Chapter 11

Chapter 11

“We got another letter today and I‘m about to read it out loud so everybody hush,” Reese said, pulling the paper out of his pocket. 

I watched Reese lips move as he read out the contents of the letter, then I watched everyone’s faces as they took in the words that were coming off the paper. As I looked around the small group, I realized that these were the people that I had no choice but to depend on for awhile, and one of them was going to get hurt. It didn’t matter if we did everything right, someone was bound to get hurt in this game and I couldn’t help but to feel like it would be all my fault. 

I looked over at my best friend as her hand tightened in mine. This crazy girl who I’ve known since forever is getting involved in something that has nothing to do with her and putting her life in harms way just for me. 

“Hey Amber,” I whispered. 


“You know you’re my sister right?” 

She turned her head so she was facing me and nodded her head. 


I looked at her and smiled. 

“You know I Love you too right” 

She recognized what I was implying and pulled me into a warm hug. 

“Nothings going to happen to us. Any of us.” 

I took in what she was saying and nodded but I knew. I knew the truth. 

Reese finished up the letter and you could tell he was pissed. 

“What’re we going to do?” he asked in a strained voice. He quickly glanced at me before looking at everyone one else again. The room was silent and everyone had on there thinking face. 

“We give him the gun.” 

I looked over at Rain and watched as he rubbed his chin hair.

“What? Are you out of your mind?” Reese said. 

As Reese started yelling at Rain I started thinking. 

“Wait, wait Reese that’s a good idea,” I whispered standing up on wobbly legs. 

He snapped his head towards me and narrowed his eyes. 

“Yea we can give him the gun. So that way no one gets hurt, but he didn’t say that we couldn’t hurt any of his people. Right?” 

Everyone looked at me like I was stupid and I was pretty confused myself but I wasn’t about to show it. 

“Ok guys listen, Mr. Moon won’t be there to collect the gun because he’s in jail. That leaves his stupid guys right? Well who says Mr. Moon is the only one who can leave messages? While we give them the gun, why don’t we just leave a little message too?”

Reese continued to stare at me, but not in anger anymore. I couldn’t put my finger on what it was, but it was making me feel weird so I had to look away. 

“I understand you firecracker,” Rick said, walking over to me. I flinched a little when he reached out to touch me, which made him narrow his eyes at me. 

“Come here,” He pulled me until my side was pressed into his and his left arm was around my shoulder. “You don’t have to be afraid of me. I told you I was sorry. I wasn’t going to hurt you, I only wanted to make you better at shooting.”

“Well you went by it the wrong way,” I spat out and shimmed out of his touch. Just because I forgave him doesn’t mean I liked him. 

“Yes he did,” Reese said popping out of no where and wrapping an arm around my waist. “Don’t wrap your arms around her anymore.”

Rick laughed but nodded his head. 

“Ok so wait, what’s the plan? What are we suppose to do?” Trey asked as him pulled out of the little group Rico, Lance and himself had made. 

“I don’t know. You guys are good with all the guns and fighting. Why don’t you make up a plan,” I said. 

Roy and Ray hopped out of there seats and looked around the room.

“May we share our ideas?” They said at the same time. I noticed that they were so different from their brothers. Yet they were all the same. 

“Yea go ahead.”

“Well, we were thinking that maybe we could go and “rough” up Mr. Moon’s guys a bit. I mean make them look really bad and then of course leave the gun. I think that Reese and Miss. Chloe should write a letter to Mr. Moon and after we finish with what we must do we can leave the letter with them. That way he knows that he isn’t the only who can play dirty.”

I watched in amazement as they said each word at the same time. Every now and then one of them would complete the others sentence. It was so cute. It had me wanting twins just so I could see them do that when they get older. 

I looked over at Reese to see him already looking at me. 

“What?” I mouthed. 

He shook his head and looked away. 

“Ok, yea we can do that, but if we are going to fight then we need to practice first. We have two days. So tomorrow I say we meet up at the training course behind the agency and go over some plays then the next night we handle business. Agreed?” Reese asked in a firm voice. The way he had so much power in his words made my knees wobble and I had to go sit by Amber so I wouldn’t fall over.

Everyone agreed and stood to leave. 

“Text me when you get home,” I told Amber as she walked over to Trey who had her coat in his hands. 

“I will baby. Sleep well ok,” She said. She leaned over and pecked my cheek. 

“See you tomorrow new best friend,” Trey said dragging Amber out of the house, followed by Lance and Rico who quickly bid me goodbye. 

I looked over my shoulder and watched as the Parker brothers talked in hushed whispers, before going completely silent and breaking apart. 

Roy and Ray walked over to me, smiling. It was creepy because it was two of them giving me the same smile but I smiled back anyway. 

“Have a nice night, Miss Chloe.”

I laughed a little and shook my head.

“Please just call me Chloe. No need to add miss in front of that. You’re older then me, if anything I should be adding Mister in front of your names,” I said. 

They laughed but agreed to call me Chloe while stepping over the threshold. “See you tomorrow Chloe.”

“You too.”

I watched as they walked down the sidewalk and into their separate cars. Those two. I promise. 

“Hey baby. Want to come on a ride with me?” Rain wrapped his arms around me and laid his head on my shoulder. 

“No she doesn’t but I’ll come on a ride with you. I can’t grantee that you would make it back safely though,” Reese sneered as he snatched Rain off of me. 

Rain laughed and planted a huge kiss on Reese’s face before running out of the door.

“I swear, next time I see you I’m killing you!”

I laughed and watched as Rain flicked Reese off before hopping on his motorcycle and flying down the street. 

“Chloe.” I stiffened as I heard Rick come behind me. 

“Hey Reese, mind if I talk to Chloe for awhile. It will only take a moment.” 

Reese looked at me and I gave him a slow nod and he turned and walked away. 

“What?” I asked as I leaned against the wall. 

He stared at me before grabbing my arm and pulling me into his arms. I tensed for awhile but hugged him back. 

“You’re my brothers girl and the last thing I want is for us to not get along. I’m so sorry about what I said to you and for hurting your feelings. I went overboard and you have every right to feel uncomfortable around me, but you are the first thing my baby brother has shown interest in, in awhile and I’m hoping that you guys stay together for awhile. You’re going to be family.” 

I looked up at him and let his words sink in. I had to learn to forgive and forget. 

“Ok, I forgive you, but the next time you talk to me like you’re crazy I wont hesitate to rip your Adam’s Apple our of your throat.” 

He laughed and let me go before walking out of the door.

“I’ll keep that noted.”

I closed the door and went on a mission to find Reese. 

“Reeeeeeeesssssssssseeeeeeeeeee where are you?” I yelled. 

I walked up the dark stairs and walked towards his room. 

Why were all the lights off? 

I opened the door and was instantly tackled unto the bed. 


I let out a little scream but as my eyes adjusted to the darkness I seen Reese smiling down at me. 

“Reese, you jerk! I nearly pissed my pants!” I yelled hitting him. 

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry,” he laughed as he leaned down to kiss me gently. “You tired?”

I nodded and let him pull me from the bed. 


He laid flat on his back and tugged me until I was on top of him, my head resting on his chest, while his hands rested on my lower back.

“Then sleep.”

If the lights were on the I’m pretty positive that he would have seen my red face. 

“But I’m not comfortable in these clothes. Can’t we at least change?”

I felt him pull me tighter to his body.

“No, go to sleep.”

I sighed but snuggled into him anyway. I guess he was pretty sleepy because his breathing became slower and his heart beat sung to me. Next thing I know I was sleeping against my bad boy. 

The sound of water pouring woke me from my sleep. I sat up and rubbed my eyes while looking for Reese. The bathroom door was closed, so I was assuming that he was showering. I stretched a little and walked over to the closet, where Reese had hung all of my clothes along side his. 

What was I to wear today?

“How about some sweats and a nice fitted t-shirt that you can move easily in.”

I jumped and let out a scream, twisting my body. Reese stood beside me with only a towel wrapped around his waist, leaving his chest on display for my hungry gaze. 

Oh My God. 

“Reese, please put on clothes before you kill me,” I said closing my eyes and grabbing my towel off of the nearby chair. 

He laughed and threw something at my back. I looked down and immediately started blushing. It was his towel. 

“REESE!” I ran into the restroom and locked the door.

“Hey. Get back out here!” He yelled through the door. I could hear the amusement in his voice.

“No, but you can sit me out some clothes that I could wear today,” I said stripping out of my clothes and releasing my hair from the bun it was in. I turned on the water and let it steam up the bathroom before stepping in. 

The hot water hit my body and I forgot all about the things that have been going on the last couple of days. I dipped my head under the water and took a breath. 

I missed my parents and being at home. I missed going out with Amber on a regular basis. I missed stupid school and all of the kids being afraid of my temper. I missed my locker and I missed my car, I even missed my cigarettes. I Haven’t smoked one in about two weeks. 

I washed around my belly button piercing and laughed a bit. 

We had to finish this, we had to end it before it got worse and my life could never go back to the way it was. We were going to finish it and no one would get hurt. 

When I got out of the shower, Reese wasn’t in the room but he had my clothes set out for me. Jogging pants and a tight fitted shirt. I slipped them on and went downstairs, where he was standing over a stove. 

“Look at that. Such a beautiful sight,” I sighed, a small smile resting on my lips. He turned his head so he was staring at me and winked. He beckoned me over to him and pulled me in front of him, so he could wrap his arms around me. 

“You cook. I’ll stand here and be sexy,” he whispered in my ear. I shook my head and grabbed the spatula out his hands and flipped the pancake that he was working on. 

“Who taught you to cook?” I asked as I leaned into him. He swayed our hips a little.  


I couldn’t help but let out a laugh. Rain? Playboy Rain? I guess Reese figured out what was funny and joined me in laughter. 

“Hey, Rain is a very good cook! He makes the best cakes and muffins in this world,” He said leaning back a little. All of a sudden he got really silent and pulled away from me. I heard the chair behind me being pulled out and a sigh. I turned around to see Reese with his head in his hands. 

“Reese what’s the matter?” 

I turned off the stove and walked to sit beside him. He looked at me and screwed his face up as if he was about to cry. “ My brothers.”

I instantly remembered the way he was acting towards them when they had that conversation at the bar and when Rick was being extremely rude to me the other day. He was hostile and distanced himself. 

“What happened between you guys?” 

He cleared his throat and looked at me. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

I slowly nodded my head. I couldn’t get mad. I had to wait until he was ready. 

“Ok. Breakfast?” 

He nodded and I gathered our food. We ate in silence and when we were done I washed the dishes, while he went upstairs. I dried my hands and walked up the stairs not to much longer and watched as he went through the closet, probably looking for clothes. 

As he was turning around his jacket got stuck on the closet hinges. He pulled on it, but it wasn’t coming off and he looked frustrated. I let out a silent laugh and shook my head. 

“Come on you stupid jacket,” he yelled and tugged harder. I watched for a little longer before deciding to give him a hand. I walked over and gently placed my hand over his. He looked at me threw angry eyes, in which I returned with a small smile and a wink. Standing on my tip toes I unhooked the jacket from the hinges and put it in his hands. 

“Calm down Reese. You might hurt yourself,” I said pulling his head to my shoulder and rubbing the back of his neck. He let out a groan and wrapped his arm around my waist. I felt his head nod. 

“When I am finished getting dressed we are leaving.” He stood up straight and pecked my lips. I nodded and leaned up so I could better access the kiss. He picked me up some so that I was standing on his feet ,and held my head in his hands. 

“Chloe, go away. I need to change,” he muttered with his lips still on mine. 

“Ok, I’m moving.” I tangled my fingers in his hair and kissed him harder. He groaned and brought me a little closer to his body. 

“Ok, move faster.”

“Let me go then.”

We kissed each other roughly, not caring that if we stop we would be late. Not paying attention to the words that we were saying. We just needed a little time to ourselves. Just a little time to forget and not worry. Just for a little fun. 

“Reese stop kissing me, you need to change.” I said. I bit his bottom lip and his tongue slid into my mouth. 

He let out an angry groan and ripped his mouth off of mine. I smiled and rested my forehead against his. 

“Move,” he whispered. I nodded and went to get of his toes, but he pulled me back and planted another sloppy kiss on my mouth. 

“Ok, now get off of me,” he pushed me over to the side, making me trip over my foot and land on the bed. He took a look at me to make sure I didn’t fall and hurt myself and  marched into the restroom. I laughed and laid flat on the bed. He was something else. I instantly sat up and went to put my shoes on. When he got out I was sure that he would want to leave immediately.

As I was tying my shoes, my cell phone rung. I reached over and looked at the number but it was blocked. I accepted it anyway. “Hello?”

“You have one collect call. Do you wish to accept it?” 

I felt my palms start to sweat. I only knew one person in jail, and I never gave him my number.

“Yes, I’ll accept it,” my voice was a quiet whisper. 

I heard the line click in place and steady breathing. My heart started beating faster then usual, making my breaths come out in silent pants. 

“Chloe, sweetheart, are you there?”


“I’m sure you know who this is.”


I looked at the bathroom door hoping that Reese would come out so I could give him some kind of signal. 

“Are you afraid Chloe?” 

“No.” My voice was firm. It didn’t shake like I was expecting it too. 

He let out a chuckle and sighed deeply. 

“Chloe, you are a special one aren’t you? I must admit I like you. I’ll miss you when you are gone.” 

My blood ran cold and I felt anger being replaced with anger. 

“What do you want, huh? Why are you doing this? Why can’t you just leave me and Reese alone?” I whispered yelled into the phone. I glanced at the bathroom door and could see little movements in the crack letting me know that he was moving around.  

“30 more seconds.” It was probably a prison guard. 

“All of your questions will soon be answered but I am afraid that my time is over.”

“Wait, one more question,” I said.


“Why did you call me? Why not Reese?”

He took a pause. 

“Because you, Chloe, are my favorite.” The phone hung up. 

I sat there, trying to process his words and put them into understanding. I pulled my phone away from my ear and looked at it. 


I snapped my head up and looked at Reese?

“Who were you on the phone with?” He asked walking over to me. 

“Um, my parents.” I swallowed my fear down, but I couldn’t swallow my guilt. I was lying to him, and it was something I did not like. It made me feel so bad. 

“Are you ready?” I asked standing swiftly. Reese was staring at me but nodded and went to reach for my hand. I met him half way and linked our fingers together.

I looked over at him and looked at his tight fitted shirt and sweat pants that hung around his hips. 

“Well don’t you just look delicious,” I said. Reese let out a laugh and looked down at me. 

“Delicious? Who me? No!” He swished his hand in front of my face. 

“Yes, you look ravishing,” I smirking and jumped on him. He let out a funny sound but caught me around my waist. I wrapped my legs around his and bit his neck, tugging on the skin with my teeth. 

“Ow Chloe! I thought neck bites were suppose to be pleasurable? That hurts,” he said. He grabbed my hair and tried to pull my head out of his neck, but I was not releasing his flesh. 

“I’m eating you, not trying to make you feel good.” 

I laughed at his discomfort. He was letting out pain filled grunts and trying to pry me off. 

“Ow Chloe. You know what.” 

I let out a squeak as Reese tossed me over his shoulder. 

“Now hang there.” He slapped my butt, and I felt my cheeks warming. 

He carried me that way all the way to the car. As he drover I kept leaning over and biting him in different places. When I bit his cheek he nearly swerved off the road. Who said I can’t have a little fun. 

“Chloe get off of me!” Reese said as we walked into the training room in the agency. 

“No Reese! Hold me!” I said. I jumped up on his back and clung to him. 

“You guys ok?”

I looked over Reese’s shoulder and saw Amber walk over to us. 

“No, get her away.” 

I let out a laugh and laid my head on his shoulder.

“We are just fine.” 

“Good, come on everyone else is here. What took you guys so long,” She asked as she led us outside. 

“Sorry. Chloe was feasting,” Reese said. I buried my head into his shoulder and let out a chuckle. He wrapped his arms under my legs so that I wouldn’t fall off his back and walked out unto the training course. 

“Well look what the cat dragged in!” 

I could tell it was Tom from a mile away. 

“Lets get her off of here.” I was picked up and pulled off of Reese’s back. 

When I was sat on my feet, I turned to see that it was Rain. I smiled and punched his arm. 

“Hey Rain,” I said. 

“Hey sexy.”

I felt arms go around me and I already knew it was. 


“I know little brother, I know. She’s off limits,” Rain pouted and shot me a look before walking away. 

I laughed and snuggled into Reese. 

“Ok, lets get started.” 

Amber came and pulled me towards her as Reese and Trey walked into the middle of the circle. I looked around and seen the twins, Rick, Rain, Rico and Lance. They were staring intently and Trey and Reese. 

They faced each other and took two steps back. 

“First thing first, never let your opponent into your personal space,” Trey called out. I watched as he ran towards Reese, but Reese swiftly moved backwards keeping the perfect distance. 

“Secondly, never let your guard down,” Reese said as he began throwing punched at Trey’s head. I felt Amber tense beside me. I looked up at her and watched as her eyes held horror. I quickly looked back to the fight to see Trey blocking each hit with his arms in front of his face. 

“Third, fight back.” With those words they threw themselves into a full blown fight. I watched as Trey hit Reese in the jaw and Reese throw a punch to Trey’s gut making him double over. Reese grabbed Trey’s hair and pulled his head back. Trey elbowed Reese in the face and wrapped his arm around his neck, bringing him to his knees. Reese then head butted Trey and rolled him over by his arm before straddling him and landing a punch at his face. I closed my eyes before it made contact and waited for Trey’s cry of pain to ring in the air, but I never came. I opened my eyes to see Reese helping Trey to his feet and not a scratch on either one of them. 

“If you guys remember those three things. The you guess can protect yourselves in any individual fight. Now lets get into small groups of two and practice.” 

Amber grabbed my arm and pulled me off to the side. 

“Its only fair. We both know how to fight. Might as well use it on each other. We haven’t had time to be bad lately and I guess these guys assumed that we were just little sweet girls who couldn’t fight. Lets show them,” she said tossing me a hair tie and watching as I put my hair into a ponytail. 

I smirked and faced her. We both took two steps away from each other and raised our fist. I could feel all the guys eyes on us and I was actually enjoying the attention. 

“Ready?” I asked. She nodded. Everything was silent. I smiled and watched as Amber threw her self at me, aiming straight for my face. I dodged it and punched her in the face, making her head cock back. 

You messed up early Amber. Second rule, never let your guard down. 

She held her face and I stuck my feet out under her and pushed her so she tripped and fell on her back. I dropped to my knees and rolled over until I was straddling her. 

“Ow! I’m going to kill you! Chloe, you never suppose to hit the face! First rule!” Amber said. She rolled over and straddled me. She grabbed my head by the sides and slammed it into the ground. I’m not going to lie and say that it didn’t hurt because it did. So bad. 

“How does that feel?” She stood up and pulled me with her before punching me in my face. I raise my arm and blocked her hit while pushing her away from me and backing up. 

Rule One, Never let them into your personal space. 

I popped my neck and threw a punch at her. She blocked it perfectly. She threw a punch at me. I caught her fist in my hand and twisted it until it was behind her back and my chest was against it as well. I elbowed her shoulders, until she was one her knees, and brought her head into a headlock. I raised my fist, ready to hit her in the face. 

“Amber, baby I Love You, but I’m about to hurt you.”

I brought it down as she closed her eyes but someone caught my fist. 

“That’s enough girls. I think you guys are a little to good at this. Especially you Chloe. Amber once you learn to block yourself more, you’ll be just fine,” Reese said. He leaned down and pulled me off of Amber. He helped her up and she stood next to me glaring. 

“You hit entirely to hard.” 

I smirked at her and ran my hands through her hair, fixing the tangles. 

“I love you.”

She rolled her eyes at me, but pulled my head into her arms and ruffled my hair like I sometimes do to her little brother. I squirmed around but eventually just let it happen. I heard the guys laughing as I fell victim to Ambers assault. 


I watched as the twins went up next. They fought so smooth and clean. It was rough and fast, yet smooth and slow. You could see each punch and each block successfully. I found myself leaning in almost in awe as they twist and turned around each other. It was like they were doing a dance that only they knew the steps too. They moved so beautifully. I was in love with their style of fighting. 

“You like the way they move?” Reese whispered into my ear. 

I nodded as I watched them. 

“Maybe you can ask them to teach you,” he said. I turned to him and blinked. 


He nodded and I jumped on my toes. I would love for them to teach me how they move so smoothly.

When Rain and Rick fought it was almost to brutal to watch, yet to hilarious to miss. Lets just say Rain was a twig, to Rick’s Tree. Rick wasted no time in defeating his brother and leaving him a puddle of tears on the ground. 

“Hey, I let him win.” He had said over and over but once Rick raised his fist he had ran screaming. 

Speaking of Rick he was currently standing beside me as Reese went over a couple of blocking moves with Amber and Rain. 

“So, how did you sleep?” 

“I slept just fine and you?” I asked as I turned to him. 

“ I didn’t sleep. I had a night full of work,” He said. 

I nodded and looked ahead. I could feel his eyes on me and to be honest I was starting to feel a little uncomfortable. 

“Miss Chloe.” I turned around to see the twins smiling at me. God they looked so much like Reese. 

“Chloe, guys please,” I said as I smiled at them. 

“Sorry. We didn’t know that you could fight so well.”

I opened my mouth to reply but Rick beat me to it. 

“Yea, I didn’t know that either.”

He narrowed his eyes at me. 

Such a weird guy.

“Um, yea. I can tussle. I actually wondering if you guys could teach me your technique. It was quite beautiful.”

They agreed and we choose a normal date. 

After about 2 hours of non stop practicing, we all decided it was time for us to pack our things and head home. 

If only we knew that the worse thing that could possibly happen would happen in less then a minute.

“You guys did great today. We are already for tomorrow. I have the gun that we are going to leave. We will meet up at the entrance of the park at noon. Be in comfortable clothes and tennis shoes.” 

Reese voice, loud and proud. I’m so happy that I have this dude. 

We all turned towards the door ready to leave, but the sound that poured off of the building halted all of our footsteps. 

It was a siren. The one and only siren. The siren that let everyone in distance of the agency know that someone had broken free, and the looks that we passed to each other we knew. We knew exactly who had broken loose. Reese was the first to run into the building and we were all right behind him. We ran down every hall and up every flight of stairs until we reached the floor were his cell was held. 

It was silent and there were red lights everywhere. There was trash everywhere and a giant hole in the wall where it had been blown into nothing. 

“Come here.” Rick grabbed my hand and helped me walk over everything. My breaths turned to pants and tears gathered in my eyes as I looked at the scene before me. Bodies. Bodies were everywhere. Blood splattered against the wall and the jail bars were burned open. I could hear Amber letting out a scream behind me. Everything was going into slow motion. Reese’s loud curse words rang in the air as well as Rick’s. Treys assuring words floated around as Lance and Rico shouted into their phones. Even Rain and the twins breathing registered into my mind. 

I looked a little more closely at the burned jail bars and noticed something that no one else was caring about. A note. 

I walked slowly over to it, not paying attention to Reese’s calls to “bring my butt back!”

I needed that letter. Everything around me moved slowly. My vision was going in circles. I felt my foot hit something and I fell to the ground. 


I looked back to see what I had fell on, only to come face to face with a dead body. A bullet right in between the eyes. I swallowed my scream and scrambled back to my feet. 

I walked over and grabbed the note. 

Dear Idiots, 

I’m out and you’re dead. 


The note was taken out of my hands and an arm was placed around my arms.

I listened as Reese reread it and looked up at him. He looked down at me with furrowed eyebrows. I took a breath and attempted to slow my heart rate. 

“Baby calm down, I’m going to keep you safe. No one is going to die,” Reese said. 

“YET! NO ONE IS GOING TO DIE YET!,” Rain yelled his hands in his hair.

My breath quickened as I looked up at Reese with frightened his eyes and he looked down at me with pleading eyes. 

Would you ever guess what I did?

I fainted in my bad boy’s arms. 

We were all going to die. 



I know, iknow. I am so sorry i have been missing this past month. First, my laptop charger broke so i couldnt access the work that i had done and my wifi went off but I'm back! I have missed you guys so much! I hope you enjoy this chapter. Thanks for all of the coments and votes! If you have any questions or anything, ask me. 

Comment. Vote. Enjoy


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