are, you already know that, just go out there, be yourself and have fun. That thick ass needs to dance and move around right?" Jimin winked at the girl who looked at him even more confused than before.
"My ass is as flat as cardboard." She said with pout so Jimin cursed internally.
"That's not the point... Just...have fun and enjoy the singing and dancing like you always do." Jimin tried another approach.
"Easy for you to say. Your body looks like you're the lost twin from Hwasa, all curvy and sexy. I'm just tall and skinny and no one sees me as attractive like that."
Jimin rolled his eyes.
"First of all, thank you and secondly, you can feel sexy regardless of your body type, age, construction, clothes, makeup... It's all inside you..."
The girl turned around and looked at herself in the mirror, then glanced at Jimin who was standing there, right next to her.
"I'll do my best. I promise. Besides, you're just as tall as I am and you somehow manage to look graceful and elegant while being really tall."
Did she just say I'm tall? Me, tall? Is she for real???
Technically he was tall while acting to be a girl, but when he was his normal, male self... a true shorty.
Hours went by and Jimin felt pretty good. This whole bossing around thing was kind of fun, and he really connected with the idols better. He did the hair and makeup for some of the girls, cause Hyuna and Jang Wan-young spread the word about the new assistant who was a translator, but even better makeup and hair stylist.
Fifteen minutes till 4 p.m Jimin was in front of the Ajinoa restaurant, glancing at himself in the mirror just outside the venue.
He was wearing classic black slacks that hugged his form very well and a black, silky button up that was decorated with some see-through rhinestones. Tae's pick. He thought Jimin looked like a fairy in it. His hair was wavy and down, which was unusual for him to wear. He always felt better with a bun or ponytail, but since this was a fancy restaurant... The details like rings, earrings and necklace were always his thing, and he never cared about whether the jewelry was meant for males or females, he always picked what he liked the most. Red lipstick was of course still there, only re-touched, since the whole day was about bold moves and being the boss.
The moment he entered the big hall, he noticed Jungkook standing with some people and talking while cracking his knuckles nervously.
Jimin smiled at him so Jungkook excused himself from the gentleman he was talking with and came to see Jimin.
"What's wrong?" First words that came out of Jimin's mouth which made Jungkook stop in his tracks and take a deep breath.
"What do you mean?"
Jimin rolled his eyes while grabbing Jungkook's elbow and taking him away with him, to stand on the nearest free space on the bar.
"Oh cut the crap, you look like hell. What's wrong?" He asked the question again so Jungkook exhaled loudly.
"I'm feeling anxious and I can't help it. It's stronger than me..." Jungkook said shyly while looking on the ground so Jimin felt sorry for him.
Feeling scared without a valid reason or of something that might happen can be a real pain in the ass...
"Hey Jungkookshi... please... look at me."
Jimin talked with a soft voice so Jungkook glanced at him briefly.
"That's totally fine. Everyone feels that way sometimes. That's only your nerves reacting to something big that's happening to you."
Jungkook put both of his hands in front of him, and looked at them shaking.
"I can't... I'm not feeling well..."
Jimin grabbed his hands firmly and tugged at them which made Jungkook come a step closer to him.
"Sure you can. You've worked so hard on this. You got this. You have it all planned out, just relax and breathe..."
Jungkook tried to take a breath, but it came out shaky and uneven.
"But there's too many important people from the industry and Mr. Bang P.D and I just can't tell him my plan, I'll stutter and, and I'll look stupid and he'll think I'm just a silly young kid that's here only cause his father retired."
Jimin rolled his eyes so hard he felt a few veins popping out on his face.
"Come on... If you're gonna look stupid, you're gonna look stupid. What's the big deal... It's fine. People are always stupid and you don't see anyone apologizing for it."
Jungkook nibbled on his lower lip.
"Come on, I want you to repeat after me." Jimin had an idea that he used many times in situations he felt stressed and unbothered.
"All boys are shit and they all suck..."
Jungkook looked at him dead-panned.
"Do it!" Jimin whispered-yelled.
"Fine. All boys are shit and they all suck..."
"If they don't listen to me carefully, I'll tell them to fuck!"
Jungkook chuckled.
"Repeat." Jimin insisted.
"If they don't listen to me carefully and my brilliant plan, I'll tell them to fuck!"
Jimin nodded while fondly smiling at his boss who already looked way better than before.
"That's the spirit."
"You're insane."
Jimin shrugged, knowing damn well how he did have some crazy ideas, attitude, thoughts, plans...
While glancing on the side, Jimin noticed Mr. Bang P.D coming to the table where Namjoon and Hoseok were already sitting, so he turned to Jungkook and looked at him again.
"Ok, now you go out there and if you feel anxious or nervous don't imagine everyone naked like people mostly do. That's cheesy. Imagine everyone with a big, fat cock in their mouth. That's way better."
Jungkook's eyes widened but then he burst out in laughter.
"Seriously, you're insane."
Jimin nodded enthusiastically.
"And you look so much better."
Jungkook smiled cutely while glancing on the table where everyone was sitting and talking.
"Are you gonna join us?" Jungkook asked, but Jimin really didn't feel like that was a place for him to be. He was a translator, assistant, maybe a makeup helper too, but he really didn't wanna interfere in such an important conversation between the two biggest entertainment firms.
"I'll be right here, getting drunk and getting some rest. The day was exhausting..."
Jungkook nodded.
"Okay... Wait for me then. This shouldn't last too long. Oh, and order whatever food you want to eat. It's on me." Jungkook winked so Jimin melted, feeling his heart clenching at the thought of delicious food coming his way.
Without another word, Jimin turned around to find a waiter, happy to get his order, unable to think about Jungkook, or anxiety, or meetings, or anything really, since food was in the picture.
Just when he was finishing with ordering way too much food, he knew he couldn't eat all by himself, Jungkook came back with a hidden smile on his face.
"Oh my god. I just imagined Mr. Bang P.D with a big dick in his mouth."
Jimin burst out in laughter, almost spilling the drink he was having all over the bar.
"Fun right? No anxiety, just silliness."
Jungkook nodded with a fond smile.
"Thank you." He said almost like a whisper, but Jimin could feel the heaviness of the words.
"Thank me later with champagne. Now go and finish that negotiation."
The younger nodded enthusiastically, looking like a man on a mission, and somehow Jimin knew everything would be fine. Jungkook deserved it...
While driving in the car on their way back to the hotel, Jungkook opened up the bottle of champagne he had promised to Jimin if the deal with Mr. Bang P.D goes well.
It went amazingly well.
"To my amazing boss who has the best assistant in the world." Jimin said before downing the glass in one go so Jungkook just shook his head and did the same.
They were slightly tipsy from a few drinks from the restaurant and now the champagne wasn't doing them any favors.
"I'm gonna drink the whole bottle. I'm not even kidding. It's so good." Jimin said while pouring another glass generously, but Jungkook took the bottle away from him and stored it on the side of the car.
"We can't. We have another party to attend tonight."
Jungkook shared this new information with Jimin so he stopped drinking the champagne and looked at his boss in interest.
"What party? You haven't mentioned anything."
"I didn't know if the plans were still on, but Namjoonie hyung said that everything is ready. We're having a pool party with all the idols and staff in the open hotel pool."
Jimin felt sick to his stomach.
Could be all the food he had eaten, probably the drinks too, but most certainly he felt sick cause there was no way he could go to the pool party without blowing his cover.
"I... I can't go..." He said shyly so Jungkook frowned while coming closer to him.
After studying Jimin's shy, blushed expression, Jungkook put a hand on his shoulder comfortly.
"Is it thing..."
Jimin's brain tried to go through the monthly things Jungkook could be talking about, but the drinks and the nerves got the best of him. He had no idea.
"What monthly thing?" He asked dumbly.
"Um... You know... the P word..." Seemed like Jungkook's cheeks were becoming redder with every new word he had said, and Jimin still couldn't get what he was talking about.
"P word... What P word... Paycheck? Penis?"
Seriously, he was drunk and dumb.
" period..."
OH! Period! Fuck...
"Oh, oh... ooooh.... yes... that's it. That's the thing... Yes." Jimin nodded happily as if he had won the lottery.
"PMS too... it's so bad... yeah..." To look more convenient Jimin put both of his hands on his stomach, acting to be in pain right now.
"Poor thing. I remember my mom having a really hard time while going through that." Jungkook talked sympathetically and gently so Jimin felt like a true jerk.
"We all do... It's the... um... cramps... and, and... mood swings... I'm constantly sleepy (is that even a thing?)... I want to cry all the time too...." Jimin kept adding not so flattering things to the list, hoping Jungkook won't get mad at him for missing out on a party.
"How about I order you a lot of sweets and some hot chocolate, and you can watch some movie and relax for the night. You did so much today, you really deserve to rest."
Why is he so nice!!!
"That would be perfect. Thank you. You're the best." Jimin leaned closer and put a small kiss on Jungkook's cheek, feeling the skin under his lips getting warmer.
"You're welcome."
Two hours later, Jimin was dancing in his silky pajamas all over the royal suite, feeling pretty drunk at the moment and filled with all kinds of sweets and fruits.
Jungkook ordered tons of food for him (knowing how big of an appetite Jimin has) and after changing into his casual clothes (sweatpants and a white t - shirt) he went to the pool party, leaving Jimin all by himself to finally get some proper rest.
Even though Jimin wanted to watch more than one movie, his eyes were too heavy so after finishing with one movie that Jungkook had prepared for him, Jimin closed his eyes only to get a few minutes of rest.
"Jiminshi... Are you feeling better?"
While feeling a weight gluing itself behind his back Jimin opened his eyes and realized he was still laying in the living room, the TV was on, but now Jungkook was behind him, spooning him while caressing his hair softly.
"I... I'm ok... I watched the movie... But I fell asleep..."
Jungkook kept caressing the back of Jimin's head which sent shivers down his spine. His touch was so delicate and warm... Jimin moved his body to fit the warmth behind him better.
"Do you like to cuddle when you have PMS?"
Jimin nodded. He felt the words were unnecessary in this situation since his breath was shorter and his palms sweatier.
"Okay. I'm gonna cuddle you to sleep." Jungkook whispered while coming even closer, now resting his face in the crook of Jimin's neck.
Fucking shit...
"Thank you..." Jimin barely managed to say before closing his eyes and letting the warm feeling on another man's buff body, caging him from behind, overflow all of his senses.
He didn't even know how much he needed that... Must be the PMS... Sure thing.
Maybe it was cause Jimin was touch deprived, maybe cause he was really tired and exhausted, but one thing was for sure, he couldn't open his eyes the moment he heard the alarm clock going off, and instead, he just threw his phone away, then turned around and nuzzled into the warmth of muscly chest that were in front of him.
He kept sleeping and dreaming about all the warm things in his life until he didn't feel the warmth that was spreading all over him, abruptly going away, leaving emptiness and coldness all over the place.
"Jiminshi! Wake up! We overslept." He heard Jungkook's voice, but still couldn't open his eyes.
He heard hurried steps all over the room and finally got up, looking at his boss jumping and walking around without purpose.
"Why didn't you wake us up?" Jungkook asked after glancing at Jimin who was still sitting on the couch looking pretty unbothered and sleepy.
"Why didn't you wake us up?" Jimin asked while thinking about it, giving Jungkook one of his sassy stares.
"Well you're the assistant." Jungkook had a point, but still...
"You're the boss." Jimin also had a point.
The boss smiled at him fondly.
"Aghh fine. Let's just go. We're late."
While Jungkook was walking around and looking for his phone, Jimin got up and started doing some basic stretching exercises, feeling his muscles being sore for days now.
"Oh shit Jiminshi you must be in pain still..."
And then Jimin remembered how he is supposed to be in period pain still so he slowly put both of his hands on his lower belly.
"Maybe that's why you overslept... You're tired..."
That's most definitely not the case... I'm just lazy...
"Probably... Yeah..." He even faked the 'ouch it's another cramp' face.
Jungkook came in front of him and put both of his hands on Jimin's shoulders.
"How about this, you take a day off and rest some more. Tomorrow we have another dinner with foreign investors so I really need you with me cause there'll be a lot of them and we need to hear their offers to know which one's better. You can go shopping or do those nail and hair things you girls love to do and then we can watch another K-drama tonight."
Jimin thought about it.
Wouldn't it be unfair to leave Jungkook all alone to do all the work again...
But those big doe eyes are so cute and he's such a considerate boss...
He really wanted to say it's ok, he can work today, but his head nodded, the thought about that extra sleep was too alluring.
"That would be perfect." Jungkook smiled fondly.
"I'm gonna call Namjoonie hyung to step in today, and then I'll see you tonight."
Jimin nodded.
"I'm gonna bring my A game tomorrow. We're getting those offers!" Jimin said enthusiastically so Jungkook smiled.
"All you have to do is come. You're an A game yourself as it is."
Jimin blushed.
What's with the compliments? Is he always so nice... Oh god he is... He's so fucking nice.
"You mean I don't have to wear a tight skirt and high heels boss..." Jimin joked, remembering when Jungkook clearly told him he can wear whatever he feels comfortable in.
"You just have to be there. That's it. I feel safe when you're around. I don't care what you wear as long as you don't come naked. That would be too much."
Jimin burst out in laughter.
"But then people wouldn't be able to see my fabulous ass..."
Jungkook shook his head.
"I'm not sure I would like everyone drooling over my assistant to be honest."
Jimin bit on his lower lip... Fearing to ask... "Why?"
"Well... Then I wouldn't be able to spend as much time with you and as I want, I really enjoy your company. You're funny, smart, kind and always hungry. Perfect combination."
Jimin touched his stomach.
"I am always hungry..." He said dazed, not wanting to think about all the other nice things his boss had said to him.
Jungkook laughed.
"Order breakfast in bed. I have to go. See you at eight?"
Jimin nodded.
Breakfast in bed...
Life can't get any better...
Right before Jungkook was about to exit the room, Jimin jumped up and hugged him tightly.
"Thank you. You're the best."
The younger returned the hug just as firmly, leaning his head on Jimin's shoulder.
"... and you give the best hugs." Jungkook added so Jimin's cheeks blushed red.
"Stop with the compliments. You're spoiling me..." He slapped Jungkook with no force over his chest, but even that was enough to feel the firm muscle under his palm.
Dear mother of god...
"Sorry, I can't help it. You're too cute. Like a... Fluffy chick or... manggaetteok."
Jimin rolled his eyes.
"Did you just call me fat?"
Jungkook frowned.
"How's a chick or manggaetteok fat?"
Jimin crossed his arms on top of his stomach.
"They're both round as a ball."
Jungkook tried hard not to let a tiny little smirk become a full ass laughter.
"Don't you dare call me a round ball Jeon Jungkook..." Jimin threatened while putting his fists up, acting as if he's ready to fight his boss.
"Oh no, is she going to hurt me?" Jungkook mocked Jimin's full on attacking mode and to make himself look more serious and dangerous, Jimin started hitting the air in front of him with his tiny fists, pretending to be a boxer or something.
Jungkook burst out in laughter.
"Oh god... too cute."
Jimin rolled his eyes before going to his room, acting to be more annoyed than he actually was.
While having a lot of plans and way too many obligations on the side, Jimin thought he'd be done with some of it by the end of his free day, but the only thing he did was laying in bed, sleeping and then waking up to eat some food. A lot of food.
A heaven on earth, he'd say.
Jimin got so lost in time, he had no idea what time it was, when was the last time he did anything... he basically enjoyed having the freedom to do whatever he wanted and in this case, that was nothing at all.
He did miss some company and he felt like having Jungkook around would make his free day so much better, but it is what it is.
A while past dinner, the door of the apartment flew open and a very exhausted and tired looking Jungkook came inside.
"You're not sleeping yet?" The younger asked while coming on the couch, next to Jimin who was yet again enjoying another box of ice cream while watching one of new K-dramas Jungkook got him hooked on.
"I couldn't... There's too much going on. I'm worried Ji-sung might fall too fast and she's so dumb, aghhh how can't she see that the guy is obviously just playing her. I mean the flirting with other girls, the secret touches... He's so obvious. Why are girls sometimes so naive?" Jimin rumbled while stuffing his face full of bourbon vanilla ice cream that smelled so good...
"I wouldn't know. They always portray them like that in series. It's a bit of a cliche. The writers should have a one on one conversation with you when they decide to write a new story with independent and 'not to be messed with' girl in it."
Seriously, Jimin should get in the role better.
"Well since you look like someone who's not to be messed with. You're direct and honest, and you always say what's on your mind. You don't let anyone disrespect you or boss you around. Not even your boss."
Jimin chuckled. Finally getting where Jungkook was heading...
He was the independent girl the stories should be written about, he only misses one thing... Well, a couple of things... a lot of things...
"Yeah... I know a lot of girls that are just like that, but it seems that 'lost and naive' girls are more interesting to the audience." Jimin shrugged, thinking about tons of series he'd been watching with the same scenario.
"As I said, that should be changed and you're the perfect example of how someone can be interesting and fun without having the need to fit in the same box as everyone else."
Jimin felt his cheeks blushing. It was weird hearing compliments that he knew he didn't deserve. He was a fool to think that this whole work trip would go as smooth as it gets cause nothing about it was smooth.
Everything he imagined turned out to be different and as each hour had passed by, he felt more lost in his own heavy thoughts and guilt.
If you only knew...
"Thank you... You never know where the writers would get another inspiration to write some new hot scenario..." Jimin put another full spoon of ice cream into his mouth, trying to busy himself with the soft flavor, and not to talk as much.
While Jungkook was looking at the ice cream box, his stomach growled loudly and instantly Jimin felt like shit.
He had been eating the whole day while Jungkook was working, probably more since the blond was absent and now he didn't even offer some ice cream... Seriously, the worst assistant ever.
"Do you want some? You're probably hungry. Have you eaten dinner?" Jimin got up, and when he finally looked at Jungkook's body that was just splayed on the couch lifelessly, his hair tousled and eyes puffy, he knew the younger had a rough day... and it was partly his fault.
"I actually didn't have time to even eat lunch... We had..."
"WHAT?" Jimin interrupted Jungkook who was talking calmly by screaming at him.
The younger opened his eyes widely, confused cause of the sudden change of tone.
"What?" Jungkook repeated dumbly...
"YOU HAVEN'T EATEN THE WHOLE DAY???" Jimin was a bit dramatic, but it was mostly the guilt talking out of him.
"Well I didn't have time... There were eight shows to record and..."
"I don't care! You have to eat! You're the boss for fucks sake. You can always say 'excuse me, I have something important to do, I'll be here in ten minutes' Ten minutes it's enough to eat a fucking hamburger. You can devour one in three minutes. I saw you with my own eyes." Jimin walked and talked while overly waving with his hands.
"Nope. That was you. You ate that burger in... actually, it was two minutes not three."
Jimin stopped to give Jungkook a death stare.
"That's not the point. You're gonna get sick. You could've passed out today and you can't do that to your body. I saw how hard you're working out. You need to eat. Those muscles need food. You need food... Why am I still talking..." Jimin turned around and went to the phone and without even asking, started ordering food.
"... that would be all... Thank you." He finished the order and turned around only to be met with Jungkook who was standing right behind him with a fond smile on his face.
"Thank you." He opened his arms so Jimin made himself comfortable while nuzzling into the younger's chest, wrapping his arms around Jungkook's slim waist.
"If you hadn't ordered this I would probably have fallen asleep hungry. I'm so tired I'm dreaming about my bed right now."
"I'm not tucking you into bed and then feeding you till you fall asleep." Jimin talked into Jungkook's chest, still not moving away, loving the warmth radiating from the taller's body.
"Damn it. You read right through me. Will you at least feed me? We can eat in the living room." Jungkook spoke while slowly caressing Jimin's back, so the older leaned even closer, enjoying the soft touch.
"I'm not sure you would get anything since you know how my appetite is..."
"As big as your ego?" Jungkook said so, Jimin moved away abruptly and looked at his boss with crazy eyes.
"You're the worst." He slapped his chest before turning around to leave. (he's always finding excuses to touch those firm muscles)
"What? I didn't say as big as that thick ass..."
Jimin turned around while holding his ass with both of his hands.
"Don't you stare at my ass you perv of a boss."
Jungkook burst out in laughter.
"That's impossible and you know it."
Jimin flipped his boss while leaving into the living room.
Their bond was remarkable.
"... now me." Jungkook almost begged for another slice of pizza that Jimin had ordered, cause just as they had expected, Jungkook ate some, and Jimin ate most of it.
"There. One for you, and two more for me." Jimin shared the slices so Jungkook shook his head.
"I thought you ordered the food for me. Besides, I'm sure you had plenty to eat today." Jungkook said only the facts after seeing the takeout boxes of tons of food that Jimin had put in the trash bin.
"I think I'm gonna gain some weight on this trip." Jimin concluded after petting his still flat stomach.
"I think I'm gonna miss you when we come back home." Jungkook had other things on his mind which made Jimin flustered.
"We can always grab a cup of coffee or lunch... since I love to eat a lot..." Jimin mumbled while hiding his face with his small hand,since he was sure there was tomato sauce all over it.
In the back of his head he had no idea how that would even work... Would he dress as a girl again and what about his hair?? He was planning on getting those hair extensions out as soon as he puts a foot back in Seoul. What about makeup? He's not wearing that shit ever again... So the coffee thing, or anything at all would be a big no-no in this case...
Some weird sadness overflows Jimin's heart.
"We'll figure something out." Jungkook said with a soft smile that made his doe eyes sparkle even prettier.
Damn I'm gonna miss him...
After eating everything that Jimin had ordered and talking about the new work obligations, Jungkook stretched his body and as he was putting his hands up in the air, his back cracked loudly so he moaned in pain.
"Woah, that's really messed up." Jimin said while shockingly looking at Jungkook's back, touching his sore and strained muscles just under the neck and below his shoulders.
"I was sitting too much and now my back hurts." Jungkook complained while squeezing his shoulders roughly, trying to massage them with his thumbs.
"Fine. I'm gonna give you a massage." Jimin said with huff, pretending to be lazy and unbothered by the fact that he was about to touch Jungkook's buff body with his own bare hands.
He was actually very excited.
Very excited...
"You will?" Jungkook jumped up and down and hopped into his bedroom like a wild bunny chasing a carrot.
When Jimin came into the younger's bedroom, Jungkook was already undressed, only underwear hiding his fine ass, some body lotion positioned on the nightstand behind him.
Dear lord, help me...
Jimin gulped heavily while examining that gorgeously tattooed creature that looked like a gift sent from heaven... or hell... depending on how you see it...
"I'm ready." Jungkook said excitedly, wiggling his thighs in excitement.
"I can see that." Jimin said while rolling the sleeves of his hoodie up.
"Is it okay that I'm only in my underwear?" Jungkook turned around to look at Jimin who was pouring some lotion onto his hands.
"Not like I haven't seen you naked before." Jimin remembered the first time he walked into the suite and was met with Jungkook's very naked, wet body. He was bothered then, he was bothered now, he would probably be always bothered while looking at this much hotness.
"Exactly my thoughts. Nothing you haven't seen before." Jungkook made himself comfortable again, folding his hands under his head, closing his eyes completely.
"I haven't seen your dick yet." If Jimin could stop his mouth from talking nonsense he would, but it was inevitable. Sometimes his mouth was faster than his brain.
Most of the time actually.
"I would gladly show it to you, but since you wouldn't be bothered by it, there's no point..." Jungkook giggled, obviously finding the whole conversation silly since he knew Jimin was gay, well he thought Jimin was into girls so...
"I guess."
Jimin needed a lot of strength not to beg his boss to show it to him, to get naked so that he could give him a proper massage... the one with a happy ending probably... He controlled himself somehow.
"Do I hear some sadness in your voice?" Jungkook teased so Jimin squeezed his shoulders rougher.
"Shut up."
Jungkook moaned in pain, but Jimin couldn't differentiate that sound from the one the younger would make while enjoying himself... so he sensed trouble coming up.
The trouble was his awakening cock.
The one he was not supposed to have.
The one he was successfully hiding inside his wide sweatpants right now.
The one he needed to position upwards cause he was fearing that damn thing could poke his boss right up his ass.
Now that would be a dream come true...
Few minutes after massaging the white body lotion into Jungkook's body, (that also gave Jimin some hot and bothered visuals he didn't need to see at that moment) Jimin moved his body down, and sat onto Jungkook's calves, and started massaging the younger's thighs, enjoying in squeezing the firm muscle with force while the skin was getting red under his fingertips.
Look at those pretty marks...
Every move he had made had left a small red line right on the soft skin and Jimin's body couldn't not react to such a sight.
I would mark him all over his back, thighs... chest...
"I think I'm done." While trying to save himself from leaking all over Jungkook's back cause it was already too late for his own underwear, Jimin moved up, and readjust his sweatshirt over his bulging crotch.
"Noooooo, just a little bit more. Your hands are so good. Please."
That went straight into Jimin's cock. Ass too... He was clenching around nothing..."
"Fine... Just a few minutes more."
Jimin came back down onto the couch, but he expertly sat next to Jungkook this time, avoiding any contact of his crotch and any part of Jungkook's body and started massaging him all over his back.
After a few minutes of soft strokes, Jimin heard a little puff of air coming from Jungkook's mouth, so when he looked at his face, he saw the younger sleeping soundly while looking like an angel.
So pretty...
Jimin caressed his hair for a while, moved a few stubborn locks away and tucked them behind Jungkook's ear, and right before leaving, he leaned down, and slowly put a small peck on the younger's cheek.
While moving away, he saw a small smile on Jungkook's face, but the younger was still not moving and his back was going up and down like he was soundly asleep.
"Sleep well Jungkookshi." Jimin whispered before going to his room with his heart beating faster and his dick still straining inside his wet underwear.
This is a nightmare.
Jimin's thoughts before going inside the bathroom and jerking off to the thought of his hot boss and his sexy body that looked so good under his small palms... He wondered what his own body would look like under Jungkook's big hands...
There was no doubt Jimin's head was a mess and his thoughts all hazy, so in this kind of situation, even if it was 2 in the morning, he knew what he had to do.
He had to call Tae.
After a few beeps his BFF answered.
"I'm fucked." Jimin went straight to the point.
"Oh no you didn't! Park Jimin what the fuck?!" Tae yelled instantly and it was funny how he could go from sleepy to insane in no time.
"Not like that you jerk! I'm fucked in the head!" Jimin corrected himself so Tae let out a deep breath.
"Tell me something I don't know." He teased so Jimin thought about hanging up the phone.
"Seriously, could you be my friend for a second and then be a jerk afterwards." Jimin was desperate, but that never bothered Tae to be his sassy self.
"Fine, what's the problem?"
"I like him." Jimin said as a whisper.
"I like him too. What's the big deal? He's nice, good looking, loaded... Everybody likes him." Tae said the facts, and those facts made Jimin's blood boil.
"I think I like him more than I should." Jimin confirmed to himself more than to Tae, and was surprised with the sudden silence from the other side.
"That's bad right?"
"Okay... So here's the deal. You saw how hot he is and now you're panicking. That's not reason enough to fuck up our amazing plan and destroy all my dreams to go to Hawaii... and for you to pay your rent in time finally. So please, get your shit together, slap your dick few times and be a good girl as you should." Tae was always so supportive.
Jimin took a deep breath.
"I slapped it way too many times than I should have a few minutes ago..." Jimin tried to prove his point that he was really desperate, but it seemed like no one was interested to hear it.
"Park Jimin for fucks sake go to sleep!" Tae said before hanging up, leaving a still very confused and tired Jimin behind.
Maybe sleep would help.
Only that it didn't...
Cause Jimin couldn't fall asleep at all.
So after tossing and turning in his bed for hours, Jimin decided to be a good assistant and to get up earlier than before and prepare some breakfast for him and his boss.
By preparing he meant ordering all kinds of food.
After putting some omelets, veggies, orange juice and sausages on their plates, Jimin walked straight to Jungkook's room.
Maybe he's awake already...
It was almost 7 am.
Jimin knocked on the door a few times, but when he heard no answer, slowly, he opened the door and came inside on his tippy toes.
Why would he be uncomfortable with coming inside his bosses room when he had seen him almost naked just the night before. Nothing to be worried about.
While walking towards Jungkook's bed, Jimin's eyes landed on the soft blanket that was loosely thrown over Jungkook's body, but the white blanket was kind of pulled down, revealing the younger's lower back and part of his muscly ass.
It was obvious as day that Jungkook was still sound asleep, cause he was laying on his stomach, hands under his head, his back going up and down, while little soft puffs were audible in the room.
Of course he sleeps naked. I'm not even surprised...
Jimin just kept standing there, staring at naked Jungkook sleeping, looking peaceful and beautiful in all his handsome glory.
Maybe if I scare him he would jump up and then I'd see his dick...
Jimin made some mental notes on how to wake his boss up.
Or if I tickle him...
Maybe I could scream into his ear...
Or I could drop something really loudly...
Maybe our food...
Oh god no, not the precious food...
The sound of bed sheet rustling made Jimin to blink away all the stupid ideas he had, so with gentle voice, he called his boss.
"Jungkookshi... wake up..."
The younger just stretched his body, which made the blanket move even further down, revealing more of his bubbly ass.
Just a tiny bit more...
Jimin almost crouched while staring at Jungkook's naked body.
"Our first meeting is in an hour. I ordered us breakfast." He explained his presence in the younger's room, so Jungkook slowly got up, the blanket fell onto his crotch area, hiding the thing Jimin was craving to see.
"Wow you're up so early and on your own. Are you sure you're okay?" Jungkook teased so Jimin threw one of the chopsticks right into Jungkook's chest.
"That's for teasing me this early in the morning. Now get up." Jimin ordered while crossing his arms on top of his chest.
"Maybe you'd want to leave before I get up since I sleep naked if you haven't noticed." Jungkook smiled widely while moving that blanket more up towards his abs.
"Oh I've noticed. Your ass was out there..." Jimin smiled while blinking fast.
"And..." Jungkook scratched his sleepy eyes.
"And what?" Jimin asked, confused.
"How is it?" Jungkook went through his hair with his hands and his biceps tightened so Jimin's throat got dry, he could barely answer.
"How is it?" Jimin repeated dumbly.
"My ass Jiminshi. Does it look good? Do you need to have a second look?"
Now Jimin would probably die.
"It's seven in the morning and I came here with breakfast and you're asking me about how your ass is looking?" Jimin tried to switch the conversation to anything other than Jungkook's fine ass since he was fearing a scenario from the night before might happen again.
"That's so mean. We always talk about your ass and you won't even say anything about mine. That's making me selfconscious and you obviously don't know how gays are obsessed with their asses." Jungkook pouted while throwing his back onto the mattress, having a mild morning tantrum.
All Jimin could see was a nice morning boner.
Fuck my life.
"I have a gay friend and I know how obsessed you're with asses... But... Um... I always thought you're... um... more obsessed with how your partner's ass would look..." Jimin tried to ask politely and discreetly.
"You mean I look like I top and don't bottom?" Jungkook asked directly,obviously feeling comfortable enough to talk about this.
Please gods from above let him be top and use all that strength on small little twinks like myself...
"Well, you got it right. Still that doesn't mean I don't want to have a nice ass for my partner to look at."
Jimin rolled his eyes.
"You have a really muscly, bubbly, firm ass that I'm sure your partners would adore." Jimin decided to get over with this conversation cause his dick was about to have more fun than it should.
Jungkook got up and after hiding his lower body with a blanket, walked towards Jimin.
"Now was that so hard to say." He came straight in front of Jimin and hugged him tightly.
Jimin almost felt blood sliding down his nose.
"You're holding that blanket right? It won't fall off?"
Jimin had other concerns.
"My dick's holding it like a hanger". Jungkook laughed so Jimin moved abruptly and started running towards the living room.
"You're the worst boss ever!" He screamed while dramatically going into the kitchen, and grabbing a bottle of beer.
"Alcohol this early in the morning? Jiminshi, are you okay?" Jungkook teased while going inside the bathroom, his giggles echoed through the suite.
"It's the only way I can survive your shameless teasing. Now I have to go and do my work. Hyuna needs me in half an hour in hall five. I'll see you later. Bye." Jimin drank the whole bottle of beer in a few gulps and ran as fast as he could to his first meeting.
This 'close and personal relationship' with his boss is seriously starting to drive him crazy.
Way too many hours after and a lot of translated shows, Jimin was finally back in the hotel, ready to go to sleep, drown himself in a bathtub, lazily watch some K-drama, but none of those things were an option.
"Jiminshi, are you ready?" Jungkook asked while coming outside from his bedroom, dressed in a navy blue suit that looked amazing on him.
Jimin just kept laying on the couch in the living room, his body lifelessly splayed all over the couch.
"I think my brain is not functioning anymore." Jimin whined, but Jungkook shook his head.
"No more rest for you. I need you with me tonight. There's gonna be some foregin investors and I can't take over everything. Last night I almost passed out from how hard it was to do all the negotiations alone, and to translate things for idols... Please get up and let's go."
Of course Jimin didn't wanna look like someone who's not doing his best to do the job, so even if he was as tired as ever before, he pushed his lazy body up and went to the bedroom to change into something more fitting than what he had on.
All black was never a bad option, so after wearing high-waisted black pants and a black, little bit see-through shirt over it, Jimin let down his wavy, messy hair and put some pink lip gloss on his lips. He looked cute and delicate, but at the same time the all black gave him some sassy undertone which he loved.
"Let's go." He said enthusiastically while coming outside his room so Jungkook looked at him fondly.
"You look pretty." The younger complimented Jimin's look, so he blushed pink, still not used to all the compliments he was getting.
"Thank you. You look handsome as always."
Seemed like the director wasn't used to compliments too, cause the blush on his cheeks was pretty obvious too.
"Yes, of course we'd be honored to have you negotiating with our idols for another upcoming role. They are more than ready for it." Jimin talked with some investors just the way Jungkook had taught him, smiling cutely and acting like a true business woman he was (except the woman part).
"We could send our best ten options tomorrow to you and then you can decide whether you would like to work with some of them." Jimin finished one more conversation that he was proud of, and after glancing at Jungkook who was doing the same at the other side of the restaurant, the smug smile on the bosses face, was a good sign that they were doing good.
"Yes, we have plans on coming to Tokyo this week, I think our director said how he'll be there on Wednesday and Thursday I think. I'll have to double check with him and confirm it for you." Jimin talked with some Tokyo investors, and just when he was about to call Jungkook for some information, the younger came from behind and smiled at the three people that Jimin was talking to widely.
"Mr. Smith, Mr. Yeonjun and Mr. Lee, I see you've met my assistant." Jungkook said while putting his hand on Jimin's lower back, smiling at the three men in the suite that looked as expensive as Jimin's monthly rent.
"We did. I have to tell you, you really did a great job in finding a competent and polite young woman to help you out with all the negotiations this year." One of the men, the oldest one, said so Jimin felt not only like a fraud, but a proud fraud.
"Thank you sir. I really appreciate your kind words." Jimin batted those lashes in front of the old men and kept smiling as cutely as he could.
"I couldn't be happier. She's the best." Jungkook said happily and Jimin felt awful.
What am I even doing? This is so wrong...
After being consumed in his own thoughts, Jimin excused himself and started walking towards the bathroom.
He needed a bit of fresh air, a bit of silence and to take a piss.
He drank too much champagne and shots and it started to show.
While walking down the hall where bathrooms were, Jimin instinctively went inside the one with man written on it, forgetting all about the 'be a girl' thing.
After glancing at himself in the mirror, Jimin opened the door where five urinals were positioned and immediately he regretted coming inside without a knock.
The first thing his eyes laid an eye on, was a small, unattractive cock that was held by a man who didn't even care to look at the person coming inside the bathroom.
He kept holding his tiny dick while taking a piss, and another thing Jimin noticed were the ugliest, white shoes that the man had on.
Ugh... so hideous.
Jimin turned around fast and walked outside, fearing someone could see him coming out of the man's bathroom.
Then he went into the girls bathroom and took a piss like the big boy he was. He contemplated if he should sit on the toilet or just do it as a man.
He did it as a man proudly while the glitters from his shiny shirt were reflecting all over the cabin.
While coming back to the main lobby, Jimin noticed Jungkook talking to someone and looking pretty uncomfortable and angry.
What's going on?
It was weird how little he knew Jungkook and how deep their bond already was. One look into that pretty but worried face and Jimin knew something's wrong. The frown on his boss's face was usually not there...
"Jungkookshi..." Jimin came slowly from behind and put his hand on Jungkook's back, trying to calmly approach his boss from the back.
When Jungkook turned around, it was like relief washed over his face.
"You're here. We need to go." Jungkook patted Jimin's shoulder, but the older looked around confused.
"Why? What's wrong?"
Jungkook looked around too.
"It's nothing... " He said not convincingly enough so Jimin pouted.
"What are you not telling me? I thought we're in this together..."
"It's just... There's this producer that is really rude, especially towards women and I don't want you meeting him cause he can be the biggest asshole. He's always out to get our idols to switch to his company and I didn't know he was here in the first place. If I'd known we wouldn't even be here."
Jimin frowned even more.
"So you're telling me that you want us to leave cause there's some guy that's rude towards women and you're afraid he's gonna get my feelings hurt? Did I understand right?" Jimin explained it as he had understood it.
Jungkook nodded while looking at Jimin with puppy eyes.
"Are you being serious right now?" Jimin put his hands on his waist, looking offended and sassy.
"I wish I wasn't. You can't even imagine the things he would usually say. He's arrogant and rude and seriously, three of my assistants had cried when they'd met him. I just don't want you to go through that."
He's the sweetest.
"My dear boss, there's nothing to worry about. I assure you." Jimin squeezed Jungkook's hand while talking, to let him know he's really ok. "Now tell me how many companies we have to talk to before leaving to our suite? Let's get the job done and go grab pizzas and beer. Ok?" Jungkook smiled at him fondly before looking around.
"There's Mr. Chan, the young producer. We want him on our team for sure." Jimin looked at the direction where Jungkook was looking. "Ok, flirt with Mr. Chan to lure him to us. Done, who's next?" Jungkook cracked a smile and looked all over the place again. "There, Ms. Jessica Ho, aka Jessi. The really good looking lady in the red dress." Jimin turned around and glanced at the said woman. "Ok, we want her too." He nodded while writing mental notes inside his head, not to forget something. "You you know, charm her with your unique cute personality and ask her for a meeting at the company..." Jungkook cocked his eyebrows at Jimin who only then remembered... I'm gay, I'm into girls...she's a girl... fuck...yeah...
"Boss, are you asking me to flirt with our clients?" He batted his eyelashes fast, acting all cute and flirty so Jungkook burst out in laughter. "As if you don't do that all the time."
It was true. Jimin was really good at being all cute, sexy and lovely so usually all of their meetings with clients would go smoothly, ending in all of them falling for Jimin's charm and arranging a new meeting at the company.
After having another glass of wine, Jimin went to talk to Jessi and the conversation went smoothly, naturally, and in no time he had her number, and a promise that she'll come to the company and have a meeting with some idols. Jimin was over the moon with his accomplishments and went straight to Jungkook to brag about the number on his phone.
"Guess who's number I have." Jimin came closer while waving the phone so Jungkook smiled happily.
"Is it Jessi or Chan?" He asked so Jimin shrugged, not wanting to answer, wanting to play some more.
"I don't know. What do you think?" Jungkook put a finger over his lower lip, squinted his eyes while thinking.
"Well since I have Mr. Chan's number here on my phone, you must have Jessi's then." He concluded so Jimin jumped in excitement.
"No way. We have them both? We did it?" He said excitedly and instead of watching his boss being happy, he saw Jungkook's face fading away.
"What?" Jimin asked worriedly, but before he knew it Jungkook moved a bit to the front and shields his body with his own, coming in front of some man that Jimin found really familiar.
"Jungkookah, didn't know I was gonna meet you here." The man spoke and there was something evil in the way he had smiled right after saying Jungkook's name.
"Good evening Mr. Jin-young. We were on our way to the suite..." Jungkook tried to move next to the man, and bring Jimin with him, but the man just stood there, not allowing them to go pass by him.
"Oh you mean you're done with stealing my clients for tonight?" The dark haired man in his 50ties spoke so Jungkook took a deep breath.
"I don't do that. Now please excuse me."
Still the man didn't move.
"You say you don't, but I can clearly see you and your new little tootsie going around stealing numbers... Such a misery..." Both Jungkook and Jimin snapped their gazes at the man after the said words and just when Jungkook wanted to say something, Jimin moved him to the side.
"Excuse me? Do I know you? Do you know me?" Jimin asked with that crazy eye he has when he's annoyed or repulsed by someone's behavior.
"I don't have to know every single little girly assistant Jungkook brings with him..." The man spoke,but Jimin took a second to look at the man. He was short, wearing a tacky green suit, and while looking down, Jimin saw the most hideous white shoes he remembered oh so well.
The man from the bathroom...
"Sorry to break it to you, but the only little thing here is your dick sir." Jimin said with the cutest, smug little smile so Jungkook choked on air and the man's eyes widened in shock.
"You wish you knew how big my dick is girly." The man tried to play it cool, but he looked anything like that.
"Actually..." Jimin batted his lashes with the cute smile on his face. "I saw it a few hours ago in the bathroom while you were taking a piss... and yeah... too little and too ugly for anyone's taste. So please, little dick man, stop whining and go invest in some penis enlargement pills, maybe some cream to make it look better or something. I almost feel sorry for you." Jimin said with fake sympathy on his face, so after double checking the shock and horror on the man's face, he grabbed Jungkook's hand in his and walked right past the said man, literally bumping him to the side so that he could move.
Without thinking Jimin walked to their booth and took a glass of champagne and drank it in one go.
"What the hell just happened?" Jungkook sat down and took a glass of champagne too, drinking it bottoms up.
"Just thank me later. I don't think he'll be bothering you ever again." Jimin said while sitting down too, feeling a bit overwhelmed by the night events.
"Seriously Jimin, are you always like this?" Jungkook asked, so Jimin feared what to say to that?
"Like what?"
"Fearless, confident, outstanding..." Jimin blushed.
"Oh shut up! I thought you're gonna fire me. I have the biggest blubber mouth that only a few can cope with."
Right when he was about to pour some more of that champagne into his glass, Jimin's body got engulfed by Jungkook's big one, hugging him firmly.
He really tried not to enjoy too much in the way Jungkook's big, muscly body fitted his perfectly, and the way the warmth was spreading all over him... Jungkook was so big yet soft, cute but hot too, Jimin would lose his damn mind.
"Let's go home." Jungkook whispered so Jimin nodded, feeling exhausted and so ready to go.
"Oh and quick question, what were you doing in a man's bathroom?" Jungkook asked while they were getting up, looking for their coats and stuff.
"I wasn't looking so I just entered the first door I saw..." Jimin lied while trying to busy himself with his phone and his hair, unable to look at Jungkook cause he's pretty sure his cheeks were as red as it gets.
"You're so silly and clumsy." Jungkook tapped his head so Jimin smiled at him while making eye contact and patting his stomach.
"Ad hungry to that too."
Jungkook burst out in laughter.
"Why am I not even surprised?"
They walked outside, Jungkook's hand protectively positioned on Jimin's waist while the older was talking about food they were about to order to their suite. The best way to end another hard working day in Jimin's opinion.
For a second he'll stop thinking about all the trouble this job could get him in, and try to enjoy the company of a man that screamed perfection to him...
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