Chapter 8
The city lights looked nice out at night. I never noticed. My cigarette felt almost weightless against my fingertips as a light breeze flowed through the window.
"Put the cigarette out Chloe. Lung cancer is not what I want my future wife to have."
My fingers went limp and my cigarette accidentally flew out the window. Butterflies erupted in my stomach and my eyes widened. Not just because my perfectly lit cigarette just flew out the window, but because I had just heard something that could possibly kill me before the cigarettes do.
What did he just say?
He glanced over at me as if he was searching for something.
"Hey, where did your cigarette go?"
"Forget the cigarette! What did you just say Reese?"
"I said we are almost home."
I scowled and used as much strength as I could to punch him in the arm. He swerved while letting out a string of curse words.
"Get back in the right lane you idiot!" I screamed as I reached over and grabbed the wheel.
"Move Chloe! Your going to get us killed!"
"No, you're in the wrong lane!"
I turned the wheel to the right and got a blare of a horn in return. Reese quickly pulled the car out of the way and back into the wrong lane, where a car was speeding towards us.
He pushed me back into my seat and swerved back into the correct lane just in time.
After both of our heart beats were returned to normal he pulled the car over and turned to me.
"Silence. You may not talk until we get to my house. Strap on your seat belt and do not say a word."
"You're a terrible driver. Every time I'm in the car with you we always end up in the wrong lane with a car heading towards us."
"Don't tell me what to do."
He gave me a look that put my fight to bed. I huffed and crossed my arms while looking out the window. Reese pulled out into open traffic and started towards home again.
" Chloe if you don't shut up, I'll break all your cigarettes and flush them down the toilet."
I closed my mouth and stared out the window again. It was not my fault he was a terrible driver. He should work on it.
I guess I fell asleep because I was awakened with a sting in my cheek.
"Wake up and get out of my car."
"Did you just slap me?"
"Yes. Out. Now."
I moaned and placed my hands on my cheek. How rude. I stumbled out of the car and grabbed the back of Reese's shirt. He led me to the front door and unlocked it. I was still half asleep so most of my weight was on him, yet he didn't seem to notice.
"Hurry Reese, I'm sleepy."
"Well maybe if you opened your eyes you'd realize we were already in the house."
I opened my eyes and was sure enough greeted with furniture. Nice furniture. Expensive furniture. My God.
"You like?" Reese asked appearing in front of me. His beautiful face woke me up a little more while his scent made my senses alert. I nodded and licked my lips a little. I hope I wasn't drooling.
"Show me more."
Reese let his charming smile grace his face as he grabbed my hand and pulled me down the hall with him.
"Tomorrow. Its late and you're tired."
I stopped and pulled him to a stop with me. I didn't want to sleep anymore. I wanted to see this beautiful house. It was big and the walls were painted a nice red color. The stairs looked so elegant and expensive.
"No. I want to see this place."
He sighed and leaned down. He pecked me gently on the lips and pulled me by my waist until I was closer to him.
"Tomorrow baby. Sleep tonight. Ok?"
I slumped my shoulders but he only leaned down and kissed around my collar bone making small tingles form in my gut.
I let him pull me down a long narrow hallway and into a big, black room. Black walls, black curtains, black sheets, and a black carpet. Creepy ass dude. I bit my lip and looked around. If he was ever planning to kill me how could I escape? There was a window on the other side of the room which would probably take me a full minute to get too seeing as this room is pretty big. I wonder if he would catch me. Is he fast? Is he strong enough?
I glanced over at him and studied his body. His legs were kind of long so there was no doubt he could catch me. He doesn't look strong enough though so I could probably take him.
I narrowed my eyes.
Take your shirt off Reese. Take your shirt off. Let me see those muscles. Let me see if you can take me. A big strong girl like me. I'm tough Reese. Can you take me? Huh? Can you? Can you?
"Chloe. Why are you looking at me like you want to kill me?"
I snapped my eyes to his and immediately felt my face flush. His eyes widened and he stepped closer to me.
"Is Chloe, I'm Big and Bad with my cigarettes in my back pocket and my mean punch, blushing? No. No she couldn't be, but wait," he stepped directly in front of me and pulled at my cheeks. "She is! She's blushing."
I felt my face heat even more as I pushed him away from him.
"Shove it," I said and walked over to his bed where my bag sat. I unzipped it and pulled out the first pair of pajamas I could find. I felt his arms slip around me from behind and his chin rest on my shoulder.
"Don't be like that. You know I was I only kidding," he whispered in my ear.
I smiled a little and shoved him away from me.
"Where's your bathroom? I'm ready to change and go to sleep."
He pointed at one of the two doors in his room. "Go and hurry up."
"Don't tell me what to do. How many times do I have to tell you that?"
He walked past me and opened the door.
"Get in there."
"Don't tell me what to do."
He walked over and pushed me into the bathroom.
"Don't tell me what to do."
He slammed the door and I let out a quiet laugh. He'll learn. One day, he'll learn.
I stared at myself in the mirror and smiled. I haven't seen myself smile in
awhile. I forgot how pretty it made me look. How pretty I truly was. My eyes looked different. I couldn't put my finger on it but they looked different. My clothes were dirty and my hair was completely untidy.
Today was an eventful day. I was suspended from school, got a belly piercing, was kidnapped from the mall, stashed away at a beach, rescued by an idiot, learned that the idiot was a agent, find out some crazy moon guy wants to kill me, made up with my mother and is currently inside of the idiots home.
The life of a badass. Its stressful, but no one could do it like me and still stay fabulous.
"Chloe don't tell me you fell into the toilet. Your head is so big it probably stopped it up," I heard Reese say through the door.
"Go to hell."
I heard his laughter on the other side of the door and quickly began to change. When I stepped out, I nearly caught a heart attack.
There he was, in all his sexy glory laying out for my eyes to feast on. Reese was laying in his bed with nothing but sweat pants on and one of my cigarettes hanging from his lips. The smoke lifted perfectly into the sky and hovered over his beautiful abs that made my knees wobble. He glanced over at me and sat up a little.
" Hope you don't mine." He gestured towards my cigarette sitting against his lips. I have never seen a cigarette look better. I shook my head and walked over to the bed.
"Here," he handed it to me and watched as I took a drag from it before taking it from me.
" I guess the least I could do is join you," he said.
I sat beside him, on his cozy bed and watched as his lips tightened around the cigarette while the smoke poured of his nostrils. He passed it back to me.
"So I was wondering if you wanted to go out tomorrow. I mean you're suspended and of course I wasn't going to go so maybe we could go somewhere."
"Yea sure." I passed the cigarette back to him
He nodded and took a drag.
"Where did you have in mind?" He passed it back to me.
I took a drag.
"Take me to the shooting range at your job and teach me how to shoot a gun."
I handed him the cigarette. But he didn't grab it. He didn't even look at it. He just stared at me.
I smashed the cigarette against my palm until it was out and threw it one the counter.
"You really shouldn't put your cigarettes out like that. Didn't it hurt?"
"What do you mean no?" I asked as I sat up a little straighter. How dare he tell me no. H sighed and gave me a look. A look that he thought would end the conversation. To bad it only pissed me off.
"What do you mean no?" I repeated a little louder this time. Just incase he was hard at hearing.
"I meant no as in I'm not taking you to shoot a gun. Pick somewhere else."
"No, I don't want to pick somewhere else. I want to do just what I said."
"Well I guess I'll pick a place then. Come on lets go to bed." He got up to turn the light off but I quickly pulled him back down.
"Reese, why won't you take me?"
He stared at me.
"Chloe, I don't want a gun in your hands. I don't want you to ever have to pick one up or be around one or have to worry about one."
I leaned my head against his and pecked him gently.
"Reese, its too late. I want to learn."
He shook his head.
" No."
"Reese. Please."
"Reese, please."
"Reese, please."
"Reese, please."
He licked his lips and closed his eyes.
"Only if you promise me one thing."
He opened his eyes and stared into mine.
"That when this is all over. When this mess is cleared and we go back to our normal lives, you let me take you out on a real date. A real one, not one where we have to make sure Mr. Moon's guys aren't trying to kill us."
I nodded and he kissed me. His lips moved lightly against mine. It was just a sweet and simple kiss. A kiss that made me wish that everything and everyone come out fine after this, but I knew. Something bad was going to happen. Something that was far beyond my control.
I opened my eyes.
He pushed me until my back was against the bed and turned of his lamp light.
"Go to sleep."
"Don't tell me what to do."
"Get Out! Get out of my house!" I woke up to the smell of fire and screaming. Fire. Fire? FIRE!
I shot out of bed and quickly rolled out of the bed.
"I'm sorry dude!"
What the hell was going on?
I unraveled myself from the covers and crawled and to the door where smoke was leaking threw the cracks.
I couldn't even sleep for a couple hours without being killed.
I heard a girly laugh and quickly pulled open the door. The hallway leading to the kitchen was filled with smoke and the rays of sunlight peeking through the blinds.
"Guys, shut up before you wake up the sleeping beauty," the girl said again.
I walked into the kitchen and was amused with the sight I saw. Trey and Reese were leaned over the stove beating it with a rag while Amber was perched on the counter laughing.
"Too late," I muttered running my hands through my hair.
They all snapped their heads to me.
"Hey love. Breakfast?" Trey held up the burnt crisp in the pan.
"I'll pass."
"Well don't you look like crap," Amber said jumping off the counter and walking over to me.
"I think she looks great, as always," Reese said walking over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I smiled up at him and pecked his jaw.
"Ok, how about this, we have somewhere to be, we can just pick breakfast up on the way. Chloe go get dressed."
I stumbled over my feet as Reese pushed my towards the door.
"Wait, where are we going?" I asked.
"To work."
I stared at Reese as he stared at me.
"Teach me how to shoot a gun?"
He stared at me and chewed on his sexy lip.
I smiled and nodded my head.
"Share a cigarette with me?"
He smiled and walked over to me.
"I thought you would never ask. Go get dressed."
I laughed and left them in the kitchen to do whatever they do.
Oh, Reese Parker. If only you knew that I never shared my cigarettes with just anyone.
AHHH! YESSSSS! I UPDATED TODAY BECAUSE YOU GUYS WERE SOOOOOO GOOD TO ME. I really wasn't going to update today but you guys deserved it, i love you all and i thank you for the support and love you guys have given me. I really want to make this story a success and you guys are pushing it towards it.
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