(It's pronounced "show" like the show in "shower")
After conversing with my friend, I've been persuaded to write how I, well, write.
So, this is just me explaining how my "creative process" works because why not.
So uh, here's some tips and a process that I use.
1. Find a topic you're interested in/passionate on
Now, in my opinion, it's really evident between the differences of trying and doing; same goes for effort and lacking. For example, Online doesn't really showcase much effort or "doing" on my behalf; it's just a story I revert to for taking my mind off of things; like a getaway.
What I've found that if you aren't passionate about something, it'll tend to land in the lacking category. If you're not interested in something, scratch it. Unless it's a mid-term essay that's worth more than half your grade, then force yourself into it (<- me trying to be funny).
First, let me extend upon "trying and doing." It's difficult to explain, but in regards to writing, you don't try to write a creative plot, descriptive characters, or an intriguing setting; you do it. Like that one Nike ad; just do it (or was it the Shia LaBeouf meme, not sure).
On the other portion of the spectrum, there's "effort and lacking." Again, if you aren't passionate about something, it tends to be lacking. You end up not trying your best and it doesn't reach a its proper potential. Effort is really evident.
2. Find inspiration
I feel as if though this should be the first thing on the list, but then again this isn't really a step-by-step guide, so I guess it doesn't really matter. Finding inspiration improves your writing style in some ways.
When I first started out, my writing was complete shit (mainly because I was a third/fourth grader, but I digress). If you saw my first stories, you'd witness some major improvement from then and now. The majority of my improvement came from reading frequently and finding inspiration from others.
Now, if you notice something about an author's style that you like, try to practice it. Let's say you want to become more descriptive in your writing, or perhaps become better at a plot. Take your favorite author and use their stories as examples. I'm not saying the plagiarize someone else's writing, I'm just saying to use it as a reference.
Back then, my inspiration was Soar319. If you hadn't heard of them, you should check out their profile. I liked their writing style, and I strived to have some similar eloquence to their own writing. I wanted my plot to flow like theirs did. Reading and picking up bits and pieces of an author's style should help your own style grow.
3. Extend your vocabulary
Get some fancy vocabulary! Utilizing words that are uncommon make your writing appear polished. While I write, I try to search up synonyms for common words so I don't sound too repetitive (yet somehow I always repeat blond, brunette, and exasperated).
Here are some of my favorite words with their definitions!
Burlesque (v.) - cause to appear absurd by parodying or copying in an exaggerated form.
Despondency (n.) - a state of low spirits caused by loss of hope or courage.
Vaudeville (n.) - theatrical entertainment consisting of a number of individual performances, acts, or mixed numbers, as by comedians, singers, dancers, acrobats, and magicians.
Exasperate (v.) - to irritate or provoke to a high degree; annoy extremely.
Audacious (adj.) - extremely bold or daring; recklessly brave; fearless.
Scintillating (adj.) - sparkling or shining brightly.
Reminiscence (n.) - a story told about a past event remembered by the narrator.
*Reminiscent (adj.) - tending to remind one of something.
Façade (n.) - an outward appearance that is maintained to conceal a less pleasant or creditable reality.
Dissipate (v.) - (with reference to a feeling or other intangible thing) disappear or cause to disappear.
4. Be descriptive
Having detailed descriptions make your writing appear more bulkier and juicy; it extends upon what you are trying to convey. Having description gives meaning to what you are saying/writing.
If you find difficulty with this, my suggestion is either finding and taking inspiration an author who describes their text well, or listen to certain types of songs. I'll put a couple songs that have description to them.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
If you really take apart these songs and just listen to the lyrics for analyzation, you'll see that the meanings have an intriguing depth to them. For example, I'll just analyze a portion of the Nearly Witches demo for you, since that is one of my favorite pieces.
At first hand, listening to it may not make sense (I'm not saying this is 100% correct, since it's just my interpretation on what the lyricist, Ryan Ross, is trying to convey).
"As a boy,
I eat my wishes on golden tooth picks
and digested them with wolf intestines."
The speaker, as a younger child, had "eaten away" his wishes with high hopes but instead found them ceasing to exist at a very fast pace; they turn sour.
Golden toothpicks are known for their high worth and value compared to their counter part: wooden toothpicks. Wolf intestines are known to digest food at a rate of 2x faster than humans.
I'd also just like to point out one of my favorite lines of the demo and how I interpret it as:
"And as the stars watch me descend,
I crack a family tree and
Chopped off all of the branches."
Essentially, the speaker's ancestors watch him descend from their lineage and create his mark into their family tree. Then the speaker proceeds to cut off all his ties to his family (chopping off the branches).
It's quite interesting to me.
(I feel like my English teacher.)
5. Sign up for a creative writing class
As some of you may know, I'm going to high school next year. At my high school, an elective you can participate in is creative writing. I'm not sure how it works, but from some of my older acquaintances, I heard it helps develop your writing even further, creative wise that is. If your school offers a program like that, give it a try.
Here's my high school's description of the creative writing program:
I think I've hit all major points that are worth mentioning. I truly hopes that this helps you, and maybe I'll add something onto this in the future.
One more thing; if you have writer's block, try to find inspiration again. I know, writer's block sucks, but ideas will come back to you. Don't overwork yourself, give breaks to your mind once and a while. Writer's block doesn't last forever. (Ideas come to me right before I go to sleep, which ultimately sucks but I guess it kinda helps).
So, yeah.
Salutations, if you made it this far.
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