Chapter 6
Suspension. One week.
I got suspended for a week. As I sat in the schools parking lot, wondering where to go, I seen Ambers curly black hair run towards my car. She got in and slammed my door. Of course. Amber can't be around my car without slamming my door.
"Amber, why are in my car right now," I asked running my hands over my face. School wasn't even out yet.
"I heard you got suspended babe. You think I'm going to let you leave without me. They won't miss me."
"Skipping school and slamming doors huh? Well aren't you just the perfect little badass," I smirked and started my engine. She laughed and punched me in the arm.
"Shut up and drive loser."
I pulled out of the schools parking lot and turned to the right, into town.
"So where do you want to go," Amber asked rolling down my window.
I tried to block the sun with my mirror, but it wasn't working. Dammit. I grabbed my sun glasses and propped them on my face. Perfect.
"Anywhere that allows smoking," I said, sucking on my teeth.
"Ew, no. No smoking today, ok," she said turning in her sat to face me. I sighed but nodded. I guess I wont damage my lungs today. "Fine, where do you feel is a good place?"
"Hmm, Mall maybe? I need new clothes. My mom said I need less leather jackets and more pink dress." She laughed and stuck her feet out the window. I smiled. I felt the wind run through my hair, making me relax. I was already itching for a cigarette due to stress and it wasn't even noon yet.
After about 10 minutes, a little road range, and Ambers laughing , I pulled up into the malls parking lot. It wasn't that crowded seeing as all the teens were in school so I assumed it would be easy to get in and get out.
"Ok Amber, listen, all you have to do is open the door and close it softl-"
The door was slammed. "Never mind."
I shook my head as we walked up the pathway to the glass doors. "Yay, we can go panty shopping," Amber said connecting our hands and swinging them back and forth.
No. No. No. No. No.
We walked in the mall and I was immediately drown to the piercing place.
"I want my belly button pierced, get it done with me?" Amber asked pulling the puppy dog face. She had four holes in each ear, her eye brow pierced, and her nose pierced. She looked the opposite of her personality. She looked like a bad girl, when truth is she's a sweetheart. She acts like a bad girl, has and attitude like a bad girl, but she's the sweetest person ever.
Yet I, had two holes in my ear. I looked like a sweetheart, when I'm a bad girl. Uh, I just don't under stand.
"Yea sure," I said. She dragged me into the place and walked to the counter where the most horrific guy sat. He had more then a dozen tattoos and piercing. He looked scary. Like how do people find that attractive. "Hello ladies! How may I help you," he asked, winking at me. I felt Amber squeeze my hand, signaling she seen it too.
"Yea, we would like to get our bellies pierced please," I said. He licked his lips and leaned over the counter so his face was closer to mine. "I'd pierce anything you like baby. How about a number?"
He was disgusting. I heard Amber laugh as I cracked a smile. "I'll rip each of your tattoos off and pierce them back on. How about a no," I said, smirking at him. Amber put her head down on the counter, but you could still hear her muffled laughter.
The guy, whose nametag read John, tensed up, but nodded getting my warning. "Can I get ID please?"
When Amber calmed down, we handed him our ID's. "Sorry ladies you have to be 19 in order to get anything from our store. Says here your both 18" he said smirking. Amber groaned but I sighed in annoyance.
"Listen dude, I got suspended today, I agreed to not pull out any of my cigarettes today either, but I am not about to let you ruin this too, so tell me how much we have to pay, so we can pay you and get these freaking belly button piercing," I yelled.
John eyes widened but he quickly spat out the price. "$25, each please." We handed him our money and he led us to the back room.
"My belly button is stinging!," Amber said as we sat in the cafeteria. Yea mine was kind of stinging too. "Yea, it does kind of hurt," I said pulling my shirt back and staring at it. On the plus side it did come out beautifully. I mean sweet goodness, I cant wait till the summer. Bikini Babe! Woo Woo.
"Its cute though," Amber said, picking at her pizza. I nodded in agreement while eating my food as well. We were silent for awhile. Picking with our phones every now and then. "Hey, Chloe," Amber said poking me with a fork. "Yea."
"Do you know those dudes?" she said nodding her head behind me. I raised at eyebrow at her and turned in my seat slowly. What I saw froze every bone in my body.
"Amber, get your stuff and lets go," I said quickly, bending down to pick up my bags. She looked at me alarmed but grabbed her things.
"What's the matter? What's happening," she asked following me out of the café. I ignored her and turned my head. They were following us.
"Walk faster Amber," I said, grabbing her arm and pulling her with me. I looked behind me again to see Waffle house guys speeding up as well. The guy who made the makeshift guns at me smirked a little and shot me a wink.
Crap, Crap, Crap. Where's Reese when you really need him. Me and Amber rushed outside and towards my car.
"Hey pretty lady, let me talk to you for a second," one of them said. I fumbled with my keys and they fell out of my hands when Amber yanked my arm.
"Hurry Chloe."
I bent down to pick up the keys but I was grabbed from behind making me drop my things. "Let me go!" I yelled struggling. I could hear Amber screaming as a white van pulled up. "Hold still girly. We will be all done soon."
They tossed me and Amber in the back of the van and bagged our heads.
"You are so going to regret this," I spat out as the handcuffed my hands together. They put a rag over my mouth and I made the mistake of breathing. I started to feel dizzy as I heard laughing. I could hear Amber whimpering as I let my head fall back and darkness take over.
"Let the fun begin boys."
Jesus, I've passed out more in the past week then I have in my entire life.
Reese's POV
"Jesus, Trey! Put the freaking gun down before you blow my eye out," I said moving out of the way. I don't know what's been happening to Trey's aim lately but its been off.
He laughed and aimed at me again. "Oh calm down Reese's Cup. I'm not gonna shoot ya," he said waving the gun around. I shook my head and sat down in the chair beside me.
"You would think working for a top notch agency would help you out when it comes to aiming," I muttered waving my hands in the air. He looked around the agency too before dodging on the floor. I watched as Trey rolled around on the floor with the gun.
"Yea, and you would also think that you being good looking would help you get girls too. FAIL!" Trey said standing up and smirking at me.
Son of a-
"Where's your girlfriend dude? You never have one."
I sighed and leaned back in my seat, rubbing my palms against my thighs.
"Look I don't want a girlfriend. Not with this job, Its dangerous and the last thing I want is for someone I care about to get hurt," I said. My mind shot to Chloe. I didn't go to school today and was missing her sarcastic responses. I know I couldn't be her friend. But that kiss. That one kiss we shared was better then anything I've ever experienced.
"What about that pretty blonde firecracker from the park. You like her?" Trey asked sitting in front of me. I shook my head at him.
"I can't Trey."
He put his gun down and looked me in the eye.
"That's not what I asked you Reese. I asked you if you liked her."
I licked my lips and looked away, not standing his gaze. It was heated and it burned. It was burning the truth right out of my mouth.
"Yes Trey. I like her. I like her a lot. " He smiled at me.
"Tell me about her."
I smiled and shook my head.
"She's crazy man. She's funny and she's evil at the same time. Its like she doesn't care what she say she just says it however she feels. Her body is like perfect. Her eyes are green. The prettiest green I have ever seen and her hair hangs down to her waist. Oh, she smokes too Trey. She smokes. Goodness, she's like everything a bad boy wants. She's a perfect biker Barbie to my biker Ken."
Trey laughed at my excitement. "I've never seen you so happy by just explaining something man. Why can't you be with her. Your relationship would be hilarious. You would finally have someone to top your attitude and big mouth."
I opened my mouth to respond but Lance and Rico burst through the glass doors. "We have a problem," Rico said staring at me. Me and Trey stood up, him grabbing his gun and me grabbing mine. "What's the problem?"
"They have your girl, Reese. Your girl and her friend," Lance said looking at me.
It was like a bucket of cold water had been poured down my body. I fell back in my seat and stared at the ground. How? How did they get to Chloe?She was in school. I watched her drive to school this morning. Creepy, I know but every since I saw those guys in waffle house yesterday I knew that I had to keep an eye on her. They were Mr. Moons guys.
"Reese, only Mr. Moon knows where they are, but he wont talk to us. Only you. He asked for only you."
I shot out of my seat and rushed to his cell block.
"Where is she Moon," I asked pushing him up against the wall. "Whoa, I know not who you speak of," he said smiling at me. I pulled my gun from my waist and put it against his head. I didn't have time to play games.
"Now Moon, tell me where she is," I said through clenched teeth. No way was I going to let them hurt Chloe. No. No.
"Calm down boy. If you blow my head off you will never find your lady," he said pointing at my gun. I licked my lips and put the gun down.
"Good, now on to business," he sat down on his bunk and rolled up the sleeves of his shirt, " I have something you want." He gestured for me to sit down.
I pulled the chair away from the wall and sat down. "You have one minute to tell me where she is."
"Ok Mr. Parker. I know a lot about you. A whole lot. I know about how you lost your parents at a young age. And how you live alone in a nice house in town. I know how you are afraid of spiders and love snakes. But most importantly I know of a girl who you have feelings for," he said.
I stared at him, hatred burning through my veins trying to understand how he knew these things. Trying to get a form of an answer.
"I have wishes Mr. Parker," he said leaning back and looking at me.
"And those wishes are?" I asked. He smiled at me again.
"You will get those wishes shortly. They will come one by one all to you. The first wish is on your lady friend. Taped to her chest," he said.
"WHERE IS SHE," I yelled standing from my seat and knocking over the chair.
"Where there is calm waters and peaceful sand is your lady friend," he said.
The beach. She was at the beach.
I walked up to him and grabbed him by the front of his shirt, bringing our faces closer and closer. "You hurt her and I kill you."
Dropping him I stormed out of his cell and back to the conference room were everyone was waiting for me.
I quickly grabbed Trey by the top of his shirt. "Lets go."
I dragged him through the doors. I heard Lance and Rico following close behind. "Where are they?"
"The beach. Lance drive," I said through gritted teeth. We made it outside and I basically threw Trey in the back of the Van with me. Rico and Lance buckled up in the front. I was shaking so hard in my seat I couldn't even fasten my own seat belt. I felt more then saw Trey reach over and buckle it for me.
"Breath Reese, its ok. We're going to get her back. I promise," he said patting me on the back. The engine started and I leaned back and closed my eyes.
Listen. I know I don't talk to you much, and that's my fault but I need Chloe. I need her blonde hair and her green eyes. I need her fiery comebacks and her "I Know Everything" attitude. I need her cute little button nose that makes her look like a cute kitten and I need her cigarettes that looks so sexy against her lips. I. NEED. HER. So please make her ok. Please make her safe and ok. And if she's with you, can you please return her, because I'm not done with her yet. Not by a long shot.
"Kid, we're here," Rico called out to me. I sat up, my heart in my throat and sweat pouring out of my pores.
I jumped out of the van and pulled my gun from my belt. Jesus, Chloe.
"I'll get her friend, Reese. You get to Chloe," Trey said to me. I nodded and continued into the beach. It was currently closed. It didn't open until 3 pm on weekdays anyway. I felt the sand against my shoes as I made my way farther down the beach. I didn't see anyone.
Come Chloe, where are you? Give me a sign.
Just when my knees where about to collapse on me and I would send myself falling into the sand I heard a cry. It was faint and distant but I heard it.
"You hear that?" Rico asked beside me. I nodded and searched. It was sand, sand, and more sand. Sand and a huge plant that stood up high. It could cover anything behind it. Like two girls.
I immediately walked over to it. I quickened my pace when I heard another cry. When I stood directly behind it I pulled my gun up and took a deep breath. Please be Chloe and Amber. I slowly walked around it and almost jumped for joy when I seen them.
They were sitting criss-crossed back to back with rope around both of them. Their heads where bagged but you could see the blonde and black ends hanging lose. Trey pushed past me and bent down in front of Amber. He pulled the bag off her head and she cried out when she seen me. She could have been trying to smile but the cloth in her mouth prevented her. Troy cut it.
" Oh God, thank you so much," she said to Trey who blushed.
I dropped to my knees in front of Chloe and pulled the bag from her head. Her once closed eyes opened slowly and she looked at me. Fear was in her eyes but it disappeared. I grabbed her head in my hands and leaned my forehead on hers.
"Thank God, you're ok Chloe. Thank God," I said looking her in her eyes. I cut the cloth from her mouth and let in a deep breath.
"Reese," she whispered smiling at me. "My knight in shinning armor. Cut my arms free." I grabbed my pocket knife from my pocket and released her arms. She jumped in my arms and buried her head in my arms.
"I was scared Reese, so scared. I was trying to be strong for Amber, but I was scared," she whispered in my ear. I swallowed and placed my hand behind her head holding her to me.
"I know baby. I'm so sorry. Never again, understand me? Never again will they ever touch you, baby, never again," I said pulling her face in front of mine so she was looking me in my eyes.
"Never again?" she asked tears gathering in her eyes.
She wrapped her arms around my neck tighter and buried her head in my shoulder. I let her tears soak my shirt as I breathed in her scent. She was safe, in my arms, breathing. I looked around to see everyone else at the van waiting for us.
"I'm going to pick you up now. ok baby," I said. I felt her nod and I stood with her in my arms. She wrapped her legs around my waist while I put one arm under her butt and the other around her back so she wouldn't fall. I walked over to the van.
"Amber, you ok?" I asked looking her in her eyes. Her makeup was ruined. Her eyeliner was running down her face, signaling she had been crying at one point.
"Yea, bad boy. Your friend here made sure of that," she said nodding her head towards a still blushing Trey.
The hell is wrong with him.
I nodded and watched as Trey helped her up in the van.
Chloe was silent as I hoisted both of us into the van. "You're safe baby. Never again."
She sniffed a little and laid her head flat. I felt her breathing into my neck and I laid my head against hers.
I thought staying away from her would keep her safe but I guess not. No more. I was only away from her for one day and she was taken from me. No more. She's sticking by my side from now on, glued to my hip. I wasn't letting her slip from my grasp anymore.
Somewhere in the ride back to the agency Chloe fell asleep and Trey and Amber hands conjoined. They weren't even looking at each other, to busy watching as we pulled up inside the agencies gate. I watched as Ambers eyes held slight confusion. I looked down at Chloe sleeping face on my shoulder and smiled a little. My sleeping firecracker.
I saw something coming from her body and reached around to grab it.
A piece of paper.
"The first wish is on your lady friend. Taped to her chest"
I looked around the van to see no one else paying attention to me so I quickly stuffed the paper into my pocket and decided to address it to them when we got the girls taken care of.
I carefully got out of the van with Chloe still attached to my body.
"Reese," she whispered. When did she wake up.? "Put me down, I cant feel my legs."
I dropped her body on the ground gently, but quickly grabbed her hand. I cant afford to lose contact right now. She looked up at me, her eyes red and tired and smiled, gripping my hand tighter. Together all of us walked back inside, simply ignoring the gazes of my fellow co- workers.
When we were in a room all to ourselves, with about five first aid kits, food and water by our side is when we talked.
"Where are we," Amber asked as Trey grabbed a wipe and began wiping the make up from her face. Cute couple.
"You are at R.A.A.D Agency. R.A.A.D stand for ready anytime any day. We, myself, Rico, Trey and Reese here are agents who go out and risks our lives everyday. Reese is not to be known as an agent though. Not at your school. So it will make us so happy if you guys can keep a secret because we need you both. It looks as if we have a slight problem going on and we, all six of us are going to solve it. No one is to know, understand," Lance said.
We all nodded and watched as he and Rico excused themselves.
"You're an agent Reese," Amber said staring at me. I nodded afraid to look Chloe in the eyes. I wondered if she was upset with me. For keeping something so huge from her. I glanced at her to see her smirking at me.
"What's that smirk on your face for," I asked walking over to her and placing my hands on her waist.
"Guess you really are a bad boy," she said. I laughed and nodded, pecking her forehead. I put a water in her hand, silently demanding her to drink it. She got it and unscrewed to cap.
"Can I have a bad boy too," Amber asked batting her eyelashes at Trey. Trey's mouth flew open as his cheeks reddened much to Chloe's amusement.
Her beautiful laugh carried itself throughout the room making me smile and pull her to me. Rico and Lance came back in then, notepad and pen in hand.
"Ok, kids. We need to get to work so I need you girls to tell me everything you know, anything that can help us close this and get these guys in jail," Rico said.
"No, before we tell you anything, You need to tell us what is going on and who those guys were," Chloe said folding her arms against her chest. Rico looked at her for a minute before looking at me.
"Nice catch boy," he said. Then he turned to her. "Ever thought about becoming an agent?"
"NO!" I answered for her. She turned to me and pouted. I shook my head. Too dangerous.
"How about this, Rico and Lance you guys can go over this," I said slamming the piece of paper on the table in front of them, "It was tapped to Chloe's chest. When I was talking to Mr. Moon, he said it was a wish and apparently there's more. While you guys do that, me and Tom will explain what's going on to the girls."
They nodded and we all got down to work.
We were ending this before it got started. I was going to keep Chloe safe, even if is freaking killed me.
I must say this is one of my favorites. This chapter is like, my best, or so i believe.
Hey guys. I know that i dont really make a lot of these or communicate alot with you but i can try and change that. I hope you liked this chapter though. It took my a while to write and i can't lie and say that i didnt get writers block. It passed quickly. Anyway, i hope you like it, read it, share with your friends.
PLease help me make MBBSM a famous story.
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