Chapter 1

There’s nothing better then a boy with a beautiful voice, a leather jacket, and a motorcycle. Period. 


“Slam my door again, and you will be walking to school from now on,” I muttered, throwing my bag over my shoulder. 

I narrowed my eyes at my best friend Amber as she smiled and walked ahead of me. Her jet black hair, curled tight, bounced as she walked and shone every time the sun hit it. 

“Sorry love bug, didn’t meant to,” she said turning her head so her vibrant blue eyes could connect to my dull green ones. “Your so grumpy this morning, what’s the matter?” 

I rolled my eyes, but I must admit, it was true, I’ve been in a bad mood since I woke up. “Last night my mom and dad got in another argument and kept me up until the wee hours of the morning.” I ran my hand over my face and sighed. 

“Poo, want to come over mines? You need the rest. I see it in your eyes,” she said frowning. She stopped walking and pulled me closer, examining my face. Probably the bags under my eyes. 

“Yes, you’re coming to my house. No discussion.”

I nodded. Not like my parents would care. 

“Thanks cheesecake. So what’s the latest bullshit you’ve picked up on from this rat hole,” I said, pulling the doors of our high school open. It was a zoo today! Papers everywhere, students everywhere. Voices loud. 

Walking over to my locker, I watched as Amber leaned on the locker beside mine. 

“Well, I heard Zoe and Bre got into a fight over Damien Grey,” she said picking at her nails. I shook my head, while grabbing my books. Females. 

“Oh and Reese Parker got arrested last night.” 

I stopped what I was doing and turned to her. “What?” 

“Yea, he was out with some dudes. A couple pow pows,” she said making little makeshift guns with her fingers, “ and the police where taking him away in silver bangles.”

Reese Parker, Princeton High Schools bad boy, because every school is suppose to have one, got arrested. I’ve always heard stories. He was sexy though. God like looks, with an amazing body. Big, but not to big muscles. Mouthwatering dimples. True Beauty. 

“That sucks,” I commented just as the bell rung. 

“To class then?” Amber questioned walking off. I followed behind her, pulling my jacket tighter around my body, as people speed to get out of our way. 

Lets just say I wasn’t the nicest princess in the castle. I wasn’t good. I mean I wasn’t titled like Reese, but I wasn’t to far behind. People knew not to mess with me. Not at all. 

Amber was my only friend, and I was hers. To be honest we wouldn’t be friends if I wouldn’t have been the only person to stand up to her. She wasn’t nice either. She was nicer then me though. Anyway, we grew an instant like towards each other, knowing we had one thing in common. We were NOT to be played with. 

 I was walking beside Amber going to class when something slammed into my side. Swearing under my breath, I looked up to be greeted with captivating grey eyes, with little flecks of purple. Reese Parker.

“Watch where you step little girl,” he sneered down to me. He was to tall for my liking. I’ll be damned before I be talked down to. Oh hell no. 

Pulling the front of his shirt down so his ear was level with my lips. I smirked a little. “Listen fucker, you bumped into me, not the other way around. I don’t care who you are and what you think that ugly stare of yours will do, but you’re not going to talk to ME just any kind of way. I don’t really give a crap how you talk to the other kids here but me, oh hell no, you respect me and I’ll respect you. Got it?” I whispered. 

The hallway was completely quiet but I couldn’t see. The only thing I could see was his shoulder as my lips were pressed into his ear. I heard him clear his throat before his hands were placed on my hips. 

My heart dropped. His hands felt nice there. So good. My palms got a little sweaty at his touch.

“Well aren’t you just a little firecracker. Why aren’t you scared of me, shortie?” he asked lifting me so I was at his height. My feet were completely off the ground. If you weren’t listening in on our conversation it would look as if he was giving me a hug.

“Because you aren’t scary,” I replied. I know for a fact we were in the middle of a crowd but for some reason all I could see was him. I pulled my head away from him shoulder and stared at him. My hair shielding us from every one else. 

He stared at me and smiled, his grey eyes pulling me in. “I could be scary, but then again, I’d rather not scare you away just yet. You’re fun to mess with, so I think I’ll keep you around.”

The late bell rung over head and everyone around us immediately scattered, but Reese had yet to put me down. 

“Ok big boy drop her, we have classes to attend, not like you know anything about that,” Amber said staring up at us. Reese smiled a goofy smile down at her, but put me on my feet, not before patting my ass though.


“I’ll see you later shortie,” he said smiling. Then he was gone. 

Reese Parker smiled at me. More then once. That boy doesn’t smile. 

“Chole, Do you have a crush?” Amber asked me smiling. A crush? On Reese Parker. “ NO I DO NOT!” I yelled. “No need to yell, snippy pants.” I groaned and ran my hands down my face for the second time in one hour. 

“How about we skip first period, you need time to clear your head and tell me about this flowing chemistry between you and Mr. Bad Boy,” Amber said pulling me towards the staircase. 

“Where are we going?” I stumbled a little as my shoe caught my shoelace. I tried to pry my arm out of Ambers hold, but gosh this girl was strong. “Amber, c’mon where are we going?”

“Roof top garden.” She pulled me up two flights of stairs before pushing open the black metal door that read “Garden” She dragged me over to the bench near the back of the roof and sat me down. 

“Ok, now tell me, what was that all about? I thought you didn’t talk to him,” she said, pushing her hair behind her ear. I sighed and shook my head at her. “We don’t! I’ve never talked to him before today.” I was still in shock, to be honest. The way he lifted me off the ground. I - I was at a lost of words. 

“Didn’t seem like that to me. The way you guys interacted and communicated. Its like you guys were meant to be together. It was fate!”

Amber had this thing were she believed in fates and all that crap. Now I’m not saying I don’t, its just that she blames everything on the fates, were as I just a little more, how do I put it, understanding. 

“ I don’t know about all that, but he did make me feel some type of way. I can’t explain it.” I shook my head and pursed my lips. Reese Parker. “But I don’t like him, Amber, if that’s what you’re thinking. I’m just confused is all.”

I sat back on the bench and reached for my cigarettes in my back pocket. I hadn’t had one since I woke up. I lit it, and leaned my head back, taking a deep drag from it and exhaling it out into the open air. 

“I thought you said you’d stop smoking.” 

I turned towards Amber. She was reading a book with her legs propped up on the giant flower pot in front of us. I smiled a little as I took another drag. I leaned up some so we were eye to eye before blowing the smoke directly in her face. 

“I know what I said.” She narrowed her eyes at me while waving her hands in her face. “Great, now I’m going to be smelling like smoke all day.” I laughed as the bell rung.  We got up and gathered our belonging while heading towards the stair case. I pulled open the door and turned towards her. “You never know, my good friend. Maybe, just maybe, that smoked helped your awful stench.” 

I left her at the top of the stair laughing my butt off. She was saying something extremely rude to me, but hey. She still loves me. 

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