❤️🍺🤬Getting Fired and Quitting😝🐸💚
[Warning: There is some swearing and mild violence in this chapter, so yeah]
(❤️🍺Osomatsu's POV🍺❤️)
'Wow, I can't believe that New Year's was juat yesterday,' I thought to myself as I sat in the break room.
"Oi, Osomatsu, come here right now!" A voice boomed. It was my stupid ass boss.
I jumped slightly and walked towards him with a tired face.
"Yeah, Mr. Hitachi?"
He always nags me about the smallest things even though there's basically no issues whatsoever, so I was prepared for what he'd demand.
"I'm sorry that I have to do this, but you're fired," He said while giving me an envelope.
"Wait, what?!?" I exclaimed.
"I'm sorry, but I've decided to hire a new employee that's shown to have more skill than you, and by the way, I'll need that uniform back," He explained.
"Tch, I bet you just got someone on the streets to have this shitty job," I muttered to myself as I took off my 'uniform' off, if you can even call it a uniform. After all, it was just a white apron, a red button-up, and a black bandana that went on my head.
"What was that?" Mr. Hitachi asked in an aggressive tone.
"I said that you just got someone on the streets to have this shitty ass job!" I yelled as I threw the uniform to the floor.
"Fuck you and this shitty, fucking place!" I shouted as I flipped him off.
I heard him screaming some nonsense at me as I left the restaurant. But then, I started to think about what my brothers would say when I told them. They'd be so mad and annoyed with me since I've only been working there for 2 months, plus I'm the first brother that's gotten fired. So I started to think of a lie that I could tell them when we were all home.
'Where would I even be able to get a job?' I thought to myself as I leaned against a nearby wall. I started to think of what to do. 'I mean, I guess I could work for Chibita, nah my brothers would find out immediately.'
It was hopeless since most of the jobs I could get would be from our friends, and I don't want my brothers knowing that. After all, I'm the eldest brother in the family, and I've already done a shitty job at being one.
'I really and a useless, lousy, good-for-nothing, shitty eldest,' I stretched my back, let out a deep and saddening sigh as I made my way home.
(💚🐸Choromatsu's POV🐸💚)
'Okay, so I gotta get Akio his documents this Wednesday, Hana's by next Monday, and mine by Sunday,' I stressfully thought to myself as I kept typing on the keyboard. I snapped out of my thoughts as I heard a tap on my desk.
"Sup, Choromatsu," It was another coworker of mine, Isamu.
"O-Oh! Uh, hey Isamu," I responded with a tired smile.
"Yeah, yeah what ever, so I'm having a party this week, and I don't have enough time to plan the party or do my work," He explained, "so I was wondering if you could do it, I'll pay you back."
"Sorry, but I'll have to decline since I-"
"Ugh, why can't you just do what you're told?" He complained.
I was offended that he would say something like that since I have been doing so much work at this place, and he's barely done anything. So I decided to fight fire with mother fucking fire. I told him that I'd do his work if he closed his eyes and waited for me to get something. He was confused but agreed since he was so naive. I walked towards the break room and got a hot cup of coffee. I went back to him, pretended to trip, and splashed the coffee in his stupid face. He screamed in pain as the hot coffee burned his skin.
"O-Oh my God, I'm so sorry!" I apologized in a realistic tone. I didn't really mean it, but it was all a part of my plan.
Everyone was looking at him now as if he were a screaming, bratty child that didn't get what they wanted. I could hear them whispering about him and how he could yell at someone for a simple mistake. Isamu started to notice what people were saying about him and quickly got on his fake face.
He began apologizing like crazy and said that he was okay. But I could still see the fire in his eyes that said,"You're lucky that people are around."
I ran over to the break room again and got some napkins to clean the mess I made. He took half of them to wipe the coffee off his suit. As I was cleaning to floor, at the corner of my eye, I could see him glaring at me with a sour face.
After I finished cleaning, I went back to the desk and agreed that I'd do his work.
(❤️🍺Osomatsu's POV🍺❤️)
I finally got home at around 3:35 pm. The house was a lot quieter than usual since I came later than my brothers. As I sat on the living room floor, I laid my head on the table and thought about what to do next.
I've never liked or gotten used to being alone. There's always at least one person with me in the house, and I've always been comfortable with that. But I knew that my brothers would come home late, so I just got into my usual clothes and took a walk. After all, I really needed some fresh air.
I got my shoes on and walked to the park. Once I got there, I sat on a bench and looked up into the bright blue sky.
"Oi, Osomatsu!" A voice called. I immediately knew who it was.
"Hey, Chibita."
"Hey now, what's with that sad look on your face," He asked in a worried tone.
I looked away from him, hesitant if I should tell him or not.
"Osomatsu, what did you do?" He asked as he sat down next to me.
"I-I got fired alright, there I said it," I answered in an annoyed voice.
I could see the shock in his eyes, but then it turned into the 'I knew this would happen someday' face.
"*Sigh* Okay, tell me what happened, and you better not lie," He demanded.
I told him everything that had happened today and what I was planning to do when my little brothers came home. He was patient and made a couple of comments, some good and some bad. I started to feel a little better since I had someone to talk to about it. After I was done explaining, he was lost in thought for a moment.
"Hmm, so that's going to he your plan? To not tell your brothers, go hunt for another job when you're 'supposedly at work', and with no one to even help you?" He with a face of concern.
"Um, yeah, I guess you could say it like that," I responded.
Chibita stared at me intently as he pulled out his phone. He took a glance and said, "Well, I'm free on Sundays if you wanna come over to my house," He began, "I'll help you find a job in no time."
"Wait, really?"
"Of course I would. You may not have been my bestest friend, but you are a friend," He explained.
I hugged him tightly and thanked him for helping me out with my dilemma.
We said our goodbyes as I made my way home.
(💚🐸Choromatsu's POV🐸💚)
Once I was done with my papers, I grabbed a small container of onions that were in my drawers. I placed them under my eyes and waited for them to start watering. Once I did that, I looked in the mirror and rubbed my eyes as hard as humanly possible. Then I walked to the bosses office. I made a couple of adjustments to my suit and walked in.
My boss, Akane, noticed me right away.
"Mr. Matsuno, are you alright?" She asked.
"I-I *sniff* don't think my c-coworkers really like me," I responded.
"What makes you think that?"
"W-Well, I accidentally spilled coffee on Isamu, and he s-started yelling at me," I explained, "and e-everyone's been using me to do their work."
I started tearing up more from the onion and started to bawl my eyes out. My boss came over and gave me a tissue. She said that she'd confront my team about it.
As she walked off, I smiled to myself. 'The plan's working! Now I just need to wait for them,' I thought gleefully
At least 5 minutes passed before my boss and coworkers came to the office.
"So, do any of you have something to say?" Akane asked as she raised her eyebrow.
All of them stayed as quiet as a mouse. So, I decided to break the silence and surprising them in the process.
"Hmm, well, if nobodies gonna say anything then... I QUIT!!!"
(Author's Note: Okay, everyone, I'm gonna leave the story here for now because this is getting too long. And if you're wondering why the images aren't in yet, then that's because I'm still making them. I'll try to update this in 3 weeks at least. Anyways... UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN, PEACE OUT BOII!!!)
[Word Count:1573]
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