xxi. The Before, Pt. II
twenty-one the before, part ii
( briar )
Like, Briar's always known that people decide their own destiny — but Malecrit, no one has ever skirted off from her predictions like that before. Wow. Briar's in shock. She wishes she had seen this coming, because maybe then, she could've tried to help, tried to alter the ending so it wasn't this... Because they were meant to last. This was meant to be it, for both of them. Briar swears on that. She's never wrong about these things. She felt that divine connection between the two — same reason why she was always drawn to Fred — but sometimes... people's minds and emotions change the ways the stars aligned.
"Maybe it'll work out, later on," says Briar, to George.
She was called to Hogsmeade an hour ago; Fred got her a parchment pad a couple years ago, so the two can instantly see the other's letters, and he wrote to her, you need to get here, ASAP. Briar has never gotten a message that urgent before. So she Apparated to Hogsmeade, and Fred snuck her into school, so she could be involved in this group discussion.
"Will it?" he says, looking up at her.
They're all huddled in the Room of Requirement, a weird room that they use, apparently, for Dumbledore's Army. Fred says that it's super-useful, that it conjures up everything they need for the lessons. Lee says it's fantastic. Briar thinks there's a draught.
Briar frowns. "I don't think I should tell you."
"You told me it would work out," he points out.
"Uh, no, I told you that I knew you were both going to like each other, and that was after you found out, through Mia! I didn't say anything about anything else, thank you very much!" says Briar, giving him a look. Fred, who's standing beside George, gives Briar an odd look. It's that time of the month, OK. She's feeling it. "I'm not saying anything about your future, or hers. I've already said enough with Mia."
Briar thinks back to the summer, when she told Mia about Cedric... In earnest, Briar hoped by telling Mia, someone would be able to save him — big visions like that always leave her unconscious, and she knew she wasn't going to get to Cedric in time. But obviously that didn't work out, and Briar knows she should've kept quiet, but all she can do now, is improve the present. And that includes this.
"I'm not telling you," says Briar.
"OK," says George. "I'll ask Fred."
"I don't tell Fred everything," says Briar.
"But if you know what's going to happen, why can't you just say—?"
"Because I shouldn't be the one controlling Mia's life!" says Briar, giving George a nasty look. Lee looks away awkwardly. "And anyway — she broke things off for a reason. I get that you're upset, George, but you can't rush grief."
George doesn't say anything. Fred puts a hand on his twin's shoulder, and he exchanges a glance with his girlfriend; Briar doesn't like to argue, especially with her friends, but she does feel as though there's a voice that'll go unheard if she doesn't speak. And that's Mia.
Briar knows she isn't close with Mia — personally she feels as though they would've been, if Briar was still at Hogwarts — but she can understand Mia. She's been through a lot, and she's got a lot to process. At least she said it now, and not a couple months down the line.
"How... Are you feeling, though?" she asks him.
"Shit," says George.
I mean, she thinks, fair.
"I was really worried, before, about rushing her into anything, but I thought she was fine, now," he says. "Obviously not..." He closes his eyes, and heaves out a sigh. "Fucking Diggory, man."
Briar doesn't know how to reply. She doesn't know what George is feeling, now. She knows that, now, this is about this invisible competition George has convinced himself of; that the ultimate prize is Mia's affection, and that he keeps on losing, and losing, and losing...
"You know, I never said it," says George, looking across at Briar. Lee and Fred are there, sure, but George looks at Briar like they're the only ones in the room. She really does feel bad for him, but she knows, out of the three of them, she's the best when it comes to listening. "But back before, I couldn't stand Diggory."
Briar looks across at Fred, who nods.
"Merlin, completely."
( george, 1994 — two academic years ago )
GEORGE FINDS IT RIDICULOUS, ACTUALLY, how adamant Fred and Lee are being about this whole thing. Every morning and every night the two will manage to bring it up, gloating about the same topic, the topic that's been brought up so much since the game was announced. Of course it comes up naturally in conversation — with Briar gone, the three boys are welcome to talk about Quidditch until their tongues fall out — but this game... This game is putting George on-edge. Because this game isn't just a game. This game is against Hufflepuff, which means they'll be someone in the stands, taking particular interest, giving him ample opportunity to catch the gaze of one certain girl. The fittest girl, he thinks, in the whole school. The girl with the prettiest smile, and the nicest bum...
And that's Mia fucking Black.
He knows, he knows. It makes no sense. It came out of nowhere, truly. One day, everything was fine, and the next, he spoke to her whilst Oliver was looking for Diggory, and that was it. George went from she seems OK to get in my bed. It's a full-blown schoolboy crush. It's embarrassing. One day, he was sort-of fancying Angelina, and the next... He couldn't shake the thought of Mia fucking Black, or Mia Black fu—
(George, circa '96, will remind the audience he was, in fact, fifteen, and such comments reflect that.)
But anyway. The Hufflepuff versus Gryffindor match will be the perfect opportunity for George to impress Mia. She'll be watching keenly, because she's Hufflepuff, and she'll see him, in all of his Quidditch glory. Personally he thinks he looks his best in his Quidditch gear, so he hopes that'll help him out. And then, once she's impressed and all, he can ask her out...
He likes to think about that, asking her out. He thinks they'd go to Hogsmeade, where all dates happen for Hogwarts students, and they'll get along, and it'll be great, and hopefully after a couple of dates he'll be able to go in and kiss her... Merlin. That would be great. Kissing Mia Black. Fucking hell.
But he can't say anything until then. This match could determine if Gryffindor wins the cup this year, the rivalry between the two houses is high, right now. She's part of the competition. He can't actively profess his attraction to her — or, at least, he isn't willing to do that, until he knows completely that she likes him back...
And that's where Cedric Diggory comes in.
Look. Until now, George thought Diggory was all right. Maybe a bit cool. He might go that far. But Diggory is best friends with Mia, and George has seen the looks Diggory gives Mia, when she isn't looking... Diggory's mad for her, and if he ever makes that clear, there's no way George would get even a shred of Mia's attention.
It's like... If some French boy tried to go out with Briar, and Fred made his feelings known. Fred would beat him, hands-down. There's an underlying love already there — a connection that'll only strengthen — and George, a stranger to Mia, cannot beat that, if Cedric says anything.
But Diggory hasn't said anything, so, George is good.
They've got a team meeting, now, so George walks down to the pitch with Fred and Lee — Lee isn't part of the team, but he forces himself into the meetings, like any presenter should. It's a bias, but it's for Gryffindor, so George doesn't really mind. Anyway. They're walking down to the pitch, and Fred's talking about the last letter Briar sent him — George and Lee speak to her every so often, but George's convinced that Fred's using up all of her letter energy, with how often he talks to her — and Merlin knows what.
"I'm just saying... It's been four days, normally it doesn't take that long for her to reply... Maybe she's busy, but also...?"
"Maybe she's got a boyfriend," says Lee, and George snorts.
Fred rolls his eyes. "Piss off."
Mia had been going out with Roger Davies, head of the Ravenclaw team, but they broke up around a month ago now. George thinks that's enough time.
There's a room at the foot of each tower surrounding the Quidditch pitch. Most are used for storage, but there's four divided up for the teams, so they've all got their own meeting room. Last summer, George and Fred decorated the Gryffindor one, much to Wood's dismay; "We only put bunting up," they said with a shrug, and five minutes later, Wood realised that the bunting was hanging too close to the light, so it caught on fire. Now, they have a couple of Gryffindor flags hung up, to cover the burn marks. There's a Gryffindor scarf, too, hanging over the door. George and Fred have gotten into the habit of jumping up and whacking it every time before a match — they think it's good luck.
"Right, let's start, then," says Wood, as the three boys file into the room.
He starts talking about Hufflepuff, and how important this game is. George knows, he might get a girlfriend out this! Wood always waffles on about strategies, though, and none of it makes sense. When they're all up there, playing, a strategy doesn't work. All that works is common sense and staying on the broom.
There's a knock at the door, which cuts off whatever Wood had been saying. (Admittedly, George wasn't listening.) George doesn't bother looking up for a minute; there isn't much point, it'll probably be McGonagall, or someone that's late to the meeting, or a Slytherin trying to intimidate them.
"It's Cedric!"
That means—
Diggory lets himself into the room, and behind him, Mia follows.
She looks around the room, at the way they've decorated the place. George and Fred put fireworks in the Hufflepuff one a couple months back, they've got theirs painted and everything. She must think there's look like shit.
She always looks so... bright. Like everything's right in the world. George knows she must be going through some stuff, what with her dad being on the loose, but she never shows it. (George, circa '96, realises how wrong this judgement was... But, still, he knows that she did used to hide it. Before Cedric died, she was bright, and happy... The stuff with her dad didn't affect her until she lost Cedric, he thinks, now that he's looking back.)
But fuck. She's so fit. George doesn't know how else to describe her. Her hair's all long and wavy (she only cut it this summer) and it falls down onto her back, all prettily. She looks around at the others, feeling out-of-place, and as she pulls the sleeves of her jumper over her hands, she stands closer to Cedric, as if feeling safer there.
(... Fucking hell, man.)
Wood and Diggory are talking about Slytherin, and something they've got planned. George wants to know what's going on, but also, he knows he's been looking across at Mia for long enough that Fred will notice soon, and mention it. George knows he shouldn't care, but she is the competition, at the end of the day. It would be treason.
He looks across at Wood, who's cheeks have gone red. Weird.
He's about to turn away, to listen to what Fred's saying, but then, he catches her gaze — it feels like years, just looking at her. She's so pretty. He bets she's really nice, too. (She is.)
"I'm sure Mia's warned Ravenclaw," says Wood, and George looks away, just as Mia does the same.
"I... What?" she says.
He isn't looking, though, just listening in. He feels a little like a creep.
"Oh," says Cedric. "Mia isn't with Davies anymore..."
Wood seems cheered up. "Oh, I didn't realise—!"
Fred snorts. "Think someone's got a crush."
George's eyes widen. "What?" he says, thinking Fred means him.
But Fred doesn't, of course he doesn't. He looks at George with a frown. "Uh... Wood, you prat," he says.
"Oh," says George.
"What's gotten into you?" says Fred.
George shrugs his shoulders. "Nothing, piss off."
"'Right," says Fred, looking at him weirdly.
So Wood likes Mia. Fine.
"'Course, Diggory's in love with Black," says Lee, under his breath. Fred snorts, his way of agreeing. George hates this. "Guess that's all for the best... don't want Oliver fraternising with the enemy."
Fuck's sakes, George thinks.
Why does everyone have to fancy her? Wood, Diggory... Diggory's the problem. George knows that. There's no way he'd win, if Diggory made his feelings known. Look, right now, he's got his hand on her shoulder, as he's talking about Davies; his hand slowly moves down to her arm, and stays there. Mia doesn't notice, she's used to it, but the way Diggory looks at her... Fuck's sake.
But he can't ask her out until the Quidditch match, at least. Even then, he knows he'll get a bollocking from Fred and Lee, because she's the competition. He wishes he could grow a pair and just ask her, but he can't. He doesn't want them to think he's fucking up the big match, the one that determines the house cup, over a girl.
So he starts practising a little harder, as the match creeps closer. He's convinced himself that as long as this match goes well, he'll be able to impress Mia enough to ask her out, and for her to say yes. And by then — who cares if she's the competition, they beat them anyway! It'll all work out if they win, but until then...
(George, circa '96, reminds you again — he was fifteen.)
It makes sense, why he's so testy when the match arrives. They all are, but George feels as though he's even worse. He doesn't just want to win — he wants to win to get Mia. And everything was turning in their favour.
Until the very end.
Harry gets attacked by a Dementor, but apparently Diggory didn't notice that, when he got the Snitch. They're all called to the ground, and as the rain pours down, George watches Mia run up to Cedric. He sees them both move to hold each other's hand, and he feels his stomach squirm.
There's no way it would've worked. He was kidding himself, he really was. Because at the end of the day, he could be the best version of himself — but Diggory will always be there, always come on top. He already has.
"We can do a re-match!" says Diggory, to Wood. The rain sticks George's hair to his face, and he tries to push it out of his eyes, and he hears his twin mutter how ridiculous this is. "This isn't fair, I know it, we can't win the Quidditch Cup like this—"
See, Fred is hot-tempered, and George knows that. They both are, but George likes to think he controls it better than Fred. But, right now, they're both pissed off for different reasons, and George doesn't think he cares about what Fred's going to say. Who gives a shit if he says something cunty? It's not like they've got anything to lose.
"Because you would've won anyway?" says Fred, his brows slanting down, angry.
Cedric looks confused. "I didn't say that—"
"Just admit it, you're just putting on this act—!"
(George, circa '96, will add some context — Fred, too, was pissed off with Diggory. He thought Briar fancied him. George has no idea how both of them managed to fancy girls that left them hating Diggory, but that's beside the point. Fred thought Briar fancied Diggory, so Fred was waiting to say something to Diggory, anything...)
"Weasley," says Wood, warning Fred.
But this is fucking stupid.
"Fred's right, though!" says George, stepping forwards.
Again, this is the thing — piss off one twin, and the other comes to the defence. If Fred's there, fallen shoulders, metaphorical tail between the legs, George can't help but jump in.
George argues, "That's exactly what Diggory's doing!"
He knows he's fucked it. He knows. He can practically see the steam coming out of Mia's ears. She's never going to like him back now — but, if anything, what's even the point? If her best friend puts this act on being so unbelievably perfect, her act of being all bright and positive must be the same. They're both imposters, the two of them. They're perfect for each other.
"I just think it's unfair," says Cedric, calmly.
George rolls his eyes. The rain and wind start to pick up, he feels. He can't believe he's been so blinded by his feelings that he hasn't noticed how the two of them have this complete act, have the whole school fooled — she's so full of herself, how did he ever fancy her?
He opens his mouth, but she cuts him off.
"Just because you don't think about others—!"
George raises his eyebrows. "I'm sorry?"
"Isn't your brother's best friend on the way to the hospital, right now?" she snaps, narrowing her eyes. He cannot believe this. "Why is losing a game your main concern?"
He hears Wood go, "Um..."
But George doesn't care. He doesn't care what Wood's going to say about this, realistically he won't kick George or Fred off the team. George has been fixating on this girl for weeks, he's been so caught up by the idea of her — and there's no way he's going to get that dream. That idea of her is not real, and even if it was, someone else has her heart, and he's been kidding himself to think he could compete.
(... Yeah.)
"You're such a bitch!" he says.
"Yeah?" says Mia. "And you're a cunt?"
This is when Diggory grabs hold of Mia's arm, standing right in front of her. George looks down, and sees Diggory's spare hand, curled into a fist. Fred puts his hand on George's shoulder, to try and control him; George cannot believe it's Fred, trying to sort him out. It's meant to be the other way.
But that's how it happens. The most blinding crush George's ever had, killed like that. He'll never forget how angry he was that night — at himself, mostly, for falling completely for the idea of someone. He didn't even know her, he had just made up an image of her. This is all on him... Because that's what happens when you fancy the idea of someone. You're always left feeling stupid.
Then things moved on. A month later, George walks into practice, and finds Wood kissing Mia good-bye. So the enemy stuff meant nothing, he thinks, and he feels like a fucking fool once again. He feels bad for it now, but he was glad when they broke up; it stung, every time he saw them together. He stopped paying attention, though, his feelings for Angelina starting to resurface as the Yule Ball approached...
... And now he's here. He felt stupid, back then, for being so hung up over someone he never even dated. But now, he did, for a brief period of time. And he knows, back then, he thought he had fooled himself into fancying an idea of Mia... But the Mia he knew was even better than all of that. She's not the same person as she was, two years ago, but that's beside the point — and he'd like to think he's matured a little since then, anyway.
He really thought it was going to work out. He was thinking super long-term, calm down, but he did think it was going to last. And he knew she still had stuff to deal with... But he could've helped her. He wanted to help.
But he supposes that's out of his control. He can't force her to change, and he can't force her into wanting him to help. She needs to move on, on her own terms — and he's got to let that happen. He knows he still cares for her, but still... That beside the point. Her grief — and the recovery from it — is more important than all of that.
Briar and George have been left alone. Fred and Lee have gone to find food, and to make sure the coast is clear before Briar sneaks back home. She stands up, though, and walks towards him, to give him a hug.
"Maybe," says Briar, softly. "This is a good thing."
George frowns. "How?"
"I know you were willing to be there for her, and all that, but..." Briar pauses. George can tell she's making sure she's saying the right words. He doesn't know if she can see the outcomes of different sentences, as part of her visions, but he knows she's used to him and Fred enough to know the best way to tell them these things.
"Georgie... At the end of the day, Mia's been through a lot. And I know it sucks for you, right now, it's bound to — but obviously she needs the time apart to grieve Cedric — and process Sirius' absence, I guess — and until she does that... How healthy would your relationship have been? You can't love someone if you don't love yourself."
"I guess..." George snorts. "It would help me out, though, if you just said if things worked out in the future..."
Briar gives him a look. "I'm not telling you anything, Georgie," she tells him, truthfully. "Just... Everything happens for a reason, OK? So maybe, this is a good thing."
Maybe this is a good thing, he tries to keep in mind.
It just doesn't feel like a good thing, right now.
also hello there is no part two to this fic, but order of the phoenix won't mark the end of most noble -- the next few chapters will finish ootp, and then, we'll briefly go through the last two books. (tbh... it'll mostly be deathly hallows. bc ✨ angst ✨) but yeah!! i hope you enjoyed this chapter!! :-) ngl the ending was going to be slightly different but im changing things up and honestly it makes a lot more sense this way. so i hope youll enjoy it!! <3
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