Suspicious exit

"Okay, just remember what I told you."

Jack's words from an hour ago rushed through my mind.

Focus on taking your energy to your hands and let it come out slowly.

I took a deep breath and focused all my energy to go to my hands and it came out gracefully in a gold color. "Woo hoo! I did it jack. Did you see?" I put on a bright toothy smile and looked into his eyes.

He stared back at me with loving eyes. "I sure did. See? I knew you could do it!"

He looks down at my lips and leans in slowly. His breath smelled like mint. Mmm!

I started to lean in and our lips brushed one another, sending tingles throughout my body.


We both pulled away and I sighed once again. We literally haven't kissed in the three years we've known each other. Something or someone always ruins it.

"Yeah?" When he answered his phone his voice sounded disappointed but his face turned into shock. "I'm so sorry sir, I'll be there." He hung up the phone and looked at me with the same sad eyes and I knew what it meant.

"Why are you always leaving?" I started raising my voice.

He laid his left hand on my cheek and brushed my face. "Emma, you know how important thi--"

I cut him off, pushing his hand away. "NO! I Don't JACK! YOU NEVER TELL ME WHERE YOU'RE GOING OR WHY!! YOU JUST LEAVE ME ALONE ONCE AGAIN. And I'm getting REALLY FED UP with this crap."

"I'm sorry Em..." He pecked me on the cheek and ran out the door to wherever the hell he goes to.

He can just go jump off a cliff! He lies to me and runs off when we're doing something important. I thought the lies were over already!


I bounce out of my thoughts and run to the door looking through the peep hole and see a bright faced smile come from my best friend Cheney.

I met Cheney at a party last fall. We we're the only sober ones there. Concidering I'm under age and she hates the smell of alcohol. I'm only 19 and she's 22. Anyways, she and I talked about everything -besides my secret of course- and we knew a lot about eachother and became best friends right then and there. Aparently she lives alone in an apartment, her dads a drunk and her mom and dad divorced over 6 years ago. Just like Jack's family.

I felt so bad for her because she said when she was younger, her dad would abuse her and rape her. Her mom never knew that but she could tell something was wrong. So I don't see how she could be so happy. I guess she's just strong.

I opened the white wooden door and she held a big bag in her right hand.

"Okay.." I drown on questioningly. "What's with the bag?"

She gave an even bigger smile and squealed. "Eek!"

I raised one of my eyebrows and smirked.

"Sorry, I just got excited. " She cleared her throat. "Today we're--"

I began coughing repeatedly and suddenly I can't talk or breathe. I glance at Cheney and I notice her concerned look. Her eyes suddenly went wide and grabbed a hold of me right as I fell to the ground. Her hands held my body and head up as I started letting go of the pain in my body.

It's a pain that no full human could take.


I just can't--stay---awake--



I shot up quickly and looked around noticing that I obviously wasn't in my house anymore. There were white walls and machines everywhere. I saw over 15 people standing in front of me in shock and confusion. And they were doctors.

Then it hit me. I was in a hospital...and they knew I was different.


"Uhh..." I didn't know what to say. This was a blank moment for my mind.

"IT talks!!" All the doctors and nurses began writing something down on their clipcboards.

Wait just a damn minute... "I am NOT an 'it'!" I screamed at them in defense. "I am a human being!"

"Your using 100% of your brain and that's impossible for any living thing. Your bloodstream is low and no 'human being' could ever live like that." I hate that doctor already.

Another doctor spoke up, or at least dared to. "We're going to have to keep you for more tests."

I sighed in annoyance and ripped the cords off my arms and legs. And the blood from my body seaping out, healed instantly.  This gave the doctors a shock. I got up and stood in front of them and waved my hand in front of all of their faces.

They stood frozen with blank expressions as if they were hypnotized. "You will not remember me when I snap my fingers and you will forget everything you learned about me. Everything you have on me will be discarded forever and burnt completely no matter what."  With that being said, I snapped my fingers and they came back to reality and I walked out the door.

But I never made it out the door. Cheney stood there with her mouth hung open and her face in shock.

She saw everything...


Hellur! I've been working on the first chappy all day and night!! You little monkeys better like it!! haha just kidding. :P

since this is the first chapter all I ask for is 10 likes:) and maybe 2 comments? cause you love me?:) ;)

shank ya :)

bye :D

(Update: UPDATED!!!! YASSSS! This is much better.)

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