I'm sorry^😂

"Twas the night before prankmas and all through the room
Not a wizard was sleeping not even the broom." Remus read aloud to Sirius in the library.

"So let me get this straight. You're rewriting a classic Muggle tale to fit our friend group, and then you're going to try to sell it to James as an authentic prophecy?" Sirius asked with an incredulous look on his face.

Remus nodded triumphantly. "Now if you'll excuse me, I must be on my way." He said and stood up to leave the library.

Sirius frowned slightly as he noticed Remus limping slightly. Maybe he injured himself when he had to help Madame Pomfrey the other night...? And why did he have to help Madame Pomfrey? Sirius mentally shrugged it off, because after all, it wasn't important. Right?

He turned back to the Charms homework he had. 1) Describe the wand motion needed to make objects levitate. Nope I'm done.

"Hey Remus! Wait up for me!" Sirius called out quietly and packed his stuff. He drew up alongside Remus, slinging his book bag over his shoulder.

They walked in silence for a moment before Sirius realized something. "Wait a minute. Christmas is a few months away. Why are you giving that Muggle rewrite thing to James now?"

Remus smirked. "Reasons." He said mysteriously. Sirius grinned and shook his head. "You've got a strange mind there." He chuckled.

The two walked through the halls back to Gryffindor Tower. "Ladies and Gentleman, Elvis has left the building." Remus said to the Fat Lady, who swung open.

"Honestly, I will strangle whichever Muggleborn told her about Elvis. I don't even know the guy! Remus who is Elvis?" Sirius grumbled as they climbed through the portrait hole.

Remus laughed. "Depends on who you ask. To some, he is a legend. To others, he is annoying as hell."

"Well what's your opinion on him?" Sirius asked as they walked up to the dorm. Remus shrugged.

"I like his music but I'm not a huge fan. Can't Help Falling in Love is a great song though."

Sirius started to say something but stopped short when he pushed open the dorm door.

James's trunk was scattered all over the floor. Clothes lay in piles with various other items. James himself stood in front of the mirror....in a way....

"What. The. Actual. Everloving. McNuggets." Remus said, staring wide eyed at James, who was a set of arms and a head, and that was it.

"Heh I can explain?" James sheepishly said. The air ripped and off of him fell a silvery cloak. He held it up.

"This is my Invisibility Cloak."

"Whoa you mean like in The Tale of the Three Brothers??" Sirius asked in astonishment.

They had sat down on a clean space of floor while James told them about his Cloak and how it had been passed down and blah blah blah.

James nodded. "Exactly." He held up the Cloak. "I've had it since I was 5."

"That's so cool." Remus murmured.

It was at that moment that Peter returned to their dorm with a crash through the door and a smile upon his round face.

"Hey guys!" He drawled, surprisingly without his stutter, and stumbled over to his bed.

"He looks drunk." Sirius whispered to Remus, who nodded in agreement. "Hey mate? What happened with you?" He inquiried while standing up.

"A Slytherin 6th year was giving out free flu shots!" Peter said lazily and fell back onto the covers.

Sirius heard a sharp intake of breath from someone and then Remus asked, "What do his pupils look like?"

Sirius looked at the drowsy Peter's eyes. "Ummm pinpoint pupils. That's weird...." He said over his shoulder.

"She was a nice Slytherin...handing out...flu shots...and....everything...." Peter muttered drowsily as he scratched at his arm.

Remus had stood up and walked over to Sirius. "Let him sleep it off. He'll be fine later. Hopefully."

"Wait sleep what off?" Sirius asked Remus, not understanding why Peter was being strange and Remus was being cryptic.

"He's high. On heroin. Its a drug." Remus said simply and pulled a blanket over Peter's half conscious figure.

"Yes I know what heroin is! I just didn't know the effects of it." Sirius said defensively. "Purebloods tend to gravitate more towards pipes than needles, that's all."

James, who was still on the floor, spoke up. "We should find that Slytherin and prank her good. Who knows how many kids are out there currently in the same situation as Peter?"

"I'm! Imma wake....." Peter mumbled in his dreamy state. "Imma wa..."

Sirius nodded. "Alright we'll do that soon. But we can't forget about Halloween. Gate crashing that party is going to be our big break as the new Peeves of the school."

"When you put it like that...we're going to be awesome! Someday we will be telling our kids, 'I remember back in the 70s when I went to Hogwarts, we were the prankmasters of the school.'" James said in a mock old voice.

Sirius laughed. "Well, it will be true."

A loud snore from Peter startled them. "Umm should we leave and not wake him up?" Remus asked.

Sirius nodded. "Yea probably." He grabbed his book bag and left the room. James and Remus followed him down to the common room, where they sat down in front of the fireplace.

Sirius started sketching while Remus read and James muttered about Quidditch and World Series's. He drew a dragon emerging from it's shell in the flames. Sirius was in the process of applying color when they were disturbed.

"Remus? Come here please?" A fiery redhead named Lily asked. James stared in total shock and betrayal as Remus and Lily talked over in the corner of the room.

Sirius watched as Rems grew more and more agitated and Lily tried to calm him down. Eventually, he returned still looking upset.

"What was that about??" James exclaimed and Remus glared at him. "Nothing." He said firmly and James raised and eyebrow.

"Nothing my knuckle. Lily hates us!" James exclaimed.

"Not me. And its nothing. So drop it." Something in Remus's voice kept James from speaking further.

Just then, a still very high Peter came down the stairs, shouted about white mice and yellow rats, and promptly faceplanted into the couch where he bgan to snore again.

It smells weird in my room, like cough drops. Anyways, sorry these chapters are so short but I am planning on it being a very long book soooooo yea. :)

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