A girl should be two things: who and what she wants...
Jimin's heart stopped beating for a second while his eyes felt even heavier than before, so while counting to ten, trying to calm himself somehow, Jimin jumped up and looked around only to see emptiness surrounding him. Not a single soul, not a single sound except the music from downstairs.
Jungkook was gone and Jimin had no idea what to do now.
He knows...
He fucking knows...
Of course he knows you dumb fool....
Oh my god...
What do I do now?
While forgetting all about his soft cock inside the ladies bathing suit, Jimin jumped out from the hot-tub and started searching for the red dress he had on.
After finding it on the side of the tub, he put the damn thing on and started panicking again.
He fucking knows and now I know that he knows...
For a second Jimin stopped walking around and thought what would be the smartest thing to do now.
Talk to Tae and Hyuna.
While walking downstairs he remembered that Hyuna had plans that included some privacy so with shaky hands he called her first to check if she's even in her room.
"Jiminah babe, you ok?" She answered immediately to his delight, so Jimin started panicking again.
"Oh thank god you answered! I need you, are you alone?"
"I am... The guy finished way too fast. I'm in my room. Where are you? What happened?" Hyuna asked, concerned so Jimin hurried to her room.
"I'll be there in a minute. Wait for me and prepare all the sweets that you have." Jimin hurried to the elevator as fast as his legs could carry him. Feeling the need for sweets overpowering his body.
"Fuck what's going on? Hurry up. I have some chocolate."
Minutes after, Jimin walked inside Hyuna's room and before saying anything he went straight to her table, knowing damn well where the chocolate would be.
After putting three pieces inside his mouth, he looked at Hyuna perplexed.
"He knows Hyuna." The only thing he could mutter.
Hyuna just frowned while crossing her hands.
"I think we know that already. What's the big deal?"
"I know we know he knows, but now I know he knows. He told me... um... 'good boy' after I... um... well I came..." Jimin's face became red as a tomato and Hyuna's eyes widened so much Jimin feared they might pop out.
"WHAT? You came? How? You fucked???"
Now Jimin's eyes have doubled in size.
"No, no, no, no, no..." He shook his head. "I just... Oh god this is bad... I wanted to go to my room, but then he tugged me and we went to the hot-tub, and then he flirted with me and wouldn't let me go, and then we kissed and suddenly I was riding his thigh and I came so he said how I was a 'good boy' a BOY Hyuna..." Jimin ate another piece of chocolate while jumping up and down, remembering what happened minutes ago.
"Fuck that's so hot." Hyuna on the other hand had her own crazy opinion.
"Hyuna! Focus! He fucking knows and now I know he knows and I'm fucked!"
"Ok, ok, ok... so what did you say afterwards?" Hyuna asked so Jimin pushed his hair back in frustration.
"Nothing. I didn't say a fucking thing cause by the time I snapped out of my post orgasm state, he was already gone. He left me there alone and went to some meeting he has with Sujin and Charly."
Hyuna came closer and hugged him comfortably.
"Ah babe... At least you came. Unlike me."
Jimin couldn't not burst out in laughter.
"I'm such an awful friend. Seriously, I'm so sorry for interrupting your plans and ruining your night. I hope the guy was nice and everything..." Jimin started mumbling like usual when he was feeling nervous so Hyuna stopped him.
"He was nice, but his dick not so much. I know I said how I'm gonna have some fun and imagine Tae while doing so, but he wasn't as nearly gifted as Tae downstairs so... nope. Everything happened fast and I couldn't focus or enjoy the way I planned to." Hyuna explained her situation so Jimin blinked dumbly at her words.
"How do you know how gifted Tae is downstairs?" That was the thing that caught his attention.
"I took his phone number from your phone so that we can plan the Hawaii trip after we're done here so we started sexting a bit..."
Again, Jimin's mouth dropped open cause what in the world???
"Oh... That's nice..."
"What are you going to do now?" Hyuna redirected their conversation to what was important again so Jimin slumped his body down on the bed.
"I don't know.... I just... I can't see him right now. I can't confront him... I'm so embarrassed and scared cause what if he tells me how this whole trip was a mistake and how I won't get paid since I lied to the whole company? I mean, he could do that. I lied. There's no point in denying it anymore. I fucked up and there's no turning back." Jimin's hands started shaking, and he knew it had nothing to do with the low sugar or anything like that. He was scared. Scared of what was coming...
"Hey babe, it's ok. Come here." Obviously Hyuna noticed his struggle cause she welcomed him in the warmest hug that Jimin needed badly.
"Cry it out. You'll feel better. I promise."
It's like his eyes were working on a command, he felt tears rolling down his cheeks, and a shudder that overcame his body completely.
"I'm such a fool. I should never let it go this far. What was I thinking?" Jimin mumbled while crying, enjoying the soft caressing over his hair.
"I know. I know... You can't go back now. What's done, it's done. All we need to do now is focus on the future and to think about the smartest next step for you."
Jimin moved away slightly, looking at Hyuna's face with expectation, hoping she would know what that next step would be.
"What do I do?" Jimin asked with puppy eyes so Hyuna took a deep breath.
"Well since everyone says how the best thing usually is to sleep on it, we should just cuddle to sleep and think about your options in the morning. What do you say?"
Finally a small smile appeared on Jimin's face cause cuddling to sleep was exactly what he needed right now and avoiding Jungkook for the time being was his only option.
"Just give me something to sleep in. I'm wet and dirty..." Jimin got up and started taking off his wet clothes.
"Here's some cute underwear and one of my pajama sets." Hyuna threw the small fabric at Jimin who coughed the silky material with his hands and then started looking at it carefully.
"Really? a satin, silky shorts with this tiny top? Don't you have something more comfortable? And these panties... my dick is gonna give up on me I swear." Jimin whined while looking at the things he had to wear, so Hyuna threw a bunch of sexy, lacey lingerie that looked more like a bedroom playtime clothes than something to sleep in.
"Those are the only ones I have with shorts so I thought you would like that better than the dresses."
Suddenly the silky top and the shorts didn't look so bad.
"Thank you."
After positioning himself comfortably in Hyuna's embrace, Jimin finally felt some peace overcoming his nerves.
"Everything's going to be fine. I'm here for you." Hyuna whispered right before falling asleep so Jimin hugged her even tighter.
"I'm so lucky to have you as a friend." Jimin whispered back before letting his heavy thoughts disappear into the clouds of dreams and tiredness.
"Oh shit Jimin we overslept!" Hyuna yelled while jumping up, trying to find the phone that's been buzzing for a while now.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck... I'm late for my second meeting. My manager is going to kill me." Hyuna ran up and down, trying to find something decent to wear, and Jimin, he was lazily getting into a sitting position, trying to stretch his limbs, still not processing what's happening.
"Honey, I need to be in the hall in five minutes, get your ass up and move." Hyuna made a pony tale while choosing which shoes she's gonna wear today so Jimin finally looked at his phone, and saw how he was also one appointment late, and in danger of being late to his next appointment too.
"Oh shit! I'm late too. I have to go. Thank you and I'll see you soon. I'll come to grab lunch with you in your dressing room." Jimin ran outside with fast steps, not caring about his pink silky top and shorty shorts that could barely cover his ass.
Luckily for him, it was nine in the morning so the hotel's elevator wasn't too crowded so his walk of shame in smooth pyjamas was accompanied by three elderly people.
While opening the door to Jungkook's and his suite, Jimin walked on his tippy toes, not knowing if the younger was even there, but definitely trying to avoid him still.
Unfortunately luck wasn't on his side and after an awkward cough, Jimin jumped up a bit, feeling startled by the sudden noise.
"You didn't sleep here last night." Jungkook was in the living room, having his morning coffee, looking ready for another work day, wearing his usual white button up and black slacks.
"I didn't... I was at Hyuna's room..." Jimin found himself awkwardly explaining cause he didn't want Jungkook to think how he was somewhere else.
"Hm... Okay. Well, I have to go and I'll probably see you on the plane tonight.
That's it?
Jimin frowned cause there's no way he wasn't gonna address the elephant in the room.
"Jungkookshi... " Jimin called after the younger who was already up and ready to leave.
"You don't want to talk about...um...you know..." Nice job Jimin. Such confidence and eloquence while making things right.
"I don't know. What do you wanna talk about? You didn't seem too interested in talking about anything for the past few days and I think you had plenty of opportunities to do so." Jungkook said with vein in his voice so Jimin finally understood what the big issue was.
"Fine. I made a mistake ok? I should've come to you and explain things, but you have to understand me too. I was afraid I would lose this job and I really need it. I never knew I would end up liking you as a boss and that my actions could hurt someone. The plan was to come here, do the job and get the money.. That's it. None of the other things should have happened."
Jimin tried to explain, but the more he spoke the deeper the frown was on Jungkook's face.
"Oh don't you worry. You did your job and you're gonna get your money since that seems to be the most important thing to you." Again, Jungkook talked with a low voice, his eyes looking everywhere but Jimin.
"Oh come on, that's not true. I had a lot of fun on this trip. I met amazing people and I worked my ass off for the company." Jimin crossed his arms on top of the silky material and only then he realized what he was wearing.
"And I'm grateful for your effort. Now if you'll excuse me I have work to do and so do you." Jungkook smiled with that fake smile that Jimin couldn't stand.
"So this is it? What happened didn't mean a thing to you?" Jimin felt vulnerable and exposed, even used although he had no reason to feel so.
"It sure did. I had my fun too." Jungkook said while eyeing Jimin's body in that small sleeping set and once again Jimin felt sick to his stomach.
"You're a dick." He really didn't want to be rude or to insult the younger, but he was never the one to hide his crazy temper.
"And you have a dick. Great!" Jungkook said while raising his voice, finally letting some guards down.
"Well fuck you." Of course, when there was nothing else to say, Jimin would go with a classic insult, curse or both.
"Who says I didn't already." Jungkook said while cocking his eyebrows, smug smirk on his face and Jimin wanted to throw up.
He fucking didn't...
Did he?
Why do I care!!!
He's not mine to keep...
Get it together you idiot!!!!
After scolding himself mentally, Jimin rolled his eyes and walked straight past Jungkook and outside into the hall, trying to calm his burning head and to just disappear for a moment.
A firm tug on his hand stopped him from entering the elevator and only then he noticed Jungkook standing right behind him.
"Where do you think you're going?" The younger asked so Jimin frowned again, not getting the question.
Why do you care?
"None of your business." Jimin spat out harshly, tugging his hand away from the younger's grip.
"It is my business when one of my employees walks around in fucking lingerie. Are you insane?!" Jungkook looked the older up and down and once again, Jimin realized that he had forgotten that little fact. He had Hyuna's sexy pyjama set on.
"I don't fucking care." Jimin chose violence this time.
While trying to walk towards the elevator Jimin felt a rough tug over his middle and suddenly he was hanging over Jungkook's shoulder who was bringing him back to their suite.
"Let go of me you jerk!" While squirming around, Jimin tried to punch the younger with his fists, but it seemed that none of his punches were getting through the solid muscles on Jungkook's body.
Once they were inside the royal suite Jungkook slapped the older's ass firmly before putting him down.
It was safe to say that Jimin felt like he was on cloud nine cause his ass was burning inside and out, feeling the roughness of his boss's palm over his ass cheek was just amazing.
"Change! Now!" Jungkook pointed at Jimin's room while having the most serious expression and as much as Jimin would love to protest or fight back, the submissive, tiny little voice inside his brain whispered to obey what his boss has asked him to do.
"I'm gonna change cause I have work to do and I don't want someone to fuck me on my way to work even though I'm tempted to just have some fun. Still, I have this one more day left here, and I'm gonna concentrate on having the job done." Jimin will obey what his boss told him to do, but under his conditions.
While speaking he tugged down the little shorts Hyuna had given him, which left him only in a pair of tight, small, baby pink underwear (Hyuna gave him those too) and the look on Jungkook's face was priceless.
"So I'm doing this for me and not cause you told me so." Jimin said while twirling that shorts in his hand, enjoying the lustful look that roamed all over his thighs and places that those tiny pants had covered.
"Sure. Whatever you say Barbie." Jungkook teased devilishly and the thing he didn't expect was a silky, girly shorts smashed right into his face.
"What did you fucking call me?" Jimin came a step away from Jungkook's face which was still covered with those tiny shorts.
He was probably sniffing around.
After putting the shorts down, Jungkook looked at Jimin with the most nonchalant face expression, acting to be totally ok with calling his assistant a Barbie doll.
Jimin pushed onto Jungkook's chest with both of his hands, earning a chuckle from the younger which made him even more mad.
No one's gonna call me a fucking Barbie!
"I called you Barbie cause you're wearing girls underwear and lingerie." Jungkook explained while coming a step closer, which Jimin used to sway his hands again, trying to push his boss even harder, only that this time Jungkook was faster so after grabbing both of his hands, he turned the older around, and pushed him onto the wall, his face pressed against the cold wall, his back turned to Jungkook hopelessly.
"Let go of me!" Again, Jimin squirmed in place, knowing very well he did not have enough strength to fight here, but he wasn't gonna surrender that easily.
"I will, once you calm down. I..." Jungkook got interrupted by his phone ringing so he tried to grab both of Jimin's wrists in one of his hands, and to answer the call.
After finally maneuvering Jimin's tiny hands in his own and pressing his body even harder onto the wall, Jungkook answered the phone.
"JEON JUNGKOOK STOP FUCKING WITH ME!!!" Jimin started yelling so the younger immediately turned the phone off, shock written all over his face.
"What the fuck are you doing? That was someone important!" Jungkook tightened his grip over Jimin's wrists, who actually wanted to moan in pain, but he did his best not to.
"Next time someone calls you, you better think twice before answering it, cause I would scream from the top of my lungs how you have the smallest dick I've ever seen." Jimin threatened and heard a low chuckle behind his head, Jungkook's body pressing firmly over his lower parts... moving ever so slightly over those pink panties, like he was caressing there with his crotch.
Jimin wanted to die.
"I bet you're dying to know how big it is. Hm?" Jungkook whispered straight into Jimin's ear, making him shudder under the hotness he felt over his earlobe.
"Was it hard for you to watch me walking around almost naked for so long?"
Jimin huffed. There's no way he would admit any of that.
"You wish. Now get off of me. I'm late and so are you." Jimin feared his cock would leave a stain over the wall cause all the talk got him a bit horny.
"I'll move if you promise you'll behave." Jungkook said while nuzzling Jimin's nape and once again, Jimin bit down on his lip, fearing he might moan desperately from how bothered he was.
"I promise." Jimin said it as quietly as a whisper, hating how much he loved the feeling of being so small next to his boss... so hopeless under his grip...
Jungkook waited there a few seconds more, just nuzzling Jimin's nape, smelling his hair before his grip became looser.
"It wasn't an insult just so you know. Barbie is well known as the most beautiful doll..." Jungkook explained his words softly right before letting go and leaving without waiting to hear anything else. He let go of Jimin's wrists and walked right away, leaving the confused, hot and bothered Jimin to think and rethink about what the fuck just happened.
The last work day at Osaka's trip went smoothly as any day Jimin had spent here.
He was familiar with his schedule, idols, TV hosts, conferences halls, makeup noonas, and at the end of the day he figured how he would miss all of this once he came back to Seoul.
"Of course I miss you Tae Tae, it's just... I'm gonna miss this... I'm gonna miss all the hard work even if I'm lazy as shit. I'm gonna miss having so much work that I don't have time to overthink about stupid things, and I'm gonna miss people I've met here..." The tone of Jimin's voice was pure sadness and his best friend knew it by heart.
"Just say you're gonna miss him."
"I'm not only thinking about Jungkook Tae, there's Hyuna too you know... and some other people..." Jimin tried to sound convincing.
"I didn't even say his name." Tae sounded smug.
"Well... I mean... Who else could it be... It's not like I was here acting to be a girl so I could collect guys for god's sake."
"That's exactly what you did." Tae was always the best at telling the truth.
"Oh shut up. You should be comforting me and being a good friend."
Tae let out a sound of pure shock.
"I am being your best friend, and that's why I'm telling you, go find Jungkook and apologize to him for not telling him sooner about the whole thing. That's our best chance in you two finally getting together and me in having a BFF who's dating a millionaire who's gonna take me on every vacation to some exotic destination and who's gonna pamper me with free gifts and of course there's the fact that my face would fit perfectly in every K-drama so you should mention that too..."
Jimin rolled his eyes.
"Can you ever think about me for a second and stop being a selfish whore?"
Tae huffed loudly.
"Come on, I'm always thinking about you. It's not me who's gonna jump on that cock of your boss, it's you silly. See, I'm thinking about you and your ass. Best soulmate ever!"
Jimin chuckled.
He really missed Tae.
"Right... I'm gonna see him on a plane tonight. Maybe I could talk to him then? I was sitting next to him when we arrived here so I'll probably have around two hours to talk to him tonight." Jimin remembered their flight to Osaka and he couldn't believe how much had changed since then.
Back then Jungkook was just a name for him, a boss who has to tell him his schedule and that's it... Now, Jungkook was so much more to him. A lot more...
"You should do that. It'll be relaxing, just the two of you in the back of the plane... Tell him you like him, go crazy and tell him how you've jerked off while thinking about him, and then give him the blowjob of his life while others are sleeping."
Jimin blinked, then looked at his phone, shook his head and said a short little 'Bye lunatic, gotta go.' before hanging up the phone.
He hated to admit that even though all Tae's ideas were crazy as hell, this one sounded appealing.
Sharp at 8 p.m Jimin was picking his suitcase from the reception where some of the staff were already waiting for the makeup noonas and idols to arrive.
Jimin's eyes were wandering all over the place, trying desperately to find Jungkook, but in the sea of all Hybe workers, he couldn't find him.
"Baby, you're here!" A familiar, warm voice he got used to by now came from the back, so Jimin turned around only to be met with the wide smile of his best friend, Hyuna, welcoming him into a tight hug.
"Yeah, I'm finally done and happy about it. It's over. I can't believe it's actually over." Jimin said with the sad smile which Hyuna noticed immediately.
"What's wrong?" She asked while coming closer, not wanting for anyone else to hear their talk.
"Ugh... I had a fight with Jungkook this morning. I didn't have time to apologize to him and I can't seem to find him..." Jimin talked while glancing around, trying to catch those doe eyes and handsome body anywhere.
"Oh sweetie he's not coming with us tonight." Hyuna said with the utmost sympathy so Jimin's eyes widened.
"What do you mean? He told me he'll come with us tonight." Jimin remembered the younger's words clearly.
"That was the plan, but some American investors that are interested in one of Hybe's upcoming drama wanted for Jungkook to cast the new actors so he has to stay another week or two here."
And Jimin's heart sank deep, deep into his stomach.
"Oh..." He barely managed to say anything, feeling so sad and depressed that this was probably it. This was the way his work trip and relationship with his boss would end. A true misery.
"Babe, you can always look for him when we come back and when he returns. You know where our firm is." Hyuna tried to suggest some solution, but Jimin just shook his head.
"No... I could never... I'm just... I guess sad cause we didn't end all of this on good terms. Still, I'll get my money, that much he had promised and that's all that it matters, right?" Jimin asked for some kind of confirmation, unsure of his own words.
"Right..." Hyuna said as unsure as Jimin sounded seconds ago.
"Wanna sit with me on our way back? I'm sitting next to Sana, but we can kick her to some other seat." Hyuna asked while being her savage self, and Jimin loved her just for it.
"Sure. Let's kick Sana somewhere else and get drunk on our way home."
Jimin had a plan and Hyuna was always down for some fun.
"Let's get wasted."
Two hours and a few vodka's too much in his body, Jimin was finally home and all alone.
It's not like he didn't like his comfy little apartment. On the contrary, he always felt like that apartment was his home and a place where he could be alone with his thoughts, but this time around, while sitting on the couch, and looking through the window, he felt a void somewhere deep inside him, and he simply felt lonely.
There was no Jungkook around who would walk in the middle of the night, exhausted, hungry, always up for take out, watching K-dramas until they're eyes would shut down... There were no pretty smelling croissants and hot coffee on the table... No naked, hot man walking around, and Jimin missed it all. He missed the younger's presence, the closeness he felt while being around him, and suddenly he started questioning himself.
When did he even start feeling this way...
He liked Jungkook from the start, that's for sure, but when was the time he had developed true feelings towards the younger?
Was it when they were out, enjoying their day off?
Was it when Jungkook was cuddling him to sleep while he was having false period pain?
Was it the first time the younger had kissed him?
Jimin couldn't tell... all he knew was that somehow, Jungkook had gotten inside his brain, pores, heart, and there was nothing he could do about it.
After unpacking and getting ready to sleep, Jimin looked at his longish hair and once again he felt guilty...
Guilty cause he lied...
Even more guilty cause he handled the whole situation poorly.
He eyed the scissors on the sink and an idea occurred to him...
I'm not a girl anymore...
With those last thoughts he started cutting his hair off, leaving enough length for the hairdresser to try and fix it properly cause one thing was for sure, Jimin would never again pretend to be a girl, even if his life was depending on it.
While laying on his bed, Jimin felt like himself again.
The short hair was sticking from every side, he was wearing his own, manly pyjamas... still... something was not right.
Since everything felt like too much to take, Jimin simply decided to sleep on it and deal with his inner emotions tomorrow.
"Now why would you do this? Seriously, I don't get you." Tae asked the moment he saw his best friend, so Jimin put his hands down, and the bright smile he had on his face evaporated into a pout.
"Is this the way you're going to greet your best friend who's taking you on a trip to Hawaii?" Jimin had his ace in a sleeve.
"Baby you're back! I missed you dearly!" Tae faked his excitement and hugged the older tightly and right after he let go of him, he changed his posture and expression into 'bitch resting' one.
"But seriously, what's wrong with you?" Tae went with his hands through Jimin's hair, so the older blushed, hating the way he had ruined those extensions cause he just wanted to feel like himself again.
"I thought it's time for some change so... wanna go to a salon with me?"
And Tae's eyes filled with happy tears.
"Oh baby, I thought you would never ask."
Three hours later, Jimin was sitting in the hair salon, his hair freshly dyed with platinum blond color (Tae's choice) and he was looking for a new haircut too.
"How about undercut and then a longer part above to cover it, so if you feel like it you can show off the shortest side, and if you're feeling soft and cute, just go with the boba hairstyle."
Jimin had no idea why he even thought that he'll have any say in this.
"Sure. Sounds lovely."
The older agreed since there was no point in arguing with Tae and in all honesty, a new haircut was the last thing on Jimin's mind right now.
"So... Are you ever going to talk to me about him?" Tae came closer to Jimin who was still waiting for his color to settle in.
"You literally know everything. I told you every single thing that happened. What else do you want me to say?" Jimin fumbled with the magazine that was on the table.
"How about your feelings... The reason you've been quiet the whole day... Why do you look sad like that time I didn't wanna share my candies with you..." Jimin snapped his gaze and looked at Tae with a frown.
"Don't even go there. I'll never forgive you for not sharing those precious peanut chocolates with me." Tae laughed out loud, shaking his head in disbelief.
"Oh so that's something you want to talk about and the other things... Not as much..."
It's not like Jimin didn't want to talk to his best friend, he just... didn't have all the answers himself.
"Ah Tae... What can I say... It was fun and amazing and I did feel some honest connection with him, but he's mad at me which is totally understandable, and I can't explain everything now since he's not here and I'll probably never gonna see him again." Jimin tried to sound nonchalant while summing his thoughts, but Tae could always see right through him.
"Hm... Would you like to see him again? Do you think he feels the same way about you?"
Jimin thought about it... He really hoped that Jungkook was thinking about him and that he would like to see him again, but he doubted that.
"I don't know since our last meeting was us having a fight and he was actually really rude to me." Jimin remembered the way the younger had his wrists in a hard hold behind his back so he felt anger creeping up on him.
"I don't even get him you know..." He started opening up without noticing it. Tae just took a cup of coffee that he had ordered for them and made himself comfortable.
"I mean, he was nice to me, then too nice if you ask me, and then I guess he found out about...well...you know, and then he was not really mean to me, but more like...teasing and provoking me, and then he made me come, but the day after he was mad at me..." Jimin took a sip of his own coffee, and glanced at the watch to see how much longer he would have to keep the regenerator on his hair.
"And at the end of our discussion I asked him if this whole thing meant anything to him, so he said sure, and that he had his fun with me. I mean who says that? What even was his fun? Making me come? He didn't even come himself... Who does that? Where's the fun in that?" Jimin spoke and spoke so Tae nodded while listening ,ushering him to keep going, to keep opening up, sharing even more details than before.
"And that's why my dear, he's a keeper." Tae said while winking so Jimin threw a face mask that was near him at his face.
"Seriously though, can you blame him for his behavior? The guy thought you were a girl. He opened up to you easily, he even showed you his naked body. Well almost fully naked body... Do you think he would do that if he knew you were a guy?" Jimin shook his head.
"There's a reason why FEMALE was one of the things on the list, and I think this is exactly why." Jimin frowned while thinking about it.
"What do you mean?"
"Obviously he didn't wanna complicate things since he's a really good looking man and he wanted the relationship with his assistant to be strictly professional and I bet the last thing he wanted was to make his assistant ride his thigh till he comes."
Jimin's eyes widened in shock, so he glanced if anyone was near them to hear Tae's shameless words.
"Shut up. We're not alone here. God!" Jimin whispered-yelled even though all the other customers were further away from them.
"So what you're saying is that he strictly wanted his assistant to be female cause he would do the exact same thing with every guy that he would hire? That's just so... whorish like." Jimin made a disgusting grimace so Tae laughed at him.
"Who knows, maybe he's into role playing, oh my dear asistant, I know we shouldn't do this, but...can you get down under the table and suck my cock."
Jimin burst out in laughter.
"That's an order." Tae said in an authoritative voice, mimicking how Jungkook would do it so Jimin lost it. He started laughing so hard his stomach ached.
"You're such an idiot Tae. I'm positive he's not like that. I just... I guess I'll never really have the chance to show him who I am... He never really met the real me. All he knows is the sassy, girly assistant and not the sassy, little man I am."
Jimin pouted so Tae caressed his still wet hair.
"Almost the same thing babe." He concluded so Jimin pinched his arm roughly.
"OUCH!" Of course Tae whined, but Jimin just smiled devilishly.
While reading one of his favorite books, Jimin got the notification on his phone that he couldn't ignore.
Usually he would never follow some tabloid pages, paparazzo and TMZ sites, but since he knew it was time for Jungkook to arrive back to Seoul, Jimin's usual daily activities involved him scrolling down those sites in hope that he would find his boss finally back home.
While opening up one of those sites a big, bright picture blinded his eyes.
While looking at the image of his former boss on the pages, there was one thing Jimin noticed instantly.
The young Hybe CEO unrecognizable in casual fit while coming back from Japan
The headline was screaming in orange color, but what was brighter than the Sun, were Jungkook's thighs in those ripped jeans that Jimin begged the younger to buy while they were shopping together.
Motherfucker wore those jeans and a simple white shirt...
My favourite look...
I always told him he would look hot in those clothes...
Jimin took a deep breath and after finding all the images from every single possible angle, his heart started filling up with sadness.
I'm never gonna see him again...
And he's looking better than ever...
He's gonna find a new asistant and he'll never think of me again...
I need chocolate!
Luckily for him, a full box of white chocolate candies were still not open, so he dived right into them easily.
Could it be that his ass got even thicker?
Yes, yes it could.
A month had passed, but Jimin's desire to see Jungkook again was just as big as before.
He read every single article about the younger and his company, and was really happy every time he would read some new exciting collaborations was coming up, or a new hit K-drama, or some new idols or group had won some prestigious awards... basically he was happy about Jungkook's success, but there was this one tiny, little thing bothering him.
He was bored.
Not bored with life per se, just bored with his work.
Even though Jimin always thought he would love translating books for the rest of his life, something was missing.
The thrill...
The chills...
The excitement...
Nope, not that....
One taste of how being busy had made him feel and Jimin couldn't stop thinking about having so many responsibilities he had to cope with and the after feeling, the happiness and joy when you finish the whole work amazingly well...
"Agh... don't you just love how you can read a book and when you reread it again it evokes so many new emotions in you and you're excited for what will come next after you read it the third time?" Jimin asked after a deep sigh so Tae pushed his glasses down on the bridge of his nose and looked at his soulmate with a questionable look.
"Cut the crap, what's wrong?"
Of course he would ask something like that. It was well known how Jimin would easily become all poetry and nerdy every time he would overthink about something.
"I miss him." The older whispered right before hiding his face into the two sized bigger hoodie he was wearing.
"Oh baby, this is the first time you mentioned him since weeks. We're talking about Jungkook, right?" Tae came closer and snuggled on the couch with his best friend.
Jimin looked him up from the comfy hoodie with the 'are you insane' face.
"Of course it's Jungkook, silly me... It's just, you haven't mentioned him in so long, I kind of thought you had maybe forgotten all about that..." Tae caressed the platinum blonde strands on Jimin's hair, making his hair messy and sticky.
"Oh I've mentioned him plenty. It's just that you don't listen to me these days since Hyuna is always with us and you can't focus on anything else." Jimin said with a tiny bit of jealousy in his voice so Tae cupped his cheeks.
"You should probably keep it quiet, she's still sleeping you know." Tae whispered so Jimin nodded.
"Sorry. She must be really tired. Her schedule is so insane lately, I feel sorry for her honestly." Jimin said while adjusting his head onto Tae's chest, tucking his forehead under the younger's jaw.
"Yeah that, and the fact that I fuck her every night when she comes here, and that's at least five times a week." Tae said proudly so Jimin punched him in the stomach.
"Asshole. Leave my girl alone for a bit. Fill her a bath tub, make her something sweet, give her a massage... be a gentleman you dick. She's special." It was cute how much both of them loved her in their own unique way.
"I do all of those things just so you know." Tae said while pretending to be offended.
"Right after I fuck her brains out." And he switched to his smug self in no time.
"Fine. I'm gonna go now. I've been cuddling here with you for way too long..." Jimin got up and stretched his hands high up in the air, feeling his bones cracking up under the good stretch.
"Have some plans today?" Tae asked so Jimin shrugged.
"Just translating a book and some paper notes for some foreign student, nothing too tiring..." Jimin said unenthusiastically and then he heard footsteps coming from behind, but before he could turn around he felt familiar, caring hands hugging him in place.
"Leaving already Jiminah?" Hyuna nuzzled her face into Jimin's nape and rested her head there shortly.
"I have work to do. You know... Books... yeah pretty much books..." Jimin said with a boring tone so Hyuna went to the couch and after plopping down on it, she looked at Tae seriously.
"Did you tell him?"
She asked while crossing her arms so Tae looked at Jimin than her again.
"Tell me what?" Jimin asked, confused.
"I didn't cause I thought he wouldn't be interested in that." Tae said in a quiet tone, looking down onto his feet.
"Interested in what?" Jimin felt curiosity eating him from inside.
"Tae got an email from Hybe last night. They're hiring for the upcoming one month trip to America." Hyuna started explaining so Jimin felt like his legs were turning into jello, so slowly he sat down on the chair next to the couch.
"Okay..." He hurried Hyuna to explain further.
"So they sent an invite for you to come again for another interview, and this time babe, they're not asking for a female translator. The gender wasn't specified." Hyuna said with the widest grin so Jimin felt his face go up in a smile too.
"Really? Oh god! Could it be... I can't... I can't go there... Right? I shouldn't even consider that. Not with the way we ended things... Maybe the mail was a mistake..." And Jimin's enthusiasm from a minute ago got swooped by anxiety and fear.
"And this is why I didn't wanna tell him about it." Tae said while pointing at Jimin who was biting his nails nervously.
Hyuna smacked his arm.
"Jimin babe, first of all, stop biting your nails, that's nasty, and secondly, the mail was not a mistake, I think it's a way for Jungkookah to see you again." She said while cocking her eyebrows, so Jimin let go of his nails, and started chewing on the skin on the inner part of his cheek.
"I mean do I go as me or..."
Hyuna nodded frantically, Tae rolled his eyes.
"Can we just think about this for a minute? First of all, I just don't want him to get hurt. What if Jungkook doesn't want to see him after what happened and he tells the security guys to throw him out?" Hyuna looked at Tae dead-panned and Jimin's eyes filled with panic.
"You're right. That's exactly what he'll do."
Hyuna snapped her fingers in front of Jimin's face, trying to wake him up from the nightmare he was dreaming awake.
"Jiminah, don't even listen to him. You know Jungkookah. He's not like that. He would never do that. He's kind and nice and caring and hot and...." Tae slapped her hand.
"Why would you say hot?" He was a bit jealous.
"Cause I want Jimin to go for this. I want him to try. I want for Jungkook to see the real Jimin that we know and not just his fake female self. I'm sorry to break it to you but, Mimi, you never truly apologized to him. You haven't reached out and you've been miserable for the past month. You can't expect him to call you first when you're the one who fucked it all up in the first time. This mail is your last chance. He reached out for you. He asked you to come and see him. You would be a real fool if you miss an opportunity like this, and you have to think fast since the interview is tomorrow."
There was honesty and warmth in Hyuna's voice when it wasn't covered with vein and sassiness so Jimin needed a solid second to think about this.
"What do I wear?"
Hyuna started jumping up and down, and there was a shy smile on Tae's face too.
An hour later, they had all agreed that Jimin's best option is to go on this interview like the true rock star that he is. They decided on a white t-shirt with a deep neckline, black fitted pants with the belt that would accentuate his small waist, and a black jacket with some silver beating on, that Jimin loved a lot. Tae figured how his best friend should rock his hair parted slightly on the side, while tucking the shorter part behind his ear. Some dark sunglasses and cute earrings with lots of rings would match perfectly well too.
After figuring it all out, Jimin got up and started jumping around, not believing that he's really gonna do this.
"I'm doing this. I'm doing this... There's no going back... I'm seriously doing this... God I'm so nervous...." He was chanting while walking around so Hyuna got up and hugged him tightly.
"Believe me, you won't regret this, I know him. When he sees you like this, your true self, he's gonna forget all about you being a lady before." Jimin nodded and took Hyuna into a bone breaking hug.
"I need to eat something sweet so I'm gonna leave you two alone." Jimin said happily, feeling excited for what's to come, like a new hope was presented to him.
"And baby if you ever need someone to take care of you, just let us know. We're here for you." Hyuna said while caressing Jimin's palm so he looked down onto his hand and up into her eyes, then Tae who was nodding with a smirk.
"You two are such weirdos I swear." Jimin concluded while giving both of them one of his creepy smiles before slowly walking towards the door.
"Do you think he'll ever consider going wild with us in the bedroom?" Hyuna asked while straddling Tae's lap, who hugged her tightly.
"I don't know. I mentioned it too many times, but he's just a little prude for that I think." Tae said before taking a deep, sad sigh.
"I'm still here, you know." Jimin tried to tie his sneakers as fast as he could, but they just wouldn't stop talking.
"I think he's just gorgeous, and his body is insane." Hyuna continued with compliments that weren't that bad to hear.
"And his dick is really cute." Tae added so Jimin decided to walk outside with only one shoelace tied and the other wasn't as important. He could trip and snap his neck, but that would be less painful than listening to his best friend talking about his dick.
"OH MY GOD YOU TWO!" He yelled before shutting the door loudly, leaving the two love birds behind.
A day later, Jimin was sitting at the same place, with almost the same people he met before, waiting for an interview for an upcoming translating job in Hybe company.
He noticed a few girls that were also there the first time when he had come as a female so it felt a bit weird to see familiar faces, but he was not familiar with all of them.
"Is this your first time here?" One of the girls asked so Jimin smiled.
"No, not really." There was no point in lying.
"Oh, but how... Weren't they only hiring females? I read that this was the first time that gender wasn't specified in the job specifications.
"I had my ways." Jimin said smugly, not wanting to explain himself further to anyone.
Since there were too many people this time around, Jimin was placed in group three and was patiently waiting his turn to shine.
Or not so patiently.
More like, he was terrified.
Or ashamed...
Ad nervous to that too...
Probably a bit confused and awkward, cause what if Jungkook doesn't want to see him and the email that was sent was only there automatically.
What if all of this was a huge mistake?
"Group three can enter the conference room down on the right." Tzuyu, the same secretary from the last visit, escorted the group two and welcomed the group three with a wide smile.
"You're gonna enter the office where the CEO of our firm, manager and recruit man are asking some questions and after answering them you're gonna wait for another hour or even less to hear their results, and to hear what are the top three candidates who would have one on one conversations with the three of them." The lady with the red lipstick spoke and Jimin couldn't keep his eyes off of her.
Damn that red lipstick really does do wonders.
"Good luck to all of you." With those last words of encouragement, Jimin and nine other candidates entered the spacious room where ten chairs were put in a half circle, facing the three men that were sitting in the middle of the room, behind the big, dark brown desk.
At first Jimin hid behind a man that was bulky and tall, and for one moment he thought that maybe the best option was to sit behind him and die right there on the spot.
He was so nervous...
He hadn't seen Jungkook in a month and he feared what the younger's reaction would be.
What if he doesn't even recognize me?
Oh god what if he has no idea it's me... the real me...
Jimin's panic, toxic thoughts were shut down the moment the bulky guy walked past him and sat down, revealing Jimin behind him in all his glory.
The moment he was visible to the three men, Jimin could see them looking right back at him, but the only gaze he was capable of returning was Jungkook's.
Oh he definitely knew it was Jimin... The same Jimin that was chosen to be his assistant a few weeks ago. The same Jimin who had charmed him with his witty personality and cute appearance.
Jungkook looked at him with his mouth open, and Jimin couldn't move. He stared back at him, gulping hard, not saying a thing, until one of the ladies moved him to the side, asking him to sit down.
"Pick a place, you can't stand there forever." She said so Jimin found the closest place to the bulky guy, still trying to hide behind the man's broad shoulders.
He could feel Jungkook's eyes on him, could feel his presence even though he wasn't looking at him directly.
"So how would you describe yourself in three words?" The first question that Namjoon asked was a classic one, so Jimin once again decided to go for an honest answer.
"I'm always hungry." He said with a shy smile so everyone laughed at his little confession, and there was a hidden grin on Jungkook's face too, but he tried to hide it while writting down on some paper in front of him.
"Have you ever worked in this type of industry with idols before?" Hoseok asked, so Jimin thought about his time in Osaka.
Ah... what a precious memory.
"I have." Again, he decided to go for the truth, which meant sharing some basic information about the work he had done.
"Did you like working with the idols? Was it too hard?" Jungkook interfere in the middle of Hoseok's question so Jimin looked at him while trying to keep it together...
He was this close to a melt down.
"I loved it. I miss it actually... All the drama, the fun, the being late all the time, someone always needing you, depending on you... It was a lot, but it was definitely an amazing experience." Jimin said in all honesty so Jungkook nodded, again a small smile was dancing in the corner of his lips.
"So, since we usually ask for a translator, but we end up needing so much more than just someone who would translate things for our idols, do you have any hidden talents that could come as useful?" Again, the same question to what last time, Jimin had a hilarious answer. This time around, he decided to share some new information about himself and be honest.
"Well, I'm pretty sure I could help any makeup noona with hair and make up since I've done that plenty... also, I've finished ballet dance school and am currently doing pole dancing for fun, so that could be useful too..." Jungkook's eyes widened instantly, and his gaze became darker in no time.
"Wow Mr. Park, pole dancing, that's a bit... bold and unique." Hoseok said with his significant sunshine grin so Jimin smiled back.
"Well, I'd say it has its benefits for sure. Oh and I'm pretty good at aegyo," Jimin winked teasingly so Jungkook broke the tip of his pen while pressing it too hard on the table.
"Hmmm well there's only one way we can be sure about that one." Hoseok said teasingly, and Jimin hated how much he enjoyed Jungkook's wild expression. He looked like he wanted to strangle his friend. It was so obvious that he was uncomfortable with this, probably jealous too, and even though Jimin wouldn't act on his words, before he could even say anything else, Jungkook cleared his throat.
"We don't need proof. We'll take your word for it. Next candidate." He said with a serious expression that made him look older and kind of hotter...
The moment the interview was over, Jimin felt sad and small again... Well smaller than his usually small self...
They went out and were supposed to wait for an hour for the results.
While sitting on the chair in the waiting room, Jimin thought about his reality here.
He was almost positive he wouldn't get the job. More like 99% positive.
The other people were amazing and at the end of the day he did try his best, but there was something in Jungkook's gaze that made him feel weak and bothered.
Just when he was about to get up and leave this whole thing behind, Tzuyu, the secretary, came back into the waiting room with the results.
"Ladies and gentleman, our director, manager and job recruiter had finalized today's groups best candidates so when I call your name I would tell you to which room you should go for the final one on one interview with one of them.
"Ms. Ryujin, congratulations, you've been chosen for the next round so please go to floor three, room 35 to finish the last interview of the day." The secretary spoke so Jimin's heart started beating faster.
There's no way I'm one of those three... No way...
"Ms. Mina, congratulations, you've also been chosen for the next round. Please go to the third floor, room 34."
"And last, but not the least..."
Jimin could hear his heart rate in his ears from how nervous he felt.
"Mr. Park Jimin. Congratulations, you've been chosen for the next round, please go to the third floor, room 13 and finish with that interview.
Jimin looked at the lady perplexed, not believing that he was the chosen one... Also he couldn't believe that he was Mr. and not Ms. this time around.
"Thank you." While bowing shyly, Jimin accompanied two other girls into the elevator and felt anxious again.
"Ah I can't believe I'm this close to the job of my dreams, Mina, the girl with soft features and long dark hair jumped happily, so Jimin remembered how much he wasn't excited the last time he was here. It was all a joke to him, but now, he knows it better.
"I just hope I won't get this last interview with that arrogant, stuck up boss, and I'm all good." Ryujin, the feisty girl he remembered even from his first interview, said while rolling her eyes, obviously not knowing the real Jungkook at all.
"I actually like him the most. He seems like an honest and hard working director." Jimin had no business standing up for Jungkook, but he just couldn't stand someone talking bad about him.
"Maybe he's just a little rougher on the outside, but is a real softy on the inside... Who knows." Mina says all hopefully so in the back of his head, Jimin made a mental note to say a good word for the kind hearted girl.
"Exactly." He agreed with a smile that got lost the moment the elevator stopped and the door opened, indicating they were on the third floor.
"Well, good luck everyone." Mina said cutely to which Ryujin scoffed and simply walked away, the sound of her heels echoed in the hallway.
"Good luck to you too Mina." Jimin said before bowing politely.
Room 13...
Room 13...
Where is room 13...
Oh a vending machine!
It was so easy to distract Jimin...
Just a big machine filled with all kinds of candies was enough.
Gotta eat...
There's no meat...
Luckily I love candies...
They're my favorite babies...
While getting a strawberry chocolate bar Jimin sang a song about food, unconsciously trying to calm down, and it helped.
Should I go for the hazelnut one too...
The sound of the door opening up scared him to death so Jimin threw away the coins from his hand onto the floor.
"Mr. Park, I'm so sorry that I've scared you." A lady Jimin had never seen before came closer and started collecting coins from the floor.
"Oh please, you don't have to do it..." Jimin felt bad since the woman was in a tight skirt and he knew damn well how hard it was to bend in one of those.
"It's ok. Here. You can grab something to eat before entering. The director is waiting for you." The lady said with the warmest smile, but all Jimin could think about was...
The director...
The director...
Jungkook's the director...
Oh god!
"I'm good. I...um...already ate one...so..." Jimin stuttered so the lady nodded.
"Fine then, follow me. I'm Mr. Jeon's personal assistant, Nayeon, his office is right over here." The lady entered inside a small office that had a door on the left to another room, so Jimin took a deep breath and tried to look as confident as possible.
"Mr. Jeon, can I enter?" Nayeon called from her work phone so after a nod, she smiled at Jimin again.
"Mr. Jeon is free now. Come on in." She said while opening the door of the biggest office in the whole wide world.
At least that's how Jimin saw it.
There were windows from floor to ceiling, a huge, dark wooden desk, a leather couch with the table on the side, and a few chairs across the table. The room had an inbuilt bookshelf with so many books, Jimin wanted to cry.
"Mr. Park wasn't late sir, he was just eating something from the vending machine outside." Nayeon explained why Jimin was a few minutes late so he wanted to die. His confident posture turned into an annoying one cause really Nayeon? Do you honestly have to say everything???
"Oh did he now..." Jungkook said with a smirk, sitting in his huge, comfy chair behind the desk.
"Yes he was." Nayeon confirmed so Jimin rolled his eyes.
"Are you hungry Mr. Park?" Jungkook asked almost teasingly so Jimin looked at him dead panned.
What kind of a stupid question is that?
Of course he didn't say that...
"I just needed something sweet..." The truth never hurt anybody.
"Well you came to the right place..." Jungkook said while cocking his eyebrows so Jimin squirmed in place, cause what???
And then Jungkook took a box of chocolate pralines out from the drawer and put them on the desk in front of him.
Nayeon let out a deep sigh and whipped her forehead right after.
"God, you scared me. I thought you're gonna say, you're the sweetest boss or something silly like that..." The girl laughed out loud and Jimin loved how she seemed so friendly and open.
"Nayeon, please, I'm trying to make an impression here. Stop calling me the sweetest boss." Jungkook teased so the cute lady shook her head.
"I'm out of here. If you need something, call me and I'll be right there." She said after waving both of them goodbye, so Jimin felt awkward again.
What now...
"Come closer. Sit. I don't bite. I'm nice, I swear." Jimin could feel the teasing in Jungkook's voice and on one hand he felt relieved cause that was definitely better than the scenario where the younger would kick him out or call the security guys.
"So, why should we hire you Mr. Park?" Jungkook opened up one of his notebooks and started writing something inside.
"Cause I'm the best and you know it." Jimin said confidently while crossing his arms so Jungkook smiled.
"Hm... How did you find out about the new translating position?" Jungkook asked, so Jimin frowned.
"Well... you, I mean your company had sent me an email about it... I thought you wanted to see me...maybe..." Suddenly Jimin felt as small as an ant.
"Those emails were sent automatically to everyone who was here before." Jungkook explained so Jimin felt his mouth getting dry.
"Oh... I'm sorry then... I thought you wanted to see me..." Jimin literally stuttered cause how awful was this? Being here, thinking how the connection between them was real and still there, only to figure that none of it was real.
"I did want to see you. I just hoped you would appear sooner... maybe apologize for what happened..." Jungkook laid back in his chair, crossing his hands behind his ears.
"I said my apologies back in Osaka, remember? What do you want more from me? To beg for forgiveness on my knees?" Jimin asked while feeling frustrated, but considering Jungkook's smirk, he had other things on his mind.
"I wouldn't mind that actually."
Jimin rolled his eyes, a small stir in his pants indicated that he wouldn't mind getting on his knees for Jungkookie too.
"I'm gonna say it again. I am sorry for what happened, but still, I'm kind of happy it did cause now I can work with you again and we can start over if you want to." Jimin tried to secure his spot here, cause that paycheck he had received a month ago was no joke.
"I'm not hiring you." Jungkook said as if that was clear as day.
Jimin's eyes widened in shock.
"Why? You know very well I'm the best for the job" Jimin wanted to argue. "Is it cause I'm not a female? You didn't request that this time around..." Jungkook shook his head. "Oh come on! You can't still be bitter about that one little thing I lied..." Jungkook shook his head again. "Then what the fuck is your problem?" Jimin asked angrily, fire spitting through his mouth.
"I won't hire you cause I can't date people I work with."
And Jimin's world came crashing down.
In the best way possible.
What? Oh fuck...
Jimin took a deep breath, thinking about what the smartest move would be here...
"Oh.. So you wanna date me now?" Jimin decided to listen to his heart and go for some teasing. The little guy in his pants also wanted to play.
"Yes..." Jungkook said while eyeing Jimin's body, taking his time roaming over his exposed skin.
"Hm, that's interesting.." Jimin wanted to tease him a bit more. To tell him how this whole interview was a bit inappropriate and how he's here for the job, not to find a date or something, but Jungkook leaned his forearms on the desk and came closer to Jimin's face, looking at his lips hungrily.
"I wanna fuck you first though."
Jimin's dick twitched at that, his thighs desperately squeezed the now fully awakening cock inside his pants.
"What? No. Don't say that... This... No... We're going in the totally wrong direction... Things are not supposed to be like this..." Jimin tried his best to have some common sense here, but his clenching hole was giving him a hard time.
"Well Jimin, you weren't supposed to be a woman at first..." Jungkook turned his palms up, indicating Jimin's first mistake and how none of this would've happened if he was honest from the start.
"Ugh... I know that...just...we should do things properly now..." Jimin talked, but Jungkook got up from his chair and walked around the big desk, only to take a seat next to the older who couldn't even move.
"Come here." Jungkook sat on the desk and patted the spot between his thighs.
Jimin looked at the place where he was craving to be.
"Oh you mean now? As in right now? You want to do this now?" Jimin tried to get up, but his wobbly legs gave up on him.
"Right this second." Jungkook moved his thighs further apart, inviting the blonde to come in between.
"But..." Jimin had his doubts...
"Park Jimin, I've been craving that ass for an unhealthy amount of time so I'm taking it now and I'm buying you chocolates later." Jungkook put his offer on the table, and Jimin took a bite.
While getting up and making his way in between the younger's thighs, Jimin thought about how different he feels now from the way he was feeling while pretending to be someone he wasn't.
"You do know a way to my heart, that much I can tell you." Jimin teased while putting his hands around Jungkook's neck, coming closer to the younger's face, but still not close enough.
"Hopefully to your ass too." Jungkook teased while grabbing Jimin's ass cheeks firmly into his big hands, pressing his crotch onto his own, earning a low moan from Jimin's lips.
"You were a perv before, but now you're even worse." Jimin said before his lips were being captivated with Jungkook's wet ones.
They kissed like it was their first time.
Jimin's lips were finally free from makeup so he could enjoy every lick, bite, nibble properly.
He sucked onto Jungkook's lower lip, dragging it down, then licked his way inside, playing with the younger's tongue.
"Strawberry chocolate?" Jungkook moved away and looked at Jimin suspiciously.
"Yeah... I ate it minutes ago..." Jimin confirmed while licking his way up Jungkook's neck, leaving faint red marks all over the place.
"I've missed you." Jungkook said while closing his eyes, his voice was warm and soft, and Jimin felt like he was on cloud nine.
Could it really be that they shared the same feelings...
"I've missed you like crazy. Jungkookah... You really are so amazing and I really, really like you. I'm sorry for what happened. Although... we wouldn't be here if I didn't do what I did in the first place." Jimin wanted to say his honest thoughts and feelings and by the way Jungkook had squeezed his waist, he could tell the younger had appreciated his honesty.
"I know... It's ok now... I'm just happy you're here with me, and that you are really you..." Jungkook kissed Jimin's lips hungrily again, evoking another moan from the older who was feeling all the feels that he never dreamed could happen to him.
"Now about that fucking..." Jimin cocked his eyebrows and started unzipping his pants, and Jungkook moved towards the drawers on his desk, taking the bottle of lube and a box of condoms out while watching Jimin teasingly sliding those pants off of his perfect thighs.
"God you're gorgeous." Jungkook made grabby hands towards Jimin's naked body, wanting to feel all of him, to touch every single part of him, caress his pretty white skin, kiss all of his muscles and tattoos...
"Look who's talking... Let me see you please baby..." Jimin unbuttoned Jungkook's shirt, and let his hands wander all over the younger's torso.
"I've been so turned on every time I see you like this... God you're a masterpiece at its finest." Jimin unbuttoned Jungkook's pants too, salivating just at the thought of finally having a look at that one thing he never saw before.
"Wanna see your cock..." He said while slipping his hand in Jungkook's underwear, grabbing the younger's shaft firmly, dragging his small palm over it slowly.
"Oh fuck... Jimin..." Jungkook lolled his head back and enjoyed the older's warm hand on his already hard cock, smearing the precum that had leaked from the tip.
"Mmmm baby feels so good in my hand... So big and girthy... Can't wait to have you in me..." Jimin said while speeding his pumps, bringing the younger almost over the edge.
"Turn around." Jungkook positioned the blonde over his desk and after lowering his back he lubed his fingers and Jimin's hole before prepping the older nicely, wanting only for him to feel the pleasure and nothing else.
By the third finger Jimin was a crying mess, moaning and drooling over the table, his legs shaking violently cause Jungkook really knew how to push that special spot inside him that made him insane.
"Fuck me! NOW!" Jimin asked for it loudly, forgetting how they weren't in their royal suite or someone's apartment, then in Jungkook's office.
While lining his cock with Jimin's stretched hole, Jungkook took a deep breath and slowly slid inside, cursing all the way till he hit the ass cheeks with his hips forcefully, forcing his cock deep inside.
"Ah fuck... " Jimin's head moved up, leaning onto Jungkook's shoulder who kissed the older's neck lustfully, still not moving, only staying like that, buried deeply.
"Jimin... You feel amazing... I dreamt about this so many times... I won't last baby..." Jungkook caressed the older's stomach, almost feeling himself down there where he was poking the older's insides.
And so they found a rhythm and started enjoying themselves completely.
Jungkook fucked Jimin masterfully on the desk, as brightness roamed over the city beyond the uncurtained windows. They touched each other while fucking on the desk, kissing and fondling and frotting, both delighted in finding a beautiful body in the other man.
While fearing he would come too soon, Jungkook pulled out, but before Jimin could protest, Jungkook was down on his knees, with his face sank in the older's hole, expertly eating the writhing and panting Jimin out as the blonde raised his tail a bit and Jungkook moved a hand under the blonde's belly, grasping his cock and stroking his slowly.
"Ahhhhhhhhhhh sooo fucking goood..." Jimin was lost for words and the moment he felt his orgasm approaching, his legs started to shake, his panting became faster, but suddenly Jungkook's tongue and hand were gone.
"Don't come yet." The younger instructed while coming up again, turning Jimin's body to face him now while sitting on the desk.
Jimin whined at the loss, but didn't complain, instead he had other things on his mind.
"Fuck me. Put it in, now babe... I need you... Please fuck me hard." Jimin murmured, and after being so nicely stretched and dominated by Jungkook's buff body, the younger did so.
Jungkook took his time again, but was very dominant, moving at his pace, playing Jimin's body like it was a valuable violin, treating the pretty blonde with respect, but making it quite clear that he was going to fully own and use his beautiful body.
He gently coaxed Jimin's legs to spread and bend, and the older to elevate his pelvis by leveraging his feet flat on the desk. Moving between Jimin's legs, Jungkook slid inside him easily. The older moaned at the stretch of the possession despite having been fully opened by Jungkook's expert preparation, and lowered his lips to Jimin's to possess him both there and in the sweetest spot, immediately setting up a rhythm of the taking. Jungkook lived up to Jimin's expectations of a hard working man in every department. Sex including.
The fuck would have been beautiful to watch. Two perfectly formed bodies, each reflecting the highest development of their muscles, moving in divine harmony, fitting together perfectly in rhythm and movement as if they'd been making passionate, mutually satisfying love together all their lives.
The refinement only went so far, however. To move to the level of the fire of passion, before coming, Jungkook turned Jimin over, bend him over the desk, covered and mounted him from the back and fucked him like a beast searching his release. The younger grabbed Jimin's cock and tugged at it firmly, making the older scream in pleasure. After a long buildup in not so sophisticated preparation, there were just a few moments of vigorous, virile, sweaty fucking before they both released and collapsed on the desk.
Few minutes of just laying there, pressed from behind by a naked and very much heavy body, Jimin opened his eyes and felt small pecks all over his shoulder.
"I need to sit, or lay down." Jimin mumbled and the moment he felt Jungkook's cock slipping out of him, he felt the younger picking him up, bridal style and carrying him to the couch in the corner of the office.
"Here baby, lay down. I have a blanket to cover us." Jungkook opened one of the cabinets in the office and took out a black, soft blanket so while squeezing his body next to Jimin's he covered them both and nuzzled the older's neck softly.
"Jimin?" Jungkook whispered softly.
"Hm?" Jimin had no strength to talk.
"I thought I was going insane you know..." Jungkook started talking so Jimin squirmed to look at the younger briefly.
"When we were in Osaka..." He continued shyly.
"I liked you so much." Jungkook said while hiding his face, so Jimin kissed the top of his head.
"I liked you too. That's cute Jungkookah." Jimin tried to be supportive, seeing how the younger looked really uncomfortable and shy.
"No, you don't get it. I... I liked you before I figured you were a guy." Jungkook looked at Jimin briefly so the older one smiled at him fondly.
Jungkook nodded while hiding in the crook of Jimin's neck again.
"I thought I like you cause you were fun and cute and your ass is really amazing, but one night, I think it was before we went to that 'day off' fun date thing, I had a dream about you and I woke up so flustered cause the dream was, well... not so innocent or normal in my case since... I'm... I mean I always thought I'm gay. So I felt really awkward and the next thing I know, I wanted to kiss you, so I did. Remember when we got that discount for ice creams?"
Jimin nodded while caressing Jungkook's hair.
"How could I forget?"
"I kissed you and I wanted to kiss you again since I felt something... It was so weird and confusing that I had to do it again just to be sure that I really felt something."
Jimin chuckled, remembering all their innocent kisses.
"I charmed you away with my ass and my big appetite."
Jungkook pinched Jimin's waist so the older squirmed around.
"And when I found out about the truth... I know I was supposed to be mad and I should have probably fire you on the spot cause you did something that's unacceptable, but instead of all of that.... I felt... relief. I was happy... I couldn't believe it at first, but then it all made sense... Your boyish style of clothing, your not so girly manners, your big appetite and strength, just... everything was so obvious yet I would never have guessed."
Jimin moved a bit on top of the couch, another thought ran through his mind.
"How did you find out?" The thing he was dying to know for such a long time.
"Yoongi hyung told me." Jungkook explained with a smirk so Jimin opened his mouth in shock.
"He did not!" He was offended and mad.
"No, no, no... It wasn't like that. When I first saw you that night, I couldn't stop staring at you cause you had that black crop top and leather pants and you looked hot. I noticed your nevermind tattoo immediately and then later on, I was looking for Yoongi hyung and when I saw him at the bar, I noticed a person next to him. At first I couldn't even figure it was you cause your hair was up and you had no red lipstick on and your posture was just manly, you were sitting like a confident guy and I couldn't believe my eyes. I thought about how maybe I was misreading the signs and how maybe something else was going on, but then when you went up and left to the bathroom, I came to Yoongi and I asked him who he was talking to. He asked me why I was asking, and I couldn't say any reason at all except saying how you look good, so he told me how you're his ex. Something bothered me immediately, and when he told me an ex.... I was thinking like... ex girlfriend or... and then he told me 'Jiminah is the nicest guy, if you think he's hot, just go for it, he's really amazing.' So I felt like my soul had left my body and I just couldn't wait to see you and to kiss you again cause I was so excited that I wasn't going crazy, and all of this was just some weird misunderstanding." Jungkook opened up so Jimin felt even worse.
"And then I never said a thing..." He remembered his poor decision to keep acting as if he was a girl instead of talking to Jungkook honestly.
"Yeah... So at one point I thought maybe I didn't see right, maybe it was all just a silly coincidence, so I decided to find out, and boy did I find out nicely." Jungkook cocked his eyebrows at the older, remembering that 'Ladies and Gentleman' theme and the way he had pressed his thigh onto Jimin's cock.
"You dick! Honestly, I hated you so much for that... and then there was the bathing suit? Are you insane?" Jimin tried to push the younger off the couch, but he just hung onto him tighter.
"Well that was your punishment for not admitting the truth. I thought you weren't gonna do it. I was so shocked when I saw you in that outfit to be honest. Oh God you looked so hot." Jungkook reached up to put a small peck on Jimin's lips, but the older put a hand between them.
"No kisses for you. Now that you have reminded me about the real life torture I had to go through... I'm not even sure you deserve a second chance." Jimin acted as if he was deeply hurt, but a smile was visible on his blushed face.
"But when you walked inside the interview room today..." Jungkook went up on his elbows, looking at the blonde from above, caressing his hair softly.
"I thought my heart wouldn't make it. Seriously Jiminah... You're so fucking gorgeous. I imagined how you would look as a man you know. I thought about your hair being short, body covered in man's clothes, but never in a million years I could imagine such a perfection walking back into my life and making me hard in an instant." Jimin shot him a 'are you serious' glare so Jungkook nodded.
"Yep. It got hard just by looking at you like that... being a real man, with that pretty face and thick ass..."
Jimin shook his head.
"You're so gone..." The older teased, but before he could go any further, Jungkook kissed his lips excitedly, putting lots of small pecks all over his face.
Jimin smiled at how silly the younger was, and loved the fact that he knew him so well... He knew how caring, charming, gentle, fun and loving Jungkook was, and having him like this only made Jimin fall for him even harder.
"Jiminah, although I'm not hiring you for this America work trip, I still want you to come with me." Jungkook whispered while laying on top of the older so Jimin frowned.
"What do you mean?" He needed to know why he would go to that trip if he wasn't going to work for the company.
"Wanna fuck you every night and fall sleep next to you after." Jungkook said with a cute voice so Jimin hugged him tightly.
"That's so hot and cute at the same time." The blonde concluded while caressing Jungkook's back, loving the firm muscles under his fingertips.
"So do we have a deal?" Jungkook went up on his elbows, looking at Jimin's face for confirmation.
"You gonna buy me a lot of candies?" Jimin and his priorities.
"Every single day." Jungkook would seriously spoil him.
"And what am I supposed to be doing the whole day while you're out, working your ass off?" Jimin knew how hectic work is on those trips, so he didn't want to feel left out or like baggage."
"You can bring Tae with you. Enjoy American cities while we travel with him and then save your nights for me. That way we can all have fun, right?"
Jimin sat up with excitement in his eyes cause this plan was perfect.
"That would be amazing! Tae would love to come with us, and since he's dating Hyuna now..." Jimin had it all figured out.
"What? Hyuna's an idol. She can't date anyone."Jungkook said while looking confused so Jimin just looked at him dead-panned.
"Yeah sure. Idols don't have a love life, nor sex life... Just pretend I haven't said a word." Jimin pretended to zip up his lips so Jungkook shook his head.
"I always knew you were going to be in trouble... Now I'm positive about it." The younger concluded, but Jimin was already thinking about other things.
"Jungkookah, not that I'm complaining or something, but you did promise me those chocolates..." Jimin always had his priorities and food was high on the list.
"You hungry?" Jungkook asked while looking at Jimin's dead-panned face expression.
"That's a silly question." Jimin concluded so Jungkook laughed out loud.
He just should've known better by now.
"Ok so, how about we clean up before lunch..." Jungkook went into a sitting position, the blanket fell over their middle, so Jimin jumped up too.
"You have a bathroom here?" He looked around only to see two doors on each side of the office.
"Of course. I practically live here. I haven't gone home for thirteen days. I slept on the couch and used my bathroom just so that I could get all the work done." Jimin looked at the younger with sympathy, admiration and a bit of pity too..hardly understanding how and why someone would be so dedicated to their work.
"Come here, I have a really big shower cabin with an amazing ceiling shower top."
Jimin got up excitedly and walked straight into the spacious bathroom, getting immediately inside the said cabin and letting the hot water droplets clean his body nicely.
He was almost finishing up when Jungkook came inside the room, naked, erection in his hand...
Jungkook entered inside, so after glancing down at the perfect, hard cock the younger was sporting, Jimin fell down on his knees instinctively. The blonde just had to take it into his mouth and service it... And at least he answered Jungkook's question... "You'll be my lunch. And later we can order some sweets..."
Jungkook didn't mind the new deal at all...
While still sleeping on the spacious bed that they had shared for two weeks now, Jimin felt soft kisses from the lower back up all over his spine, and finally all over his neck.
It was strange that Jungkook was kissing him early in the morning since the younger would usually let Jimin sleep longer (since he really loved to sleep and had usually stayed up late to watch some K-dramas with Jungkook), and then after waking up, he would be greeted with the breakfast and coffee in bed, but this morning something was obviously different.
While still laying there, unmovingly, Jimin felt Jungkook's hand move and started to very softly rub his chest. He didn't say a thing, just let the warm feeling engulf him whole.
Jungkook's hand very slowly moved to the older's nipples and then he started to rub and sofly pinch them.
Jimin kept sleeping, or more like daydreaming cause he felt really tired and exhausted, but also kind of turned on unintentionally.
As Jungkook caressed and pinched Jimin's nipples, he could feel them growing hard and erect. It felt amazing... As Jungkook was playing with the blonde's nipples, Jimin felt his cock beginning to get hard. He was still half asleep, but his whole body was waking up, except his eyes...
Then he felt Jungkook's manly hand begin to slide downwards across his stomach.
Jimin didn't care that Jungkook would notice him being hard... It was literally the younger's fault.
While still pretending to be asleep and enjoying the soft touches, Jimin felt Jungkook's hand reaching the top of his boxers. Jimin's heart was pounding in his chest... an uncontrollable feeling that couldn't be described with words.
Jimin felt his hand slowly move over his hip, and then slide down across his bulging cock.
Jungkook softly slid his hand across the top of the hard bulge and Jimin could feel the precum pouring out of the head of his throbbing cock.
The younger knew that Jimin was hard now, but the older still pretended to be asleep, wanting to see where all of these soft touches were leading...
While caressing his cock teasingly, Jungkook moved closer behind Jimin so the older felt his cock pushing against his ass. He noticed immediately that Jungkook was hard as well...
The younger slowly reached into the opening of Jimin's boxers and then he pulled his cock out, slowly rubbing the head, smearing the precum all over it.
Jimin shuddered as Jungkook slowly caressed his cock and balls. The feeling was amazing and even as tired as he felt, Jimin wanted more...
Like Jungkook could hear his thoughts, the younger pulled the covers down and slowly rolled Jimin onto his back.
He was still pretending to be asleep when he felt a soft, wet tongue lick the head of his cock...
Jimin gasped and opened his eyes slowly....
Jungkook was looking right at him as he slowly took the blonde's cock into his mouth. Jimin moans while his hips involuntarily lifted off of the bed, seaking more friction and warmth.
Then he felt Jungkook's strong hands pull his boxers down and off of his body in one swift movement all the while licking and sucking his hard cock.
Jimin opened his eyes completely and watched Jungkook, and could see that he was naked and hard, with the precum glistening on the top of his cock head. The sight of Jungkook's pretty, hard, veiny and girthy cock caused him to get even harder. He could feel the cum building within him...
At this point, he was raising his hips to meet the younger's hot mouth.
His whole body was on fire with love and passion.
Few expertly deep bobs after, mixed with the soft sucking over the tip, made Jimin a moaning mess with an orgasm approaching so fast he almost didn't have the time to warn Jungkook about his cum being generously spurt.
"Ah baby... Gonna come... please... don't stop... just like that..." Jimin warned the younger just in time before feeling the rush of fresh cum running from his balls out through his cock head.
Jungkook pulled him even deeper into his mouth so the blonde exploded, filling his mouth with his hot milky cum. Jungkook drank every drop with a pleased hum.
Jimin thought he was going to pass out from the sheer pleasure he was feeling so early in the morning... His head was spinning with passion and warm emotions.
Jungkook kept sucking his softening cock as the older laid there slowly coming down to earth.
Then the blonde felt Jungkook's mouth slowly slide off of his cock and felt him moving up the bed. Jimin opened his eyes and watched as the younger kissed his way up, from Jimin's hips, up to his stomach, further up his chest, and finally he ended his kissing route straight onto Jimin's lips.
"Good morning babe." The younger whispered while putting soft, slow pecks onto Jimin's lips who kept responding to kisses with care and passion.
Mornings like this weren't their ritual cause Jungkook always had a lot of work to do, and Jimin hated to give up on his sleep so this was totally new, and kind of soft... so soft it made Jimin's heart speed up.
"Good is an understatement." Jimin teased while caressing the younger's hair off of his head so Jungkook leaned into the touch, wanting to feel more.
"So you're not mad that I woke you up so early?" The younger asked while caressing Jimin's naked body, exploring all the curves and muscles with his greedy hands.
"Well I was, but I'm not anymore." Jimin answered sassily, turning in bed while stretching his body nicely.
"I'm sorry babe, I know you're tired and you're the only one to blame, but..." Jimin opened his eyes and looked at the younger with a frown.
"Well you did say how you wanted to ride me at three in the morning, it wasn't my idea." Jungkook crossed his arms, trying to look all serious and tough, but it was clear as day even though he was a top in the bedroom, Jimin was the one who could eat him alive if he wanted to.
"Are you complaining or what?" The blonde got into a sitting position, giving Jungkook one of his sassiest looks.
"I would never complain to any of your wishes and you know that." Jungkook changed the strategy of his approach and came closer to the older while caressing his shoulders softly.
"Your wishes are my command, baby..." Jungkook whispered before planting a small kiss to Jimin's forehead so the older clicked his tongue.
"Oh, ok now, what's wrong?" Jimin really said 'cut the crap and speak' while looking at the younger who squirmed around in place.
"Um...nothing...everything's fine...just...um...I have this little favor to ask..."
And there it was... a little something that Jimin could sense just from the way Jungkook had spoken to him and spoiled him with affection.
"What is it?" He became really curious in no time.
"See...um... I'm meeting with this really important American songwriter and investors, and they only want to work with a female crew and translators, so..."
Jimin got up immediately.
"No. Hell no! I'm not being a girl for no money in this world. No... That shit is not for me. I almost died. There's no way I'm putting myself through that again." Jimin reacted a bit dramatically.
"Please Mimi, I even bought you your favorite pralines to make it up to you. I planned this whole free weekend for us on a small beach house filled with champagne and all your favorite fruits..."
Jimin pouted while whining.
"That's so unfair." He complained again.
"Please baby, this is really important for me. I wouldn't ask you if it wasn't. You can just wear one of your tightest jeans and a bit of makeup, and...um... a wig since you don't have those extensions now." Jungkook said with fear, probably not knowing what kind of reaction he would get from the older.
"A wig?" Jimin repeated, the word kind of got stuck to his tongue.
"Yeah... Um...I was working with Twice yesterday so I just took this red haired wig from their dressing room..." Jungkook got up and took a small bag with the redhead wig inside it.
Jimin rolled his eyes, but grabbed the wig nonetheless, trying to feel the hair in his hands.
"Well fuck my life." Jimin cursed before putting the wig on his head, looking at his reflection in the mirror, looking like a woman again.
"Mmmm baby..." Jungkook on the other hand, sat down on the desk and stared at Jimin lustfully, his cock still as hard as before, leaking even more then minutes ago.
"What?" Jimin didn't get it.
"Can I fuck you with that wig on?" Jungkook said without any shame so Jimin glanced around, not believing his ears.
"You wanna do what?" Jimin needed to double check.
"It's just... I remember you like that, being a girl and I just want to fuck you and pull at your hair and..." The younger was lost in his own world.
"Jungkookah, sweetie, are you sure you're gay?" Jimin teased while playing with that hair, loving the dark gaze that only became darker with every twirl at the end of the hair or soft caress over the bangs... He really knew how to make the younger crazy... Crazy with desire, crazy with lust... Crazy about everything he represented.
Jungkook's cock was moving around, begging for this to happen...
"Nope. Not anymore. I think I'm officially a Jiminsexual. I love everything about you." The younger tugged the blonde forcefully, making him straddle Jungkook's thick thighs and erected, desperate cock.
He could feel the precum leaking from the tip of Jungkook's cock all over his thighs, could feel the desperation in the way he was kissing and nibbling at his neck aggressively... in the way he was marking what's his and only his... He could feel the arousal both of them were feeling every time they would spend time together just like this, alone in their own little bubble... It was perfect... Their own world filled with love, lust and desire for one another that just kept growing and growing each day without smothering each other's personalities and differences. They fulfilled each other in every way... In the bedroom, work-vise, with softness, then hardness, lovely words, long hours of caressing each other... and it was only their beginning.
Jimin thought about Jungkook's words and a thought that his best friend had always said to him slipped through his mind.
Damn it... It must be that special Jimin effect...
"So... Wanna play with me....... oppa........ Have I been a bad, bad girl? Hm..." Jimin spoke in a sultry tone and loved the fucked up expression that overflew Jungkook's face, his cock poking onto Jimin's thigh uncontrollably.
"Fuck Jimin what are you doing to me?" The younger's soft touch became rough in no time...
"I think you're falling in love with me..." Jimin teased while batting his lashes prettily.
"Fuck it, I think I already am." And finally, for once in a lifetime, Jimin felt speechless...
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