Chapter 7
" So wait, those guys work for a creep you locked up," Amber asked, staring at Reese. He nodded his head and glanced at her before returning his eyes back to me. I was silent. I just stared back at him.
"Well, why are they after us? Why not you?"
"Because, getting the people close to me will hurt me, weaken me, and he knows that," Reese said, continuing his eye contest with me.
"Chloe, you have anything to ask?" My name rolled off of his lips perfectly and floated right into my eardrums. His manly scent swarmed my senses, making it painfully clear how close he was too me.
I shook my head.
He nodded and Trey came back with a sketch book and a pencil.
"Ok guys, listen I want you to explain how those guys looked. We need to find them."
"That should be easy. Reese, it was those guys we seen at Waffle House. You know the one with the gun fingers," I said walking over to him and sitting in the chair next to his.
He stared at me. Realization forming into his eyes.
"I remember them perfectly. Hand over the sketch book. I'll draw it," he said.
Trey tossed him the book and grabbed Amber by her arms.
"Come with me pretty girl. Let me show you the hallways of this beautiful agency."
Amber laughed but let herself be pulled away. I shook my head at the pair. I could see it though. They were cute together. They would make a cute couple.
I glanced over at Reese who was concentrating on the drawing. Would we make a cute couple? I think so. I smiled a little to myself, picturing us as a couple.
Me leaning against his car with a cigarette hanging against my lips and him beside me, arms wrapped around my waist and face buried in my neck.
"What are you thinking about over there. Your smile is creepy."
I snapped out of my trance and looked over to see Reese staring at me, a goofy gin on his face and the sketch book and pencil on the table beside him.
"Nothing. Just thinking."
"Uh Huh. Why are you lying to me?" he asked standing from his seat and pulling me from mines. He backed me up until my back hit the wall and I was trapped.
"I'm not," I said, my voice shaking. How did he manage to make me feel this way?
His grey eyes stared into mines. Coaxing the truth out of me with every blink. Stealing my breath away with ever second.
"You are."
He pressed his body against mine. And leaned down until his lips were leveled with mine.
"I think you need to be punished. Lying isn't good Chloe," he said.
I took in a breath and watched as he pushed his lips against mines.
His lips felt even better then they did last time. Soft and gentle. If this was punishment then I should lie to him a whole lot more.
I went to kiss him back but he pulled his lips away, making me pout.
I let out a sigh and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Reese."
"Hush. I got this," he said, smirking at me.
He brought his lips back to mine, but it was only a peck.
"Dammit, Reese. Stop it!" I yelled.
He threw his head back a laughed. He looked so sexy when he laughed. His perfectly whitened teeth showed as his eyes squinted. But it was the laugh it self that had my knees buckling. His deep, rich laugh. God.
I had had enough though. I wrapped my hand in his hair and slammed his lips to mine, successfully shutting him up. He seemed kind of surprised. It took him awhile before he was able to kiss me back but when he did, it was like heaven. His soft lips pushing against mine, over and over again.
He hooked his hands onto the back of my thighs and lifted me until my legs were wrapped tightly around his waist, our kiss never breaking. The kiss got rougher as he ran his hands all the up my back and all the way back down to my butt. I let out a moan as he gave it a firm squeeze.
I didn't want to stop but I couldn't breath anymore. I disconnected our lips but Reese didn't stop. His lips traveled down my jaw and all the way to my neck were he proceeded to kiss and suck.
"Reese," I moaned. I wrapped my fingers into his hair tugging and pulling.
"We can't remember," I said. I don't know why I said it but I was hoping he wouldn't care. I was hoping he would just keep on kissing me anyway.
He pulled his face away from my neck and looked up at me. His lips were red and his hair was messy but he couldn't have been sexier. I watched as he looked me over, making a shiver run through my body.
"You're right," he said, biting his lip. I let out a disappointed sigh and went to unwrap my legs from around him but he quickly wrapped them tighter.
He stared into my eyes as I looked at him in confusion. What was he doing.
"You're right, but I just don't care. I can get to know you later. Hell we have all day tomorrow to get to know each other and I plan on doing just that, but right now I just want to get to know your mouth, and I'm no where near done."
I felt my heart jump in my chest. He smiled at me and connected our lips again. His tongue fought past my lips and found mine. I tightened my legs and arms around him bringing him as close to me as he could get. I felt his hair brush against my forehead as he sucked on my tongue forcing a moan out of me.
"Oh seriously, c'mon guys!"
Me and Reese broke away again. Reese let out a annoyed sigh and turned his head. Trey and Amber were back. They were smiling at us and I smiled back.
"Get out. Don't come back," Reese said.
I laughed and unwrapped my legs from around his lap, earning a grunt form him.
"No, Trey stay. Me and Amber need to get going anyway," I said walking over to the door, Amber by my side.
"No. No. No."
I was suddenly lifted off of my feet and stuffed back into a chair.
"You can't go home. Its to dangerous," Reese said, his face suddenly serious.
"What do you mean I can't go home. I have to go home."
"Yea, me too. Sorry guys. My moms might flip," Amber said. She crossed her arm under her boobs and licked her lips. Which of course caught Trey's attention.
"I'm sorry, but you can't. I'm not about to lose you again Chloe," Reese said.
"I'm not going to get snatched anymore Reese, but I can't not go home. Your not going to lose me," I said. Standing up, I made my way over to him.
He looked so broken. Like he could burst into tears at any moment.
"Please, Chloe. Come to my house. Just for a while. Just until all this blows over. We can take you to your house and get your clothes and everything," He said staring down at me.
Could I go to Reese house? Would that be ok? I mean, I knew I had strong feelings for him, but I didn't know how he felt about me.
"What about my car Reese? Its still at the mall."
I watched as his face twisted in thought.
"Look, Amber, you're more then welcomed at my house for awhile. Of course only if you want."
I watched as Amber quickly agreed to Trey's offer.
"Wait Amber, what about your mom? What would she say?" I asked. I glanced at Reese to see him in his own world before returning my attention back to Amber.
"I'll just tell them I'll be at your house. They won't care," she said.
I nodded and watched as her and Trey started whispering to each other.
"I got it!"
Reese was smiling at me. "We can go to the mall, get your car, drive it back to your place where you can get your clothes and everything else you need, leave it there, and come back to mines."
He looked so hopeful. To be honest, it was a good idea. A perfect idea, but I was scared. Scared to be alone with him. Scared that once he got tired of me, he would kick me to the curb. Scared that I would fall in love with him.
"Please Chloe," he said stepping closer to me.
"Ok. Ok."
Reese broke out into a big smile as he fist pumped the air before picking me up and spinning me around.
"We'll have fun. I promise."
That's what I'm afraid of.
"Hurry up," Reese yelled from his car window. We had made it safely to the mall, where my car was still sitting and all of me and Amber shopping bags scattered everywhere, and then back to my home.
"Shut up, don't rush me," I said while unlocking the door. He yelled something back but I had already closed the door behind me.
She walked into the hallway where I was standing and looked at me. We didn't speak for awhile, just looked at each other. I noticed she had bags under her eyes. Her once, beautiful tan skin was now pale and her eyes that were so attracting to me when I was a child were only dull and cold. She looked tired and stressed.
She didn't move from her spot.
"I got a call from your school. They said you were suspended for a couple a days."
She made no move to come near me and I made no move to go near her. She was at one end of the hall and I was at another.
"Yea. I did."
She twisted her body a bit. So she was facing me fully. She nodded her head and looked me in my eyes, searching for something.
"Want to talk about it?"
That took me by surprise and she could tell. My eyes had narrowed a bit and mouth lips parted. She stared at me. Hopeful. Pleading with her eyes for me to say yes. Yearning for that mother and daughter relationship that we could never have.
She blinked. You could hear a pin drop in the hallway.
"Chloe, let me in. Please!"
She was suddenly in front of me. Her hands were on my arms and she had tears in her eyes.
"Why should I?"
I was still. I didn't move form my spot let alone touch her.
"Chloe, I know me and your dad haven't been the best of parents. I know when you needed us we were to busy wrapped in our arguments and personal problems to care, but Chloe I'm here. I'm right her and I care. I've always cared. I've always loved you."
I opened my mouth to reply, to say something, but before could the door was opened behind me.
"Chloe, what's taking so long?"
I watched as my moms eyes went over my shoulder.
"Am I interrupting something? My bad."
I turned around to see Reese staring between me and my mom.
"You're leaving." my mom stated more then asked.
"Yea." I watched as she took in what I said. She let me go and backed up a little.
I sighed and turned to Reese.
"Go up to my room. I'll be there in a little while, I just need to talk to my mom," I said.
He let out a little smirk and nodded climbing the stairs.
"Don't touch anything Reese or I swear I will kill you."
I heard him laugh from upstairs and turned to my mom.
"You want to be let in. then lets get you in," I said as I guided her into the kitchen. I sat down in one of the chairs at the table and watched as she leaned against the counter.
"Something bad is going on ok. I can't tell you what and how but I can tell you that I'm going to stay with that boy upstairs for a couple of days, just until this blows over then I'll be back."
She nodded and looked over at me.
"You selling drugs?"
I must have looked funny because she started laughing. I hadn't heard her laugh in so long that it kind of scared me.
"I take that as a no. Good. Good baby. Don't sell drugs," she said with a gentle smile on her face.
"Ok go pack and stop getting suspended from school. Please for me. If I can try to be a better mother then can you try to stop getting in so much trouble?" She asked.
I nodded and stood from my seat. She didn't say anything else so I walked to the door.
"Hey Chloe." I turned around and looked at her.
"I Love You."
And that was all it took for me to burst into tears and throw myself into her arms. She wrapped them around me and laid her head against mine as I cried like a baby into her shoulder.
"Shhh, my baby. Its ok. We're going to get better. I promise. Me, you and your father, we are going to get better, but Chloe I need you to come back to me. I need for you to come back alive and healthy," she said and she rocked me back and forth.
I nodded and let out a couple more sobs before calming myself.
"I love you too mom."
She smiled and hugged me tighter to her. "I know baby."
She pushed me away form her gently.
"Go ahead and pack. I'm not going anywhere."
I smiled and kissed her cheek before taking off towards the steps .
When I got to my room Reese was spread out on my bed, phone in hand.
I smiled. He looked up at me and smiled.
"Get packed."
I nodded and grabbed a duffel bag. I quickly packed, not forgetting to add in my extra pack of cigarettes just in case, much to Reese's distaste.
"You don't need those," he had said reaching into my bag to pull them out.
"Yes I do," I said snatching them from him and putting them back.
We went back and forth for awhile before he just gave up and let me have my way.
"I'm ready," I said as I stared down at Reese, who hadn't moved from my bed.
He took my bag from me and grabbed my hand.
"Then lets blow this popsicle stand," he said and pulled me down the stairs.
My mom was in the living room. She turned around from the couch and looked at me with a smile on her face. I stared into her eyes and couldn't help but smile back. They were back. Her eyes. They weren't so dull. They weren't as bright as they once were but they were shinning now. Maybe when her and my dad fixed things they would shine as bright as they once had.
"You're leaving," she said as she walked over to me and wrapped me in her arms, I hugged back, not releasing Reese's hand though.
"You take care of my daughter, I wont her back in one piece, not a scratch on her perfect little body, understand?" My mom said as she opened the door for us.
"Yes Ma'am, there will be no scratching of her perfect little body," Reese said.
I blushed and looked up at him to see him smiling charmingly at my mother.
She nodded and kissed my cheek. "When all this blows over and she's back home, I want you to come for dinner. I need to get to know you better, under better circumstances." She placed a hand on Reese's upper arm and gave it a gentle squeeze.
"Please, keep my daughter safe."
"I promise you with everything in me, I will not let anything happen to Chloe," he said.
My mom nodded and turned her eyes back to me.
"Behave. Don't give this young man such a run for his money. I know you better then you think I do. I'll tell your father you love him when he gets home from work too. Call me. Every single night so I can know your ok?"
"Ok mom. If Amber's parents call and ask if she's here, can you please say yes."
She nodded and pushed us out the door.
"Get home. I don't want you guys out here so late."
Reese let go of my hand making me pout and walked over to the car.
"Stay safe baby."
"You too mom."
We hugged one more time and I walked off to the car.
"Ready?" Reese asked as he started the car.
I smiled at him and thought back to the day he had first asked me that.
"Ready?" Reese asked holding out his hand.
I connected our hands.
I was ditching school with the bad boy.
I laughed a little and looked over at him. He was staring at me.
He took my hand in his and sped off down the road.
I was going home with the bad boy.
AHHHHH, i missed you guysss! I missed this! Writing, typing and posting. School started for me not to long ago and I've been so busy with that, i havent gotten any free time to type. I'm going to get better though. Love you guys and continue to share this, vote for it, and love it.
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