Chapter six

They rode hard for four days, crossing the Ringló, the Gilrain and passing through Lebennin. Once they met a force of people battling some Haradrim, but the battle ended because everyone ran away in fear of the dead. Only the captain remained; Lord Aragorn sent him to rally his forces and meet him in the harbor of Pelargir.

In the fair fields of Lebennin the elf Legolas kept looking longingly towards the sea; Irenia supposed that was how she looked in full moon nights. But the dwarf, Gimli, hurried him along and so they rode on, as fast as their tired horses could manage, chasing the fleeing Southings towards the Anduin.

Boromir had gotten over his shock of Irenias Magic; and he and the dwarf sometimes asked her for a mug of ale, even though she had explained to them hundreds of times Moon magic didn't work like this; she could only bewitch someone to fill a bunch of ale and bring it or manipulate the sources of nature to carry it somewhere.

She and the elf sometimes conversed in Elvish, him being probably being surprised of a human's knowledge of the ancient tongue.

Still the mood was rather dark, most likely caused by the army of dead and the awareness that their friends were in great danger. So they rode on.

On the 13. of March they finally reached the harbor of Pelargir.

The Haradrim turned and rejoiced, for they were still many and thought they could defeat an army of 35 quit easily. But when Aragorn lifted his voice and cried: "Come! I call you at the rock of Erech!", and the shadows of the dead closed in and drove them to the river, they got on their ship and crossed the Anduin, hoping to be able to join their companions on the other side. The ghosts followed and those that didn't drown in the river were slain or fled south, seeking their own fell lands.

And the Dúnedain spoke hope to the prisoners, Isildur Heir chose the mightiest of the fleet and went abord, releasing his army of dead. And they finally went to rest, turning into grey fog and leaving this world.

Irenia mostly had been watching from behind, not wanting to cause any trouble. Then they were allowed to sleep, and their group fell asleep almost on the instance.

The next morning she woke surprised, for a large host had formed around them; men from Lebennin and riders from Angbor had joined Aragorns army. And they mounted the ships and manned the oars with free peoples, and left Pelargir in the morning, hurrying to reach the white city.

Still the world was dark and they had little time, needing to reach Minas Tirith in time or having set out in vain. But Legolas the elf rejoiced and spoke courage to his Friend Gimli and the men, but he did not want to say what he had seen. So Irenia sang again to have the sight of the Eldar. Looking ahead brought her only ill sight, the city was burning and the shadows of Mordor darkened, making it hard for her silver light to shine through.

When she looked behind, she saw a wind, coming to meet them. And she had to try hard to keep from hopping and even harder to try and not give in to Boromir's and Gimli's pelting Questions what their "superhuman non-humans" had seen.

At midnight sea-knowing people from Ethir spoke of a fresh wind from the south, and they hoisted the poles and rose the sails, and the wind bore them quick and fast up the river.

Irenia was exited. She thought she had to help, but a feeling told her this wasn't where her destiny lay. If they had survived today, there still would have to be a final battle, and she had to stand up in it to save her friends and family. Otherwise there wouldn't be anything good left in this world, and evil would take over.

Then they anchored in the haven. The white city rose in the north, standing white and tall as it had ever since Irenia could remember.

But there was a battle going on on the fields of Pelenor, and many Gondorian Soldiers, swan knights from Dol Amroth, led by Lothíriels father, as well as riders from Rohan fought bravely against the overwhelming force of the orc.

Minas Tirith was burning, its beautiful front gates breached and many of the houses hit by catapults, lying down in ruins. The ground beneath their feet was soaked with blood and bodies of human warriors and corpses of orc lay spread across the field.

The leader of the Rohirrim forces, a young man with golden hair, saw their boat laying in the river. Irenia thought he would be grateful, but he started shouting: "Corsairs! Beware, the corsairs from Umbar and coming", rallied his people around him and got ready to attack.

Of course, in their choice of ship he must think they were enemies and not the backup for the backup.

Suddenly their expressions began to change, slowly, as they had just recognized something, and their shouts of fear turned into cries of joy. Irenia looked around, startled, till she found a white banner, beautifully embroidered with jewels, standing risen on Aragorns boat. So they must have recognized their purpose - to help - and were now glad about that.

But then the girl remembered the purpose of a battle and the job of a solider. To fight, to slay, to be killed. And almost all of her family were soldiers. If anything had happened to pa or Beleg - no, she couldn't think about that. They simply had to live.

Then someone stepped up behind her.
"I was looking for you.".
Boromir. She turned and tried to hide her fear, but of course he had already discovered it.
Still, probably having nothing to say about this and having known how she was feeling, he just stood there.
Till he spoke: "You can't stay here. It is to dangerous, and that is exactly the reason why you are going to take refuge in the city NOW."
"But- "
"No buts. There is no way that you are going to die, and you're a woman, and women don't belong in a fight."
"But I've-"
"I said, no buts. Irenia, Lord Aragorn says we can't spare any soldiers to escort you, and he is quit right. Do I have your word that you'll try not to die, even to save anybody, and that you'll go straight into the tower of Ecelion and wait till I send someone to get you out?"
"But Boromir-"
"Do I have your word?"

Nope, there was nothing she could do. He was even stubborner than Beleg, and that had to mean something. And he was afraid. For her. Didn't want her to die. She probably, possibly, should obey.

"Alright, you have my word."
"Good." Now he looked relieved. "We are moving out right away, so you'd better leave."
"I will, Son of the high steward of the mighty land of Gondor."
Luckily, he grinned. Just a little bit, but they were in battle. She curtsied, Boromir bowed, and then they both went into different directions. To have him seen for the last time- No. He would return. Irenia made her path towards the land, said goodbye to Legolas and Gimli, and then walked towards the white city.

It was the first time in her live she ever killed, and because she couldn't handle her Mithril-Blade, she used her magic. It was far to easy, far to simple to take a live, even one of an orc. She was more powerful then them, and they didn't stand a chance.

She stepped into Minas Tirith, her city. Many houses laid in ruins, there were fires going on and you could still hear the frightened cries of some of the people that had stayed behind. She found bodies of many orcs, some of the soldiers she had known. Targon, Beren, Master Telepiorn.

A hole in her chest started to hurt so much she almost couldn't bear it. But she had to keep going. Some more orcs, even more bodies. Live and death were so close to each other, and death so much stronger than anything they knew. And in that knowledge, how could you keep shining and hoping?

Irenia didn't know. She reached the upper city level, lifted the bars and entered, only to be hugged by a blackhaired girl on the instant. She smelled familiar... a white rose in a river of blood.

But that couldn't be- "Oh Irenia, I am so glad you came. All my brothers and my father are fighting out there, except one, he looks after our home, but I have absolutely no idea what's going on and no one won't tell me anything, and I don't know who's still alive and thank goddess you are!"
No, there was no doubt. "Lothíriel, I had no idea you were here! How did your father let you come?"
The girl led her up the stairs, talking like a waterfall."Oh, he didn't want to leave me behind where he couldn't have a firm look on me. He actually thinks I would join the battle if he didn't look after me!"
"But you would, wouldn't you?"
"Yes, yes, but that's not the point. By the way, why are you gleaming so silvery?"
"I am?", Irenia quickly looked down her body, and yes she was. Quickly she turned her gleaming-mode down.
"O my god!", Lothíriel exclaimed and rubbed her eyes. "That is awesome! Why did you never tell me you could replace the beacon?", and then she giggled and Irenia joined, to glad that they were still alive, that she had met her friend and that she didn't question her being. But running from a battle didn't stop it from happening. She would have to fight, and soon. To honor all the dead and give the living a chance of a live worthy of living.

A chapter! And it's Friday!

Wonderful. Let's just ignore the fact that I got up at 6 in the morning to write this, that I haven't had breakfast and my lessons are starting in six minutes, that I'm starving and have loads of schoolstuff I should have done in these two hours?

Fine. I'll go eat.


Edit: I mean to finish the book when I've got holidays, which is in two weeks.

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