My family

(Not my art ^^^ If anybody knows the artists name, please tell me. I just found it online and couldn't find who created it)

The Washingdad;

General-Washington/Me - Famous quote: "I can't stop adopting children." (Age 285, but looks around 35 yrs. old) Description: Washingdad. Favorite child: Everyone. Least favorite: I love all my children. Name: Dad/Washingdad/Washingmachine/Washington (Only by non-family members or mean older children)/Cheezy Washingdad/DAAAAADDD!!!/General/Sir.

My amazing wife;


My wonderful children;

Martha "Patsy" Parke Custis - May my beautiful daughter rest in peace, died at the age of 17 to a mortal seizure. Nick name: Patsy. Description: Innocent, kind, lovely, smart and adventurous. Born: On Halloween, 1756. Died in 1773.

John "Jacky" Parke Custis - My amazing son, may he also rest in peace, died at the age of 27. Nick name: Jacky. Description: Smart, farmer, loving, brave and noble. He had multiple children, the youngest two of which I adopted. Born: On November 27th, 1754. Died in 1781.

George Washington "Washy" Parke Custis - The most caring, loving, adorable grandson one could ever get. The son of Jacky, me and Martha took him in after his father died when he was only an infant. Nick name: Washy <3 Born: April 30th, 1781.

Eleanor "Nelly" Parke Custis Lewis - My gorgeous granddaughter, sister to Washy. Was only two years old when her father died. She is a sweet, brilliant, kind woman. Nick name: Nelly. Born: March 31st, 1779.

-WorkinOn3- - Famous quote: "I TOLD YOU TO TURN OFF THE STOVE -Censored-" (Age 17) Favorite sibling: a_theater_kid and TheThomasJeffery. Name: Angel.

a_theater_kid - Famous quote: "Water tastes like water." (16 yrs old) Personality: Moody and can/will take you down with an insult. Will take down anyone who makes fun of a sibling. Name: Chloe. Favorite sibling: . Least favorite: Hates the rest equally. 

CleareyesTheHamilkit - Famous quote: "wHY DO I LISTEN TO YOU." (Age 13)

Maze_at_heart - Famous quote: "The world as we know it is about to change." (7 yrs. old) Favorite sibling: Bagel_Time_Bois.

TOHOfficialLuzNoceda - Famous quote: "I sometimes just sit and think about things like 'do bling people dream?" (Age 16) Personality: Very rebellious. Insane, without a doubt. Favorite sibling is Aaron_BURRger or TheThomasJeffery. Name: Alexander.

_4th_Schuyler_ - Famous quote: "If I can do that with my feet imagine the red mark I'd leave on your with my hand./ Do you want a red mark on your arm?" (Age 15) Favorite sibling: She is an a**hole to everyone except _AngeIica_SchuyIer_ and ChristyAKAspiderman. Name: I believe it's Eliza?

 That0neHamiltonFan - Famous quote: "IM THE FAVORITE CHILD!" Another quote by her: "When there is a kitten, there is always hope!" (Age 14)

Fictionfan21 - Famous quote: " 'Hermits united. We meet up every 10 years, swap stories about caves. It's good fun, for a hermit.' My existence isn't really important, but Hi." (Age 14) 

AzulitaUwU - Famous quote: "It's either white supremacy, or I took the wrong test"

ChirstyAKAspiderman - Famous quote: "iM tHE fAVORITE cHILD." (Age 12)

Lafayettes_Wife - Famous quote: "✨Sleep✨." (Age 30)

_peggys_soulmate_ - Famous quote: "I have just enough money to get through my life..... If I die tomorrow." (Age 13) Personality: If you try to talk to them when they are mad or when they just got up get ready to get hit with a pillow but the pillow is a brick. They bite their nails and sometimes by accident bite their actual finger so it hurts- they would mush rather stay home then go outside. They seem very shy but when you know them they can become the weirdest/craziest person you will ever know. Name: Emily.

TheThomasJeffery - Famous quote: "I'm better then you." (Older then AnD_pEgGy_SkUyLeR)

Lopenblade - Famous quote: "Heck the frick off... unless you have food." (Age 16) Personality: Realist who really just wants to punch something because of man-kinds inability to use common sense. She can be quite eccentric and won't admit it, but she likes hugs. She is her father's daughter and loves history. Favorite sibling is _peggys_soulmate_ Also, she will fight anyone and everyone who picks a fight with her, which is probably why she's on the debate team. She also plays guitar really well. Name: Ash. 

cheezit_for_sale - Famous quote: "I like nonsense; it wakes up brain cells."

AnD_pEgGy_SkUyLeR - Famous quote: "Don't like me? Cool, I don't wake up everyday to impress you." (Age 15) Personality: Mean/moody, not the nicest person you will meet, but if she knows you very well she can be a good friend. She knows how to party. She has an army of 3 sisters (Angie, Eliza and her) so she takes that to her advantage. Best friend: ChristyAKAspiderman. TheThomasJeffery is debatable, as they get in fights a lot. Can be good friends at times, though. Name: Peggy.




KelpTheHamilnerd - Famous quote (That they stole off a hoodie): "It's not hoarding if it's books." (Immature 14 yr. old) THIS POOR CHILD NEEDS FRIENDS! And would greatly appreciate it if someone volunteered to be their friend. Name: Kelp.

TheOfficialGaydar - Famous quote: "" (14 yrs. old)

ARandomHamiltonDood - Famous quote: "NO IM TURNING OXYGEN INTO CARBON DIOXIDE STOOPID." (Age 13) Personality: Kinda shy when you meet them, but once you get to know them they can be really weird and loud. Willing to make a fool of themselves in public, negative friend who doesn't like affection, give them a hug and they'll kick you, unless you're special. Sarcastic and usually in a mood, can scare people easily. Favorite child: I don't like favorites you all suck xoxo. Name: Sofia.


_AngeIica_SchuyIer_ - Famous quote: "I smashed a piece of candy under my desk so now it looks like I've been doing drugs." (Age 14) Personality: The mom friend that sometimes questions if they should be the mom friend, because they have a group chat with their in front of Favorite sibling: _4th_Schuyler_ Least favorite: Anyone that dares to question their authority as the mom friend. Name: Angelica Til. But you have to call them either Angie or Til, or they will kill you.


Dear_Theodosia_ - Famous quote: "Like cats and snakes." (Age 13)

madeline_diggs - Famous quote: "You may like mac n cheese, but i like it more then you."


Bagel_Time_Bois - Famous quote: "I was once a bagel for some reason, now I'm a human somehow. AAA-" (age 16) Personality: Sarcastic. Will absolutely smack you if you touch them, despite being touch starved. They also scream a lot. If you eat a bagel in front of them, they will kill you. Favorite sibling: Maze_at_heart. Least favorite: All of you. Name: Bagel.


 Rais3AglassTofreedom- Famous quote: "DADD ALEX IS BEING MEEEAN." 


TheMulletteFusion - Famous quote: "Hello! it is I! two of your sons! AT ONCE." Favorite sibling: Alexander_Hamilton78

Lams_Forever_900 - Famous quote: "THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS 'NORMAL'" (Age 12) Personality: Is sorta annoying sometimes but (Usually) has good intentions, wants to lead and be in charge of everything yet can't handle certain situations. Gets emotional whenever a character in a book dies. Does extra credit assignments for school but then gets stressed and regrets doing it, online they are really confident, but in real life, they are shy and embarrassed about everything. Insane around close friends and family. Pronouns: They/Them. Loves all siblings so far. Name: Cove.

GeneralKyaWashington - Famous quote: "We're only human!~" (Age 16) Personality: depressed, quiet, always wearing black. Favourite sibling: LizaSchuylerHamilton Name: Alex

AabhaUpadhyaya - Famous quote: "I will kill anyone; unless they have is good." (Age 13) Personality: Closest friends are books and music. Wears only black. Is the friend that gets people out of messes. Will fight anyone.

azoi981 - Famous quote: "EXCUSE ME WHO STOLE MY DORITOS!? I PUT THEM IN THE FRIDGE!" (Age 16) Personality: Books and the internet are her best friends. Is WAY more quiet in person then online. Tomboyish and honestly has a bit of an attitude. If you throw a hand expect a hand thrown back. The A+ student UwU. If someone messes with family or siblings best know that she will defend them. Favorite sibling: Probably _John_Laurens_1 Least favorite: None. She will love them all even if they're annoying. She/her.

yeet-goes-anna - Famous quote: "yeeting is kind of like throwing, just more... yeet-like. or honestly? you want my honest input? I really don't care." (Age 14) Personality: A very quiet, introvert, but will scream from across the room. takes a while to trust people, but when they warm up to you, you are their closest friend. Name: Anna. (Pronounced like ANN-ah not AWW-na)

LizaSchuylerHamilton - Famous quote: "Do I look ugly?" (Age 15) Personality: Too trusting, can be defensive, kind, sweet, motherly, mature/immature depending on the situation, really shy at first, loves music, books, nature and art. Has anorexia. Favorite sibling: GeneralKyaWashington.

Punk_metal_emo - Famous quote: "Nothing's illegal unless you get caught." (Age 16) Personality: Can some as rude but is probably trying to be nice, hates most people but you insult their family and they will kill you, immature when it comes to certain things, reads too much fanfic, sarcastic, and emo theater kid.


ItsVarian - Famous quote: "I will go pack the ham sandwiches!" (Age 14) Personality: loves alchemy and ham sandwiches. Favorite siblings: ChristyAKAspidermanGeneralKyaWashington and LizaSchuylerHamilton.


ANormalPerson51 - Famous quote: "Fear me, I HAVE BAGUETTES." (Age 15) Personality: very trusting, is seen as an introvert but when they trust you, becomes very energetic. Very loyal. Hates being leader but is a good leader, loves reading, writing and music. Loves all siblings equally <3.


MamaTurtle4427 - Famous quote: "Who said I couldn't sleep and read at the same time?"  (Age 16) Personality: Super shy at first, but is super energetic once they get to know you and is comfortable around you. Sweet but when they're salty, they're really salty. Name: 🐢Jane🐢. favorite sibling: _wolfstar22_. Least favorite: Whaaaaat? Don't have least favorites!!!











EchoHasAGhostNow - Famous quote: "The geese request your shoes." (Age 13 and 4/5ths) Personality: Chaotic Panromantic Asexual child who lives on the roof with the geese. (She calls her geese her 'Fellow nuisances') Strives to be the champion of "Who can hold their hand in the waffle iron the longest?" and trains when she can. Somehow gets A's in school despite not doing any work because ADHD. Wanted to be a dragon when she grew up but now just wants to be a goose. Very outgoing and tomboyish. Loves the cold, the dark and the internet. Night owl 100. Name: Echo. Favorite sibling: Loves you all equally :>. Least favorite sibling: Hates you all equally :>.






TheLamsLady - Famous quote: "Don't. Touch. My. Piano. AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHh." (Age 15) Personality: Dark and dirty sense of humor, antisocial, and talks a lot around fam. Sings too much. Name: Cam. Favorite siblings: All of them, loves their family <3

_Angie_Hamilton_Jr_ - Famous quote: "WHY AM I SO SMOL?!" (Age 17) Personality: When Philip died she went insane and is very introverted, always claiming she's talking to Philip. Name: Angie. Favorite aunt/uncle/grandparent: None I love my family equally.

Georgie-Washington - Famous quote: "I know, I'm ugly, I'm rude, and I'm reckless along with other bad qualities, but you don't have to tell that to my face or behind my back, because even then it hurts." (Age 21) Personality: Mean. Name: Georgie. Favorite sibling: None, hates you all equally ❤️


WolfieAuthor - Famous quote: "You can never eat enough food, now give the fricken chocolate donut or perish you heathen." (Age 14) Gender: Girl. Personality: Shy, Nice but can be mean, sometimes very annoying, introverted extrovert. Usually by herself, never really socializes, anti-social as hell, introverted, doesn't like being annoyed, loves to write, draw and read, usually will stay by herself, musicals, music, and songs give her life, loves to sing all the time, always in the mood for a snack, sweet-tooth, gets nervous and scared in large crowds, hyperactive, has ADHD. Name: Annie (nickname: Ann) Favorite sibling: None, I hate and love you all equally <3


Whew. That is 66 children. And 1 grandchild.

If you aren't here or want to be here, just request it and I'll add you on the list.

If you are on this list, PLEASE LEAVE A QUOTE! Put a quote in the comments and I'll put it under your name.

ALSO, I would like you to comment something else. Your age. Not your real age, the age you as my child are. For example, maybe you want to be a toddler? A middle aged older child who is in charge when I'm out shopping at the dollar store? A moody teenager named Connor?

If we end up doing roleplays, (More details on the next chapter) I also wouldn't mind a small description of your personality, your roleplaying name and which sibling you hate most/love the most.


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