Chapter 20
I woke up to the sun burning my eyelids and a heavy arm wrapped around my torso.
"Reese, wake up."
I pushed against him a little hoping he would release me. He didn't.
"Reese get out if my house before my father shoots you."
He groaned and rolled over, burying his head in my pink plush pillow.
"Your dad can suck one."
I couldn't help but chuckle.
"Your going to be sucking in your final breath, before he kills you if you dont get out of my house," I said turning towards his back and wrapping my arms around him.
He was silent for a bit before a laugh shot out of his mouth.
"Good one."
He got up and grabbed his shirt and shoes.
"I'll be back in 45 minutes, be ready."
He kissed me gently on my lips and went over to my window. He opened it, winked at me and tossed himself out.
I hope he didnt break anything.
I sat up and stretched. Oh how I hated school. And i had missed so many days. I glanced over at the pile of makeup work. I had finished it all last night. The only good thing that came out of that was the fact that i wouldn't be behind in any of my classes.
For the next 45 minutes, i showered, dressed, and stuffed all of my school work into my bag with a decent 10 minutes to spare.
So here i was, waiting for my boyfriend, eyes closed and head resting on the back of the couch with my feet propped up
On the coffee table.
I guess I had fell asleep because slight pressure on my lips woke me up. I could recognize this feeling a mile away though. My Reese. I kissed him back, smiling a bit.
"Well hello to you too," I mummer between kisses.
"Shut up."
I giggled a little as he kissed me a little harder.
"I'm going to turn around, go back into the kitchen, count to five, come back and pretend that my daughter and her boyfriend aren't kissing in my living room."
Reese tore his lips off of mine in time for us to see my dad walking back into the kitchen where he began counting loudly.
He had successfully gotten to three when Reese grabbed my bag and my hand and pulled me from the couch and towards the door.
"Lets go before he kills me."
I laughed and yelled bye to my still counting father as the door closed behind me.
"Your dad creeps me out," Reese said starting the engine and backing out of my driveway.
"Are you kidding? My dads a softy!"
"Your dads a murderer."
I cracked up and Reese followed me. We laughed the entire ride to school, almost crashing in the process, which only made us laugh harder when our hearts decided to climbed their way out of our throats.
"Get out of my car firecracker," Reese said opening my door and grabbing my bag again.
"Yea, yea."
Amber, sped walked over to us.
"Good morning guys."
"Hey Amber," Reese said grabbing my hand and leading me through the entrance of the school. As always the hall goes silent and the student body parts like the red sea. Its cute.
They had never seen me a Reese together. Two of the baddest at this school, are one now. Oh how they weren't prepared.
"So I was wondering if I could carpool with you guys after school since we were going to the same place and my mom dripped me off this morning."
I unlocked my locker and glanced at her.
"What about Trey?"
She opened her mouth but Reese leaned next to her and grinned.
"Yea, what about your lover? Hmm?"
Amber scrunched her eyes up at him while whacking him in the chest.
"My lover will be with Lance and Rico and won't have time to swing by and get me, so i can i carpool or what?"
Reese laughed and nodded his head.
"Yes of course."
The bell rung and Amber waved us goodbye while me and Reese headed to our history class.
"Reese, Chloe. What a lovely surprise.," Our history teacher said when we entered the room.
All our were on us.
"Can we help you?" Reese asked and everyone quickly looked away.
I walked over to my seat to see David sitting there with his nose in a book.
"Hey David."
He glanced at me and smiled warmly.
"Hey Chloe. You look beautiful as always. I turned in our paper."
"Aw thanks and again I'm sorry it was so last minute typed. I was so busy last week."
"You're in my seat."
David turned his head to see Reese standing over him with a hard look on his face.
"Oh. My bad. Talk to you later Chloe."
David left in such a hurry that he dropped one of his papers. Reese picked it up as i scowled at him.
"You really have to stop being so mean to him. He hasn't done anything to you."
Reese stared up from the paper and handed it to me.
"Oh yea? Read his name."
I stared at him curiously and took the paper from his fingers. His jaw was clenched and his hands were in fist.
I looked at the paper and nearly all of my breath found its way out of my body.
David Moon. David Moon.
Now it all made since.
Why he showed up when Reese wasn't around. Hotel guys message to me about watching my back. He was the enemy. I was friends with the enemy.
Reese grabbed the paper from my hands and together we stared at David who was already smirking at us. He no longer looked friendly. He looked evil and deceiving.
"That peice of-"
"Ok class, open your books to page 257 and we will began reading there."
When the bell rung, David was the first out of his seat and out of the class.
"Lets go."
Reese and I quickly chased after him but when we had finally got into the hall he was gone. We ran all around the school and no signs of him were left.
"Is there a reason you guys look like track is your favorite sport?"
"David is Moons son. His name is David Moon Amber. He was getting information from us, when i let him into my home!"
Amber stared at us with wide eyes.
"Holy sh-"
"Mr. Parker is this your class?"
My english teacher asked as she made her way over to my desk?
Reese smiled charmingly and shook his head.
" No, just walking my beautiful girlfriend here." He leaned down and pressed his lips to mine.
"Bye beautiful," he said as he walked out of the class.
I bit my lip and drowned out the class as i turned to look out the window.
And there they were, waving at me, together looking just alike.
David and His father.
My breath caught in my throat as I watched them make little guns with their fingers and laugh together. It was about 10 of them in all. They were lined up holding guns, big guns. Moon pointed towards the entrance then his watched and held up 2 fingers. They would be coming in, in 2 hours. I turned my head towards Amber quickly and grabbed her arm.
"Amber look!"
When i looked back out the window they were gone.
"Is there a problem Chloe?"
I shot my head to my teacher to see that she had stopped the lesson. i swallowed the lump in my throat and shook my head.
"No ma'am."
I pulled my phone out quickly and started texting Reese.
"Their here. We have two hours to clear this entire building. The lunch bell rings in 1 hour, make sure everyone is here then. We only have two hours. I love you."
I put my phone in my bag and grabbed Ambers outstretched hand. Things were about to get ugly.
Dont yell at me! I love you all
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