Green Eyed Curiosity

Author-chan had an overload again today -_- her teacher really gets the best outta her. I hate whenever it happens cuz my brain feels all hot and melted and mushy and I become oversensitive to noise and smells. That's why I'm writing now! I hope you enjoy the story so far, and I wish you all the best!

Kaito couldn't quite focus onto the lesson at hand since he had a pair of very angry eyes burning right into the back of his head. He knew exactly who that was yet not why exactly he was at the other end of this death stare.

Akako Koizumi was glaring daggers at her classmate, thoughts going wild on what the heck he had been doing yesterday night. She felt the supernatural presence just perfect around him, and she couldn't be sure wether it was friend or foe. She just knew it was close to Kuroba, and she didn't like it.
Was it the gem he had stolen last night? She wasn't sure but knew just as well he wasn't going to cave in under pressure.

Dammit Kuroba...!

The moment Kaito heard the bell ring, he was already out of the classroom, sprinting down the hallway, a furious witch storming after him.
Hakuba just stared at the impossible scene with wide and gobsmacked eyes. What the hell just happened?

Lady Luck was on his side this time as the magician managed to evade his scary classmate and snickered to himself on his way home. He was just glad the witch didn't know his home address and she surely wasn't going to find it this easy.
Keys turning inside the lock, Kaito was surprised to find his guest standing like ordered and left right behind the door, green eyes staring curiously up at Kaito.

The first thing he noticed was the absence of clothes despite the blanket he had been given the evening prior.
"Oh my god put on something..."
Kaito stifled a groan and wandered past him, pulling the door shut behind himself. He wasn't going to take a chance and let him run away out of curiosity while he hadn't figured out how locks worked. Was he uncomfortable in the clothes Kaito had given him prior? Maybe he just wasn't used to them.

Silent as usual, the green eyed male skipped after him, smiling almost a little unsure. What did he possibly want from Kaito? Indigos darted towards the fridge and he sighed.
"Right, you must be hungry... Give me a minute..."
Shaking his head, Kaito stored away his bag and quietly began to search through the fridge for anything he could make for lunch. What would he like to eat? He couldn't exactly ask him.

And I was hoping I'd never have to learn proper cooking...

He chuckled to himself, taking out a few vegetables. He was just going to fry them with a bit of rice. As sure as Kaito had ever been, right after school he was not in the mood to prepare a big meal. Maybe in the evening? He wasn't sure yet.
A smile hushed over his face as he noticed the fascinated glance of his guest lasting on the pan. He could tell it was hot, regarding the sizzling ingredients, and Kaito was satisfied to know he wasn't going to stick his hand into it.

Indigos wandered over to the now unconcealed gem and while he hadn't been noticed at first, the moment it changed his view was obscurred by the blanket wrapping even tighter around the boy's chest. The glare sent his way was almost adorable and Kaito snickered softly to himself.
"Relax, I'm not going to touch it..."
Why was he even talking to him? The boy didn't understand him the slightest. And yet, Kaito felt just so at ease talking to him, it didn't even bother him he wasn't going to answer.


In the evening, Kaito led him back towards the couch and breathed out a soft sigh. At this rate, he had to try and continue searching for Pandora, if he wasn't going to let him take a closer look at the gem inside his chest. He knew himself he needed to do a new heist, as long as the Ancient Greece exhibition was still running.

The soft flash of something red stopped his thoughts dead in their tracks. Indigos darted towards the ground, no, hadn't there been a small red spot? He glanced back at the uncovered window, suspiciously eying the silverish gleam of moonlight entering his home.

No. No I must be dreaming.

Kaito shook his head and waved goodbye at his friend who had taken the chance to lay down on the couch again. Tomorrow he was going to plan out his new heist, and hopefully he could leave this guy here alone for a bit longer.
...without him spreading cornflakes all over his floor.

Taking the steps towards the upstairs, Kaito smiled to himself. He wasn't quite sure who this guy was nor what he was, but from what he had seen until now he was nice, maybe a bit clumsy, and more than curious.
While he did seem to have an aversion to clothes and anybody staring at his chestpiece, he hadn't ever acted out any harmful intentions towards Kaito himself.

He sat down in front of his laptop, popping it open and pressing the button to turn it on. Kaito had texted his mother in the morning about a possible videochat during the evening, and he was happy to see she had comfirmed his invitation.
"Hey sunshine~ How is my baby doing?"
Kaito rolled his eyes yet had a hard time trying to force back his smile upon hearing his mother's voice.
"Don't call me that. I'm doing just fine..."
He paused, and Chikage leaned forward with a smirk, getting closer to the camera.
"Oh, I heard about it. You even made the news over here. Your detective seems to be especially distraught."

She shook her head, then stared at her son with raised eyebrows, the typical motherly look of disapproval.
"What exactly is going on? There are news about footprints, DNA that had been found, and Shinichi-kun gave a statement about a hollow statue."
Kaito sighed, his smile dropping ever so slightly.
"Well... it's a bit complicated..."

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