
It's never felt so quiet before. It's always been so chaotic and nerve-wracking that I never once felt like this.

What's the feeling, though? I thought to myself.

I soak up the moonlight that's staring down at me so graciously. I've always wanted to go to the moon. Or any planet for that matter. I don't fit in here, and I know it. But I deny it every day.

I am a human. A completely normal human being. There's nothing wrong with me because I'm just a--

I tense up immediately when I hear footsteps approaching and stay still, hoping that I'm not caught and that it's just a wild animal.

"Hello?" I hear a gruff voice say from behind me. Dammit. I've been found. I say nothing and sit still. "Hey, are you okay?"

The voice doesn't sound familiar at all, making me wonder if that's a good or a bad thing. But how can someone be bad if they're curious about someone's well-being?

They can. Don't be fooled, Ordinary.

"My name's Steven. Steven Universe." I feel a hand on my shoulder, which is covered by my chestnut brown hair.

I'm not sure what causes my outburst, but I go into defense mode. "I'm a normal human being!" I yell at the stranger, standing up and turning to face them.

In front of me is a stunned brown haired man a little taller than me. A gold star on his black shirt is prominent. A pink jacket covers his torso half-zipped up. He's wearing flip-flops oddly enough in the woods.

"Ookay? I'm not." He laughs. But I don't get the joke. "What's your name, normal human?"

My name? I can't speak that name. I haven't said it in years. "Ordinary."

He laughs uncontrollably. "You're a normal human being named Ordinary? That has to be the best joke I've heard in a long time!"

I blush furiously, hiding behind my hands. I almost cry but remember my training.

"I'm sorry, wait." I look back up into his eyes. Noticing pink diamonds in place of his true eye color. "You're serious?"

I nod slightly. Don't speak unless spoken to, Ordinary.

"What are you doing out here so late?" He asks me.

"I- uh, ran away," I say.

"Oh. That's not fun. I've ran away a lot in my past as well. It doesn't help the situation. Trust me."

I scoff, "You don't know anything about me." But then widen my eyes. "I'm so sorry."

"No, you're right. I'm sorry for stepping out of line. I'm working on it."

He apologized? "I can't go back. Ever. If they found out I was gone they'd--" I stop before saying too much.

A concerned look crosses his face but quickly changes. "I may have an idea for you, but it's a stretch. I'm going back to my old hometown, Beach City, to visit some friends and my dad. You could tag along and I might be able to move you in with my dad."

"No. I can't accept that. I don't deserve it." I step back a few steps.

He charges forward, grabbing my hands before I can reach the edge of the cliff. He pulls me into the forest and away from the edge. "It's not a big deal. Our town loves to help those in need of help themselves. Especially my dad."

"Are you sure? You barely know me. I don't want to be any trouble."

"I can tell you're clearly not. Even if you were, we're a very accepting town." He says, letting go of my hands I forgot we're still in his. "Come on. Please? Let me help you." He sticks out his right hand, clearly waiting for mine.

I hesitate but willingly accept. Nothing can be worse than them. As he leads me out of the woods, I look over to him. "Why were you here?"

"This is my favorite spot to come when I need some space. This town is getting to me and I missed home. It's time I went back. I was deciding, then I saw you. I knew it was the right choice."

I nod and we stay in silence the whole walk out of the woods. We reach a white car on the side of the road and he opens the passenger door for me. I take the kind gesture but stay on my toes.

For miles we sit in silence, even when we reach a sign saying 'welcome to Beach city'. Indicating that we're approaching his hometown.

"We're almost there. If you look to the left, you'll see a great view of the city at night."

I do as he says and see a bright small town at the bottom of the hill. A large piece of land behind it sticks out taller than the buildings by a Longshot.

As if reading my thoughts he says, "That's where we're going. The gigantic rock." He chuckles.

When we reach the town, we pass a few places I've obviously never heard of. An arcade, pizza place, doughnuts.

Then we're off road in sand, headed to the back of the large mountain. A house comes into view near the ocean, making me smile slightly. This is so beautiful.

When we stop, he rushes to my side and opens the door again. I want to say that he doesn't have to but he clearly wants to. We walk up the steps to the front door and he knocks a few times before putting his arm down.

A tall man with light brown hair that looks like him comes to the door, yawning. But when he sees Steven, his eyes light up and he opens to the door immediately.

"Shtuball! What are you doing here?" He looks at me when Steven turns around to look at me as well.

"Dad, can we come in?"

"Of course! Come on in!"

I'm led to a couch where we all sit and look awkwardly at one another.

"I came to visit because I missed home, and you, dad. But on my way I ran into Ordinary and I was hoping that you'd had room for her to possibly stay here?" It comes out as a question.

I feel awkward and intrusive, ready to just give up and go back. But I know I can't.


"That's her name."

"Well it's nice to meet you, Ordinary. Im Greg. Any friend of my sons is always welcomed into our humble abode!"

"Really? Thanks dad!" Steven hugs his father.

"You staying here tonight too, Steven?"

"Yeah, I'm too tired to sleep anywhere else. I'll take the couch."

"I built another room upstairs after you left, incase you came to visit. You can sleep there tonight, Ordinary."

I nod, holding back a yawn. But as soon as they both simultaneously yawn, I'm in the mix and we're all laughing.

"Well, I'm ready for bed. I'll see you both in the morning. Night Shtuball."

"Night dad. Night Ordinary."

I'm led to a bedroom with a gigantic bed, bigger than my twin sized one back at--

I lay down, covering up carefully. How did this even happen? This feels like a dream. I hope it's not. This is the nicest anyone has ever been to me in my whole life.

As I drift away into nightmare-land, I can't help but feel watched.

The town is chanting my name in fury. I glance out the barred window in my room.

"She's causing all of this trouble!'

"Burn her!"

"Kill her!"

They begin throwing gasoline filled cloths at the house, lighting it on fire, I drop to the floor and cover my eyes. But a pair of hands uncover them. It's Steven.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him.

"What's going on? What kind of a dream is this?"

"You have to leave, it just gets worse. Please."

Flames engulf the room immediately, making me cry and scream. Steven disappears but then I'm feeling someone shake me.

"Wake up, Ordinary! Wake up! It's okay. It's just a dream." I open my eyes to see Steven standing over me. "Oh thank God. That was horrifying."

"What?" I ask.

"Oh." He says. "I uh, can go into people's dreams. I try not to but it just happens sometimes."

I widen my eyes. "What?" I repeat. "That's ridiculous."

"How else do you explain me being there? And who were those people? Was that a dream or a memory?"

Too many questions. I jump up and run downstairs and head for the door. I'm met with Steven's face in front of mine and the smell of breakfast cooking.

"How did you--"

"I can slow down time." He says. "Where are you going?"

"This was too good to be true. You're-- you're-- a psychopath!"

"Morning you two. I made breakfast if you'd like some."

I look behind me to see Greg in the kitchen I never noticed before. Suddenly a flash of light from a circular pad on the ground clouds my eyes. In the empty spot, now stood three odd-looking beings.

One was tall and had glasses covering their eyes. Another was pale and skinny, something on her forehead. The last was short and--purple?!

"Oh my God."

"Steven!" They all exclaim, rushing towards us and hugging Steven.

But he stops them, looking over at me. I'm halfway out the door when he grabs my hand gently. "Please don't go. I didn't mean to freak you out."

I look up and see a pink gem embedded into her forehead. The purple one had a purple gem on her chest. I look over at Steven in fear and shock.

The tall one looks to Steven. "You'd better sit her down before she passes out."

He leads me to the couch where I'm surrounded and feeling overwhelmed.

"Back up, everyone. Give her some space." Steven says. "Usually humans don't freak out so much when they find out, I'm sorry."

"Steven . . ." I begin.

"Yeah?" He looks at me worriedly.

I part my hair to reveal my forehead. A turqoise gem in its place. They all audibly gasp and mutter to themselves.

"Another half-human? How is that possible, Garnet?"

"I don't know. I did not see this coming." The tall one, Garnet, says.

"Did- did your mom sacrifice herself for you too?" Steven asks me.

"I-no. I don't know?" I suddenly feel nauseous. "I'm just a normal--human being." I stand up, ready to dart for the door.

"Wait! Please. Don't go." He pleads.

I sit back down, rubbing my hands together anxiously.

"Garnet, you don't know anything either? Pearl?"

Both shake their heads. The pale one must be Pearl. "I've never seen a turquoise gem before."

"You should tell us." Garnet says, looking at me. "When you're ready."

"Garnet can predict the future." Steven says.

I already know what she means too. If they're like me, they could know my life possibly too. But I promised never to say that name ever again. But they aren't here right now. And I feel safe.

"Ordinary? You okay?"

"Her name is Ordinary? What was her parents thinking?" The purple one says.



"What?" Steven says.

"My name. It's actually . . . Amber."

"Like the color?" Amethyst asks.

"Yeah, like the color." I say shyly.

"A turqoise gem named Amber. That's interesting." Pearl says.

"Do you have any special abilities?" Amethyst questions me, coming closer.

I was told to repress my other side. I haven't used my powers since I was 13 years old. "I can't remember. I think so."

"You don't practice them? How old are you?" Steven speaks up.

"Twenty one next month. I was taught to forget about my weird side. It wasn't . . .normal." I hated that word.

"Of course it's normal. It's more normal than you think. You've just been around the wrong type of people." Steven attempts to make light of the situation but I can't help but feel defeated.

I gave my secrets up so easily. All of my training, just wasted.

"Don't you dare feel bad about who you are or what you can do. Be proud of it, Amber."

"We should visit the Diamonds. They might know something." Pearl says.

"Who?" I ask. They all look at me in confusion. They tell me to follow them to the circle on the floor. I hesitate but Steven grabs ahold of my hand lightly.

The white light beams again and suddenly were in a whole new place with buildings towering over us. The largest being a white head. "Where are we?"

"Homeworld. Home of the Diamonds and other gems."

"Gems? Like us?" I ask curiously.

"Mhm." I'm lead to a large room with 4 thrones. The largest being white, a blue and yellow, then a small pink one. In the seats are three large towering figures. Each matching the color of their thrones.

"Steven! It's so good to see you again! It's been ages." The white one says.

The blue one speaks next, "Oh, I've missed you so much."

"We all have." The yellow one adds.

"Sorry everyone, I've just been busy. I'm actually here with an important question." Steven responds.

He looks to me and asks for my hand. I'm suddenly in the air, flying alongside Steven. I try not to freak out, but it's hard when you're in a strange place with new people.

As if he could sense this, he squeezes my hand in reassurance. "This is White, Blue and Yellow Diamond." He guestures to each one. "Show them, Amber." He says, gesturing to my head.

I do as he says and reveal what I have kept hidden for so many years. They all audibly gasp, reminding me of the other gems I met.

"I thought she got shattered thousands of years ago." White Diamond says, moving in closer to get a better look.

"Wasn't she?" Yellow Diamond questions.

"Who is 'she'?" I speak up.

They all look at one another and then back at me. Blue responds with, "Turquoise. The last we heard from her, she was headed to Earth before Pink got there."

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