Chapter 10
Hey Guys! I will not, I repeat WILL NOT be changing anything about this story. Everything stays. Title, names, plot,etc. EVERYTHING!! Thanks to everyone who told me they would stick by me whether I changed anything or not, those are the comments I live for! Love you guys and hope you enjoy this chapter.
Oh and Btw, some of you guys have been leaving comments telling me that you're almost getting in trouble at school waiting for my updates and i only have one thing to say...LMAO!! You guys are crazy.
Kay, so that was more then one thing but whatever. Just read.
Chapter 10
"Hold the gun up! Straighter! Are you even listening to me?" Reese said. We had been at this freaking gun range since I woke up this morning. It had been about a week since we have had any other problems out of Mr. Moon guys, which could only mean one thing. They were planning something, and the best thing we could do was be ready, which was why I spent everyday in this gun range with Reese.
"Yes, I hear you! I'm trying ok!," I yelled. I glanced over at the no smoking sign and sighed. I could really go for a cigarette right now, but I promised Reese that i would try and stop. I don't know why I would agree with something so stupid.
"We're going to do this until you get it right," he said. He came behind me and wrapped his stong arms around my waist. I relaxed in his hold and took a breath.
"Look straight ahead and hold your arms out straight. Make sure the gun is leveled with the bridge of your nose."
I did as he suggested. "Pull the trigger."
The force of the gun made my arms move a little. I missed my target too. I felt Reese body sag and a sigh escape his lips. I was diappointing him I know, but it's harder then it seems.
"I'm sorry." I said leaving the gun in his hands and going to lean on the wall. He looked over at me and offered me a small smile. "Its ok."
"No, It is not."
Me and Reese looked towards the entrance where his brother, Rick, stood. Now I bet alot of you are wondering what happened after the night I first met them. About a week ago. Well I'm wondering too. Reese dropped me off at my house so that I could have dinner with my parents and wouldn't tell me what happened in the meeting.
"Excuse you," I ask, pushing my body off of the wall. He looked so calm and nonchalent. He was staring blanked faced at me, obviously not caring about the offence that I had taken to his statement.
"You heard me. It's not ok that you can't aim a gun and shoot correctly, I mean I know that you're new to this but can't you atleast hit it once?"
He smirked at me. How dare he?
"Lay off," Reese growled out. He was looking at his brother and if looks could kill then I promise that Rick would be six feet under. Rick completely ignored his younger brother and headed straight for me.
"Turn around and face the target," he said pushing against my shoulders until i faced the way he wanted me too. His hands were huge and his push nearly sent me tumbling over.
"Hey, watch who you're putting your hands on," i sneered jerking out of his grip. He simply ignored me and continued on with his rant.
"Why are you standing like that? Feet apart. Arms out. And aim at your target like Reese instructed you a minute ago," He said. He moved behind just as his brother did but the only thing different was that he didn't wrap his arms around me and make me feel warm. He leaned down until his mouth was next to my ear and said things that made me want to curse. Too bad i had promised Reese that I would try and stop that too.
"You're pathetic. You can't even protect yourself which makes my brother have to do all the work. He could die and it would be all your fault. Why does he like you anyway? He could do better. You aren't worth this life," He sneered into my ear.
I gasped and turned to look at him. "TURN BACK AROUND!" He yelled. I jumped and quickly faced the front, swallowing the lump in my throat and blinking to clear the tears.
"Stop it Rick. What you are doing isn't fair to her," Reese said. He was ignored again.
I tightened the grip on the gun. I was beyond pissed off. Did he not know who i was? Did he not know the physical and emotional damage that I could do to him. If i wasn't so afraid of him I would have started long ago.
"Are you angry you worthless peice of trash? Am I making you upset?"
I felt his breath fan my neck and it was just as cold as his insides.
"Stop it right now!" Reese was yelling now. He was angry.
"You come over here Reese and I swear to God," Rick said. He nudged me in the back making me trip over my own feet. He grabbed my arm just before my face hit the ground and sighed.
"You can't even stand up straight. You are not compatiable with life. How could your parents make a thing like you live in their home without hating you?" And that was all it took for me to turn around and point the gun straight at his head. He was smiling. I could Reese in the back, eyes wide, and watching to see how things would play out.
Would I really shoot his brother? Yes, yes i would.
"There she is. The little "firecracker" that Reese mentioned. I was starting to think you were a dud."
I let the release back and all i had to do was pull the trigger. The only thing stopping life and death from entering the gun range at that very moment was the look in Reese's eyes. I couldn't do that to him.
"You couldn't even shoot me if you tried little girl. Your aim is so off."
Screw Reese, I'm killing him.
"Hey Rick, screw you," I panted out as my breathing started to speed.
"Turn around and shoot the target, pretend its me."
"Why would I pretend when I have the real thing right here?" I asked, holding the gun tighter. He simply smirked and pointed to the target. I let out a breath and turned around.
He was behind me again.
"Hey Chloe?"
"Reese would NEVER love you."
I pulled the trigger and watched as it made the target, but i was so pissed that I couldn't even register would I had just did. I was shaking all over and turned around to see Rick. He was smiling at me. I threw the gun at him and shook my head at him.
"You're sick," I said.
"Good job." That's all he said before he turned around and walked out of the room. I watched him with cold eyes and licked my lips.
"Baby?" Reese said. I turned to him and thought back to what Rick had just told me.
"Reese would NEVER love you."
"Don't listen to him. Everything he said was a lie. He was just saying it to fire you up and get you angry. He did it to me when I first started working here," He said walking over to me and kissing me gently.
I felt myself relax and kiss him back.
"Oh and I can see myself falling in love with you easily." He moved away from me and walked out of the room.
I smiled and picked up the gun. I turned towards the target and shot, over and over and over again.
"It's so cold out here," i said as Reese dragged me through the night. He was leading me to the car, which by the looks of it, has a ticket on it.
"Ha you have a ticket."
He ripped the paper off of his windshield and opened. I peeked over his shoulder and almost vomited on him.
It wasn't a ticket. It was from Mr. Moon.
Hello Mr. Parker and Lovely Chloe,
I was only wondering if you both have missed me? Excuse my absence, but something came up and, well, i had to handle it. I'm back now and in comes the real fun. I hope you guys are prepared. Here is the second wish.
I like pretty shiny things that make loud nosies. Much like the one Chloe has been struggling with all week. Take it to my warehouse. The one in the woods behind the park and give it to Jim. You have two days, or something bad will happen. Don't play games with me. We'll be waiting.
I watched as Reese's eyebrows scrunched up and his eyes narrow. He looked at me and I looked at him.
"Call everyone."
He pulled his phone out and called Trey first.
"Hey Reese's Cup."
"Get to my house."
"Oh no, i told you that you were going to regret leaving me alone at my house and now you want me. Screw that. And you as a matter of fact."
"I'm not playing Trey. This is important. It's Moon."
Reese started the engine and peeled out of the parking lot an sped off down the road.
"Bring Amber too."
And thats how the ride home went. Person after Person. Reese called everyone until we reached his house
"Lets go," he said as he came on my side and grabbed my hands. I walked up his driveway and another note was on his front door.
2 days.
He let out a loud curse, that of course i couldnt repeat seeing as i had promised no more of that, and threw the paper to the ground.
"Its ok, come on lets get in the house." I untwisted the knob and pulled Reese in with me. He wasn't meeting my eyes and i knew he was upset. I dropped the keys on the table and pulled him into his room, the room we have been sharing for the last week.
I pushed him on the bed and laid beside me, resting his head on my chest. "Its, ok"
"It's not."
"It is."
He turned his head so he was looking at me.
"How can you say it's ok when I pulled you into this mess?" His eyes held curiosity that resembled one of a small child.
"Because I have you by my side to pull me back out of it," i whispered. I watched as his eyes softened and he leaned up to place his lips on mine. It was only a peck though, because my phone started ringing and the door bell did too. He looked me in my eyes and kissed my forehead before getting up.
"Come to the living room when you are done."
I watched as his muscles moved in his back as he walked away. So sexy.
I picked up my phone and answered before it stopped ringing.
"Yes Mom."
I heard her laugh through the phone.
"I just wanted to call and say goodnight and to tell you that me and your father love you." My heart clenched and i smiled down at my lap.
"I love you guys too. Sleep Well."
"You to baby,"
I quickly threw the phone on the bed and walked into the living room where Lance, Rico, Troy, Amber, Rain, Rick, Ray and Roy was sitting. They were spaced out everywhere and it acually looked kind of neat.
"Ok, we have no time to play games. Lets get to work," Reese said stepping beside me. Rick and I made eye contact but i quickly looked away. I was still disgusted by him from earlier.
"Chloe," he said. His deep voice startled me, seeing as i wasn't expecting it. I looked over at him to see a small smile resting on his lips.
"I'm sorry," he said. I let out a sigh and smiled in return.
"Its fine."
I went to sit by Amber who wrapped her arm in mines and listened to Reese give out instructions. This was going to be a long night, i knew it.
Reese made eye contact with me and winking.
Good thing i wasn't tired.
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