Attempt the impossible...

While slamming his head against the wooden table, Jimin kept asking himself, why does life have to be so hard?

"But seriously Tae Tae, my rent isn't that high, like 500 000 won. How come, I always have work to do, but when the time comes to pay the rent I somehow always lack at least half of the money? How is that even possible?"

Taehyung, the younger of the two, 78 days younger to be exact tried to say something, but got cut off in the middle of opening his mouth, since there's something Jimin has to say. There always is.

"Don't even say I don't work enough. Do you even know how many books I've translated in the last month? Do you?"

Once again Tae tried to open his mouth, only to be shut down by Jimin's rambling again.

"Thirteen! Thirteen books Tae, and some of them were so long I even wanted to quit in the middle of translating. I work a lot. Like A LOT."

Tae took a deep breath. Not like any of what Jimin was telling was a lie and he knew that. It's just that his stubborn best friend, Jimin himself, was sometimes (read always) way too proud to take any advice cause he was born to know everything the best. Or maybe he was thought so. Maybe he was a little bit spoiled. Probably. Definitely.

"Jimin." When the blonde was finally out of breath, his not so patient best friend decided to speak.

"No one ever said you don't work hard. I would even say you work too much..."

Jimin nodded excitedly, mouthing 'exactly'.

"But the job you do is not paying well. You need to stop translating books that you like and you should start using those language knowledge into something that would bring you money."

Jimin looked at Tae dead-panned, obviously not liking where this was going.

Sure, he majored in two languages beside his mother language, Korean, but knowing English and Japanese perfectly well didn't give him as many opportunities as he was hoping for after finishing college.

Since reading books was one of his favorite things to do, Jimin decided to be his own boss and to use his diplomas into translating books and sometimes if he was in a hurry for money, other documents or TV shows, or just to be an in-ear person to idols or actors who had no knowledge of any other language then their own.

He hated doing anything other than translating books, but that unfortunately wasn't a well paid job, and unluckily for him, he needed the money to pay rent and to live and enjoy life while he was still young.

Well 28 years young to be precise.

"I didn't see anything that pays well these days for me to do so I need to do those two books that I signed up for..." Jimin tried to talk but Tae put his index finger on top of his lips.

"No. That's a lie and you know it." He said with shit-eating grin on his face so Jimin rolled his eyes at him.

Of course Tae Tae would bring that up....

"I don't know what you're talking about." Jimin lied so Taehyung slapped his thigh.


"That's what you get for lying to your best friend in the whole wide world."

Tae crossed his arms on top of his chest, looking at Jimin with a dead serious gaze.

Jimin hated that gaze. It made him vulnerable, exposed, naked...

"FINE! I know about the Jeon Enterprises audition but I don't want to do it, ok?" Jimin burst under the intensity of Taehyung's stare so the younger clapped his hands in victory.

"I know you know what I'm talking about."

The black haired took his phone out of his pocket and started scrolling down the screen (as if he hadn't shown the same damn ad at least a hundred times before).

"I mean how could I not know. The stupid add is in every corner, tv station, train, I think I saw it on a plane for god's sake..."

"There it is!" Tae squealed excitedly while pointing his phone towards Jimin's face.

The screen was so bright, but what made it so impossibly tacky to look at was the wide, bunny smile that the director of Jeon Enterprises had on the following poster. A true poser...

"Shit Tae, get that out of my face." Jimin almost cried at the brightness.

"Jeon Enterprises hiring. We're in search of an English translator for the upcoming two weeks job in Japan for the actors and idols fan meetings and TV appearances. Come to our audition and show us why you're the one for us."

Things that are required:

English master degree

5 years of work in the same or similar department

Good communication skills

Basic technology knowledge


"AHA!" Jimin yelled after Tae read the last thing that is required for the job.

"What?" Tae asked, confused.

"What do you mean what?" Jimin looked at him perplexed, double checking the ad once again from Tae's hand.

"Female? You've read it yourself. They want the translator to be female, and Tae, sorry to break it to you... I'm not, in case you haven't noticed yourself..." Jimin played a smartass so Tae shook his head at his stupidity.

"Come on... Sexual identity is a personal and private choice these days. You can just say you're a woman trapped in a man's body... or, or... don't even say a thing, just wear your tightest jeans and a tiny bit of make-up and you're good."

Jimin frowned so deeply he feared wrinkles might never leave his face.

"That's insane."

"Why? It's just two weeks. The paycheck is AMAZING! You'd be able to pay your rent in advance for almost a year. A year Jimin! And now you're barely holding on. Well you're not even holding on... there's nothing to hold onto..."

Jimin took a deep breath.

"All I'm saying is that no one's gonna check what's between your legs, and it's honestly not even important." Tae shrugged, always being the one to have his own specific opinion.

"Well it's obviously important to the boss since he asked for his translator to be a woman." Jimin pointed out the obvious.

"Could be... Still it's a minor thing here... It's only for two weeks. You got this babe." Tae said confidently so Jimin felt even more confused.

"Um... Tae, it's great that you're so excited about this, but still, I'm missing some things you know..." Jimin sipped on his coffee, trying to act cool about this.

"What? A pussy? No one has to know." Tae leaned closer so no one else had to hear them talking about, well, that.

"Nope." Jimin looked down at his chest.

"There's boobs too, you know." The blonde tilted his head while nodding sympathetically, faking to be sorry for not owning a pair of boobs so that he could be a perfect candidate for the job.

Tae only scoffed at that which made Jimin frown again.

"Come on! Some girls are flat as a surfing board. Not everyone has big tits for god's sake. Besides, you could buy one of those push-up bras and enjoy your new job with brand new boobs."

Jimin choked on the little coffee he had drank.

"Na-a. No way. I'm not doing that." Jimin protested harshly. Some things he was most definitely not willing to do.

"Fine. You win." Tae admitted.

Jimin almost thought they're done with this stupid talk.

"You can wear a bit wider blouses, or some silky materials, since your chest is pretty muscly though... You can easily go by A cup or after work out, a smaller B cup..."

"Oh dear god..." Jimin put both of his hands over his face.

"You don't have to be Kim from the Kardashians. You can go as Khloe. You know... Big ass, small boobs, which is totally fine." Tae made an innocent comment to which Jimin looked at him with desperation in his eyes.

"You did not just compare me to Kardashians?"

Tae smirked while cocking his eyebrows at the furious blonde.

"I so did. That thick ass can be easily compared to those fake asses and you know it."

Jimin opened his mouth widely, acting to be offended to death.

"Take that back." He put the straw that was inside Tae's drink close to his throat, acting as if he's gonna hurt his best friends cause of his stupid words.

"Seriously. Drama queen... Let's just get you some hair extensions and some ash blonde highlights, and new make up. I bet those lips would look even better in red."

Jimin shook his head, but the idea wasn't so repealing to him...

"You're insane."

"So is a 5. 000.000 won for a two weeks job. Think about it pretty and think about it fast. The interview is tomorrow so don't cry when the opportunity is over and you're once again missing half of the rent money like you do now and bitching about how life is unfair and awful when you had this amazing opportunity on a plate."

That kind of hurt.

"Besides... We can't even be sure you would get the job. I mean... a lot of pretty, eloquent women would be there tomorrow so you would have some competition..."

It's like Tae knew exactly what to say to rile Jimin up.

"Fine." He said it with exhaustion in his voice. "I'll go to that interview just to see how it goes."


"So how about some pretty nude nail polish and even prettier stiletto or coffin shape nails for you pretty babe." The lady in the nail salon asked when Tae introduced Jimin as his best friend who wants to try out some 'out of the box' nail art for the first time, and all Jimin could think about was 'What the actual hell?'.


The answer was as clear as a day.

"Fine. How about square or even oval shape. It would totally go with your nail shape perfectly."

Jimin shook his head, determined to not give in to Taehyung's crazy idea.

"Uhg fine! You're killing my mood. Just give him some milky neutral nail polish and do him a meny-pedy cause he's stubborn as hell."

The girl took a deep sigh, obviously disappointed by his choice, but did the work anyway.

Next on, was the hair salon.

There was no negotiation this time around.

"He'll have longish bob, wavy, ashy blonde hair with summer highlight touch." Tae said while showing one of those pictures in a magazine that was on the table, so Jimin just shrugged.

"Sounded like he was ordering cocktail." He concluded before sitting on the chair where he had no idea he would spend the next five hours cause getting amazing hair extensions and blonde highlights wasn't as easy as he thought.

"Wake up pretty girl."

The voice that sounded so distant to him, whispered into Jimin's ear and suddenly he remembered where he was.

The hair salon.

This wasn't a dream.


"Ok, so... You fell asleep so I kind of put a little make up on your face while Sara here was doing your hair. I just wanted you to see that you got this. If you really want the job, you can have it. This female thing, it's definitely not important nor something to worry about. Go get that money so that you can finally take me on that trip to Hawaii that you promised years ago."

With those words, Tae turned Jimin towards the mirrors and suddenly his jaw dropped.

"Wow." Jimin looked at the mirror and the reflection wasn't what he hoped he'd ever see in his life.

This wasn't him.

This was him, but, not him at all...

This was some reflection of a man that he is, but in a female form that looked pretty as hell.

"Such a pretty babe." Tae said in awe, looking at his best friend with stars in his eyes.

"This is crazy. Am I really doing this?" Jimin asked, more himself than Tae cause he wasn't sure if any of it was a good idea.

"What do you mean are you really doing this??? We didn't go through all this trouble for nothing! For you to be pretty? You're doing this, period! As a matter of fact, I'm taking you to the interview myself."

Jimin nodded.

There's only so many arguments he could have for one day.


The thing Jimin never thought would happen when he wakes up in the morning is him trying to eat his breakfast in peace while his best friend is putting makeup on his face.

"Stop chewing for a goddamn second. I need to apply some highlighter to those cheeks."

Tae tried his best with stubborn Jimin who was still chewing the remains of his sandwich, not minding the words coming out of his best friend's mouth.

"How can you be so calm? I'm so fucking nervous... I can't even eat right now. I think I might throw up." Once again, Tae was his dramatic self, and Jimin kept eating his food like nothing important was about to happen in his life.

Cause this wasn't a big deal.

Jimin got it all figured out in his head last night.

After finally laying down in his bed, and thinking about stupid thing he got himself into, Jimin figured there was only one thing to do in the interview.

To blow it off.

He'll just answer the questions with minimal manners and eloquent as an elephant in a pink skirt so he has nothing to worry about.

Tae does.

Poor guy's been so hopeful about the whole trip to Hawaii...

His heart was about to be broken.

Anyways... not that Jimin should be concerned about that...

After almost devouring the whole sandwich he prepared for himself, Tae slapped Jimin's hand while a few bites were left, so some of the bread fell out of his hand, which made the blonde mad.

"What the fuck Tae?"

"Seriously??? You're gonna eat half of the bread? What do you want to go as? Pregnant lady? That's not what we talked about." Tae crossed his arms on top of his chest, frowning permanently at the blonde.

"We never talked about anything! I'm gonna go in my sweatpants and some hoodie and..."

Tae's eyes widened.

"Oh hell no!"

Jimin felt even more confused.


"What do you mean what? You're going to the once in a lifetime job interview and you wanna wear sweatpants? Where are your manners Park Jimin? Are you insane? And not to mention how they would probably not even let you inside the Jeon Enterprises building dressed like that...."

That's the plan...

"See... The thing is... I don't have any women's clothes to wear." Jimin pointed out the obvious, but Tae didn't seem too worried about it.

"I know. That's why I arranged a little shopping spree in the mall just before your interview, so you're gonna buy some new clothes and go to the Jeon Enterprises as a decent human being."

Jimin blew his cheeks like a chipmunk, not knowing what to say to that. He knew if Tae had set his mind to do that, he just had to say yes.


"That's the spirit!" Tae jumped up and down while Jimin tried to snatch that fallen bread on the floor and eat it anyway.

Tae didn't let him.


"How about a long skirt?"


"Fine, a midi one?"


"Long dress?"


"Sleeveless top and tight shorts?"


After millions of 'no's' and not even a sign that anything will ever become a 'yes', Tae stepped inside the changing room where Jimin was protesting for the past half an hour, giving his BFF a three year old tantrum.

"Here's the deal." Tae said in the most serious voice Jimin had ever heard. It was so deep it almost made Jimin's ears bleed.

"Either you're gonna wear this pencil high waist black pants with this white shiny blouse and a black blazer on, or it's this long, romantic, floral dress, you choose."

After glancing at his two options, Jimin took the black pants and blazer combined with the softest white shirt.

"That's my boy. I mean... girl..." Tae patted his head before leaving the cabin, leaving a flustered Jimin inside to try the chosen combination.

"Here's your boy dressed as a girl." Jimin said while getting outside, and the look on Tae's face was priceless.

Shock mixed with excitement and fondness... until he reached all the way down where Jimin's Converse were so Tae frowned.


"No, what?" Jimin asked, confused.

"No to those shoes. Come here, let's buy you some stilettos."

"Hell no."

Jimin had some morals and he would not back down from this.

"Ugh!!! Fine! Maybe just cute little ballet flats or moccasins. Those would look great with that combination."

Jimin took a deep breath.

He can survive this.

All he needs to do is go and mess everything up.

He can definitely do that.

"Moccasins sound fine..."


An hour later, Jimin was in the lobby of the biggest firm in the city, where the secretary behind the huge white murmur desk was greeting everyone that was coming inside.

"Jeon Enterprises, how can we help you?" She would ask with the widest smile, Jimin couldn't stop thinking if her face hurt from all the smiling.

"I'm here for the translator job interview..." He trailed off so the dark brown lady nodded and started typing something into her computer.

"All right... And you are..." She asked while looking at Jimin with the same wide smile as before.

"Park Jimin. One of the translators."

Again, the woman nodded, a smile never leaving her face, Jimin thought if it was maybe tattooed onto her face.

Then the lady turned the screen that was in front of her and showed Jimin a picture that he couldn't stop staring at.


He asked himself cause there was definitely him, but with the blonde, long locks, smiling cutely with some pretty makeup on.

"What the..."

The lady turned the screen to herself again so Jimin tried to figure out where that picture was from...

"Is that you?" The lady asked so Jimin nodded, still not sure if he's looking like the pretty girl in that picture, since his hair was tied up in a half bun and some strands were left loose, as Tae said, making the romantic, shabby chic look...

"The elevator is right down the hall, and then you should go to the eighth floor. Second door on the left is the room where the interview with the job recruiter and hiring manager would be."

After trying to remember all the instructions, Jimin nodded and started walking in the said direction.

The moment he came inside the elevator he called Tae who was waiting for him in the nearby coffee shop.

"Tae Tae..."

"Hey Mini is everything ok? Did they inspect you for metal or guns and then find your secret hidden weapon?"

Jimin frowned.


"Your dick dummy." Tae chuckled so Jimin hit his head with his palm.

"No, but Tae, they did have one of my pictures that I never took... It was me as a girl with blonde hair and..."

" blouse with a pretty necklace?" Tae continued the description.

"Yes... How did you know?"

"Well someone had to send them your CV silly. Since you never wanted to do it..."

Jimin opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out of it.

"You did what? How... When did you even take that picture... I'm so confused..."

"There's this app called 'Face Swap' where you can literally put your face into someone else's head and then..."

"Oh my god, I can't listen to that now. I'm in front of the meeting room. I'll talk to you later. You crazy piece of..." And Tae hung up.

"I just want to talk to the manager..." While walking towards the room he was supposed to be in, Jimin heard a man's voice with some anger in it.

"Sorry sir, we can't arrange a meeting with our manager and in the ad there was clearly written about Mr. Jeon wanting to work only with female translators."

Another woman, probably in her 30ties, dressed in high waist skirt, white blouse tucked inside, her legs accentuated with black high heels with red platform, looking professional and downright sexy, talked to the man who looked pretty pissed and ready to fight.

"I read that, and that's the problem. I don't want my gender to be the reason I'm not suitable for any job. This is unexceptionable. I'm gonna sue this firm and I'm gonna sue Mr. Jeon for putting female gender ahead even though there is no reason for such a thing." The man said with hatred in his voice, but the lady stayed calm and professional.

"You do that sir, and then come back here with the results of your lawsuit, if you ever get the chance to enter this building ever again."

The man's face became fire red, but the moment he tried to answer the lady, two body guards came from the door on the far left, and the man got the point.

The lady called security to get rid of the imposter who was not only being rude, but also unprofessional towards the secretary.

"Don't touch me! I can see myself out. This isn't the last you'll hear from me..." The man yelled after getting inside the elevator, but the lady just waved at him with a polite smile on her face.

"Good morning. I'm Tzuyu, Mr. Jeon's secretary, are you here for the translator interview?" She redirected her attention towards Jimin who cleared his throat and nodded with a small smile on his face.

"Come on in then. The other ladies are already here. You can meet them while you wait for Mr. Jeon and our manager to arrive. Good luck." The lady smiled warmly so Jimin thanked her for her kind words and entered the big waiting room where nine other women were sitting and chatting about their experiences in the music and drama industry.

"And the last one is here. Come sit here. They said the interview should start in about fifteen minutes." One of the ladies, the fierce looking redhead tapped the chair next to herself so Jimin walked over and sat as a man would. He man-spread his thighs, and immediately regretted his choice of sitting.

The other ladies that were sitting with their back straight, legs crossed, wearing skirts and dresses and all kinds of pretty jewelry looked at him perplexed so the moment Jimin noticed his not so flattering pose, he straightened his back too and after looking at one ladies legs, he copied her way of sitting, trying not to be too obvious.

"You're Park Jimin, right?"

Oh shit! How does she know that?

"Um... yes... and you are?" Jimin asked the black haired woman who had straight bangs framing her unique face, and pretty smile with the whitest teeth he ever saw in his life.

"I'm Shin Ryujin. Do you not know your competition?" She asked after scoffing, looking at other ladies who were also smiling at what Jimin had said.

"What do you mean?" Again, Jimin had no idea what she was talking about.

"Well a week ago, we got email notifications about the interview and we got to see all the candidates competing for the translator spot. Did you get the email?" She looked somewhat confused, not understanding how Jimin had no idea who those women were.

Well Tae must have gotten the email...

"I did. I just... had no reason to look up the competition. I'm confident in my own skills and don't need to look up anyone else to be honest." Jimin decided to play on the confident card, and act as if the other ladies didn't bother him, cause in reality, they didn't.

"Ouch... That's bold of you to say. You think you're better than us hm?" Ryujin, the lady that looked like the most provocative of them all asked while smirking, and Jimin really wanted to wipe that stupid smirk of her face.

"I think I'm the best. Yes." He said while cocking his eyebrows, earning a lot of squinting eyes and offended looks that he didn't care for.

He was already enjoying this.

"Before anyone could say anything to that remark, three men entered the room so the silence overcame the big, white space, and Jimin's eyes instantly fell on the tall, black haired man, the one that he knew oh so well from all the commercials, billboard posters, ads, and whatnot, the one and only Jeon Jungkook, the man whose father had built an empire for idols, musicians and actors who wanted to succeed in life and become someone important in society.

Jimin knew the man was looking good just by looking at his pictures all over the town, but for some reason, he looked even more handsome in person.

Taller, broader, more manly, sexier, but still kind of stiff and unapproachable.

"Good morning ladies..." The shortest one of the three, a man with short white hair started the interview by introducing himself.

"I'm Hoseok Jeon, and I'm the job recruiter in this firm, and I'll be asking you some questions today. With me today here are Namjoon Kim, our firm's manager and Jeon Jungkook, the director of the firm. We're all gonna listen to your answers carefully and after finishing with this interview we're gonna take some time to decide who would be best for the job, and we'll inform you about it tomorrow."

Everyone nodded while listening carefully, trying to suck every new word in.

"Ok, so just to break the anxiety, we're gonna start off by introducing ourselves shortly. Tell us your name, your hobbies, what you do in your free time, favorite color or season..." Hoseok said so Jimin thought about the question for a full 3 seconds before putting his hand up in the air.

"Yes. The lady in the white shirt..." Hoseok waved at Jimin who suddenly got aware of the whole situation inside the building... He was a fucking woman for god's sake.

"I'm Park Jimin. I love to read and dance and my favorite color is.... yellow. (after looking at the Sun shining through the window, his eyes caught a small little glance from the man in the middle, the director, but it was too short to tell for sure).

While all the other ladies were trying to give their fun and authentic answers, Jimin looked at the three men in front of him.

Not that he was touch deprived (he had a fair share of one night stands and occasional booty calls) but his mind kept racing about how good those men look.

Look at that pretty smile that Hoseokshi has...

And that thick body that Namjoonshi has... Bet he could slam me around...

And Jungkookshi... Man where do I even begin... Those pretty eyes, those sexy hands... And... Are those tattoos peaking out???

Jimin had a thing for tattoos. It was a well known thing. He had some of his own.

While examining the director again, he noticed that the black haired kept doodling something on the paper.

Is he bored?

What is he drawing?

Wanna see, wanna see....

The black haired kept listening and nodding to what the ladies were saying, but he never tore his eyes away from the paper in front of him, and Jimin wanted to look at his doe eyes more...

"Ms. Park?"

What if he's drawing someone naked... That would be so funny ...

"Ms. Park?"

Or boobs... A page filled with all kinds of boobs... Hilarious ...

"Park Jiminshi..."

Oh shit that's me ...

"We thought we lost you there for a second..." Hoseok joked cause Jimin didn't answer to god knows how many times they had called him. Jimin's cheeks became red.

"Sorry I got distracted by my own thoughts. Happens all the time."

Where's the point in lying?

Again, another glance by a black haired man, but it was so subtle, Jimin almost missed it.

Almost half an hour after answering about their work abilities and diplomas, jobs they did before, it was time for Namjoon to ask some questions.

"As you can tell, sometimes, being help to idols can be really stressful and hard. If you were involved in a massive airport mob, what would you do?" The short haired man asks and looks at the ladies (plus Jimin) trying to see who will answer first.

"Well I think I would beg for them to stop..."

"I would probably cry to be honest..."

"I would hide behind some bodyguard..."

"I would try to talk to the people around me..."

The answers kept going and going and after everyone was done, it was Jimin's turn to answer.

"I'd probably kick their asses."

And YEEEEY, the director's eyes were finally up, wide and open and looking at Jimin's direction.

Oh shit... They want me to elaborate... Fuck it... It's time to mess this up.

"Khm... As I was saying... I would probably smack those in front of me in the face..." the loud sighs around him were ridiculous. "... And if anyone were to approach me from the back, they'd get a full kick in the balls, cause that's what hurts the most... so I've heard..." Jimin nodded with a smile, satisfied that both Hoseok and Namjoon were looking at him with WTF? face, but there was something in Jungkook's expression... Could it be that he was trying not to smile?

He hasn't smiled once... Where are those white, shiny teeth from all the ads and posters...He looks so sad...

"Ok, well, that was an interesting answer... Um... I have one more question for you..." Namjoon, the daddy how Jimin had registered him in his brain, leaned his back and swirled the pencil in his hand. The director was back to doodling again.

"What if you were assigned to work with one of those 'diva like' idols that are never satisfied and are always mad about something, and are complaining about the way you do your job. What would you do? How would you handle it?"

Again, the girls stepped out and started talking about the importance of talking skills and how the key of their success is good communication and crap like that, so Jimin just smirked, waiting for his turn to answer.

"I'd probably tell them to fuck off."

And silence.

Still silence.

Awkward silence.

Until there was a chuckle from a person that hadn't said a word by now.

The director.

Jimin smiled instantly.

At least he thinks I'm funny .

"Could you please tell us more." The black haired with the biggest eyes said so Jimin nodded eagerly.

Those eyes are really pretty .

"Sure. I mean... What's the point in babying your idol when they're all grown up people. Would you like to be always treated differently and no matter what you do, people are still nice to you... That's just bullshit. Everyone needs a reality check, and I'm all here for it." Jimin explained proudly and almost sensed the looks on his back, the squinted eyes pointed towards him...

"So if someone's rude to you you'd tell them to fuck off? " Again, just for good measures, the director repeated the question.

"Without a doubt, and if they become rude about my translator skills, I would just ask them to do it themselves... You know, something like... 'Can you do it better than me?' or 'I see you can take it from here then...' I bet the look on their faces would be priceless."

As they were on the faces of the manager and employee recruiter.

Fun. This was really fun .

"Oookay..." Hoseok trailed off to stop the whispering and awkwardness around them, and before finishing the interview he asked the ladies (and Jimin) if there were any other skills they have since working with idols sometimes is hectic and they need all the help they can get and most of the time they'll be considered more as an assistants than just translators .

"I can cook well..."

"I like to sing and my mom says I sound like an angel...'

"I could be a backup dancer for sure..."

The girls kept saying their hidden talents so Jimin thought about his own... There were many (he finished ballet school as a high school kid, draws pretty well, Tae taught him some timeless makeup tips, he's good at taekwondo....) still he decided not to share that with others since the plan wasn't to be the best choice today.

"Ms. Park, how about you?" Hoseok asked with a glimpse of caution, used to the unique answers Jimin was giving by now.

" hidden talents here." Jimin said and batted his eyelashes ridiculously. "...unless doing the cutest aegyo is a talent, then I have one..." he joked at the end, but again, the director's eyes were on him.

"Show us." The black haired put his pencil down and refocused his attention fully on Jimin now.

Oh fuck... What would Tae do, he always does shit like that... I know, I know...

"Well Mr. director, I have three stages of aego. The first one is pretty neutral and simple, like this..." so Jimin purses his lips cutely while giving them the cutest puppy eyes and he was pleased to see a wide smile on Hoseok's face.

"Go on..." The director instructed.

"Then there's the middle. It's just like the first, but you add a bit of hand touching face to it, to make it cuter."

And then he does it. The whole big, puppy eyes and pouty lips while touching his chin with his index finger. It works cause now not only Hoseok was openly smiling, Namjoon was hiding his laugh with his hands, and there was a glimpse of happiness in the director's eyes too.

"And the third..." Director was obviously eager to see.

"The third is the biggest aegyo, the tooth hurting sweetness... Are you ready?" Jimin asked and got nods from all three of them, so he took a deep breath, thought about what Tae would do, and since his friend really was an aegyo queen, an idea came up to him. While turning his head to the other side, he took a deep breath and then turned to the director and while exhaling the long breath he was holding, he whined a little with the biggest pout on his glossy lips, but the moment he saw directors lips turning upwards into smile, he burst out laughing too.

The room was filled with laughter, they obviously found him to be ridiculously cute (as he was... she was...) and Jimin couldn't stop staring at the first dazzling and honest smile the director had shown them today.

A true bunny...

"Thank you Ms. Park. That was a way to end this interview." Hoseok clapped while standing up, the other two men followed, getting ready to leave.

"Once again, thank you for your hard work. We're gonna elaborate your CV's and answers, and you should receive a call from our secretary tomorrow morning with the results." Namjoon said politely with a bow, and that's how Jimin ended the interview with hopes that his ridiculous behavior and answers were good enough not to be chosen for the job.


The moment he sat down next to Tae in the coffee shop where he had waited for him, the younger attacked him with too many questions.

"How was it?"

"Did you do well?"

"What were the questions?"

"Did you sit nicely, like a lady?"

"Is Mr. Jeon hot as he looks in those ads?"

"What about his co-workers?"

"Is any my type?"

"Why are you being quiet? I'm dying to know everything!"

Jimin took out the wet-wipes from the backpack Tae had brought with him and started taking off the make up from his face.

"I would answer all of your questions if you didn't ask them all at the same time without stopping the rambling."

Tae rolled his eyes while kicking Jimin's shin under the table.

"No seriously, are you confident now after the interview is over? Did you do well?"

Jimin thought about his options here... What could he possibly say to avoid his best friend being mad at him or thinking he sabotaged this whole plan that obviously meant so much to Tae Tae.

"I did amazing! The competition was tough though... We'll see tomorrow morning. They'll call us to tell us the results..."

Tae jumped from his seat and hugged his best friend tightly.

"I'm so proud of you. Can't wait for them to call us, and by then... we could go outside and celebrate you Ms. Park Jimin in all your feminine glory." Tae pinched Jimin's cheeks widely, earning him a slap over both his hands.

"I'd love that, but you're buying us drinks. I still miss half of my rent money and I need to go to the salon to fix my hair again and these nails..."

Tae frowned while Jimin was talking cause he had no idea why the older needed to fix his hair all of a sudden.

"What do you mean by fixing your hair? You just got those extensions and you're not gonna ruin that before the job is over..."

My poor baby...

"You're right. I totally forgot that I needed to keep this hair until I guess they gave us a call about who got the job. The girls were good though. Really, really good..." Jimin tried to sound as worried and sympathetic so that Tae wouldn't blow his cover, and it kind of worked. Tae got all serious, thinking about Jimin's words, hugging him right after, trying to be as comforting as he could.

"I'm still confident in you. You're the most hard working, talented person I know. It'll be fine."

Jimin nodded with a cute smile, finally taking off the girly shoes and putting on his Converse that Tae had packed for him in his backpack.

"Just to tie my hair into a manbun and I'm back to being me again." Jimin tied a messy bun on top of his head, hoping it looks somewhat decent.

"You still look like a girl." Tae laughed at the sight of his best friend, looking cute with that bun and puffy cheeks.

Jimin just looked at him dead-panned.

"Fuck off."


... And so they got drunk.

Like totally wasted.

Jimin was on the dance floor, throwing that thick ass around, shaking and wiggling it in the rhythm of the music while rocking that manbun again.

Tae helped him tie his hair up a bit more manly this time (at least that's what he said) but Jimin didn't have the time nor the will to think about his hair, or his nails, or anything right now when he was being eyed up and down by a lot of hungry man stares, craving his attention.

I could get a little action tonight...

The crowd on the dance floor became fuller, bodies colliding one onto another, sweat radiating from the hot, naked skin, and suddenly Jimin felt a hand down on the end of his lower back.

"Looking good tonight pretty..."

The whisper in his ear was familiar and oh so welcoming now that the temperature had become a lot hotter in the crowded space.

"Don't I always look good Min?" Jimin turned around only to see one of his favorites, usual hook ups, Taemin, also a translator he knows back from college.

"You do baby... But with that hair I could only picture you bent in front of me while I pull at it roughly..."

Jimin's dick twitched in interest.

"That sounds promising..."

Jimin flirted, but before he could do more, threw himself into Taemin's embrace, a firm hand tugged him away from his hook up.

"Tae what the fuck???"

Unpleased, Jimin protested as an ungrateful child.

"Na-a. No sex tonight. You need to be fresh and hot for tomorrow"

Jimin frowned.

What the fuck is he talking about ?

"Tomorrow? What?" Jimin asked confusedly, already forgetting the whole Jeon Enterprises interview and the results.

"Tomorrow you're getting those interview results so we need you to be healthy, glowing, well rested and not wasted like a dumbass." Tae usually never sugarcoated things so this was also not the case.

"Ughhh fine!"

Well since Jimin couldn't do anything besides drink, he got himself a few more drinks before coming to Tae's and passing out on a sofa in his living room.

Yeah, the night was fun, but so was the headache that was creeping up on the back side of Jimin's head the moment he had fallen asleep.


"Jimin, your phone..."

He clearly heard Tae's voice, but couldn't do anything about it.

"Mimi... your fucking phone..."

Again, Mimi was fully sleeping.

"Fine! I'll get it."

After hearing a rumbling around the place, Jimin heard his best friend answering his phone.





Jimin finally opened his eyes, unable not to hear his soulmate yell from the top of his lungs.

"Thank you so much! I'll be there. Thank you!"

Jimin scratches his eyes while getting up, looking at excitedly jumping Tae with a frown.

"We fucking did it! The new job Mimi!!! They called!"

Again, there was too much pain in Jimin's head to realize what Tae was talking about.

"Congratulations babe. You deserve it..." Jimin said with a smile. Still unable to get what the real fuzz was.

"Congratulations to you baby! You got the job!" Tae announced with the proudest smile on his face and only then it hit him.

New job.

The phone that was ringing was his...

Yesterday's interview...

Is it possible?

"What???!" Jimin got up abruptly and after scratching his eyes almost painfully hard he looked at Tae confused.

"You got the job babe. They just called from Jeon Enterprise. You have the final preparation for your flight today and you're gonna have to talk about your duties with the director at one." Tae explained everything and suddenly Jimin's mouth felt too dry.

How's that even possible? I did everything wrong.... Is this some kind of joke?

"But... The other girls were so good..." Jimin trailed off, not wanting to say how he blew everything up on purpose since he knew Tae would've killed him.

"They were, but they weren't the best. There's only one Park Jimin and that's you. You're the man. I mean... the girl in this case..." Tae teased so Jimin threw a pillow on his face.

"What am I going to do now?" Jimin almost whispered, but not quiet enough for his best friend to hear him.

"How about you drank something for that headache and then go dressed up so that I can apply some makeup on your face." Tae had a plan and he got up straight away, looking for some makeup that he would use on his BFF.

Jimin on the other hand, got up like a beaten cat, and started walking towards shower, still processing what just happened.

Why did they pick me?

A million dollar question, but no one seemed to know the answer.




"I said no."


"Don't wanna wear that."

"You don't wanna wear anything! You're gonna blow this up for us!"

Once again, Jimin was standing in a changing room, trying out (or not trying out) options of clothes Tae had brought for him.

"You said no to the pink one, no to the red one, no to the gold one... You can't wear nothing!" Suddenly there were shirts flying everywhere around them. Tae got a bit dramatic.

"Why can't I wear black shirt with jeans?" Jimin had an opinion.

"I brought you a fucking black shirt and you threw it away the second I put it inside your cabin." Tae raised his voice.

"Because it was a black sequence blouse with a low neckline. Tae! I don't have boobs for that!"

Maybe Jimin had a point there.

"Well if you were willing to try those push up bras..."


"Fine,fine... Just... Try this out." At the end, just like he knew what Jimin would accept to try out, Tae gave him a black button up with cute lacey details on the back.

"Thank you. This could work."

The hair and make up didn't go any smoother so after a while of pursuing Jimin to try smokey eye, fake lashes, purple lipstick, they settled on natural, minimalistic makeup with a wavy hair.

"Even though you sabotaged my every intention to make you a queen like you deserve to be, I gotta admit, you still look cute."

Jimin smiled widely, revealing a soft pink lipstick smeared all over his teeth so Tae frowned.

"Oh god no..."

"What now?" Jimin was running out of patience.

"Your lipstick! Why is it all over your teeth? Come over here." Jimin rolled his eyes and then put a wide fake smile on his face, showing his best friend his pink stained teeth. Tae took a napkin and cleaned his teeth real quick, and then looked at the amount of lipstick that was on Jimin's lips.

"You put too much lipstick." He concluded while squinting his eyes, so Jimin took another napkin to remove the unnecessary color.

"No, no, no, no, no..." Tae smacked the napkin out of his hand.

"You'll destroy my work. I did everything else perfectly. You can't just smear all of it around. Just, do it like this. Put your index finger inside your mouth and suck lightly on it. All the color that's on the inner part of your mouth will stick on it and you'll be fine then."

Jimin looked at him like HUH?, but still did it.

He put his index finger inside his mouth, just the tip and when he pulled it out, the whole pink circle of lipstick was imprinted on it.

"Wow it worked. You're a genius Tae."

After tapping the blonde's shoulder Tae nodded confidently.

"I am. Just don't do that in front of anyone. Ok?" He winked at Jimin who didn't understand the whole deal.


"It looks kind of sexy. You know... Plump lips with lipstick wrapped around a finger, sucking on it..."

Jimin's eyes widened in shock.

"I GET IT! Don't be rude. God."

Tae laughed out loud.

"You asked."



While looking at a watch on the white, shiny wall, Jimin kept thinking how all of this was a mistake and a stupid idea.

Of course it's stupid... Tae is the inventor of stupid ideas...

He thought about coming clean and admitting to the director what he had done and to ask if maybe there's a possibility for him to stay and keep the job since it's his cute personality that earned him the place in the first place.


Couldn't be anything other than that...


He played dumb and there's nothing that could about it now, but somehow he still got the job...

What the hell is wrong with all these people these days...

"Ms. Park."

He kept looking at the wall in front of him.

"Ms. Park."

He even eyed the black moccasins that he started to get comfortable in...

"Ms. Park Jimin."

Oh fuck that's me. I'm Ms. now... For god's sake!

"Here! I'm here."

Mr. Jeon's secretary, Tzuyu, as he remembered from the interview showed him inside the office on the same floor they had interviewed at, so he thanked her before getting inside.

The moment he entered, a man, known as director Jeon, smiled at him widely and his heart sank a bit down inside his belly cause the man's teeth looked so cute and his eyes were shining like stars in the night.

Why is he so cute for?

"Ms. Park, please come on in."

Jimin walked as elegantly as he could and reached the table where Mr. Jeon was sitting.

"May I?" He asked while looking at the chair across the director,to which he gestured for Jimin to sit down while showing at the chair with his hand.

"How are you today?" The director had a plan to make this 'work introduction thing' nice and easy, but Jimin felt totally opposite.

"Why did you hire me out of all... women?" There's something good about being direct and cutting to the chase. It saves time if nothing..

"Um... Ok... That's not the answer I was hoping for, but I hired you cause you were different from other women."

Jimin gulped.

"Different how?"

"Different... Just...I don't know yet, but there's something about you that stuck out that day and I felt a connection with you that I haven't felt with any other woman that day. Sure, they were all nice and worthy of the job, but something was missing... You just seem more honest and fun I guess." Mr. Jeon said with a fond smile so Jimin felt his cheeks blushing at the compliment.

"Thank you." He said shyly, instantly forgetting about his doubts minutes ago and a plan to come clean in front of his boss.

"So... What's the plan for the trip to Japan?" Instead he got interested in what he was supposed to do on this 2 weeks trip.

"Well, there's gonna be tons of work. And I mean it like that. Some days we would have to stay up all night and go to recordings with idols for Japanese talk shows, music awards and movie shows. We have 54 idols that we need to take care of and there's only gonna be four of us there. Our manager, Kim Namjoon /hot daddy/, Hoseok Jeon /sweetest sunshine/ and the two of us. We would all have our assignments and yours would be to be available for all idols at all times so that you could translate the questions on talk shows, their answers, interviews, basically everything. I would be there to manage the timing, for idols not to be late, for their make up noonas and hair stylists to be there on time, and Namjoon hyng and Hoseok hyung would do the same with the actors. I always take care of the musicians."

Jimin listened to the director carefully and nothing in the job description seemed too hard or impossible to do. The long working hours, he did it all the time while translating books he had a deadline for, dealing with bratty idols, wasn't his concern at all, translating interviews and music shows, easy peasy lemon squeezy.

"Our flight is tomorrow at 9 and we're staying at the Osaka Excel Hotel, and I always stay in the royal suit cause I don't like crowded space and the royal suite is the largest cause it's splayed across the whole floor, so if you're ok with it, you could stay with me since there are three bedrooms and I need only one. We would literally only sleep in it since there's too much work to do and even at some nights we won't be there. You could take a room for yourself if you want to, that's totally fine, but..."

"I'm ok with the bedroom in the royal suite. I mean... I know how those suites look, I'd be more than comfortable there."

In all honesty, Jimin was a simple man, just say the best apartment, pool, penthouse, free bedroom and he's in. Why would he take a room for himself when he could have that arrangement?

"Okay, that's great. Oh and one more thing, since you are paid to do the job for eight hours a day, and sometimes there will be work over those hours, you'll get paid extra money for it. We never use our employees for free. If we're gonna work 12 or 14 hours a day, you're gonna get paid for it decently."

Jimin's heart was dancing on the inside.

Rent, new books, shopping, vacation, Tae's happiness... all of the things he could buy with that extra money crossed his mind so he nodded enthusiastically.

"That's great. I'm ok with the all-nighters and extra work. As long as there's enough food and coffee to drain myself in, I'll be just fine." Jimin winked at the director who smiled cutely, looking happy with their arrangement.

"So... That would be it. Do you have any other questions?" The director looked at the wrist watch on his hand that looked more expensive than Jimin's monthly rent, so another thing crossed Jimin's mind.

"Um... Is there some kind of dress code... Like... Do I have to wear girly clothes or is it ok for me to wear jeans and sneakers since I'm a bit and relaxed kind of...type..."

Jungkook chuckled at the question.

"Are you asking that cause you saw all of our staff here wearing high heels and skirts?"

Jimin tried to think of the women he had seen on his way up here, but he just wasn't paying attention to that.

"Them and all the girls from yesterday's interview..."

"Don't worry. No one cares who wears what except for our idols. We can literally wear a sack of potatoes and no one would care. I tend to dress more professionally, but that's only cause I'm also kind of famous to people so I have to be more presentable I guess..." The director scratched his neck, the short, black hair moved around, ending up tousled and messed up, but he still looked cute.

"Yeah, there's barely a space without your face on it. Buses, billboards, toilets..."

Jungkook's eyes widened in shock.

"Not the toilets..."

Jimin laughed out loud.

"I'm just teasing you. No toilets."

Jungkook let out a loud sigh, wiping the non existing sweat off of his forehead.

"I hate those by the way."


"Photo shoots for ads. It's always like 'give us your best smile' or ' can you look more natural' or 'brighter, better, wider...' I just hate it. It's not for me, but I have to do it... Do I look fake in those ads?"

Jimin remembered all the times he had said how stuck up Jungkook had looked and kind of unhappy, but Tae would always call him hottie or a catch.

"You do."

There's no point in lying.

Jungkook chuckled and then smiled widely.

"Thank you for your honesty. I'm gonna have to work on that I guess."

Jimin smiled cutely, batting his eyelashes at him, feeling the heavy weight of mascara flopping up and down.

"Maybe someone who's aegyo is perfect and can act really good could help me out." The director obviously hadn't forgotten about Jimin's three stages of aegyo which made Jimin's cheek blush hot pink.

"Maybe. We'll figure it out if we find some free time in Osaka." Jimin said while cocking his eyebrows at the director who nodded with a cute smile.

"Ok, so if that's all, I'm gonna go now and prepare myself for our trip." Jimin stood up, and so did the director, showing his respect for the other who was ready to leave.

"See you tomorrow Jiminshi."

"See you Jungkookshi. Have a good day at work." Jimin waved at him while exiting the room, still unable to process what just happened.

Did I just accept the job?

Am I really going on a trip to Osaka pretending to be a girl?

And I'm supposed to share a royal suite with my boss?

How insane are you Park Jimin?

Too many questions and no answers...

Tae will know what to do now...


"Are you sure your boss is fine with you wearing this kind of clothing?" Tae had his insecurities.

"Of course. He said how the most important thing is to be comfortable in our own skin and that I can wear whatever I want to." Jimin said proudly so Tae handed him another pair of dark blue jeans that fitted him like a glow.

"But you're gonna be with those idols all the time... Isn't it bad if you wear jeans and hoodies all the time?"

Tae sneaked a pink hoodie on top of the colorless pile of clothing that Jimin was wearing.

"Nope. I'm always behind the cameras with my mic translating the questions and answers for the idols into their in-ear thing. No one's ever going to see me... So it's totally fine. Honestly Tae, I checked first, I'm not an idiot." Said Jimin while walking out of the cabin with the tightest high waisted jeans and a pink crop top that Tae had put inside.

"You missed the size of this hoodie... It's short... " He tried to cover his stomach the best he could, but somehow there was always some skin flashing out.

"It's a crop top. The size is perfect." Tae explained with a grin, so Jimin rolled his eyes at him.

"Now why would you give me this to try on?"

It was Tae's time to roll his eyes.

"Cause you're hot and it looks good on you. Not only women wear those these days, you know. I mean you have those abs and you're not gonna show them? Shame..."

Jimin took a deep sigh.

"Fine... Since you're paying for everything anyway..." He jumped into Tae's embrace and kissed his cheek loudly.

"Thank you for this. I'm gonna pay you back everything the moment I get my paycheck."

Tae patted his ass shortly.

"I'm fine with that Hawaii vacation. Don't even worry about this."

Tae smiled cutely while adding a lot of pastel colored shirts and a few silky pajamas into their shopping basket. Jimin peeked inside and frowned again.

"Stop whining and thank me later."

Without negotiation, Tae went to the register and paid for the colorful and pretty stuff Jimin would usually never wear. He might have added a few flowery shirts and pretty, soft pajamas too... Some cute pink and blue underwear and a baby blue, silky robe... Just in case...

Jimin doesn't have to wear those...

But maybe he will.

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