Wolf Attack (request)

( requested by AlyD2007 I hope you enjoy )

Madelaine was walking through the forest to collect some things for her mom's potions.She had gotten most of the things and only had one more thing to collect before she had to make her way back to the school for evil.At the moment Madelaine was gathering some dark purple berries off of a bush while she hummed to herself.She knew the forest could be dangerous but she was prepared and had brought a knife with her to protect herself.While Madelaine was picking the berries she heard growling coming from behind her.She turned around and saw three wolves making their way towards her.The sixteen year old carefully stood up and took out her knife.The wolves slowly made there way towards her until one pounced on her.Madelaine used her magic to fight back.Another wolf attacked and managed to bite her leg.Madelaine let out a painful scream but still fought back against the wolves.

Lady Lesso and Professor Dovey who happened to be in the forest looking for Madelaine heard the scream.Lady Lesso immediately recognized it as her daughter and ran towards where it came from.Lesso and Dovey were shocked to see Madelaine fighting off three wolves.That's when Lady Lesso noticed blood running down her daughter's leg and figured one of the wolves had bitten her.Without hesitating Lady Lesso used her magic to blast the wolves away from her child.The wolves got knocked back into some trees before running off scared and whimpering.Madelaine fell to the ground in pain as the blood continued to gush down her leg. "Sweetheart" Lady Lesso said as she made her way over to her. "It hurts mom" Madelaine said as tears welled up in her tears. "I know but don't worry me and Dovey will help alright?" Lady Lesso said.Madelaine nodded.Professor Dovey placed her hands on the girl's leg and started using her powers to try and heal the wound.Madelaine let out a painful hiss before feeling her mom's hand grab hers.Lady Lesso gave her a gentle squeeze and promised that everything would be ok.Professor Dovey managed to heal the wound a bit but knew they had to bring Madelaine back to the school in order to get it checked out.

The two deans helped Madelaine up and made their way back to the school.Lady Lesso wrapped an arm around her daughter to be able to support her. "I am so sorry sweetheart" Lady Lesso apologized to her daughter.She knew how dangerous the forest could be and regretted not sending someone with her daughter.She felt awful that her daughter had gotten hurt. "It's not your fault mom please don't blame yourself" Madelaine said as she looked at her mom. "I know but I should have sent someone with you," Lady Lesso said. "You couldn't have known what would happen mom" Madelaine said as she hated it whenever her mom blamed herself for certain things. "We can't predict these things" Madelaine said.Professor Dovey looks at her fellow dean knowing how protective she was. "She's right Lesso we could not have known this would happen" Professor Dovey said. "The forest can be unpredictable at times" She said.Lady Lesso knew she was right but she still felt responsible for her daughter getting hurt.Once they arrived back at the school Madelaine was brought to the infirmary where the fairies were able to heal her leg.The wound thankfully wasn't too deep otherwise healing it would have been much more difficult.The fairies had Madelaine lay down on one of the beds while they went to get something.

Lady Lesso came in and saw the fairies had healed her daughter's leg.She was very grateful to them for helping her daughter.Madelaine saw her mom come in and smiled at her.Lady Lesso sat down next to her daughter and held her hand. "How are you feeling sweetie?" Lady Lesso asked. "Better and not in anymore pain at least" Madelaine answered. "I'm sorry sweetheart" Lady Lesso apologized again. "Mom, it's okay now" Madelaine said. "I still should have sent someone with you" Lady Lesso said with a guilty expression on her face. "Even if you had mom I still could have gotten hurt" Madelaine said. "Besides I wanted to help you since you were so busy" She said.Lady Lesso smiled a little bit as she always appreciated her daughter's help.She knew her daughter was a very responsible and mature girl for her age. "And I appreciate it darling," Lady Lesso said. "I'm just glad you're alright dear" She said as she gave her a kiss on the head.Madelaine smiled a bit and looked at her mom. "Me too but next time I see those wolves I'm bringing them back and turning them into a blanket" Madelaine said lightheartedly.Lady Lesso laughed a bit at the thought of her daughter dragging three grown wolves back to the school and turning them into a nice warm blanket. "Well at least you would be warm at night then" Lady Lesso said as she knew how cold it could get at night and often had to cover her daughter in an extra blanket to keep her warm.

An hour later the fairies allowed Lady Lesso to take her daughter back to her school though they told Madelaine she had to be careful for the next day or two.Madelaine assured them that she would be and thanked them for their help. "I see the fairies were able to heal your leg" Professor Dovey said as she had been waiting outside the infirmary to make sure the teenage girl was alright. "Yes but they said I'll have to be careful for the next day or two" Madelaine said.Professor Dovey was relieved that Madelaine was alright. "However I told mom if I see those wolves again I'm going to turn them into a blanket" Madelaine said to the fairy godmother.Professor Dovey shook her head with a fond smile.She was not one to hurt any animals but considering the wolves attacked Madelaine she could make an exception.Lady Lesso brought Madelaine back to her room and laid her down while she went to get her daughter something to eat.Once her mom came back with the food they ate together.Madelaine gave her mom the basket of the ingredients for her potions. "Thank you so much sweetheart" Lady Lesso said. "Your welcome mom" Madelaine said with a smile.The two ate before Madelaine decided to take a small nap.Lady Lesso covered her daughter with a warm blanket and stayed by her side.She would make sure the next time her daughter went into the forest it would either be with more weapons on her or if someone else went with her.Lady Lesso did not want her daughter to get hurt again and would make sure she was protected.

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