More then S-Class Chapter 5

Welcome everyone back to More then S-Class. With me for the fifth chapter is my partner and co-auther Jeffloud12.

Jeff: Sup everybody. Today we have a new chapter. Hopefully you all enjoy it.

This chapter, Saitama will not only face Genos, but three other heroes in S-Class. Not saying who though.

Tank Top Girl: "Is one going to be my boss?"

Ah, perfect timing, and no spoilers TT Girl.

Jeff: Oh woohoo yea 3 more S-Class... oh no.

Tank Top Girl: "What do you mean by, 'oh no'?"

Jeff: You know that a few of the S-Class is ummm ... a little quick to provoke... considering how blunt Saitama is I'll let you figure out what I meant.

That's understandable.

Jeff: Anyways on with ze story

Tank Top Girl: "Uh, the disclaimer?"

Yeah, jumping the gun there...

Oh yea.. my bad. Anyways

Tank To Girl: "One Punch Man belongs to One and Marada. We are just fans that decided to write a fanfic."

And with that, onto the chapter.


Chapter 5: Saitama VS Four Heroes... Seems Unfair

(S-Class Meeting Rooms)

Saitama and Genos were standing in front of the meeting room of the S-Class members. Bat was allowed to bring Zenko and Captain Mizuki. Tank Top Girl even asked Tank Top Master to come, so that they can think about giving him and honorary tank top that looked like his costume.

"Thank you two for coming," said one of the employees of the Hero Association, Sitch . "Please take a seat you two."

"OK." Saitama bluntly responds.

"I hope this meeting is important. Saitama sensei is a busy man." Genos adds preparing is cannons just in case these people wasted his sensei's time.

Saitama groans at Geno's actions. "Please don't take what he says as what I say," he told them. "I'm still new to having a student, and he doesn't make it easy..."

"First of all I want to congratulate you on your test. You have completely broken all records set by others of the S-Class. Those records will help prevent others from trying to say you cheated your way to the S-Class, but we need a little more." Sitch says as Saitama gains a confused look.

"More? I'm not following you."

"We need you to face a few of our other S-Class heroes as further proof that you deserve your ranking and even more in S-Class."

"Pardon me sir," Geno called out to Stich. "May I join in. I've been wanting to face my master."

Stich smiled at the cyborg. "Actually, you were pick out," he told him holding a form with Geno's test scores, getting a perfect 100%. "We want to test you out as well, new S-Class Hero 18 Demon Cyborg, so you'll be one of the four."

Bad whistled. "S-Class on the first go, impressive~"

Zenko looked at his score. "He got the full 100 score," she stated in awe.

"Wait, you said one of four," Saitama pointed out. "Who are the other three."

"Metal Bat, Tank Top Master and Flashy Flash," Stich answered Saitama.

"Okay, who are the last two?" Saitama asked. "Still new here, and don't know everyone. Also, it may take me a while to remember everyone's name."

Bang chuckled. "Good to know you admit your faults."

Saitama shrugs. "Hey, we all have our faults."

"That's true. We wouldn't be humans without those faults." Bang replies sagely.

"Ha, I doubt some of us would admit to having faults." Zombieman laughs as he slyly motions forwards Tatsumaki without her realizing he was.

Said woman just used her powers on him, and slammed him into a wall. "Can it you walking corpse..." she growled out at the man in the wall.

"... Wow... She's got a temper..." Saitama stayed bluntly.

"That's Tatsumaki, The Toronado of Terror, and 2nd in S-Class," Bad introduced. "And she might look like a child, but's she's actually 28."

Saitama looked at the woman. "Guess her powers might be the reason she's like this, making her age slowly." He shrugs. "I don't know. I'm just guessing sense I can't feel emotions that much do to mine."

"Many here have side effects of their powers. Zombieman is immortal and due to that he can fight perpetually. Metal Bat during combat temporarily become unkillable during combat and continually becomes stronger and faster when damaged. Darkshine here is nearly indestructible." Sitch replies to Saitama

Saitama nodded. "Got it. Okay, enough of the serious talking. I'm not a fan of it."

Tatsumaki smirked. "I'm starting to like the baldy," she stated. "Doesn't care for the politics."

"We're heroes, not some snobby politician. We bash monsters save people anything else. .... Weeellll we just leave that to the actual politicians." Bad adds.

"Which a lot of them don't seem to do well," Tatsumaki stated, huffing.

"... I want to disagree with you Tornado... but sometimes I feel like they have more money then brains..." Sitch stated, rubbing the bridge of his nose.

"Well, that's how people get when they are born into money." Zombieman states.

He groans more. "Again... I want to disagree... but I can't..." He remembered some of the times he had meetings with those people. He had a migraine after those meetings.

"... Now I'm thankful for being poor most of the time..." Saitama stated. "Humility is a good thing to come from it."

"Now enough talk. Time for this meeting to end and to show proof of Saitama's power. Since Saitama lives in City-Z I think it would be best for us to have the spar to be within an area outside of City-Z." Sitch said trying to end this dragged out meeting.

"There is a canyon we can use to fight," Genos stated. "I have the location downloaded in my mind."


(Timeskip to the canyon)

"I guess since it's all four of us against him then we should make a plan." Flashy says to Bad, Genos, and Tank Top Master.

"That is the most logical of decisions considering we are facing against master." Genos replies as the other two nod in agreement.

"Hell," Bat stated, thumping his signature bat on his shoulder, "I've seen his punch, he wasn't even trying with those monsters, so we're going to have to try and make him serious."

"... I'm not liking our odds here..." Tank Top Master stated, sweatdropping.

On the cliff side of the canyon, the rest of the S-Class, along with Zanko, Captain Mizuki and Tank Top Girl, and some of the Tank Top Army, who over heard, were watching and recording.

"Hundred Yen says the baldy takes them out in five minutes," Tatsumaki stated.

"Five hundred says they last 7 minutes!" Atomic Samurai adds to the bet.

"Three hundred says they all get beat within a minute." Zombieman lazily adds

"Ya know know young ones it's not worse to make bets you would lose. Eighty says they all lose in three minutes due to Saitama just dodging before showing them that they had no chance." Bang adds the final bet.

"Fhe, I bet he's just a fake," one of the Tank Top Army Members, Black Hole, spat.

"Yeah!" another shouted, Tank Top Tiger, agreeing. "He's weak looking."

Zanko gave a deadpan. "He just relaxed... And his outfit hides his power..." She turns to Tank Top Girl. "You have to deal with idiots like them...?"

"All the time."

"Alright,... begin!" Sitch yells as the fight begins with Flashy immediately rushing in with a Flashy slash.

Gedno's powered up as well, and rocketed forward with Flash as well.

Saitama saw this, and ducked under the two with easy, like he was playing limbo, actually bending all the way to the ground. Saitama came back up from the limbo only to be met with a bat in front of his face, and to Bad's surprise the bat phases through Saitama revealing that it was only an after image. This surprised Bat, thinking he actually had him.

"Whoa, almost got me there," Saitama stated, a few feet away from Bat.

Tank Top Master was behind him, doing a jump down punch, seeing as Saitama was, supposedly, open and let his guard down.



"... I'm not likening our odds here..." Tank Top Master stated, sweet dropping.

"That's why I have devised the plan best suited for us to land blows." Genos states.

"Is that so?" Flashy asks intrigued.

"Yes, I have deduced that with our two companions being far slower than us that the best course of action would be to us that to our advantage. Flashy and I will divert his focus by using our speed to assault him in a bezerk fashion. You two will use our attacks and movements as a cloak. As we move in you will moving in behind us but slower. When master dodges that's when you will strike. As he regains footing after every dogde from Flashy and I, you two will attack and then divert his attention from us so we can hopefully land a blow like we did for you. We will repeat this continuously until we win or lose." Genos finishes his plan.


(Flashback end)

'Dodge this Saitama!' Tank Top Master yells as he punch down. The strike seems to slow down as we see Saitama casually lean to the side avoiding the blow.

Just then, Flashy and Genos came to attack Saitama from above, but he moved out of the way, into the air, making the two creator the ground.

"We are getting nowhere with this!" Bad yells out in frustration as he prepares to rush Saitama.

"Move!" Genos shouted, pouting his palm at Saitama, ready to shoot.

'Oh? Guess I better dodge that as well. Don't want to burn my cloths again.' Saitama thought as he dodged Genos' attack making it seem as if they landed a hit.

Flashy regrouped with Genos and waited... waited for the smoke to clear or for Saitama to move out of the smoke. Either way it will be the perfect opportunity to land a second blow if indeed they had landed a blow.

Bat and Tank Top Master regrouped with them as well, Master asking, "You hit him?"

"No... I missed..." Genoes stated.

"Geez, you almost burnt costume," Saitama stated, when the smoke cleared.

"He hasn't even gotten serious at all..." Bat stated.

Back on the cliff side, the Tank Top Army members that were doubting Saitama had their jaws drop. Tatsumaki was laughing at their reactions while Tank Top Girl and Zenko giggled at their reactions.

"Now do you think he's all talk~?" Tank Top Girl teased her members. She looks to Zenko. "I'm seeing why you want to be like him. Guess your brother isn't the only hero you like now."

"If anything, he should meet Blast and match up with him," Tatsumaki stated. "May give him a challenge."

"We are getting nowhere with this strategy." Flashy says to Genos.

Genos in response combine his arms making numerous cannons.

"Distract master while I charge up a large scale attack." Genos tell flashy as Flashy rushes Saitama.

Flashy got serious, even more then normal. 'I need to be faster,' he thought. 'Even faster.' He started to blur. 'This isn't just a test for Saitama, but for us as well, to see if we can go past an impossible odds.' He started swinging faster then ever before, even more then he thought he could. Saitama dodged them anyways.

"I-Is Flash getting faster, or is it just me," Bat ask Master.

"I think he's seeing this as a test for himself to get better," Master stated. He then smiled. "I'm getting excited myself~"

In an instant Flash was in front of Saitama midswing, but Saitama rather than dodging caught the blade .

"I guess that's it then?" Saitama asks realizing that he has experience all that his opponents are capable of doing.

"Master," Genos called out. "Please take this seriously."

"Ok." Saitama replies. His face goes serious as he disappears and appears in front of Genos before again disappearing when Genos tries to attack.

Saitama from behind Genos launches a punch.


The punch then stops nearly a centimeter from Genos' face causing a shockwave to travel around Genos and obliterate everything behind Genos.

Metal Bat, Flashy Flash and Tank Top masters jaws dropped at what happened and what they felt.

"T-Tell me you felt that as well..." Bat asked, actually a bit scared for his life.

"I knew he was strong but don't think I can ever be as powerful master..." Genos says as his words get quieter with ever word spoken.

Meanwhile with Sitch and the rest of the heroes.

"We have more than enough proof that Siatama deserves his ranking, not that anyone would doubt him after this performance," Sitch says to the group.

"Y-Yeah..." the other office workers nodded in agreement, shocked.

With Zenko and the other heroes that were watching on the cliff side.

The Tank Top Army's jaws all hit the floor in shock after seeing that FREAKING HOLE THAT WAS PUNCHED THROUGH THE CLIFF WALL AND A FEW MOUNTAINS!!!

"I'll say this for the Baldy... He ain't weak..." Tatsumaki stated, trying to keep her cool, but had a few beads of sweat running down her face.

Tank Top Girl looked to the army. "So... you guys still think he's a fake...~?" she asked in a too sweet of a voice.

"N-not at all." The Tank Top Army all quickly replied.

"Oi! We're going to go to this really good noodle shop in City-Z. It's having a discount, so feel free to join us." Saitama yell over to them as he walks off with Genos and Tank Top Master following.

Bat Shrugged and turned to Flash. "I'm down for it after this, you?"

"I think it's a good idea," Flash agreed. "Might calm my nerves after seeing what he did."

Tatsumaki shrugged. "I could use a bite." She turned to Zenko, Captain Mizuki and Tank Top Girl. "You three want a lift?"

"Sure. It'll be quicker than walking." Mizuki replies to which the rest agrees as well.

With that Tatsumaki uses her esper abilities to grab them and fly off in the direction Saitama and the others went.

Zombieman looked to the others. "Guess we'll be giving the report then..."


(City Z: Udon Shop)

The group had made it o the Udon shop, ready to eat. "I'm glad you guys like udon," Saitama stated. "I love it."

"Well yea who wouldn't love udon. Especially since the owners are letting us eat for free since most of us are S-Class heroes." Bad says with a mouthful of udon.

"With an A-Class and Tank Top army member, with her boss," Tank Top Girl added in.

"I'm more of a sweets girl myself, but udon is fine," Tatsumaki stated.

"I do like udon," Geno stated. "Although, I am not a picky eater."

"Well, to be honest, I'm also kinda low on funds right now," Saitama stated.

"Guess you haven't gotten your check yet," Flashy Flash stated.

"I am still new, and if I'm correct, my pay will be monthly," Saitama stated.

"That is true," Tank Top Master confirmed.

"Good to know when to pester my big bro on when to get my allowance~" Zenko teased said hero.

"Ha ha ha..." Bad laughed flatly at her.

Saitama then saw something. "Oh? Hey, how 'bout another match, guys?" He pointed, making the other look to see an Udon eating challenge. You had to eat a bucket full of the stuff.

"Wait, won't Genos just win cause of his cyborg stomach?" Flashy stated with a thoughtful look.

"... So that's why Genos keeps winning these challenges for free food. Genos quick we need to learn of all the restaurants with these challenges so you can win us free food!" Saitama quickly tells Genos before zooming off.

"HOLD IT!" the other shouted, making him stop.

"We're not doing that..." Bat stated.

"Yea I guess it would be wrong to use Genos for such things," Saitama says as he sighs in the thought of all the free food he could have gotten.

"We can still do the challenge if if you want," Tank Top Girl stated. "It does look fun to do."

Flashy Flash shrugged. "We can work it off."

"Sure, but if Genos wins it doesn't count." Saitama replies as he sits down and they order their food so the contest can begin.

Genos shrugs. "That's fair."

A few minutes later, the Udon chef and customers were in shocked at the contest. Saitama's head hit the table, groaning from being full. "I give..."

Bat had finished his with easy. "Geez, powerful he is, you'd think this would be nothing for him."

"Well he does have a small diet, so that is to be expected," Tank Top Master stated.

The others had so as well, though Tatsumaki looked a bit bloated. "I think I ate to much..." she groaned out."

Zenko finished hers, looking happy. "Can I get seconds~?"

Saitama's jaw dropped in shock, a lot of other people were the same way. "Where do you put it all...?"

"You'll get used to her appetite eventually." Bat said as he still felt a little hungry.

"Hey! You eat just as much!" Zenko yell at her brother.

As this was happening none of the group noticed a man with blue hair enter and restaurant and head towards them.

"Welcome, sit anywhere-" the owner and chef greeted, but stop seeing who it was.

The man walked to all the table the group was sitting at. "You must be Genos and Saitama," he stated, getting the twos attention.

"Oh great... it's the pretty boy..." both Bat and Tatsumaki stated flatly.

He ignored the two. "I'm Amai Mask, Class A, Rank One. I'd like to talk to the two of you."

"Sure." Saitama said with his blank indifferent look as he and Genos followed Amai out of the restaurant

"Master be on guard. He might be a rookie crusher." Genos whispered to Saitama.

"I was thinking the same thing Genos," he whispered back.

The three were now outside. "Heard you were certified Class S by special exception," Amai Masked stated looking at Genos. He then looked to Saitama. "And you were placed in Class S because of what you did, and how some of your work was given to some that didn't earn it."

"Hmm? It doesn't matter anyways. As long as the monster is dealt with I really don't care if someone else gets the credit." Saitama replies as he quickly became bored of the conversation.

"I agree with Master Saitama, helping should be all that matters," Genos agreed, also getting board.

Amai Mask raised a curious eyebrow. "Is that so? Listen to me. A professional hero must always be a beautiful Symbol of Justice. That is my philosophy, especial if you're Class S."

"... O... kay...?" Saitama said, raising an eyebrow in confusion. Genos only grunted.

"Come on," Amai Mask stated, smiling at the two. "There's no need to glare or give me the cold shoulder~ I came all the way here just to see the two of you. How was the Certification Exam?"

"It was a complete waste of time. Master and I could have used that time for more important matters."

"Come on Genos, be a little more polite," Saitama stated, digging in his ear. "Sorry about him, he's a bit of a loose cannon, in both terms."

"Just make sure he keeps that attitude in line. After all such a loose cannon would not prove to be a rule beautiful symbol of justice, but instead a symbol of ignorance." Amai responds not bothered by Genos' aggressive attitude towards the idea of wasting his master's time.

"But I do have to ask, why this rule beautiful or whatever? Shouldn't heroes be more worried about saving people and all?" Saitama asked, looking confused.

"That is but one of the things heroes are supposed to worry about. Anyways, I have a very important concert to do, so we will continue this discussion at a later date." Amai says as he walks away from them.

"He was strange..." Saitama stated.

Back inside the Udon shop, the others were waiting.

"You think they're okay?" Zenko asked them.

"They're ok. If pretty boy tries anything Saitama will knock some sense into him." Bad replies not worried at all.

"If not knock him out," Tank Top Master stated.

"Never did like the guy..." Tatsumaki stated.

Just then, the door opened and both Genos and Saitama walked back in.

"So, what did pretty boy want?" Bad asks.

"Nothing much?" Saitama says as he was too bored to actually remember what Amai had said.

"Amai questioned masters knowledge of what being a hero meant. He foolishly tried to argue that being a beautiful symbol of justice is more important than ensuring that people's lives are saved." Genos growls as he felt that Amai had disrespected his master.

Flashy Flash groaned. "Sounds like him... He say the only reason he stays in A-Class is so "Unworthy" people can't join S-Class..."

"At least he somewhat cares for civilian lives. Metal Knight on the other hand.... sheesh the amount of people his weapons have endangered or even killed while testing his machines on monsters is, well let's just say it shows his true colors pretty well." Bad adds as he feels unconformable pointing out something positive about Amai mask.

"Who's Metal Knight?" Saitama asked, looking confused. "Remember, I'm not good at remembering names with faces."

"Metal Knight is this giant robot with a lot of guns and missiles. Trust me you can't miss 'em."

Saitama thought for a second. "I think you told me about him before. He's Class S as well?"

"He is, but he never shows up unless its an opportunity to test his newest weapons." Flashy says remembering all the times he misses S-Class meetings.

"Hard to believe he is the mentor of Child Emperor" Bad adds.

"Seriously?" Saitama asked, thinking he remembered the boy. "Also, why is a kid in the hero program? Shouldn't he wait?"

"The kid is a top tier hero. His machines can defeat powerful monster and even acquire antidotes for poisons monsters use sometimes." Flashy explains to Saitama.

"Dang... Kids good if he can do that at his age," Saitama stated, sound a bit impress. "What would you do if he started dating your sister though?"

Zenko almost did a spittank. "What!?"

"Wouldn't surprise me if the meat head tried to bash the kid's head in." Flashy smirked as he saw Bad's expression change at the taunt.

"I'm honestly conflicted. On one hand, I wouldn't mind because I know the kid is good and I'd support it, but on the other hand, my brotherly instinct are telling me to protect her and test the kid..." Bad stated, feeling very conflicted.

"Well it's getting late, we should start heading back," TT Master stated.

"Might come here again," Zenko stated, wanting to change the subject.

"See everyone tomorrow then?" TT Girl asked.

"If we're not busy," Atomic stated.

The group got up and started leaving, all giving a generous tip for the meal.

To Be Continued.


And that's chapter five. Man this took a while to finish.

Jeff: Yea finally glad we found time to continue. Hopefully next chapter won't suffer delays. Anyways hoped yall enjoyed this chapter.

Tank Top Girl: "I know I did. And I'm guessing life happened to cause this to be delayed?"

Yep, for both of us.

Jeff: Yea things got rough since last chapter, but now everything is sorted out.

Well, we should end it her. We hope you enjoyed this chapter, and hope to see you next time.

Tank Top Girl: "Bye."

Jeff: Cya

See you all next time.

Please R&R

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