Chapter 27: Of Monks & Heroes


It's great to have Oscar back. Though I can sense a change in him, just can't decide if it's a good change or not. Guess time would tell.

Speaking of time, whatever Kronika did screwed up parts of our world. UA is now fused with the military base of the Special Forces. Similar events are happening all over the world.

I just hope Mom & everyone makes it out of this alive.

"I swear to god, I'm losing it. Can't someone, anyone, explain to me what the hell is going on?!?" One of the Johnny Cages exclaims as Iida turns to him and does his stupid hand chops. "Language!" He scolds, but the Older Johnny simply ignores him.

"Right? I've been in both the future & a new world for a whole hour and I haven't seen one jetpack. Not one!" The Younger Johnny exclaims as I got a bit irritated at this. I wasn't the only one as Older Johnny looked just as annoyed as I am.

Suddenly, Raiden, Fujin, Cetrion, Oscar & Nezu enters the room. "So Oscar, what shall we do?" Nezu asks Oscar. "For now, we must play defense until we can fully grasp what is happening. Me & Raiden shall consult with President Sakura and try to forge an alliance." Oscar says as he turns to Fujin.

"Fujin, you and the others shall assist the Heroes in our absence." Oscar says as Fujin nods his head. Raiden then grabs onto Oscar's shoulder as he and Oscar disappear in a flash of lightning.

"Principal Nezu! Are you going to allow that disgrace of a hero and god pretender to break the rules?!?!?" Iida exclaims while doing his hand chops again as 1A nod their heads in agreement. "Their powers comes from magic, not Quirks. Therefore, our laws mean nothing to them." Nezu calmly explains, though it started an argument between them.

I sigh in annoyance at my old classmates. I decided to leave them as I walked towards the Younger versions of Sonya & Jax, who have cups of water in their hands.

"Hey kid." Younger Jax says as he hands me a cup of water. "Thanks." I said as I take a sip from the water. "Weird, isn't it? Not being in charge?" Younger Jax asks Younger Sonya as she and I looked at him funny. "That's what's weird?" Younger Sonya asks.

"That & having daughters our ages." Younger Jax says. "And being in another world & having both of yourselves in teenager bodies." I add on. "That too." Younger Jax says as Younger Sonya turns to Cassie.

"Look at her. How do I have a kid? With him?" Younger Sonya asks while sneering a bit at Younger Johnny. "At least she's not an actress." Younger Jax jokes as the two Johnnies walks passed us, with Younger Johnny talking about some sort of movie called Timequake.

I decided to approach Nezu, Fujin & Cassie. "Any thoughts on what we do next?" Cassie asks. "Our best move would be to keep our ears open. The Special Forces' equipment will help us in pinpointing enemy movement." Fujin explains as Nezu & Cassie nod in agreement.

After they left, Eri approaches me. "So Eri, gotta ask: whose your Mother? You seem a lot like Frost's daughter, but your eyes says otherwise." I question. "Actually, I'm his adopted daughter. Cetrion saved me from Overhaul, a monster in human flesh, and took me in. She and the others help train me to master my Quirk. Once I mastered it, I joined the Special Forces. A few years later, I joined Cassie's team to become a sort of mentor/sister like teammate to them. We fought against Shinnok and won, with me dealing the finishing blow. Two years after that, Cassie got a chance at a promotion to Commander. To earn it, she had to battle her mother, in accordance to Special Forces tradition. She won & got promoted to Commander Cage. As for the rest? You can guess what happened." Eri explains.

"Cass! Eri! You all need to see this!" Jacqui calls out as me, Eri & Cassie rushed over. "Sat feeds shows a Netherrealm incursion at the Wu Shi Academy." Jacqui explains. "Netherrealm? I thought they weren't a problem, since Quan Chi & Shinnok bit the dust?" Cassie questions.

"It's the Time Anomaly. It brought Shinnok & Quan Chi back, thus bringing back their authority." Eri says. "We must help our Shaolin Masters." Liu Kang says with a determined look on his face as Kung Lao, Kung Jin & Kai nod in agreement. "Why would the Netherrealm want to bust up your alma mater, Liu Kang?" Younger Jax asks as he approaches us.

"The Dragon Gotto. It's underneath the Academy. Earthrealm's Jinsei energy bubbles up in its springs." Liu Kang explains. "Not good. We all saw first hand what happens when Netherrealm screws with Earthrealm's life force." Cassie says as many of Oscar's friends nod in agreement.

"Then we can't wait! Heroes! Onward!" Iida exclaims as 1A were about to race off when Geras stopped them with his time manipulation powers. "We will. But you all won't be going. The Shaolin will go." Fujin says as I approached him. "And I can give them some backup." I said as I take out my phone and texted an SOS to some friends.

"While that's going, you guys need to head to these coordinates." Jacqui says as she showed Liu Kang some coordinates.


Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Kung Jin & Kai reached the Wu Shi Academy, who has fused with Shiketsu High School in a similar fashion to UA. As they approached the gates, they are approached by Miruko, Rei, her daughter Fuyumi & her friend Camie.

"Thanks for coming. We would've entered, but we figured waiting for you was the best option." Rei explains. "You were wise to do so. The Dragon Grotto is guarded by powerful magic, deadly traps & Shaolin warriors that will fight to the last warrior to protect it. If you all were to enter, you would most certainly be killed." Liu Kang explains as Fuyumi & Camie gulped in fear at this, Rei looked concerned while Miruko felt uneasy about this.

"But don't worry, we can help you." Kai says as he opens the gates. The group then enters the Academy, which was seemingly devoid of sound. "Strange. It's quiet." Kung Lao says as Rei nods in agreement. "Yeah. Figured it be better in chaos." She says.

She then stopped dead in her tracks when she stepped in something wet. She looked down to see a puddle of blood. "Guys." She called out to the others as they turn and looked down to see the blood. "Oh no." Fuyumi says in worry as she rushes off to the front of the Academy with the group following behind her.

When she reached the Academy's front entrance, she was horrified at what she sees. "Oh my god." She says in horror as she holds her hands over her mouth. Once the others joined her, they too were horrified at what they're seeing right now.

The sight they're horrified of is the massacre and slaughter of countless Shaolin Monks & Shiketsu members, staff and students alike. There's even a few Heroes that went to Shiketsu Academy among them as well.

"So many souls. They died defending their home and our sacred grounds, all without knowing about it." Liu Kang says in horror as Kung Lao grew angry. "The Netherrealm shall pay for this." Kung Lao says as most of the group nod in agreement.

They were about to enter the building, but stopped due to Camie, who is frozen in fear and sadness at her school's decimation. Fuyumi approached her and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "I'm so sorry for your loss, but we can avenge them." Fuyumi says as Camie wipes her tears away. "Yeah. That's want they would've wanted." Camie says as she and Fuyumi joins the group in entering the building.


The group enters the main building when they're stopped by a swinging axe trap. "Jesus, you Monks spared no expense in making death traps." Miruko says as Kung Jin chuckles a bit at this. "Yeah. Though our kind have been around for a while, so we did acquire some coin." He says.

"Anyways, does anyone know how to disarm this trap? The Monks never taught me." Kung Lao asks. "More likely you never attend class. Watch for the pattern, then wait for your moment." Liu Kang says as he rushes at the trap and jumps through, all without a scratch on him.

"Seems easy enough." Miruko says as she performs a few stretches first before jumping. When she jumped through the trap, she turned around to see a few white hairs flowing down to the ground in the air. "See? Easy enough." She says with a bit of confidence.

Kung Lao smirks at this as he throws his hat at one of the traps axes, causing it to malfunction and break down. He puts the hat back on and brandish it a bit before he and the others joined Liu Kang & Miruko. "Now that's easy, cottontail. What's next?" Kung Lao while jokingly teasing Miruko, who rolls her eyes at this as they enter the main room.

"Everything. Poison gas, shooting spears, flame jets, barbed tightening nets and much more." Liu Kang says as Fuyumi and Camie gulped at this. "Yeah, rather not deal with those." Rei says as Miruko nods in agreement. "Then perhaps we should avoid them." Kai says as if he's joking or something.

But suddenly, the room got locked down. "What's going on?!?" Fuyumi exclaims in fear. "It's the poison gas trap. Someone set it off." Liu Kang says. "But it wasn't us." Kung Lao adds on.

But then, a rope spear flew passed them and hit the pillar next to them. "I did." Says a demonic voice as the group turns to the direction of the voice to see a white eyed pupiless ninja emerge from the shadows and recalls his spear.

"Who's that?" Rei asks as the Monks glared at the ninja. "Scorpion. A Specter from the Netherrealm and servant of Quan Chi." Liu Kang explains as he turns his attention back to the Specter. "Of course you would be behind this massacre." He says.

"I'm merely here to intercept all threats to our plans. The murders done by others. Still, you will not stop us from rewriting history nor stop Onaga from reviving my family & clan." Scorpion says as he enters a fighting stance.

Kung Lao placed his hand on Liu Kang's shoulder. "He and I have unfinished business. You guys stop the traps." He says as the group raced off to do just that. Kung Lao turns his attention to Scorpion. "I learned my lesson from fighting you at Shang Tsung's tournament. This time, I am prepared." He says as he battles against Scorpion from the Past.

And true to his word, Kung Lao did learn from his mistakes and is much better prepared this time as he defeats Past Scorpion. Liu Kang and the others regroup with Kung Lao. "We can't stop the traps. The locks have been changed." Liu Kang says as a green gas starts filling in the chamber.

Past Scorpion teleports out of the chamber as the group got trapped in a cage. Miruko & Kai tries to break through the bars, but they were too strong. The group started feeling the effect of the gas, coughing a lot and weakened to where they were forced on their knees.

But suddenly, the traps deactivated as the gas starts to be exhaled out of the room. "It stopped? Why?" Kung Lao asks through his coughs as he and the others regain their breath and strength. The cage deactivated as one of the entrances opened up.

Past Scorpion emerges from it, but he's not alone as he's joined by a grey skinned woman with green clothing and a familiar looking man with 3rd degree burns.

"Our boss wants you all to stay alive, so you can witness our victory as we rewrite history." The Alternate Dabi says as the monks were shocked at the sight of them. "Jade? Dabi? What happened to you two?" Liu Kang asks.

"I'm not your Dabi, but rather a different Dabi. One who doesn't betray the League of Villains for a ridiculous idea such as redemption." The Alternate Dabi says as Revenant Jade takes over. "As for me? An untimely death. Like yours, due to Raiden's incompetence." She angrily exclaims.

"You can't turn us against our Lord Raiden. Whatever happened to you shall not happen to us." Liu Kang says. "You are a fool, Liu Kang. You wish to know the truth? Very well. The truth is this, Liu Kang: the Raiden of my timeline had murdered you." Revenant Jade revealed, shocking everyone, except for Liu Kang, who seemed to be unfazed by this.

Past Scorpion then summoned a small group of fiery demons that attacks the others as he attacks Kung Lao. While this is going on, Liu Kang & Rei battle against Revenant Jade & Alternate Dabi. "Raiden murdered you because you stood in his way. This Raiden will be the same, Liu Kang. But we can save you. Just join us." Revenant Jade says.

"No! You lie, Jade!" Liu Kang exclaims as he fights Revenant Jade. Meanwhile, Fuyumi was trying to talk down the Alternate Dabi. "Brother, please, don't do this. You can change. I know our father's are major assholes, but you shouldn't let his greed and arrogance ruin you." Fuyumi says as the Alrernate Dabi laughs at this.

"That bastard cares more about being a hero than having a family! Plus side, any bad thing I've done will reflect on him, damaging his precious ego. And if my last act is an evil one that destroys his so called hero image, then I'll die happy, knowing my crimes will ruin him." Alternate Dabi explains as Fuyumi was shocked at this.

"So you would rather die all alone instead of reuniting with your family?" Fuyumi asks as the Alternate Dabi laughs at this. "What family? We never were a family to begin with. We were just slaves for that worthless fool of a hero to exploit." The Alternate Dabi says as he attacks Fuyumi, who had no other option but to defend herself.

The battles were tough, but Liu Kang & Fuyumi emerged victorious. "You will not test my faith." He says as he turns to Fuyumi, who was looking at the defeated Alternate Dabi with a saddened face. "Remember, he is not your brother. Merely, someone who looks like him. Don't take his words to heart." Liu Kang reassures Fuyumi.

Fuyumi seems to feel a bit better about this as her saddened expression turns into one of uneasy happiness as she and Liu Kang goes to help their friends: Liu Kang fights alongside Kung Lao against Past Scorpion while Fuyumi joins the battle against the demons he spawned in.

The demon were quickly dispatched as Past Scorpion, now realizing to be severely outnumbered, teleports out of the room. Once the coast was clear, the group reconvened and approached a gateway.

"The Dragon Grotto is through there. Once we accomplish our mission, we need to seal the Grotto, so our enemies cannot attempt this again." Liu Kang explains. "But what if the next Revenants we have to fight" Kung Lao asks. "And what about the villains? What if they're us, but evil?" Camie asks.

"Then, no matter the weirdness or unsettledness, we must fight them. Otherwise, our two realms and possibly many others will suffer horrific consequences." Kai explains as he and Miruko pushed the gate up & the group enters the tunnel.


The Monks & the Heroes reached the Dragon Grotto to see an Alternate Geras in front of a large machine that's containing the Jinsei energy into vials as he's collecting them. "Is there any point to us asking you to put those back?" Liu Kang asks as the Alternate Geras gives them a glance and turns his attention back to the machinery.

"They said you'd come." The Alternate Geras says. "They? They who?" Miruko asks. "And how did you get in here?" Kung Lao asks as well. "Who do you think, Kung Lao?" Says a familiar yet unfamiliar voice, causing the group to turn towards the direction of the voice.

From the shadows, they can see figures approaching them, due to glowing veins and eyes. When the figures stepped into the light, they're revealed to be Revenant versions of Liu Kang & Kung Lao.

The group were horrified, excluding Liu Kang, at this as the Revenants approach the group. "Meet one of your futures. Courtesy of Raiden." Revenant Liu Kang says while growling at the mention of Raiden.

"Your Jade attempted to turn my faith against Lord Raiden, but she failed. You'll share her fate." Liu Kang says. "In my timeline, Shao Kahn snapped my neck in the arena." Revenant Kung Lao says as Kung Lao holds his throat in shock at this. "Raiden saw it coming and did nothing." Revenant Kung Lao finishes.

"I would've defeated Shao Kahn, but Raiden wanted the glory. His lightning struck me down." Revenant Liu Kang says. "Like I told Jade, you shall not test my faith." Liu Kang says. "One day Raiden will betray you. Then you will believe." Revenant Liu Kang says.

Suddenly, multiple masked villains appears out of black holes and attacks the group while Liu Kang & Kung Lao battles their Revenants. "The thought of becoming you sickens me. But I will not blame Raiden ." Kung Lao says to his Revenant counterpart.

"You owe Oscar. He saved your life." Revenant Kung Lao says as he and human Kung Lao battle. The two Laos were evenly matched. However, Human Kung Lao didn't let his ego or arrogance get the better of him, unlike Revenant Kung Lao's, who got defeated because of that. "I do owe Oscar, both in preventing my death & helping me realize the dangers of arrogance." He says.

Meanwhile, the two Liu Kangs fought hard, but Human Liu Kang won out over his arrogant Revenant counterpart. The group reconvened with one another. "Even in our realm, this is getting too weird." Kung Jin says as the Heroes nod in agreement. "Yeah, villains we can handle. But other people from another world is something we haven't been taught yet." Miruko says.

"We can worry about this later. Right now, we have more urgent matters to attend to." Liu Kang says as he and the others approached the Alternate Geras, who finished collecting the Jinsei's energized waters. He approached them with an emotionless expression on his face. "You should've listen to the Revenants & Villains." He says as he holds up the vials. "With this power, Onaga shall reshape time & reality to our desires." He says.

Kung Lao acted first and threw his hat at the Alternate Geras, who didn't even move and let the hat decapitate him. "Well, that was easy." Camie says, but the Monks shook their heads at this. "It's not that easy. Because if this Geras is like ours, then he has his powers as well." Kai says.

Suddenly, the body of the Alternate Geras started shaking and twitching as his decapitated head started disintegrating into sand & floated back to the Alternate Geras' body. It then started forming around his neck, slowing regrowing his head, from the bones to the flesh and to the actual skin.

The heroes were shocked at this while the monks has neutral expressions on their face as the Alternate Geras raises up onto his feet. "I, Geras, am a fixed point in time. With every death & every rebirth, I return more powerful." The Alternatr Geras says as he cracks his neck.

They tried to attack, but the Alternate Geras easily countered their attacks and knocked them back. Liu Kang brought out a pair of nunchucks Kendo gifted him and whacked Alternate Geras in the face, forcing him to drop the vials.

As the Alternate Geras wobbled back a bit, multiple villains & Netherrealm demons appears. "Miruko, you and I shall handle Geras. The rest of you, get the vials." Liu Kang ordered as he and Miruko engaged the Alternate Geras. "Whatever plans Onaga has for the future, we'll make sure they never come to fruition!" Liu Kang exclaims as Miruko smirks at this.

"Onaga's will needs to be obeyed, so that he can create a perfect timeline." The Alternate Geras says as he battles both Liu Kang & Miruko. While the Alternate Geras, like the original, has the advantage of experience. But he couldn't match with Liu Kang's masterful martial arts & pyrokinetic abilities and Miruko's powerful kicks & determination.

"Onaga's timeline will never succeed, Geras. Not while we still breathe." Liu Kang says. The group, after defeating the villains, regrouped with the others as Fuyumi hands the Jinsei vials to Liu Kang. The Alternate Geras gets back up from his battle with Liu Kang & Miruko. "You Shaolin Monks exceed your reputation. And you Heroes hold much potential. I respect your spirits, but Onaga's will must be done." The Alternate Geras says.

The group tries to attack him, but he stopped them dead in their tracks by using his time manipulation abilities. He takes the vials back from Liu Kang as Onaga appears with the mind controlled Kronika by his side. The Alternate Geras hands Onaga the vials as he turns to the time frozen group. "It is dangerous to let them live." Alternate Geras says

"Why rush their demise & enslavement? Time is on our side and I want them to bare witness as I rewrite their history to make them kneel before us all. The looks on their faces as I turn them into slaves." Onaga explains as he approaches Liu Kang. "Foolish boy. You would've made an excellent General in my army, but Shao Kahn changed that by killing me. But don't worry, I'll fix that." Onaga says.

Suddenly, the group unfreezes as Onaga and the others have vanished. "Damn bastard pulled a fast one on us. He's gone & he has the vials." Miruko says in anger and frustration as she punches the ground with all her might. "This is our fault. We should've known he would use his time powers on us." Kung Lao says in a self loathing tone as Rei placed a hand on his shoulder. "Don't beat yourselves up over it. We might've failed in our mission, but we can succeed the next time." Rei explains, trying to cheer him up.

"She is right. We will redeem ourselves for our failure. But for now, we must return to UA & decide on what to do next." Liu Kang says as he and the others head out of the Dragon Grotto.


In a tornado of sand, Onaga and the others appeared as AFO, Shao Kahn & an old foe, Sektor, approach him. "My slave now has the power to remake the cosmos in our image. Netherrealm's army provides an adequate support, but I need more warriors." He explains as he turns to AFO. "How goes the creation of your monsters?" He asks.

"The reproduction of the Nomus are now proceeding faster than before, thanks to our newest allies. We should have a sufficient army by the hour." AFO explains as Onaga nods his head at this. "Excellent work." He says as he turns to Shao Kahn. "Now then, how goes the Outworlders?" He asks.

"They're armed and ready. But I shall double their forces once Kotal is killed." Shao Kahn says as Onaga nods his head and turns to Sektor. "And what of your process, Sektor?" Onaga asks.

"The Cyber Lin Kuei factory has been successfully merged with both Dragon Clans & the technology of the island. We have the former master & his daughter hostage. Their fates shall remain unknown until further notice. Nevertheless, the factory's production has exceeded projections and will be send to you upon batch completion." Sektor explains as Onaga smirks at this.

"Perfect. Soon, we shall rule an eternal empire." Onaga says.

(Here's chapter 27 done. Terribly sorry for the wait, had all kinds of things to do: working on the house a bit, festival was in town, creating story ideas, etc. etc.

Anyways, hope you guys can forgive me for my slacking off. Will try to get my butt in gear in creating more chapters. The next chapter will bring the two iconic fighters together for a mission on a island.)

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