Lifeless Grip of Sleep (1)

Dream's pov

"Dream? Are you there?" Sapnap called through my headset. His voice snapping me out of my thoughts as I watched his character crouch on my screen. His character inching towards me.

"Yeah, sorry, what did you say?" I said as I began playing again. I must've been standing there for awhile since Sapnap already had a full set of iron armer.

"I was saying that we should log off and join the Dreamsmp soon. Bad said he was gonna show Skeppy around and I wanted to be there and show off my house." Sapnap said as I mined some iron ore.

"Yeah, we can get on there now and finish this world later." I said as I disconnected and logged onto Dreamsmp. George's name popped up in the game chat in greeting, my discord going off indicated that he joined the call.

"Hey, guys." George said, I could hear the smile in his voice, my heart squeezing slightly in my chest in excitement to talk to my friend.

"Hi." I greeted, sitting up in my chair instead of slouching like I was moments ago.

"Hey, is Bad gonna log on soon?" Sapnap asked, the two instantly bickering. I chuckled and listened to them as I went around spawn and saw a few new builds that looked interesting.

"Dream, he's hitting me!" Sapnap whined as he ran over to me with George close behind.

"Knock it off you two." I chuckled and rolled my eyes. "So immature."

"He started it." George said in a mock annoyed voice that had me grinning. "Dream, you should help me built-"

"But I wanna play with Dream!" Sapnap cut him off causing them to fake argue a bit longer before Sapnap gave up and went off to help Bad show Skeppy around leaving George and I in the chat room.

"What did you want me to help with?" I asked curiously.

"It's a secret base actually. I wanted to make one since everyone else seems to have them." George said.

"Yeah, I have a few hours." I instantly gave in. I was glad Sapnap left the chat because he would definitely call me a simp for sure.


"Thanks, Dream." George said once the build was done and to his liking.

"No problem... so... you're not gonna stream tonight?" I asked, glancing at my monitor that had Discord open.

"No, I just wanna relax. What are you gonna do?" He asked.

"I don't have any plans." I shrugged, the chat going silent for a few moments as George killed a skeleton.

"Wanna talk for a bit?" George asked and I nodded before remembering that he couldn't see me.

"Yeah." I said, George laughed softly.

"I'm logging off, private call me." He said and logged off. I did the same and switched to my phone as I called him. George picked up after two rings. "Hey."

"Hey." I greeted, turning off my computer and lights before falling into bed.

"How has your day been?" George asked, I could hear him moving around on the other end.

"It's been good." I said, looking at the time and seeing that it was 1am. "How about you?" I asked, making small talk.

"Mines been good, we need to code those games soon." He reminded, rambling about what he wanted to add and how long all of it would take. I smiled as I listened to him talk. His voice was so soft when we weren't recording. My mind drifting for a moment as I let his voice lull me to sleep. "Clay?"

"Yeah, sorry, I fell asleep." I mumbled in embarrassment.

"It's okay, you should sleep. We can talk when you wake up." George said as I rubbed my eyes.

"Are you sure?" I asked, yawning into my pillow as I rolled over, tucking the pillow under my chin as I got more comfortable. "I can stay up."

"You wanna stay up and talk to me? What a simp." He teased causing me to roll my eyes.

"I like talking to my friends, George." I chuckled softly, tilting my head to the side slightly.

"When do you want to record those Manhunt videos?"

"Whenever you guys are free. I don't have much going on." I mumbled, suppressing another yawn.

George and I kept talking as I fought sleep just to talk to him. His voice almost lulled me to sleep every other minute and before I knew it it was 4am. My eyelids felt so heavy as I nuzzled my face against my pillow.

"Hmmph..." I mumbled, half asleep as I tried to answer George. I could still hear his voice. It was so nice, so soft and smooth, it made me smile... Whenever I heard his voice I couldn't help but smile.

"Goodnight, Dream..."


I groaned softly as I rolled over and pulled the covers over my head to block the light out. The birds chirping loudly outside as I closed my eyes and tried to go back to sleep but after a bit I gave up and peaked my head out from under my blanket. My phone sat next to me, plugged in and still on. I frowned and rubbed my eyes, rubbing the sleep away.

"Dream?" I heard George say softly.

"George?" I said, realizing that we hadn't ended the call and I had fallen asleep.

"How'd you sleep?" George asked, I could heard his keyboard clicking.

"I slept good." I said, stretching and letting my bones crack before relaxing once more. It's been awhile since I last fell asleep on call with George.

"That's good, I've been on the server with Tommy and Tubbo." George said, telling me about what they've been doing while I was sleeping. I listened as I got up and went to the kitchen, the tile floor felt cold against my bare feet. A shiver going up my spine as I rushed over to the rug so I wouldn't have to deal with the bitter cold. I got myself some tea, leaning against the counter as I looked outside into my backyard.

"That sounds like fun." I smiled, sipping my tea and sighing softly.

"Yeah... you know you sleep talk." George said making me freeze.

"I do?" I asked, feeling embarrassed.

"Yeah, you were mumbling and I asked if you were awake but you asked if the pizza was ready yet and Sapnap laughed because I told him." George admitted and I groaned.

"That's so embarrassing." I groaned, feeding Patches who meowed at me loudly.

"It was funny." George laughed softly. I rolled my eyes and sighed again. Everything felt so cold all of a sudden. A shiver going up my spine as the mug slipped from my hands and shattered. "Dream? Are you okay? What was that sound?"

"What?" I mumbled softly, staring down at the broke mug, tea spilled all over the tiled floor.

"There was a crash. Are you okay?" George said again, my mind trying to process what happened.

"Yeah... I must be tired still... I-I dropped my mug. It broke." I said as I crouched down to pick up the pieces.

"Be carefully, don't grab any sharp pieces. You should go lay down after you clean it up." George said. I could tell he was worried about me.

"You sound like my mom..." I said lightheartedly causing us to laugh.

"I can be worried about my friend." George said, he sounded normal again.

"I appreciate it. I'll be fine." I assured, cleaning up the mess and making sure that there was no pieces of broke mug on the ground. I picked up Patches and her food bowl, bringing her in to my room just in case. I would feel terrible if I accidentally missed a piece and she stepped on it.

I set her down on my dresser with her bowl so she could finish eating.

"I should go to bed." George said after a long moment of silence.

"That's a good idea." I nodded, looking at the time. It's late for him, he needs the rest. "Goodnight, George... talk to you later." I said.

"Goodnight, Dream, get some more rest." George said before saying a soft goodbye. I mumbled a goodbye and hung up, looking at my phone before turning it off and crawling back into bed.

What was that earlier? Maybe I didn't get enough sleep...

My heart squeezed as I thought about it for a moment longer before closing my eyes. The cold, lifeless grip of sleep pulling me in to its soft emptiness.

Hello everyone,
I've been meaning to write this for awhile now. I hope you all liked the first chapter. Minecraft YouTubers are keeping me going.
There's more to come.

This one is gonna be wild

Please read the book description, that is where the warnings are located. If any of the warnings could cause you harm in any way shape or form please do not read.

Please stay safe.
Again, warnings are located in the description of the book.

Thank you for reading ✨💜

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