Chapter 15
"So, would you like two beds or one?"
"Two please."
I looked at all the people around me as Amber talked to the lady behind the desk.
"Excuse me," I said as she handed Amber the key. She was young. Maybe 20 or 21 tops.
"Has my boyfriend, Reese Parker, made it here yet?"
She looked at me and chewed her lip.
Wait. Wait a minute that wasn't just any look! That was a glare!
"You mean that tall beautiful man with the grey eyes?" She smirked at me.
So he was here.
"Yes. MY tall beautiful man with the grey eyes."
I heard Amber snicker beside me as the girl stood up a little straighter and dropped her smirk.
"Yes he came in a couple of hours ago. i didn't know he had a girlfriend though. He was really quiet and distant. Oh well, maybe his friend."
"Not unless you want me to drag you by your name tag," Amber said. I laughed and took the key away from her.
"What floor," i asked as i took Ambers arm in my hand.
"3rd. Room 215 its two doors down from your boyfriends. His is 213," she said while keeping an eye on an angry Amber.
"Thanks," I said while dragging Amber away.
I dragged her to the elevator where she continued to mumble to herself. As we got closer to our floor i came to a sudden realization.
"Amber, we have to pass their rooms to get to ours."
She stopped her mumble and looked at me.
"Ok, whats the plan?"
"We run."
She cocked her head to the side and looked at me as if I was crazy.
"Run? Why? I thought we wanted to SEE them not RUN from them," She said as the doors opened.
I followed behind her and sighed. She was right. I was only being childish. We walked down the hallway in silence as each door passed us.
"Hey Chloe."
I stopped walking and turned to face Amber.
"Run! Run Fast!"
I took off before she could get the rest of her sentence out. She was right behind me though.
"Unlock it! Hurry!"
I couldn't find the key! I dropped my bag and began to pat all my pockets.
"The key! I dropped the key!"
We searched around on the ground and i nearly died when i saw where it was.
"Its in front of their door," i whined and stomped my feet like a young child.
"Go get it!"
I shot Amber a pleading look but she pushed me. I dropped to my knees and rolled like a ninja until i was in front of their door with the key in my hands.
"Catch," I whispered while throwing her the key. She caught it and fist pumped while unlocking the door.
Then the door Handle above me jiggled. Reese's door handle.
I looked at Amber. She looked at me. I shot to my feet and ran to my door, tackling Amber in the process. We rolled until we were fully in our room and kicked the door closed with our foot.
"Holy crap."
I looked at her and laughed while letting her pull me to my feet. we both moved to the window and peeked out.
"Its Rain!"
"No, i seen a hottie go into this room and i want her number so go away!"
He saw me? I glanced at Amber to see her laughing with her hand covering her mouth.
I peeked out the window again to see Rain licking his lips and running his hands through his hair. Even i had to laugh at that.
Then he knocked on the door.
I panicked and slapped the wall making him glance at the window. i quickly moved away and stared at the door.
He knocked again.
Amber grabbed a pillow and ran behind the door while i grabbed the handle.
I opened the door and pulled Rain, while quickly Closing the door.
"Whoa, baby. Wait a second."
Amber tackled him to the ground before he could get a good look at me and placed the pillow above his face.
He started to struggle a bit so i quickly jumped on top of him and placed my hands on his chest.
" Kinky aren't we," i head his muffled voice say.
I smiled at Amber and watched as she removed the pillow from his face.
"Still a pervert aren't we? Your going to catch a disease."
It only took Rain a second to realize who i was before he wrapped me in his arms.
"Chloe! Oh My Gosh!"
I laughed and hugged him tight. I missed him. I missed all of them. I watched as Rain looked over at Amber before pulling her down and hugging the both of us.
"Girls how did you get here? How did you know we were here? Never mind I don't care! I've missed you!"
He started to babble as me and Amber laughed.
"Reese and Trey will be so happy to see you guys! Oh Move! We have to go tell everyone!"
He pulled us to our feet and began dragging us to the door.
"No wait! They can't know until tomorrow."
He stared at us for awhile and nodded his head.
"Ok. Ill be back though."
We watched as he closed the door behind him as he left.
"Do you think he's going to tell Reese and Trey?"
I shook my head and picked the pillow off the ground.
"Come change into your pajamas. Then we can watch a movie," she said while picking up my bag and walking to the bed room.
Soon. I'd see Reese soon. My Reese.
"We are watching something scary so shut up and grab a pillow," I said. Me and Amber have been auguring for a while about this movie.
She grabbed a pillow and brought it to her face.
Knocking on the door caused her to jump And lay flat on the couch.
"We are going to die! I told you no scary movies!"
I punched her in the arm as I walked to the door.
"Who is it?"
I shot my head towards a peeking Amber and gave her a "See" look.
I opened the door and was instantly thrown to shock. Outside my hotel room door stood all the Parker Brothers in their sleep clothes.
"And Friends. Dont worry, Reese and Trey don't know! They think we just went to the bar to get drunk and every since you guys haven't been around they haven't been wanting to do anything other then kill Moon."
My heart just broke.
I moved a side and watched as all the guys walked in. Giving me hugs first though.
All of the Parkers, except the one that I wanted the most.
"Why are you guys in New York?" Amber asked once they sat down.
"Because Moon is here. We think he came to recruit some people. Reese wanted to come so he could just kill him here so he won't be able to get back to home. Back to you," Rick said leaning back in seat.
"Guys this is messing up the mood. We just got connected with the girls again. Tomorrow they are going to Reese and Trey and hopefully pull them put of there stinky moods and THEN we can talk about all this crap. So can we just watch the movie now," Rain asked while shutting off the lights and turning on the movie.
"Yea, we think thats a perfect idea," the twins commented. Together. I watched them as they spoke. I've missed them.
I even missed Rick.
The scary music on the movie filled the room as we all got comfortable but i wasn't paying attention.
I wanted Reese. I missed him most.
Another Chapter Complete. Sorry Im posting so late, i hAd homework. Anyway i just wanted to let yall know that i read all of yalls comments and messages and i just wanted to say thank you for the love!
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